When are pensions indexed per year. Indexation of the insurance part of the pension by years. When was the last time pensions were recalculated?

TASS-DOSIER. On January 1, 2018, indexation of insurance pensions will take place in Russia. For non-working pensioners, payments will increase by 3.7% (above the inflation rate, which will be about 3%), social pensions will increase from April 1 by 4.1%. The average annual insurance old-age pension will reach 14 thousand 75 rubles. The TASS-DOSIER editors have prepared a certificate on the indexation of pensions in Russia.

Currently, all types of pensions paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) are annually indexed due to rising prices and average monthly wages.

History of pension indexation in the 1990s

For the first time in Russia, pensions were indexed even before the collapse of the USSR - in December 1990. Then the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, due to rising prices, raised the minimum pension from 70 to 100 rubles.

From January 1, 1992, until the pension reform of 2002, the minimum pension in Russia increased 27 times: from 342 non-denominated rubles. up to 185.32 rubles. (taking into account the denomination of 1998, payments increased by 542 times). In 1992-1993, indexation was carried out in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation, and the decisions of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. In 1994-1997, appropriate changes were made by federal laws, then decisions to increase pensions were made by the government of the Russian Federation.

The largest one-time increase occurred on November 1, 1992, when pensions were increased by 2.5 times. This was caused by a record level of inflation, which at the end of 1992 amounted to 2508.8%.

The increase in the size of the minimum pensions in the 1990s was higher than the increase in the size of assigned (actually received) pension payments. According to Rosstat, they grew 235 times, taking into account the denomination of 1998: from 3.5 thousand non-denominated rubles in 1992 ($12.2 at the average annual rate of the Bank of Russia) to 823.4 rubles. in 2001 ($28.23).

Indexation of pensions in 2002-2009

In 2002, a large-scale pension reform was launched, which consisted in a gradual transition from a pay-as-you-go to a pay-as-you-go pension system. The pension was divided into three parts: basic (guaranteed by the state), insurance (pension contributions that are deducted from wages and guarantee payments after retirement) and funded (real money in a personal account that can be invested in securities and other assets before retirement).

The basic part of the labor pension as of January 1, 2002 was set at 450 rubles. (for the category of old-age pensioners and without dependents). In the period up to 2009 inclusive, it increased 15 times - up to 2 thousand 562 rubles. (5.69 times). In 2007, the base part was indexed three times, in 2008 and 2006 - once. The largest one-time increase occurred on March 1, 2003 - by 36%.

The insurance part of the pension for the same period was indexed 15 times - at least by 6.2% (including additional indexations), of which three times - in 2007. The largest indexation rate (17.5%) was set on April 1, 2009.

From 2001 to 2010, the assigned pensions increased 7.5 times from 823.4 rubles. in 2001 ($28.23) to 6,177.4 rubles. in 2010 ($203).

Indexation of pensions after 2010

In 2010, the separation of the basic and insurance parts of pensions was eliminated - they were merged into the insurance part.

Since 2010, the amount of the insurance part of the labor pension has been indexed 12 times (including the increase since January 1, 2018). This usually happens between February 1st and April 1st. In 2012-2014 and 2017, the amount of the insurance pension was adjusted twice. In 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016 - once. The largest one-time indexation was made on February 1, 2015 - by 11.4%. Least of all pensions will increase from January 1, 2018 - by 3.7%. In 2016, during the indexation on February 1, the government decided for the first time not to index the pensions of working pensioners. This is due to the growing deficit of the pension fund. It was decided to replace the second indexation in 2016 with a one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

In 2017, pensions were increased twice. On January 19, 2017, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the indexation of a fixed payment to the insurance pension was signed. According to the document, since February 1, it has been indexed by 5.4% - that is, to the inflation rate in 2016. The increase in pensions affected only non-working pensioners. The decision to increase social pensions (by 1.5%) was signed on 16 March. Since April 1, insurance pensions have increased by 0.38% (within the framework of the law, without a special resolution), and the increase was made for both non-working and working pensioners.

According to Rosstat, the average nominal amount of assigned pensions in 2010-2017 increased by 2.15 times in ruble terms: from 6 thousand 177.4 rubles. ($203) up to 13 thousand 336 rubles. ($232).

