What kind of massage can be done to a newborn. Principles of general strengthening massage. Basic exposure techniques

Massage for newborns from the first days of life "gives" the baby good health, strength and endurance. In addition to the beneficial effects on the body, the baby receives pleasant and affectionate touches from his mother. It is from such touches that close connection between mother and child

"I really like it when my mom strokes my tummy.."

And who, if not our crumbs, needs gentle, affectionate touches that have a positive effect on the physical and psychological level. The procedure favors the further development of the child. Spend just 15 minutes a day and amazing results will not be long in coming.

Massage for babies allows you to quickly get used to your mother's touches, reveals a lot of interesting and exciting things for the child. Many scientists have proven such a statement that babies who are regularly massaged develop much faster and better, actively learning the world.

Healthy babies who do not have any abnormalities in mental and physical development, you can perform receptions up to three times a day. Sessions can be entrusted to a specialist in this field, you can do it yourself, knowing a few features and techniques, which we will tell you about in more detail.

Features and a set of exercises

A distinctive feature is that the procedure is carried out completely on the entire body of the child, gently affecting the body through touch. Although the smallest ones do not have very well developed auditory and visual analyzers, the skin analyzer is fully prepared. We will exert our influence on it. Massage for babies was created specifically to fully develop all auditory, speech, visual abilities, to develop the perception of movement. In addition, the gentle touches of mother's hands develop the baby's emotional mood.

From the first days of life, the baby feels the warmth of his mother's hands

How to massage a newborn

Massage for a baby is a very serious and responsible matter. Check out the recommendations that will help you understand how to properly massage a newborn:

The movements of your hands should be completely soft, gentle, light in nature, all movements should start from the periphery to the center;

If you massage your bellytry not to touch the right hypochondrium and genitals, direct the movements in a clockwise direction;

No pressing and rubbing movements;

When massaging the back, no shock and patting movements;

Also, do not forget about the massage of the handles: gently straighten your fists and massage your palms;

Once again I remind you that all movements should be stroking;

A massage course for newborns should be carried out no more than 10 minutes;

Massage is performed in a room with an air temperature of 22-24 degrees Celsius;

Be sure to wash your hands;

Prepare oil (optional);

Cover a flat surface with a diaper;

A set of exercises for newborns

So, let's move on to a more detailed analysis of each exercise.

The child needs to be put on his back, turning his legs towards him. Take the baby's left foot in left hand. With the thumb, index and middle fingers, you need to fix the leg: for this, we place the index finger along the back of the lower leg, and the big and middle fingers along the lateral surfaces of the foot. The leg was in a kind of "castle".

Having fixed the leg well, proceed to carefully stroking the outer and back surfaces of the lower leg, moving from the foot to the thigh. The kneecap area must be bypassed. Repeat this technique 8-10 times, and then proceed to a similar stroking of the right leg.

I would like to note that the stroking technique is one of the most difficult to perform, you need to be extremely careful and careful so as not to hurt the child. It is also recommended for children suffering from neuropathy.

The child remains in its original position on its back, with its feet facing you. Thumb put your hand in the palm of the child, giving him the opportunity to grab your finger. With your left hand, begin to gently stroke the child's arm from hand to shoulder, also trying not to touch the elbow joint, as in foot massage.

Hand stroking massage technique

After stroking, lay the baby on the stomach. Hands should be under the chest, the head should be slightly turned to the side. Performing the exercise "laying out on the stomach", it works defensive reflex, the child begins to raise his head a little, while forcing the back muscles to work.

How to lay the baby on the stomach

The child remains in the starting position, lying on his stomach. His arms should remain under his chest. Start stroking your back back side both of your palms, starting to move from the buttocks to the head, and then vice versa, with the palms from the head to the buttocks.

At the age of up to 3 months, it is difficult for a child to maintain a stable position on the stomach. Therefore, stroke with one hand, and hold your legs with the other.

Back massage technique for a newborn

belly massage

Massage of the abdomen should begin with a light stroke. The child should lie on his back, with his feet towards you. With your right hand, start stroking your tummy in a clockwise direction. Stroking should take place without any pressure, bypassing the liver area and not touching the genitals in boys.

