Collective artistic creativity in kindergarten. Collective work in kindergarten from paper “Birds. We work and create masterpieces in a friendly "team of like-minded people"

Erokhova Olga Gennadievna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU d / s "Spark"
Locality: Novosibirsk region Linevo
Material name: article
Subject:"Collective visual activity is an effective means of developing communication among preschoolers"
Publication date: 30.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Topic: "Collective graphic activity

- an effective means of communication development

in preschoolers"

The relevance of the topic is undeniable, since we all know that it is preschool age

extremely favorable for mastering communicative qualities. From how they turn out

the relationship of the child in the first team in his life - the kindergarten group - largely depends

the subsequent path of his personal and social development, and hence his future fate.

In the conditions of modern life, where children are often left to their own devices and are "educated"

computer and TV communication skills of preschool children are on

low level of development. In shaping the personality of a child, various





collective creative activity. Bringing children together to do tasks together

allows them to develop strong ways of cooperation, ideas about the features of work in

team. Such classes create conditions for the communicative development of children in this key

for the formation of personality period.















to mutual assistance, creates the ground for the manifestation and formation of socially valuable motives. More often

In total, children perform the image individually, each with their own drawing, modeling, appliqué. But

children are particularly pleased with the creation of common pictures, compositions, where the





more significant in terms of results for children, cause them admiration, truly, as in the poem by V.

Mayakovsky: "What one does not do, we will do together."

The collective visual activity of children, like other types of children's art

creativity, should be closely related to the game. The use of game methods and techniques on such

z a n i t i i x

o u t









work of preschoolers in the process of visual, decorative or design activities

there may be many. They are born as a result of the joint creativity of the educator and children. IN




on one's own



exercise collective control and self-control, strive for concerted action, they





creative tasks, collective initiative and competition are born.

However, with all the importance of using collective forms of work in their







organized too often, it loses the element of novelty and attraction for children, besides

the process of assimilation of new knowledge and skills by preschoolers is hampered.

In characterizing collective activity, I would like to draw attention to its






design of the group, used as a decoration for games-dramatizations on artistic

works, serve as a decoration for the hall for holidays, leisure or entertainment. In this case

artistic creativity acquires a socially useful direction, which has





associations of children in groups are caused by the desire to overcome the discrepancy between the frontal

the work of the educator with the team and the implementation of an individual approach to each child.





certain visual skills. In the process of collective work, the teacher

solves a large number of problems of moral education.






groups. There are several forms of such activities. The first is the simplest when the child

performs its image, and then everything created by the children is combined into a common composition.

For example, everyone cuts and glues some object, and from these images a

painting: "Birds on a Branch", "Chickens Walk on the Grass", "City Street", etc. Or each child

draws autumn trees. The drawings connected together make up the overall composition: “Autumn

forest ", etc. Such general pictures make a vivid impression on children, literally fascinate

children, make them want to work.

To create common compositions, pupils can be combined into several subgroups,

each of which prepares its own part of the overall composition. For example, one subgroup is

pattern for the middle of the carpet, the other - develops the decoration of the field, the third - prepares parts of the pattern for

borders, corners. Children of different age groups can take part in the creation of such a composition, and

there is something for everyone, which is especially important in the summer. The teacher needs

be able to distribute the work of creating images between children so that everyone has

it is interesting that the child is able to create his own part in the overall composition and that he can

to show himself in the best way, could achieve a high result.

There may be another classification of the forms of organizing the collective work of children. A. I. Savenkov,

after conducting a study with children of older preschool age, he proposed such a classification,






activities of children from joint-individual to more complex joint-sequential and,

finally, co-interacting. The interaction of children can be carried out in pairs, in


(3-5 people)








conveyor principle.

Depending on the levels of formation of skills of collective activity in children of different

age, the educator chooses the form of organization of collective work:

1. Joint-individual.

2. Joint-sequential.

3. Jointly interacting.

Collective work can be different not only in the form of organization of work, but also in the types

which can be defined by thematic criterion:

Production of art panels and layouts;

Making gift posters;

Making attributes for joint games;

Illustrating fairy tales and stories;

Artistic design of exhibitions;

Production of costumes, theatrical scenery.

How exactly should collective activities be organized with children? First of all, one should

emphasize that the choice of one or another form of organization of collective activity depends on

the age of the children, the theme of the depicted picture, the number of children in the group, whether the creation

images at group-wide educational activities or in their free time, in







images will increase with the age of children. Teamwork can be done in

direct organized educational activities with the teacher, and in the morning and

evening hours.

There are 3 stages in the organization of work:

Preparatory. Tasks: deepening knowledge on the topic of future work, the formation of bright

artistic images.

