Aroma oils massage application. Essential oil for massage: which is better to choose. Massage Oil: Should You Use It or Not?

Most massage therapists prefer to use oil over other massage products.

Advantage oil mixtures in that:

  • oils contribute to a good glide of hands on the surface of the body, which is important for the procedure. This protects the epidermis from damage during very intensive treatment or anti-cellulite massages;
  • the correctly selected composition of the oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, introduces microelements and vitamins into the tissues and benefits the entire body;
  • oils make the body toned and elastic. Their use during the procedure will relieve cellulite, stretch marks, excess weight and flabbiness of the skin;
  • help manage stress and bad mood. The use of oils in massage gives not only physical relaxation, but also emotional;
  • oils are useful for all skin types, especially for dry and aging skin.

Massage oil consists mainly of 2 parts: base and active part (essential oil). The active part is able to enhance the effect of massage, but in some cases it is not used, carrying out the procedure only with the help of the first component.

Base oil or base oil promotes better hand gliding over the surface of the body, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. All natural base oils are created from plants: fruits, seeds, seeds and other vegetable raw materials.

It is better to choose an unrefined cold-pressed base oil: it retains more nutrients. These are fatty acids, antioxidants, phospholipids, wax, pigments, vitamins.

When choosing a base oil, the type of skin, the area of ​​the body part on which the massage will be performed, and what result you want to achieve are important.

According to the consistency, the base is of three types: liquid, viscous form or solid. Solid, butters keep their shape when heated up to +35°. These include palm, coconut, shea butter. Almond, grape, apricot oils have a viscous texture. Liquid base oils include oils of olive and corn, sesame, sea buckthorn, soy and others.

Essential oil- This is a special concentrated substance with a bright smell, which is an extract from plants using high technology. Esters are very volatile, quickly dissolving in the air without leaving greasy traces. In cosmetology, flavored oils need a fatty carrier: vegetable base oils, creams or lotions.

Due to their plant origin, esters contain vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and other useful substances. The actions of essential oils are diverse and extensive: they warm up, relax, soften, smooth, tone up, relieve inflammation.

The use of esters enhances the benefits of massage. A pleasant aroma allows you to create an atmosphere of relaxation and peace. Used for massage of the whole body and face.

IN pure form esters are not used, may cause burns. They must be dissolved in a small amount of base, which retains volatile essential oils.

Features of face and body oils

When choosing oil for massage, you should consider for which part of the body it is taken.

Oil for facial massage should consist only of natural and natural elements. The skin of the face is delicate, so any chemistry is excluded. The composition of such oils often includes various vitamin and mineral components.

This is especially important when massaging dry or aging skin. The type of skin determines which essential oil will be used as additives to the foundation. For body massage, you can take the same oils as for the face.

In addition to them, the following oils are often used as a base:

The choice of essential oil additional funds depends on the purpose and type of massage. The skin of the body is not the same everywhere, it has its own differences and features in different areas. For example, during a back massage, any mixture of base and essential oils is used.

For massage of the décolleté and chest areas, it is recommended to take oils that have a rejuvenating and tightening effect.

If it is a lower body massage that includes the buttocks, thighs and legs, then perfect choice there will be a complex of base and essential oils with a tightening and firming effect. Such compositions will help restore skin elasticity, smooth out stretch marks and give it healthy look.

Relaxing massage oils

Massage oil for relaxation will not only help relieve tension from the muscles, but will relax the mind and senses, relieve tension and stress.

With a relaxing massage the best base will become neutral oils that do not have a strong odor. These are oils of apricot, peach or grape seeds. The effect depends on the essential oil chosen for them.

For example, massage will calm and cheer you up if you choose a mixture with the addition of mint and lavender oils. With the use of fragrant citrus oils, the result will be a general tone of the body and a surge of strength. To relieve pain and signs of fatigue in the legs, you should choose mint, pine oil or jasmine ether.

The most common relaxing oils are

Big choice essential oils for relaxation in pharmacies will allow you to do a gentle manual massage at home on your own.

Oils for anti-cellulite massage

During anti-cellulite procedures, the skin is warmed up, rubbing and massaging problem areas, blood circulation and metabolism are improved. As a result, the skin becomes smooth, elasticity and tone return. Anti-cellulite essential oils enhance these processes.

Basically, it is advised to take as a basis:

Other vegetable-type oils are also suitable as a base: peach, olive, apricot, grape.

After determining the base oil, add 3 to 5 drops of the selected aroma oil to it. One teaspoon base oil accounts for one taken ethereal.

Citrus fruit oils, especially orange, grapefruit and lemon, have a bright anti-cellulite effect. Fennel, bergamot, juniper rosemary oils will help remove excess water and toxins from the body, normalize metabolism, fight obesity and swelling.

Aroma oils of limette, anise, jasmine, patchouli will increase skin elasticity, restore elasticity and eliminate its flabbiness and lethargy. Cinnamon oil improves blood flow, relieves swelling, stimulates metabolism, accelerating the process of fat burning in the body.

If you add a few drops to a regular anti-cellulite cream and do regular manual massage at home systematically, the result will be noticeable in two weeks.

At home, anti-cellulite massage is advised to do every day. The finished oil is applied to the problem area of ​​the body and rubbed into the skin with circular massage movements for about 10-15 minutes. Excess funds from the skin are removed with a napkin. It is very good to do such a massage at night.