Circular massage of the abdomen clockwise

Next, you need to move on to rubbing the oblique and transverse muscles. To do this, you need to bring your palms under the child’s lumbar region and at the same time move them along the external oblique muscles of the abdomen, starting from the sides to the junction of the palms above the navel.

The child lies on his back, feet towards you. With your left hand, you need to take the left leg of the child so that the lower leg is located between the large and index finger. Next, with the thumb of your right hand, begin to intensively rub the foot in a circular motion, and with the index and middle fingers that are on the outside of the foot, pat the back of the foot.

Reflex extension of the spine in the lateral position

Lay the child on his right side, feet towards you. With your left hand, you need to hold the child's pelvis, and with your right hand, gently move up and down along the paravertebral lines. For this action, the child must bend the spine forward. A similar movement should be carried out by placing the child on the left side.

It should be noted that from the age of 6 months this exercise can be performed in a sitting position. When doing this exercise, remember that:

this technique should not be performed repeatedly, as the reflexes fade;

if the reflex excitability of the child is lowered, the exercise will not work;

do not irritate the skin in the area of ​​the spinous processes - it hurts. Only in the area of ​​paravertebral lines.

Why do newborns need massage?

In general, massage is useful for everyone: for an adult, it helps to cope with many diseases, and for newborns, massage is an excellent preventive method for many childhood diseases.

The origin of baby massage arose so long ago that no specialist can accurately name the date of its origin. The relationship between mother and child through massage can do a lot: give the baby warmth and tenderness of hands, establish a more sensitive and close relationship between mother and child, which is very important in infancy.

Many experts argue that massage is practically the only method of preventing many diseases that does not contradict physiology. child's body. It contributes to the coordinated work of all organs and the organ system as a whole.

Newborns with whom massage procedures are regularly performed are less susceptible to morbidity due to an increase in the body's immune resistance. Such children are more resistant to SARS and other inflammatory processes.

Massage also copes and eliminates problems of the musculoskeletal system, restoring physical form and posture.

Baby massage has a positive effect on the central nervous system, stimulating the work of the whole organism. Normalization of sleep, nutrition, speech - all this is carried out through massage.

Massage promotes full development newborn

At all, baby massage favorably affects the whole body, raising the mood of the baby.

Every experienced pediatrician and neurologist will tell you that little child massage needed. It is about the method of its implementation that will be discussed in the article. You will learn, babies. Also find out what tools are best to use for this.

newborn baby

When a child is born, he is not yet fully prepared for adulthood. Every second crumb has an increased or low tone muscles. All this is a consequence of a long stay in the mother's stomach and a feeling of weightlessness.

Many newborn babies are afraid of the movements of their body. They get scared at abrupt appearance in front of the hands. In order to relieve the tone and teach the baby not to be afraid of their own movements, doctors recommend doing a relaxing massage for babies. Many clinics have special rooms where they offer such services. However, be aware that there are a lot of applicants, and there is a certain queue.

for babies at home

If you do not want to wait for the moment when your time for a massage in a specialized institution comes up, you can start the course yourself. In this case, certain conditions must always be observed:

  • the child should not be sick (measure the temperature and carefully examine the baby);
  • the baby should be full (it is better to feed the baby twenty to forty minutes before the manipulation);
  • the child should be alert (if a massage is done to a tired baby, then he will not like this procedure);
  • with a negative reaction of the crumbs, you need to stop massaging the baby and try again in a few days.

Remember that all your movements should be gentle and accurate. The baby still has very fragile bones, which are more like cartilage. It can be quite easy to damage the baby's arm or leg. What can we say about the neck and abdominal area, where there are no strong muscles yet.

What to do massage?

Breast massage at home should be done with the help of special means. You can take any or fat cream. Your goal in this case is to make it easier for your fingers to slide over your body. Also, these compositions somewhat warm up the body of the child during the procedure. All this improves blood flow and relieves stress.