The main one is getting the job done. Tasks: to provide children with the opportunity to embody in compositions

images of the surrounding reality, creating conditions for the creative interaction of children.

Final. This is the period of interaction of children with completed work.

If in the younger groups the creation of collective work, first of all, enables the baby

to see how his personal creativity complements the creativity of other children, turning into a whole

colorful image, then in older groups, when performing collective work, children learn

agree among themselves on joint work and its content. Do one thing together

yield and help each other, plan work, rejoice in the success of comrades.

Any teamwork must have a purpose. The teacher leads the children to

to make a picture or craft together, which would be difficult to do alone. During





at the initial stage of such work, children communicate mainly with the teacher, then a little later

communication begins with each other. Gradually, under the guidance of an adult, children plan,

agree, ask, prompt, empathize. The task of the educator is to teach children how to

negotiate, yield to each other, appreciate the help of a comrade.

Collective work can be carried out in any age group, in any type of





applications, more difficult - in drawing. Forms of organization depend on age and communicative

children's skills.

In the younger groups, the children complete the task each on their own sheet, and at the end of the lesson all the work

combined into one or two common compositions. From the very beginning, children should know what they have

get the overall composition.

From the middle group, it is possible to complete the task on one sheet. Children stand in front of tables

which are long sheets. Everyone determines their place - puts their hands on paper


the same

complete the drawing with details as desired. There may be such an option: each child performs

an image on a sheet of the same color as the general background of the composition, after completing the task,

small leaves are pasted on a common sheet that combines all the work. This option

can be used in younger groups.

In older groups, after preparing the general background, divide the sheet into parts and after

complete the task to connect all the parts in the same order.

Already in the younger group, children can complete the task on one sheet, creating two identical




cuts out

glues the object, and then sticks it on a common sheet.

Collective work is created with children of older preschool age in a drawing or application

inspired by folk art. This activity can be organized in different ways. For example,

each child draws a pattern on a strip or square. When the pattern is finished, all

drawings are combined into a common decorative composition on a large sheet prepared in advance

paper. The pattern in the middle of the panel can be drawn by children who most successfully master drawing.

A decorative composition can be prepared in the style of some kind of folk art:

gorodets, Pavlovian shawls, and in the preparatory group such a composition can be offered





use folk art of the locality in which children live in work with children. work on






on a large sheet determines the composition of the future pattern: the middle, borders, corners. At the same time, it is necessary

actively involve children in thinking, discussing the content of the product, inviting them to show

where and how the pattern will be placed, discuss color and decorative components. Then all together





sequentially (according to the type of conveyor): first, a pattern is drawn in the middle, then in the corners and border.

This pattern can be done by 2 to 4 children. For this, it is more convenient to place the sheet on the table, to which

can be approached from different directions. Then a pattern is drawn in the corners, and the border is also formed.

Very interesting and useful for children are classes in which, in order to create a common

compositions children unite in twos. Such associations make business communication necessary.

children with each other, are taught to negotiate with their partner. So, for example, you can suggest

children decorate a pair of mittens, boots. For such work, children unite in twos and better, so that

they themselves decided with whom they would work in pairs. After all, the guys need to decorate paired items

identical, and for this you need to be able to work not just together, side by side, but to agree on what will be

pattern by composition, by the composition of decorative elements, by color, and this is not so simple. And the teacher

should help children, teach them to negotiate, to yield to each other.

In modeling, children can perform the characters of the composition. But here, it is very important to agree who

who will be sculpted, be able to correlate the size of the figures, determine the additions that will make

overall composition.

Collective work can be done in one or more classes. Wherein

it is important that each lesson has the appearance of completion of a certain stage. Many collective

paintings can be created over several sessions, or the main content is decided on



get rich


be supplemented.




expressive. Not all children can take part in the final revision of the composition, but those

that express desire. However, it is advisable to discuss further work on the composition.

with everyone.

Interesting for the pupils are also such forms of creating collective compositions, in

which educators work with the children, the latter perform that part of the work that is not

within the power of the children. So, for example, a teacher, inviting children to create a composition “Birds on a branch”,

cuts and pastes the image of a tree in advance and brings it to class, while children are invited

cut and paste birds. It would be better if the children took part, even if passively, in

preparing such an image.

At the same time, in this type of work, both adults and children are united by one goal, are interested in

the general result, the discussion of the forthcoming work, its course, is carried out more naturally, all together


trying on




carried out more freely, at the same time, children have the opportunity to see how the

educator, to study without direct instructions from the teacher, often fettering children, depriving them

autonomy and the opportunity to express your opinion.

In a collective form of organization of work, details of costumes, scenery,

attributes for dramatization games based on literary works. collective pictorial

children's activities can be organically linked with all aspects of children's lives, and especially with

artistic and creative



artistic, communicative).


