Do-it-yourself make-up of the goblin on the face. How to make a goblin costume with your own hands: simple options from improvised materials. Materials for transformation

Baba Yaga is a key character in many Russian fairy tales.

The image of the old witch is constantly used in theatrical productions, at children's parties, as well as theme parties .

Sometimes it seems that making granny Yaga's makeup is very simple, but when it comes down to it, questions arise. Let's explore all the subtleties of this makeup as much as possible.

5 makeup rules

The purpose of makeup is complete reincarnation.

The more realistic the makeup is, the more reliable Baba Yaga will turn out.

What nuances should be taken into account:

  1. The main attraction of Yaga - big hooked nose. It is recommended to make it with the help of papier-mâché, or gummose - plasticine that is safe for the skin. It is possible to contour the nose using theatrical makeup, face painting or make-up products.
  2. old face always floating down therefore, all mimic wrinkles should be visually lowered. The face must be given an earthy, unhealthy shade.
  3. Adds personality to a character the presence of warts. They can be made with PVA glue and flour.
  4. Gray and disheveled hair is created with a wig or talc. It is possible to use white crayons for coloring strands.
  5. Makeup is applied to the face, neck, décolleté and exposed areas of the hands.

You can learn how to do Little Red Riding Hood makeup from ours.

Materials for transformation

To create the image of Baba Yaga at home you will need:

Makeup, gummosis and face glue can be bought in specialized stores.

Theatrical makeup is usually dry. Sold in sets of 3-12 colors and is inexpensive.

If you don't have theatrical make-up or gummose do not despair! With your usual cosmetics, Baba Yaga's makeup is quite achievable.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Preparation for application

Before applying paint, apply a rich nourishing cream or petroleum jelly to your face. Otherwise make-up or cosmetics clog pores and make-up will be very difficult to remove.

In addition, cheap theatrical make-up uses not the most gentle chemicals. The cream will help protect your skin from irritation.

Gather your hair in a bun or tie a bandage on your forehead. This will help protect your hair from pollution. Now you are ready to go.

Step-by-step instruction

Makeup of Baba Yaga for the New Year - photo:

How to do makeup with your own hands? Using this instruction, you can easily transform into a grandmother Yozhka:

  1. Shape the nose. Large, hooked and with a hump. Decide on the size and proportions. Sculpt the nose out of gummosus and glue it with special glue. To do this, apply glue to your nose, previously lubricated with a protective cream, and press the fake one to it. The fit lines can also be lightly smeared with glue for reliability. Make up the joints.
  2. Shape the chin. In the old witch, it is sharp and looks slightly upward. We make it similar to the nose.
  3. Glue on the warts. They can be easily made by mixing PVA glue with flour to the consistency of a dough. Fashioned warts are simply attached to the makeup. For reliability, you can use glue.
  4. Apply foundation. Only after the overhead parts have dried! The cream is applied with a sponge or brush all over the face, masking flaws.
  5. Shade a creepy and terrible face. Use gray-green paints or shadows for the entire face. Swampy or earthy shade gives gloom.
  6. "Push in" your eyes. Circle the eyes with brown shadows so that they visually fail.
  7. Draw deep wrinkles. Deepen your mimic wrinkles with a black or other dark pencil. You can build an evil face and draw the resulting wrinkles.
  8. Remember that the old face floats down. Direct the lines towards the neck. Decorate the forehead with longitudinal furrows.

  9. Create a nose. If you have not shaped the nose using special tools, then now is the time to draw the nose. Shade the sides of the nose with a dark color, and highlight the bridge of the nose. You can also pre-draw the shape of the nose and blend the paint with a brush.
  10. Create cheekbones. Likewise. Cheekbones are brightened and cheeks are shaded.
  11. Make eyebrows. There are two options: draw eyebrows with a pencil, or make them gray with a camouflage pencil and light shadows.

As a result, you got a real Baba Yaga. Left make gray hairs.

Secret of gray hair

Talc or white flour without impurities gives gray hair to the hair. They are well washed off with shampoo and do not harm the hair.

Rub the powder into the hair roots with hands or a brush. Usually Baba Yaga has a scarf on her head. Therefore, most likely the processing of the roots is enough. Otherwise, pour the talcum powder into your hands and spread it over the entire length of your hair.

Errors in image creation

If you take into account all our recommendations, then do not make mistakes in Baba Yaga's makeup. Main oversight- applying makeup only on the face. In addition to the face, at least cover the ears, neck, décolleté and exposed areas of the hands with foundation.

Theatrical make-up is the art of changing the face according to the role played by the actor.

Who is this amazing artist who creates unique and bewitching images of actors? He is called differently, but most often he is called a make-up artist. A make-up artist has a really tough job. He must not only be able to apply makeup correctly, but, first of all, he needs to guess the director's intention, meet with the actors and create several makeup sketches, which the director must then approve.

Why do you need makeup?

Make-up is designed to help the actor in his game, he must also meet not only the stage image, but also the truth of life and give a complete impression of reality. Firstly, the need to make up the face is due to a number of technical reasons: due to the remoteness of the stage from the auditorium, it is required to emphasize the face with bright colors. Secondly, under artificial lighting, the unmade face of the actor may appear dark or deathly pale.

Even before uttering his first line, the actor who appears before the audience must already win over the audience with his external appearance, predetermine their attitude towards him as a character and make the first impression.

Make-up in the theatrical concept is a multifaceted thing, but it is customary for professionals to divide it into “conditional” and “realistic”.

Realistic make-up is understood not only as a drawing on the face, but also as obligatory shading of all open parts of the body. Realistic makeup is divided into the following areas:

Conditional make-up involves the rejection of all principles of realism, it exaggerates individual features and qualities of a character or displays the style of a certain movement. Conditional makeup is divided into:

  • Fantastic or fabulous - this makeup is familiar to every child and is the embodiment of an actor in the form of fairy-tale characters - Baba Yaga, Leshy, the Dragon and other fairy-tale creatures.
  • Genre - an example of this trend is the mask makeup of the theaters of the East, for example, Pierrot's whitened face, Petrushka's bright cheeks or huge clown smiles.
  • Grotesque - this direction involves the ultimate exaggeration of the characteristic make-up, up to some exaggeration or asymmetry. An example is the make-up of Death in Russian folk tales.

In the theatrical environment, it is customary to use many expressive means, but skillfully applied makeup helps the artist to find himself in the role to the greatest extent, which is an incentive, a strong impetus for revealing the image of the hero. In some cases, only makeup can visually and comprehensively convey to the audience the essence of the character.

DIY makeup

Real professional makeup is not cheap and sometimes it happens that it is not so easy to find. And if you have some kind of performance, show or event planned, then you can do the makeup yourself with your own hands.

To do this, take watercolor (gouache will irritate the skin) and fresh unsalted lard. Watercolor paints, each separately, must be crushed to a state of powder, lard should be melted over low heat. Then mix each paint with melted lard. Try to carefully grind the resulting mass, it should not have lumps. Ready! Such makeup will not differ much from the present and will be safer. You can wash it off with soap or any cosmetics.

A more resistant make-up that does not spread even from exposure to heat can be prepared using vaseline oil. The cooking method is the same. This makeup will be more liquid, but it is suitable even for drawing small details. For the base of makeup, you need to take a nourishing cream, then apply foundation on top, and then the makeup you have already prepared. Make-up can be applied with a special brush or finger. At the end, powder so that there is no unwanted shine.

Make-up should be removed with a facial scrub, then the skin should be wiped with lotion or tonic, you can sprinkle with mineral water.

Books on theatrical make-up can be found in our library,

Sometimes a person finds himself in a rather unusual situation when it is necessary to do makeup at home. Is it possible to create an unusual image on your own and save time and money on visiting specialized salons? Of course, this is possible. You just need to follow the instructions correctly.

Skin preparation

Before you start applying makeup at home, you need to properly prepare your workspace. As with the classic application, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed. Otherwise, the created image will not last for a long time and will let you down at the most unpredictable moment.

Wash your face with the right cleanser for your skin. After that, wipe your face with tonic or lotion. This will help tone the skin. Next, apply your daily moisturizer. Allow the cream to fully absorb and start creating makeup.

wrinkled face

This makeup at home is quite easy to create. You will need gelatin, pharmacy glycerin, some plain water and foundation. This look would be perfect for Halloween or Carnival.

To begin, mix gelatin with glycerin and water. Put the mixture in a water bath or heat in the microwave. When the gelatin is completely dissolved, add foundation to the mixture. In this case, you should give preference to inexpensive products. Mix the solution thoroughly. After that, you can apply makeup.

At home, you can use a brush or your own fingers. Spread the mixture over the skin of the face, creating folds and wrinkles in the right places. Deep dents can be made with ordinary hand tools. After the image is ready, let the makeup dry well. At the end, you can apply foundation powder with a special brush and, if necessary, use face painting pencils.

white face

This makeup at home is created using potato starch, flour, pharmacy glycerin and plain water. Mix all the ingredients and mix the solution thoroughly. You should get a thick creamy mass.

Apply makeup to your face with a sponge or brush. Spread the layer evenly over the skin and let it dry. When you get a snow-white skin tone, you can begin to complete the image. To do this, use ordinary decorative cosmetics or special felt-tip pens for drawings on the skin.

Creation of skin defects

Makeup at home can be done with the help of additional tools. This look is perfect for Halloween or Christmas.

Choose the right accessories. It can be a gouged eye, false nose, warts or other skin defects. Usually such things are sold in specialized stores. Glue is always attached to them. But if you just stick an artificial body to your face, it will be noticeable. Therefore, it is so important to create the right makeup at home. A photo of the finished model can be viewed in this article.

Prepare a mixture of gelatin, water and regular fat cream. Thoroughly dissolve the bulk substance and heat the mixture. Glue the artificial body part to the face and treat the border area evenly with the natural skin. If necessary, apply the resulting mixture all over the face and create additional imperfections. You can also apply the finishing touches with After that, let the makeup dry. The image is ready!

Good luck in this interesting work and have a good time!

Nelli Nikolaevna Kostyukova

Target: Creation of a bright, impressive image with minimal recognition for pupils.

Before applying makeup:

After applying makeup:

Makeup progress:

For makeup, I used real theatrical makeup:

If you do not have one, you can use ordinary cosmetic shadows. Remember one rule - before using make-up, apply a rich nourishing cream on your face so that the paint does not clog heavily into the pores (it will be difficult to wash off).

1. Step one: apply brown eye shadow around the eyes to create the effect of sunken eyes. Paint over your natural mimic wrinkles around the eyes, nose and lips:

2. Shade the sides of the nose bridge and highlight the top. The edges must be carefully shaded so that the transition from light to dark is less noticeable (to give naturalness). This will result in a thin and long nose.

3. Then you need to highlight the upper cheekbones, and darken the cheek cavities. Gently blend the color transitions.

The remaining parts of the face: chin, forehead, lips, make a pale brown color, carefully examine all the nuances and shade all color transitions, achieve maximum naturalness.

Add costume details - the image is ready!