If the baby has allergic reaction on the chosen means, then it is worth changing for a while. In this case, it is better to choose powder without fragrances. Remember that all products must be designed specifically for the child.

What surface to exercise on?

Breast massage is best done on a hard surface. However, you need to create for the baby as much as possible comfortable conditions. In specialized offices are used with a soft coating.

If you have this device at home, it will be much easier. In case of its absence, use the most ordinary kitchen table. However, cover it with a blanket folded several times.

Where to begin?

Massage for babies (6 months or less) must begin with thorough cleansing and warming of the hands. Use antibacterial or baby soap. After that, hold your palms under a stream of warm water. Next, apply a cream or any other chosen remedy on them and rub quickly.

Undress your baby completely. Make sure it doesn't freeze. Optimum temperature in the massage room - 23-26 degrees.

We stretch the legs

Massage of the baby always begins with a warm-up of the feet. Take one leg of the crumbs in your hand. With your free fingers, go over each finger. Make them rotate. After that, go down to the area of ​​​​the pre-finger pad and knead it.

Special attention should be paid to the foot. Massage for a baby with hypertonicity (when the foot is in tension all the time) is done by drawing a figure eight or an infinity sign on the leg. Repeat this movement several times. Next, you need to lightly press on the heel and run your finger along the foot. You will see how the baby spreads his fingers. After that, press on the pad area between the third and fourth fingers. The baby will squeeze the foot intensely. Repeat the manipulation several times.

After warming up the feet, you can move on to the hips. Remember that baby massage involves treating only the outer surface of the leg. On inside thighs are located very important arteries and veins. They cannot be touched. Gently stroke the skin of your leg. Do a few from the bottom up. After that, massage the second leg in the same way.

Tummy massage

How to massage babies in the abdomen? remember, that given place not yet protected by dense muscles and fat, as in adults. You can not press hard on the stomach and make sudden movements.

Stroke the skin by running your hand up and down. After that, make circular massage movements clockwise. Always avoid the liver area. With light pinching movements, treat the umbilical ring. Next, carry out collecting massage actions from the edges of the abdomen to its center.

Take one leg and, bending it at the knee, pull it up to the navel. After that, do the same manipulation with the second leg.

Arm warm-up

Start with gentle stroking movements from the shoulders to the elbows. At the same time, it should be massaged exclusively outer zone hands Pay special attention to each finger and palm. Bend and unbend the handles at the joints. In doing so, always be careful. Remember that all the bones are still very fragile.

Take the baby by the wrists and bring his arms together. After that, lower them along the torso. The next step is to raise your palms up above your head. Repeat these manipulations several times.

If your baby is more than four months old and holds his head confidently, then the following activities can be included in the warm-up of this part. Put yours in the palms of your baby thumbs. Wait until the baby grabs them tightly. After that, pull your arms towards you and let the baby rise on his own. Such an exercise not only trains the muscles of the peritoneum, but also prepares the child for the first attempts to sit down on his own.

Do I need to stretch my neck?

Massage is carried out in specialized clinics and offices. If you do not have experience and medical education, then it is better not to touch this area at all. Otherwise, instead of benefiting, you can cause even more harm to the child.

You can stretch the neck only with soft stroking movements. At the same time, you should never put pressure on this place and make sharp jerks.

Back massage

After you have completed work with the front of the body, you need to turn the crumbs over. Put the baby on the tummy. If the child is already three months old, then give him the opportunity to roll on his own.

Lubricate the back area with a massage agent. Gently stroke the area of ​​the shoulder blades. At the same time, you can stretch and bend the handles at the joints. Collar area can be processed with light tweezers. Remember not to overdo it. From the lower back, draw a few lightly pressing movements upwards. At the same time, you will notice how the baby is trying to stretch out.

Massage hip joints in infants at home is carried out only when there is no pathology. Take one leg by the knee area and turn it so that you get the frog pose. Do the same with the second limb. Toddlers are very flexible, the child should easily take the position you have chosen.


When the massage is finished, you need to spend light gymnastics. Take the baby by the armpit area and lift it up. Let his feet lightly touch the support. Give your child a chance to do some walking activities. At the same time, move it forward as if the baby were walking.

Fitball exercises

At the end of the massage, it is worth a little practice on a large ball. Place your baby on your tummy and hold your thigh with one hand. Place your other hand on your baby's back and rock back and forth.

Turn the baby over and repeat the procedure already on the back. Pay close attention to the reaction of the baby. On the first day, he might not like the idea. In this case, it is better to suspend the exercises and continue after a few days.


If you complete breast massage water procedures then it will be perfect. Fill up the bath warm water- 33-35 degrees. Put a child in it. Remember that your hands, like your baby's body, can be slippery. That is why everything must be done very carefully.

Move the baby in the water first forward and then back. The bathing process should not take too long. Surely your baby is already tired after the massage. Bathe the baby for no more than five to ten minutes, then wrap it in a warm towel and feed. Most likely, in the process of eating, the child will fall asleep with a sweet dream.

Summing up and a small conclusion

The effect of massage can be noticeable after the first day of classes. The child becomes more calm and attentive. His hands begin to make more conscious, rather than chaotic movements. Sleep becomes strong and deep. The child's appetite improves, and digestion improves.

Many children after a course of training begin to show increased activity: raise your head, try to sit up and crawl. Remember that massage is very milestone in the development of every child. Classes strengthen the immune system, improve mood and lead to muscle tone in normal condition. Massage the baby in a course of ten days, then you will need a break for about two months.

Gentle touches are pleasant to everyone, both adults and children. However, babies, especially those recently born, need them more than others. Hug and lightly stroke your beloved baby from the first days of his life, but when he is a month old, you can start giving the baby a light massage. All pediatricians recommend carrying out such procedures, because they are not only pleasant, but also very useful.

Why do newborns need massage?

According to many scientists, babies who are regularly massaged develop much better and faster, grow open and sociable. In newborns, visual and auditory receptors are still underdeveloped, they feel the world around them to a greater extent through touch. The benefit of massage for a newborn is that it helps to develop emotional condition crumbs and the ability to perceive the surrounding space. In addition, such procedures are also in a good way prevention of many childhood diseases, they help to coordinate the work of all systems and organs. Massage sessions the best way affect the digestive system, help to cope with constipation and intestinal colic, improve appetite. Massage for babies allows you to relieve tension and hyperexcitability improves the quality of sleep, develops motor activity improves posture and fitness. He is and in an additional way contact between the baby and parents.

But this is not all that massage sessions are capable of. Their special types help to cope with many children's problems - flat feet, cerebral palsy, scoliosis, muscle hypertonicity, central nervous system diseases, hip dysplasia, congenital dislocations, etc. However, therapeutic massages should only be trusted by specialists. But a simple prophylactic is recommended for all babies, but only if there are no contraindications to it.

Massage contraindications for a newborn

Contraindications to any type of massage for newborns are the following conditions:

  • Stroking- sliding uniform movements of the palm along skin in which the skin does not move into folds. Has a relaxing effect. For babies up to three months, only this technique is used.
  • Trituration- movements similar to stroking, but made with great effort and in different directions. It is recommended to perform it in a circular motion from the periphery to the center. Rubbing reduces excitability, promotes muscle relaxation.
  • kneading- V this case a muscle is massaged, which is captured and kneaded with fingers. For massage of children, this technique is used very rarely, and it is better to entrust it to a specialist.
  • Vibration- a movement in which various oscillatory movements are transmitted. For babies, light patting or tapping with the fingertips is usually used.

How to massage a baby

All of the above methods are recommended to be carried out in a certain sequence. First stroking, then kneading, stroking again, then kneading, stroking, vibration and finally stroking again. It is always recommended to start the massage with light movements. Stroking is repeated, as a rule, about five times, all other techniques are 9-12. In this case, the pressure can be slightly increased only after the baby's muscles relax.