According to ITAR-TASS, 37.8 million Russian pensioners have been receiving increased indexed pensions since February 1, 2014, which is probably a pleasant date for them. The overall index was 6.5%, and its base was inflation, the rise in the cost of the consumer basket in 2013. The Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) said: the average size of a labor pension (meaning old age) after indexation will be a little, a lot, 11.4 thousand rubles. As for future pensioners, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation considers it expedient to extend the period for choosing a pension formation system for those who are commonly called "silent people". This term, according to Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev, may be extended until the beginning of 2017.

Recall that at the end of January, the Russian government gathered for a meeting, during which, finally, the indexation thresholds for pensions in 2014 were noted, which caused a lot of controversy and disagreement.

The gist of the solution was as follows:

  • indexing will take place in two stages;
  • the indexation coefficient applicable to the insurance part will be used in the calculations labor pensions;
  • in total, the percentage of indexation in 2014 will not be 15, as expected and repeatedly stated by officials, but 11.8%.

The social policy of the state in the coming 2014 comes down to the fact that financial support is provided to the least protected sections of society. This, of course, is about pensioners, as well as about pregnant women and mothers of young children. These are, perhaps, the main categories that will not be affected by the mandatory cancellation of indexation this year. According to the government's social strategy, the abolition of inflation-adjusted salary increases in the next two years will apply to all civil servants, as well as employees of the internal affairs bodies. But for pensioners, the forecasts are really more comforting. The latest news is a clear confirmation of this.

So, the main innovations at the moment - from February 1 in the Russian Federation, all pensions are indexed by 6.5 percent, which is due to the new indexation coefficient for the insurance part of labor pensions, which, as it is easy to calculate, is 1.065, as well as the general increase in inflation that took place in the Russian Federation last year. It is assumed that from April 1, the second stage of indexation will be activated and pensions will increase by another 5.3 percent. Thus, the total amount of indexation of pension payments compared to 2013 will increase by 11.8 percent.

Previously, it was assumed that during the current year pensions in Russia would increase by at least 9 percent, and by a maximum of 15 percent, however, from the government’s decision, it follows that pensioners can count on support in the amount that is justified by actual changes in the consumer basket.

The downside is that, despite the active campaign launched by the media and apparently aimed at popularizing the data on the growth of pensions, both increases are hardly enough to really compensate for the rise in prices and the real fall of the ruble. According to financial analysts, only in January (!) of this year, the Russian ruble fell by six percent. How the country's economy will behave after the Olympics is still difficult to predict, but many predict the national currency. If we take this into account, it becomes clear that 11.8 percent is not such a large compensation that, in actual financial terms, pension increases can only cover a change in the exchange rate or an increase in the cost of key products.

Nevertheless, the fact remains, and the indexation of pensions is practically the only measure that the state can take in a difficult economic situation. About three hundred billion rubles will be allocated from the treasury of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to protect pensioners from inflation throughout the year. A government decree confirming these actions was proposed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and signed in mid-January. According to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the indexation will affect about 38 million Russian pensioners. These include approximately 37.5 million pensioners by year, the remaining half a million are mainly disability pensioners and who receive an old-age pension along with state benefits.

As for the actual size of pensions, the state of affairs for 2014 is as follows: on average, according to the decision of the government, payments to working pensioners in the country have increased by 665 Russian rubles since the beginning of February - this is the first consequence of indexation. Old-age pensions increased the most - by 691 rubles, disability pensions increased by 431 rubles. Pensioners who have lost their breadwinners now receive 430 rubles more.

The amounts of payments to military pensioners have also been increased. Persons who are disabled due to injuries received, for example, during the well-known Great Patriotic War, as well as pensioners who participated in hostilities, now receive 890 and 1003 Russian rubles more.

Indexation of pensions from April 1, 2014

Let us add that in a month and a half, that is, from April 1, labor and social pensions will be indexed by another five percent, taking into account the increase in the subsistence minimum. In August, as usual, there will be a recalculation of payments received by working pensioners. The government assures that they will do everything possible so that inflation does not catch up with pensions. But the average market value of the consumer basket, which in terms of price has long overtaken the official inflation, is not taken into account.

