What is the best way to arrange a romantic evening. You can fill a hot bath, scatter rose petals on the floor, light scented candles. You can add some essential oil, salt and foam to the bath to relax as much as possible. Romantic evening at home

Usually, in my articles on the topic of the family we are talking about children, but today we will talk about something else no less important aspect: about a couple in love. If your relationship is not an empty phrase for you, I would recommend that you keep the spark in it and find a way to show how much you appreciate each other. Every week or even every day if possible.

Why cheap? Okay, you can rent a limousine and take your girl to the most luxurious French restaurant. Or drive with her or him on a hike to snow-capped mountain peaks, or rent a stadium and perform some sentimental song for your other half with the support of the P.I. Tchaikovsky. I don't know about you, but I can't afford it more than once a year. The rest of the time you have to resort to something less expensive.

Before diving into the list, let's take a look at a few things:

  1. Weekly dates. I recommend meeting with your partner at least once a week. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on this, it is enough just to spend at least a couple of hours together. If you, like me, have children, find someone to leave them with.
  2. Communication. None romantic deeds will not replace real communication. Spend time talking about your life goals, your dreams, your plans for the future, the things you like, what you like about other people, what you would like to do, what or whom you are grateful for.
  3. Inspiration. The list contains a lot of the obvious - you yourself may come up with twice as many great ideas. This list does not claim to be original - its purpose is to inspire you. Pick up some good ideas or let them inspire you to implement your own ideas. Sometimes we just need a little push.
  4. Forget the holidays. Ignore Valentine's Day. It is because of such holidays that people believe that they should be special only on certain occasions. special days. Don't wait for the right moment, instead be romantic any day of the week.

Well, enough talk. Let's take a look at ways to have a romantic time without breaking your budget (note to my mom: don't read any further as there are… uh… savory tips):

  1. Compose a poem.
  2. Prepare a romantic dinner.
  3. Do a full body massage.
  4. Have a sunset picnic.
  5. Pick some wild flowers on your way home.
  6. Record a CD with love songs.
  7. Give me chocolate.
  8. Read poetry together.
  9. Prepare strawberries with chocolate.
  10. Hug each other on a rainy day.
  11. Leave short love notes everywhere.
  12. Send daily Love letters by mail. It is possible by email.
  13. Stroll along the moonlit beach.
  14. Watch a romantic movie snuggled up next to each other (one of my favorites).
  15. Take good wine and contemplate the falling stars.
  16. Take a bath together (more bubbles!).
  17. Bring home good coffee or sweets.
  18. Take a memorable walk - visit the places of your first meetings. You will have pleasant memories.
  19. Make hot chocolate for dessert.
  20. Make an album of newspaper clippings, photos, and little reminders of your life together.
  21. Kiss in the pouring rain.
  22. Ride the Ferris wheel.
  23. Sneak out of the party and kiss passionately.
  24. Bring home good earnings from any deal and light some candles.
  25. Fix something or clean up the house to please your partner.
  26. Slow dance to romantic music.
  27. Take a nap together.
  28. Kiss slowly, touching her or his back, neck, and back of the head
  29. Make a list of what you like about her or him.
  30. Compose a love letter.
  31. Send emails every day that make her (him) think of you.
  32. Go to the movies, not for the movie, but to kiss passionately like teenagers.
  33. Clean up and try to look great.
  34. Be quiet for a while and just talk about the day.
  35. Write short notes, one for each thing that drives you crazy.
  36. Feed each other grapes.
  37. Act out a romantic scene from your partner's favorite movie.
  38. Imagine that you are going on a first date - show up with a bouquet of flowers, in a pinstripe suit, in a washed car, looking smart. Recreate the first time.
  39. Make a small box with your partner's favorite items.
  40. Color each other. Be creative!
  41. Try some sexual games. Dress up, be daring, have fun.
  42. Throughout the day, make small remarks about your partner's clothing to constantly remind her/him of your love.
  43. Sing her/him your favorite song. Only if you are really good at singing.
  44. Have a candlelit dinner on the rooftop. The case will not work out if the roof has a sharp slope.
  45. Hold hands and walk somewhere along the alley lit by cute lights.
  46. Talk about your love. Any day, every day.
  47. Blindfold your partner. Tickle him with a feather. Slowly.
  48. Publicly declare your love.
  49. Fruits or berries with whipped cream.
  50. Play the role of the Marquis de Sade. Do what feels natural. Do not hurry.

