From winter to winter: how to store winter clothes in summer. Salt, vinegar and stockings: unexpected ways to store winter clothes

Spring, which initially led us by the nose, is finally coming. However, it’s still scary to put winter clothes away in the closet. Changing your warm wardrobe to a frivolous summer one is not a matter of just one day, so it’s time to get ready.

Preparing the closet

First of all, you need to prepare your closet to receive warm clothes. Take out all the contents and wipe the walls and shelves with a damp cloth. To ensure reliable separation, you can vacuum and wipe with a disinfectant: dissolve three tablespoons of 9 percent vinegar in a liter of water. After this, the cabinet must be thoroughly ventilated so that no moisture remains. To combat moths, place insect repellent plates or tablets in each compartment, or soak cotton pads in cedar or lavender essential oils.

Don't throw away silica gel packets. They will be useful to you in the fight against moisture in the summer. Place them on shelves with clothes. Another option is to pour salt into clothes bags, they will also absorb moisture.

Vacuum bags, plastic containers and cases

To save cabinet space, vacuum bags are great. Due to the fact that oxygen is almost completely removed from them, the volume of things decreases significantly. But not all clothes can be stored in such conditions. Never use vacuum bags for fur coats, sheepskin coats, wool items, down jackets, leather jackets, coats. Pack jeans, sweatshirts, and thermal underwear in bags. Everything else will simply suffocate, lose volume and shine-softness.

Depending on the volume, one package will cost you 50-300 rubles. It is not necessary to buy a special pump; the air can be sucked out with a regular vacuum cleaner, just do not turn on the unit at full power, do it at minimum speed.

You can buy plastic containers to store things. But they also have a significant disadvantage - airtightness. This means they are not suitable for wool, fur, or down jackets. But containers can be improved! Take an awl, heat it over the fire and make several holes in the walls. This way your things will “breathe”, which means you can put any clothes in containers.

For fur coats, sheepskin coats and leather jackets, use hangers according to size. And be sure to put a fabric cover on top. The cotton option is best. You can use an old sheet for it. Sew the fabric along the edges, make a hole for the hanger and a comfortable, correct, and most importantly, inexpensive cover is ready. Special trunks in which you were sold outerwear are also suitable for storage; they are made of “breathable” materials. However, they can attract excess dust due to the fact that they are electrified.

Do not use plastic covers under any circumstances if you do not want your fur coat to hang until next winter.

Total wash

You cannot send items for storage if you have not washed them. It doesn't matter how many times you wear the sweater, once or ten. All the same, skin epithelium, sweat, dust, and possibly unnoticeable food remains remain on the fabric. This will attract moths to the clothing. In addition, old stains are almost impossible to remove.

Wash everything. And hats, and sweaters, and jeans with sweatshirts. It will take a lot of time, console yourself with the fact that as soon as the cold weather sets in, you can immediately put on your favorite fluffy sweater.

It is better to send fur coats, sheepskin coats and coats to the dry cleaner. If this is not possible, shake out your outerwear thoroughly. The down jacket can be washed in a washing machine. Wipe the fur coat with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol. After such cleaning, send the clothes to a darkened balcony for a day. Next, comb with a brush. Store your fur coat in a case on a hanger. Place small bags of salt and lavender in your pockets. Salt will absorb excess moisture, lavender will repel voracious moths.

Before storing the sheepskin coat, wipe it with a gauze cloth soaked in a solution of five parts water and one part 10 percent ammonia. Let it dry. If any stains remain, remove them with a special eraser. It costs from 100 to 500 rubles. It can be used for more than one season. You can also wash your face with a mixture of a liter of water and a teaspoon of 9 percent vinegar. Cover the dried sheepskin coat with bags of salt and lavender and place it in a cotton or linen bag on a hanger.

Wipe leather jackets with a sponge soaked in warm soapy water. After this, collect the moisture with a dry cloth made of natural fabric. Let the jacket dry, it is better to do this on a darkened balcony. For shine, you can treat the skin with glycerin or lightly beaten egg white, in which you need to soak a flannel cloth. Make sure your jacket is completely dry before storing it in your closet.

