How to make a shelf from newspaper tubes. Furniture from newspapers: an unusual piece of furniture with your own hands

Deposits of old, read and no longer needed newspapers can be useful not only for cleaning or lighting a fire. If you wish, you can combine two useful activities at once: get rid of stacks of waste paper that collects dust and acquire new decor elements or even furniture.

To understand how one is related to the other, just look at the photo of weaving from newspaper tubes on the net.

The principle of weaving using newspapers

To turn old newspapers into a hot plate, basket or even a drawer, you need to turn newspaper sheets into narrow tubes that look like a vine from which wickerwork is made.

Due to the softness and plasticity, even a beginner can master the technique of weaving with newspaper tubes. And taking into account the strength of the material, especially if it is treated with special compounds, the result of the work will last a long time and with high quality.

Before proceeding with direct weaving, you will need to prepare the materials necessary for work and make blanks.

All components will include:

  • a stack of newspapers (the amount of material depends on the size of the planned product);
  • paper glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • knitting needle, about 2 mm thick;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • acrylic paint of the chosen shade.

The production of blanks refers to the transformation of newspaper sheets into tubes. A step-by-step instruction for such a manufacture includes several steps.

First, you need to cut the existing sheets lengthwise into strips 10 cm wide (using a ruler and scissors).

Secondly, the resulting strips are wound on a knitting needle in turn, moreover, the process starts from one corner of the paper to another diagonally. The extreme corner of the sheet is smeared with glue and fixed on the formed tube.

Do-it-yourself weaving from tubules

Ideas for weaving newspaper tubes can affect any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. In this manner, you can make an organizer for stationery, a jewelry box, a vase for sweets or a laundry box.

The only thing to avoid when using such material is the weaving of massive furniture. A light shelf with a strong frame can still withstand a little weight, but weaving, for example, chairs from newspaper tubes is an inappropriate process.

If we talk about the first product with our own hands, then it is better to dwell on simple decor items, which, in case of an error, can be easily corrected. Moreover, finding and viewing a detailed master class on weaving a vase or basket is much easier.

Newspaper basket

Weaving a basket from newspaper tubules for beginners is one of the simple but interesting activities. The main thing here is to stick to the system and follow the correct alternation of actions.

The beginning of work fully corresponds to the described process of procurement of materials. further algorithm of actions looks like:

On a sheet of cardboard, using a compass or suitable-sized dishes (jar, bowl, etc.), the diameter of the base of the basket is marked.

Two identical base circles are cut out of cardboard. On one of the cut out circles, along the edge of the circle, with a step of 1-2 cm, marks are made with a pencil.

The prepared tubes need to be flattened from one edge to a distance of 3-3.5 cm. Each tube with a flattened side is fixed with glue on a cardboard mug with marks (one tube per mark).

On top of the glued "sun" of the tubes, a second cardboard circle is applied, smeared with glue, and pressed tightly. When the glue is firmly set, each newspaper “vine” needs to be bent up at a right angle - you get a frame for a basket.

To prevent the tubes from falling apart, the frame can be fixed with an elastic band. The tube of the first layer is glued with a flattened end to the cardboard base inside the frame and is wound behind the nearest twig on the right so as to bypass it from the outside.

The next twig of the frame must be bypassed with a strip from the inside. Alternating in this way, the strip is carried out until the end of the strip. When one strip ends, the next tube is screwed into its end so that there are no gaps in the material.

In order for the product to have even sides, after completing the first row, it is better to put a jar or glass of the appropriate size inside the frame.

When the product reaches the planned height, the edge of the tube is cut off with a small margin, and the remaining tip is bent inward and glued. The protruding twigs of the frame are also cut off at the level of the edge.

The first and second tubes of the frame, to the right of the tip of the last strip, must be cut with a margin, bent inward and secured with glue.

The product is ready, it remains to cover it with acrylic paint. Moreover, it is important to pay more attention to the base, covering it with three layers, and the sides of the basket can be painted with one or two layers.

