Modern popular toys for children. What toys are considered the most fashionable among modern children

On the eve of the holidays, I want to please my beloved children with beautiful and necessary toys. And it's one thing when you have your own child, and you are looking for a gift for him. And it’s completely different - when you are still quite young, you haven’t got a family and you don’t have children, and you need to present a gift to your nephew or godson. What can make a child happy? In this article, we will review popular toys for children.


The legendary Danish designer opens the top of popular toys for children. He conquered kids and teenagers all over the world. More than one generation of children have grown up on it, and an interesting fact is that parents who played Lego at a young age are happy to open the designer again when they have their own kids. What is so attractive about this toy? The constructor has a wide variety of parts, so you can easily build anything from it: a house, a car, a ship or an entire station. There are also unique designs. For example, 6 years is the set "Volcano". Such a constructor not only allows you to assemble a fire-breathing mountain, but also fully explore a unique natural phenomenon. For older children, there are kits that allow you to learn the basics of architecture. The set of such a "Lego" does not include arbitrary parts, but bricks, beams, floors and component parts of the tile.


A popular toy for children, especially for older girls, is the legendary doll. The first Barbie appeared more than half a century ago, but is still the object of desire for any little fashionista. Why are these dolls so popular? Barbie has exaggerated-ideal proportions, very long legs and a narrow waist. Her face is always beautifully painted and her hair is thick and long. This is what every girl wants to be when she grows up.

Marketers every year increase the popularity of Barbie through all kinds of advertising. Today in the store you can find not only the doll, but also her boyfriend, horses, house and pets. It also produces various outfits for Barbie, a collection of shoes and jewelry. Sometimes it seems to parents that new clothes for this doll cost as much as clothes for their child.

Cars with remote control

Radio-controlled technology is popular. It can be racing cars, boats or even tanks. And not only boys will be happy with such a gift. Girls no less want to feel like a racer. What can I say, even parents rarely refuse to "get behind the wheel" of a small copy of a large vehicle. Go around obstacles, overcome barriers and scare the cat - everything is a leisure activity for children. Moreover, if some parents think that such a gift is useless, nothing like that. An expensive toy will be appreciated by the child, he will not treat it the same way as everyone else. Especially if a radio-controlled car was a little boy's dream.

Remote controlled helicopters

One of the most popular toys for children are radio-controlled model aircraft. Such a helicopter can be launched both in the apartment and on the street. More expensive models can even deal with strong gusts of wind. The remote control helicopter replaces the previously popular kites for children. Today, you do not need to prepare for the launch for a long time, just find a flat area and go ahead.

With such popular toys for children of 7 years old, you can even arrange competitions. For example, to see whose plane can fly over the playground faster and dive onto the bench. The main thing is to make sure that children do not arrange air battles and that toys do not fly onto the balconies of the lower floors.


The most popular toys for children are those that can be played for several years. A dollhouse is the thing with which it will be interesting for a girl to spend time both at 5 years old and at 8-10. Due to the fact that the toy can be improved and upgraded, it will never get bored. If the girl wants any changes, she can swap the kitchen with the bathroom. Or he can sew curtains or new pillowcases into the house on his own. And if the child has absolutely nothing to do, then you can offer to re-paste the wallpaper in the house. The unique feature of this toy is that it can be played alone or with three people. Collective employment helps girls learn to get along better with each other, and, most importantly, teaches them to share things and work as a team.


Girls from a young age want to help their mother cook. But sometimes the best thing they can do is not get in the way. Therefore, many mothers find such a way out: they buy a toy kitchen. Here the girl will be a full-fledged mistress. She can cook on the stove, which will even make a sizzling sound when turned on. And also with the help of the oven it will be possible to bake pies. In no case should parents dismiss the culinary masterpieces that their daughter "treats" them. You need to "try" and say "thank you".

The toy kitchen will teach the girl not only to cook, but also to love this process. When the child grows up, he will perceive cooking as an exciting game, and this is very good.

laser tag

Popular toys for children 8 years old are all kinds of guns and machine guns. If you don't know exactly what to give a boy, present him with a laser tag game set. It includes two laser pistols and two vests. Opponents put on uniforms and start running after each other. When one of the guys is hit, a light flashes on his vest. So it will be impossible to deceive an opponent with the phrase “missed”. Some dads are happy to play such a kind of catch-up with their sons. But still, school-age boys prefer to play laser tag with friends. It is especially interesting when there are not two people in the team, but four or 8. The duel does not have to be arranged within the same yard. You can limit yourself to the limits of a small microdistrict, because this way the game will become even more interesting.