A day off or a holiday, in general, it doesn’t matter, for a romantic, there is no beloved special days or reasons. It's so wonderful to cook a romantic dinner for your beloved husband or boyfriend at home. To do this, you just need to turn on your imagination and know what your chosen one prefers for dinner.

Romantic Evening Ideas

At home, you can cook a different romantic for your loved one, arrange a dinner for two, you just need to hurry up and buy all the necessary attributes for the house, and don't forget to create your own image that you have prepared for the evening.

Photo: Romantic ideas for a beloved husband

You can create a romantic Japanese or Oriental seafood dinner by placing beautifully scented candles throughout the room, or lay them out on a heart-shaped table.

Erotic option: fill a bath with fragrant essential oils and fragrant bath foam, light a lot of scented candles, and ... prepare a dessert. And what it will be - it already depends on your imagination! For romance, it is best to use aromatic oils of eucalyptus or lavender, they have an exciting effect and are used for relaxation.

Ideal and simple romantic idea at home: you can wrap fruit or a nice dessert in a ribbon or a beautiful wrapper for breakfast, leaving a love note.

It is very pleasant to receive positive and tenderness in the morning. Prepare a creative breakfast for your favorite guy in the form, and decorate it to your taste.

Romantic Dinner Ideas

If you suddenly decided to please your boyfriend, but don't know how to arrange a romantic evening, cook a romantic dinner for two at home. Ideas for romance can be very different.

To get started, clean the house, prepare a chic tablecloth, and, of course, come up with your image for the evening. You can wear a flirty exciting outfit, with a revealing transparent neckline, or dress in the style of a football fan.

On the dinner menu, it is best to cook hot and dessert. Meat is served hot in a sweet and sour sauce with wine, and you can also make spicy rolls, with varieties of dry wine. From drinks it is best to choose light romantic drinks. However, for lovers of oriental entertainment, a romantic evening can be arranged in Japanese style V Thai massage, incense sticks, and ... in a sexy silk kimono. Basically, great idea! Rolls, sake, outfit Japanese geisha- exotic!

In this case, you can apply creativity and just spend a romantic evening at home watching your favorite movie, with pop food, chips and a bottle of beer. And your loved one will like it, and you can spend the evening in a warm and cozy atmosphere.

You can spend a romantic evening with your loved one at home in an unforgettable and creative way, using your imagination and a wise approach to the interests of your chosen one. Feel free to experiment with ideas, because life interesting thing, and there are many accessories and attributes around to embody romantic ideas.

How to arrange romantic evening for a loved one: 6 stages of preparation + 9 scenarios +10 best films for viewing together + 3 main mistakes.

Home-work-home - your personal "Bermuda Triangle", in which you disappear on weekdays? And on weekends, its concept changes to a shop-bazaar-kitchen?

So, drop this rotten business and think about how how to arrange a romantic evening for a loved one. Yes, such that your crazy eyes then shone for a week, like stars on a fine August night.

Analyzing it: 6 things to decide before you arrange a romantic evening for your loved one

If you want to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved, worthy of the pen of Nick Sparks or Margaret Mitchell, you will have to think about:

To have something to tell your grandchildren: 9 scenarios on how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one in the highest rank

If the soul wants a holiday, and you are in last time“cooed” with your loved one three months ago (and even then after the fifth cocktail), we offer you some ideas on how to arrange a memorable romantic evening for your loved one.