Trunova M. Collective work in the classroom for creative activities // Preschool education. – 2005.

Analyzing the actions of children in kindergarten and on the streets of the city, one can see that they strive to satisfy, first of all, their needs, desires, interests, regardless of the aspirations of the people around them, and sometimes not even knowing about them.

I don't want to see children being selfish!

It is in kindergarten that a child must learn to live among people. And teamwork will unite children.

Goals of group lessons:

To form the skills and abilities to work together, build communication, develop the habit of mutual assistance, create the ground for the manifestation and formation of socially valuable motives;

Develop creativity, fantasy, imagination;

Help the child to show their artistic abilities in various types of visual and applied activities.

Main goals:

To develop an aesthetic perception of the world, nature, artistic creativity of adults and children;

To develop the imagination of children, supporting the manifestations of their imagination, courage in presenting their own ideas;

Involve children in working with a variety of materials;

Learn to create teamwork.

Collective classes - in the preparatory group, I propose to conduct in the afternoon, when they have already rested and are full of new strength and desire to communicate with each other again. The duration of the lesson is 25-30 minutes, in accordance with the program.

In the process of performing collective work, the moral and aesthetic education of children is carried out, the following skills are developed:

Work together, yield to each other, help, suggest;

Agree on joint work, its content;

Plan your work, determine its sequence, content, composition, additions;

Rejoice in the success of your own and your comrades in creating work.

Summing up the work done, we discuss creative work with children. This helps the child to see the world not only from their own point of view, but also from the point of view of other people, to accept and understand the interests of another person.

Collective work in kindergarten is the result of the joint work of children and adults. Each work serves as visual information for parents and interior decoration. Our works constantly delight both children and parents at the exhibition near the group and in the locker room. Each of the children proudly shows both their part of the work with a detailed description of the process of creating one or another part, and parts of the work that were done by friends from the group. I believe that this type of work is the motivation for children's creativity, because after the completion of the work, the guys continue to stay at the tables, unite in groups and do work on their own topic.

Very simple group work for children from paper. We saw her at the fox festival in the cultural center "Moskvorechye". I liked the work for its simplicity and the minimum necessary equipment. Recently, we often travel to various festivals and observe various master classes. Children and adults really like to draw: you can draw on gingerbread, on various three-dimensional figures, on paper. It seems to us that children in kindergarten will also like such collective work.

Materials and equipment for teamwork in kindergarten from paper.

  1. White paper with printed outlines of birds
  2. Colored pencils, felt-tip pens (you can paint)
  3. Scissors
  4. Fabric or paper for hanging the figurines
  5. Pins or glue stick for attaching work.

Stages of teamwork in kindergarten from paper "Birds"

We give each child paper with a printed outline of a bird.

Variants of drawings for collective work in the kindergarten "Birds".

Children color the drawing.

Cut out the resulting bird along the contour.

We attach the finished work to the general background. The background can be fabric or paper.

By the same principle, other collective works can be done.

Variants of drawings for teamwork in kindergarten from paper "Butterflies"

The development in children of the ability to work creatively in a team is one of the most important tasks of modern education. The dynamism of the world in which we live makes creativity not a luxury available and required from the elite, but an everyday necessity for every person. A high level of development of creative abilities in our time is increasingly seen as a necessary condition for survival in an ever-changing environment. The ability to work creatively in a team is especially significant for a modern person.

The relevance of the formation of a creative personality is caused by a certain social order of society, characteristic of this period, by the internal need of the individual, taking into account her security in life. Collective creative activity is recognized as one of the effective technologies of education.

Creative collective activity is considered as a constructive creative activity, when a child, trained to act creatively in one area of ​​activity, spreads it to another area of ​​activity.
Creative collective activity implies one of the most important areas of developmental learning - the formation and development of creativity in the regular activities of children.


On the way to the formation of a collectivist orientation in a preschooler, a number of successive steps will have to be taken: from forming a child's focus on peers (at the first stage) to creating a sense of self-importance for them (at the second stage) and consolidating the child's sense of his significance to obtain a general result with support each by all (on the third).

In the process of performing collective work, moral and aesthetic education of children is carried out, the following skills are developed:

Work together, yield to each other, help, suggest;

- agree on joint work, its content;

Plan your work, determine its sequencebody, content, composition, additions;

Rejoice in the success of your own and your comrades in creating work.

In the classes on drawing, modeling and appliqué in the older group, preschoolers learn the skills of joint activities. They learn to agree on the content of collective work, discuss techniques and compositional solutions, and provide assistance to those who need it.
Before the start of the lesson, the teacher must clearly plan the stages of work, think about how to place materials and equipment. When distributing tasks, take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his interests, level of skills and abilities.

Conversations, viewing illustrations and reproductions at the preparatory stage will expand children's knowledge on the topic, form vivid images in them and the desire to embody them in a drawing or application. When discussing future work, it is important to emphasize the need for joint efforts to achieve the best result and the impossibility of realizing a large-scale idea without the help of other children.
During the lesson, the main task of the teacher is to create conditions for the creative interaction of children, for the formation of skills to jointly solve artistic and technical problems. A trusting atmosphere in the process of work (when discussing design details, choosing a place to place them), the desire to help a friend and the ability to accept this help - all this brings children together and affects the quality of work.
At the final stage of the lesson, the teacher should not only discuss the results of the children's activities, but also note that none of them individually could have made such a big interesting composition. This will help preschoolers feel the benefits of joint activities, create a positive emotional mood for performing similar work in the future.

An example from the experience of pedagogical work. Drawing on the representation of "Planets and Rockets" (creation of a collective composition).

Target: to make a colorful composition to decorate the interior of the group for the 50th anniversary of Yu.A. Gagarin.

preliminary work: in a joint conversation with the teacher, the children shared what they know about space. The teacher in an accessible form told the children about space and astronauts, accompanying the story with colorful photographs, recordings of songs about astronauts.

In the group, teachers organized an exhibition of children's books: "The expanses of the starry sky."

The children looked at the illustrations together and discussed them.

We learned the mobile game "Journey to the Stars".

In the game "Rocket Launch" they trained in the reverse count, compared the numbers standing side by side in the number series 1-10.

The collective work on the creation of the composition "Planets and Rockets" was organized during two of the following days.


The teacher shows the children the basis for the future composition - a large black sheet of paper, reads lines from a poem by V.P. Lepilov "Space Tale":

Painted space black

Because there is no atmosphere

There is no night, no day.

There is no earthly blueness here ...

Now there is nothing on this big black sheet. But soon there will be stars, planets, comets, spaceships. And we will do all this with you - we will create our own “small space”. Think about what kind of space objects you would like to draw. Share with each other about this, what colors will you use in the drawing.

Children agree among themselves about who will draw what: stars, planets or other space objects.

The guys embody their plans in the drawing on separate sheets.

Finished drawings are saved until the next day.

The next day, when a drawing or appliqué lesson is scheduled, the teacher exposes the children's drawings and asks how they can put the painted rockets, stars, planets and comets on a large black sheet.

Children answer that drawings can be cut and pasted.

Guys who are good at carving help those who are not very good at it.

From the cut out drawings, a composition is compiled and pasted onto a large black sheet.

A "scatter" of stars can be drawn with the tip of a thin brush with white gouache.

The finished composition is posted in the group for general review and discussion. (See Appendix 7)

A teacher or a trained child reads lines from L. Aleinikova's poem "Rocket and salute":

I took more wonderful colors,

And with a cheerful brush, with a song

Wonderfully painted everything -

Created a holiday!

A rocket exploded into the sky

From it flies a sheaf of light, -

The stars joyfully scurry,

Fireworks are being fired.

The event ends with the recording of songs about astronauts.

How exactly should collective classes (lessons) be organized? This question is often asked by educators.

First of all, about the time of their holding. Work can be carried out both in the classroom (in kindergarten), and in the classroom (at school), as well as in their free time and in an extended day group. If the composition that the children have to create is multi-subject, multi-faceted, 2-3 classes or lessons can be devoted to working on it.

To create common compositions, children can be combined into several subgroups, each of which prepares its own part of the overall composition. For example, one subgroup composes (in drawing or appliqué) a pattern for the middle of the carpet, another - develops the decoration of the field, the third - prepares parts of the pattern for the border, corners. In another lesson, children create a picture of a corner of nature in kindergarten. At the same time, it is also possible to organize work in subgroups: one group cuts and sticks plants, the other prepares the inhabitants of cages, an aquarium, another group can cut pebbles for an aquarium, cages, twigs for birds and other items necessary for a corner. Then all the parts are combined into a common composition. Children of different age groups can take part in the creation of such a composition, and everyone can find a job according to their strength. The teacher needs to be able to distribute the work of creating images between children so that everyone is interested, so that the child is able to create his own part in the overall composition and so that he can prove himself, using his abilities in the best possible way, and achieve a high result.

The choice of one form or another of organizing a collective lesson depends on the age of the children, the theme of the depicted picture, the number of children in the group, whether the image is created in a group lesson or in their free time, in the process of independent artistic activity of children.

So, for example, you can conduct a lesson in drawing a collective picture "Forest"(this topic is acceptable for creating a collective composition by children of all age groups of kindergarten and elementary school students). Of course, the complexity of the content and individual images will increase with the age of the children. A sheet of paper is selected for the picture, the color of which depends on what time of the year the forest is depicted (for a winter landscape, a white or blue sheet can be used, for spring - light green, light yellow or light blue, for autumn, light is more suitable yellow, golden ocher, light orange, etc.).

Of course, the creation of an image must be preceded by a lot of work to accumulate and enrich the accumulated experience, to clarify the ideas of children. This will be facilitated by acquaintance with the fine arts, organization of targeted walks and excursions, observations, reading works of fiction.

The performance of a collective composition on the theme "Forest" can be organized as follows: a large sheet of paper is attached to a board or easel at a height convenient for children to draw. Two or three children can draw at the same time. The rest sit in front of the board in a semicircle (such an organization is advisable when there are few children in the group, otherwise the creation of the composition will be delayed in time and the children will languish waiting for their turn to go to the board). You can use two sheets to create two compositions. In this case, the children are divided into two subgroups and each creates its own picture. Both pictures can then be combined.

The organization may be different. A long sheet of paper is placed on tables arranged in a long row (or two, depending on the number of children present) (you can use the reverse side of the wallpaper). Children sit or stand to perform the composition. Each child draws as many trees and other forest objects as they want. When the picture is finished, the children step back a step or two from the tables, so that everyone can better see what everyone has drawn and everyone can admire the picture together. If one of the children expresses a desire to supplement the plot with the image of the sun, clouds or falling snow, raining, forest dwellers, they must be given this opportunity. If the time of the lesson (class) does not allow, this can be done in an extended day group, in free activity. We have already said that a collective composition on this topic can be offered to children of any age group. The content depicted will depend on the age characteristics of the children. It is good to hang the finished picture in the group room, in the dressing room, in the lobby, in the hall of the kindergarten, so that you can admire your work again and again and so that other children, parents, employees of the institution can consider it.

The finished composition can be used as a decoration for dramatization games based on fairy tales, in which the action takes place in the forest. It can serve as a decoration for the hall for a winter holiday, an evening of leisure. In a similar way, compositions on other topics (“Blossoming Garden”, “Underwater Kingdom”, etc.) can be made, which can also be used in the lives of children, in their games.

Approximately the same way, a lesson in drawing, application of a picture of a flowering meadow (rivers where boats float, children swim, etc.) can be organized. It is very good to choose the color of the paper and discuss the whole composition with the children. In general, by consulting with children, the teacher contributes to the development of their activity, creative independence. With such guidance, children learn to collectively discuss the upcoming creative activity, plan it, distribute efforts among all participants, understand everyone's participation in the overall composition, and learn to listen to the opinions of others. Gradually, the children “cover” the meadow with flowers. A round sheet of paper is suitable for a flower bed. Thus, before the eyes of children, their joint efforts create a bright picture that evokes an aesthetic sense of joy. A collective composition on the theme "Flowers" can also be made as "Basket of Flowers", "Bouquet in a Vase", "Garland of Flowers", etc. Basket or vase can be cut in advance.

In the middle group (as well as in the senior and preparatory) in a collective lesson, children can depict the "Jolly Train", "Blue Arrow" (according to the tale of J. Rodari) in the application. The train is made up of wagons created in the process of individual work by each child. The color scheme of each composition depends on the image that the children create, and this should be discussed with them.

With children of the older group, a decorative composition based on folk art can be created in a drawing, appliqué. You can organize this activity in different ways. For example, each child draws a pattern on a strip or a square (the distribution of paper blanks on which the pattern will be created can be done by the teacher, taking into account the level of children's mastery of visual activity, or offered to children to choose from). When the patterning is over, all the drawings are combined into a common decorative composition on a large sheet of paper prepared in advance. The pattern in the middle of the panel can be drawn by children who most successfully master drawing. A decorative composition can be prepared in the style of some kind of folk art: gorodets, Pavlovian shawls, and in the preparatory group, such a composition can be offered to children in the style of Zhostovo trays, Khokhloma and other paintings. It is necessary to make wider use in work with children of the folk art of the locality in which the children live. In general, the local component of folk art should become the basis of work both at school and in kindergarten.

The work on the decorative composition can be organized in a different way. Together with the children, the teacher determines the composition of the future pattern on a large sheet: the middle, borders, corners. At the same time, it is necessary to actively involve children in thinking, discussing the content of the product, inviting them to show where and how the pattern will be placed, to discuss color and decorative components. Then everyone consults together who will draw the pattern in the center, in the corners, along the edges. The composition is created sequentially (according to the conveyor type): first, a pattern is drawn in the middle, and then in the corners and border. This pattern can be done by two, three or four children. To do this, it is more convenient to place the sheet on a table that can be approached from different sides. Then a pattern is drawn in the corners, and the border is also formed.

О Collective decorative composition can be more complex: "Fairytale house"- children create ornamental compositions that decorate the facade of the house: a wall, a window, a pediment, etc. Based on the Dymkovo toy or Gorodets painting, a composition can be created on the theme: “Merry carousel”, “Merry round dance”. To create them, the teacher prepares silhouettes of Dymkovo toys from white paper or from ocher paper (you can use a different color, in accordance with the background used in Gorodets products), which the children then paint. Children of different age groups can participate in this activity. When the painting is done, the children, together with the teachers, make a carousel, round dance, etc.

Very interesting and useful for children are classes in which children come together in twos to create a common composition. Such associations make it necessary for children to have business communication with each other, they teach them to negotiate with their partner. So, for example, you can invite children to decorate a pair of mittens, a boot. For such work, children are united in pairs and it is better that they decide for themselves with whom they will work in pairs. After all, children need to decorate paired items identically, and for this they need to be able to work not just together, side by side, but to agree on what the pattern will be in terms of composition, composition of decorative elements, color, and this is not so simple. And the teacher should help the children, teach them to negotiate, to yield to each other. In this case, a greater effect can be achieved not by direct instructions, but by a strong-willed decision based on the authority of an adult, such as: “Alyosha came up with an interesting pattern for mittens, draw the way he does.” And invite each of the participants to sketch their own pattern for mittens, and then agree which one will decorate the border at the bottom of the mitten, which one will decorate the middle of the outer side, and which one will decorate the upper part where the fingers “hide”.

Decorative compositions can also be performed in the application. Work can be done in class and outside of class.

We observed an interesting collective activity in the city of Kineshma, Tver Region. The local artist, who often visits the children, presented them with dolls made by her. And at the lesson, the children decided to make a fabulous house for them. The teacher, together with the children (the older group), prepared sticks of thick paper with holes cut in the upper and lower sides of the bar. Children painted one side of the bar (brick). And the bricks painted with a pattern were strung on a prefabricated structure. Before the eyes of the children, a decoratively painted wall of a fabulous house appeared, which ends with a previously painted pediment and roof (the pediment can be painted by the teacher together with the children in their free time).

Q Let's describe another group lesson held in the senior group of children's institution No. 371 in Moscow. The theme of the collective application - "Circus". The session was held in the hall. Children enter the hall to the sounds of the famous song “Circus*. After the children have passed through the hall and stopped, the teacher talks to them about the circus. He asks if they were in the circus (all the children went to the circus, and some more than once). “Is it true,” the teacher asked, “that you can meet real wild animals in the circus?” * The children vied with each other to name the animals they saw in the circus (bear, tiger, lions, panthers, etc.). “But what are they doing there?” - the teacher is surprised. Children tell how animals perform, dance, jump into burning hoops, etc. The teacher asks who teaches the animals all this. The children answer. Then the teacher invites the children to make a circus: “Imagine,” the teacher says, “that a kind wizard came to us and turned our hall into a circus. Look, the circus arena is already ready *. Shows a large sheet of paper on which a large green circle is drawn or pasted - the arena. "Let's help the good wizard and slaughter various wild animals." The children happily agree. They are invited to sit at tables where everything is prepared for cutting and gluing different animals. The arena sheet is laid out on another table, where everything is also prepared for gluing. The children start to work. The teacher approaches the children, discusses with everyone who cuts out what. Pictures depicting various wild animals are attached to the easel, if children have difficulties requiring clarification of their ideas about how this or that animal looks, then they approach the easel and look at the illustrations. As the images are ready, the children come to the table where the arena is located and lay out the animals they have carved. The teacher comes to this table, together with the children, he advises how best to arrange the depicted animals. Finally the picture is ready. Children rejoice with the teacher. At this time, music sounds again, a cheerful clown runs into the hall. He invites the children to dance. Everyone dances happily.

Children of the senior preparatory group and primary classes can create decorative compositions based on various types of folk arts and crafts, as well as in a free manner, using elements of floral or geometric ornament.

Topics of such classes: "City of Masters", "Dymkovsky round dance", "Fairy-tale animals", "Fairy-tale birds" and others.

Many collective paintings can be created over the course of several lessons, or the main content is decided in class, and then in their free time in the extended day group, the composition can be enriched, expanded, and supplemented. Gradually, the picture becomes more complete, meaningful, interesting, expressive. Not all children can take part in the final revision of the composition, but those who express a desire. However, it is advisable to discuss further work on the composition with everyone. We noticed that children like this form of organization of work, and they get aesthetic pleasure, considering the finished composition, which should also involve all children.

Children should be told about the forthcoming collective work and taught to discuss, decide, and act together. In fact, almost every topic offered to children for image can become the content of collective work: “Fish in an aquarium”, “Tumblers are walking”, “Carts go along the road and carry various loads” and others, as mentioned above. Thinking through the themes of collective compositions, the teacher should proceed from the interests and capabilities of the children. Formalism and templates should be avoided. It is important that the teacher's proposal to perform collective work evokes a positive emotional response in children. And this is possible only when the topic is close to the children, connected with their lives, with a variety of children's games, when the topic corresponds to children's impressions.

If children of different ages are brought up in a group, groups of different ages are useful. The methodology of such classes was developed by the candidate of pedagogical sciences T.N. Doronova and candidate of psychological sciences S.G. Jacobson. By jointly performing drawing, modeling, appliqué, kids learn from their elders, older children learn to be patient with the inability of the younger, to explain how best to do the job. It is only important to pay attention to the fact that the elders do not deprive the younger ones of independence, do not take on the most interesting part of the task, etc. It is interesting to note that the pairing of children to create a common composition is widely used in visual activity work with children in Japanese kindergartens. The topics of such classes and forms of organization can be varied. So, children can create a drawing on one topic: for example, "Forest glade in summer", "Butterflies fly over the meadow" and many others. Children, having agreed on a common composition, draw or cut and paste each on their own half of the sheet, it is possible on separate sheets, comparing the progress of work and the solution of the composition, the color of the picture, etc. Here, each child works, as it were, separately. One child can depict some trees and flowers, the other - others; one can draw forest animals, and the other can draw flying butterflies, bees, etc. If the children agreed on a common compositional decision, on the materials in which the image will be executed, the overall composition will not only not suffer, but will become even richer and more interesting.

In another case, the content of the images of two children may be almost identical. For example, when creating a picture in the application on the topic: “Bears are doing exercises”, or “Bears are playing”, or “Clowns perform in the circus”, etc., each child cuts out and pastes his bear, clown, and then those objects which they hold in their hands or which they play.

Children are also interested in such forms of creating collective compositions in which adults work together with children, the latter perform that part of the collective work that children cannot afford (in fact, educators often do this, but separately, without the presence of children, and the children do not see how the teacher works. So, for example, a teacher, inviting children to create a composition? Birds on a branch (tree) ”, cuts out and pastes the image of a tree in advance and brings it to class, but the children have to cut and paste the birds. It would be better if the children took part, even passively, in the preparation of such an image. At the same time, in this type of work, both adults and children are united by one goal, are interested in the overall result, children have the opportunity to communicate more directly with the teacher, it is more natural discussion of the upcoming work, its progress, all together consult, try on, see how it will turn out better. The interaction between children and the teacher is carried out more freely, at the same time, children have the opportunity to see how the educator acts and learn without direct instructions from the teacher, which often constrain children, depriving them of their independence, the opportunity to express their opinion.

In the collective form of organizing work, costume details, scenery, attributes for dramatization games based on literary works can be prepared: “Teremok”, “Cat, Rooster, Fox”, “Geese-Swans” and others.

An interesting form of collective image can be a panorama. This type of image allows you to combine children of different groups: preschoolers, younger students. At the same time, the panorama, which is a multifaceted and multi-figured composition, is created in several classes, lessons. Each group of children can work on the image at different times: so first graders or older preschoolers can draw a landscape on a long sheet of paper during a drawing lesson (its theme may be different, which is determined by the general theme of the panorama). The landscape will be (vertically positioned) the foreground and background of the panorama. Then plans are made. Images of these plans are located on a horizontal strip, the width of which can be different. This part of the landscape can be a forest edge, a clearing, part of a square, a city street, etc. According to the content, it is painted, and then images are placed on it, the content of which is determined by the intended composition. To convey the landscape (hills, hillocks, bumps, etc.), you can use the papier-mâché technique. Images of the foregrounds can be voluminous, their children already in other classes or groups of kindergarten create from clay, plasticine. They can be made of paper (flat or origami). In this way, panoramas can be created according to the content of different fairy tales. And they can be used to show a theatrical performance, to tell stories to children. A panorama created together with other children will allow children to imagine what is happening more vividly, to experience the plot more deeply, and to remember it better.

The theme of the panorama can be not only fairy tales, but also other literary works, the life of children, for example, winter fun, events taking place in the world (sports competitions, holidays, people's recreation, spaceport, etc.).

What themes of collective compositions can be used in working with children of different age groups?

It is far from always possible to clearly distribute topics and attribute them to a specific age group of children. Many topics can be solved by children of different ages, both younger and older. The difference will be in the complexity of developing the theme: the content of the images, their composition, color scheme, image detailing, etc. Such topics include, for example, landscapes: "Forest" - at different times of the year, "Flowering meadow", "Birds on a branch" (or on a feeder) and others. Nevertheless, we will name some possible themes for collective compositions in relation to different age groups. Of course, the topics proposed by us should not be considered as mandatory, but as options. Each teacher can determine the topics of collective work for his group of children, based on the level of development of their visual activity, the world around children, their interests, and life experience.

