Japanese everyday makeup. Geisha makeup for cosplay or themed party. Japanese style make-up technique

The desire to surprise with their image in everyday life pushes women in search of new original make-up techniques. The popularity of anime cartoons has made it possible to replicate the Japanese make-up, which is characterized by whitened skin, beautifully accentuated eyes and seductive lips. This is one of the favorite types of makeup for modern girls, and, most importantly, it suits dark-skinned and fair-skinned people equally well.

Attributing Japanese makeup to evening or daytime will not work. It can be everyday, for example, for employees of sushi bars and Japanese restaurants, it is imperative to apply Japanese-style makeup every day to work. And what effect does Japanese makeup have on theatrical performances and parties! A young girl should definitely learn the basics of Japanese make-up.

Subtleties of Asian appearance

Many are sure that Asian girls have narrow eyes. This effect is created due to the eyelid hanging over the eye. In an effort to be like a European woman, many Chinese and Japanese women are trying in every possible way to expand their eyes, to "open" their eyelids. The result is an image of a naive girl with huge eyes full of mystery.

Girls with a European appearance, in order to create a Japanese-style make-up, on the contrary, need to narrow their eyes. So you can give the face a characteristic Mongoloid outline. There are several completely different Japanese make-up techniques: everyday, anime makeup and geisha makeup. How important it is to choose a make-up that is appropriate for the occasion, you should not even remind. If you show up to work with a geisha make-up, you can run into not only approval, but also a serious reprimand.

Makeup in Japanese style for every day

Light everyday Japanese makeup is suitable for office work, daytime walks and any formal occasions. Skin preparation plays an important role, so the main attention when creating a make-up should be given to decorative skin lightening.

White porcelain skin color is a must for Japanese make-up.

A simple instruction on how to do Japanese makeup for every day:

Everyday Japanese makeup has many different variations. Some makeup artists are of the opinion that there is no need to use mascara, and after drawing the arrows, they recommend adding bright accents in the form of pink shadows on the outer corner of the eye.

Anime makeup

Anime makeup is huge bright eyes and seductive bow-shaped lips. One of the most popular make-up techniques among young girls involves artificially slanting the look and reducing the contour of the lips. The image turns out to be a little puppet, but this does not prevent many girls from using it in everyday life.

To perform anime makeup, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Cleanse the skin, wipe with tonic, and then apply a daytime moisturizer.
  2. Use foundation as a base. For Japanese makeup, you need a base 2-3 shades lighter than natural skin.
  3. On the upper eyelid, draw arrows with black eyeliner that extend beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  4. Draw a wide line along the lower lashes with white eyeliner, and after it draw an arrow with a black pencil.
  5. From below, draw short eyelashes with a black pencil.
  6. Use false eyelashes on the upper eyelid to add volume.
  7. Make a bright accent on the outer corner of the eye with pink shadows.
  8. To reduce the size of the lips, use foundation. This base will hide the natural size of the lips, after which it is easy to create any desired shape. The lips of Japanese women are always small and plump, the best shape is a "bow".
  9. Insert large contact lenses into the eyes, which will further increase the diameter of the iris.

To use anime makeup for parties and theatrical performances or for every day is an individual choice. If you are attracted to big doll eyes and tiny bow lips, try on this look in your daily life.

The contrast of bleached skin, pronounced eyes and voluptuous lips - these are the three components of Japanese makeup. Japanese-style makeup is suitable not only for the holidays: masquerades, Halloween, an unusual photo shoot, but also for everyday (moderate) or evening makeup. The versatility of Japanese makeup lies in the fact that it is equally good for both dark-skinned and fair girls.

Japanese style makeup technique

The first step in creating a Japanese-style look is to apply a very light and even complexion., the so-called: "porcelain" skin color. For this, a light base is taken, very light and thin. After applying this foundation, take a light compact powder of the same tone as the foundation. It is better if the foundation and powder are two tones lighter than the main skin color. In no case should you take a completely different tone from the natural. Although the skin will seem more “porcelain”, it will look extremely comical and very much in the spirit of Japan's Kabuki theater.

By the way, when it comes to the theatre, Japanese-style make-up for theatrical parties and masquerades allows for such overdoing and, of course, will be greeted very warmly at a certain moment and in a certain place.

The next stage of makeup is applying eye makeup. Japanese women, like many Asian women, have slanted eyes. To create this effect, you can use an eyeliner or liquid eyeliner. Shadows are rarely used in Japanese make-up, as the upper eyelid of Asian women has a more closed look and hangs over the mobile eyelid, on which we mainly apply eye shadow in other types of makeup. Therefore, we use a black contour for the eyes, black eyeliner. “Arrows on the upper eyelid are drawn with a thick line. On the outer corner of the eye, you can apply a small amount of shadows, but you can not do this.