1) The sea, the sun and the water are our best friends in order to triple an unforgettable evening!

You can be sure: arrange beach party for two it is possible in your own apartment in a couple of hours, even if it is -20 below zero outside the window and not a single lost soul is visible.

All you need is a stunning swimsuit, beach cocktail drinks and two sun loungers.

The most desperate can spread a large piece of polyethylene on the floor and pour fine sand on it.

All! He is "ready to kiss the sand" you walked on during romantic dinner!

2) A fashionable sentence from a beloved guy: put on a real show!

Another one interesting idea how to arrange beautiful evening a guy to organize a private fashion show for him.

Parade past this new Yves Saint Laurent in lingerie and fur coat summer sundress and his white - everything that comes into your bright little head.

The main thing is not to touch anyone or anything with your hands until the end of the “show”!

3) Party "at the hut", but not simple, but costumed

Let them shower us with torn slippers, but we are all for arranging fancy-dress romantic evenings.

Who can stop you from dressing up as a beautiful pirate, the wife of a mafia boss or the “ideal housewife” of the 50s in America?

Nobody and nothing but your own complexes and.

But young ladies who are able to arrange a holiday out of nothing, putting on a belt with coins for oriental dances, and whisper "What does my master want?" don't quit!

They are cared for, cherished and taken to rest on the sea where the place is " free women East" - to Turkey, Egypt and the Emirates.

4) Movie show for two: a great idea how to arrange a romantic evening for a guy

An option for the laziest: you just buy popcorn, uncork a bottle of wine, take out a cozy checkered blanket from the top shelf of the closet and purr in your cat’s ear: “Darling, today I’m ready to watch any movie with you.”

And the word "any" does not mean at all the "Diary of Memory", "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts and not the immortal "Bridget Jones's Diary", but in best case"Police Academy" or "Die Hard".

Are you ready for such “sacrifices”? Right? Yes it real love darling!

And here are some films to arrange unforgettable evening for two, most often offered on the Internet:

No. p \ pTitle, release year
1 "One Day" (2011)
2 "The Fault in the Stars" (2014)
3 "Midnight in Paris" (2011)
4 "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" (2008)
5 "Boyfriend from the Future" (2013)
6 "Match Point" (2005)
7 "Exchange Vacation" (2005)
8 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
9 "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (2004)
10 "Changing Reality" (2011)

5) Chasing balls: billiards as an idea for a romantic evening with your loved one

Is your boyfriend ready to talk for 2 hours and 45 minutes about the difference between "American" and Russian billiards and what kind of wood is better to make cues from?

It's time for you, dear, to learn, if not to drive the balls into the hole, then at least to sit picturesquely on the green cloth when it's your turn to hit.

Many billiard rooms have private rooms with a gaming table that can be rented for a few hours.

But be careful: if you combine billiards so beloved by your boyfriend, no less beloved by you and good beer in one place and at the same time, there is a risk that the lucky man will have a stroke from excess of joy ☺.

You can safely “reformat” this idea if your beloved is not a fan of billiards, but, say, football, basketball and other boyish “joys”.

After all, your the main task- arrange romantic holiday so that the guy likes it, and not “cut down” later for this “extraordinary” gift or put a “tick” in the “Successful relationship” column.

The author of the article, for example, is familiar with the wonderful girl Marta, who arranged a lesson for her beloved, avid motorist. extreme driving. As Igor later admitted, he could not even dream of a better romantic evening!

6) Karaoke for a romantic evening: sing, swallow, sing!

Even if in your childhood a bear not only stepped on your ear, but stomped on it well, consider having a romantic dinner at a karaoke bar.

And there is no need to be afraid of the judgmental looks of the waiters - they have not heard that either. Howling a la "Grigory Leps" will not frighten them.

And after these joint chants, you definitely have nothing to hide from each other.

