Do-it-yourself inflatable paper ball. Master class craft product paper-plastic modeling designing micro - paper balloon paper. Bright voluminous paper balls

Today we will show you how to make a paper balloon with your own hands. With these balls, you can creatively decorate the interior of a child's room by attaching them to the ceiling with threads or thin fishing line. You can also make a children's mobile from them. You can attach paper balls to the frame using ordinary threads, thin satin ribbons or decorative cords. If you use ordinary threads or fishing line, then for a more decorative look, string several bright beads of different sizes and shades on them.

So, to create a ball, let's prepare some materials:

  • colored paper in two matching shades, we chose brown and blue;
  • cardboard of any color;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors;
  • paperclips;
  • pencil.

How to make a paper balloon

Step 1. First you need to create a template according to which we will cut out the main details of the ball. To do this, we apply such a contour on the reverse side of the cardboard. Then, side by side, draw another small circle. Carefully cut out both templates.

Step 2. Now their outline must be transferred to colored paper.

We circle the template with a pencil, and then cut out the first part of the ball. Create 11 more of these blanks. We also create a circle from colored paper to fix fine details.

Step 3. Next, prepare the second shade of paper, draw a contour of the details on its reverse side and carefully cut them out. Make brown parts in the same amount as blue ones - 12 pieces.

Step 4. We create a ball basket from brown paper. We cut out such blanks from it.

Step 5. Add brown coils as follows.

We apply glue to a small circle and glue it to the base of the workpiece.

Do the same with the blue coils.

Step 6. We combine the two parts together and start weaving the ball.

We start coils of a blue shade under brown. Here's what should happen.

Step 7. Next, we start the brown stripes under the blue ones, and fix their suppression with a small paper clip.

The upper part of the ball began to appear.

Step 8. Now we bring up the brown turns, then again the blue ones, etc. All intersections of the strips must be fixed with paper clips!

The ball will gradually acquire the desired shape.

Step 9 We glue the last row of strips, and remove the paper clips. Now bend the ends of the strips inside the ball.

The original balloon, for decorating a children's room, can be made from paper, with your own hands! To design such a voluminous craft, it will take very little time.

This step by step tutorial will show you how to make a paper balloon with little effort!

To create crafts, you will need materials and tools such as:

- colored paper or cardboard;
- scissors;
- paper clips;
- glue stick.

In the creation of this craft, you can use both colored paper and colored cardboard. In this case, the ball will be made of medium density cardboard.

The shades of the ball can be chosen at your discretion. From each sheet, you need to cut out such blanks for the base of the ball and basket.

To do this, the tips of the lower workpiece must be carefully “brought” to the top.

The first row is ready!

Then, in the same way, create the second row of the ball, bringing out the stripes of the upper workpiece.

Gradually, the ball will begin to take the necessary shape.

After, the ball should be woven in this way to the end.

At the same time, each row must be secured with paper clips and carefully pull the strips together.

As a result, we got such a ball!

Then, so that it does not lose its shape, its bottom must be fixed with glue. Glue is applied to the tip of each strip, and then they are glued to the bottom part.

Gradually, you need to remove all the paper clips.

The top of the ball is complete!

Now, from the previously cut blanks, you need to create the lower part of the ball. To do this, it is necessary to connect the first part into a ring, using glue.

Then, apply glue to the inside of it and attach it to the ball.

After, leave until the glue is completely dry!

In the meantime, you can create a shopping cart! On the notches at the bottom of the basket, you need to bend the edges.

Putting glue on the edges and side, connect them.

Now the final stage in the creation of the balloon remains! The basket should be connected to the balloon.

Glue is applied to the ends of the thin strips, and then they are fixed from the inside of the basket.

It turned out such an original balloon!

The final look of the craft. Photo #1.

The final look of the craft. Photo #2.

It will well complement the interior of the children's room, becoming an interesting element of decor! Balloons can be of various sizes!

The final look of the craft. Photo #3.

Instructions for making a ball with a basket.

Balloons with baskets that float in the sky are associated with something unusual. With the help of simple manipulations, you can create cute balls of papier-mâché, fabric, or even light bulbs. They will be a great decoration for photo shoots or the New Year, as well as help to spend time with children.