The shape of the “arrow on the upper eyelid is such that it gives the eye a slant and extends upwards beyond the outer corner of the eye, slightly curving. This is in order to narrow the eye, give it an Asian flavor and mystery. The eyebrows of Japanese women are traditionally thin, like strings. You can give them a slight bend, as in Japanese paintings - a crescent. Moreover, if the eyebrows are light, you can safely draw this semicircle with an eyebrow pencil.

Mascara for Japanese makeup is not used. Instead, to give more "oriental", you can try to apply bright pink shadows on the middle of the upper eyelid and the outer corner of the eye.

Modern Japanese style makeup.

Japanese women prefer the classics in lipstick colors: red, scarlet, rich raspberry. The shape of the lips is a "bow". It can be achieved if you create such a shape with a contour pencil and fill it with a color selected from the above. Matte lipstick here does not play a significant role and does not cause controversy. Japanese women use both matte and glossy lipstick. When applying the contour with a “bow”, it should be borne in mind that you can retouch the “excess” of your own lip size by additionally applying powder and foundation to the lips themselves.

Well, as always, the completion of any makeup is the application of blush on the face. Again, if you look at the paintings of Japanese artists depicting girls, you can pay attention to the fact that their cheeks are covered with a pink blush, therefore, the final point of Japanese makeup is applying a gentle blush of pink tones to the cheekbones.

Video "Japanese geisha makeup"

Video "Everyday Japanese makeup"

Video "Basics of Japanese makeup"

Geishas were revered women in Japan. It was a kind of wife for an hour. The geisha danced beautifully, sang and were able to keep up the conversation. And if a man wanted to continue, then he needed to behave with dignity and make a good impression on the geisha. Only she decided how the evening would end.

Therefore, the image of a geisha for a theme party will become unusual and bright. To create it, you need a minimum of items and work on makeup, and the effect will be amazing. Geisha makeup does not require special frills in application. But, at the same time, when doing such makeup at home, you should follow certain canons of applying an extraordinary Japanese make-up. Only in this case, by performing all the steps step by step, you can get a result similar to videos and films about Japanese beauties.

Step one: cleansing and moisturizing with a base

Before applying such makeup, you should cleanse your face with a tonic and without fail apply a moisturizing base under makeup in order to avoid overdrying the skin that is delicate and not accustomed to elaborate applications of decorative cosmetics.

Stage two: achieving unnatural whiteness of the skin

At first glance, it seems very easy, but in fact, everything is not so simple. The most important rule in geisha makeup is her whitish porcelain face, like that of an expensive Japanese doll.

How to make such a face shade at home? In the Japanese make-up style, geisha wore special white makeup on their faces, just like the actors in the video. Therefore, the face must be made white. Of course, you can use special theatrical makeup, which is sold in specialized stores. But, you can also take pity on delicate skin and use the lightest shade of foundation, abundantly covering your face with it. In this case, it is necessary to achieve an unnaturally white porcelain color.

The tone should be distributed not only to the usual parts of the face, but also toned eyebrows and lips, as well as ears and neck. This is necessary so that the effect is as professional as possible, and so that there are no problems when drawing new contours of the eyebrows and lips.

At the same time, dark circles under the eyes and other skin imperfections should not be visible on the face. Therefore, if necessary, you can correct the imperfections with the help of a dense light corrector.

After, in order to fix the white mask on the face, it is necessary to powder the foundation. To do this, it is best to use the lightest shade of powder or use a colorless option.

The powder will bind the greasy particles of foundation and create a matte smooth surface on the face. This is extremely important, because thanks to fixing with powder, the tone will not be smeared on other people and stain clothes.

Draw expressive and bright eyes step by step

It is very important to put a little effort into thinking about how to do Japanese-style eye makeup at home. Many makeup artists of our time in their video lessons pay great attention to the emphasis on the eyes, and in the makeup of a geisha they were much brighter and more colorful.

The first step is to apply a semi-oval shade of a brick or other red shade to the outer edge of the eye. And shading shadows with a uniform and smooth distribution along the edge of the outer corner of the lower and upper eyelids.

Secondly, we draw wide strokes with black eyeliner, creating expressive eye contours, which hide true femininity and mysterious beauty. Step by step we direct a wider and curved line of eyebrows. Using a black pencil, draw eyebrows a few millimeters wider than your own. We blacken the inner space with confident and very frequent strokes.

Eyebrows should not only be wider, but their head should be located closer to the bridge of the nose. Also, they should be in the shape of an arc. Having worked out the contours and borders of the pencil, we extinguish the color with matte dark shadows.

Draw small lips with a bow

The geisha's lips were small, like a doll's. They were drawn in the middle of the lips, without affecting the side parts. It could be the shape of a heart or a bow. Here's how to do this lip makeup. Having marked the lip contour with a red pencil, fill in the entire area inside the contour with color. Then apply a matte scarlet shade of lipstick to your lips.

