What to give parents for their wedding anniversary: ​​funny ideas for a long memory. Anniversary gift for parents from children. What to give, how to do it yourself, ideas how to congratulate in an original way

Choosing a gift is not always easy. Especially when it comes to your parents. Of course, they will be happy with every present they receive from their beloved children. But still, it should not only show attention and care, but also fully correspond to the solemn date. After all, an anniversary is round and ordinary. It is necessary to figure out exactly what to give parents on their wedding day.

On such a memorable day, the most important thing is to let loved ones feel your care and tenderness for them. Be sure to choose a gift that will suit both mom and dad at the same time.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to find common interests among completely different people. But if they were able to live next to each other for so many years, enjoy life and be happy, then they have much more in common than it might seem at first glance. And who, if not their own children, knows this for sure.

During the years of marriage, parents received a lot of gifts. Therefore, when choosing another souvenir or present, it is worth making sure that it does not repeat several of the previous ones. And most importantly, you should decide whether the gift will be practical and universal, or whether it will be original and carry some specific meaning.

Ideas and options for gifts for anniversaries

Anniversary wedding anniversary is a good occasion to get together with family and friends. At the same time, it is important to choose the right gift for the spouses, depending on what kind of wedding they are celebrating.

porcelain wedding

This memorable date is celebrated after 20 years of marriage. It is called porcelain because, like this fragile material, relationships between spouses can break very quickly. But at the same time, this date reminds us that if parents were able to carry their marriage and family through life for so many years and not break up, then they can rightfully be proud of their relationship.

Most often, it is not customary to be original on this anniversary. Relatives and children give expensive porcelain tea sets or small original figurines for the interior to the heroes of the occasion. Of course, if parents collect porcelain, then you can give a huge Chinese vase.

Silver jubilee

After 25 years of family life, people are celebrating a silver wedding, which symbolizes purity and sincerity in their relationship. On this day, it is customary for parents to give gifts related to the noble and pure metal - silver. In most cases, children give silver cutlery, trays or icons. But you can also make silver symbolic. That is, to give a household appliance in a silver case. It will perform all its functions and will be able to make life easier for parents.

pearl anniversary

This holiday is celebrated 30 years after the wedding. The children are already adults. Behind so many years of pure and sincere love. Therefore, on this solemn day, all items related to pearls are given. Children give their mother a string of pearls, which symbolizes the purity and freshness of the relationship, and father - cufflinks or a tie pin with the same pearl decoration.

Bed linen made of pure silk, which resembles a luxurious pearl coating with its brilliance, will also be a wonderful gift. Or you can give your parents a trip to the sea so that they themselves find their pearl and bring it with them.

linen wedding

A linen wedding is celebrated when the parents have lived together for 35 years. This is a great opportunity to change the whole situation in the house. For this celebration, it is customary to give expensive curtains, bedspreads and covers for furniture, high-quality bed linen.

But this celebration has another name - this wedding is called "coral". Therefore, you can safely look for interesting gifts from this material. Any figurine made of coral will look great in the interior and will give parents a lot of joy.

ruby anniversary

This solemn day symbolizes the inviolability and brightness of marriage, like the stone in whose honor this date is named. This holiday is celebrated 40 years after the wedding.

Gifts on this day should be just as expensive like the ruby ​​itself. It could be:

  • mahogany furniture;
  • household appliances of a scarlet shade;
  • crockery in ruby ​​color.

You should not save on gifts for this celebration. After all, such a date is worthy of respect.

Sapphire Jubilee

The next precious date is celebrated at 45 years of marriage. She is the true personification of the wisdom and experience that the spouses have gained over the years. And on this solemn day, gifts that will be associated with sapphires should be given.

Children can give jewelry with sapphires. Or show imagination and present a gift related to water only indirectly. It can be fountains for a garden, a decorative fountain for a house. The latter is also considered a wonderful feng shui gift, because it attracts good luck and prosperity to the house.

golden wedding

Until this venerable date, not all married couples live. But it is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. After all, the couple lived together for half a century. They've seen a lot, they've been through a lot. They are surrounded by loving children and grandchildren.

The best option for a gift from children on this date will be new wedding rings. They will stir up memory and remind the day when they were married. This will be a special moment in their lives. It is not necessary to give other decorations. After all, older people are no longer so greedy for such gifts. But they will gladly accept an icon or an amulet with their patron in gold.