How to make a craft balloon with a paper basket: a master class, patterns, photos

One of the easiest ways to create a balloon with a basket is to use ordinary balloons. To work, you will need cardboard, colored paper, twine, and a balloon.


  • For starters, you can make the bottom. That is the basket itself. If you don't know how to do this, you can take a yogurt cup and just cover it with colored paper, imitating basket weaving.
  • Inflate the balloon and tie it with twine.
  • Tie the balloon to the prepared basket. You can hang a ball with a basket in the children's room, and put some kind of children's toy inside. This option is ideal for young children who are just learning how to use scissors, glue and need to develop their fine motor skills.

balloon with paper basket balloon with paper basket

How to make an applique balloon with a basket: a master class, patterns, photos

Very often, the application technique is used to make a ball with a basket. Actually, this option is also ideal for preschool kids. It also helps to develop fine motor skills of the hands, as well as to handle stationery.


  • It is necessary to cut two ovals of the same size. After that, fold in half lengthwise.
  • Next, glue these two parts onto one strip of glue. It is necessary to make this ball voluminous. Now you need to glue the ropes.
  • From a rectangle of colored paper, imitate a basket. It can also be convex, voluminous or flat.
  • After that, connect the threads to the basket and decorate the appliqué. You can decorate with white clouds. The background of thick blue cardboard looks best.

applique balloon with basket

How to make a balloon with a papier-mâché basket?

A ball with a basket can be made using the papier-mâché technique.


  • To do this, inflate the balloon and glue it in several layers of napkins. Choose the cheapest, most common wipes. The more layers, the more durable your ball will be after the whole structure dries.
  • Varnish or paint with regular paint. If desired, you can paste over with lace or braid.
  • Next, you need to glue the ropes, and attach the basket. It can be made using the papier-mâché technique. But the easiest way is to use a glass of sour cream, yogurt or kefir.
  • Cover it with paper first. Often used for decorating the decoupage technique using napkins. Paste the cup, that is, the basket. Glue to the ropes and hang the ball at the top of it.

balloon with papier mache basket

How to sew a balloon with a fabric basket: pattern, master class, photo

A ball with a basket can be sewn from fabric. Below is a pattern of sectors that are used to make the top of the ball.


  • It is necessary to cut out 6 such petals and sew them together. You can use a sewing machine or sew by hand. After that, the ball itself is stuffed with padding polyester or cotton wool.
  • A circle is cut out along the diameter of the lower part and sewn on. Next, you can resort to making a basket. One of the simplest options is to glue a plastic cup with a fabric that matches the canvas that was used to make the ball.
  • After you glue the outer and inner part of the cup, make several holes using a hole punch and tie twine to the ball and basket.
  • You can put small soft toys or a doll inside the basket.

balloon with fabric basket

How to crochet a balloon with a basket: diagram, description

You can make a ball with a hook. Below are knitting patterns and videos.

VIDEO: Crochet basket

Knitting patterns

New Year's ball with a basket: ideas, photos

Christmas balls with a basket look very nice and unusual. They can be made from already purchased Christmas balls or use a more interesting way.


  • Use an ordinary incandescent light bulb that has burned out. You need to paint it white and decorate it using decoupage technique. You can use a napkin. That is, apply PVA glue to the painted lamp and glue a layer of napkin with a pattern. There may be some kind of New Year theme, for example, a spruce branch with toys or Santa Claus on a sleigh.
  • After the lamp is pasted over, the lower part, that is, the base, which is screwed into the cartridge, you need to paint black or brown.
  • Next, you need to use the usual cap for drinks from a plastic bottle. Lubricate with glue and sprinkle generously with sparkles. When it dries, you need to glue a few ropes of twine to your ball, that is, to the light bulb. Connect with twine to the bottom and to the basket, the lid is pasted over with sparkles.
  • Next, just attach the loop to the top and hang the toy on the Christmas tree. You can decorate with beads, glitter, beads, pieces of lace or braid. Broken old glass Christmas decorations look very nice. They are used as a sprinkle for decorating Christmas balls.

Balloon with a basket for a photo shoot: ideas, photos

Often balls with a basket are used for decoration and as a decor for a photo shoot of young children. Kids are put in such homemade balloons and photographed. In fact, this kind of photo is very lively and unusual.