It is not recommended to do anti-cellulite massage using oils during pregnancy.

Recipes for oil mixtures exist a large number of. For cooking universal remedy to combat cellulite, 2 tbsp is taken as the basis. l. honey with the addition of 4 any essential oils, 3 drops each.

And most effective composition an oil composition of 8 drops of geranium, 10 drops of grapefruit and bergamot, 3 drops of cinnamon, 4 drops of nutmeg per 5 tsp is considered. base oil.

Oils for rejuvenating facial massage

Facial skin is more sensitive, delicate and more prone to aging than skin on other parts of the body. Therefore, it is necessary with special attention approach her care. Massage of the facial skin with oils helps to improve blood circulation, soothe skin tired during the day, slow down its aging and remove wrinkles.

Basically, massage procedures are carried out only with the use of base oil, if desired, essential oils are added. According to the rules, the prepared oil is kept in a cool place, but before the procedure, the mixture is heated to room temperature. Before the massage, you should prepare the skin of the face: steam it and clean it with a gel or scrub from impurities.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! For best effect It is recommended to do a massage course, then give the skin a little rest. To maintain elasticity, carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week.

The easiest recipe for wrinkles is almond oil with honey. The composition is used to nourish the skin and reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! When adding oil to the base, you should remember the type of skin. To do this, it is better to consult with an experienced cosmetologist.

Universal oils are considered:

  • linen. Cleanses, restores the lipid barrier, eliminates peeling, accelerates healing, reduces swelling and redness;
  • almond. Moisturizes, gives elasticity, removes wrinkles;
  • oil hazelnut: For everyday use, tightens pores and nourishes;
  • shea butter or shea butter. Solid in texture, cleanses, softens and nourishes. Synthesizes collagen and restores skin tone, removes wrinkles;
  • olive for the high content of vitamins A and E.

With a dry type, nutrition and hydration of the skin is important. You should pay attention to the cranberry ester, which has a lot of fatty acids, wheat germ oil, which smoothes wrinkles, and macadamia, which relieves peeling.

At bold type It is advised to choose grape seed and sesame oils, which are rich in antioxidants. They cleanse of toxins and have a healing effect.

Sensitive and mature skin will be saved by avocado esters (for delicate skin around the eyes) and jojoba (regenerating and healing effects). If the skin is dehydrated, then aromatic oils from apricot kernels and coconut will help: moisturize and restore water balance. Sea buckthorn, palm, castor oil.

To aromatic oils, which are often used in the fight against age-related changes skin, include extracts from sandalwood, rose, sage, rosewood, lavender.

In addition to the rejuvenating effect, essential oils are added to improve general condition facial skin: from puffiness (cinnamon), to narrow pores (lemon, lemon balm, mint, rose), to increase tone (myrtle), to give freshness (eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, grapefruit), to cleanse more oily skin (bergamot ).

Oils with whitening effect

Essential oils are good for helping to cope with age spots on the skin. . Unlike many store bought cosmetic products, which contain mercury or hydroquinone, oils are a natural and environmentally friendly remedy.

Essential oils are used in two ways:

  • mix it with a base foundation suitable for the type of skin;
  • add the product to water or skin care cream that is used for massage.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! When whitening the skin, one should not forget about the basic rules and contraindications for the use of essential oils. The best option is to consult a doctor who specializes in this area.

Whitening with essential oils is contraindicated in the following cases:

Lemon esters are especially popular for skin whitening purposes, tea tree, sandalwood, rose oil and eucalyptus.

Lemon oil. The very first remedy in the fight for fair skin. It contains two intense natural remedies for discoloration manifestations of pigmentation. These are limonene and citric acid. Limonene helps in evening out skin tone and brightening the skin. The second component is applied as natural peeling: Exfoliates dead cells. Whitening agent based on lemon oil recommend to use at night. Do not use it during the day and is with him under the sun. To prepare it, you should take the base in the amount of 3 tbsp. tablespoons and add 3 drops of lemon oil to them.
Sandalwood oil. It has moisturizing and softening properties, in cosmetology it is used to remove age spots. Brightens and protects it from aging. Best used at night: put 2-3 drops of sandalwood and almond oils and massage gently. You can not wash off, the result of the procedure will appear faster and better.
Eucalyptus oil Has healing properties: cures sunburn, various inflammatory processes and other damage. To whiten and get rid of stains, you need to mix it with jojoba oil in proportions of 1: 4 and apply to problem areas.

Healing massage oils

Massage oil has healing properties enhancing the effect of the procedure.

Having studied medicinal characteristics oils, choosing the right ester or composition of them is not difficult:

Oils for erotic massage (exciting)

Erotic massage able to increase excitement or vice versa to relax and set up for romance. Like any other type of massage, this procedure consists of rubbing and stroking parts of the body. To prepare a universal massage mixture, add 2 to 4 types of ether drop by drop to 10 ml of a base with a neutral odor.

When choosing an aroma oil, it is important to take into account individual preferences in aromas.

For the base, an oil with a softening effect is chosen, making the touch pleasant during the massage. Suitable olive, grape, apricot, almond.

The second important ingredient is ether. During erotic massage, they are used to create an intimate and sensual atmosphere and enhance tactile sensations. To esters that increase sensuality and self-confidence, sexual attraction and emotional openness include ginger, geranium, cinnamon, jasmine, patchouli, bergamot.