Universal gift for any date

It is not always convenient to be tied to a specific date in the life of a married couple. Moreover, there are also non-circular anniversaries that I want to celebrate no less brightly. These dates include 34 years. What kind of wedding is this, and what to give parents on this memorable day - many are racking their brains. This date is called an amber wedding, and it is customary to give jewelry with amber on it.

But for any celebration or wedding anniversary, children can be smart and make really memorable and pleasant gifts for their parents. So, they can fully pay for the solemn part of the holiday in a restaurant.

But you can take a few other gift ideas:

If the parents are planning an anniversary, then you can make an original gift with your own hands. They can be a funny drawing for the wedding anniversary of the parents, which will depict some interesting moments from the life of the couple. Such an unusual present. will definitely be appreciated.

Practicality is not always bad

If you are thinking about a wedding anniversary gift for your parents, but you know that they are homebodies and prefer to spend time with their grandchildren, you should think about a practical present. Such a surprise can be a large plasma TV or two rocking chairs made of valuable wood. You can give new electronics, because your parents are unlikely to buy themselves a new phone model. Old people are too conservative.

Well, and if you really want to congratulate in an original way parents, take them to a sanatorium for a couple of weeks, and during this time make a complete repair in the house. This gift will definitely be practical, unexpected and the best.

Original surprises

The most pleasant surprise for parents will be a walk through the places of youth. Here it is important to carefully find out from them about the places that they visited together and which they remember. Draw a plan and ride them around these interesting stations. At each such stop, you can arrange a miniature representation of how they could behave here. They will never forget this gift.

The medals and cups that you can give them will look very original. Just make sure you have your parents' names engraved on them first.

But the best gift for parents on their wedding anniversary is a do-it-yourself family tree or a wall newspaper that will describe life in their family. How many memorable moments she will stir up in their lives!

If you want to be completely original, then compose a song and record it on electronic media. During the celebration, it will be a very nice gift for parents.

Dealt with gifts All you have to do is create the right atmosphere. for their presentation and organize a solemn event for the closest people in the world. And let this day be remembered by them with bright emotions and extraordinary adventures.

This is a wonderful holiday that is celebrated by the whole family. Spouses often congratulate each other on this date, and relatives congratulate the couple on another year spent together. This tradition only helps to strengthen relationships within the family. The most important gifts for spouses on this day are, of course, those given by their children.

It is worth clarifying that it does not have to be expensive, its value cannot be measured in money, just as the value of years lived cannot be measured. This gift should rather be memorable, please the spouses and evoke good emotions and good memories in them.

An original gift for parents can be their own image. Order an oil or pencil painting from the artist, choosing the most touching photo of your parents. You can do without an artist, in our time, paintings are printed directly from photographs on a special printer.

You can also use a photo in a different way: paired T-shirts for spouses, a set of dishes with photos of children and parents. If your parents love jigsaw puzzles, then why not make their own gift from a thousand pieces. Then such a picture from puzzles can be glued together and framed.

Give your parents a trip to another country or just 1 day at the spa. If your parents love outdoor activities, then you can give them a ride on horseback.

But there are such "anniversaries" that are usually celebrated in a wide circle, a gift for such a holiday must be chosen with great care.

This anniversary is traditionally called a porcelain wedding. Various porcelain products, respectively, will be a wonderful gift for spouses. Of course, you can give your parents a set of porcelain dishes. But what to do if they already have not one such set gathering dust in the closet?

There are more options than you might think. You can find a wonderful porcelain figurine or box. An excellent gift will be an electric kettle made of porcelain with elegant painting. And in a porcelain vase, donated flowers will comfortably fit. Moreover, beautiful flowers made of cold porcelain will also become an original gift that will delight your parents for many years.

What to give parents for their 25th wedding anniversary

25 years after the wedding day is celebrated. If you follow the tradition, you can congratulate your parents with silver cutlery or a photo frame made of the same metal.

If funds do not allow you to purchase items made of silver, you can choose silver-plated metal. You can also wrap absolutely any gift in silver paper, which will pay tribute to tradition and will not affect the budget.

