House for a cat from newspaper tubes step by step. How to weave a cat house from newspaper tubes yourself. Options for small apartments

Cats are quite strange creatures. On the one hand, they are very attached to their owner and love to lie close to the owner, but on the other hand, they are quite independent pets, which is reflected in their frequent search for secluded places for a sound sleep. Thus, owners often find their pets in closets, boxes, baskets, and even on closed suitcases with unpacked items after a recent trip.

If you want to take care of your pet, then you can make a secluded corner for him with your own hands, in which he will feel safe. At the same time, you can do without huge financial expenses, because you can assemble a home for a cat only from old newspapers.

There is a lot of information on the Internet on the topic: how to weave a house for a cat from newspaper tubes. However, it is most often incomplete and displays only the final result. But don’t be upset, because making such a basket is quite simple.

What you will need

Each person in an apartment building has his own mailbox, in which new advertisements and newspapers appear almost every day. After reading, they move to closets or to balconies. It is this waste paper that will be needed to make the base - the tubes from which the cat's home will be assembled.

In order to form tubes, and subsequently assemble them into a full-fledged house, the following will also be useful:

  1. Pencil.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Knitting needle.
  5. PVA glue or pencil.
  6. Thick cardboard.

Having collected all the necessary ingredients in a pile, you can get to work.

How to make tubes from newspaper

Before you begin, newspaper sheets must be unrolled and cut into equal strips, each 10 cm wide. From 4 to 6 tubes can come out of one standard newspaper - it all depends on which side (wide or narrow) the strips will be cut from.

After this, you need to take one strip of paper and attach the knitting needle to it at an angle of 45-60 degrees relative to the narrow side.

Next, you need to tightly press the newspaper strip onto the knitting needle. Before wrapping the end, it must be lubricated with glue to ensure fixation and prevent the tube from unwinding. After these manipulations, you can remove the needle, and the tube is ready.

From this collection of master classes you will learn how to make a house for a cat with your own hands. We will talk about the option of weaving a crib from newspaper tubes. Cats really like these baskets and they sleep in them with pleasure. We will offer you some interesting ideas for creating wicker houses for cats of various shapes and sizes, as well as give you useful tips and step-by-step instructions.

We have previously told you how to make newspaper tubes. To do this you will need a thin long knitting needle and several unnecessary newspapers and magazines. We advise you to read the instructions if you have never done this yourself before.

If you know that you won’t have anything to paint the craft with, and you don’t want to leave the house in its original form, then it’s better to use bright glossy magazines as a basis. This will give your cat's bed a very interesting look. If you like newsprint or only have printer paper, then use this option. So, stock up on straws and choose any of the options offered.

House No. 1: cover the box with tubes

If you don’t want to spend too much time weaving a basket, then you can make the simplest cat house with your own hands. Here, the decor is the newspaper tubes themselves, and an ordinary box is taken as the basis. Even a novice master can handle this master class.

We will need:

  • cardboard box of suitable size;
  • glue.

Decide on the parameters of the future cat house. Find a suitable box or simply cut out suitable sized pieces of cardboard that can be combined into one.

Glue the layer to the next side and fold again. So go over every free surface of the box.

There is no need to do any weaving. Just glue the tubes (it is best to use PVA glue), bend them and trim off the excess.

Determine the hole for the cat to enter this homemade house made from newspaper tubes in accordance with the dimensions of the pet. Don't make it too small so that you can easily put something soft in there at any time and change the bedding if necessary.

This is a very simple and budget option for a homemade cat house. Your pet will definitely be pleased, as we all know that our favorite furry creatures simply love to climb into boxes.

House No. 2: cocoon bed

This master class is more complex and you will have to spend more time on it. However, if you have previously worked with newspaper tubes, then you can make a cat house with your own hands quite quickly. We advise you to make the bed larger - this way the cat will be more likely to love it.

We will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • paints (optional);
  • ornamental varnish (optional).

Weaving begins from the bottom of the future cat house. We make a crosshair in the center, and then gradually turn it into a disk. If you have been working with weaving techniques for a long time, then you understand what we are talking about. If this is your first experience, you will find more detailed instructions in the video below.