The Science of Shoes

If you do not change boots every season, you need to prepare them for storage very carefully. Your shoes have already suffered enough during the fall and winter. What are the dirt and reagents worth?

Wash each pair thoroughly, brushing hard-to-reach areas with a toothbrush. As a finishing touch, almost dry shoes can be wiped with regular wet hand wipes. They will remove remaining dirt and moisturize the skin.

Check if everything is in order with the heels, if the seams have come apart somewhere, if the heels need to be replaced or the sole needs to be glued. It’s better to do this in the spring than to frantically search for a shoe repair shop during cold weather.

Wipe the inside of your shoes with tea tree essential oil. It will rid your boots and shoes of an unpleasant odor and also disinfect them. Don't overdo it, a few drops on a cotton pad will be enough.

Treat leather shoes with a special cream, suede and nubuck shoes with impregnation. Stuff your boots and shoes with newspapers; they will protect your shoes from deformation and at the same time absorb excess moisture. By the way, you can use fabric bags with a mixture of salt and soda. They will protect against unpleasant odors and dampness.

It would be a good idea to pack each shoe or boot in a separate fabric bag before putting it in boxes. Old tights are also suitable for this; they will protect the surface from dust and accidental scratches.

Don’t forget that in each box you need to put a bag of lavender or a cotton pad soaked in lavender or camphor essential oil.

The hat is the head of everything

Hats also deserve attention. With wool and other knitwear, everything is simple - wash, fold and forget until winter. But with fur hats and felt hats you will have to tinker. We still strongly recommend sending them to dry cleaning. For one product they will ask from 300 to 1500 rubles, but specialists will remove fat from the scalp and hair from the lining. It becomes a “beacon” for moths. Moreover, traces of styling products, foundation and powder may remain on the hat. It’s much nicer to put a clean hat on your head in winter than a hat with dubious stains.

After dry cleaning, it is better to store hats and caps in special cardboard boxes on frames made of thick paper. An inverted jar or flower pot will also work. You can try stuffing the hats with paper, but make sure that the shape is not broken.

Send “winter” bags for storage as well. They should be cleaned with wet hand wipes inside and out. Let it dry. Pack them in the fabric bags in which they were sold, or sew the “cases” yourself.

When going on vacation or a business trip, each of us faces the same problem: how to pack a suitcase correctly? How to fit all your things without wrinkling an important suit or blouse.

Or place everything so that suddenly your sunscreen does not accidentally squeeze out onto your dress or T-shirt. Below we will try to consider some useful and practical tips so that assembling your suitcase in the future will only give you pleasure.

First of all, the most important rule: do not take anything unnecessary with you! Try to save space and carefully select the necessary things.

How to avoid wrinkles on clothes that have survived transportation in a suitcase? Of course, you can take a travel iron with you, or you can simply pack them properly using the “bundling method.” It's simple, fast and effective.

So, let's start packing our things for the trip:

Step 1. Start the packing process with a jacket or sweatshirt, laying it horizontally on a hard surface.
Step 2. Place the shirt face up on the jacket, but in the opposite direction, overlapping the sleeves. Do the same operation with other shirts, placing them in the opposite direction to the previous one.
Step 3. Place a pair of jeans or a long dress horizontally with the waistband on the left.
Step 4. Place another pair of pants or skirt on the opposite side. Then alternate sweaters to the north and south, shorts to the east and west. When you're done, place the core of the structure in the middle - the object around which you will tie all your clothes (for example, a travel cosmetic bag)
Step 5. Proceed to wrap each item one at a time in the opposite direction around the core. Long sleeve sweaters and dresses - wrap the sleeves first and then the base

Step 6. Carefully place tightly rolled items into the suitcase and secure them with the inner straps.

Here are a few video tips to help you on how to compactly and neatly put things in a suitcase. It turns out there is just a lot of advice on this topic on the Internet. I selected only a few of them...