Gift for parents for 30 years of marriage

Less picky in choosing a gift. Of course, the best gift for a 30th wedding anniversary will be pearls, but any thing with a mother-of-pearl shade will do.

Here, the choice of a gift is limited only by the flight of your imagination: these are art objects, household utensils, and home accessories.

If you want to make a practical gift to your parents, then you can give some technical innovations that make life easier. For example, a slow cooker will be a wonderful gift for a pearl wedding.

What to give parents for their 35th wedding anniversary

After 35 years of marriage, a linen wedding begins. As a gift for this date, you can give textiles: towels, tablecloths, napkins, bed linen, even bathrobes.

People often call this wedding a coral wedding, so any coral products (not just jewelry) will also be a great gift for your parents.

What to give parents for their 40th wedding anniversary

The ruby ​​wedding speaks for itself. It is not at all necessary to give rubies on this day, not everyone can make such a gift. But the red color of the gift is quite symbolic. You can choose absolutely any gift from household appliances to furniture. Of course, the gift should fit into the interior of the apartment. If you decide to give your parents a new sofa, then it is not necessary to choose red. Take a photo of the sofa, pack it in a red envelope and hand it to your parents for the holiday.

Not every couple celebrates this anniversary. Living a whole life together is not very easy, only true love can carry two people through 50 years and not fade away.

This wedding is called golden, but it is not necessary to give gold to parents. At this age, your attention is more valuable to them than any jewelry. Try to thank them for giving birth to you and raising you by taking care of them. Appropriate from this day will be gifts that make life easier for them, as well as appliances that will help maintain health and live for many more years.

The wedding anniversary of our parents always evokes the most reverent and warm emotions in us, because the dearest people, going through life's trials together, prove over and over again that real feelings exist. Another long-awaited date is approaching, and perhaps the anniversary of living together, so it's time to think about what to give parents for the anniversary. We invite you to evaluate the most interesting gift ideas with the Wedding.ws portal.

What to get mom and dad for their wedding anniversary

Whatever surprise you start, always remember that year after year your attention becomes the main and most desired present. You can present a very expensive gift to your parents on your wedding anniversary, paying tribute, and then rush to go about your business, or you can devote time to mom and dad, even if you arrange a banal tea party with conversations and give a symbolic thing.

Gifts to remember for a lifetime

It is unlikely that we will talk about any things, even the most necessary ones. And let's try to do without templates, when a gift for a silver wedding must be silver, and for a cast-iron one they usually give a frying pan. A full range of symbolic and themed wedding anniversary gifts can be found on our website. Let parents experience something that they have never experienced before. Or maybe it's time to fulfill the cherished dream that they constantly put off, sacrificing their desires for you? Of course, you should not go too far and force mom and dad out of their comfort zone. Extreme riding lessons, rope jumping or wind tunnel flying would probably be to your taste, but it is unlikely that parents will. Of all the possible gift-impressions, Svadbka.ws advises the most appropriate and original gifts for parents on their anniversary:

  • will allow you to experience the most unforgettable and exciting emotions. Information about the benefits of dolphin therapy is increasing from year to year.

  • Bath with spa treatments involves a joint trip. For example, visiting a hammam (Turkish bath) can perfectly relax with health benefits, in particular, joints, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as improve blood circulation. Spa treatments will help relieve fatigue, irritability and overwork.

  • Ticket to the sanatorium as an anniversary gift, give parents the opportunity to spend time with health benefits.

  • Romantic dinner in a chic restaurant after all, a very small percentage of humanity regularly allows themselves such trips, and you let your parents feel like the cream of society on their wedding anniversary.

  • Romantic weekend in the city, for example, in winter, a cozy house in the mountains and the opportunity to go skiing or just get some fresh air are more preferable. In the summer - go to the reservoir for fishing or relax at the base.

  • Romantic boat trip will allow you to have a picnic on board, as well as enjoy the beauty of the water area.

  • Chef at home Surprise homebody parents. Mom and dad don't have to cook or do the dishes at all. It remains only to relax and savor freshly prepared delicacies.

  • will be remembered by parents who love peace. It is not at all necessary to purchase tickets to the cinema, now the leading surprise impression companies will provide the opportunity to watch your favorite movie in seclusion. And it's not at home - on the couch, that's the most important thing.

  • master classes, which will combine interests, for example, creating a picture or cooking a gourmet dish, or maybe parents will be delighted with pottery lessons? All in your hands.

  • Tasting evening Definitely will appeal to connoisseurs of wine, cheese or coffee. Parents will enjoy gastronomic pleasure, as well as learn a lot of interesting things about their favorite products.

  • Tickets to the theater or to a concert of your favorite band, depending on the preferences of mom and dad, they will give genuine joyful emotions.

Necessary, useful and desirable gifts

There is nothing shameful in giving just such gifts for a wedding anniversary, especially if mom and dad have long dreamed of a new TV or a quality set of bed linen. An important rule that we start from is that a present is definitely needed in the family and they are waiting for it. Don't tick the box by giving Mom another frying pan for her next wedding anniversary, or giving Dad a razor. But if the father does not see his life without fishing, and the mother loves to cook, fishing tackle and kitchen accessories will be a good gift, even if not just one common, but so welcome.

DIY gifts: crafts and practical things for a wedding anniversary

Do you know the phrase: “The best gift is the one that is made with your own hands”? And who else, if not parents, is able to appreciate your own work? In addition, situations in life are different, for example, financial difficulties. Don't leave mom and dad unattended. In this case, we also have original ideas.

Crafts and souvenir hand-made gifts for the wedding anniversary:

  • Postcard, as a memorable sign of attention with wishes for an anniversary, will remind parents of your love. Create your masterpiece for loved ones.
  • Topiary or the tree of happiness will become a symbolic and very beautiful thing in the parents' house. To create it, you can use various improvised means.
  • Bouquet of sweets will replace the traditional flower arrangement.
  • Painted gingerbread, which is not difficult to bake with your own hands.
  • Homemade cake with original design will be an excellent occasion for organizing a family tea party.
what to give for a golden wedding, because at this age, parents value attention and care for themselves more.

What else can you give your parents for their wedding anniversary? Do not forget about all kinds of portraits, family tree, edited video and the like. Memories from the past will help parents experience those unforgettable emotions again. How exactly to congratulate the closest people on their wedding anniversary is known only to you. It will be a family tea party, a practical gift or a surprise-impression, you decide. Give with pleasure, and we would like to wish the most sincere emotions from the closest people.

    So many joyful troubles and experiences for the newlyweds before the wedding! All the little things need to be thought through: choose a dress for the bride, order rings, a limousine, and many other things to prepare for an important life event. It would be nice to remember the old Russian custom - to make a gift to parents. What to give parents for a wedding - this will be discussed in the article.

    Why you need to give a gift to parents

    According to Russian tradition, it is customary to give something to parents on the second day of the wedding. Now many give their presents before the wedding or on the day of the wedding. The bride gives the parents of the future husband, and the groom, respectively, the girl's parents. These gifts symbolize gratitude, reverence and respect for elders. The young man presents the bride's parents as a sign that they raised a wonderful hostess, raised a kind and beautiful daughter. And the bride, presenting her gifts, seems to appease the groom's parents. After all, the father-in-laws accept her into their family, and she will bear their surname. Today, a common option is when young people give a common gift prepared by both for their beloved dads and moms.

    At weddings in the present tense, as a token of gratitude to parents, they simply say words of gratitude, raise warm toasts and congratulate them. But it will be doubly pleasant for them if they receive something valuable from the children. After all, this is a sign that they were not forgotten, they took the time and showed respect and reverence.

    How to present a present?

    According to Russian custom, gifts were put on a tray, and the newlyweds went around with him to dads and moms. Now, of course, few people adhere to such rules; everything can be done in free form. After presenting gifts from the newlyweds, everyone raises their glasses and makes toasts with words of gratitude to their parents.

    How to choose the right gift?

    Practical gifts

    Children usually give something practical, necessary in everyday life, something symbolizing family values, well-being, for example:

    • Tablecloth;

    • Towels

    • Kitchenware;

    • Set of dishes;
    • Appliance equipment for the kitchen - bread machine, mixer, microwave, slow cooker;

    • Plaid;

    • Pillows;

    • A pair of bathrobes.

    According to an old tradition, shirts that she sewed herself were a gift from her daughter. At the moment, it is clear that it is rare for a girl to sew something as a gift; you can buy the same shirts in a store.

