Felt craft program. Felt toys. Patterns, schemes, templates of felt toys for beginner needlewomen. Preparing felt for work

Today, felt is one of the most popular materials for needlework. There is nothing to be surprised here: felt has a huge number of advantages that make it simply irreplaceable.

  • Felt refers to non-woven materials, so it does not crumble at all. It is easy and pleasant to work with it - that is why it is one of the best materials for children's crafts. As soon as the baby learns to cut paper figures with scissors, you can proceed to felt.
  • Felt does not have a front and back side. In any case, your product will turn out elegant.
  • Working with felt in many ways resembles working with paper - just like paper, it can be cut with ordinary scissors, stitched, glued.
  • Felt is pleasant to the touch, has a bright color palette - it is interesting to make from it for both adults and children.
  • Felt goes well with a wide variety of materials - beads, beads, fabric, embroidery threads, yarn, braid, lace, buttons, etc.
  • And finally, felt is universal - it can be used to make jewelry, shoes, clothes, toys, handbags and wallets, holiday decor elements, various household and interior items - pillows, needle cases, children's mobiles ...

The only "minus" of felt is its relatively high price. But, believe me, the pleasure of working with this amazing material is worth it!

Types of felt

In craft stores, you can buy sheet felt individually or in sets that resemble colored paper sets.

The composition of felt is:

  • Pure wool is one of the most expensive; usually painted in rather restrained shades. Very pleasant to the touch environmentally friendly material with good antibacterial properties; It is used most often for sewing children's clothes and toys. Woolen felt has a drawback - it requires careful care, as it can easily be deformed during washing and ironing.
  • Semi-woolen - with the addition of synthetic fibers (acrylic or viscose). It is painted in bright colors, it can be of different thickness. Suitable for sewing clothes, making toys, decorations, appliqués, etc.
  • Synthetic is the most affordable felt. In its composition - 100% acrylic, viscose or polyester. Clothes are not sewn from such felt, but it is quite suitable for a variety of children's crafts, applications and other things. The advantages of synthetic felt include juicy and bright colors, strength and wear resistance. The disadvantages are some "creakiness" that is unpleasant to the touch and relative transparency (which can be overcome by using several layers of material instead of one).

In addition, felt differs in thickness (thick, semi-thin, thin) and in appearance (smooth or fleecy).

Before buying felt, you should ask yourself a couple of questions:

  • Will the finished product come into contact with human skin (and especially with the skin of a child)?
  • How will the finished product be used (will it quietly stand on a shelf, will it become a favorite toy of a little fidget or an element of his own clothes - and, accordingly, will be washed often)?

The answers will help you choose the right material and get the most out of your work and the result.

Application of felt

Felt, as mentioned above, is universal. Therefore, it is simply impossible to list all the options for its use. I'll try to name the most important ones.


From felt, you can make unusual jewelry for little and adult fashionistas without much effort and serious handicraft skills. Hairpins and hair bands, bracelets, brooches, beads, decor for bags, hats, shoes can come in a variety of styles - from classic to boho, from rock to shabby chic.

Clothing and accessories

Hats, berets, jackets are sewn from pure wool felt (often handmade). Semi-woolen felt is suitable for creating baby booties and slippers.

Semi-thin and thin felt can be used for bright decorative appliqués that will give ordinary clothes such a hand-made touch that is fashionable today.

Interior decor

Felt is an excellent material for creating rugs and coasters, decorating sofa cushions and photo frames.

If you need to decorate your house for the holiday - felt is at your service! Christmas toys, Easter decorations, birthday or wedding garlands, and even decorative bouquets - all this can be made from felt.


The possibilities of felt in the field of creating children's toys are truly endless. These are voluminous figures stuffed with synthetic winterizer or holofiber, and developing rugs and soft books, and bright sets of letters and numbers, and mobiles for the little ones.

crafts with children

Felt is indispensable as the first material for children's creativity. Not requiring special skills, bright, safe, durable, it provides great opportunities for creating applications, various homemade gifts for relatives and friends.

Felt (from French Feutre - felt, from Turkic - bedspread) is a non-woven fabric that is obtained by felting fluff or fine hair of hares, rabbits or goats, fine wool, as well as fur waste. This is almost the very first matter that people began to make. As far back as the Neolithic, the nomads of Central Asia felt wool and sewed their yurts and coarse clothes from it. Such material was extremely beneficial, it did not require special devices, except for water and human hands. Well ... still a monstrous amount of time and work. When a variety of fabrics appeared, felt lost its popularity. But recently the situation has changed dramatically - exactly the opposite. Felt began to be used by the most famous designers, making jewelry and bags out of it.