Women's fragrances rose, jasmine and geranium are more considered, for men it is better to choose vetiver, ginger. In addition, cinnamon, ginger and cloves enhance the sensation of massage and blood circulation due to the warming effect.

The most popular erotic oil is ylang-ylang: reinforces sexual desire and self-confidence, helps to reveal sensuality in oneself, to better understand and feel a partner.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Be aware of safety precautions when working with essential oils. In no way affected intimate parts: dangerous to health due to the content of saturated aroma oils in them.

Top 7 oils from cosmetic brands

Cosmetic oils can also become a good remedy during massage. Having studied a large number of reviews from customers and the compositions of oils offered on the market, 7 oils are distinguished from cosmetic brands V different categories.

The best oil for facial massage


French remedy, has a restorative effect, the cost is from 489 rubles.

The oil is made by extracting eight essential oils with the addition of rosehip and shea plant extracts. The product tones, restores water balance, and also has protective properties.

Do you love massage as much as I do? At first it may seem that your skin is going to be used to make buns, because it is kneaded like dough. Then comes the feeling that with every cell of your body you feel even the pinpoint touch of the massage therapist's fingers. The skin reacts to any movement: sometimes with pain, occasionally with a tickle. And in the end comes complete relaxation - this relaxation cannot be compared, perhaps, with anything.

As if you are swinging in an invisible hammock and at the same time your body is blown by a fresh sea breeze. A good massage makes us feel the whole gamut of emotions, and if it is performed with the use of special oils, essential or vegetable, then the massage therapist's hands become incredibly soft and the skin after the procedure becomes soft and smooth.

Massage Oil: Should You Use It or Not?

Surely you have noticed that massage therapists always use special oils. You may have even wondered: “Why oil? Is it possible to replace it with a simple body cream? The answer is clear: body cream or lotion will not work when using the massage technique, and here's why.

By its structure, the oil cannot be compared with anything, because any cream is absorbed almost instantly. Since the massage technique is understood as a long-term effect on certain points and areas of your body, the massage therapist simply cannot perform the procedure, which is called “dry”. This will bring you great discomfort, because the hands - the main tool of a professional massage therapist - will not slide over the body. In addition, he needs massage oil for other reasons:

Massage is needed by many people prone to stress and emotional stress. Those who suffer from insomnia, are affected by negative moods, are being treated for depression, and often attend massage sessions. And the massage therapist, using special essential oils and compositions, helps them restore nervous system and energize your body.

People who are familiar with the symptoms of osteochondrosis, pain in the spine and pinched nerve endings, thanks to massage, forget about those, if not forever, then for a long time. Some aromatic oils are excellent helpers on the way to getting rid of such problems.

Massages are also chosen by ladies who want to get rid of cellulite and reduce body weight. And a variety of oils also help a lot.

Unfortunately, there are certain contraindications. However, to make acupressure face, for example, in the temples, bridge of the nose, forehead or chin, the use of oils is not forbidden to almost anyone.

Essential oil for massage: which is better to choose

Essential oil in its pure form is not used for massage. The fact is that concentrated oil is stored in small bottles, so it must be diluted. That is why, in order to undergo an anti-cellulite session, either restorative massage, you will need a base oil to which you need to add a few drops of essential oil.

For example, with " orange peel» grapefruit oil is excellent at fighting, it breaks down body fat penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis. It also contains a large amount of the most useful vitamin C. Inhaling grapefruit oil during a massage, you can also strengthen your immune system.

In addition to grapefruit, the following massage oils will help fight cellulite:

Geranium, because it has an antibacterial property, calms the nervous system and smoothes skin covering,

Mandarin or orange. These oils help to accelerate blood circulation in certain areas of the skin, improve its elasticity,

Juniper oil, it not only has an amazing coniferous aroma and promotes relaxation, but also improves skin structure, tightens it and removes toxins.

And as a basis for weight loss, it is allowed to use cedar, lemon, cypress, lavender, rosemary and cloves oil. Each of them will become great helper when all forces are thrown into the fight against cellulite and extra pounds.

Base oils that are suitable for massage in conjunction with aromatic compositions:



Apricot or grape seeds,

shea butter (shea),



The listed products are perfectly combined, they soften the skin, and in the skillful hands of a massage therapist turn into an effective tool for losing weight. Just a few drops of essential oil can be added to the composition, and after several massage sessions you will feel how smooth your skin has become, and even decrease in the waist and hips by at least 2-3 cm. Here, for example, is an excellent composition for anti-cellulite massage :

4-5 art. l. base almond oil,

1-2 drops of orange essential oil

The same amount of geranium oil.

Erotic massage oil: surrender to the power of feelings

Erotic massage as part intimate life couples, helps turn banal rubbing into a sensual foreplay. And some essential oils are considered real aphrodisiacs: they excite passion, increase libido and contribute to the mutual enjoyment of partners.

What oils would be appropriate during an erotic massage? There are not many of them:

ylang ylang essential oil,



rose oil,

Erotic massage is never too active. Usually gentle, light touches can alternate with smooth rubbing and patting. You can surprise and excite your soul mate by having an erotic foreplay session with massage essential oil. For example, use the following composition: for 3 tbsp. l. base oil (shea or jojoba), add a couple of drops of sandalwood and the same amount of ylang-ylang. Please note that massaging intimate areas of the body with essential oils is not recommended due to the risk of irritation. But it is quite allowed to massage the legs, feet, legs, back, abdomen, arms and neck.