Popular toys for children 10 years old are vehicles. It can be a scooter or a trendy hoverboard. Such a thing will not only be a pleasant surprise, but also help you quickly get to school or the store. After all, it is much more pleasant to drive than to walk. Unlike a bicycle or scooter, a hoverboard does not require a child to pedal or push with their feet. This vehicle is battery operated. Do not think that such a toy is completely useless. She teaches the child to keep balance and quickly respond to what is happening around. After all, when you ride a hoverboard on the sidewalk, you need to turn right and left every now and then so as not to hurt passers-by.

It is better not to give such a toy to small children of 5-6 years old. They will not appreciate it, and even more so they will not be able to understand the degree of danger that it carries. After all, if you ride a hoverboard onto the roadway, then there is a big chance of being hit by a car.

magic screen

If you think about the most popular toys for the New Year for children, various drawing gadgets immediately come to mind. One of the most sold is the magic screen. This is such a device on which you can draw anything you want with multi-colored felt-tip pens. And then you can quickly erase the drawing with the built-in brush. Today you can even buy improved models, which you need to apply images to with your fingers. But still drawing with felt-tip pens is more pleasant and useful. After all, when a child applies an image with a special stylus, he must make an effort. The child understands what pressure is and how to regulate it.

Rubik's Cube

Popular toys for children 5 years old are represented not only by various dolls and cars. Puzzles are also in demand. One of the most popular is the Rubik's Cube. This toy may well be assembled by a child of 5 years old. All it takes is some skill and a little effort. Why strain the brain of a child with puzzles, because he already has a lot to remember? The thing is that at the age of 5 children learn large amounts of information well. Do not be afraid that you will load the child with unnecessary knowledge. All that is needed, the brain will remember, and everything else can be repeated.

Puzzles instill in the child a craving for knowledge and for the eternal search for the best solution. The Rubik's Cube is also useful because the child learns to correlate colors and impose certain shapes on them. Thus, a unique picture of the world is built in the child's head.

kinetic sand

Popular may look different. It can be cubes, puzzles or, for example, sand. What is live sand? This is a substance that holds its shape well, but at the same time crumbles when touched. What can be collected from such sand? You can build a castle or make pies. And with the help of such sand, you can arrange various games with children. For example, parents can bury various pebbles in the sandbox, and the child will have to find them. With the help of various forms, you can learn the alphabet or learn to distinguish the contours of various animals. The biggest advantage of this substance is that the hands are always clean, and the floors with carpets too.

hello kitty

The famous kitty has long gone beyond children's products. She is loved by both little and grown-up girls. The cute kitty of Japanese origin was originally a soft toy.

Today you can still buy this variation of it. But all kinds of plastic gadgets have become much more popular. It can be a radio, an alarm clock or a clock. Hello Kitty decorates children's clothes, bags, notebooks, pens. Girls do not want to part with their favorite character even when they grow up, so they often wear key chains, watches with a cat, and all kinds of hair ornaments.

wooden figurines

Eco-style of life is becoming more and more popular every year. Therefore, you don’t even need to ask why people prefer to buy their children not plastic toys, but wooden ones that are cut and painted by hand. The variety of such figures is simply amazing. There are sets of trees where you need to distinguish an apple tree from a pear and properly decorate the trunk and branches with fruits. There are sets in which animals are represented. You can collect even entire cities and villages. There are sets with racing cars and other vehicles.

Children love wooden figurines. They are pleasant to hold in the hands, and they smell pleasant. And many children like to try toys on the tooth. And parents do not mind, because there are no chemistry in the composition of the product.


Both adults and children like to collect an image from disparate parts. After all, what could be more exciting than spending an hour or two solving puzzles with the whole family?! In such a game, the child will feel like a part of the team, because he works on an equal basis with everyone. Collecting pictures brings you closer. Because in the process you can find out how someone is doing at school or in kindergarten.

For small children, large soft puzzles are made. With the help of them, they learn colors and try to correctly correlate shapes.

To a greater extent, the choice of toys depends on the purpose of the acquisition and the age of the child. If parents want to find an easy way to teach their baby, which will be fun at the same time, then you can purchase a children's tablet. But do not forget that prolonged communication with gadgets can adversely affect the health of the child.

A funny dog ​​Fred will help to teach crawling a six-month-old toddler. You can find the right pet for preschoolers too: what girl wouldn't want her own pony or other smart animal to hang out with? Toy animals will help parents who are tired of asking for a pet.

Most interactive toys are designed for older children, as they require a certain complexity of handling: they cannot be dropped and soaked in water. The exception is, perhaps, Baby Born, created for children of 3 years old, since this doll has a mechanical device and is difficult to break. Complex controlled robots are suitable for children of primary school age and older.

This Troll Poppy doll is included in the TOP 10 toys for the New Year 2017 according to the Hamleys Regent Street store.

New Year and Christmas 2017 is just around the corner. It's never too early to start choosing the coolest gifts for kids. There is nothing worse than being empty-handed before the holiday.

Stress when choosing the best gift is real, especially when there is little time left to choose a gift, but we will help you.

See the list in this article and choose the best gift for a boy or girl, of any age.

We have compiled this list based on best toys of 2016, which are sold in Russia, and they are all good big ideas for a New Year's gift that a child you will definitely like it.

Volcano Lego sets are on sale in Russia.

The most popular series of the LEGO constructor for the New Year 2017 are the CITY, STAR WARS, NINJAGO, FRIENDS series.

2. New Sylvanian Families

  • everyone, especially girls
  • from 4 years
  • from 900 rub.

3. Hoverboard (gyroscooter)

  • from 10-12 years old
  • about 20000 rub

4. Minecraft figurine collection

  • boys
  • from 6 years old
  • from 350 rub.

5. Monster High dolls

  • girls
  • from 6 years old
  • from 2000 rub

8. Play Doh

  • from 1.5 years
  • from 300 rub.

9. Shopkins Season 5

  • girls
  • from 4 years
  • from 300 rub.

11. The case of the Christmas tree. New Year's family quest

  • from 5-6 years
  • about 700 rubles.

Quest for the whole family!

An alarm call woke up Detective Kolmogorsky in the night. His old friend Rudolf, the owner of a chemical laboratory, discovered the sabotage. Scientists were going to present a unique variety of biodegradable Christmas trees at the exhibition, but now they are in danger of failing: someone mixed defective seeds into the bag!

12. Furby

  • from 6 years old
  • about 4000 rub.

13. Hot Wheels: the most unusual cars

  • boys
  • from 3 years
  • from 200 rub.

The collection of basic Hot Wheels cars is incredibly diverse. This format includes both Star Wars and Marvel cars - collect your favorite heroes, play, collect!

cars metal and will withstand any race. Convenient mini size (about 8 cm) allows you to collect a large collection even in a small space. As a gift for a big holiday, you can buy not only cars, but also a track for them!

14. Mega Blocks

  • from 1.5 years
  • from 800 rub.

15. Nerf blasters from Hasbro

  • boys
  • from 6 years old
  • from 1000 rub.

16. Finding Dory toys

  • from 3 years
  • from 300 rub.

17. Dolls and baby dolls Antonio Juans Munecas

  • girls
  • from 2 years
  • from 2500 rub.

18. Bullyland figurines, Schleich, Papo

  • from 3 years
  • from 500 rub.

20. LEGO Friends Amusement Park

  • girls
  • from 8 years old
  • about 5000 rub.

22. Fancy Dolls, Disney

  • girls
  • from 6 years old
  • about 1300 rubles.

23. Hexbug RC Fighting Spiders

  • boys
  • from 4 years
  • about 3500 rub.

24. Play tent-house

  • from 1 year
  • from 1500 rub.

25. LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Encyclopedia

  • everyone, especially boys
  • from 6 years old
  • about 1000 rub.

At the end of 2016, a new Star Wars movie comes out on the screen, Outcast:One and you can purchase figurines and other toys based on the new movie.

26. New Barbie doll

  • girls
  • from 3 years
  • from 1000 rub.

28. Thomas and his friends

  • boys
  • from 1 year
  • from 300 rub.

29. Detective Pierre solves the case

  • boys
  • from 6 years old
  • about 600 rubles.

A huge travel book that combines Wimmelbuch and a detective story, allows you to go through the labyrinths, train your attentiveness and logical thinking, and unravel the case. Labyrinths are the essence of this book, but here they are not ordinary flat pictures with paths, but real panoramas, from which you will not immediately guess that this is not just some kind of view, but a maze! Play all New Year holidays!

30. Stack-A-Bubble: Bubbles to build with!

  • from 2 years
  • from 250 rub.

This is a nice and very unusual addition to any gift that both boys and girls will love! Thanks to the unique composition with a special formula those bubbles do not burst, if you touch them, they freeze. Moreover, they can keep their shape for hours! You can hold them in your hands and play with them!

Bonus: Russian manufacturers and blockbuster toys

Creativity kits are very popular among boys. from Zvezda.

The opportunity to assemble a Russian tank or plane during the New Year holidays, to work in a company with grandpa and dad is a real gift. Board games from Zvezda are no less good. Another advantage of toys of this brand is a relatively low price.

Well, a little more...

30 positions, the TOP of toys and books, does not contain all the interesting new products of 2016, worthy of being gifts under your New Year tree. Let's add a little more...

My Little Pony is the fastest growing toy brand this year, posting a 40 percent growth of $141 million. Growth was driven by the success of the series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic(My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic). These toys are very popular with girls ages 3 and up.

Specially for the 55th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight into space (we celebrated this anniversary in 2016) - meet novelty book. The book is called very simply: Cosmos. Inside - the story is not about the solar system, not about the universe. This book is closer to us: it tells about astronautics, and the beginning of history is 1916. .

The LEGO® Company announces the launch of the LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ series ( Nexo Knights), which combines classic brick building with the animated series and the LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS: MERLOK 2.0 game app. To defeat the dark forces, the heroes of NEXO KNIGHTS need the most advanced technology. It's time to erase the boundaries between the real and virtual world! .

The symbol of 2017 is the Rooster (you can choose a chicken or a chicken), because 2017 is the year of the Rooster according to the Eastern calendar. Of course, we will need toys - symbols of the year. For several years now, many families have chosen soft toys from Orange Toys as their mascot. In 2017, ORANGE offers a wonderful selection of symbols of the year -. These toys can be ordered online: choose here!

Most on the planet, what are they? Today you will see the 12 most interesting toys for children. One thing that all of these toys have in common is their high-tech component. Most of them can play music and video, and also have the ability to connect to a personal computer. Such toys can not only entertain, but also teach your child many useful and interesting things!

1. Little Tikes Super Splash Mini Water Park

One of the best toys in the world is Little Tikes Super Splash Mini Water Park. Have you ever dreamed of turning your backyard into a water park? Little Tikes will help you do this. The Little Tikes Mini Water Park features a sprinkler slide, two water hoses, two tunnels, an obstacle course, and a relaxing island.

2. Extreme slides “Step2″

Mini-slide "Step2" will turn any yard or basement into an amusement park. There is no bicycle helmet included, but its use is strongly recommended. Of course, it is not as safe as online at, but your children are provided with a portion of real extreme sports! In addition, outdoor games will distract your child from his electronic entertainment center a little.

3. LEGO Creator Monster Dino

Now you can bring the creature to life and control your LEGO monster dinosaur toy. It is enough to press the button and the “ward” will go or growl. The toy is designed for children ages 9 and up and has three different building types, during which the dinosaur can also transform into a crocodile or a spider. The toy is controlled by a remote control. Today you can buy such legos in most toy stores. It will be a great gift for every child.


The Magnetix toy is a hybrid of an MP3 player with a slide for bearing balls. We listen to music and enjoy the picture.

5. Brain Brian

This gadget (animatronic brain) includes the Encyclopedia Britannica, dictionary, world history chart, clock, MP3 player, calendar, keyboard, speakers, audio voice analyzer to respond to voice commands. In the Brain, you can store not only personal information and phone numbers, but also use it as a telephone when connected to a telephone line.

6. Air Hogs Havoc Heli Laser Battle

Also the best toy considered Air Hogs Havoc Heli Laser Battle - a game for the whole company. A set of two remote-controlled helicopters equipped with a laser gun will surely please the boys. Hitting the enemy laser on the target puts the helicopter into a tailspin.

7.Electric Plane Launcher

As its original name suggests, it is an electric launcher for paper planes. At the same time, the maximum achievable speed is as much as 50 km / h! The sea of ​​pleasure for children and adults is guaranteed.

8. Smart bike

Smart bike is designed for children from 3 to 6 years old. The device combines a bicycle simulator and a game console with intellectual educational games for learning numbers, letters, shapes and colors.

9. Station for creativity RipRoar

With RipRoar, you can create clips, share and star in your own videos. The included Green Screen changes backgrounds when shooting video, and the software allows you to edit, mount the resulting video, add additional objects, sounds, music. In general, indeed - a director himself, and at the same time a clip maker!

10. Transformers-MP3

The Transformers MP3 player with card reader for Mini S will become a favorite gadget in any boy's pocket - and there's nothing to think about!

11 Remote Controlled Spy Helicopter

Radio-controlled helicopter with a digital camera, the image of which is displayed on the control panel display! This contraption will help every child fulfill their dreams of spy adventures.

12. Jakks Eyeclops Bionic Eye

EyeClops is not just a microscope. This is a device that will turn your TV into a TV toy. EyeClops enlarges the image of the object by 200 times and transfers it to the monitor or TV screen. EyeClops will become the best toy for inquisitive schoolchildren, in particular, those who dream of becoming a biologist in the future.