How to pack things compactly

12 Travel Packing Tips

How to Pack a Suitcase and Carrying Bag

How to pack a suit in a suitcase
As a separate topic for men and business women, I would like to consider how to pack a jacket and trousers in a suitcase, because we go on a trip not only on vacation, but also on business, where we cannot do without these clothes,
Or on vacation you might want to visit, for example, the opera, where shorts are not allowed.

So, in order for your trousers to be in perfect order, they need to be folded exactly according to the arrows. It is convenient to do this on a flat surface.
Remove all contents from your pockets. Next, twist them slightly from the bottom to the waist.

But it is better to transport trousers at the bottom of the suitcase:

  • first we place the top part of the trousers, folded at the seams;
  • we leave the lower part of the trouser legs peeking out from the suitcase;
  • When the suitcase is packed, cover the exposed trouser legs. Avoid folding your pants in half to avoid unnecessary folds.

The jacket should be folded in half so that the shoulders and sleeves are together. Then roll it up, starting from the top, with the ends of the sleeves remaining outside. See below for more details.

Button up your shirt with all the buttons and turn up the collar. Fold the sleeves to the back. Now fold the shirt crosswise, trying to keep the fold below your waist. This way you can put things on right away, and the fold will be tucked into your trousers and will not be visible. It is advisable to put the suit on top, and upon arrival at your destination, take it out to hang it up.

Packing a suit and shirt for the road

Of course, it is best to take suits separately in special travel packaging. But this is absolutely necessary if you are flying to a special event, an urgent business meeting, etc.
Coats, raincoats and jackets can be folded into a suitcase as follows.

Hold your jacket by the collar. Turn one sleeve of your jacket, for example the left one, inside out.
Then take the right sleeve and insert it into the left without turning it inside out. To make it more convenient to do this, insert your hand into the inside-out sleeve from the edge to the center, hook the second sleeve and pull your hand out along with the second sleeve (the sleeves will be pressed together with their front sides).

The jacket will appear in front of you with its sides completely turned inside out and will look like only half a jacket, because the sleeve will be in the sleeve

Place the jacket on the table and straighten it out. You should end up with a rectangular-shaped item with a clasp inside.
Pull up your collar. Make sure that all elements (collar, pockets, hangers) inside the newly assembled jacket are neatly folded. Thus, the product will not wrinkle or get dirty.

To prevent a business suit from getting wrinkled on the road

Warmer days are just around the corner, which means that we are about to take off our winter clothes and shoes and hide them in long drawers for six months. But before you frivolously hide your winter clothes in the pantry or put them on the back shelf of your wardrobe, take care of their proper storage. We bring to your attention a number of simple but very effective tips on how to store clothes and shoes so that they retain their original appearance until the next winter season.


The first and most important point is that before you send your favorite fur and leather items for storage, they must be cleaned of winter dirt. The most effective and high-quality option is to resort to the help of dry cleaning specialists. It is impossible to clean sheepskin coats and fur coats at home. Cleaning must be carried out in the spring, and not in the fall before the start of the next season. Otherwise, all the substances that remain on your warm clothes will affect the fur and skin throughout the summer months, thereby ruining their appearance and reducing the time they are worn.

Before hanging your fur coat in the closet, be sure to dry it in a draft: in the room or on the balcony, but always in the shade. The sun's rays are especially dangerous for light fur: it tends to “sunburn” (turn yellow). After drying and airing, the fur must be carefully beaten out and shaken out.

It is important to take care of additional protection against moths.

Buy herbal or woody remedies for moths, put the bags in your pockets and under your collar. Over time, these products wear out and need to be replaced with new ones. It is convenient to use cedar planks for these purposes, which are hung in the closet on a hook next to your favorite fur coat.

Better yet, use a special anti-mole cover. Pack your fur coat in such a case and you can not worry about its safety for a long period of time; it will protect the fur from moths, moth larvae and egg laying. Moreover, the residual effect of the substances contained in the case will destroy the moth even outside of it. Of course, it is suitable not only for fur, but also for any woolen items.