7) Cooked with love: learning new dishes on a romantic evening with your loved one

Even if you are real fans of purchased dumplings and know the names of the sellers in the culinary department of the nearest supermarket, during a romantic evening it is worth arranging a culinary battle with your loved one, for example:

8) “Body in business” at a romantic evening with a guy

Consider pampering your boyfriend with couples yoga, swimming in the pool, cycling, and other activities.

Finally, tear your "sloth" off the sofa and laptop and show that on the street "the grass is green, the sun is shining."

9) Our hands are not for boredom: we are looking for the perfect hand-made activity to arrange a romantic dinner for our beloved man

Why talk about it for a long time - just remember how in the good old film "Ghost" (1990) the heroine Demi Moore worked at the potter's wheel with her beloved and you will understand where we are driving.

And if your boyfriend is unlikely to like knitting pink socks, then working with leather, making a carved candle or waving a hammer in a real forge is an “unhackneyed” idea for a romantic evening!

Where can you spend a romantic evening with your loved one?

5 available options, see this video:

How to arrange a romantic evening for a guy and never see him again: 3 main mistakes

So that the desire to arrange a romantic evening for your beloved does not turn into a "tragedy of a universal scale", remember the main mistakes in this delicate matter:

    excessive "confusion" on how to arrange everything perfectly.

    Hmm, the color of your boyfriend's socks doesn't match the color of the tablecloth, the champagne is on romantic dinner served half a degree warmer than the temperature recommended by the manufacturer, and your hair is a little worse than Jennifer Aniston's?

    Cheer up and enjoy the evening!

    get rid of the idea of ​​pulling your beloved boyfriend out of the gray everyday life and spontaneously taking him away “for a week in Komarovo”.

    What do you order him to do if a starving cat yells at home, violets dry, and elderly mother methodically calls morgues and hospitals?

    Enjoy your company, "scored" on everything? Normal responsible men don't do that!

    do not sing the whole romantic evening an ode to yourself, your beloved: “Oh, what a fine fellow, how wonderfully you organized everything” and do not complain about how difficult it was.

    We're sure your boyfriend doesn't have anything in store for this occasion. laurel wreath, not a gold medal.

Our 9 ideas are just a "trigger" for your bright head to decide how to have a romantic evening.

Show a little "mind and ingenuity" - and your stern bearded man will drop stingy men's tears from tenderness and tenderness.

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It is quite possible to give a beloved man a surprise and organize an unforgettable evening without leaving home. Take advantage of the advice and suggested romantic scenarios that will give you intrigue, passion and magical moments. Perhaps dinner will take place in the bathroom or on the balcony.

Falling in love, women want to pamper their chosen ones, hoping for reciprocal action. Romanticism is more common female gender, but in order not to suffer, expecting surprises from your loved one, you should set an example and arrange an unforgettable romantic evening. Perhaps not everyone is given a well-developed fantasy, so the article offers ideas for scenarios an unforgettable date and gives effective advice how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one at home.

Types of men are different, so there is no single example perfect evening. When planning a romantic dinner with a continuation, one should take into account the taste and musical preferences of a loved one, desires, intelligence, sexual fantasies.

However, there are a number of mandatory points:

  1. Time. best time Saturday evening is considered for a romantic dinner. You can choose any convenient day, the main thing is to avoid a visit unexpected guests so that your loved one does not have to urgently leave.
  2. Subject. The meeting can be dedicated to an important date, then it is worth starting from the theory of the holiday. If there is no special occasion, you need to come up with it, mentally describe the details, the desired atmosphere.
  3. Place. The article is devoted to describing how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one at home, but this does not mean that you need to set the table exclusively in the dining room or hall. romantic place can serve as a bath, balcony, bedroom.
  4. Creating an entourage. decor, lighting, beautiful serving, bed sheets, pillows and other little things that create a general atmosphere.
  5. Evening menu. Drinks, delicious food, dessert. Dishes should be easy to prepare and for the stomach, so that the woman does not feel knocked down after the kitchen, and the man does not fall asleep with a full stomach. When choosing alcohol, it is preferable to buy champagne, liquor, wine, because the goal is not to get drunk, but to cheer up.
  6. Music. It's a good idea to prepare two song folders: to create the necessary atmosphere, for further musical accompaniment love comforts. When choosing music, you must first of all start from the individual preferences of your loved one, then from the subject matter.
  7. Appearance. own image should be given due time, especially if the date has a specific theme. A woman should look sexy, have an unusual image that is different from the daily look. Appearance is perfect from the roots of the hair to the toes, even if you wear only his shirt. Remember good perfume- a piece of clothing.