Believe me, your partner will be delighted with your touches, and you will get an unforgettable experience, because stimulating oils will take care of the level of libido.

What massage oils are suitable for the face

Competent facial care is vital for every woman. Moreover, it is not necessary to constantly visit beauty salons or spa resorts, order expensive cosmetical tools or call a personal beautician at home. It is enough to do special masks 2 times a week, cleanse the skin with scrubs or peels and do a facial massage.

Your face has the same skin as the back or buttocks. Only on the face it is thinner and more delicate, therefore it needs gentle care. Facial massage should not be too active, the main movements are aimed at solving the following problems:

Acceleration of blood circulation and improvement of cellular regeneration. Yes, you pause premature aging, improve complexion and smooth wrinkles.

Oxygenation and nutrition. This item is especially relevant for owners of sensitive, thin and flaky skin.

Getting rid of puffiness. If no masks and compresses help, facial massage can really deprive you of this problem.

Base and aromatic facial oils are allowed to be combined with other ingredients. Imagine that you need to make a face mask, but you are trying to “rub” it into the skin. For example, the combination "olive oil + lavender + lemon juice» will provide the skin with an influx of oxygen, help whiten it and get rid of age spots and acne. But the composition of the following massage mask will perfectly nourish the skin and enrich it with vitamins:

Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Melted Coconut oil- 1 tbsp. l.

Milk - 1 tbsp. l.

Capsules with vitamin A and E oils,

2 drops of orange oil.

Massage with a similar composition can be done independently. Well, if you want to relax and have fun, ask your loved one to massage your cheekbones, forehead, nose wings, temples, neck and chin.

Massage oils: how else can they be used

If you want, you can collect a whole collection of various oils, because the range of their application is not calculated only by massage of the body or face. Some compositions are perfect for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases during epidemics. Even toddlers will benefit from inhaling the essential oils of lemon, juniper, lavender or mint. They will eliminate primary signs diseases, as well as help in the treatment of coughs and calm the nervous system of little fidgets.

For adults, essential oils are suitable as a basis for massages. For example, a composition with shea butter, rosewood, ginger and orange has a warming effect and will be appropriate in the cold season if you are cold. A blend of sage, lavender and sandalwood oils combined with a base sesame oil or linseed oil will help you relax after a difficult, eventful day and fall asleep faster.

If you suffer from insomnia, you can try massage with ylang-ylang, jasmine, lemon balm or neroli oils. In this case it will help general massage the whole body, as well as a simple acupressure of the face. Just remember one thing: the allergic component is present in almost all oils. If you have ever had an allergic reaction to an oil, do not use it again. And with caution, you need to try other base or essential oils for massage.

Today, massage has become an integral part of wellness procedures. It is used by everyone who seeks to combine business with pleasure. Such a notable popularity is characterized by a high degree efficiency, which is achieved at the end of the next session. The positive effect largely depends on the massage mixture used, for the preparation of which aromatic essences are increasingly used. Essential oil for massage can not only have a lasting aesthetic, emotional impact, but also significantly affect good health, as well as the proper functioning of all body systems.

Application rules

Massage essential oils are most effective when they are combined in the right way, to create which you need to pay attention to a number of specific characteristics:

  1. The naturalness of all components included in the composition of the essential mixture.
  2. The presence of a high aromatherapeutic effect.
  3. Strong influence of psychological and energy types.
  4. Availability medicinal properties appearing in anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, stimulating effects.
  5. The possibility of a comprehensive impact on the body.

It is also important to consider the following useful advice before using essential oils for massage:

  • Aromatic mixtures must be mixed with base oils. However, they should be added to them just before the start of the massage session.
  • To activate all useful substances the ethereal extract should be thoroughly mixed and heated until a temperature of 40 degrees is reached.
  • When calculating the components, it is necessary to adhere to the following proportions: for every 8 tablespoons of base oil, there are 12 drops of an essential mixture.
  • To begin with, it is advisable to use one type of essential composition. After several procedures, it is easy to navigate the choice of mixture and the desired result.


As you know, all essential oils for massage are divided into types in accordance with the effect, so it makes sense to understand each of them in order to obtain the desired result:

1. Relaxing

Good relaxing essential essences are: mint, lavender, sage. From the presented components, you can prepare a universal mixture that will calm, relieve fatigue and invigorate at the same time. To prepare it, you need to mix, three-rib, sage, lavender, or sandalwood. With the addition of any citrus aroma, an increase in mood is noted. It's also a good idea to create the right environment when using relaxing oils: nice slow music, candles, dim lights. Attention! Do not use alcohol! It can nullify all efforts and you will not be able to get proper pleasure.

2. Painkillers

Suitable analgesic oils are: mint, lemon balm, in the form,.

3. Increasing sexual desire

Responsible for stimulating sexual desire: rose, ylang-ylang, ginger, sandalwood, neroli.

A good effect is achieved precisely with a compositional combination of ginger, sandalwood, sage and fennel.

4. Activating brain activity

You can improve your performance by stimulating brain activity. For this, it is advisable to use: black pepper, laurel, cinnamon, basil, geranium.

5. Anti-cellulite

The fight against orange peel will be more effective if you combine the following essential oils for massage: rosemary, cypress, as well as all kinds of citrus fruits.