The anti-moth cover shown in the photo retains its protective effect for 12 months. It has a faint smell of lavender, is absolutely safe, and is made of spunbond - a durable porous material that allows the fur coat to “breathe.”

Ideal conditions for storing fur products are without access to light and with an air temperature of 8-10 degrees. It is clear that it is difficult to provide such conditions at home, so place it in the darkest corner of the closet or dressing room. Today, an increasing number of dry cleaners and fur salons provide the service of summer storage of fur coats in special fur refrigerators, where optimal conditions are provided to extend the life of the fur.


Before storing a winter jacket or down jacket, you can wash it in a washing machine at 30 degrees (unless the product label recommends dry cleaning only). To prevent the fluff from getting into clumps during spinning, you can put a tennis ball in the drum of the machine.

To ensure that there are no powder stains left on a dark padding jacket, experienced housewives advise rinsing it twice. When the product is dry, fluff the fluff to return it to its original shape.

It is best to store jackets and coats on hangers in a special place. If this is not possible, then the down jacket must be turned outward and placed in a ventilated box or fabric bag.

To save space, synthetic jackets and down jackets can be stored in. In this case, it is important to comply with all conditions and rules for using vacuum.

Important! When storing down items in vacuum bags, it is recommended to pump out the air no more than 50% to avoid feather creases and easier restoration of shape after storage.


Before sending the sweater for the winter, it must be washed; if you leave it dirty, then even a minor stain may become irremovable next season, and the item itself will become unwearable.

Sweaters should not be left on a hanger as they may stretch and lose their shape. Fold them several times and place them in a clean plastic container with holes for ventilation along with moth repellent.

Also, bulky sweaters or many warm jumpers can be sent for seasonal storage in. This will save up to 80% of closet space.


Before storing shoes, thoroughly wash, clean and dry them. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, it can be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. To disinfect, soak pieces of cotton wool in a vinegar solution and place them inside the shoes. Then put it in a plastic bag, tie it and leave it for twelve hours. To combat odor more effectively, repair shops treat shoes in special antibacterial chambers; at home, you can use ultraviolet shoe dryers.

To prevent shoes from losing their shape, insert special lasts, bamboo sachets or thick wads of newsprint (the smell of printing ink is good at repelling moths). The safest way to store shoes is in a dry place where sunlight does not penetrate.

Store high boots in a suspended state so that creases do not form on the tops. This applies to suede and leather shoes. If this is not possible, place the boots in so that there is no need to bend them.

Regardless of whether you fly monthly for business or go on vacation once a year, the day before you leave, you usually pack your things. A lot of things or a little, a large suitcase on wheels or a modest travel bag - each time you choose based on the purposes of a particular trip.

True, there are general requirements for any type of luggage: pack things compactly and neatly so that everything fits, while trying not to wrinkle clothes and protect fragile and valuable items from damage.

Particular attention should be paid to luggage if you are planning an air flight, because in this case the weight of the suitcase is important, and if you do not plan to check the suitcase as luggage, then its dimensions.

Let's look at how to put things in a suitcase correctly and economically.

First of all, decide on the planned number of things and select the suitcase that is most suitable in size. You shouldn't try to fit two weeks' worth of clothes into a small suitcase for a family of four, and you shouldn't try to lug your largest suitcase on a weekend trip.

Helpful tip: remember that the suitcase itself also has weight! Large, roomy suitcases weigh a lot, especially plastic models or fabric suitcases with plastic corners, additional handles, locks and two rows of wheels. The heavier an empty suitcase, the less things you can take on a long trip.

Have you decided on the size of your suitcase? You can start packing your things.

To begin, lay out all your things in the free spaces near your suitcase. Do not be lazy to bring all the necessary hygiene products from the bathroom, and from the hallway - the shoes you will take.

Mark for yourself things that require special handling: dresses, hats, jackets. Later we will talk in detail about how best to pack a suitcase so that important items in your wardrobe do not wrinkle and retain their shape.

