How to decorate the house with ribbons for the new year. New Year's decor from branches. Christmas tree decoration

Hello dear readers! The New Year simply cannot do without a bright palette of shades that create a special festive atmosphere, so from year to year, a beautiful Christmas tree decorated with bright toys appears in almost every home! But I propose not to stop at decorating just one Christmas tree, but to transform the whole house or apartment as a whole! Do you agree? Then let's get started!

In recent years, large supermarkets have been stocking their department shelves with Christmas items from around the beginning of November. We highly recommend visiting the shops during this period, when the most the best scenery not sold out yet! Get a huge supply of inspiration to create the perfect home decor.

Christmas home decor

Let's start with the main New Year's symbol - Christmas trees or pines ... A festive tree can be decorated in five main ways:

  1. Purchased modern toys;
  2. Factory retro toys (inherited from parents, grandmothers);
  3. Handmade toys;
  4. Combine purchased jewelry with handmade ones;
  5. Decorate the Christmas tree with just one luminous garland.

It should be noted that in recent years, Christmas trees decorated with toys of the same shape and color, for example, golden balls, have been relevant. But if you want some exclusivity, then decorate your Christmas tree with handmade decorations. In this connection, we recommend that you read the article "", in it you will find a lot of interesting ideas for making magnificent Christmas tree decorations.

In addition, it is simply impossible not to note the Christmas tree, decorated with only one shimmering garland, such a tree looks most advantageous if there are several more items in the room, decorated in the same style with Christmas tree, it could be holiday wreath or a spruce garland, as in the photo below.

Many ideas for creating toys for the Christmas tree (video)

How to use Christmas balls in home decor

Christmas balls will help instantly transform the interior, you just need to create interesting compositions. If you have large, transparent, glass vases, then you can simply place different-sized balls in them. Thin high vases filled with bright Christmas balls look especially stylish!

In addition, you can decorate windows with balls, for this you just need to pick up bright colored ribbons, on which you can fix the Christmas toys in question, after which you tie the ribbons on the cornice.

The composition created from a dry branch with shiny different-sized balls also looks great. To create a voiced product, you need to prepare: a glue gun, balls of different diameters, a dry branch, PVA glue and a gloss that matches the tone. So, with the help of a glue gun, we glue the prepared balls onto the branch, after which we generously cover some parts of the branch with a layer of PVA glue and sprinkle with the selected gloss, leave the product to dry!

Effectively decorate windows

Let's start with the windowsill. A spectacular composition created from the most ordinary thick paper, complemented by luminous garlands, looks really festive. How to create such beauty? For work you will need: thick paper, scissors, stationery knife, pencil, adhesive tape, electric garland.

We draw a template for the future decoration on paper, you can simply print the three templates below, cut out the drawing, fix the paper composition on the windowsill with adhesive tape ( front side pointing it into the room), lay an electric garland behind an impromptu “city” or “spruce forest”. In the evening, just turn on the garland and admire the bright and interesting New Year's composition!

Window glass decor

Windows decorated with beautiful New Year's patterns-drawings look incredibly impressive. Draw or print ready-made drawings on the printer, cut out and attach to the glass with adhesive tape. cartoon new year templates are presented below, feel free to print or redraw!

Chair back covers

Decorating an apartment for the New Year also means decorating furniture, so you can’t ignore chairs with backs, because they can be transformed with bright covers sewn in the form of snowmen, Santa Clauses or Snow Maidens! Such covers can, if desired, be sewn independently or purchased ready-made in souvenir shops.

Socks on the fireplace

Let the tradition of hanging New Year's socks on the fireplace belong to Western countries, but we can also borrow if we wish. this idea. These boots will perfectly decorate the interior, and the children will be delighted with the expectation when, finally, Santa Claus will put gifts in them.

Well, when the time will come you can put sweets and small toys in Christmas boots.

New Year or Christmas holiday wreaths

Another Western tradition that has slowly taken root with us is holiday wreaths! Such wreaths can be hung on the front door, both outside and inside, in addition, they can decorate walls or a mantelpiece, and such wreaths will perfectly complement the festive table! Christmas wreaths do not have to be purchased, because you can easily make them yourself. Just recently, we considered the topic "", the article presents a lot of ideas beautiful wreaths.

New Year decorate the house photo

Table Christmas trees

Such miniature Christmas trees will perfectly complement the interior, and it’s not at all difficult to make them, take, for example, a Christmas tree from tinsel ... We make a cone from thick paper (how to make a cone, and you can also consider a lot of examples of all kinds of miniature Christmas trees), glue pieces of double-sided tape on the cone, after which we begin to wrap the cone with suitable tinsel (it is better to wrap it from top to bottom).

Dry trees decorated with Christmas decorations

We select a dry branch resembling a miniature tree, place it in a pot with stones and decorate it with Christmas decorations. For greater effect, the branch can be pre-painted in any color that suits you.

Classic balls or retro toys with intricate motifs will look great on them, you can see some striking examples below.

Christmas candles

Decorating an apartment for the New Year simply cannot do without candles ... In souvenir shops you can buy themed candles of unusual shapes, in the form of: Snowmen, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, Christmas trees. Or you can buy simple candles, and create unusual compositions. For example, take a plate rectangular shape, pour walnuts and hazelnuts, and set a few candles in the center.