  • To make such a decorative element, you will need a large wicker basket, which you can buy at the store, or a rattan or wicker container for dirty laundry. They can also be purchased from the market.
  • You need to sew a cover in order to put it inside the basket. After that, proceed to the manufacture of the upper part of the dome. For this, a large inflatable balloon is used, which is inflated with helium. It must float in the air.
  • With the help of twine ropes, it is necessary to weave a kind of net. It is in this net that the balloon is placed so that it does not fly away. Tied to the made basket. If desired, such a ball can be decorated with a variety of decorative elements.

A ball with a basket is a rather interesting and unusual item that can be made both for a photo shoot and for decorating a Christmas tree.

VIDEO: A ball with a basket of light bulbs

I like to buy paper lanterns instead of pretentious chandeliers. Why? First, they are inexpensive. Secondly, when they become dusty or tear, they can be changed. Thirdly, they are easy to transform, if there were paints, napkins and free time. I have long wanted to make a balloon, but then I found a suitable basket and the idea immediately matured.

For a balloon-plafond, we need the simplest things:
paper lantern,
4 napkins with sunflowers,
broken basket without a handle,
flower stickers,
PVA glue,
5-6 meters of cord,
balloon passengers and fantasy.

When I came across napkins with sunflowers in the store, I thought that they are very reminiscent of flames that escape from the burner and inflate the balloon. The flashlight lay for a long time, it remains to bring together all the elements. Cut out pieces of flowers of the desired size.

Now you need to remove three white paper layers from the napkin so that only the colored one remains.

We carefully put it on the bottom of the lamp and coat it with PVA glue. I dilute the adhesive 1:1 with water to make it easier to apply. You can use undiluted, but then there is a big risk of tearing the napkin when smearing it over the surface. A brush for this process must be taken with soft bristles.

From pieces of a napkin we gradually form our flame below.

We do this until we fill the circle completely. We try to distribute napkins so that there are no ugly gaps.

From above, I decided to duplicate the same pattern for symmetry. Let it be the sun.

To make the sunflower fire look brighter and more complete, I added flames with red and yellow gouache.

Now we tie a cord to the basket, distributing its segments at equal distances inside the circle. Try to keep all knots inside the basket. Each hanger takes about a meter of cord. You can additionally duplicate the cord around the lamp. It is very important to center the basket, this is one of the most difficult moments of work. Check it, it should hang exactly under the balloon. To facilitate this process, you can look through the hole at the bottom. Through it you can clearly see where the center of the basket is. A real basket of rods is quite expensive, you can weave it from newspapers. Workshops on newspaper weaving can be easily found on the net.

In the final, I decided to decorate the center of the paper ceiling with yellow-green gouache stripes and stickers in the form of flowers. Try to find stickers on thin paper so that they do not peel off from the tissue paper that is pasted over the ceiling. Luminous stickers with phosphor coating look very nice on such lamps. It turned out to be a real waltz of flowers.

We bring to your attention a new resourceful idea in the style of origami. Small paper balloons will not only decorate your interior, a good gift, but also children will really like it. Making them is so fun that you can easily do it together with the whole family.

What do we need to make paper balloons:

1. We choose the material for the workpiece. Whatman paper is better, since ordinary paper will not give a beautiful shape, and cardboard will not be convenient in subsequent work.

2. The pattern shown in the figure below is depicted on the material for the product and cut out.

3. Let's start working on the ball itself. We need two identical blanks, which we put one on top of the other and begin to weave. So that the paper does not fly apart in the process, we use paper clips, as in the picture. For convenience, we finish the weaving with small tongs, and fix the ends to the middle with glue, creating a beautiful outline at the bottom of the ball.

4. We cut out all the details of the basket, glue them together and attach them to the finished part.

5. At the end of the process, an origami masterpiece can be painted, it all depends on taste, or you can pre-use colored drawing paper.
If you connect several balloons with each other using a fishing line and small, decorative, rounded sticks, you get an interesting hanging carousel.

Perfect for creating such balloons, a large selection of sets and a rich color scheme will make your balloon baskets unique.