    If young people decide to donate something from household appliances, you first need to find out what exactly is missing in the parents' house. Perhaps, by the way, there will be a vacuum cleaner or a dishwasher, or the air conditioner just broke down, or there was a need for a video camera. Having guessed what exactly parents want, the gift will not only be a manifestation of attention, but will also appeal to you, as it will eliminate the need to purchase this thing yourself.

    Nice presents

    Moms can be presented with chic bouquets of flowers, gold or silver pendants will also pleasantly surprise women. Any jewelry for mothers of the newlyweds is suitable for such an occasion as a present. It will be very elegant and pleasant to receive a set of silver spoons for your mother-in-law.

    creative gifts

    If young people do not want to give household appliances, dishes or other practical things, then you can approach the choice of a gift more creatively. Order a portrait from an artist, for example, or do something with your own hands. Portraits can be very different. For example, the groom's parents can be given a portrait of their son with them. Now such a picture can be drawn from a photograph, not necessarily the presence of the people themselves at the artist. Or a great option would be the image of the parents themselves, a copy of the photo portrait from their wedding.

    An alternative to a portrait can be photo collages from cards depicting parents with a bride or groom in childhood. It's good to make a video from such photos. And if there is an opportunity to also demonstrate it in a restaurant, then this would be a memorable moment. Such videos will pleasantly refresh memories not only at the celebration itself, but also later, at anniversaries. Even for a golden wedding, it will be interesting for everyone to view and remember such important moments from the history of the family.

    Believing parents can be presented with icons either purchased, or, even better, embroidered with their own hands.

    Also, a tourist tour somewhere, or a subscription for two to spa treatments or a massage parlor, could also be a good option.

    Inexpensive gifts

    In the case when the young people have spent a lot of money on preparations for their main celebration, and there is almost no money left for gifts, you can buy something not very expensive or make a gift with your own hands.

    For example, figurines with all sorts of inscriptions are common - “The best mother-in-law”, “The best mother in the world” and the like. It can also be ribbons that are solemnly worn over the shoulder.

    The ideal option would be if all parents receive the same type of gifts. The main thing is that they reflect the gratitude of the young to the elders, because it is the attention to them from the children that is important.

    Video on the topic of the article:

    If your parents celebrate their wedding anniversary, their relationship can be envied - despite all the difficulties of family life, they retained tender feelings for each other, and the anniversary is almost as significant for them as the wedding day itself, and it’s not easy to congratulate your parents on this event impossible. In addition, there are round dates (silver wedding, etc.), which, according to tradition, are celebrated especially solemnly. Since your parents are the people closest to you and it was thanks to their meeting that you were born, your gift should be special. But among the many options, choosing what to give your parents for an anniversary is not easy. Should the gift be functional, should it correspond to the name of the year we lived together (agate, porcelain, etc. weddings)?

    Gifts Teenagers Can Give

    In adolescence, children already remember important dates in family life well, and if with a wooden (5 years old), faience (9 years old) or steel (11 years old) wedding, the child did not yet have the opportunity to congratulate his parents on his own, then to an agate (14 years old) ) and a glass (15 years old) wedding, such an opportunity already exists. While it is true that it is customary to give gifts made from the material the year is named after, it is not necessary to give agate as an anniversary gift to parents.

    The most wonderful gift from the point of view of each parent is made by the hands of a child. Children over 11 can do:

    Tip: Since the wedding is agate, it is advisable to use these stones for making jewelry (not necessarily in large quantities). Through the Internet, you can buy agate beads, from which you can make a bracelet, necklace or earrings for mom and a keychain for dad with your own hands. Beads can be alternated with beads and other stones. From small stones you can make a panel.

    You can give dad and mom for a glass wedding:

    • Glass figurines symbolizing love (pigeons, swans, etc.);
    • Hand-painted glasses;
    • A vase made by hand from a bottle;
    • Beautifully designed jar of sweets.

    If a girl already knows how to cook a little and does not know what to give her parents for their anniversary, she can make a cold marshmallow cake.

    If culinary experiments are already left behind, you can bake a full-fledged wedding cake with your own hands.