The mystery of felt is that it contains the properties of fabric, wood and paper - any thickness, density, color, it is light and durable, easy to use, easy to cut and glue.

In fact, calling felt felt is not entirely correct, since felt is a kind of felt. Although in a foreign language no one divides them into two different matters, but calls them in one word.

What can be made from felt? Yes, whatever! All kinds of jewelry, bags, decor items for clothes, toys, pillows, needle beds, slippers, jewelry boxes, decor items for dishes, lampshades, hot coasters, curtains ...

And here are 7 master classes for inspiration:

1. Children's kimono slippers

Lovely slippers for kids, which are also sewn elementarily! You just need to cut out the sole and the strips rounded at the ends for the upper part of the slippers. Now you sew everything with a decorative buttonhole seam (see picture) and that's it - kimono booties are ready!

2. Guest slippers

Every hostess, when a large company of guests enters her house, is tormented by the question - what to put on them? You can’t buy ordinary slippers for everyone, and disposable ones are too fragile - they tear after the first or second use. Therefore, I propose to sew some stylish and bright guest slippers yourself, using multi-colored felt! Your guests will appreciate your care for them! Carefully study the pattern, cut out a similar one and sew it, decorating the product with a catchy button.

3. Stylish bracelet

For such an unpretentious decoration, you will need the ability to embroider with decorative stitches or beads. Otherwise, the bracelets will look too simple. These photo tips will come to your aid: a stalk, looped seam (in the middle and along the bottom of the product), all kinds of decorative laces.

4. Pillow in the form of an owl

These pillows can be a wonderful home decor, or a unique gift for loved ones. You only need to cut and sew all the details. A buttonhole stitch is ideal for this (see above). But! Remember that you first need to completely make the top of the product, and only then sew the pillow completely, otherwise your product is easy to spoil. You can stuff either with pieces of non-coarse fabric from old unnecessary things, or with holofiber - an analogue of synthetic winterizer, which looks like downy balls.

5. Dahlia brooch

Here you will have to tinker. Follow the photo tutorial and you will end up with a unique and beautiful decoration! You can take felt of any color or combine several different ones. Experiment!

7. Stand for hot

Beautiful little things in the kitchen are a guarantee of comfort, or at least a pleasant tea party. Cut out several circles of different colors and sizes. Sew with simple stitches, sew on a petal or a simple flower and your stand is ready.

8. Pincushion in the form of a comb

The perfect gift for a crafty friend! And a convenient thing for yourself, your beloved. All pins and needles are in place and always at hand.

However, felt is a unique material and you can sew anything from it, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. Even if something doesn’t work out for you, the failed work can be used as pieces for the next creation. Here are a couple of work tips.

Felt, as a material for creativity, is very popular. It has a lot of advantages:

  • there is no difference between the front side and the wrong side;
  • the edges at the place of the cut of the fabric do not crumble;
  • represented by a mass of bright and pastel shades;
  • has a wide choice of thickness and size of sheets;
  • it can not only be sewn, but also glued.

Felt (usually A5, A4 sheets) can be bought at needlework, sewing or online stores.

When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account not only its color range, but also other characteristics, namely:

  • thickness (1-5 mm);
  • composition (natural six, synthetics);
  • sheet size (when buying sheet felt for needlework, and not in rolls for sewing).

The thickness of the felt is chosen depending on the chosen pattern, the required volume of the finished product and the number of small parts.

For children's felt crafts, they usually choose a material of medium thickness - for the main parts and thin - for small elements. Thick felt is good for making educational books for the little ones.

Natural felt is rarely used in children's arts and crafts, synthetic fabric is preferred. It has bright colors, does not shrink when washed, is easy to clean, almost does not shed, has high wear resistance and low price. As a disadvantage of such felt, it can be noted that thin light sheets are translucent.

If in the process of work some special properties of the fabric are required, then in our master classes on creating crafts from felt this condition is discussed separately.