The composition with glasses looks even more impressive - we put an artificial flower on the table, set an inverted glass on top, on the base of which we put a candle. Simple and stylish, right?!

New Year decorate the house photo

Bright cones in vases

We color the bumps from the spray can in suitable colors, we select the shine corresponding to the new shade of the cone, cover the cone with PVA glue and sprinkle it abundantly with glitter, at the end we put bright, shiny decorations in transparent vases.

paper garlands

garland circles

With such garlands, you can safely decorate windows, decorative fireplaces, wall shelves and ceiling chandeliers. We cut out circles of the same diameter from thick colored paper, and then using sewing machine sew the circles at a distance of 5-10 mm from each other.

garland chain

We cut out strips of colored paper 1 cm wide, 8 cm long, connect the first segment with a stapler, thread the next segment into the formed ring, follow this pattern with the following links.

orange peel flowers

We cut the peel from the orange with a thin spiral, after which we form a flower from the peel, leave to dry, after drying, the resulting flowers can be placed in a transparent vase, supplemented with dry tree leaves.

Additional selection of photos for inspiration

Dear readers, New Year's home decor is an integral part of upcoming holidays, so they can not be neglected! Friends, I hope from this review you have learned how to decorate a house for the New Year!? I wonder if you practice decorating an apartment for the New Year, we are waiting for your feedback!

How to fold a Christmas tree napkin

You can see an example below beautiful design table napkins!

7 Cool Home Decor Ideas (Video)

How to make New Year's gifts with your own hands (video)

We invite you to look at a lot of New Year's ideas:

Maybe we can take a break?

Find 8 differences!

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Creative people decorate the house for the New Year not only with purchased decorations, factory garlands and branded glass balls.

Together with their children, they themselves make toys for decorating the Christmas tree, as well as other New Year's decor for decorating the house. I offer several original photo ideas for festive interior decoration.

1. New Year's table setting

Festive dishes and expensive service on the New Year's table are probably timeless classic. But the central place on it can be given to a large New Year's composition in the style of "winter village" or winter landscape. You can make (or buy in the form of a plastic constructor) children's houses from paper, cardboard or salt dough, depicting a snow-covered city. Complete them with small Christmas trees and figurines of people, sprinkle around the composition with sugar, decorative sand or fine foam - and voila! New Year's street will be right in front of your eyes.

Decorative composition in the style of the New Year's town on the festive table.

2. Do-it-yourself architectural compositions

Continuing the theme of winter landscapes and street layouts - the next idea. Here is such a fabulous village in the style of New Year's minimalism that does not require special skills of an artist (or architect), so you can make it using color or gift paper or cardboard, decorating with sparkles.

A toy town of houses can be combined with a children's railway by placing it around a Christmas tree. The New Year's "snow-covered village" can also decorate the windowsill. houses with LED-backlighting will look especially good. Such compositions, for example, from KAEMINGK, are sold ready-made.

Location options decorative houses in the room.

If your kids love Lego, you can buy them a set to create such a mini-town. After the design is ready, it can be decorated with "snow" from cotton wool or foam balls.

It is enough just to make houses out of paper or cardboard, colored or corrugated. Even simple cylinders glued from thin cardboard, covered with a “roof” made of corrugated candy wrappers (paper baking dish) can become magical huts if they are painted with felt-tip pens and windows-doors are drawn. We have collected a few of these ideas for you in the photo below.

3. Original aroma candles

The smell of cinnamon is traditionally considered New Year's. If you are crazy about this fragrance, fill the whole room with it. To do this, you need to tie with cinnamon sticks, as shown in the photo. When heated, they will exude a pleasant and warm aroma throughout the room.

4. Feng Shui decor

Are you interested in the culture and traditions of China? Then arrange just such a composition of plain bottles (preferably red), tangerines and fresh flowers entwined with serpentine.

5. Unusual decor element for the kitchen

To make such a vivid imitation New Year's forest, you need three salt shakers, tiny artificial Christmas trees (you can use real needles instead or make such trees yourself), and a toy figure new year character(if there is no deer toy, replace it with a miniature figurine of Santa Claus or a Snowman).

The second photo shows unusual dioramas that can be made using sugar in glass cups. How? Detailed instructions with photos I publish separately.

6. Bring naturalness to the decor

Compositions from dry trees in the ECO style are now more than ever in vogue. You can decorate them not only with knitting threads, as shown in the photo, but also with any other factory-made or home-made decorative elements.

7. Christmas tree from old books

If you have a few old books, make a Christmas tree out of them. Below will be big books, and at the top - smaller in size. Side pages can be colored green and covers white. The topmost booklet, as shown in the photo, may be red. In order not to paint the pages, you can choose the second option.

This idea is perfect for those students or school kids who want to decorate their dorm room.

8. Candy Christmas composition

You can please children with such a sweet surprise by enriching it with original holiday paraphernalia: a Christmas tree placed on a cupcake and made of tiny bizé with green food coloring, as well as a snowflake assembled from small candies.

Considering that nowadays the Christmas trees of the most unusual colors, then you can use white or lilac marshmallows.

9. An extraordinary way to present family gifts

If you give each other small souvenirs for the New Year, you can place them in the following way. gluing gift boxes on the picture (you can use a frame and a blank canvas), attach numbers to them. IN new year's eve you can arrange something like a lottery or a family lottery: get a gift with the number you drew.

10. Decor in the style of the Mad Hatter

This character from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" would certainly appreciate the efforts of the decorator! However, you need to work hard on such a masterpiece by making colorful hats, and then securely attaching them to each other and to some kind of support (for example, a window slope).

11. Sparkling buds

From cones you can make beautiful decorative compositions(I already wrote earlier) in baskets, in glass jars. Christmas trees and bouquets are made from cones, they look great in combination with Christmas balls and spruce branches.

But the cones themselves can be made bright and decorative. This can be done in two ways:

  • Apply a thin layer of paint to the scales of the cone using the spray method. Lightly tinted cone looks great paints combined with artificial snow.
  • Wrap thick knitting threads around the scales as shown in the photo. Desirable choose yarn with a piercing, “fluorescent” shade. Then the bump seems to start to glow.

12. The magic of color and light in glass

By using glass containers the most diverse form and purpose, you can create amazing jewelry. In the course are glasses low and high, pot-bellied and narrow, jars with metal and glass lids, pharmaceutical jars and vials. And, of course, vases with legs and without.

Below you will see a couple of examples, and separately I have collected for you a collection of 33 photos of New Year's decorations in glass.

13. Painted champagne

Bottles are usually painted with special acrylic or stained glass paints. Painted bottles of champagne for the holiday can decorate the table, and then remain in the room as part of the interior and a memory of the celebration of the New Year.

14. Figurines from glass containers

If champagne bottles can be painted and put on the table, then empty ones can be turned into funny snowmen or Santa Claus. With a certain imagination and skill, you can also go to the Snow Maiden.

Look at the example in the photo and think about whether you can put a family of such fairy-tale characters in the corner of the living room or on the windowsill.

15. Do you have a genie from a bottle? And we have a gnome from the bank

From empty jars with lids, you can make wonderful fairy-tale characters. It's either gnomes or snowmen.

We offer two options to choose from:

A snowman can be molded from salt dough or clay (plasticine). And for naturalness, coat with glue and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

16. Shoe tables and chairs

Everyone has heard of decorative socks for gifts. But not everyone knows that there is a tradition to shoe the legs of tables and chairs in the so-called "elven stockings" or shoes.

From the photos you will understand what we are talking about. You can use old shoes or sew real pointy elven shoes from colored felt.

17. Poles in the fireplace give warmth, and next to it they decorate the room

If the house has a fireplace (even a decorative one), then you always have excellent material for New Year's decoration at hand.

On the right in the photo you can clearly see with the help of finely chopped logs and twigs using a small garland. And on the left - interesting way how to turn logs into decorative candle holders for floating foil candles. But do not forget to keep an eye on the composition if you decide to light them.

IN Lately DIY Christmas decorations for the home have become very popular. There are several reasons for this: homemade products much better than purchased ones and look beautiful, the ideas are unique, making crafts captivates children.

You can make the product from any improvised material. On the Internet there is step by step manufacturing almost any New Year's toy. You can develop a design yourself, using a variety of materials.

Home decorations (MK)

Thinking to do holiday compositions independently, a natural question arises: what kind of New Year's decorations can you make with your own hands? It is clear that glass crafts impossible to do at home. It is worth starting with the definition of materials that are at home and are easy to process. After that, we draw sketches, choose colors for further design.

Thanks to crafts, the holiday will seem more homely and exciting, and the home will shine with new colors. We offer several simple master classes on making decor for the New Year.

From cones

by the most simple option will be the manufacture of jewelry and crafts from cones. curvy, beautiful products are obtained from fir cones. Made from pine individual elements and single decorative ornaments.

The original solution will be a nest of cones different breed spruce trees with elements of branches:

1. First, the cones are thoroughly washed and dried.

2. The bottom and sides are formed, the cones are fastened together with glue, with the help of threads and twigs.

3. Beads, sparkles and other decor will help decorate the composition. The finished decoration can be used as a stand for candles.

In this likeness, vases for tangerines, fruits, and sweets are also made. It is easy to decorate any festive table with such original dishes.

From felt

Recently it has become very popular felt toys in New Year's style. Felt figurines serve as the main decor of the Christmas tree and the house, because they are safe, unbreakable, eco-friendly and bright.

How to make such a toy:

1. Cut out a figure from paper.

2. Put the template on the felt and prepare the patterns.

3. Cut out blanks and make outlines.

4. Sew the details of the cut figure by hand or on a sewing machine.

5. To add volume, you can put cotton wool inside. The felt figurine is ready.

From beads

It takes a long time to make New Year's interior elements and bead drawings. This option is suitable for those who love hard work and have a lot of free time. But such products look worthy. Often there are desktop mini-Christmas trees, as well as key chains-toys. Consider the manufacturing process of the first option.

For the frame of the future Christmas tree, you will need a large bead, for example, amber, 2 cm in diameter. Insert a small stick into its hole. To make the frame more stable, glue it on a large coin or a flat button. Further we work according to the scheme.

The photo below shows a step-by-step master class.

From foamiran

From foamiran, you can make holiday fridge magnets with New Year's stories, a Christmas tree toy, figurines for a garland, and much more.

Let's look at the process of making a Christmas tree from this material:

1. First, a pattern is prepared, according to which the toy will be formed. To do this, draw patterns on a piece of paper and cut them out.

2. We apply patterns on foamiran, circle them with a pencil. The result should be three elements with different cuts.

3. We cut the blanks with scissors clearly along the line. Do this as carefully as possible so that the edges are even.

4. A further principle is to connect the parts. Cover by finished craft you can use sequins, decorate with gouache or sprinkle with sparkles - at your discretion.

Corrugated paper

Large-scale decorations for the New Year holidays are made from corrugated paper. Stylish wall decor elements are obtained from such material. Some craftsmen make up whole pictures with a plot. But we will consider the step-by-step production of the Christmas tree, see the photo below.

From polymer clay

From polymer clay products closest to factory toys are formed. The result is durable, reusable decorations that are easy to prepare with your child. The easiest way to make such a Christmas tree toy is in the form of a snowman.

To start, take White clay- it serves as the basis, you can use color. When the body is ready, then proceed to staining. One toy is made in about 10-15 minutes.


It is better to make New Year's decor elements from foam sheets that will be used outside the home. It can be huge letters, figures, houses. It is easy to cut decorations out of polystyrene using a hacksaw. We decorate objects with luminous garlands, you can paint with paint, paste over with decorative paper.

From tapes

Small toys for the Christmas tree are formed from ribbons. Ribbons often serve as the basis, decorating material for many other compositions. Applications and hanging toys are especially often made from satin ribbons. Fixation is carried out using a thread with a needle, glue, a textile stapler.

From fabric

Decorative pillows are sewn from fabric New Year's motives, soft toys for children. Using different fabrics, contrasting balances and figures are created. It is better to sew elements and details manually. It is very profitable to make New Year's interior elements from textiles - there are always a few extra shreds of fabric at home.

From plastic bottles

By using plastic bottles large objects are created: beautiful houses, boxes, geometric shapes. If you decorate a plastic bottle correctly, you will get a souvenir for a New Year's gift or a decoration for a Christmas tree. See what a wonderful penguin you can get.

From disks

With the help of disks, disco balls are mainly created, which are used together with a luminous garland. The atmosphere of a night club is created. A finely chopped disk can also serve as a finishing material for other products. So, for example, you can decorate glass bowl on the tree

From pasta

Pasta is characterized by strength and flexibility in work. From pasta, you can make a small Christmas tree, animal figurines, an asterisk or a snowflake for a Christmas tree. Finished products are easy to paint with gouache, watercolor.

From threads

Often performed New Year's work for decorating the interior with floss threads. It is enough just to tie a bunch of floss, forming figures. Extraordinarily interesting option will be applications on new year theme and posters. It is easy to make a decoration for a Christmas tree from threads, for this it is enough to soak them in glue and form the shape you need. When the product dries, it will become solid.

From branches

Crafts from branches can be candlesticks, vases, decorative plates, boxes for toys, fruits and sweets. It's very fashionable. They use mainly a sprig of pine. As more non-standard wood, branches of other trees are used.

From synthetic winterizer

Soft toys for the Christmas tree are sometimes made from synthetic winterizer, but more often this material is used to create applications. With a colored synthetic winterizer, you can embroider pictures on decorative pillows or canvas. The craft in the form of a snowman also looks original - such a toy will decorate the interior of any room.

On the video: a snowman from a synthetic winterizer.

From foma (polyethylene foam)

It is easy to make any shape from foma, just use stencils. The preparations are correct design And color scheme. Can also be done Christmas tree to decorate your New Year's table. The principle of operation is very simple, see the photo below.


You will need templates and fleece. Details are cut out, which are subsequently sewn together. The principle of operation is the same as when working with felt. Fleece makes soft and pleasant to the touch New Year's decor elements.


Foil makes disposable decorations, toys and a garland. The material is quickly torn, wrinkled and broken. It is used for decoration and keeping the shape. It is easy and simple to make snowflakes for a Christmas tree, you need to crumple pieces of foil into a sphere and fasten them together with a wire, forming a figure.

From newspapers

Newspapers and glue are used to create papier-mâché Christmas tree toys. A form blank is made from foil, on which a newspaper soaked in glue is applied in layers. When the paper is dry, you can paint the craft with colored paint or cover it with sparkles.

From plywood

Models of toys for the Christmas tree are made of plywood in the form of images of animals, houses, fruits, vegetables, fairy-tale characters. A hole is formed with an awl for attaching the thread. Toys can be used for a long time.

From light bulbs

From light bulbs we make garlands, "balls" for the Christmas tree, fixtures are suitable for the room and the street. Lamps are pasted over with bright or shiny materials. The setup takes a few minutes.

Burlap and jute

Toys are sewn from burlap and jute according to the principle of felt and fleece products. Festive bags and bandages are also made from this natural material. A bouquet of chestnuts, dried flowers, acorns can serve as an addition.

From cotton pads

Cotton wool is used as a finishing material for applications and crafts. We glue it to any base with glue. Cotton wool can be painted with watercolors, gouache. Working with such material is easy and simple.

From newspaper tubes

Interesting baskets for tangerines and other elements of New Year's decor come out of the tubes. Volumetric decorations are also made using tightly rolled sheets of newspapers. The paper can be dyed later.

From twine (string)

Balls and hanging structures are made from twine, twine, rope. Such details connected with each other form a garland. Christmas decorations made of textile material have many positive features: they do not break, they are environmentally friendly, they are safe for children.

On the video: Christmas ball of threads.

From beads

From beads, an additional decor is obtained for larger products. Beads are sewn, glued, put on the base. They make screw Christmas trees. small crafts serve as gifts for relatives and friends.


Origami is used to create a huge number of works, you can make toys for the Christmas tree, a garland, hanging decorations. paper figures long stored, have volume. They are used as interior decor, if the design is of impressive size.

Christmas decorations (MK)

Christmas tree decorations can be made from almost any material that is at home. Thanks to persistent means of fixation, creative ideas are created. For the base, you can use ready-made toys. On plain Christmas balls, a frosty pattern is often drawn with stained glass glue or a contour.

Decoration of Christmas balls

Decorating spheres does not require special skills and materials. This finish is ideal for transparent balls, however, as a basis, you can take a foam ball.

Action algorithm:

  1. Remove dirt from the ball and degrease with acetone.
  2. Lubricate the surface with adhesive solution.
  3. "Dress up" the ball finishing materials(V this case sequins).
  4. If necessary, fix all the details with clear varnish and let dry.
  5. If the ball is made of foam, stick a pin or special fasteners for hanging.

All Christmas decorations can be upgraded. Broken glass from old toys, beads, beads, sequins and ribbons are suitable for decoration.

Hair Jewelry (MK)

It is easy to make New Year's hairpins, headbands and hair ties from improvised materials. On this occasion, you can watch a lot of videos on the Internet. Let's look at two of the most interesting master classes.

Headband with horns

Creativity lies in creating a unique decoration that will decorate the hairstyle. The simplest option is a decorative headband:

1. On the old headband, with the help of wire, the frame of the future craft is formed - deer antlers.

2. The hoop from one end to the other, together with the wire frame, is wrapped with twine.

3. Glue is used for secondary fastening (as additional decor deer ears and fabric flowers may protrude).

The decor can be Mickey Mouse ears, a decorative bow or a colored mohawk, Christmas trees, cones, pine branches, snowflakes - there are a lot of ideas.


For more discreet product options for hair fit kanzashi technique. Work is carried out from ribbons, which are superimposed on a base smeared with glue. Practice is essential for these products.

On video: christmas snowflake- hair band.

Crochet and knitting Christmas decorations: patterns and description

Christmas decorations can be crocheted or knitted. Knitted animals, little men, fruits, houses will decorate the Christmas tree and the house.

The work is:

  • buying thread and yarn;
  • knitting in accordance with the patterns;
  • stitching products.

Knitted toys last a long time. The technique does not take much time, calms the nerves, and is easy to master. There are combinations of knitting and embroidery in one product.

Decoration Santa Claus crochet
knitted snowflake on the Christmas tree crochet
Christmas balls knitting pattern

wall decorations

On the wall you can hang pictures made in various techniques, simple New Year's posters. Garlands of lights or decorative material are usually placed under the ceiling. There are many options, see the photo and choose the option you like.

door decoration

The door from the street and the room is usually decorated with a New Year's wreath. Modern interpretations represent compositions not from branches and cones, but from glowing garlands. From plywood blanks and threads, you can create a composition in the form of hinged structures.

Wooden decorations also look against the background of a metal door - it is unique, fresh and modern. You can make an original decorative wreath from wood and branches.

New ideas

Original Christmas decorations are easy to create with children. Creative ideas can be drawn from the drawings and inventions of the baby.


In accordance with the decor, the following original decorations are created:

  • Framed photographs form interesting compositions.

  • They drew an incomprehensible drawing and decorated it with rain and sparkles. The main thing is to be creative.


Interesting and funny ideas can be found in children's magazines.

  • You can alter old soft toys or make them with your own hands from socks.

  • Bring an animal to life from improvised materials, for example, from branches.

Making decorations with the kids

Making jewelry for kids is exciting, and working with them is even more so. Adults can show real class for their child. For a baby, time will fly by quickly and cheerfully.

When choosing a technique, consider:

  • the age of the child;
  • its possibilities;
  • the complexity of the work ahead;
  • material safety.

Greater preference for the manufacture of jewelry is given to: applications, drawings with additional decoration, corrugated paper, napkins.

For girl

An ideal option for a girl would be drawings that can be decorated with sparkles or sequins. The baby can offer ideas for New Year's decorations: jewelry, decorative items for furniture, Christmas toys. The main thing is to use a lot of bright colors.

The simplest and most effective option would be to create a toy of a cartoon or fairy-tale character. Mom can do the main work, and the daughter can help at first.

Home decor for the New Year is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. He who seeks, he will find, as they say. Looking for interesting apartment decorations for the New Year 2017, photos, instructions, master classes, training videos? My Tips collected 15 of the best and easiest concrete jewelry ideas, and then picked up more than 15 unusual options designs from various materials for those who like to experiment. Choose your version of decor for the New Year and go for it!

Home decor for the New Year

DIY Christmas decorations from acorn hats and felted wool / a piece of fabric dipped in glue and sprinkled with sparkles.

Do-it-yourself Christmas ball for the New Year tree in the video of a portrait of your beloved child. Unusual ideas apartment decorations for the New Year for you!

Juicy apple spirit will enliven your home and bring extra joy! Make a New Year's wreath with your own hands from apples and a bowl for mulled wine / juice from all the same fruits.

Make yourself cute penguins out of the material that is always at hand - plastic bottles. Here are the ideas for decorating an apartment for the New Year!

Peanut shell Christmas toys.

Magic wand - an interesting decoration for the New Year will complement your look!

Christmas ball 2017 with a basket. Real hot air balloon!

Chandelier decor Christmas balls or a garland.

Background for New Year's photography from a garland.

Christmas tree decorations from burnt out light bulbs.

Refrigerator and snowman doors.

A Christmas tree made of books and garlands is such an apartment decoration for the New Year 2017!

Dessert - cupcakes or marmalade - in a beautiful Christmas tree serving. So you can arrange and.

Chocolates in a penguin wrapper (for a gift or for table decoration).

Covers for chairs and armchairs.

Such are the interesting decorations of the apartment for the New Year 2017. Interestingly, many of these decor ideas for the New Year holidays have been undeservedly overlooked for years, and in vain! Make such cool apartment decorations for the New Year 2017, you will not be disappointed!

Well, now let's move on to do-it-yourself home decor for the New Year 2017 for experimenters. This is interesting!

DIY small Christmas tree

A small do-it-yourself Christmas tree is easy to make, and its appearance is amazing! This also applies to fashionable for the third year in a row, and ordinary cone-shaped beauties. The following materials are suitable as a material for creating a Christmas tree with your own hands for the New Year:

  • sisal;
  • paper;
  • textile;
  • Christmas balls;
  • dried flowers, dried flowers, tangerine peel;
  • nutshell;
  • cones;
  • ribbons and more.

Here's what homemade topiary trees for the New Year 2017 might look like! See photos and get inspired to make your own hands - it's worth it!

How to make a Christmas tree topiary for the New Year with your own hands? Watch the YouTube video below:

Snowman from threads for the new year

This small thread miracle - a snowman for the New Year 2017 - can even make it with his own hands Small child, fortunately, a master class from YouTube explains everything in detail. Such is the decoration of the apartment for the New Year with your own hands:

DIY garlands for home decoration for the New Year 2017

Option 1 - from threads, like a snowman a little higher. We watch a training video from YouTube and urgently remember where the threads were lying around in the apartment for such a beautiful apartment decoration for the New Year!

Interesting home decor for the New Year 2017 - paper christmas garland DIY, here is a video from YouTube:

Smart needlewomen, lovers of a hard loft style, informality and coolness will appreciate the following idea for decorating an apartment for the New Year 2017:

Ideas for decorating an apartment for the New Year from scraps of building materials

Boards are not just junk left in many pantries after repair work. It is also an amazing material for handicraft experiments and do-it-yourself home decoration for the New Year! See for yourself by looking at the photos of the ideas we have selected. For example, here is a snowman made of boards, which is easy to make. Take your own boards, nails, paints, textiles for decorations - and that's it!

Not only from boards, but also from old branches, you can make something beautiful. For example, a wooden Christmas tree for the New Year on the wall, as the photo below:

Even baguettes, cornices and other similar things can be adapted for a good cause. Look how beautiful and original Christmas trees are:

Cheap but tasteful: DIY unusual Christmas trees

You will need:

  • canvas for the Christmas tree (plywood, thick cardboard, covered with fabric is suitable instead);
  • Christmas decorations, bows made of fabric and ribbons;
  • cardboard tubes of different diameters, cut into 1-3 cm wide;
  • cones, nutshell;
  • everything, everything that is in the apartment and will fit into the craft.

By the way, you can even make a Christmas tree for the New Year 2017 from. Make enough snowflakes and place them on the canvas in the shape of a Christmas tree.

Well, or arrange the materials from the list and get the most unusual Christmas trees in your apartment!

Unusual decoration of the Christmas tree for the New Year 2017

This jewelry is handmade in every sense. How to make an original Christmas decoration with your own hands with a child:

  1. Take a glossy Christmas ball.
  2. Apply to the palm white paint and print.
  3. Decorate the snowman fingers with muzzles, stick scarves from ribbons.
  4. Draw snowflakes with a brush.
  5. Hang up and enjoy!

Waste paper ideas for home decor for the New Year

Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of cardboard and crumpled paper is done in 1 free evening - take the time to decorate the apartment for the New Year!

Tired of old curtains, "beads" in the arches, boring walls? Close everything-everything will help like this new year idea for a simple apartment decor for the New Year! Just take corrugated paper and cut it into strips. Fringe - as you wish! It is better to alternate colors, but in general - a matter of taste!

Gifts under the Christmas tree for decor for the New Year 2017

Where without gifts? They will delight and decorate the house on New Year's holidays! Gift wrapping is a tricky business, so here are some great photo ideas for you!

Well, without master classes, how to pack real gifts or make such unusual pacifiers - options for decorating an apartment for the New Year in the photo are indispensable. We watch the ideas of decoration for the New Year in the video from YouTube:

Watch and bookmark the page - it will come in handy! 30 do-it-yourself apartment decorations for the New Year, unusual New Year's decor 2017 and a lot of master classes will surely please your friends. Share with them a list of decor ideas for the New Year 2017!

New Year's Eve is a wonderful time that requires the right setting. Therefore, many are puzzling over how to decorate the house for the new year 2019. The atmosphere of the holiday is largely created by the scenery.: Christmas tree and stylish decorations, flickering candles, dinnerware, wreaths and new Year gifts. There should be joy, triumph and a little magic around. A holiday to remember whole year, you can create your own. Well, today will give you a bunch of original ideas on how to decorate a house for the new year 2019.

Ideas on how to decorate a house or a room in an apartment for the new year 2019

Let's see ideas on how to decorate a house for the new year 2019. The roofs of houses, trees and streets powdered with white fluff create a fabulous landscape of holidays. Therefore, you can invite winter to your home and introduce an unusual frosty atmosphere into the interior. Dress the Christmas tree in white - white baubles, pendants and garlands are softly combined with silver decorations. Thus, the decorated tree will shine beautifully throughout the night.

The living room also features white winter decorations, sofa cushions and throws that look like they've been powdered. thin layer snow. Such a design will be chic, surprisingly cozy and completely timeless.

For those who live in high-rise buildings, the question is also of concern: “How to decorate an apartment for the new year 2019?”. This year, metallic shades appear in every possible detail - decorations, lighting, tabletop items.

One of the hottest trends is copper combined with wood and neutrals, elegant flowers. Wanting to create an interior in this style, designers put on fur. Ideal on the floor, chairs, but also unusual decoration table.

If you really do not know how to decorate a room for the new year 2019, then with We advise you to pay attention to the eco trend, it is gaining more and more fans. Natural materials, muted colors, inspired by the natural world, have also taken root in the interiors. It is worth transferring this eco trend to New Year's decorations. Furniture and accessories are made of natural wood - wicker with an addition of cotton, will not only bring a winter aura to the house, but also make it cozy. Instead of traditional balls, decorations made from ropes, paper or wood will appear on the festive tree.

How beautiful to decorate the house with balloons?

Do not know how to decorate the house for the new year with balls? Here are some original ideas, photos:

Ideas for decorating the house for the new year 2019 outside

If you live in a private house, then you probably don’t mind decorating your home not only inside, but also outside, then catch some original ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year outside not only beautifully, but also original.

  • wreaths;

The first thing you should pay attention to when decorating the house outside for the new year is the design of the door, various spruce wreaths, as well as wreaths made of cones and other natural materials.

  • Fairy lights;

Garlands, beautiful shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, are the most good decision in the outdoor decoration of the house for the new year 2019.

  • Decorative animals;

Believe me, if you have sleighs with decorative deer loaded in them in your yard, all passers-by will not be able to take their eyes off. Also, squirrels or deer from garlands, or rather deer from a metal frame covered with electric garlands, will look very beautiful and original when decorating a house for the new year.

Ideas on how to decorate a children's room for the new year 2019

The New Year is a good time to plan changes and updates to our interiors. Interesting ideas for decorating spaces can awaken the imagination, so justify themselves, especially in a child's room.

Sometimes little things give joy to a baby, which will attract his attention and awaken his imagination.

Christmas decorations can completely change the interior and create a Christmas mood at home. Just a few lanterns, a bouquet of holly twigs and a festive headdress to create a magical atmosphere throughout the house. What Christmas decorations to choose for the children's room?

New Year's figures of angels, holly branches and candles will add sparkle to any room. You can make a festive wreath with your child. You just need to purchase a ready-made frame and decorate it with holly branches, adding the selected decorations.

colorful Christmas tree

Christmas tree she always looks beautiful, no matter how she is dressed. The decoration of the Christmas tree for the new year 2019 should be chosen to match the interior. Blue for the boy's room and gold for the girl's room. You can also put on the forefront and buy a colorful Christmas tree. Children love to decorate the Christmas tree with their own hand-made decorations, for example, you can make glazed gingerbread, paper, pasta, or yarn decorations with children and hang them on the Christmas tree

In the children's room to decorate the Christmas tree as original idea wall stickers, pillows or bed sheets with New Year's motives. For a child's room, you can buy a very small Christmas tree in pots. Hang felt Christmas decorations on a door, wall, or bed frame, such as Santa Claus, reindeer, snowman, or rooster socks.

By the way, a simple decoration of a New Year tree for meeting the New Year 2019 in your child's nursery can be turned into an exciting quest, children love this activity very much.

Christmas lights

All kinds of lanterns are wonderful holiday decorations. There are a lot of ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year, the brightest and safest interior items should get into the room for the child.

You can insert small candles into them, creating beautiful decorations. It is enough to put inside the lamp aroma candles and fill the whole room holiday fragrance! However, when decorating a room for a child, instead of a candle, it is better to use LEDs for decoration.

glowing balls

Luminous cotton balls are the latest fashion statement and… a beautiful decoration for the holiday. Balloons are perfect for a child's room., illuminate it with a gentle and soft light. The kid may not want to part with them after the New Year. Here is another idea on how to decorate a room for the new year, especially a nursery.

Festive table for New Year's party

White dishes are synonymous with elegance. Many stylists recommend decorating the entire festive table in this color, complementing the service with white candlesticks, candles or a wreath.