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But in fairness, it is also important to note that among all the CIS countries, the Russian Federation is currently in first place in terms of pension payments. So, in 2013, the average pension in the country was about 330 US dollars. For comparison, in Kazakhstan, pensioners receive $280, and in Belarus - a little more than $220, Ukrainian pensioners live on an amount equivalent to an average of $180. At the same time, such indicators are an order of magnitude lower (and this is a very common comparison) than in Europe or the States, where the average pension is in the range of $1500-2500. However, the growth of pensions in the Russian Federation is expected in the future.

Pensions and pensions are a burning issue that worries, perhaps, every adult citizen of the country. Pensions are the funds on which we will have to live in old age not for a year or two, therefore it is so important to know how the final amount of the pension is formed and what it will be for future pensioners.

In order to have a clear idea of ​​your own pension, you need to know all the subtleties in the work of pension funds and carefully monitor all deductions. In this article, we will try to tell you about what has happened to pension payments over the past two years and what changes should be expected in the future.

How is the pension formed?

The Pension Fund of Russia is responsible for the formation of pensions in the Russian Federation, which receives funds from various sources, where they accumulate and serve to provide cash to all current pensioners. The pension legislation, consisting of a number of acts, which detail all the procedures for the formation, calculation and payment of pensions, is responsible for how, in what amount and in what time frame pensions should be paid.

The period from 2014 to 2016 was a special one for the pension sector in Russia, as new laws were adopted that ensured the transition from the old payment system to the new one. During these two years, the Pension Fund gradually changed the accrual scheme and the amount of pension payments.

Until January 1, 2014, pensions were paid according to the old scheme - the employer deducted a certain percentage of the employee's salary to the Pension Fund, where two parts of the future pension, insurance and funded, were formed from this money. The insurance part depended on the length of service and wages and was used to pay current pensioners, while the funded part remained on the individual account of the citizen. Both parts of the pension were formed without fail.

Since January 1, 2015, the scheme for calculating pensions has changed somewhat, in particular, the funded part of the general labor pension has ceased to be mandatory, and its size began to depend not on the employer’s contributions, but on the contributions of the citizen himself (a citizen could completely refuse to form the funded part). As a result, the size of the labor pension has become much more dependent on the size of wages and length of service. The higher the length of service and wages, the greater the pension.

The years 2014-2015 were not easy for the Russian economy, so the key point in the issue of pension savings was the indexation of pensions in connection with the new economic realities.

Indexing - this is an increase in the size of the labor pension by order of the Government of the Russian Federation in order to compensate for the decrease in the purchasing power of pensions caused by inflation, rising prices and other shocks. Simply put, indexation should keep pensions at such a level that a pensioner can buy the same amount of food, no matter how much the prices in stores have risen. The indexation of pensions does not have a clear time frame, and depends entirely on the will of the Government.

In 2014, indexation was carried out twice, in February and March. In total, pensions were increased by 8.2%. In terms of money, the figures can be expressed as follows: the old-age pension increased by 192 rubles, the disability and survivor's pensions - by 120 rubles, social pensions (depending on the disability group) - from 530 to 1,500 rubles.

In 2015, indexation took place in February, pensions increased by 11.4% and amounted to: insurance - 12,045.77 rubles (increased by 837.97 rubles), social - 8,479.29 rubles (increased by 901.73 rubles). Thus, the average pension will be 11,783.29 rubles. The size of the average pension in 2015 by 162% relative to the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the Russian Federation.

What will happen to pension indexation in 2016?

Regarding the increase in pensions in the coming 2016, the forecasts are ambiguous. The unpredictable economic situation does not allow us to give exact figures, in addition, the Ministry of Finance has repeatedly put forward a proposal to remove from the state budget an item of expenditure on inflation indexation of pensions in 2016-2018, which could significantly reduce the growth in pension payments.

According to the latest data, pensions will still be indexed in 2016 and the amount of indexation, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, will be about 5.5%, which is significantly lower than the level of indexation in previous years. It should be noted that the figures may change significantly due to the economic crisis.

What will be the pensions in 2014? What will happen to pensions and pensioners? These questions are of concern to 42 million of our fellow citizens - current pensioners and those who will apply for a pension in the coming 2014.