This is the basis of a romantic evening at home. The template is suitable for any scenario, no matter how bold ideas visit a woman's head in love.

Subject selection

Habitual romantic evening is a classic beautiful outfits, white tablecloth, gourmet food, candles, slow music, quiet conversation. Some lovers do not deviate from tradition, preferring such a pastime. But many couples, especially at the first stage of falling in love, feel crazy with happiness and the peaceful calm is sickening.

The direction of the personality of the beloved man plays a major role in choosing the theme of the evening. Play "Erudite" or a quiz with an erudite person, encouraging the correct answers with a languid kiss, if the dancer is a dancer, do a passionate production together. sports man will carry away darts competitions, make him a personal trainer. Strong couples who have lived together for years will be refreshed by the incarnation of feelings erotic fantasies. Act out a role-play backstory.

A gambling man will 100% appreciate the strip card game. A lover of sushi or Chinese wisdom will be intrigued by the transformation of the beloved woman into a sexy geisha serving dishes of this cuisine. Oriental culture, belly dance, delicious hookah smoke are no less interesting. Young modern guys will like American style- pizza, Coca-Cola, fast food, watching an interesting movie.

To make loving hearts less puzzled over the plot, the following describes possible scenarios for a romantic evening at home.

Cafeteria at home

Turn your home into a cozy cafe by taking on the role of a seductive waitress. For an outfit, choose an American style - a top tied under the bust, Short skirt, shoes preferably with heels. For a certain time, court the visitor, make eyes, effectively bend over, serving dishes. Soon the pulse of a loved one will increase, he will offer you to keep company. Boldly develop events further.

summer romance

Such a date is relevant in the cold season. Suitable for calm couples, help to relax, bring a loved one out of the blues. To implement the idea will have to make efforts and costs, but it's worth it.

You will need:

  • a soft green rug resembling a lawn or a grass-colored blanket;
  • fragrant candles with the smell of meadow herbs, flowers, fruits;
  • small bouquets of flowers;
  • table lamp;
  • sounds of nature, forests;
  • light picnic snacks, basket, tray.

Create an atmosphere in stages:

  1. In the middle of the room, spread a carpet that acts as summer grass. You can place "grass" near the sofa to be able to comfortably lean on your back.
  2. Arrange aroma candles and bouquets on the sides of the green bed.
  3. Install a lamp on the windowsill, turn it on, close the windows with blackout curtains. Get the sunset effect.
  4. Turn on the music, choosing the optimal volume.
  5. Prepare treats, a bottle of wine / cider, fruits, berries. Put in a picnic basket, cover with a bright towel.
  6. Wear seductive summer clothes.

When meeting your beloved man, blindfold him to keep the effect of an unexpected movement into the atmosphere of summer. Prepare trays for a convenient meal process. After the meal, feed each other ice cream. If it's warm at home, take off your shoes, socks, be barefoot. Offer the man a massage with citrus oils. Add your couple's summer traditions to the list.

There is hardly a man who remains indifferent to a summer fairy tale in winter.

massage parlor

If you are thinking about how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one at home, arrange massage parlor. Call him in the afternoon, announce that at such and such a time at such and such an address he is scheduled for a massage session. Promisingly ask to be on time. The first thing to do with your beloved man upon arrival is to help undress, preferably naked, then put on men's bathrobe. At the same time, behave either detached, as if you are a stranger, or out of habit caring.