In the next step we will raise the cocoon, gradually increasing the mass of tubes on the back wall.

We don’t touch those vertical newspaper tubes that are already out of use for now - we leave them sticking up. At the final stage, we will braid them into a beautiful braid to beautifully decorate the cat’s house.

If you find it difficult to understand how to weave, take a look at this video tutorial.

The house can be coated with paint and non-toxic varnish. Be sure to check if the varnish contains any harmful components! Cats often like to have fun with their houses and sometimes chew on straws to sharpen their teeth.

Don't forget to put soft bedding in the cocoon house to keep your cat warm and cozy.

House No. 3: basket for a cat with ears

We invite you to make with your own hands another interesting version of a cat house from newspaper tubes. Its peculiarity is its unusual decor: the house is decorated with cute cat ears. As a result, the pet will have a very cozy nest at its disposal, and you will have a nice and very cute piece of furniture.

We will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • glue.

First, you need to cut out a circle from cardboard the size you want to make the cat house. Next, we glue long tubes of newspaper to the base at equal distances from each other. Then we cover the structure with a cardboard disk of exactly the same size, having previously coated it with glue. This design can be placed under a press for several hours if you are not very confident in the quality of your glue.

Next, weaving is performed, similar to the previous master class. When finished, decorate the cat house to your liking. You can paint it or leave it as is. The main thing is to add soft bedding to make the pet comfortable.

Homemade cat houses made from newspaper tubes are good because they don’t take too much time to make, and the result is simply wonderful. The houses turn out to be reliable and durable, and most importantly – beautiful and comfortable for cats. In addition, this is a very budget option, because the main material for the houses is ordinary newspapers, which you no longer need.

Choose any of the presented master classes and please your cat with a cozy house that you made for her with your own hands!

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Hello, dear readers. By getting into weaving from newspaper tubes, you can make a beautiful house for a cat. Houses for cats are now sold in stores and can be bought, but if you wish, you can make a unique house yourself and save money on the purchase. And you will like the house you made with your own hands.
We decided to make our cat house round:

In order to make such a house, we needed:
- Paper sheets of paper (we used A4 size pages);
- Scissors;
- Glue;
- Pen rod;
- Copper wire of medium thickness;
- Needle;
- Several wide plastic sheets (we used an old paper folder);
- Gouache paints and brush;
- Scotch;
- Fur bedding (we cut off part from an old fur coat);
- Decorative decorations (bow, flowers (wreath)).

Starting work, we take an old plastic folder for papers and cut out a circle from it:

Then we take the paper and cut it into thin strips (2 centimeters wide):

Using a pen refill, we roll strips of paper into tubes and glue them together:

After this, we glue the resulting tubes together in three pieces using tape in order to make the walls of the house stronger:

We pierce the glued tubes from below with a needle and sew them with wire to the edges of the round plastic base:

When the braiding tubes run out, they need to be secured with a clothespin and new ones added (insert them inside or on top, depending on how wide or narrow their tips are).

After making five circles of weaving, we decided to remove the section with the iron lock from the plastic base, which would be inconvenient for the cat. We managed to do this with the help of a thick needle and scissors, but there was no way we could have done it with scissors alone. From another piece of plastic folder we cut out a rectangular section, slightly larger than the size of the cut section and glue it:

To calculate the required height of the walls of the house, you need to measure the height of the cat. Our cat’s height is 32.5 cm, and we decided to make the height of the walls of the house to match this height (but a little higher).
The cat came inside more than once:

Does a cat need a house? Cat owners know: these cats, although they are attached to people, always maintain independence. They love to climb into remote corners of the apartment and arrange a rookery in secluded places. Who hasn't found their mustachioed friend in a randomly unlocked closet? A box, an open suitcase, a laundry basket attract like a magnet. Apparently, the desire to hide is inherent in the nature of these animals, and nothing can be done about it. But you can help your pet and give him an alternative option for privacy - buy or make a cozy home for your cat with your own hands.

Buy or make it yourself?

There are a great variety of models and variations of houses for cats on sale - multi-level, closed, open, with scratching posts, shelves. Sometimes it's easier to buy. But creating a house for a tailed pet with your own hands has its own benefits. Firstly, the materials for production are, as a rule, improvised, something that is always in the house. It's economical. Secondly, you determine the size, design, and stability taking into account the dimensions of the animal and its character. This will truly be a home for YOUR cat. And finally, you can get creative and fit the “cat house” into your interior, and even make it an art object. This will be an individual decision.

A cat house made from newspaper tubes can take almost any shape.

A popular trend is a house made from newspaper tubes

Pay attention to the fashionable trend in creating houses for cats with your own hands - weaving from newspaper tubes. This is a type of decorative creativity, an analogue of wicker weaving - there are many descriptions on the Internet. Why this method is wonderful:

  • material costs are minimal, almost zero (how much do old newspapers and magazines cost?);
  • a large number of options for shape, wall thickness, color;
  • a house woven from newspaper tubes can be painted with food coloring, covered with stain or simply with PVA glue diluted with water (in the latter case it will be an original piece of furniture);
  • A ready-made house for a cat made from newspaper tubes is in harmony with many modern interior styles - eclecticism, country, minimalism, Provence, Scandinavian.

Only your imagination can limit the beauty and sophistication of a newspaper house

What to prepare:

  • old newspapers, magazines;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • long knitting needle;
  • paper glue;
  • PVA glue.

How are straws made?

To base the house you need to weave a disk from newspaper tubes

Lay out and cut the newspaper into strips of 8-10 cm. Place a knitting needle on the edge of the newspaper strip at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees. Wrap the strip of newspaper tightly around the knitting needle and secure the end with paper glue. Carefully remove the knitting needle from the tube. The thickness of the tube will be different from different sides - this is how it should be so that the tubes can be inserted into one another, thus increasing their length.

Prepare the required quantity of straws (your intuition will tell you this). From a sheet of thick cardboard or plywood, cut out the bottom, or floor, of the future house in two copies (the shape can be oval, circle, square, rectangle). Glue newspaper tubes to the inside of one part of the bottom along the edge so that they radiate to the sides; 1.5-2 cm of tubes should be glued. Glue the second part on top, covering the glued ends of the tubes.

The weaving of the walls is carried out along a frame glued to the base of the house

Don’t forget about the entrance to the house, it needs to be highlighted in the frame and braided along the edge for greater strength

Almost completed house

We finally form the house and complete the weaving

Use a cardboard frame - it will help keep the shape you have in mind while weaving. Lift the tubes up in the form of racks, secure them with clothespins or clamps to the frame and begin to braid them according to the principle of weaving a basket. At a height of 5-6 cm, interrupt the weaving in a circle to begin making a hole for the entrance. Now weave in straight and reverse rows. Consider the width and height so that your cat can comfortably enter the home. Continue weaving in a circle until the height of the entire house.

Now there are two options. You can complete the weaving of the walls by tucking and securing the vertical posts, and weave the lid separately according to the shape of the bottom or make it out of cardboard (plywood) and attach it to the walls of the house. The second option is to start narrowing the walls and making a dome-shaped roof. And don’t forget to sew a soft pillow in the shape of the bottom of the house - for sweet dreams. Now the wicker house is ready to receive a guest.

How to decorate a wicker house

The easiest way is to paint an already finished house in one or two colors. Use food coloring - it's odorless and won't irritate or repel your cat. You can apply the paint in one or two layers - depending on what color intensity you want to have. You can cover it with stain.

There are many options for decorating a finished house. The photo shows the product using paint and stain.

Paint the wicker cat house in different colors, in different techniques and styles. For example, graffiti, drawing with rice paper, decoupage, applique.

Decorate your creation with ribbons and braid. To do this, during weaving, you need to leave holes in which you can fasten it. Or leave several rows unbraided and in this place stretch the tape (also according to the weaving principle) between the posts along the entire perimeter of the house and secure the ends.

Glue ears, tail and whiskers to the house.

How to make a house for a cat - ideas

Wicker house for a cat made from newspaper tubes

Newspaper weaving is a very common and popular type of modern handicraft. Usually, thanks to it, various household items and interior decoration are created. However, this is not the only place where you can use a similar technique; we want to invite you to weave an original two-story house for a cat from many newspaper tubes, the height of the first tier (mink) of which is twenty-three centimeters and the width is forty centimeters.

For work we will need the following set of materials, as well as tools:

A sheet of thick cardboard or plywood;

PVA glue;

Knitting needle;

A large stack of old unwanted magazines and newspapers.

TOhow to make a cat house - Master Class step by step.

First step. To begin with, we need to make the appropriate preparations; for this we take old magazines and newspapers, tear them into separate sheets.

Second step. Then we cut each leaf into strips seven to twelve centimeters wide.

Fourth step. Then carefully pull out the knitting needle, and fix the remaining upper edge with a drop of glue. The first tube is ready, we make all the others using the same principle.

Fifth step. Next, we take a sheet of thick packaging cardboard, you can cut a box in which household appliances are usually packaged, or a sheet of plywood and cut out an oval-shaped part from the selected material, forty centimeters long and thirty-five centimeters wide.

Sixth step. After this, we choose which side of this blank will be the inner one, that is, located inside the house, and glue newspaper tubes to it in a circle, like rays of the sun, and approximately one and a half to two centimeters of the tube should be glued.

Seventh step. Now we cut out the second identical oval-shaped part and glue it on top of the glued tubes.

Eighth step. We raise the tubes in the form of vertical stands and begin to braid them according to the principle of weaving a basket.

Ninth step. After we weave five to six centimeters in a circle from the front side, we need to make a window through which the animal will climb into its house. Its size in width and height depends on the dimensions of your cat; we leave this gap untouched and continue to weave now not in a circle and in straight and reverse rows, until the work reaches the top jamb of the window.

Tenth step. Again we weave in a circle and weave to a height of twenty-three centimeters from the bottom, this is exactly the size of the first floor of our cat house, but if your pet is larger, the mink can be made higher.

Eleventh step. Separately, we weave a round piece from newspaper tubes, with a diameter equal to the diameter of the upper hole of our structure.

Twelfth step. We put the lid on top and then weave the upper open tier based on the tubes of the first and the attached lid.

Thirteenth step. We fold the edges of the wicker product and secure it. The cat house is ready! You can place your pet in it.

TOhow to make a house for a cat photo final

2. Soft house for a cat made of fabric and foam rubber.

In order to make such housing for your pet or pet, we will need the following materials:

Thick fabric;

Sheet foam rubber, two centimeters thick;

Felt pen or marker;

Large sewing needle;

Durable bobbin threads;

Accessories tape for curtains.

TOhow to make a cat house quickly- description of work.

1. Fold the durable fabric in half with the right side inward and transfer the pattern details presented below to it.

3.Separately cut out the internal parts from foam rubber, using the same pattern. It is important that the foam rubber is at least two centimeters thick, otherwise it will not be able to hold the desired shape in the finished product.

4.Insert the foam rubber into the covers and sew up the remaining holes on the front side with a hidden seam.

5. As a result, we get three parts, one of which is the walls of the house and two identical floors and ceilings.

6. We fold the wall part into an arc and sew it manually with a strong thread using an overcast stitch, first the floor and then the ceiling.

7. So that the cat feels comfortable in his home and can hide there, which these animals really love to do. Let's make a curtain and hang it over the entrance to the hole. To do this, take a piece of the same durable fabric, forty centimeters wide and sixty-five centimeters long, cut its edges on four sides and hem it using a sewing machine.

9.After this, carefully tighten the tape, forming folds on the curtain and thereby making its size match the size of the opening width. Sew the finished curtain just above the window.

For the comfort of the animal, you can lay your animal’s favorite bedding inside the home and invite a new tenant into it.

Your cat will definitely like such an original house; it is cozy, warm and soft, and it can also be washed very easily, which cannot but please the pet owner, especially if he has long hair.

In addition to a cat, such housing can be made for a small domestic dog, for example, he will definitely like it.

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