Yesterday, December 23, the State Duma adopted in the third and final reading a package of bills establishing new rules for the formation of pensions and a new procedure for calculating them. Thus, the pension reform has gained legal force and will begin to take effect, as announced, from January 2015. And the upcoming year 2014 is set aside for the preparation of the transition from the old rules to the new ones.

What will happen to the accrual of pensions for those who will become pensioners in 2014 (we have about 2 million of them)? How will the reform affect and affect the lives and well-being of 40 million pensioners in 2014 and beyond? The answers are scattered and published at different times and in different "places". Let's try to put them together and on the eve of the New Year to clarify.

1. In 2014, the pension system will work according to the current rules(Innovations will come into force after January 01, 2015).

2. Calculation of pensions those who retire in 2014 will be held according to the current one. Its size can be calculated using our.

3. Recalculation of pensions working pensioners.

In 2014, the procedure for the August recalculation of pensions for working pensioners will continue and will be carried out. If you are a working pensioner, then you can estimate the increase in pension that you will receive after the August recalculation (after August 01, 2014) using the formula

Increase in pension \u003d (Average salary for the past year x 0.16 x 12) / (228 - Number of full years in retirement x 12).

The calculation of the August increase in pensions for working pensioners is described in more detail. .

This is if the government in 2014 does not increase the life expectancy used in the calculations (now it is taken equal to 19 years - 228 months). And such plans existed before the start of the development of new pension rules - "to increase the life expectancy in 2014 to 20 years - 240 months" - see. If such a decision is made, then the formula will have to be divided not by 228, but by 240 months.

If a working pensioner was “lucky” and earned 568,000 rubles last year (which corresponds to an average monthly salary of 47,333 rubles) or more, then the amount of his pension increase after the August recalculation in 2014 will be

Pension increase = 568,000 / (228 - Col. full years in retirement x 12).

4. Indexation of pensions for current pensioners. Pensions in 2014 are indexed twice - the first time in February by 6.5% (the figure is approved by the government), and then in April. For the April indexation, figures from 3% to 5% were announced, but its final size will be approved in March 2014.

1. Rights to an insurance pension based on salary and experience.

2 . Conditions for the emergence of the right to an old-age insurance pension- reaching the age of 60 years - for men, 55 years - for women, having an insurance period of at least 15 years (the minimum length of service for paying insurance premiums), having an individual pension coefficient (points) of at least 30 (the length of service in 2015 should be at least 6 years, then every year this requirement increases by one year, and from 2024 the value should be 15 years).

3. Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners will remain, but will be limited by the upper bar of salaries. For those whose salary will not exceed 18 thousand rubles, the recalculation will be “one hundred percent” (according to the scheme described above for 2014). For those working pensioners whose salary exceeds 18 thousand rubles, the recalculation will add no more than 3 points to the pension.

In other words, if you, as a working pensioner, receive a salary exceeding 18,000 rubles, then the maximum amount of the increase in pension after the August recalculation will be (at the cost of one point set for 2015 - 64.1 rubles):

Increase after the August recalculation = 3 points x 64.1 rubles = 192.3 rubles.

4 . The cost of one pension point for recalculating (converting) the pension rights of citizens acquired before 2015 into an individual pension coefficient is set at 64.1 rubles. The formula for converting the ruble pension capital into an individual pension coefficient is as follows:

The value of the individual pension coefficient 2015 = (Pension capital 2015) / 64.1.

5. The cost of the annual pension coefficient (one point) after 2015 will be annually approved by law (the State Duma), and not by government decree.

6. The cost of the pension coefficient will be indexed annually by an amount not lower than the inflation rate.

In the fall of this year, the Russian public was alarmed by the government's intention to channel pension savings for 2014 into the distribution system. Although this is temporary, it decides the Russians' right to choose and manage their own pension capital.

Somewhat earlier, officials planned to bring the funded part of the pension to zero only for those who, until a certain point, had not announced their desire to transfer their own pension savings to the Non-State Pension Fund or another private management company (the so-called "silent people"). Even earlier, there was a possibility of a reduction in 2014 deductions to the (now widely known) funded part from the current 6% to 2%. Those 4% that remain untouched were planned to be redistributed to the insurance part of the pension. Or (but this is only at the request of the citizen himself) all 6% could remain in the funded part ().