Tired after work, start pampering a man with warm bath for legs, gently massage your fingers, feet. If it tickles, stop. For extra relaxation, pour a glass of wine, place a tray with delicious food. Let the beloved feel like the navel of the earth.

Including in the image, first put on a white short robe. Pick up your hair with a few easy-to-remove hairpins, letting your hair fall in a wave over your shoulders. sexual underwearrequired element clothes. When choosing makeup, listen to inner voice. You can equally be bright or, conversely, gentle.

When you have finished massaging your feet, pat them dry with a towel and place your precious half on the massage table. Anything can serve as a massage place, from the floor to the sofa, the main thing is to lie softly. Take care of massage oils, light the aroma sticks, dim the light.

Familiarize yourself with the training literature for conducting erotic massage. This massage is done with hands, lips, chest, hair. Watch a man, catch his mood. If something doesn’t go according to plan, you can’t dwell on failure, switch to the following movements. Everything will work out. The evening should end with unusual sex, which will perfectly dilute the relationship.

When the weather is warm, perfect place for a romantic dinner there will be a balcony. You can equip it with armchairs and a small table, or lay a lot of blankets on the floor, scatter pillows, eat from trays. Decorate with flowers. Mandatory props - a warm soft double blanket. It is not necessary to pervert over the sophistication of dishes, order pizza or ask your beloved man to urgently come with pizza (let him work too), and first create the right atmosphere yourself. This will be a surprise for him.

Embracing, admire the sunset, dream, write down desires, thoughts, goals. Take a picture of each other, look general photos, remember the beginning of the relationship. Give a soul mate small present or arrange a lottery in which he is sure to win something related to you, for example, a morning cup of coffee in bed, sex three times in a row. End a romantic summer evening on the soft bed of the balcony, cuddling your bodies, and make love at dawn.


Finally, I would like to wish good luck, a pleasant romantic evening, a hot night, long love. Remember that without special preparation, the ideal place for an unforgettable evening will be a filled warm water bath, fragrant foam, candles, champagne. Bathroom - timeless classic romance!


To diversify the course family life you can arrange a romantic dinner for your loved one at home. Daily fuss, duties and boredom kill the zest of the relationship between a man and a woman. Everything becomes too ordinary and familiar. How to avoid such relationship costs? How to bring freshness and something new into your relationship? How and how to surprise your loved one? Especially on Valentine's Day ... Read more about this and more.

What to do when tender glances and touches turn into a banal kiss on the cheek before leaving for work. and from the hot nights only memories remain? Such symptoms in the union speak of a household routine, which must be fought otherwise there is a risk of finally cooling off to each other.

One of the ideas to rekindle old passions can be a romantic dinner for two.

Home decoration for a romantic mood

Before you arrange a gastronomic flight, you need to take care of visual pleasure. Psychologists say that a person tunes in and perceives the situation based on external components. Therefore, it is important to carefully prepare in order to know how to romantically decorate a room for a loved one.

The room where a candlelit dinner will be arranged for a loved one should gently hint at tender feelings a woman who wants to convey them to a man.

The first thing that comes to mind is air balloons. The idea is known to everyone, but still popular. You can use balloons in the shape of a heart with inscriptions. When choosing a palette, you should pay attention to blue, red and gold. By candlelight, this color scheme will look especially advantageous.

Alternatively, you can use these photos as ideas romantic setting in the room:

Remember, even using familiar techniques, you can beautifully decorate a room.

Returning to candles, it is worth saying that they should not only be on the table when decorating a romantic dinner.

Candles placed in the shape of a heart in the center of the room will speak better than words about feelings. All lighting in the room should be reduced to twilight. No bright lights. Do not forget about the pleasant aroma in the room, light an aroma lamp using essential oils of aphrodisiacs.

In order not to oversaturate the interior with candles, you can use them in combination with garlands. The ones used for New Year's decor. Their beautiful blinking will complement the decor.