6. Anti-aging

7. For skin:

  • To cope with the problems of dry skin type will help: orange, chamomile, sandalwood, neroli.
  • The manifestations characteristic of oily and problematic skin types disappear with the use of: grapefruit, tea tree, juniper.
  • Reducing the severity of stretch marks contribute: lavender, rosemary, cloves.

8. For hair:

  • Dry and brittle curls are treated with: sandalwood, rosemary, orange.
  • Oily hair can be treated: cedar, lemon, cypress.


By combining different types of massage essential oils, you can prepare the following interesting mixtures that will be useful in any life situation:

  1. Empowering. Relevant in the presence of a constant mood of the same type, which is characterized by boredom and melancholy. By combining lemon, fennel, grapefruit and black pepper, you can get rid of a desperate state and return energy.
  2. Relaxing muscles. Promotes a rush of blood to tense muscle structures. Muscle pain occurs when there is a sharp load physical type or in the case of a long pastime in a sitting position. In order to get rid of such unpleasant manifestations, you can try the following massage mixture prepared from: frankincense, black pepper, eucalyptus, jasmine, marjoram.
  3. Helpful for hangovers. In this case, you can use a combination of such essential ingredients: geranium, fennel, ginger, mint, orange. However, before this, it is advisable to saturate the dehydrated body with a sufficient amount of liquid. Plain water can be combined with orange juice. Such a restorative massage is best done at the end of the day so that the effect is fixed at night.
  4. uplifting spirit. The mixture for massage presented below is indispensable for depression and loss of strength. The use of frankincense, bergamot, sage, grapefruit, rose and jasmine will help uplift the mood.
  5. Warming. A mixture of essential oils from ginger, orange, rosewood and frankincense will effectively warm the body and also have a warming effect on the state of mind. However, the action of the mixture presented is aimed at warming the body, which for a long time was in the cold. Essential essences provoke the activation of blood circulation, which contributes to the spreading of heat throughout the body.

For the purpose of obtaining maximum effect From massage procedures with essential oils, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • The same essential oil can have different effects on people. This fact is due individual feature and tolerability of essences by a particular organism. As a result, in the process of conducting a massage, it is advisable to monitor the mental and emotional state.
  • Intention to massage the body the best option there will be the use of mixtures prepared independently, since the vast majority of purchased ready-made formulations contain components artificial origin containing inorganic oils.
  • When performing massage on your own, it will not be superfluous to take a certain course of study or obtain minimal theoretical knowledge. Lack of clarity in massage techniques can bring.
  • Do not use an excessive amount of the composition. It is necessary to avoid its strong spreading over the skin. The amount must correspond exactly to the covered skin surface being massaged.
  • When choosing essential essences, it is necessary to rely not only on a beneficial and effective effect, but also on personal preferences. It should be borne in mind that, no matter how therapeutic the composition is, its unpleasant odor will have negative action on emotional background, which will lead to an undesirable result.
  • Each massage session should be carried out for at least half an hour. In order to achieve an early positive result, it makes sense to carry out procedures daily.


However, aromatic massage treatments are far from being shown to everyone. In some cases, it is worth being extremely careful with their conduct or completely abandon them. Contraindications to such massage are:

  1. Problems associated with the heart and blood vessels, as well as their systems.
  2. High arterial pressure or predisposition to hypertension.
  3. The period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  4. Children's age is less than 5 years.
  5. Allergic reactions or a tendency to their appearance.

Absolute contraindications include diseases of an oncological nature. It is also strictly forbidden to conduct aromatic massage with thrombophlebitis. In order to exclude manifestations of an allergic nature, it is advisable to preliminarily conduct a skin test.

At any age, it is important for a woman to remain attractive. For self-confidence long years, you need to be able to preserve natural data. Proper skin care is of the utmost importance. An integrated approach involves not only the use of cosmetics. Various procedures have a beneficial effect on the skin. Massage plays a special role. Picking up this topic, it is logical to find the answer to the question of which oil is better to use for massage. Indeed, without it, the free sliding of the hands is impossible, which means that there can be no talk of efficiency.

Do you need a facial massage?

Not everyone thinks about how useful it is to regularly massage your face. Some women think that quality funds for skin cleansing and special creams enough. So think - big mistake. The massage procedure not only relaxes and brings pleasure. This is one of the most right ways achieve the following effects:

  • get rid of signs of age-related changes;
  • prolong youthfulness of the skin;
  • improve blood microcirculation;
  • remove the fatigue accumulated during the day;
  • to tone the muscles.

If you use oil during the massage, the positive effect will be maximum. After all, in this way you can moisturize, tone, nourish the epidermis. You need to select the oil according to your needs.

Must-have combination of oils

It is easy to prepare face massage oil at home. It should consist of two components:

  1. Basic basis;
  2. Active substance.

Cold-pressed oils are suitable as a base. You can use any natural oil. However, when choosing, you should take into account the characteristics of the skin. In order not to be mistaken, it is worth knowing how vegetable oils act on the epidermis.

base oils


Versatile product suitable for different types skin. It is rich in vitamins A and E, which determines its properties. Olive oil helps fight wrinkles. It restores firmness and elasticity. In addition, it perfectly moisturizes and replenishes the deficiency of minerals. It is safe to use even for those with sensitive skin.


