American style in clothes. Clothes in the USA or how Americans dress

If you are interested in how American women dress and what they prefer in everyday life, we will tell you in detail about this. You should not draw conclusions about the American way of life from Hollywood films, because everything in the cinema is significantly different from reality. And if with the phrase “American style of clothing” an image of sophisticated, sophisticated and stylish business women in high heels pops up in front of your eyes, then you are far from reality. Of course, there are also enough such women in the United States, but you can meet them only in the business districts of big cities. As for the so-called one-story America, which makes up most of the country, here the American style of clothing can be described in two words - comfortable and practical.

American style shoes

American-style shoes are all kinds of sandals and flats, as well as sneakers. Of course, American women also wear elegant stilettos, but they do this only on special and solemn occasions. It is very rare to meet a girl or a woman who put on such shoes just to the store or for a walk.

American style details

American-style shirts are comfortable and come in a variety of cuts, both loose and tight. American women prefer to wear the first option every day, and tight-fitting shirts are worn to college, school, and work.

To dress in America as it is considered stylish in our country is to demonstrate bad taste. For example, excessive make-up and flashy shades in the wardrobe, as well as mini-skirts, leopard pants and other "rural chic" for America, as well as for Western Europe, are unacceptable. Of course, you will attract attention, but you may be mistaken for a light girl. behavior. In addition, if someone in the United States dresses like this, then it is most often the representatives of the poorest sections of society. An indicator of good taste for a woman is discreet, comfortable and stylish clothes that fit the figure, for example, American-style dresses.

In big cities, a variety of styles has led to the development of a certain dress code - the so-called urban style, or casual. The ability to correctly select details and look stylishly casual - this is what distinguishes a city dweller from a provincial. However, above we are talking about everyday American style of clothing. If you came to the USA and decided to go to a nightclub, you can dress the same as in your homeland. Super-mini, glitter, bright makeup, breathtaking stilettos in a club atmosphere will come in handy.

We are sure that there is an American style, and it is the best for those who prefer laconic, but stylish images for every day. Read about the six main secrets of the style of real American women!

American style: main features


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While British fashionistas indulge in sometimes completely enchanting experiments with style, American women appreciate simple and understandable images that are fit for life and allow you not to spend too much time on morning preparations. If this approach is close to you, start the "Americanization" of your style with a thorough study of the basic wardrobe - it is he who saves most American women.

Men's clothing


A lot of things “departed” from the men's wardrobe for American women - jeans, pilot jackets, white T-shirts, classic trouser suits. "Male" things are enough to complement women's accessories and shoes to look stylish and harmonious.


In the United States, women love practical looks - such that they can go to work, and to a parent-teacher meeting, and to meet with friends, and even drop into the store. Therefore, they often choose universal sets with a touch of slight negligence, and they have a special love for comfortable shoes - you can meet an American in heels on weekdays only if the need to wear them is dictated by a strict work dress code.

naturalness and relevance

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In America, no one appreciates graphic arrows and red lipstick during the day - almost all local fashionistas choose naturalness. In American style, a blooming appearance is most appreciated - healthy hair (most often natural shades), good skin, perfect teeth will always work much better than two kilograms of cosmetics. And to emphasize grooming and natural beauty, just add a little mascara, blush and lip gloss.

Essential denim

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The birthplace of jeans is America, so do not be surprised that here denim has long acquired the status of a "sacred cow". And this, it is worth noting, is fair - there is hardly another such universal material. Jeans serve as the best option for American women to enter both the feast and the world - you just need to competently beat them according to the occasion.

Cowboys, Indians and all-all-all

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America is a multinational and multicultural country, so American designers and fashionistas do not lack sources of inspiration. Here you will find cowboy hats and boots, and farmers' overalls, and Indian motifs, and original outfits of the peoples of South America and the Caribbean. And the arbitrary mixing of all these stories usually does not produce a vaguely fashionable “vinaigrette”, but a viable and stylish result, which we call “American style of dressing”.