It is worth noting that dinner should take place in the room. A kitchen with dishes in the sink and frying pans on the stove will destroy the veil of mystery and passion.

Great option there will be a dinner smoothly moving into the bathroom with warm foam, candles and of course a bottle of champagne / wine for a romantic mood and relaxation for both men and women.

Romantic dinner and its subtleties

Main question, which worries a woman in the process of preparing the evening: "What can I cook for a romantic dinner?" Here you should be guided by the rule called: say no to routine!

How is a romantic dinner at a restaurant? A picture of beautiful dishes, snow-white tablecloths and exquisite appliances immediately appears. Approximately the same picture should be embodied in the ideas of a romantic dinner.

Thinking about the menu, you should opt for light and at the same time hearty dishes. What do you need for a romantic dinner that rarely happens? Originality! No Olivier and crab salads. Let it be assorted sea delicacies and medallions in cranberry sauce. Or a charcoal-grilled shrimp and saj salad.

What to cook for a romantic dinner for two to surprise your loved one?

  • Be sure to take into account the preferences of men and possible gastronomic prohibitions.
  • Special attention should be given to the choice of alcohol. It should not be in excess, but its absence will be superfluous. Wine or champagne are two classic drinks for a pleasant evening.

The second question after the choice of dishes is: “How to prepare a romantic dinner for your beloved home and at the same time remain full of energy for it?” Cooking takes a lot of time, and a woman should not look tired and exhausted by the evening, on the contrary, she should shine.

In this case, you can resort to the help of restaurant services. All necessary dishes can be ordered by a certain time. The main thing is to choose a good restaurant with a responsible approach to the quality of cooking.

Yes, the food will be cooked by others. But the man probably already knows about the brilliant culinary skills of his wife. This evening should reign in an atmosphere of ease, lightness and intoxicated mood, but not from alcohol, but from love.

Where to spend a romantic evening? Of course at home. Restaurants will not give that homely and cozy magic. And only familiar, “own” territory will provide an opportunity to relax and get real pleasure from the evening together with your beloved.

Ideas for a romantic evening

To diversify your pastime, you can turn to a romantic photo for your loved one at home for ideas. But even without the help of experienced people, the first thing that comes to mind is a romantic evening in a candlelit bathroom.

The idea is not the best, to be honest. Not always pictures from glossy spreads can be brought to life in conditions small apartments with microscopic baths. The idea is good for a jacuzzi. In the conditions of an average bathroom, this will look ridiculous.

Romantic evening in the bathroom - WAITING
Romantic evening in the bathroom - REALITY

But light music and meeting a loved one on the doorstep, these are the moments that require preparation. To add mystery, you can make a date with your loved one. And send a postcard with your home address to work. And it doesn't matter that he knows it by heart.

When he appears on the threshold, you can blindfold him and take him to a room decorated with romantic paraphernalia.

Another image of a woman important detail. Do not stay in a bathrobe and slippers. Dress, shoes, makeup and hairstyle all need to be thought out to the smallest detail. After all, when they met, everything was different. The aroma of her perfume drove her crazy, and her gaze made her feel weightless.

A romantic evening for your loved one in oriental style… Become a geisha for him

A romantic themed dinner will appeal to many men, you can become a charming geisha for him or oriental beauty like the girl in this video:

The described ideas for a romantic dinner for two at home will help build the evening as comfortably as possible.

But the main thing that should be present is complete detachment from problems and worries. Just him and her, just like before. Stars are burning in the night sky, and feelings that have subsided in the captivity of duties wake up under the cover of interwoven embraces.

Videos from original ideas for romance with your loved one:

Such romantic evenings will help the couple re-evaluate each other. They need to be done regularly. After all, there will always be problems and excuses about employment, and feelings can be lost without return. Is it necessary to lose the man you love? Close your eyes and imagine that he is no more. He left. Do you feel how your heart sank? It means that not everything is lost and it is quite possible to revive the relationship.

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