Perfect option for aging skin. Relieves the surface of the face from wrinkles. It is perfectly absorbed, penetrating into the deep layers of tissues. It relieves swelling, strengthens muscles that have lost their tone, and has a lifting effect. If the task is to increase elasticity - this is the number 1 tool. Already after several massages with the use of almond oil, the skin becomes radiant, and its relief is more even.


A find for oily skin. Promotes the elimination of toxins. It cleans the pores well from impurities. Helps control excretion sebum. Has wound healing properties. Relieves irritation, stops inflammation. Acts as an antioxidant. Promotes cell renewal.


It is advisable to use after 30 years. It is a source of collagen. Suitable as a prophylactic to combat age-related changes. Great for reducing inflammation. Provides protection from wind, sunlight, temperature changes. Stimulates cell regeneration. Helps retain moisture. Neutralizes free radicals.


Can rejuvenate aging skin. Makes the epidermis elastic. Increases firmness and visibly tightens sagging areas. The consistency of the oil is quite thick. It stays on the surface longer. Therefore, it is more suitable for dry skin. Women with oily skin should avoid using it.

apricot kernels

Refresh stimulator. Plus a means for moisturizing and nourishing the epidermis. Hypoallergenic, therefore safe for sensitive skin. Suitable for combating premature aging.

grape seed

Powerful antioxidant. Due to the rich composition saturates the skin nutrients. Acts as a moisturizer. Smoothes wrinkles. Prevents age-related changes, thereby prolonging the skin youth.

Active ingredient

In addition to the base, facial massage oil should contain active ingredient in the form of ether. Among all the variety, it is worth finding exactly the ingredient that will cope with the tasks. As a rule, aromatic oils have wide range impact. But at the same time, each is responsible for several main effects achieved when using it. This issue is worth considering in more detail.

Essential oils - active substances for the skin

Picked up best oil for a facial massage individually. It all depends on the condition of the epidermis, the age of the woman and the type of skin. Depending on the expected result, the following esters are used

citrus fruits

medicinal herbs

It cleanses pores well, removes black spots from thyme essential oil. Rosemary - will normalize the production of fat by the skin. Bergamot - removes impurities, makes the complexion matte. Mint - relieves irritation and redness, relaxes and prevents rashes.

plant flowers

Improve metabolic processes chamomile ether will help. Jasmine oil will cope with the restoration of damaged cells. Rose perfectly rejuvenates and moisturizes the dermis. Carnation the best way stimulates blood circulation, which allows you to saturate the cells of the epidermis with oxygen. Geranium is useful in the fight against wrinkles.


Needed in case of swelling. Normalizes blood circulation.


It has properties to relieve swelling. Tones, improves metabolic processes.

wheat germ

Has a lifting effect. It is used to tighten sagging areas and smooth wrinkles. Makes the skin supple, restores its elasticity.


Pine essential oil is able to deeply cleanse, remove harmful substances and improve blood circulation. Cypress - improves complexion, brightens age spots.

Juniper - relieves facial skin of wrinkles, tightens the contour. tea tree - effective remedy to fight aging. Plus remarkably moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.

Eucalyptus essential oil has an anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves irritation, promotes healing. Ideal for problem skin. Sandalwood oil prevents premature aging, smoothes existing wrinkles.

It is not necessary to become an ardent fan of only one component. To achieve desired results you can take some good essential oils and mix them with the base.

The finished mixture is stored in a cool place, using as needed. Within 6 months mixed oils do not lose their properties. After this period, it is worth preparing a new portion.

The right choice is the key to success

To do oil massage, you need to buy a high quality product. Should not feel any pungent odor and bitterness upon opening the bottle. The composition must be exclusively natural. It is good if vitamin E is present as a preservative. You should pay attention to the expiration date. You can be sure that you have chosen suitable oil foundation by testing it on the skin.

  1. The oil is evenly distributed on the surface of the skin.
  2. It absorbs quickly, but not immediately.
  3. Doesn't leave behind oily sheen and does not form a film.
  4. Does not cause an allergic reaction.

It is worth testing for essential oils as well. Vegetable oil is tested by applying to the cheeks. Ether is being tested on the skin behind the ear. If there is no feeling of discomfort or redness, you have chosen the right products. Now you can start preparing the mixture and directly to the massage.


Facial massage is recommended in courses. It is unlikely that you will notice positive changes if it occasionally occurs to you to carry out the procedure. You need to do this every evening for at least 7-10 days. Then, once or twice a week will be enough to maintain the achieved results.

A lot depends on whether you can find the best massage oil for yourself. After all, it's not just aid for easy gliding of hands. This is a complete facial skin care that can replace expensive cosmetics. The main thing is to meet your expectations, select the components according to your skin type. Remember, beauty is the work of one's own hands!

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your flawless appearance, and their eyes lit up at your appearance ...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return ...

What could be better than an aromatherapy massage performed using fragrant essential oils? Such a procedure not only relaxes and pacifies - a massage using aromatic oils has a beneficial effect on the skin and olfactory organs, in addition, by inhaling the pleasant aroma of essential oils, the mood improves and tone increases.

If aromatic bath the most pleasant procedure in aromatherapy, then aroma massage is the most effective. The technique of body massage using essential oils is somewhat different from the technique of classical or any other massage - this will be discussed below.

How blends of aromatic essential oils are prepared for body massage

Massage essential oil blends are prepared in much the same way as aromatic bath blends. Essential oil is never used in its pure form. It is always added to the base vegetable oil- olive, corn, almond or any other. You can also use a ready-made massage cream by adding a few drops to it.