Simultaneously with these worries and plans, there were reports in the media about a possible suspension of the recalculation of labor pensions for working pensioners. However, on October 2, 2013, the press reported that the Ministry of Labor of Russia insists on stopping the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, arguing that the current legislation allows you to refuse pension payments in order to increase them in the future. In other words, each working person of retirement age can independently decide whether to receive a pension or refuse to accrue pensions in favor of wages and increase them in the future.

Ministry of Labor on the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners in 2014

The recalculation of the labor pension is called the increase in the share of the insurance part of the old-age pension. Such an increase is based on the fact that the working pensioner has an additional source of income, from which the contribution to the insurance part of the pension is also deducted. The annual recalculation and increase in the insurance part of the labor pension for working pensioners takes place on August 01. At the same time, those amounts of insurance premiums that were paid for the past reporting period by employers of employees who are of retirement age are taken into account without fail.

It is worth emphasizing that proposals to ban the recalculation of labor pension accruals for working pensioners as part of the pension reform have been voiced more than once. Deputy Min. labor and social Protection of the Russian Federation Andrey Pudov explained this position of the department by the fact that, according to the Ministry of Labor, a pension is compensation for lost earnings due to age.

Reported by A. Pudov. The Deputy Minister also stressed that the current legislation does not prohibit a working pensioner from refusing a pension. And at the moment when the citizen again applies to the Pension Fund for its renewal (appointment), the pension score will be increased by a multiplier.

Average pension in Russia at the moment

The Federal State Statistics Service declares data according to which the average assigned pension in Russia in the summer of this year (as of July 2013) was 10,000 rubles, which is 9.6% higher than the same period last year (July 2012) in nominal terms. In real financial terms, this dynamics is 3%, and July 2013 compared to June 2013 has a decrease in the average by 0.8%. If we compare the average salary in the country and the average pension, then their ratio is 3 to 1, in other words, the ratio of the average pension to the average salary is 33%.

The Russians retained the right to recalculate pensions

Already at the end of October, the last version of the pension reform bill already contained a resolution to continue the practice of recalculating pension accruals for working pensioners. A long debate in the government led to the decision to count the insurance contributions that are paid for employees of retirement age by their employers.

This option, adopted as a result of meetings in the office of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets, has already been called a compromise and disloyal to pensioners, since, although it retains the right to receive a pension, it does not leave room for a full annual recalculation. The discussed algorithm may not be based on an annual recalculation, but on a periodic one - once every 3-4 years. Another alternative considers the possibility of applying reducing coefficients to the insurance contributions of working pensioners, for example, a military pensioner can work and pay insurance premiums that would be taken into account in the system at the X * 0.7 forum.

Initially, it was assumed that all these measures will affect only those who will be assigned a pension from January 01, 2015, and those who today are deservedly on vacation by age and continue to earn extra money, the recalculation will be saved. However, during the negotiations and discussions of the pension reform, a single vector was determined for all working pensioners: today there are no norms in the current legislation that would determine the procedure and declare an example of recalculating pensions for people who receive pension payments while continuing their work. And, therefore, it is necessary to create an effective and efficient algorithm and prescribe an objective calculator that would equalize the rights of citizens and at the same time not contradict the basic principles. At the current time, they consist in motivating the population to retire at a later age and managing their pension savings with the help of competent organizations.

The new pension recalculation formula will be tested already in 2014, and the actual transition to the new calculation will take place from 01.01. 2015. Working pensioners will still be subject to recalculation of accruals, but now this will not happen annually on August 01, but much less frequently. The motivation for recalculation can be based on the following inputs, which dictate the new rules of the system:

  • employers' contributions to the Pension Fund are evenly distributed among all recipients;
  • the more contributions are received for a certain period, the greater the price of the insurance ball, from which the pension is added and thus, the total increase in the pension is obtained.

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However, the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor and Social Protection, A. Isaev, stated that United Russia adheres to the positions on the basis of which full recalculations of accruals were retained for working pensioners, operating with low pensions, which force people to continue working even on a well-deserved rest and at a respectable age. But even here, the officials proposed to make a differentiated accrual: to keep the full recalculation for those working pensioners who occupy low-paid positions and to apply the new system to those who receive wages exceeding the nominal subsistence minimum threshold.