Let's name the approximate themes of collective compositions for children of different age groups.

Topics for a group of children 3-4 years old:

  • ? Multi-colored balls (application, drawing).
  • ? Winter forest (drawing).
  • ? “Snow falls quietly on the trees, on the meadow” (drawing).
  • ? Tumblers are walking (sculpting, appliqué).
  • ? Leaves and flowers have blossomed on the tree (drawing, application. In this case, the image of the tree in front of the children is created by the teacher, and the children stick ready-made flowers, leaves).
  • ? Beautiful flowers have blossomed (application or drawing).
  • ? Chickens walk on the grass (sculpting, applique, drawing).
  • ? Let's decorate our group for the holiday of spring (balloons, flowers, flags).

When creating the last work, you can combine both drawing and appliqué. A similar lesson can be held for the New Year holiday. Together with the children, educators can create a New Year's panel. The teacher cuts out and pastes a large Christmas tree or Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. This part of the overall composition must be done in front of the children, so that the children are even passive participants in this activity of the teacher. And then the children can stick ready-made decorations on the Christmas tree, the costume of Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden, as well as balls, garlands of lights, beads, flags, etc.

Some of the topics of the activities proposed for toddlers can be used in working with children of the middle group, for example, decorating a group room for the holiday, but at the same time, children 4-5 years old can cut out some of the decorations themselves.

An approximate theme of collective work in the middle group may be as follows:

  • ? Autumn forest (drawing).
  • ? Autumn carpet (decorative composition can be made in appliqué. A similar kind of composition can be created based on spring motives).
  • ? Birds on the feeder (sculpting).
  • ? Birds on a branch (tree).
  • ? A fun carousel (based on Dymkovo toys. For this composition, the teacher prepares silhouettes of Dymkovo toys from white paper, and the children paint them. Then a carousel is designed).
  • ? Fairy tree (drawing, application).
  • ? Our aquarium (composition can be made in drawing or application).
  • ? Fairy-tale country (application: children decorate the houses they carved, cut out the details of the decoration, glue them and make a picture from the decorated houses on a large sheet of paper, protonated in accordance with the color of the fairy-tale country: sky, earth, grass, etc.).
  • ? Trolleys are driving along the street of a fairy-tale city and carrying various goods (application).
  • ? Beautiful flowers bloomed in the flower bed. For this picture, it is good to choose green paper in the shape of a circle. Flowers children can draw or cut and paste. In order to make it easier for children to solve the topic and contribute to the diversity of the image of flowers, it is advisable to put a large bouquet of flowers in the group, then each child will be able to diversify their impressions. If it is difficult to find a variety of flowers, you can use illustrations, reproductions from paintings by artists. A similar lesson can be held in the older group.

A literary work can serve as a motive for a collective composition. For example, poetic lines: "There are reeds on the pond, ruffs splashed there, an older circle, a younger circle, a circle - just kids" can become the theme of a general composition in which the image of dancing fish united in round dances will be conveyed.

Themes of collective compositions for children of the senior and preparatory groups and grades 1-2 of the school:

  • ? Showcase of a toy store. The composition can be done in appliqué and drawing.
  • ? Basket of flowers (flower vase, fruit vase) - application.
  • ? Our corner of nature (application).

All of these compositions can be performed with a joint-individual form of organization of children or with joint-successive activities.

Compositions can be plot:

  • ? Autumn park (magic garden).
  • ? On the rink (application or drawing).
  • ? At the zoo (application).
  • ? Funny train (application or drawing. First, children cut and paste the cars, and then draw passengers, which can be dolls, animals, etc.).
  • ? Winter fun (application).
  • ? Our town.
  • ? Fairy-tale kingdom (when creating this composition, all types of visual activity can be used: drawing, modeling, appliqué).

Of course, all the proposed topics are exemplary. Teachers, based on the specifics of the environment of the kindergarten, school (and a number of topics recommended for older preschoolers, as our experience shows, is of interest to younger students as well), can change both the theme of the collective compositions offered to children and the materials in which they will come true.

The wide inclusion of collective forms in the work on visual activity will make it interesting and attractive for children. And what is also important, these activities are very significant for the formation of the child's personality, his attitude to the world, people, art.

Collective children's compositions, as well as individual ones, should be closely connected with the life of children, the impressions they receive. But in comparison with individual drawings, modeling, applique, these works, due to their wide scale, multi-subject, must be involved in a diverse children's experience.