With that last finishing touch, with matching hair and wearing a colorful kimono, you can be sure that the look will be exactly like a real geisha.

The mysterious, ambiguous East has been and remains attractive to foreigners. Wide pants, bright colors with an ornament of sakura petals, dragons, cranes, as well as the “kimono” style in the cut of coats and dresses do not go out of fashion.

Japanese makeup has also become popular, which is used in a casual look to add sophistication and femininity in a unique Asian style.

History and features of Japanese makeup

The history of decorative cosmetics in the East goes back to the first millennium BC. It was then, in the ancient times of Asuka, that pale skin came into fashion.

In their pursuit of beauty, women were extremely determined: they whitened their faces, brightly painted their lips and painted their eyebrows.

Three colors - white, red, black have long symbolized nobility, luck, prosperity. They were applied to the face as follows:

1. White was associated with clear, healthy skin, which was especially important in times of bad medicine. Lighter shades were originally made with lethal lead powder, and later with not-so-harmful rice flour.

2. Red tone was extracted from an orange flower - Safflower. Initially, since the Heian era, Japanese women shaved off their natural eyebrows and, in their place or slightly higher, drew scarlet dots or lines. The outer corner of the eye was painted with the same palette.

Contrary to modern canons of beauty, small lips were in fashion in medieval Japan, they were painted with red paint, trying to visually make them even smaller.

3. Eyebrows and eyes were painted in black. In place of the superciliary arches, long black lines were drawn, and the well-known arrows were applied over the red semicircle on the outer eyelid.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that until the 19th century, blackening of teeth was actively used in Japan. A special solution was made from mercury, iron sulfate, and tannin, which was filtered out mainly from the bark of trees or tea leaves.

Japanese-style makeup has its own unique and unique features.

Some features of Japanese makeup can be distinguished: symbolism, aristocracy, theatrical unnaturalness.

Bright colors and lines highlighted the owner of the make-up, endowing her with signs of high origin.

Photo: variant of Japanese eye makeup

Types of Japanese makeup

The wonders of Japanese makeup are known almost all over the world. He is able to change and transform a woman's face. But the make-up from Japan has several directions:

  • The most famous Japanese makeup - traditional. With its medieval counterpart, it has only common similarities. Many traditions have lost their relevance, but the snow-white face and beautiful skin tone are still the hallmarks of traditional Japanese makeup.

  • - Extremely calm and natural. Particular attention is paid to the eyes and giving them an almond shape. The cheekbones and whiteness of the skin are slightly emphasized.

The photo shows Japanese-style makeup, which can be both everyday and evening.

  • Makeup and anime style gained its popularity with the advent of this Japanese genre of animation. It is used to create a full-fledged image of a character. In this case, the palette of colors is not limited.

The photo shows Japanese anime style makeup.
  • Geisha makeup. To create the image of a geisha, you need the appropriate makeup. In this case, the main rule is the observance of the gamut: white, black, red. The main features are: extremely small scarlet lips, bright strictly defined eyebrows with a red outline and long eye arrows on a snow-white face. A similar image will be appropriate at carnivals, parties and historical productions.

Photo of a bright Japanese geisha makeup.
  • There is another interesting version of visage - japanese gyaru makeup. This is a bright and frivolous make-up that makes the image doll-like. This kind of Japanese makeup helps to make big and bright eyes.

Video: Mariana Ro tells how to do Japanese gyaru makeup

To make Japanese everyday makeup beautiful and attractive, you must follow certain rules:

  • To create an everyday Japanese look, it is important to achieve clean skin of the face, having previously eliminated all flaws.
  • Before applying cosmetics, you should use a mask or cleansing scrubs.
  • To create an even tone, you should use a light tonal foundation.
  • Eyeliner should be liquid, dark shades.

  • Do not forget about light matte shadows that will help visually highlight the lines of the arrows.
  • Black mascara is usually applied to the eyelashes.
  • Eyebrows of any thickness should not have strong breaks and bends, only smooth features are allowed.

Video: how Japanese makeup is done.

These are the miracles of Japanese makeup: in the photo, the change is beyond recognition.

Modern Japanese makeup step by step

To make the image complete and harmonious, you need to know how to do Japanese eye makeup in stages.

The following is a step-by-step description of how to do Japanese makeup:

1.Initially, we create an even, beautiful skin tone.

  • To do this, take a tonal foundation a couple of shades lighter.
  • Any imperfections should be masked with a corrector, and the base layers should be distributed over the surface as accurately as possible.
  • If necessary, you can use powder in some areas.

3.Making Japanese eye makeup requires special attention.

  • First, on the upper eyelid, you need to apply light matte shades of pearl white or pastel shades.
  • The outer corner of the eye should be highlighted with shadows of a dark color - gray or brown.
  • Further, an arrow is drawn along the eyelash growth line from the inner corner of the eye, slightly rising to the very end.
  • The lower eyelid can be slightly “narrowed” by drawing a thin line with a dark pencil.
  • Then, you should apply black mascara, carefully staining the eyelashes.

4. For the correct drawing of the eyebrows, so that they look well-groomed and natural, brown shadows or a transparent gel are best.

With a thin brush, carefully apply shadows and slightly blend. From above we use the gel and comb the hair with a brush or a special comb.

5. To perform Japanese lip makeup, you should use lipstick or gloss preferably in pale matte shades, for example, pale pink or beige.

Now you have learned how to do Japanese makeup at home. Good luck with your amazing look!

Video: how to do Japanese eye makeup in stages

Japanese makeup has changed a lot over the course of its development, becoming more restrained, calm and natural. However, Japanese women still try to visually expand their eyes and make their skin look pale and radiant.

Casual Japanese-style makeup is universal, it will suit any type of appearance. It is used to create the image of an elegant, sophisticated woman.

In contact with

It's no secret that Japan is the world's center of innovation and technological progress. In the field of beauty inventions, the Land of the Rising Sun is also ahead of the rest. After all, it is here that trends are born that are picked up by make-up fans around the world.

Korea is rightly considered Japan's main competitor in the cosmetics market. However, there is a fundamental difference between the neighbors: Japanese specialists are pedantic and scrupulous, they release only carefully studied and tested products that give one hundred percent result. In Korea, the speed of production and the originality of the product are important. What are the features of Japanese makeup? We list the main ones.

© mrjovitageorge

Multi-stage skin cleansing

Japanese makeup is primarily associated with perfectly smooth, radiant skin. And it's true: it seems that Asian girls have the secret of eternal youth. It turned out that the secret lies in a thorough multi-stage cleansing of the face. Mentally classifying this stage of care as a make-up, you will immediately notice the difference: makeup products fit much better on perfectly clean skin.

Hydrophilic oil

No Japanese woman can imagine cleansing the skin without today. This remedy was invented back in 1960 by Mr. Shu Uemura, the founder of the brand of the same name. When mixed with water, it turns into a gentle milk. Soon, these oils became the most popular facial cleansing aid - not only in Japan, but throughout the world. The fact is that hydrophilic oil removes even complex makeup effectively, but delicately, without disturbing the pH of the skin.

Before distributing foundation over the face, any self-respecting Japanese woman will definitely apply a primer to her face. It creates the necessary barrier between moisturizer and foundation. This means that the makeup will last until the moment when you yourself decide to wash it off.

In the modern variety of primers, it is easy to get confused, so when choosing, it is better to proceed from the condition of the skin. Is she dry? So, the base must be moisturizing. Oily? Choose a mattifier.

A distinctive feature of Japanese primers is that they contain the maximum SPF factor. Indeed, for Japanese women, the ideal is porcelain, even skin, and therefore they simply do not give a chance to tan.

Thick foundation cream

Most Japanese foundations have high coverage, but are almost invisible on the face. It is worth applying the foundation, having previously slightly warmed up the required volume on the back of the hand, so it is easier to distribute over the skin and lie more evenly. Japanese makeup is characterized by a slight haze, so preference should be given to products with a velvety finish.

Bright blush

Japanese women apply blush in a fundamentally different way than girls from Europe. The latter try to emphasize the shape of the cheekbones. In Japan, the image of Me no shiita shiiku is considered the most fashionable - blush in this case is applied under the eyes.

The network has already come up with the name hangover makeup for this trend, which can be translated as “hangover” makeup. Yes, it sounds a little strange, but the fact remains.

Japanese women often distribute blush under their eyes - so that it seems as if they did not get enough sleep and flushed. The trend is explained by the fact that with such makeup, the face looks younger and carefree.

Just as popular is the namida-bukuro trend - "tear sac". The point is to apply a pink highlighter under the eyes to simulate the illusion of bags under the eyes. According to Japanese women, this technique makes them cute and charming.

Satin shadows

If you want to do traditional Japanese-style makeup, then the focus should be on the eyes. Satin shimmer eyeshadow is the must-have for this look. They visually “open up” the look. In Japan, girls apply shadows up to the eyebrows - thanks to the Asian eye shape, it suits them incredibly.

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An obligatory item in the make-up of Japanese women is eyeliner. Preference should be given to eyeliner in the style of a cat eye with a small arrow. On the upper eyelid, the line should be noticeably wider than usual, but on the lower one, you need to retreat a couple of millimeters from the lash line: this way the eyes will become visually larger.

False eyelashes

Since the Asian type of appearance is characterized by short eyelashes, Japanese women often use false tufts. And not only on the upper eyelids, but also on the lower ones - this allows you to achieve the effect of a puppet look (approximately the same result is guaranteed