Appeared in the family breast baby It is a great joy and a great responsibility. Over time, taking care of him becomes more and more difficult. And massage for newborns is the first step towards healthy child. Every mother does this, sometimes even filming the process on video. Even without knowing how to massage a newborn, how such a massage helps babies, how it affects cells and tissues, overall health and well-being, every woman understands that love and affection, coupled with a little physical activity will be incredibly useful for children from the first months of life.

Many mothers do not know at what age you can start massaging a child. The pediatrician advises every mother to massage her baby, starting from the very young age, from 2-3 weeks of life. Although the baby is still very small, he needs help to develop. And even simple strokes will make a big contribution to this matter. If you do not understand what exactly needs to be done, check with your pediatrician or watch a few videos on the Internet. You can also ask mothers who have given birth for a long time for advice on how to massage a newborn correctly, they will gladly tell you everything by their own example.


Of course, any massage is a huge benefit for children in the first months of life. And it doesn't matter what kind - massage chest sometimes no less useful than rubbing hands or nights. All this has great advantages:

  • After a periodic repetition of the procedure, the baby will quickly begin to crawl, sit down, stand up, walk earlier and even run. The body of the crumbs will develop much faster when he is regularly massaged.
  • Improves digestion, the work of the intestines and the entire digestive tract.
  • Improved sense organs and contact with the world. Vision improves, hearing, coordination, touch, speech and speech apparatus progress rapidly.
  • Improves blood circulation, in particular when massaging the chest.
  • Good immunity. The baby is less susceptible various types environmental influences. It is more resistant to viral diseases, which are actively affected in the first month of life and which usually frighten parents insanely.
  • The future posture of children improves.
  • Close contact and communication with the mother helps to create a special bond. For example, you may notice in a video of a similar procedure that both the baby and his mother are satisfied and happy.
  • It is easier for a newborn to explore the world.

Acting through the outer receptor layer and tissue cells, massage affects the entire body as a whole, affecting both physically and psychologically. For example, many mothers do this procedure in the evening, not only for the sake of improving the child's health, but also to calm them down - it's easier to put the children to bed.


Since massage is a procedure not only for pleasure, but sometimes also for treatment, there are rules here. They must be strictly observed so as not to harm when doing massage for newborns. Therefore, be sure to watch the video on how to do massage at home.

Be sure to make light, soft and gentle strokes. Doing a massage for adults is not like giving a massage to a baby in the first months of life. Sharp and strong movements are dangerous, they can harm the child. For example, by pressing too hard on the body, you can get a fracture of the chest. Agree, this is not at all the result that you expected. Dr. Komarovsky advises starting to massage babies with light and relaxed exercises, rubbing, stroking, gradually increasing the load.

When massaging, start with the arms and legs, gently rub your fingers. Then move on to the feet, tummy and back. As Komarovsky advises, it is better to leave the chest alone (remember about possible violations chest) if you are not completely sure of yourself. Sometimes it can be combined with a variety of gymnastics and air or water baths. Usually, these ideas can be gleaned from massage for newborns on videos, of which there are a lot on the Internet. For example, the first part of massage and gymnastics for a newborn.

Do not strain the child for longer than 10-15 minutes. This can be dangerous for a newborn with his very sensitive skin. The standard time for massage is once a day, preferably in the first half of the day and before meals. Be sure to smile at the child when you massage, so that he feels your love and care. Talk to him, joke around.


Few understand that this is a rather complicated process, there is room for error here. Even if you yourself are firmly convinced that you know very well how to massage to an infant, be sure to consult a pediatrician and a massage specialist. There are many contraindications:

  • febrile diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe form of malnutrition;
  • if the skin, tissue cells, bones and muscles are affected;
  • brittle bones;
  • rickets;
  • congenital heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • prematurity.

And this is only a small part. In addition, very often mothers accidentally inflict injuries on the child, completely unwillingly. For example, in no case should you put pressure on children either physically or mentally. If a child of the first months of life cries when you give him a massage, then you better stop. And it's not even always that it hurts or is unpleasant. Massage for an infant at home is a delicate matter and requires accuracy and certain knowledge so as not to harm children.