The heaviest items should be placed at the bottom of the suitcase, closer to the wheels, if any. These include: shoes, hygiene products (shampoo, shower gel, shaving foam, eau de toilette in a glass bottle), large quantities of paper documents, spare power supplies for smartphones or cameras. This way, in an upright position, the suitcase will be most stable and will not tip over at the wrong moment.

Next, at the bottom of the suitcase, you should place heavily wrinkled items, trying not to create even stacks.

Clothes that don't wrinkle or can be easily ironed upon arrival on vacation can be stored loosely in your suitcase, layered. Such clothing includes children's clothes, men's underwear (socks, briefs, T-shirts), women's underwear (panties, bras, tights, socks, shirts), swimsuits and swimming trunks, some T-shirts and trousers.

Down jackets, air-knit sweaters, vests can be conveniently packed using vacuum bags - they significantly save space in your suitcase. But before you use this method, make sure that where you are going also has a vacuum cleaner to collect your things on the way back. And keep in mind that the items in the bag may become very wrinkled; you may need an iron or steamer.

Fragile items should be placed between layers of clothing: camera, video camera, tablet, laptop. If you plan to take a terry robe to feel at home on vacation, then it will be the ideal packaging for your valuable equipment! Simply wrap the desired item, and if necessary, several items, separating them with a layer of robe fabric. The same advice will come in handy if you plan to put a towel in your suitcase.

Helpful tip: microfiber bathrobes and towels are pleasant to the touch and have good absorbent properties, while taking up significantly less space than conventional terry ones. In addition, they dry very quickly and will be simply irreplaceable on vacation at sea!

Between layers of clothing, you should also put medications in glass containers (syrups, injection solutions). When packing a first aid kit before your trip, get rid of paper boxes and packaging in advance, leave only blisters with pills and instructions for use (for convenience, you can use a rubber band for money or a stapler).

If space in your suitcase allows, put all medications in a bag or cosmetic bag, this will make it easier for you to find them if necessary. However, this can be done on the spot, and for the flight you can put it in free places in your suitcase. Any medications you may need before a flight or while traveling, such as for motion sickness or headaches, should be stowed in your carry-on baggage.

To properly distribute things inside your suitcase, you shouldn’t pack all your clothes at once, especially if you’ve prepared plenty of them. Start with the one that you should definitely take, and as you fill the suitcase, evaluate the remaining space for other things, such as a comb, hair dryer, cosmetics, razor, etc. It is possible that in order for everything to fit, you will have to sacrifice some of your clothes for this too you won't have to take everything apart again - you'll just put the extra clothes back in the closet!

To prevent closed shoes from becoming deformed when moving, fill them with small items wrapped in soft fabric (socks work great). This way you will save additional space.

Items that you may need at the airport before or immediately after your flight are most conveniently placed at the top of the suitcase so that when the zipper opens, they are the first to be removed and can be easily removed. Such things include warm clothes if you are flying to a country with a cold climate, or, on the contrary, light shoes and a hat if you are greeted by bright sun.

Helpful advice: if you doubt whether you met the luggage weight limits when packing your suitcase, put on top things that you can put on yourself, for example a warm jacket or vest. Weigh your suitcase at the airport and if there is a slight overweight, take them out and put them on. You can also carry such clothes in your hands without any problems, and put them back in your suitcase upon arrival.

When packaging cosmetics, including decorative ones, be especially careful. Some tubes of cream, lip glosses or gels may leak due to pressure changes on the plane, despite the lids being tightly closed. Wrap them additionally in a plastic bag so as not to spoil clothes and other things.

To keep things in their place, use the straps provided in your suitcase. Close all zippers, and for safety, pack your suitcase at the airport in a special film - this will protect it from damage and spontaneous opening. You can also pack your suitcase yourself by purchasing suitable film from the store in advance.

Now let's talk about things that require special packaging.

How to pack a hat in a suitcase

Method 1.

You can pack a hat with a brim in a special case; a cardboard box of suitable size will also do. The disadvantages of this method include the high cost (therefore, cases are usually bought for expensive hats) and the dimensions of the packaging. The box will take up a lot of space in your suitcase.