Photo of weaving from newspaper tubes

This is another idea on how to make quite something out of nothing. Well, among other things, such a shelf will be completely “green”. At first glance, it is too fragile and falls apart easily, but the second most exciting thing about this project is that our shelf is very difficult to cut even with scissors and is more than strong enough to become functional enough furniture.

To you will be required:
- about 60 newspaper sheets (take extra - with a margin).
- scissors,
- glue,
- cardboard 10x10 cm.

1. We fold newspaper sheets into tubes. Newspaper sheets need full-fledged - in a newspaper spread. Our newspapers are somewhat larger, but this is not a problem at all - it will only get stronger.

Start folding from the lower right corner and upwards - diagonally. In the middle of the diagonal length - by eye - drip a few drops of glue on the newspaper along the entire length of the tube, and then continue to fold the sheet in the same way until the very end. Seal the tip with glue as well, but now hold the corner securely in place with your finger until the glue dries. You have a long tube - already quite strong and tough in itself.

2. Make 60-70 of these tubes and don't worry - this is a fairly simple and quick process, and you can do this under your favorite movie. Do not forget that the horizontal part of the shelf can be strengthened by adding an additional row of tubes - in this case, just increase their number by a dozen.

3. Take 10-12 tubes from the resulting pile. Together they will become one vertical sidewall. Mark and cut them all to the same length at the top and bottom (in this case, the length was about 70 cm).

Fold the tubes evenly in a row, put another separate tube on one end of the row perpendicular to it, make notes with a pen. Repeat at the other end of the row. Or you can use a ruler, for example. Next, simply cut off the ends of the tubes according to the marks.

In the same way, cut all 70 tubules to the same length. Remember that the length of the horizontal part of the shelf can be made shorter so that it definitely does not sag closer to the middle.

4. Take 30 cut tubules, cut them exactly in half. Now you have about 30 long tubes and 60 short tubes in your hands.

5. Glue the tubes: take about 10 long tubes and apply glue to their sides. Then, on a rigid horizontal surface covered with some kind of protective layer (polyethylene, newspapers, etc.), lay the tubes evenly and close to each other, squeezing a little so that they stick together. In total, glue 2 rows of 10 long tubes (or 3 if you have a double horizontal part). Now you have free short tubes and 10-k long ones. Set the long ones aside.

6. Now take a dozen short tubes and apply glue to them from all sides, except for the top and bottom.

7. Take 1 finished row of glued long tubes and start gluing short tubes on one side. Put the first short tube in the recess between the first and second long ones, the second short one in the recess between the second and third long ones, etc. Press the short tubes lightly so that they stick well. Continue until you have glued the first row of short tubes to the end of the long ones.

8. Glue the second dozen short tubes with glue and glue them in the same way, only on the already glued short tubes. In total, lay out 3 levels with short tubes, while you use about 27-30 tubes. And you will get a volumetric protrusion of a trapezoidal shape.

9. Repeat with another row of glued long tubes and the rest of the short tubes.

10. Place one side of the shelf of long and short tubes with the base on cardboard and circle with a pen. Cut out the resulting trapezoid.

11. Apply glue to one side of the cardboard part - liberally. Position one side of the shelf so that the tops of the short tubes are facing you. Glue the piece to these tops. At the same time, the top of the trapezoid will crawl forward a little - that's right. Press down firmly with your hand and hold for 1-2 minutes until the adhesive sets. After that, you can put a weight on top. Repeat with the second sidewall. Let the glue dry completely.

12. Take the first of the remaining 10 long tubes. Apply glue to one of its ends. Put this tip in the middle of the pasted cardboard part of the right or left sidewall of the shelf. Press lightly and hold for 3-5 minutes. Proper fixation of parts here is extremely important for the strength of the entire shelf.

13. When the glue is completely dry, take 2 more long tubes and glue them on the sides of the first tube in exactly the same way.

14. Apply glue to the sides of these three tubes to stick the tubes together. Next, apply glue to all 3 free ends of the already glued tubes. Gently and evenly bring them together. Take the second finished side of the shelf and glue 3 of these ends to the center of the cardboard piece on the second side. Press firmly and hold for several minutes until the adhesive is completely dry.

15. As before, take one long tube and glue them onto the cardboard on the sides and to each other. Let the shelf dry thoroughly - leave it for at least an hour to be sure. Ready! You can fill the shelf, but load it gradually, carefully watching how much of its load it can withstand.

How to learn to weave from newspaper tubes? Schemes, techniques and master classes of weaving from newspaper tubes. The most beautiful crafts from newspaper tubes.

The talent and skills of some people are sometimes simply amazing. It would seem that what can be done from an ordinary newspaper? Well, cap, well, airplane, well, what else? An, no, there are such masters of their craft who manage to create from old newspapers not just a work of art, but a whole masterpiece.

Ideas for boxes, crafts, vases, baskets, boxes from newspaper tubes: photos of the most beautiful products

Just look at these wonderful crafts made from ordinary newspaper tubes. Their beauty is simply breathtaking!

Unusual vases from newspaper tubes

How to make, twist newspaper tubes from newspapers and paint?

We twist tubes from newspapers

For those needlewomen who take up the process of twisting newspaper tubes for the first time, this business may seem very difficult and almost impossible. But over time, having stuffed your hand, you can achieve pretty good results when the newspapers seem to fold themselves into tubes.

So, here is a list of materials needed for twisting newspaper tubes:

  • Newspapers
  • PVA glue or stationery glue stick
  • Knife, stationery knife or scissors (as you prefer)
  • Thin knitting needle 0.5-1 mm or skewer

Algorithm for twisting newspapers into tubes:

  • We take a newspaper or a stack of newspapers.
  • We fold all the pages in such a way that they lie clearly under each other.
  • Fold the newspaper in half.
  • Again, we make sure that the edges of the newspaper do not overlap each other.
  • Cut the folded newspaper in half.
  • The resulting halves of the newspaper are again folded in half.
  • We cut the halves of the newspapers along a new fold.
  • The resulting quarters of newspapers are sorted into two piles.
  • We put strips of newspaper with white edges in one pile - the tubes twisted from them will be pure white.
  • We put strips with letters in another pile - the tubes twisted from them will be printed.
  • We take one of the strips of the newspaper.
  • We put a knitting needle in its lower right corner.
  • The needle is placed at an angle of 25-30 degrees.
  • Holding the tip of the newspaper, we begin to twist the knitting needle, while winding the paper around it.
  • We try to roll up the newspaper as tightly as possible.
  • Having twisted almost the entire tube, coat its edge with glue and glue it to the tube.
  • We take out the needle.
  • We give the finished tube 15-20 minutes to dry.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the final version of the finished tube will have two ends of different thickness - on the one hand the tube will be thicker, and on the other thinner. Such a structure of the tubes is necessary in order to "build up" them. "Extension" is a procedure based on the creation of long tubes. It consists in the fact that the thinner end of the other tube is “screwed” and “pasted” into the thicker end of one tube. Thus, one long newspaper tube is obtained.

Instructions for twisting tubes from newspapers: Video

You can paint tubes from newspapers after the fact - when the product is completely ready. However, this option is only suitable for cases where the craft is done in one color. If the product is conceived in different colors, then it is advisable to paint over the tubes in advance.
You can dye newspaper tubes with any dyes:

  1. watercolor
  2. gouache
  3. acrylic paints
  4. aerosol cans
  5. stain (letters will show through)
  6. food colorings
  7. eyebrow, hair dye
  8. brilliant green
  9. basma
  10. wood paint
  11. colorless paint with the addition of color (this way you can do it on
  12. the basis of one paint at once several different shades of paint)

How to paint tubes from newspapers: Video

  • It is immediately worth highlighting two types of dyes, which are the most popular among masters of weaving from newspaper tubes - these are acrylic paints and water-based stain. Both of these water-based dyes allow the paper to be thoroughly and densely colored. At the same time, during weaving, no paint remains on the hands and surface, which is important in this process.
  • In order to make the product more durable and water resistant, it is desirable to varnish it at the stage of tubes. The ideal option is when the varnish is applied in 2 layers.
  • By the way, in the case of varnish, you can save on paint - color can be added directly to the varnish.
  • The dyed tubes must be thoroughly dried in the oven, in the sun or in front of the oven.

How and where to start weaving from newspaper tubes?

  • Often the design of newspaper crafts consists of a bottom, guides and woven tubes.
  • In the form of guides, several tubes of the required length are used - the length directly depends on the height of the craft.
  • There may be several tubes for weaving - it is better for beginners to start with one tube.
  • It is advisable to make the bottom of the craft wicker - so the product will look more attractive. With this type of weaving, the core of the bottom is first made, the ends of which will later become the racks of the craft, and then the tubes are braided around it, creating a round (or other shape) bottom.
  • But you can also make a solid bottom - it is created from two circles cut out of thick cardboard. The vertical racks of the craft are glued to the lower circle (they need to be slightly flattened at the attachment point), and on top they are fixed with another circle with glue.
  • As a basis for crafts, you can use a jar, vase, glass or other container that is suitable in size. The base is installed on the bottom, and the racks are fixed in its upper part with clothespins for evenness of the product.
  • When the bottom, base and guides are in place, you can begin to braid them with a paper vine.

Ways to weave newspaper tubes for beginners: step by step instructions, master class

For beginner needlewomen, the easiest way to weave from a newspaper vine is suitable - a single one with a solid bottom:

  • We take the finished frame of the future crafts.
  • One of the tubes, which will act as a vine, is slightly flattened at the end.
  • Glue the flattened end of the vine to the bottom of the craft.
  • We start the vine behind the nearest guide (with this type of weaving there should be an odd number of them) from the outside.
  • We bring the vine inside the craft.
  • We braid the next guide from the inside.
  • We bring the vine out of the craft and wrap it around the next guide from the outside.
  • Thus, we continue in a circle along the entire height of the craft.
  • In the process of work, the vine will end, so we build it up along the way.
  • We make sure that the vine lays down tightly, and the racks stand straight.
  • Having stuffed your hand a little, you can try to weave several vines at once (2-3).

Types of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners - bending simple, double, rod, complex, pigtail, lazy, izida, volume: weaving pattern for beginners, photo

The scheme of weaving in the technique of a rod of three rods

The scheme of weaving from newspaper tubes using the technique of "isida"

Weaving pattern from newspaper tubes "double bend"

Complex bend - scheme

Weaving scheme "lazy braid"

The bottom of newspaper tubes is square, rectangular, round, oval: how to weave for beginners?

How to weave a simple round bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a square bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave an oval bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a rectangular bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave handles at a basket of newspaper tubes: patterns for beginners

Twisted handle for a basket of newspaper tubes: Video

Newspaper basket handle: Video

How to finish weaving from newspaper tubes?

The simplest bends from newspaper tubes: Video

Basket of newspaper tubes: technique, weaving patterns

The scheme of weaving a box of newspaper tubes

Newspaper tube weaving patterns for beginners

Summing up, it is worth saying that you should not be afraid to start something new. Even the most eminent needlewomen were once beginners. They also did not succeed all at once, they were also upset and intended to abandon their hobby. But nevertheless, over time, everything fell into place - the tubes began to roll up faster, the patterns became more complex and ornate, and the crafts were simply mesmerizing. So, dear readers, go ahead, study, fill your hand, and skill will surely overtake you!

How to weave a box of newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a lid for a box of newspaper tubes: Video

Every family probably has a lot of old and unnecessary newspapers, magazines, brochures. They can melt the stove or fireplace, they can be handed over to waste paper. And you can make furniture and interior decor items from this paper. Yes, do not be surprised, newspapers can serve as a durable and reliable material for weaving.

You have all come across products woven from vines. They look nice and airy, but are quite expensive. Therefore, we offer you some simple options that will allow you to master the technique of wicker weaving using cheap material.

So, let's master the weaving of furniture with our own hands to decorate the house on our own and at no extra cost.

Newspaper tube furniture: what is needed to create it

First of all, we need to find out what we need to work, no matter what piece of furniture or decor we will create. The list of materials includes:

  • Newspapers (magazines, brochures);
  • Sheets of cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Knife for cutting paper;
  • Glue for paper;
  • Scotch;
  • Stain and varnish to cover the finished product.

For a simple vase model, you can get by with a plastic bottle as a mold. For more complex designs, various items may be needed as a frame or temporary holder in the process.

In this case, you can always get by with improvised means. It can be dishes, legs and much more. If you want to make a wicker chair, the easiest option is to decoupage a plastic chair, which will serve as a frame.

The first thing to do is to form tubes from newspapers, which will serve as a vine for us to weave. The tubes must be of the same length, and most importantly, the diameter. Therefore, wind them on a pencil to get the optimal shape, pre-lubricating the paper with glue. This will prevent the straw from falling apart when you remove the pencil from it.

From the outside, it may seem that paper is not the most reliable material for the manufacture of massive objects for a specific purpose. But in fact, do-it-yourself paper furniture is quite practical, strong, and if you follow all the rules when making it, it will serve you for many years.

How to make newspaper tubes

In order for your newspaper products to be strong, their manufacture must be approached with the utmost care.

For more complex structures designed to hold weights, such as chairs, whatnots, shelves, you will need a tube of greater density.

Fold the newspaper lengthwise twice, cut it into 4 equal strips. To make a tube, take a knitting needle of the appropriate thickness, and attach the strips to the corner at an angle of 20-30 degrees. Holding the edge, twist the tube. When you reach half, remove the knitting needle and tighten it by gluing the edges with glue.

If during the weaving process you need to build a tube, do not use glue for this. It is better to leave a gap of 2-3 cm, it is enough to hold a new link. For example, when twisting large newspaper sheets, the tube expands upwards, which is optimal for building up.

Since the paper is much softer than the vine, try to fix the tubes at the end of weaving with PVA glue on the product. Leave overnight to dry and continue finishing in the morning.

If you want nothing to distract you from work, prepare more newspaper sticks in advance. Do not be afraid that there will be extra ones: weaving paper furniture with your own hands is so exciting that you will want to create a few more things.

First, let's practice on something simple. For example, a small round tray.

Weaving a tray from newspaper tubes

For such a tray, you will need prepared newspaper tubes and cardboard, as well as some form to support the structure during the weaving process. Stock up on a decoupage napkin with a pattern you like and acrylic paint.

  1. Cut out three circles of the same size from cardboard.
  2. Paint one of the circles with white acrylic paint. After drying, decoupage on it and set it aside for a while.
  3. Draw the second circle into sectors of the same size. Use a protractor for accurate calculations. For example, if you take an angle of 8 degrees for the layout, you will get 45 rays. Stick tubes on them, they will serve as the basis of the product.
  4. Now, on top of the tubes of the base, glue the second circle of cardboard. Thus, you will have the bottom of the product ready.
  5. Take two tubes and braid the first row with them, exactly adhering to the edge of the cardboard circle so that the ends are closed. Turning to the second row, lift the tubes of the base vertically. In this case, it will not be needed for braiding, since the working tubes from which weaving started hold their shape well on their own.
  6. Continue braiding the tray with either a simple tube binding technique, or a more complex pattern if this work is not new to you and you have already mastered several patterns.
  7. After the tray is completely woven, cover it with two layers of varnish, and after it dries, fix a decoupage cardboard circle to the bottom.

So, you have practiced, filled your hand, and you have got a nice and functional element of the interior. Now let's move on to more complex options.

Do-it-yourself furniture for the room: weave a beautiful chair

This is exactly the same decoupage option for a simple plastic chair, which we talked about above. For this you will need:

  • plastic chair;
  • Sheets of cardboard;
  • Tubes from newspapers or paper;
  • Glue.

Let's get to work. For convenience, you can put the workpiece on the table, but if it is preferable to work on the floor, lay a soft blanket under your feet, as weaving a chair can take a lot of time.

  1. Place a sheet of cardboard under the chair and cut to size to form the bottom of the future chair. To each side of the resulting shape, glue the newspaper tubes parallel to each other, on the folds - at an angle of about 30 degrees.
  2. Having set the chair level, raise the tubes, they will serve as racks. Now take four tubes, fix them on the base and braid the first row as shown in the photographs. The extra two tubes need to be hidden inside, and the remaining two weave two more rows.
  3. After the fourth row is completed, it is advisable to use two tubes for weaving at the same time. Having weaved several rows in this way, you can return to weaving using the “rope” technique. Thus, the bottom and the stand of the chair are ready.
  4. Let's move on to the seat. It is woven in one tube. For every fifth row, a working tube is left on the right side, and on the left, a new one is added with a margin. This is how the side racks are formed.
  5. The sides and bases are braided together with the “rope” technique from left to right. After that, the remaining ponytails from the seat are hidden inside, under weaving. Proceed to the back: you need to weave it from new tubes. After several separate rows have been woven, begin to braid the back around the chair. To narrow the armrest, take two racks together; one of them can then be cut off.
  6. Start weaving the back on the left, gluing the ends of the tubes to it and cutting off the excess. From the inside, you will need to reduce the width strictly in the form. Add two bent tubes on the armrest and weave in a circle, bending the work tube on the right side under the first right rack. Cut off and glue the ends. To cover the arches of the armrests and backrest, weave the top section until the top and bottom posts meet. We bend the edges. We cut off the excess.

Now our chair is completely ready, it remains only to cover it with stain and open it with varnish.

In the same way, you can braid any for a room with your own hands, which has long lost its presentation, but throwing it away is a pity.

DIY paper furniture: a master class on weaving a cat house

You love cats? If yes, then surely you are the owner of this affectionate fluffy animal, and take care of your pet. Why not make such a two-level house in which you will feel comfortable and cozy. Moreover, you will need a little for this: cardboard and newspaper tubes.

Such furniture made of paper with your own hands is made simply and does not take much time.

First, pay attention to the size and fatness of your cat. The larger the animal, the denser the newspaper tubes should be and the wider the bottom. Let's consider the standard size: the oval bottom is 40 by 35 cm, the first level of the house is 23 cm high.

  1. The tubes are glued to the bottom at the same distance by the sun. Raise them so that they form a wall and begin to braid. In each row, when weaving, bring the warp tubes closer to each other so that the walls taper towards the top.
  2. After 23 cm is woven, make a few more rows to form a straight rack of about 5 cm. The crossbar between floors will be placed here. It must be woven in advance in the form of a circle, and the tubes of the base should protrude sufficiently beyond the working canvas to connect with the tubes of the base of the first floor.
  3. Now braid the resulting compacted base in a circle, forming a basket semicircular from the inside.

Our task is to decorate the bathroom with our own hands. Budget ideas and a master class will help you transform and decorate the bathroom, add a touch of personality to the interior. All things that are in the bathroom - towels, shampoos, washcloths, scented candles, toothbrushes, and so on - should be in their place - for this you need to think about shelves, hooks, and storage places. Even a small bathroom can drastically change budget decor.

From the available materials: wooden boxes and pallets, you can make vintage items for bathroom decor with your own hands. For example, a small stylish shelf made from an old pallet is great for combs, hair dryers, and various small things.

A homemade pallet shelf is a great bathroom decor. You can paint all the shelves with white acrylic paint, or you can leave it as it is - let it be natural wood. Original shelf for toilet paper - can be put together from an old board.

The next proposal is more suitable for a large bathroom - this is a rack from an old staircase, painted with white paint. You can adapt it under the shelves. Towel rack from a piece of board and old hooks.

Ordinary glass jars decorated with a piece of cloth, burlap, or even just plain vintage paper are a great decoration and a place to store cotton buds and toothbrushes.

You should not think that the bathroom needs store-bought shelves and cabinets. If we make bathroom decor with our own hands, then we can quite make a cabinet for towels and bath accessories from ordinary wooden fruit boxes glued or fastened together.

A few more decor options: crocheted bags-baskets for towels or linen, and baskets woven from newspaper tubes. In such baskets it is convenient to store rags, brushes, and various detergents. Next, we provided a master class on making such a basket.

Scented candles and other products to relieve stress will not be superfluous in the bathroom. It is easy to make a candlestick with your own hands for scented candles.

Such an original basket can be woven from newspaper tubes in one or two evenings. We have already shown the types of weaving and the beginning of work in. The basket can be woven with the same walls, or with a beveled wall, as in this master class. The very first version of the basket: it is painted with dark gray acrylic paint, after the very first layer has dried, it is carelessly “painted over” with a sponge and white acrylic paint (as if smacking white acrylic). Finished with 2 coats of varnish.

And such a beautiful basket can be woven from a “newspaper vine”. After weaving, we process with PVA glue, diluted 1: 1, then dry. You can paint with anything: acrylic paint, stain, watercolors, gouache, in addition, you can use any dyes for wool, leather, or fabric. The main thing to remember: after staining, it is desirable to varnish on top, and preferably 2 times. In this case, the product will be strong enough.

For work you will need:

  1. Newspaper tubes, or white office paper tubes.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Clothes brush and sponge.
  4. Acrylic paint or water-based stain.
  5. Acrylic or alkyd varnish.
  6. Tassel.
  7. Cardboard box.

We will weave a basket for the bathroom with a pigtail with two tubes from newspapers. Toward the end of the work, we will add another tube. At the beginning of the work, we make a cardboard bottom from two cardboard boxes glued together. Inside these cardboard sheets we place the ends of the "newspaper vine". All tubes are stained with water stain before starting work, but it would be better to do it after, especially since we need a waterproof basket for the bathroom. For weaving the product, a box is used, or rather its side parts, newspaper tubes are attached to them with clothespins.

For the bottom you need 2 identical pieces of cardboard. On the first piece we glue the tubes with PVA glue, draw glue along the edges of the cardboard, put a sheet of cardboard on top, press it with a load. We are waiting for it to dry. Let's start weaving the product with a pigtail, two tubes. We braid to the desired height, proceed to the design of the beveled side of the basket. We look and find the center of the basket, find the central vertical tube, leave it as it is, and go around the next one.

We twisted the tubes, and we begin to weave in the opposite direction.

The back side looks like this:

Weave the second row to the center, do not braid the central tube, then weave in the opposite direction.

We look at what height our basket needs. If it’s already enough, then it’s time to start braiding with a pigtail. The pigtail will consist of 3 tubes. Add another tube: glue it to the vertical tube.

We are waiting for the glue to dry, and it will be possible to continue.

Another wall of the basket.

We braid the beveled wall.

We finish braiding.

After weaving is completed, we cut off the vertical tubes, grease the tail of the tube with glue, throw this tail into the bottom row, between the tubes. Next, it remains only to cover the basket with an adhesive solution: dilute the PVA glue with water, in a ratio of 1: 1, apply the adhesive solution with a brush, and leave it overnight to dry. After drying, apply acrylic paint or water-based stain on top. We apply the stain first along, and when it dries, also across. And so on until the desired color is achieved. We are waiting for complete drying and varnish on top.