Preparing felt for work

In order for hand-made felt crafts to turn out smooth, beautiful, planned colors and shapes, it is better to prepare the material for work in advance. Ironing in the steaming mode between two layers of white fabric will allow the fabric to shrink even before sewing and washing (if it contains natural wool pile, fluff) and show its ability to shed (if the white fabric remains clean after steaming, the felt does not shed) .

It should be noted that artificial felt does not like high temperatures, so direct contact between the sole of the iron and the material should be avoided.

What can be made from felt?

There are a lot of different master classes on our website with step-by-step photos of creating crafts from felt for children. Here's what you can do with felt with your own hands using our lessons:

  • small children's toys (animals, dolls, flowers, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and others). Having ready-made templates, almost any item can be sewn from felt, turning it into a children's toy;
  • children's developing cubes, books, panels, mobiles, rugs;
  • appliqués for clothes, pictures.

This is not a complete list of what you can make from felt with your own hands, using our master classes and patterns, because we are constantly updating our rubric, looking for templates for the most beautiful felt crafts for you. Happy creativity!

Good day friends!
I want to dedicate today's article to felt toys. Such toys have become popular not so long ago, but many mothers and children have already managed to fall in love with them. And this is not surprising, because such crafts have a lot of advantages.
For example, felt is a natural material that is made mainly from sheep's wool. It is very convenient and easy to work with it, it does not crumble and does not need to be processed.
Products made of felt are soft, bright and varied, and most importantly, safe and suitable for any age without restrictions.

Every normal parent cares about the health and safety of his child, and he chooses toys responsibly.
Therefore, I prepared a detailed master class on creating felt toys, as well as templates with patterns for various toys.

Such toys can be created by adults themselves and also by doing it together with children. This is a very exciting art form.
Therefore, choose the template you like, watch the detailed master class and start creating.

Do-it-yourself felt toy step-by-step master class.

Pattern with penguin pattern

For work we need:
Felt of different colors
Needle with threads, (threads can be used to match felt or monofilament)
To decorate the toy, a satin or rep ribbon, beads, beads, buttons, here is optional, you can decorate it as you like and with anything.
Pattern with a pattern
Sheet of white paper

That's all, then let's get started!

On a sheet of paper, redraw the pattern. You can print the pattern or attach a sheet of white paper to the computer screen and lightly circle it with a pencil. The template with a pattern can be enlarged to the desired size.
In my case, I changed the template a little, removed the cheeks from the penguin. You can also modify the finished pattern as you wish, although it is better for beginner needlewomen to use a ready-made pattern with a pattern to try it out.

Next, you need to separately draw and cut out each part on paper.
For example, a completely penguin, then breast, cheeks, nose, paws. In general, everything that needs to be sewn separately.
Then we apply the pattern to the felt and pin it with pins, carefully cut it out.

A whole penguin needs two parts.
We apply a pattern of the middle to one part, cut it off with pins and outline the contour with soap or chalk.

We cut out the middle, but not clearly along the contour, but leaving an allowance

Cut out the middle from white felt.

Now we apply the white center to the blue one to the part where we cut out. Sew along the edge of the cut the middle to each other.

This is how it should work.

It's on the reverse side.

We outline a place for the eye and embroider them with black thread.
As well as the beak, two small triangles are sewn together on both sides and stuffed with padding polyester

We cut off the excess synthetic winterizer so that it does not stick out.
Sew the beak in a circle.

Sew cheeks next

That's such a cute face turned out)

And this is the other side.

Now we put the two parts of the base of the penguin together and stitch the entire penguin in a circular way except for the bottom.

Through the lower unstitched hole we fill the penguin with a padding polyester, we fill it tightly so that there are no voids, but not too tight so that a bun does not turn out, everything is good in moderation!

We sew now to the end.

Cut out 4 paws and sew them together.

Stuff with padding polyester and sew to the penguin

And the finishing touches are decorating the penguin.
I cut out a flower from red felt and sew it to the penguin, as well as a scarf. I cut the ribbon, tie and sew.

back side

What a cute little penguin.
Well, isn't it a charm for a child to play with such toys!?!

I hope my master class will be useful for you, according to its principle, you can create any such toy.
Below you can find many patterns that you can use to sew different toys and for different purposes, for example, for electric cars or a felt book, finger games or educational aids for kids.

Choose your favorite template and create with pleasure.

3 Templates with a pattern of a hare or a rabbit from felt

5 patterns with a felt dog pattern

2 Templates with a lion pattern from felt

2 Templates with a pattern of a deer made of felt

The child learns the world by touch. And if you also help him in this, the result will surprise you very much. What can be offered to the child new and beautiful? After all, at home everyone has different decor items that are especially interesting to the child because they are interesting to the touch: a jug glued with shells or a relief pattern. But what if you combine many different types of crafts into one product, say, a book or a garland? Well, what can be added there so that the child simply cannot be torn away from the new toy? If you take felt, sew beads and wires on it, add Velcro and put a canvas where you can attach these little crafts, the child will simply go into a fairy-tale world, and mom will finally sit down and drink hot tea. In addition, if children make felt crafts with their own hands, they get a special opportunity to create with their own hands a thing that no one else has. And it is extremely important for a child to distinguish himself from others. Plus, doing it yourself develops fine motor skills of the hands, which directly affects the mind of a person, regardless of age. Yes, and it's just fun: sit next to the baby and fantasize. So let's make quality felt crafts with the family for kids!

We make crafts from felt for the qualitative development of children

What can make a child happy? First of all, toys. How different toys can be made is a matter of every person's imagination. The most popular are finger toys and puzzles. A lot of mothers who have just gone on maternity leave can create a mobile for the expected crumbs with their own hands. It will cost three times cheaper than just buying. In addition, such a mobile has an advantage: if it is touched, it will not make noise and will not wake up the baby.

Educational mats from the store are usually unpleasantly limited by the number of toys. Basically there are no more than 6 of them. You can sew and add them yourself, or even make the entire rug by hand. This also does not require super-strong sewing skills, and felt, which is most suitable for this, is absolutely picky and does not need additional seams or bends at all. Therefore, the execution process, among other things, will be even much faster than if you use fabric, knitting, etc.

Another photo proves that felt crafts are pleasant and useful for children of any age.

Puzzles made of felt - this whole fairy-tale world. The child learns shapes. it is difficult for him to solve complex problems at once and he must start with the same forms, but repeat this many times. Such a rug will be a godsend in order to teach a child to understand the area and shape of objects. And the variety of colors will only captivate him even more.

To make such a rug yourself, you need a figured hole punch, a felt base and many, many multi-colored patches from which figures are cut. In the fairy tale about Aladdin there was a flying carpet, and here there will be a toy carpet - it does not fly, but it is very amusing.

Finger toys for babies become almost living friends. Colored and tiny, they almost always have a positive effect on the child. If the baby is naughty, then he immediately calms down, as soon as he sees his beloved giraffe / elephant / cat on his mother’s finger, and begins to smile. Children also have certain periods when the authority of both mom and dad is tested. Then such a toy gives a chance to negotiate or convince the child, because it causes positive emotions, and the child immediately makes contact, no matter what age. There are a lot of templates and they are surprisingly quite simple, they are easy to do both with your own hands and with your child. And the real ideas for crafts and their implementation - please see below.

The round holes on the pattern are designed for fingers and actually turn into movable doll legs. Children are very fond of role-playing games, and such toys will help a lot with this. They can run after each other (with the help of children's hands, of course) or jump on sofas, because the child is not always allowed to do this himself.

We analyze a selection of simple patterns for beginners

It is popular, beautiful, the child likes it. What if it doesn't work? Where to start? For beginners, a finger puppet will be the most suitable. After the work done, it will become clear whether this is your occupation or not. Often after that, needlewomen buy large sheets of felt and begin to do everything that comes to mind only from this material.

Leftovers and scraps should not be thrown away immediately. From them you can always cut a small element for decoration. For example, you can decorate a sofa cushion with a flower or make a warm planter for a nondescript plastic pot of your favorite flowerpot.

Obviously, if you succeed and like the simplest craft, then you can try to make a more complex one. Although, all complex products are divided into simple steps, which are also immediately clear.

Products are very often used as interior decor to create a festive mood and a sense of comfort. Winter products are attributed to the holidays of the New Year and St. Valentine's Day. And these days you can decorate absolutely everything. On Christmas Eve, your eyes will be pleased with toys for the Christmas tree, and snowflakes on a string, and, of course, just gifts under the Christmas tree with your own hands. And on Valentine's Day - hearts and other cute little things.

Spring holidays are the longest and therefore the most pleasant - Women's Day, Easter, May holidays. Summer - Trinity. Autumn - Knowledge Day and Halloween. Each celebration has its own decor.

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