Method 2.

If you take a straw hat with you on vacation that you bought during last year’s vacation, then you can use simple instructions:

  • Place dense items at the bottom of the suitcase, creating a flat bottom;
  • roll a few things into rolls or balls and fill a hat with them;
  • put the hat in the suitcase with the brim down, place the clothes around it (right on the brim of the hat);
  • Do not place heavy objects on top of the hat to avoid denting it.

Your hat will be in great shape!

If there is no possibility or desire to transport a men's suit in a special case on a hanger, you can try to carefully pack it in a suitcase. In this case, do not choose the smallest suitcase for a business trip - if you pack things too tightly, the jacket will most likely become wrinkled.

To fold your suit into your suitcase correctly, use these simple instructions:

  • Make sure there are no creases on the jacket, steam the fabric if necessary;
  • straighten the jacket on a flat surface;
  • turn the right shoulder of the jacket inward, carefully straightening out the resulting folds;
  • Without turning your shoulder back, draw the right sleeve in a circle along the back of the jacket;
  • insert the left shoulder into the right. Make sure that the sleeves lie flat and remain inside.
  • Once again, carefully straighten all the folds, level the jacket's hems and fold the jacket in half horizontally.

If necessary, you can fold the trousers horizontally a couple of times, first aligning them along the arrows, and place them in the resulting fold of the jacket.

Now you know how to fold a jacket. To be safe, you can put it in a plastic bag with a zipper and, when closing the lock, leave a little air in the bag. Try to place the jacket in the suitcase in such a way that hard objects with uneven edges do not come into contact with it.

How to pack a leather jacket in a suitcase

You can fold your jacket into a suitcase compactly and conveniently if you use, for example, the instructions for folding a men's suit, namely a jacket.

Often the cut of the jacket and jacket are similar. If you need to pack a sports jacket, then just turn the jacket inside out, leaving the sleeves inside, fasten the zipper and fold the jacket horizontally.

Do not use vacuum bags to transport leather jackets - wrinkled leather is extremely difficult to restore to decent shape.

How to put a coat in a suitcase

Of course, it is optimal to transport a coat “on yourself”, wearing it on the road, or in a backpack, a special case, or on a hanger. An adult's coat can take up the entire space of a small suitcase!

However, if you still need to pack a coat in a suitcase, fold it according to the instructions for folding a men's jacket and place it at the bottom of the suitcase. Place a layer of clothing on top and only then add personal hygiene products and any items that have uneven edges or sharp corners. Upon arrival, immediately remove your coat from your suitcase and hang it on a hanger.

How to fold a shirt in a suitcase

Often, along with business suits, you have to put shirts in a suitcase.

We offer brief instructions on how to pack a shirt correctly and neatly:

  • Lay the shirt flat on a hard, flat surface, fasten the buttons and turn the buttons down;
  • pull each sleeve back one by one, folding it parallel to the fold line;
  • Fold the shirt horizontally twice, straightening out any wrinkles that form.

This method allows you to compactly fold not only dress shirts, but also polo shirts.

More options on video:

How to fold a T-shirt in a suitcase

T-shirts with short and long sleeves, polo shirts can be folded in several ways.

Method 1.

Fold the T-shirt vertically and horizontally, following the pattern. This will give you a flat rectangle that doesn't take up much space.

Method 2.

Fold the sleeves of the T-shirt as shown above, and then, starting at the neckline, roll the T-shirt into a neat roll. This method is perfect for those who decide to compactly pack all their things in a suitcase - rolled clothes take up less space.

Method 3.

If you are not worried about the condition of the T-shirts after transportation, you can put them in the voids created in the suitcase after packing all your things. A properly and evenly filled suitcase is the key to keeping your belongings in order.

How to pack jeans in a suitcase

Jeans have long been a universal wardrobe item. Thanks to the dense, wrinkle-resistant material and the absence of arrows, you can pack them in any way: fold them vertically and roll them into a tight roll, fold them vertically and horizontally and place them on the bottom of the suitcase, providing a flat area for placing wrinkled items, or even wrap them around fragile items, incl. tablet, camera. If your jeans get wrinkled during transportation, they can be easily ironed out on you!