During the first procedures, the concentration of essential oil should be minimal - 2-3 drops per 12-15 ml of the base. Gradually increasing the amount of essential oil, it must be brought to normal - 6-8 drops.

Sometimes in recipes for massage mixtures, not the number of drops of essential oil is indicated, but its percentage. In this case, it must be remembered that to obtain a 0.5% mixture, you will need 1-2 drops of essential oil per 10 ml, to obtain 1% - 2-3 drops, 2% - 5-6 drops, and 3% - 8-9 drops.

The massage mixture is best prepared immediately before use. But this, of course, requires additional time costs.

Therefore, a mixture for massage according to aromatherapy recipes can be prepared immediately for the course, but without preservatives, it will be stored for no more than a month. But preservatives can increase its shelf life up to 2-3 months. One of the most popular preservatives is jojoba oil, and very little is required - only 5-6 drops for the entire volume of the prepared mixture.

Rules for massage with aromatherapy oils

So that massage with aromatherapy oils does not harm, in addition to the above, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. For greater benefit, the composition of the massage mixture should contain not one, but several essential oils.
  2. The aroma of essential oils should be pleasant and not irritating.
  3. On the day of the aroma massage, it is better not to use perfume, toilet water and scented cosmetics.
  4. Before embarking on aroma or self-massage using essential oils, you should definitely do a tolerance test.
  5. You need to start with a 0.5% mixture, then gradually increase the concentration of essential oils in it to 2–3%, and reduce it to 1% by the end of the course.
  6. It is recommended to perform aroma massage of the body, especially anti-cellulite, after a bath or bath - warmed skin is more susceptible to the effects of essential oils. Immediately before the massage session, the skin should be wiped dry with a towel.
  7. Massage is best done on a massage table, but if one is not available, you can use a special cotton futon mattress or a regular blanket, which is best folded in half. On a table, mattress or blanket to protect their surface from oil stains, you need to lay a large terry towel, and put a few napkins nearby to wash the massage mixture from your hands. Here, nearby, you should put a shallow container with a massage mixture. The depth of the container determines how convenient it is to collect the mixture from it. However, the container should not be placed on a table or mattress, as any awkward movement may cause it to tip over.
  8. The optimum temperature for the room where the massage is performed is 22-24 C.
  9. Aroma massage with oils requires a special environment - calm, pacifying. You can create it with the help of appropriate music, subdued light, lit aroma candles or an aroma lamp.
  10. Do not massage with cold hands. Before the start of the session, they must be warmed up - rubbed against each other or attached to something warm.
  11. After the massage, the oil should not be washed off the body - it should be completely absorbed.
  12. After the end of the aroma massage session, you need to lie down, cover yourself with a blanket so that the body retains heat for as long as possible, and lie down like this for about half an hour.
  13. An hour before the massage and within 2 hours after it, it is recommended not to eat or drink. Only immediately after the procedure, you can drink a cup of herbal tea.
  14. So that the massage mixture prepared for the entire course does not deteriorate and does not lose its useful properties should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place.

What essential oils can be massaged and recipes, how to mix them with your own hands

Aromatic massage can be done with almost any essential oils recommended for aromatic baths - juniper, cypress, cardamom, rosemary, grapefruit, geranium, tangerine, green tea, ginger, etc.

However, the undisputed leaders are orange and lemon oils.

The choice of essential oil for massage directly depends on the problem that is supposed to get rid of with the help of massage.

So, for a firming massage, pine, cedar, eucalyptus and rosemary oils are best suited, for restorative massage - bergamot, petitgrain and geranium, for sports - nutmeg, cinnamon, rosemary and mint oils, for cosmetic - geranium, rosewood and cedar, for warming - rosemary oil, and for the erotic - ylang-ylang, patchouli and bergamot.

If you are new to using essential oils, you should definitely start with tried and tested recipes, and as you gain experience, you can begin to compose your own compositions with the oils that affect you. best action and the flavor you like. However, in this case, be sure to take into account the characteristics of your skin. So, for oily skin, the most useful oil is lavender, cypress, geranium and lemon, for dry and sensitive skin - jasmine, rose, neroli, chamomile.

With a tendency to allergic reactions chamomile oil must be added to the massage mixture, and for stretch marks, use grapefruit, rosemary and sage oil.

Before mixing essential oils for massage, check out the recipes below.

Recipe 1.

After adding 7 drops of petitgrain oil and 4 drops of fennel oil to 30 ml of grape seed base oil, rub the resulting mixture into the abdomen with smooth circular motions clockwise until the oil is completely absorbed. Massage with oils according to this recipe allows you to make the waist thinner, and the skin on the abdomen - smooth and elastic.

For massage at home, you can use recipes for other mixtures:

  1. In a base of 20 ml of jojoba oil and 10 ml of grape seed oil, add 3 drops of grapefruit oil, 2 drops of vetiver and lemon oils, and 1 drop of geranium and juniper.
  2. Add 4-5 drops of orange, juniper, cypress, rosemary and geranium oils to the base of 30 ml of jojoba oil and 20 ml of grape seed oil.
  3. In 30 ml of grape seed base oil, add 5 drops of grapefruit oil and 3 drops each of rosemary and juniper. You can enhance the effect of the mixture by replacing rosemary oil with lemon.
  4. In 50 ml olive oil add 5 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops each of bergamot and rose.
  5. In a base of 10 ml of jojoba oil and 10 ml of wheat germ oil, add 5 drops of orange oil and 1-2 drops of cedar.
  6. In 20 ml of jojoba base oil, add 2 drops of bergamot and geranium oils and 1 drop of juniper, rose and sweet dill.
  7. In 20 ml of olive oil, add 2 drops of mandarin oil and 1 drop each of cypress, ginger and peppermint oils.