If you understand that a certain movement is actually uncomfortable for a newborn, you do not need to repeat it in the future. Never make your children feel pain, even when it seems to you that it is useful. Such a massage should bring only joy to the child.

Also, remember a few places that you should never put pressure on when massaging:

  • heart;
  • liver;
  • spine;
  • armpits
  • under the knees.


Of course for different children will be needed different massage. There is a tonic that can be done by anyone and everyone. You can start practicing this right away. However, therapeutic massage is much more often used. It is prescribed depending on the individual condition and well-being of children in the first months of life. Consider some of its types:

  • General abdominal massage use for digestive problems. Usually the procedure takes place only in the abdomen, without going into the chest area.
  • Massage with colic in children. It must be started from the first days of life. Massage for colic in a newborn helps to establish work gastrointestinal tract which is far from ideal in children. So you can easily set up healthy state child's tummy.
  • Massage of the lacrimal canal in newborns is carried out with dacryocystitis. Newborns are massaged with dacryocystitis very carefully, in advance the mother cuts her nails very short, at the root, washes her hands well and smears her fingers special cream or ointment. Lacrimal duct massage is recommended with a specialist or after watching the corresponding video repeatedly. If you have encountered and know what dacryocystitis of a newborn is, massage is mandatory, you will agree with this. And it is better not to tighten it, so as not to worsen the condition of the eye.
  • From constipation. Massage with constipation in newborns, it is not addictive and significantly improves peristalsis. This is an effective and simple way to get rid of constipation. Massage of the tummy with constipation can be done two or three times a day. Improves digestion massage ball for fitball. Classes on it are useful for kids.
  • To fight umbilical hernia.
  • Neck massage with torticollis in a newborn.
  • Massage with hip dysplasia. Dislocation of the hip joints in children during the first months of life is a common phenomenon. This is due to underdevelopment of the hip joints. With dysplasia, the child is easily treatable, despite the difficult diagnosis. In most cases, massage and gymnastics will help with hip dysplasia. The first signs of dysplasia in a child: uneven length of the legs, asymmetric folds on the buttocks and legs, incomplete breeding of the legs, a click when breeding the legs. An accurate diagnosis of hip dysplasia is determined by ultrasound before the age of 3 months. After three months, to determine hip dysplasia in a baby, you need to do x-rays. A mandatory treatment for dysplasia is massage, which is prescribed by a pediatrician. The purpose of this massage is to achieve stabilization of the joints.
  • Careful chest massage. Chest massage techniques are no different from massaging other parts of the body. Usually chest massage is performed in combination with abdominal massage. The benefit of chest massage lies in the improvement of the respiratory system, helps to reduce muscle tone, enhance muscle elasticity, chest joint flexibility. Massage improves heart function. The starting position for chest massage is lying on your back. You need to constantly monitor the reaction of the baby, since chest massage is performed on one of the most sensitive areas child's body. Since such a massage improves the child's condition, it allows you to quickly get out of the disease (cold), but this does not mean that chest massage should be done only during illness. It can be carried out as a preventive measure.
  • Ball very useful for massaging newborns. For this, a large fitball is used. At first, it is enough to put the child on the ball several times a day. The first classes can already be carried out at 2-3 weeks of life. As the child gets used to it, the ball can be used in massage more often and longer. The ball allows you to stretch your baby's legs. In addition, the ball trains the vestibular apparatus, the ball is a good preventive measure for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The massage ball relaxes the abdominal muscles and improves digestion. Such a ball relaxes the muscles and calms the nervous system. Massage, where a gymnastic ball is used, is carried out daily for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable that the doctor shows how to properly use the baby massage ball so that the mother does not accidentally harm the baby's health.

These and many other types make the child a little healthier. It is desirable that they be produced by a specialist, even if you have watched hundreds of videos and read thousands of books. When there is experience in such a matter, this is good, because the main thing is not to offend the newborn and not harm him. It is important to be very careful, but continue to radiate joy and warmth.

Massage for newborns is important regime moment in the life of a baby. Its implementation is not only desirable, but mandatory. That is why when visiting a children's clinic in the room healthy child nurses show mom how to do massage and its age-appropriate elements. In this article, I would like to dwell in more detail on the types of massage, the principles of conducting and its importance for the development of the child.

Why is it important to massage a baby?

Massage is universal way impact on the baby's body as a whole. The newborn child is underdeveloped various systems organism, but skin analyzers are quite ready for work. Therefore, massage classes bring maximum benefits. They help the physical speech development, improve coordination of movements and contribute to the establishment of a deeper emotional connection between mother and child. Naturally, provided that she gives the baby a relaxing massage on her own, and does not use the services of a massage therapist.

Children's massage is divided into two types

  • Restorative or general;
  • Therapeutic.

A mother can do a restorative massage on her own at home. To do this, she needs to learn massage movements, properly prepare the room and table, and also purchase everything in advance. necessary funds for a massage. Massotherapy is prescribed by a pediatric orthopedist, surgeon or neurologist. It is better to entrust its implementation to specialists, although after learning and observing several procedures, the mother can master the rules and movements herself.

Principles of general strengthening massage:

  • When to start massage? From 2-3 weeks of life.
  • The movements are carried out massage lines- from the periphery to the center.
  • The speed of hand movement - 2 cm per second - should coincide with the speed of the lymph flow.
  • Bypass the spine, lymph nodes, liver and heart area.
  • Gently work on the neck.
  • Stroking the tummy is done only in a clockwise direction.
  • All movements should be light, no excessive pressure should be applied.
  • Massage for babies with classical music or your own singing. You can also tell poems and nursery rhymes.

At what age should you start massage?

You can practice holding sessions of general strengthening massage when the child reaches the age of a crescent. Until the baby reaches 1.5 months, the only movement should be stroking. Gentle touches massage the child's legs and arms, tummy and back, fingers. Later (after 3-4 months), rubbing, patting, kneading and gymnastics elements can be introduced.

Massage movements to help deal with problems

A general strengthening massage for babies is carried out if they are healthy and develop normally. If the baby has problems, then special massage exercises or even their complexes will help to cope with them.

General massage of the tummy is good for the baby, as it improves digestion. What if the child is being tortured? intestinal colic, will help special massage with colic. It is necessary to alternately lower left, then right hand along the baby's ribs. Next, grab the child’s legs with your right hand, and gently massage the tummy with your left, and then press the legs bent at the knees to the tummy.

With hypertonicity, fitball exercises help. A fitball is a large exercise ball. Lay the child on the surface of the ball with his tummy and gently rock from side to side. Also, this exercise promotes the release of gases.

Dacryocystitis is a disease in which the lacrimal sac and the lacrimal system become inflamed. In children, a very effective solution to the problem is a special massage. Massage for dacryocystitis is performed as follows. It is necessary to put pressure on the point located at the outer corner of the eye, and move towards the bridge of the nose, making pressing movements. Efficient implementation this procedure in combination with anti-inflammatory drops can replace surgery.

It can also help with constipation. However, this measure should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. He will choose the appropriate technique, and a professional massage therapist will provide the necessary pressure force.

With a small umbilical hernia, the following treatment methods are practiced: general massage, physiotherapy, laying on the stomach, massage of the anterior abdominal wall. The first two methods are carried out by a massage therapist and an exercise therapy doctor, and the last two moms can practice on their own. It involves stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction. It is recommended to lay the baby on the stomach before each feeding for 5-10 minutes.

A neck massage can be prescribed by a neurologist if he determines that the child has torticollis. The complex consists of exercises that gradually bring the neck back to normal. It is better to entrust its implementation to a specialist.

For infants the attention of the mother and bodily contact with her is important. Massage will allow the baby to feel tender mother's hands, her touch, giving care and health, freeing from health problems.

A massage complex from a practicing pediatrician that can be done at home

Articles for our site are written by different specialists who possess not only knowledge, but also practical experience. A wonderful article about was written for our website by pediatrician Elena Borisova.