When preparing the decorations for the festive table, you should not lose sight of the rustic style, especially if you plan to celebrate the New Year outside the city. Fur skins in combination with wood can act as decoration!

You can use wooden boards as a coaster, or use a raw piece of wood to write your menu on. In the central part of the table, create your own composition made of wood with a few shiny additions. In this role, copper cutlery is ideal, as well as dishes decorated in a similar color scheme.

In order for guests to feel the unique atmosphere, it is worth preparing original vignettes for them and laying them out on plates, between branches or attaching them to a glass. The main thing in a festive arrangement is to create a good, friendly mood. Copper additives will provide a warm, cozy atmosphere in any apartment!

In the decorations of the festive table, you can use forest cones And fir branches and replace paper napkins with cotton ones.

Black and white, as well as red and white, are timeless duets. These colors are great for Christmas styling. If you want to create extraordinary holiday decoration, modern, elegant and dignified will look like a black tablecloth complete with white dishes, a Christmas tree dressed up in black toys, preferably with a matte finish, and gifts wrapped in white and gold paper.

Champagne bottle decoration for the new year

Of course, if you decorate champagne for the new year with your own hands, all your guests will be delighted and the festive table will become much brighter. In order for decorating champagne bottles for the new year with your own hands not to be very difficult, there are a lot of ideas for decorating them, below step by step photo ideas which will be useful to you.

If you decide not to decorate a bottle of champagne for the new year with your own hands, then there are a lot of options for how you can decorate bottles of champagne for the new year, for example, these are ready-made Christmas bottle cases like in the photo:

How to decorate a room in a store, school and office for the new year 2019

Christmas is a magical period in which everyone wants to feel this special atmosphere, so you should take care of creating it not only in the apartment. Appropriate decoration of an office, shop or classroom will allow everyone in the environment to feel the magical aura.

How to decorate the office for the New Year is usually decided by the employees of this office, therefore, having gathered friendly team, do not interfere with each other to express their opinions and ideas.

Festive atmosphere in this case creates a Christmas tree. Therefore, the entire Internet is replete with options on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year and photo ideas on the eve of the holiday. For the new year, for decorating a Christmas tree, you can use it as natural materials, and simple plastic or glass toys. Christmas tree decoration 2019
must be adapted to the size of the room so as not to overwhelm the interior. A real, fragrant tree requires care, so buying an artificial one is recommended.

If you were instructed to decorate the office for the New Year with your own hands and the hands of employees, please note that color shades Christmas decorations and other decorations can be selected according to the company logo. In the decor of any official space, it is better to stick to minimalism. A heterogeneous group of snowflakes, snowmen, angels and rooster figurines will give the office a frivolous look.

It is necessary to strike a balance and maintain style. For example, a small faux Christmas tree and original high-tech or avant-garde souvenirs.

Employees will feel the fullness of the holiday when they drink their favorite coffee or tea from a cup with a festive theme. What they usually decorate the office for the new year, you can see in the photo below:

On the eve of the holiday, teachers begin to figure out how to decorate the classroom for the new year. Often you can also hear from schoolchildren we decorate the class at school for the new year - this is one of the best solutions, since children always have a lot of original and beautiful ideas.

Also in each preschool need to decorate the group in kindergarten new year. Most garlands and coniferous wreaths will become common decorations for a class at school and a group in kindergarten, which are great for use in small offices due to the fact that they can be hung almost anywhere. This is how the decoration of a class and a group in a kindergarten for the new year might look like, photo:

So, what do-it-yourself store decorations for the new year are the most affordable and simple, but also beautiful and original?

The simplest will be all kinds of garlands, both luminous and simply beautiful balls and pompoms. Do not forget to decorate the windows, see below for ideas on how to decorate them.

If the space of your store allows, you can put up a small Christmas tree and decorate it, and do not neglect the balls and decorations. front door to your store. Here are a few more ideas on how to decorate the store for the new year, photos:

How to decorate windows for Christmas

Before you start decorating a window for the New Year, you need to decide on a style so that it matches the rest of the room. If ideas for a house for the new year do not fit into your head, then we will help you.

If the living room is decorated in a classic style, they will look more appropriate traditional decorations . There are snowmen, Christmas trees or angels on the windowsills. Glasses are decorated with winter landscapes, made, for example, with artificial snow. Drawings or accessories in white, silver or gold tones will bring light and warmth into the house.

Fashionable additions are also pearl jewelry, they can be hung on a Christmas tree, but they will look no less beautiful attached to curtains or placed on a windowsill.

Windows can be decorated pine wreaths, garlands of feathers, nuts and pearls. Festive mood will create stickers or stencils with Santa Claus, angels and carved snowflakes. To decorate windows, you can use artificial snow in the form of a spray or special easy-to-clean paints.

How to choose a Christmas tree and how to decorate it according to Feng Shui, video:

Preparing and decorating your home for the holidays is a way to create warm, pleasant moments or to take you back to your childhood days. Their effects will please the eye and give the interior a unique atmosphere.

Of course, these are not all ideas for decorating a house for the new year 2019, however, we have collected for you today in this article the most beautiful and original variants decorating the premises for the holiday. We wish you happy holidays and happy new year!

Beautiful photo ideas for decorating a room for the New Year 2019

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