How to put shoes in a suitcase

It's always a good idea to bring a spare pair of shoes when traveling.

Shoes, especially men's ones, weigh quite a lot, so they should be placed at the bottom of the suitcase. Don't put shoes in pairs; you'll save space by putting each shoe separately and surrounding it with soft items. To further save space, fill your boots with socks or underwear (you can wrap the underwear in a plastic bag), or small items, also pre-wrapped in fabric.

When packing boots, it is advisable not to bend the top. But if the size of the suitcase does not allow you to put the boots in entirely, then try to put them not at the very bottom, and do not place heavy things on top of the bent tops. To avoid a strong crease, place a couple of rolls of rolled clothing in the fold.

Before packing shoes with thin heels (stilettos), wrap each heel with newspaper or cloth - this will protect things located nearby from damage.

It is advisable to wrap each piece of footwear in a thick fabric or cellophane bag so that traces of shoe polish or street dust do not remain on your shirts and dresses

How to fold a dress into a suitcase

A beautiful dress is an important part of a girl’s wardrobe both on vacation and on a business trip!

When choosing dresses, try to give preference to an outfit made of wrinkle-resistant or low-wrinkle fabric. Do not take linen dresses with you if you do not have the opportunity to use an iron - they are guaranteed to get wrinkled in your suitcase no matter how you fold them.

A long dress can be laid in 2 stages: first, put the skirt in the suitcase, leaving the top of the dress hanging freely from the suitcase, then lay a layer of light items rolled into rolls, and lay the top of the dress on top of them. Do not place heavy objects on top; let them all end up under the dress.

If the dress is decorated with beads, rhinestones, stones, wrap it additionally in fabric or a thick bag. This way you will keep all the decorations on the dress intact and will not damage the clothes located nearby in the suitcase. This advice will be especially relevant for those who need to pack a wedding dress in a suitcase.

If possible, transport your wedding dress and accessories in a separate suitcase or hard case. Ask the wedding salon consultants how to fold a dress or veil correctly; they have extensive experience in packing these wardrobe items.

Even with the most careful packaging, the dress can wrinkle. Don’t be upset, the hotel will always have a steam iron, and if not, try going to any wedding salon upon arrival - they won’t refuse to fix your dress for a reasonable fee or even completely free of charge!

How to pack wine in airplane luggage

We often bring alcohol as a souvenir from our vacation: wines or traditional drinks of the country we visited.

If you are flying by plane, then all alcohol in containers larger than 100 ml will have to be checked in as baggage. You can put the bottles in a suitcase by first wrapping them in bubble wrap, and if you don’t have it, in your clothes.

Many airlines only allow alcoholic beverages in original packaging for transportation, so you will have to carry them in original glass bottles.

Keep in mind that baggage handlers at the airport do not stand on ceremony with suitcases, and by checking wine into the luggage of the plane, you risk receiving your suitcase with clothes covered in wine from a broken bottle. Use one or more tightly tied plastic bags for each bottle.

There are no such strict restrictions on transporting liquids on trains, so if you are carrying alcohol for yourself, you can transfer it into plastic bottles, this will lighten the weight of your suitcase. In addition, the plastic is extremely difficult to damage even if the suitcase is handled carelessly.

Whatever you travel with, before packing wine in your luggage, keep in mind the weight of the bottles (about 1.5 kg for a 0.75 liter bottle) and calculate the total weight of the suitcase. If you take a lot of alcoholic “souvenirs” with you, you may simply not be able to lift your suitcase up the stairs, or you may have to pay an overweight bill at the airport.
We wish you a pleasant trip!

Proper storage of winter items is the key to extending their wear life. Before putting away out-of-season items, empty your closet, air it out, and wipe off dust on the shelves. It would be a good idea to pre-fix moth repellents on the side surfaces and place fragrant sachets on the laundry shelves. Now you can start packing your winter clothes.

How to store fur and leather items

Fur products are extremely finicky and require special care. Ideally, coats made of natural fur - mouton and mink - should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees, but it is difficult to ensure such a temperature at home. Therefore, it is necessary to give fur products a place in the built-in closet on the loggia, where there is coolness and no moisture.

First, you should prepare your fur coat or sheepskin coat for long-term storage, for example, take it to the dry cleaner or clean the items yourself at home. Vacuum the fur, go over the fur coat with a special brush, then hang it on a wide (this is important) hanger (preferably made of natural wood). After this, treat the fur with a moth repellent, especially paying attention to the area under the hood and on the sleeve cuffs. Store the fur coat in a fabric case and hang it in a cool, dark place. To add a pleasant aroma, put a bag of lavender in your fur coat pocket.

Before packing, it is better to treat the sheepskin coat with a special product for the care of suede products, and a swab soaked in a solution of 1 tsp will help remove dirt. 9% vinegar per 1 liter of water. After processing, the sheepskin coat should dry and ventilate. A fabric bag and a hanger with wide hangers are also suitable for storage.

A hat made of natural fur must be cleaned and put on a round object so that it does not lose its shape. This could be a jar, a wooden block, or stands made from newspaper tubes.

If you don't have any of this, you can stuff the hat with paper.

Leather gloves should also be put on a form cut out of cardboard so that they retain their original appearance and do not develop creases or abrasions.

How to store winter down jackets and jackets

Down jackets not as difficult to prepare for storage as fur coats and sheepskin coats. Simply wash the product according to the instructions on the label, dry and fluff so that the filling is distributed evenly. For more information on how to wash a down jacket,you can read in . Down jackets should be stored zipped and folded; you can pack them in vacuum bags. Jackets and coats with synthetic filling (sintepon, holofiber, etc.) do not require special treatment at all.

How to store winter woolen items

Woolen items should be washed at 30 degrees on a delicate cycle. Sweaters, sweaters, blankets, knitted scarves and hats must be carefully folded and packed in a vacuum bag or fabric cover. Additionally, you can put it in a box.

Do not store knitted items on hangers - they will stretch out their shoulders.

If possible It is better to roll wool sweaters into rolls rather than simply folding, then clear wrinkles will not form on them, which are then difficult to smooth out.

How to store winter shoes

Before storing winter shoes, wash and air them by unzipping the zipper and turning the top slightly inside out. In order for the moisture to come out faster, you need to stuff crumpled newspapers inside. Rub leather boots generously with protective cream, and clean suede shoes with a sponge soaked in soapy water. If the dirt does not disappear, hold the boots over steam. After drying, treat the suede with a protective aerosol and “comb” it with a brush. All boots should be stored in spacious boxes, without bending and strictly maintaining their shape. To do this, fill the toe and top of the shoe with paper or a cardboard (foam) mold.

Little secrets for storing winter clothes

    The main enemy of clothes tucked away in the far corner is moisture. Silica gel in sachets placed between things will help absorb excess moisture. The same one they put in shoe boxes. It is also important to ventilate the closet from time to time. In some cases, if there is a lot of humidity in the closet, it is better to leave the door a little open.

    Every thing has its place. Under no circumstances should mink and other fur coats be vacuum packed for storage, otherwise the fur will “suffocate”, and woolen blankets and sweaters in a plastic bag will develop an extremely unpleasant odor. Therefore, fur products belong in a spacious closet, wool products are best packed in fabric covers or suitcases, but trousers, hats and gloves will spend the summer well in vacuum bags (by the way, you can save money and buy them in fixed price stores).

    All items must be clean and dry! Old stains and dusty shoes will deteriorate as they sit in the closet and completely lose their appearance.

    Leather products should never be washed. You can clean the skin with a swab dipped in warm milk. Milk fat will be absorbed into the skin, making it softer, thereby preventing roughness and creases on the product.

    For more convenient storage of winter items, use stickers with a list of included clothes. This will help you easily find the right warm thing or shoes in case of a sudden cold snap.