    Tip: A wedding cake usually consists of several tiers, but you don't have to look for new recipes at all. Prepare the cake that you do best, but this time make the cakes in different sizes. You can decorate the cake with sugar paste figures.

    Gifts requiring investment

    The next gift you will have to give to your parents is on the 18th wedding anniversary. A traditional gift is turquoise, symbolizing the beginning of a calm period in life (you have already grown up and the main worries are behind you). Products made of turquoise are not very expensive, and you can present some elegant jewelry made of this stone to your mother. But a different kind of gift will make a greater impression on parents. Parents are still quite young and already quite wealthy, but they have completely lost the habit of living for themselves. Give them:

    • Romantic dinner in a restaurant (if finances do not allow you to book a table, and you know how to cook well, organize a homemade dinner among flickering candles);
    • Tickets to the theater or to a concert (this day is simply created for memories of youth);
    • A trip to nature with barbecue, guitar, etc.

    If you know that mom has a dream to buy some nice but useless little thing, give it, and give dad a gift related to his hobbies.

    It is absolutely not necessary to give expensive gifts or gifts of blue shades - this is exactly the case when the main thing is attention.
    The 20th anniversary of marriage is called a porcelain wedding, so God himself ordered to choose a porcelain gift for parents on this wedding anniversary, thus compensating for dishes broken in childhood. It could be:

    • Service (tea, table or coffee, depending on the needs of the mother);
    • Containers for spices and cereals;
    • Watch;
    • Electric kettle;
    • Aroma lamp (do not forget the essential oils for it);
    • Casket (it can be musical);
    • Beautiful vase;
    • A variety of figurines or a doll, if mom is disposed to such things.

    An original gift can be made from cold porcelain with your own hands. The most appropriate gift from this series will be an unfading bouquet of roses, which you can make after watching the master class.

    Do-it-yourself porcelain figurines can be framed for a photo.

    If your parents have been married for 21 years and you still haven’t figured out what to give your parents for their anniversary, add opal items (figurines, candlesticks, etc.) to the gifts listed above.

    For a bronze wedding, you can donate made from this metal:

    Satin wedding falls on the 24th anniversary, and on this day you can present:

    • Bed sheets;
    • Satin robe;
    • Satin ribbon embroidery.

    A gift to parents on the 25th, silver, wedding anniversary, according to custom, should include silver or metal elements. Silver is good for health, so you can safely give:

    • spoons;
    • ladle;
    • Tea strainer;
    • Pillbox;
    • Corkscrew;
    • Water ionizer, etc.

    Since both dads and moms like silver jewelry, you can give:

    • A chain (a cross or a scapular may be attached to it);
    • Watch;
    • Bracelets;
    • Rings.

    If you have the opportunity to buy an expensive item, pay attention to:

    You can also give a new phone or an iPhone in a silver hue.

    If the budget does not allow you to make expensive purchases, give those things that your parents need, and wrap the gift in silver paper before handing it.

    Since parents often still feel sorry for spending substantial amounts on themselves, you can present your parents with a cruise trip or a subscription to the pool for their wedding anniversary.

    Gift options for a pearl, coral (linen), ruby ​​or gold wedding

    For 30 years of married life, you can give any gift that has a mother-of-pearl hue. These can be sets, ceramic-coated dishes, bathroom accessories or decorations. You can also give purely practical gifts - a dishwasher, a food processor, etc.

    It is impractical, but a panel on a marine theme will look original.

    Since pearls are born in the sea, a holiday on the coast is also suitable as a gift.

    If you have bought a functional gift that does not shimmer with mother-of-pearl, but you want to keep the theme of the year, you can decorate it with a string of imitation pearls.

    For a linen wedding, parents who have lived together for 35 years are appropriate to give:

    • Bed linen or tablecloth;
    • Plaid or bedspread;
    • Bath towels, etc.

    Mom can be presented with a hand-painted canvas bag, a rug made by your own hands, a linen summer sundress or a suit (a summer suit will come in handy for dad too).

    For a ruby ​​wedding, pay attention to the life of your parents. At this age, people are already quite conservative and are often not interested in novelties that make life easier. A robot vacuum cleaner, a slow cooker, a blender - any device that saves time and effort will be appropriate. This also includes a laptop, TV, computer and home theater - these items are no longer so much easier as they brighten up life.