The American style of clothing is perhaps the most brilliant confirmation that modern fashion is international. This is especially evident in youth hobbies. Girls and guys who prefer to wear jeans, T-shirts and sneakers can be found almost anywhere in the world.

The key to the popularity of this style lies in the word "convenience". It gives a feeling of comfort and freedom, that is, just what modern people strive for. In addition, it is highly democratic. It can even be called the embodiment of the American dream in the fashion industry. The concept of "high fashion" in this case modestly recedes, leaving behind only iconic traces in the form of popular brands.

National clothes certainly reflect the peculiarities of life, culture and the main occupations of people. In a broad sense, American style is a generic concept that includes historical types of clothing: denim, western, country, ethnos of Indians and African communities, lumberjacks' clothing style. This is a real "collective" image, which is called the "style tree". It can be compared to the top of a tree whose side branches continue to live.

There are also characteristic features that can be called historically established.

natural fabrics

The first of these is natural fabrics made from cotton and linen, as well as the use of cotton knitwear. Denim material is a mandatory attribute of American clothing style. Without any doubt, this is a wonderful choice - after all, such clothing is environmentally friendly, "breathes" and is most favorable for human health. It goes well with natural leather and suede, which are traditionally present in American clothing.

Simple styles

The second feature is simple styles, semi-fitted or adjacent silhouettes and excellent compatibility and interchangeability of things. This gives rise to a large number of very different combinations with vests, jackets, jackets, all kinds of T-shirts, T-shirts and shirts. By the way, American-style shirts have a special place of honor. They are free and fitted, tight-fitting. The latter option is preferred to be worn to college or work, while loose-fitting shirts are used in other cases.

Juicy colors

The third characteristic feature is cheerfulness, bright and saturated colors. If in our country the judges of the “Fashionable Sentence” wrinkle their nose in disgust at the sight of drawings on T-shirts, then in the USA all kinds of prints and catchy inscriptions are warmly welcomed and in demand. After all, this is another opportunity to tell the world about yourself, to show your individuality, sense of humor, intelligence, to tell without words about what you love, what you like in life.

Comfortable shoes

Fancy high heels in combination with this style will look like pliers in a Russian bath. But sneakers, cowboy boots, moccasins, sneakers, light leather shoes and flat sandals will be appropriate and harmonious.

Freedom and equality of men and women

Of course, taking into account the fact that skirts, sundresses, and dresses remain the prerogative of women. But they coexist quite peacefully with typically masculine types of clothing. Moreover, they allow interesting combinations, for example, a light sundress with a short leather jacket. A distinctive feature of girls' preferences in this style is also an expensive branded bag and high-quality branded shoes, complementing simple, affordable and often bought at sales clothes.

Taking into account the ethnic roots of the style, it can be assumed that decorations are not alien to it. It really is. All kinds of beads, pendants, earrings and rings successfully complement American fashion. But they are not made of gold and precious stones, but are high-quality and not very expensive jewelry. The most preferred option is handmade products from natural materials.

A characteristic feature of the "purity" of the style is a very delicate make-up or its absence. If powder is used, then transparent, blush - natural skin tones, lipstick - matte, soft, mascara - unobtrusively emphasizing the beauty and shape of the eyes. Catchy make-up American women use as an evening and on special occasions - at parties, holidays, in a nightclub.

The natural style of clothing is devoid of any pretentiousness, it is discreet and comfortable. At one time, Americans who survived the difficult times of the Great Depression decided that clothes are not among the most important things in a person's life and do not determine the development of society. It was then that a unique and very attractive idea for the development of a national style was finally formed. It found its embodiment in the 60s of the last century. But, apparently, the fashion for the American style of clothing will never go away.

America is a country associated many with freedom and democracy. Moreover, such features can be traced not only in politics, but also in music and the way of life of the population of this amazing country. There is some freedom in the wardrobe.

For example, not a single American woman will understand our girl who puts on a full set of makeup on her face and pulls party shoes out of the closet just to go for bread.

In America, in a similar situation, a woman will simply put on the first thing that comes to hand and go to the store. And today we will tell you about this amazing American style.

Back in the days of "wild" America on its territory cowboy style was formed. Its feature is convenience and freedom of movement. What is most interesting, in order to match this style, you do not need to spend a lot of money.

After all, you probably have worn jeans and a plaid shirt in your closet. And if you add black boots and a wide-brimmed hat to such elements of the image, then your image will turn out to be impressive.

First of all, it's jeans! They are in great demand in all countries already on throughout many years. And in our time, no one attaches importance to the fact that in the beginning it was daytime. material to create exclusively working uniforms. If you look, today many enterprises allow the use of ordinary jeans without frilly details, even as an element of office style.

But in everyday life you can wear original jeans, decorated with the help of rhinestones, rivets, patches, stripes. You can wear them with bright T-shirts, all kinds of blouses, jackets, vests. And in order for the image to be completed you need to use accessories such as large earrings or bracelets.

Another characteristic of the American style is the sports direction. In the wardrobe of every self-respecting American woman present a huge number of t-shirts, T-shirts, baseball caps, sports jackets and, of course, sneakers.

By the way, it is considered very popular today in America to decorate a tracksuit with national symbols, whether it be the flag of America or the Statue of Liberty.

It is also worth paying attention to the colors of the American wardrobe. Remember that only bright, saturated colors of things find a place in it. Such color in clothes as gray, black and other gloomy shades are not popular. Therefore, if you really want to become like an American girl, then you should always wear things only in bright saturated colors. Thus, we can conclude that the Americans adhere to the motto - dress comfortably, brightly, combine incongruous and be free.

Over the years, clothing in the style of the inhabitants of America has acquired a certain zest and now women all over the world are trying to look more like American women.

  • Complete lack of luxury in outfits. That is, the simpler your image, the better;

  • The use of natural fabrics - linen, cotton, denim. Things made of such materials perfectly pass air. They are also much easier to combine with shoes and a hat;

  • The styles of adjacent and semi-adjacent silhouettes are preferred, a free cut is possible. American fashion allows you to combine items with each other, creating many combinations for every day;

  • The presence of prints with the image of idols, cartoon characters, inscriptions;

  • A couturier dress, high heels are present in the wardrobe of American women, but they are worn on special occasions, such as a party, business meetings. But for every day, women choose jeans, shirts, sneakers, cowboy boots;

  • There must be a sports set of clothes - pants, sweatshirts, jackets, t-shirts and T-shirts. And always inexpensive sneakers bought at sales, sneakers;

  • All kinds of jeans available. Americans they love to wear shorts and do not refuse them even in cold weather;

  • As for costume jewelry, it is worth buying inexpensive, but high-quality jewelry. American women wear jewelry made of precious metals and stones only on special occasions.

Now for the makeup. The basic rule in this case is - use a minimum of cosmetics. Think for yourself, because brightly painted lips and thickly lined eyes do not go well with American sportswear.

By the way, in America, women can combine wardrobe items such as a lace dress, a leather jacket and high wedge boots. And no matter how strange it sounds, this combination looks pretty nice.

If you look into dressing room Americans, you will be terribly surprised. You will find there clothes that no one has worn for a long time, items that are worn very often, and things that have already grown out of. There will be a huge amount of underwear, hats, gloves in the closet. At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that most of the wardrobe remained from the grandmother and no one will wear it anymore. However, it takes up a significant amount of space in the closet.

It is for this reason that every time the question arises of what outfit to wear to a party, an American woman complains that she has nothing to wear and runs to the store for another purchase. And the supply of unnecessary things is increasing.

Perhaps this is one of those features of the fashion and life of American women, which is not worth inheriting. It will be much better if you know what you have in your wardrobe.

As for unnecessary things, esotericists say that they take away a huge quantity energy from its owner, preventing him from living a full happy life. It is not known how fair this is.

statement, but we recommend that all girls throw away old things just in case.

Now as for the brands and the way to choose outfits. Approximately 80% of American women support their manufacturer only because such clothes are cheaper.

As for choice, no self-respecting American woman would run around the shops looking for a dress.

A feature of American girls is that they prefer to make purchases in centralized stores and, with the help of a consultant, immediately choose a dress, shoes, and accessories.

The inhabitants of America have a special attitude towards headdresses. Hats, baseball caps, caps, berets are worn. Sometimes with the help of a hat the whole chosen look is played up. For example, a beautiful cowboy hat is suitable for denim clothes, a plaid cap for trousers, it is advisable to choose a beret for a skirt, and a baseball cap goes well with sportswear.

The attitude towards shoes among American women is also interesting. On the streets you can meet a girl walking in a business suit and ballet shoes or in sneakers. Nobody is surprised by this. Everyone knows that in her bag she carries an expensive beautiful pair of office shoes. As you can see, American women have a very peculiar attitude to clothing. And, perhaps, such a free attitude to the choice of style should be adopted by us!

As we all know, teenagers a completely different vision of the world than adults. And periodically the extravagance of their outfits can only be envied. If we talk about American teenagers, then it cannot be said that their style is somehow different from the “adult” fashion. Except that there are no business suits and cocktail dresses.

The basis of their wardrobe is a variety of denim clothing and, as an addition to it, jumpers, shirts and T-shirts. They are not are interested latest fashion trends. They do not use natural furs and leather in their clothes.

But all this is due to the fact that at this age they do not have the necessary income to purchase such things. As soon as the financial situation improves, more expensive things appear in the wardrobe of young Americans.

In general, teenagers have the same attitude towards clothes as adults. The main selection criteria are cheapness, convenience and a feeling of complete freedom.

And if you want to follow it, then try to dress as simply as possible. After all, if you think about it, then the use of this style in everyday life will greatly facilitate your life.

America is a country that many associate with freedom and democracy. Moreover, such features can be traced not only in politics, but also in music and the way of life of the population of this amazing country. There is some freedom in the wardrobe.

For example, not a single American woman will understand our girl who puts on a full set of makeup on her face and pulls party shoes out of the closet just to go for bread.

In America, in a similar situation, a woman will simply put on the first thing that comes to hand and go to the store. And today we will tell you about this amazing American style.

Back in the days of "wild" America, a cowboy style was formed on its territory. Its feature is convenience and freedom of movement. What is most interesting, in order to match this style, you do not need to spend a lot of money.

After all, you probably have worn jeans and a plaid shirt in your closet. And if you add black boots and a wide-brimmed hat to such elements of the image, then your image will turn out to be impressive.

Features of American style for girls: what you need to have in your wardrobe

So what is American fashion?

First of all, it's jeans! They have been in great demand in all countries for many years. And in our time, no one attaches importance to the fact that in the beginning, daytime was a material for creating exclusively working uniforms. If you look, today many enterprises allow the use of ordinary jeans without frilly details, even as an element of office style.

But in everyday life, you can wear original jeans, decorated with rhinestones, rivets, patches, stripes. You can wear them with bright T-shirts, all kinds of blouses, jackets, vests. And in order for the image to be complete, you need to use accessories such as large earrings or bracelets.

Another characteristic of the American style is the sports direction. In the wardrobe of every self-respecting American woman there is a huge number of T-shirts, T-shirts, baseball caps, sports jackets and, of course, sneakers.

By the way, it is considered very popular today in America to decorate a tracksuit with national symbols, whether it be the flag of America or the Statue of Liberty.

It is also worth paying attention to the colors of the American wardrobe. Remember that only bright, saturated colors of things find a place in it. Such color in clothes as gray, black and other gloomy shades are not popular. Therefore, if you really want to become like an American girl, then you should always wear things only in bright saturated colors. Thus, we can conclude that the Americans adhere to the motto - dress comfortably, brightly, combine incongruous and be free.

American clothing style: how to choose the right wardrobe

Over the years, clothing in the style of the inhabitants of America has acquired a certain zest and now women all over the world are trying to look more like American women.

And now we list the features of the American woman's wardrobe:

  • Complete lack of luxury in outfits. That is, the simpler your image, the better;
  • The use of natural fabrics - linen, cotton, denim. Things made of such materials perfectly pass air. They are also much easier to combine with shoes and a hat;
  • The styles of adjacent and semi-adjacent silhouettes are preferred, a free cut is possible. American fashion allows you to combine items with each other, creating many combinations for every day;
  • The presence of prints with the image of idols, cartoon characters, inscriptions;
  • A couturier dress, high heels are present in the wardrobe of American women, but they are worn on special occasions, such as a party, business meetings. But for every day, women choose jeans, shirts, sneakers, cowboy boots;
  • There must be a sports set of clothes - pants, sweatshirts, jackets, t-shirts and T-shirts. And always inexpensive sneakers bought at sales, sneakers;
  • All kinds of jeans available. Americans are very fond of wearing shorts and do not refuse them even in cold weather;
  • As for costume jewelry, it is worth buying inexpensive, but high-quality jewelry. American women wear jewelry made of precious metals and stones only on special occasions.

Now for the makeup. The basic rule in this case is - use a minimum of cosmetics. Think for yourself, because brightly painted lips and thickly lined eyes do not go well with American sportswear.

By the way, in America, women can combine wardrobe items such as a lace dress, a leather jacket and high wedge boots. And no matter how strange it sounds, this combination looks pretty nice.

If you look into the dressing room of an American woman, you will be terribly surprised. You will find there clothes that no one has worn for a long time, items that are worn very often, and things that have already grown out of. There will be a huge amount of underwear, hats, gloves in the closet. At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that most of the wardrobe remained from the grandmother and no one will wear it anymore. However, it takes up a significant amount of space in the closet.

It is for this reason that every time the question arises of what outfit to wear to a party, an American woman complains that she has nothing to wear and runs to the store for another purchase. And the supply of unnecessary things is increasing.

Perhaps this is one of those features of the fashion and life of American women, which is not worth inheriting. It will be much better if you know what you have in your wardrobe.

As for unnecessary things, esotericists say that they take a huge amount of energy from their owner, preventing him from living a full happy life. It is not known how fair this statement is, but we recommend that all girls throw away old things just in case.

Now as for the brands and the way to choose outfits. Approximately 80% of American women support their manufacturer only because such clothes are cheaper.

As for choice, no self-respecting American woman would run around the shops looking for a dress.

A feature of American girls is that they prefer to make purchases in centralized stores and, with the help of a consultant, immediately choose a dress, shoes, and accessories.

The inhabitants of America have a special attitude towards headdresses. Hats, baseball caps, caps, berets are worn. Sometimes with the help of a hat the whole chosen look is played up. For example, a beautiful cowboy hat is suitable for denim clothes, a plaid cap for trousers, it is advisable to choose a beret for a skirt, and a baseball cap goes well with sportswear.

The attitude towards shoes among American women is also interesting. On the streets you can meet a girl walking in a business suit and ballet shoes or in sneakers. Nobody is surprised by this. Everyone knows that in her bag she carries an expensive beautiful pair of office shoes. As you can see, American women have a very peculiar attitude to clothing. And, perhaps, such a free attitude to the choice of style should be adopted by us!

Features of the American style of clothing for teenagers

As we all know, teenagers have a completely different vision of the world than adults. And periodically the extravagance of their outfits can only be envied. If we talk about American teenagers, then it cannot be said that their style is somehow different from the “adult” fashion. Except that there are no business suits and cocktail dresses.