Recipe 2.

A strong rejuvenating and smoothing effect on the skin has a mixture of massage oils, prepared by oneself according to the following recipe: mix 2 drops of neroli oil, 2 drops of lavender oil and 2 drops of tangerine oil. As a base, it is best to use 5 ml of wheat germ oil.

What essential oils are used for anti-cellulite massage in aromatherapy

An all-in-one blend that can be used in virtually all weight loss treatments and added to all skincare products, including massage cream It's very easy to make your own at home. To do this, mix 10 drops of bergamot and grapefruit oils, 8 drops of geranium oil, 5 drops of nutmeg and tea tree oils and 3 drops of cinnamon.

As a basis for the massage mixture, you can use honey, which in itself has a beneficial effect on the skin. A wonderful mixture for anti-cellulite massage with essential oils can be obtained by adding 5-6 drops of orange oil to 50 ml of honey. This mixture should be warmed in the hands and applied to problem areas, firmly pressing and smoothly tearing the palms away from the skin.

The course of anti-cellulite massage with essential oils is 15 sessions every other day for a month.

The basic techniques of the simplest self-massage and aroma massage video

The main difference between aromatherapy massage and classical massage is that all techniques are performed more gently. Its main goal is to evenly distribute the essential oil over the surface of the skin and ensure its more complete penetration through the pores into the deeper layers of the skin. Aroma massage, as well as classical, is carried out in three stages. On initial stage light stroking is performed, preparing the body for the main massage. The duration of the introductory stage is 1-3 minutes. This is followed by the actual massage, quite intense and aimed at solving a specific problem. It lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. On final stage lasting 1-3 minutes, the intensity of movements gradually decreases, which allows you to relieve tension and weaken possible discomfort arising during the massage.

This is interesting! Many essential oils are attributed magical properties. So, jasmine oil is an essential component of love potions. It is also believed that cypress oil protects against misfortune, lavender attracts the attention of men, and almonds bring money, mint brings success in business, and rose in love.

There are four main methods of aromatic self-massage- stroking, rotating, pinching and kneading.


Massage begins and ends with stroking. In addition, stroking is performed at the end of each massage. The massage mixture should be poured into the palms, warmed up in them, rubbing the palms against one another, and spread over the skin with slow sliding movements from the periphery to the heart.


The next technique is rotation - circular movements with a slight, gradually increasing pressure. Its purpose is to rub the massage mixture into the skin. The reception can be performed both with one and two hands, and in large areas - the back, abdomen, hips - rotation is performed with the entire palm, and in small areas - with the tips of the index, ring and middle fingers.


Pinching is the same stroking with the tips of the index, ring and middle fingers with a slight pinching.

The reception is performed with increasing speed of movements, the hands should be completely relaxed, the fingers should barely touch the skin. It is important to ensure that there is no pain. Massage should be enjoyable and enjoyable.


The impact on the muscles is carried out by kneading. The whole hand captures the muscle, squeezing it and pulling it back. The reception is performed several times on each muscle group, but each time the area of ​​capture, the force of impact and the angle of retraction change. This technique requires some caution - the impact should be strong enough, but not painful. At home, it is more convenient to carry out self-massage using aromatic oils - so you can not depend on anyone and do it at any time convenient for you.

Immediately, you need to make a reservation that to perform the simplest self-massage techniques, you can not use either washcloths or special brushes, no matter how convenient they are. Self-massage with essential oils should be done only with your hands.

The biggest concern for obese (and not so obese) people is belly fat, and that is what everyone wants to get rid of in the first place.

If we consider this problem from the point of view of self-massage, then it is most convenient to do abdominal massage yourself. To do this, lie on your back, bend your knees and be sure to slightly tighten your abdominal muscles. Since the massage will be performed with pressure, tense abdominal muscles will protect the organs in the abdominal cavity from it.

Massage should begin with light stroking in a clockwise direction, and then gradually increase the pressure. In this case, the pressing force should correspond to the thickness of body fat - the larger it is, the stronger the pressure. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it in order to avoid the occurrence of painful sensations.

After stroking, you should proceed to kneading, which is also performed clockwise. You need to start kneading on the right. With circular movements performed with pressure, it is necessary to rise to the ribs and go to left side belly. After going through a few circles, you need to go back to stroking, but not clockwise, but from the periphery to the navel. Then, if there is a lot of fat on the stomach, you should proceed to rolling - with the edge of the palm of one hand, press on the stomach, and with the other hand, move the fat fold and knead it. The reception ends with stroking.

The next step is pushing.- very effective and promotes active breakdown of fat cells and optimization of the digestion process. With the left hand, you should strongly press on the stomach, and with the right hand, push towards the left hand. This movement must be repeated at least six times.

The last step is sawing. The palms need to be connected, placed with an edge on the stomach and perform sawing movements back and forth.

The massage ends with stroking.

To better understand how aroma massage is performed, watch this video: