What gives utrogestan. Indications for taking Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy. Features of reactions with the introduction of candles

If the female body produces an insufficient amount of progesterone (a very important hormone), the conception of a child may not occur for a long time. In such a situation, doctors prescribe gestagens - synthetic substitutes for progesterone. One of these drugs when planning pregnancy is Utrozhestan, which is able to correct this situation and speed up the long-awaited process of conception. You just need to know how to take it correctly so that it has the maximum benefit. The instructions below will allow you to understand all the problematic issues related to taking this drug.

With infertility, taking Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy in most cases gives only positive results if the cause is a lack of a particular hormone. The fact is that the active substance of this drug is progesterone, which is essentially a hormone of the corpus luteum. It has the following features:

  • contributes to the active formation of secretory endometrium in female body;
  • at conception, it causes a quick and high-quality transition of the uterine mucosa from proliferation to the secretory phase;
  • after fertilization, it contributes to the transition of the uterine mucosa to the state necessary for full development fertilized egg;
  • significantly reduces the excitability and contractility of the uterine muscles and tubes;
  • further stimulates the development of the mammary glands necessary for lactation;
  • with all this, it does not have androgenic activity.

Based on such useful properties Utrozhestan, it is prescribed in certain cases when the desired pregnancy does not occur. But first, a woman will need to go through medical examination, which should confirm that her body really does not have enough progesterone. There are certain indications for the appointment of this drug.


Utrozhestan (both capsules and suppositories) is prescribed for diseases that interfere with the successful conception of a child. So if at the stage of pregnancy planning a woman was diagnosed similar states, the drug is prescribed in accordance with the following indications.

For oral administration (capsules):

  • endocrine infertility;
  • premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • progesterone deficiency;
  • hormone therapy (replacement) of menopause (appointed only in combination with estrogens).

For intravaginal use (candles):

  • hormone therapy (replacement) with absent (or non-functioning) ovaries due to total absence progesterone;
  • in preparation for in vitro fertilization;
  • prevention of miscarriage due to progestin deficiency;
  • endocrine infertility;
  • premature menopause;
  • prevention of uterine fibroids;
  • menopause and postmenopause (Utrozhestan is prescribed in this case in combination with estrogens);
  • endometriosis.

All these diseases are serious reasons infertility. By eliminating them with the help of this miraculous drug, it will be possible to conceive a child without problems. However, you need to know how to take Utrozhestan when planning a pregnancy, so that it turns out to be as useful as possible and does not bring any harm. This will be told by the doctor who prescribed this medicine. The dosage is also indicated in the instructions for the drug.


The difficulty is that the regimen for taking Utrozhestan when planning a pregnancy is established exclusively by a doctor, depending on the clinical situation. Even with instructions on hand, it will be difficult to determine exactly how to take the drug without knowing the characteristics of your own body.

  • in case of luteal phase insufficiency, premenstrual tension syndrome, fibrocystic mastopathy, dysmenorrhea, premenopause, the drug is administered orally (capsules) 200–300 mg (this is 2–3 pieces) in a daily dose, they must be divided into 2 doses (morning–evening) : here it is important to know from what day to drink Utrozhestan when planning a pregnancy - it needs to be done in phase II menstrual cycle and drink capsules for 10 days (obtained from 16 to 25 days);
  • with hormone replacement therapy, Utrozhestan is prescribed 2 capsules per day for 10-12 days (in perimenopause), in menopause - 1 capsule per day for 25 days; it is better to take the drug at bedtime, already in the evening, drinking plenty of water, you can not drink capsules immediately before or after meals;
  • in the absence of progesterone, suppositories are administered intravaginally, 1 per day, you need to do this on days 13–14 of the menstrual cycle, then the scheme changes - 1 suppository twice a day from 15 to 25 days of the cycle, and from day 26 the dosage increases by 1 suppository per day. day every week, until it reaches maximum threshold(it is 6 suppositories per day, divided into 3 doses). If at this stage the question arose of how long Utrozhestan can be taken when planning a pregnancy with this pathology, this can be safely done within 60 days (2 months);
  • to maintain the luteal phase (during in vitro fertilization), Utrozhestan in suppositories is administered intravaginally, 4-6 pieces per day, you need to start from the day of gonadotropin injection and end only at the 20th week of pregnancy;
  • to maintain the luteal phase during a spontaneous menstrual cycle, infertility, Utrozhestan should be administered intravaginally 2-3 suppositories per day in the II phase of the menstrual cycle for 10 days: if the menstrual cycle is delayed or pregnancy is diagnosed, this scheme treatment should be continued for a period determined by the doctor;
  • with the threat of abortion, for the prevention of miscarriage arising from progesterone deficiency, Utrozhestan is prescribed intravaginally 2-4 suppositories 2-3 times a day until the 20th week of pregnancy.

The regimen for taking Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy is determined solely by the doctor, since an independent choice of dosage is fraught with undesirable consequences both for women's health and for successful conception child. Before taking it, you must undergo an examination for the presence of contraindications.

Side effect

Sometimes there is a cancellation of Utrozhestan when planning a pregnancy - this decision is made by the doctor if side effects from its application are too pronounced:

  • from the side of the central nervous system, drowsiness, dizziness can be observed (these side effects begin to appear 1-3 hours after taking the capsules);
  • on the part of the reproductive system, a reduction in the menstrual cycle can be diagnosed, but even more dangerous is intermenstrual bleeding.

Similar cases were observed only when taking Utrozhestan capsules inside. Candles have a milder effect on the body and are more actively absorbed into the blood, without disturbing the work. internal organs. There are more categorical contraindications for the use of this drug in any form.


Utrozhestan should not be used when planning pregnancy in the following cases:

  • pronounced disorders and pathologies in the work and functioning of the liver (especially when taking capsules inside);
  • hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • III trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation.

In the I and II trimesters of pregnancy, Utrozhestan is even indicated for use. With regard to overdoses of this drug, such information in modern medicine No. There is no pathologically dangerous interaction with other drugs. However, there are certain recommendations that will enhance the benefits of Utrozhestan during pregnancy planning.

special instructions

To get the most benefit from taking Utrozhestan when planning a pregnancy, you should use some tips:

  • the drug can reduce concentration, so you should not use it before driving or doing some kind of responsible work;
  • capsules for oral administration are also suppositories for intravaginal administration;
  • do not choose a dosage regimen without the advice of a specialist.

It should be borne in mind that the use of Utrozhestan when planning a pregnancy is possible only strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Otherwise, you simply cannot desired results and even worsen their own condition.

The hormonal background of a woman on the eve of conception is very important (read more about), and you should not experiment with it. Following the recommendations of doctors and exactly observing all the nuances of the above instructions, you can short time to conceive a healthy, strong, full-fledged baby is the dream of any couple planning to become parents.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Utrozhestan - medicinal product, appointed during the planning period of pregnancy, and in some cases, while waiting for the child. The tool is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, or as it is also called, the hormone of pregnancy, which is produced in the body of a woman. A certain amount of given substance necessary for normal course pregnancy and its planning. To understand the value of the hormone, it is necessary to analyze in more detail the essence of its action in the female body.

Why is utrogestan prescribed during pregnancy

One of common causes miscarriage becomes a lack of progesterone. The deficiency of this substance is expressed in the development various diseases And pathological conditions such as uterine endometrial hyperplasia, infertility. Often, pregnancy does not occur due to a violation of the level of pregnancy hormone in the female body. To avoid miscarriages and other negative consequences lack of progesterone early dates pregnancy is prescribed utrogestan.

Along with this medicine, others are sometimes prescribed medical preparations capable of preventing early termination of pregnancy due date. These drugs include antispasmodics and sedatives. While waiting for a child in a woman's body, the ovaries actively produce progesterone. Around the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy, this function is taken over by the placenta. Hormone takes direct participation in the normal development of the fetus, is responsible for the timely onset of childbirth.

Instructions for use

Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy is prescribed at a dosage of 200-300 mg (capsules). The daily dose is divided into two doses. Hormonal drug should be taken in the morning or evening. Many women are concerned about the question: “From what day should I take the medicine?”. In most cases, when planning a conception, utrogestan is used from the 16th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle. The duration of the therapeutic course is 10-12 days. The capsules must be taken orally with a sufficient amount of water.

When fertilization occurs, it is recommended to continue taking utrogestan. Usually the hormone is prescribed to be taken throughout the first trimester. Sometimes there is a need to use the drug up to 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. It depends on the complications that arise when carrying a child. In the third trimester, utrogestan is rarely prescribed and with extreme caution. average price per package is 400 rubles.

How to take utrozhestan - dosage 100, 200

Dosages of utrogestan during pregnancy differ from those when using the drug during conception planning. In this regard, pregnant women who are prescribed a hormonal agent should carefully listen to the doctor's recommendations, and also strictly follow the regimen prescribed by the gynecologist. During the period of bearing a child, both tablets and vaginal suppositories are prescribed.

On average, the daily dosage, regardless of the used dosage form, is 100-200 mg. Some doctors strongly recommend that during pregnancy and its planning to use only suppositories intended for insertion into the vagina. The method of using the hormonal agent contributes to the rapid absorption of active substances, minimizes the risk of side effects. Candles should be administered in the supine position. It is recommended to use the drug vaginally at bedtime.

The above dosage of Utrozhestan 200, 100 mg is an average. For each specific case the gynecologist conducts appropriate examinations, based on the results of which he prescribes suitable scheme treatment, the required dosage. The doctor will also tell you in detail how to drink the drug in the development of a particular situation. So, for example, when there is a threat of miscarriage daily dose may be about 400 mg. Unauthorized prescription of a hormonal agent is unacceptable, since improper medication can cause the development of serious consequences.

What is the difference between taking duphaston and utrogestan

Many women are concerned about the question: "Which drug is more effective and safer when planning a pregnancy - duphaston or utrogestan?". It is not possible to give a definite answer. These funds are based on the action of progesterone, they are analogues of each other. Both duphaston and utrozhestan have drawbacks. Among the main advantages of duphaston, there are no side effects such as increased drowsiness and lethargy. However, utrogestan is available not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of suppositories, which is an indisputable plus.

Proginova or utrozhestan? This choice arises when planning a pregnancy. Remember, the drug must be prescribed by a professional doctor. Correct scheme treatment and dosage will help to achieve maximum effectiveness of the drug, minimize the risk of side effects. Reception Cancellation medicinal product should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. With the development of negative side effects, you should immediately consult a doctor. The average cost of dufoston is 470 rubles.

During pregnancy, the female body changes dramatically, which is especially noticeable when analyzing hormonal components. Hormonal changes when carrying a baby, they are completely normal, if we are not talking about failures. Sometimes a deficiency of progesterone, which is called the pregnancy hormone, is diagnosed: its insufficient synthesis often causes miscarriages in the early stages and premature birth in the third trimester. It is in order to avoid such incidents that Utrozhestan is appointed.

Characteristics of the drug

The active substance of Utrozhestan is natural progesterone, which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. In the preparation, it is contained in an improved form to facilitate absorption.

Utrozhestan belongs to the group of gestagens, and gestagen is another name for progesterone.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the hormone during the bearing of the baby. It changes the structure of the uterine endometrium to facilitate the introduction of a fertilized egg into it, reduces the contractility of the uterus, preventing hypertonicity of the organ and abortion. Progesterone is also involved in the preparation of the mammary glands for breastfeeding stimulating lactation.

The drug is absorbed from the vagina and from gastrointestinal tract. It all depends on the method of application, which is determined by the doctor: oral or vaginal administration of capsules. However, when using capsules intravaginally, the local effect is more pronounced and the desired effect is achieved faster, and taking the capsules orally during pregnancy is prohibited.

Capsules are small light yellow elastic dragees based on gelatin, rounded or oval shape. The average daily dose of the drug (100 ml) helps to maintain the optimal level of sex hormone, providing normal course pregnancy.

In what cases is Utrozhestan prescribed during pregnancy?

Utrozhestan during pregnancy is prescribed to women who are diagnosed with:

If there is a history of miscarriages, the medication may be prescribed as a preventive measure. With the threat of interruption, the drug is used on an emergency basis.

Utrozhestan is also prescribed for expectant mothers who are at risk for the following reasons:

  1. There have been miscarriages in the past.
  2. There were pregnancy complications due to lack of progesterone.
  3. Pregnancy occurred as a result of IVF or the procedure was carried out in previous pregnancies.
  4. Infertility was diagnosed due to a violation of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
  5. The woman was taking Utrozhestan or its analogues at the time of conception.
  6. Previous pregnancies were accompanied by premature births.
  7. The shortening of the cervix was diagnosed.

In some cases, taking Utrozhestan is indicated for other reasons.

Can Utrozhestan be taken during pregnancy?

- in the 1st trimester

On initial terms taking Utrozhestan is not only allowed, but often recommended. Capsules are inserted into the vagina every day at the same time: with this method of application, there is no harmful effect on digestive tract and liver. In addition, toxicosis may interfere with oral intake of capsules.

Functions of the drug in the first trimester:

  • Elimination of uterine hypertonicity and prevention of this condition;
  • Stabilization of the nervous system;
  • Prevention of abortion;
  • Replenishment of progesterone deficiency.

The negative effect of the drug on the fetus is practically excluded. In rare cases, hypospadias, an abnormality of the urethra, may develop.

- in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester, the drug is often not required. The main indication is a lack of progesterone, as well as:

  • cervical insufficiency;
  • Pregnancy as a result of IVF;
  • Shortening of the uterus.

In some cases, the anamnesis is studied, and if there are miscarriages, surgical manipulations on the uterus, premature birth, the drug is extended indefinitely.

- in the 3rd trimester

After the 30th week of pregnancy, Utrozhestan is prescribed for certain indications:

  • Premature softening of the birth canal;
  • Shortening of the cervix;
  • Too much low position baby.

Taking medication for later dates pregnancy is appropriate only in special occasions when the risk of preterm birth is too high. The fact is that taking progestin drugs negatively affects the state of the liver, and can also be dangerous in case of thrombosis.

It is important to understand that the admissibility of using Utrozhestan is considered individually in each case.

Instructions for use Utrozhestan during pregnancy

- dosage

The therapeutic course is determined by a doctor who analyzes the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, studies the severity of progesterone deficiency and prescribes the method of application.

If the choice is made in favor of oral capsules, the daily dose varies between 200-300 ml during the day. As a rule, 100 ml is taken in the morning, the rest - at bedtime.

For prophylactic purposes, with the threat of premature birth, the drug is used according to a certain scheme:

  • 400 ml every 7-8 hours until the condition stabilizes;
  • 200 ml with the same interval until the 36th week of pregnancy.

With intravaginal administration, a dosage of 200 ml daily is provided. IN difficult situations number can be doubled.

With the existing threat of premature birth, the medication is used daily in an amount of 200 ml from the 22nd to the 36th week.

With the existing threat of miscarriage in the early stages, the drug is taken every day at the same time in the morning and evening (with an interval of 12 hours) at a dosage of 200 or 400 ml until the 12th week of gestation.

- contraindications

Contraindications to taking the drug are called:

  • varicose disease;
  • Thrombophlebitis and thrombosis;
  • Serious liver pathology;
  • Porfiria;
  • Neoplasia of the genital organs or mammary glands;
  • Undiagnosed bleeding.

Under certain conditions, Utrozhestan should be used with extreme caution or may be contraindicated: we are talking about the so-called relative contraindications. These are controversial situations when the doctor evaluates the risks from taking the drug and from pregnancy complications (threat of miscarriage, premature birth, lack of progesterone).

Such situations arise when:

  • Stable increase in blood pressure;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Diabetes;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Migraine;
  • Violations in the work of the kidneys;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • benign formations.

- side effects

Side effects from taking the drug are rare, however, they can be:

  • Amenorrhea;
  • Mammalgia;
  • Bleeding from the birth canal;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Drowsiness, apathy, depression;
  • distraction;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Stool disorders (diarrhea and constipation);
  • Itching, peeling of the skin, rashes;
  • jaundice skin, chloasma.

Vaginal use of the capsules may cause a local reaction: itching, burning, swelling.

Other negative reactions to the drug include blurred vision, thrombosis, venous insufficiency, severe headaches, lack of sexual attraction, weight gain or loss, thromboembolism, edema, hirsutism, localized alopecia, and anaphylactic shock.

But the appearance of yellowish oily discharge in a moderate amount after intravaginal administration of the drug is a variation of the norm.

- how to cancel

Since Utrozhestan refers to hormonal drugs withdrawal should be gradual. The most successful way to stop treatment and prophylaxis is to reduce the dosage to 100 ml weekly or 50 ml every three days.

During the gradual withdrawal of the drug, the woman should be constantly monitored by a doctor so that in case of bleeding, appropriate measures can be taken.

Analogues of Utrozhestan and their features

The most popular analogue of Utrozhestan is Duphaston. His main distinguishing feature consists in using not natural progesterone, but its synthetic variety.

Despite such a seemingly obvious drawback of Duphaston, doctors quite calmly and without fear prescribe it during pregnancy, because its effect on the female body and the fetus is well studied. In addition, Duphaston is considered more effective, so doctors often make a choice in his favor than Utrozhestan.

However, the undeniable advantage of Utrozhestan is its good tolerance and low likelihood of side effects.

Another analogue of Utrozhestan is Prajisan. It is distinguished primarily by low price, but otherwise the properties and effectiveness of the drug are the same. Prajisan also contains progesterone, refers to hormonal drugs, but the application is possible only vaginally. Release forms of the drug: capsules and gel.

In addition, Prajisan has much fewer contraindications and side effects, but the drug is prohibited in the early stages of pregnancy and more often negatively affects the liver of the expectant mother.

The third substitute for Utrozhestan is Iprozhin. Iprozhin also refers to hormonal group means, contains progesterone and is available in the form of capsules for oral and vaginal administration.

Indications and contraindications for Utrozhestan and Iprozhin are almost identical, side effects occur infrequently. Iprozhin is a cheap analogue of Utrozhestan.

In the form of tablets and suppositories, Endometrin is produced, which is most often prescribed for the treatment of infertility. In general, the action of Endometrin is similar to Utrozhestan, but this analogue is difficult to find in pharmacies and it has a higher cost.

Hormonal failure during pregnancy can affect its course not in the best way. As a rule, it is progesterone deficiency that often causes preterm labor or spontaneous miscarriage at an early date. In the presence of these and other threats, with a pronounced lack of pregnancy hormone, the drug Utrozhestan is prescribed.

In certain dosages, it is able to completely compensate for the deficiency of progesterone, practically does not cause side effects and differs high efficiency. The need for admission this tool determined only by a specialist.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

In the first trimester, the doctor prescribed, regularly took, but then a terrible thing happened! Progesterone has a softening effect on the muscles of the pelvis and ligaments of the joints, and I had a pinching sciatic nerve! This is hellish pain! Therefore, first pass the test for this hormone, and then take it!

From Guest

Utrozhestan helped me, I had a cyst large sizes, she melted away.

From Guest

I was prescribed this drug at 3 weeks pregnant. The pregnancy was the first, all tests were normal, but it seemed to the doctor that there was a threat. Intuitively, I was very afraid of this drug, but I read the reviews and for some reason decided to drink it. Because I really wanted to endure my little pasik. But when prescribing, they didn’t do an analysis for progesterone, and in Russia progesterone is prescribed to almost everyone without exception. I drank it until 13 weeks and my heart was not calm. The boy was born with congenital defect development - hypospadias and not quite a simple form. It's sad .... I consulted with doctors after the fact from many countries. In Belarus, this drug is not prescribed at all during the first pregnancy, and their medicine is several levels higher. She showed her suspicious ultrasound, according to which this drug was prescribed to me, the doctors shrugged off such serious prescriptions. Of course, everyone makes the choice himself, but intuition should be trusted. Listen to yourself. And double-check the appointments of doctors 100 times, many of them write more than look at you and your condition. I met with information about hypospadias in boys after taking this drug on the forums and did a small survey myself. It's strange that it hasn't been scrapped yet. I won't be surprised if after a certain number of years this drug becomes banned. However, it is rare that anyone conducts research on its impact. Easy pregnancy and childbirth!

From Guest

Girls, think for yourself. Doctors, of course, they help us, but not in everything. These drugs have long been banned in many countries, and only in our country they are also prescribed by everyone without exception, and this is at least wrong. Firstly, it should be taken by those who have had a miscarriage and more than one, and secondly, if you were able to get pregnant, then you don’t need any hormones and what you think that you can’t endure without it is just your guesses. From the 5th week I had a large detachment and plus a pregnancy cyst, at first I drank duphaston, which made me feel bad, drowsiness, nausea (although I today I never vomited, but it’s already 21 weeks!) and they say to me that this is normal, well, I feel how I felt before and after taking them ... They changed it to utrozhestan. As a result, the cyst began to grow even more, to which a familiar gynecologist advised me to stop drinking (not abruptly) this drug, according to her words !!! doctor !!! it is this hormone that can promote the growth of the cyst, do you think this is normal? And then I would have been operated on, is it for me, pregnant, or even if not, do I need it ?? The cyst immediately left, although it was already of such a size that it needs to be removed .. I don’t drink this dregs anymore and I don’t advise you, but how much does it cost? I feel like we're being robbed of money...

From Guest

Every pregnancy is different! Many without taking utrozhestan do not even get pregnant, not to mention endure. I say it by own experience, because I have been taking Utrozhestan throughout my pregnancy from the very beginning. I have B after IVF. I wouldn't even get pregnant without Wu! Therefore, it is not necessary to urge everyone to stop drinking it and say that nature has provided for everything. You need to proceed from each specific situation. Someone really may not need it, but someone will never give birth without it. Therefore, it is not necessary to intimidate all pregnant women with the fact that they will have children with defects if you take U. Defects also occur in those children whose mothers did not take U at all. Thousands of children were born precisely because it is possible to correct the lack of hormones in a woman’s body the right drug. So the main thing is to choose a doctor wisely and listen to him! And all will be well!

From Guest

Utrozhestan is an excellent drug for carrying a pregnancy, he personally saved me from premature birth

From Guest

Utrozhestan took from 1 week to 36. They tried to cancel twice after 20 weeks, the cork began to leave. After cancellation (at 36 weeks) gave birth to twins at 37 weeks.

From Guest

I advise, before taking this drug, donate blood to the hormone progesterone, if it is lowered, then God himself ordered. If it’s normal, then decide with your doctor and calculate the dosage, if it’s higher than normal, then it makes no sense to overload the body with synthetics. I have been taking it since 18 weeks, before that I had duphaston. I bought 100 ml capsules at the pharmacy, 2 capsules vaginally at night and everything is OK. The doctor advises up to 22-23 weeks to reduce the dosage, switch to one capsule before canceling altogether. Good luck.

From Guest

I carried two children (a son born in 2009 and a daughter born in 2013) on Utrozhestan from 4 to 16 weeks (300 mg per day). Now, of course, I started drinking for 5 weeks. Everything is fine with hormones, I go to the doctors already before childbirth; I hate most of them (sorry), I prescribe myself. My children are healthy! With my son, however, out of ignorance, I stopped drinking Utrozhestan abruptly, there was bleeding, but, thank God, nothing happened. I feel like my stomach is turning to stone! From utrozhestan (but all medicines have a very strong effect on me) - I am in the opposite heavenly blissful coma! The first few hours after taking it, I feel dizzy and I lie down or, if necessary, crawl, and it's such a thrill!!! Complete calm. I don’t urge anyone to do the same - I’m just sharing my experience. Let the slippers return like a boomerang)))

From Guest

Girls, I hope I can help someone! only to the development of defects, I speak from my own experience, I took utrozhestan throughout the pregnancy, I had a daughter with defects (heart disease, Gothic sky, etc.) this is not genetics because we were completely examined and everything is in order there. but my friend, prematurely born dead baby and not what morning did not help, but she threw thousands at him. Look at the program with D. Komarovsky proprogesterone, there a foreign genecologist says that these drugs are generally prohibited in them. Therefore, bear healthy babies without any pills.

From Guest

Utrozhestan was prescribed to me by a doctor at the 10th week of pregnancy after bleeding. I took it until 34 weeks. During this time, no problems arose, she gave birth to a healthy girl for a period of 39 weeks 4120.56 cm))))

From Guest

I also took it before pregnancy and during pregnancy up to 12 weeks, and I also took metipred, gave birth normally, and before that, two frozen pregnancies were due to hormonal disorders. so don't be afraid to take it

From Guest

In my fourth pregnancy, I took mornings, vaginally, all B. They threatened. Now I’m taking the 5th pregnancy the same way from the very beginning. I stopped pulling my stomach, with vaginal application no side effects at all. So girls, the drug is good, do not be afraid to use it.

From Guest

And I have been taking Utrozhestan for almost 5 months, I can’t say anything bad, I don’t feel pain, and I think this is already a big plus

From Guest

At the 14th week of pregnancy there was a discharge once Brown(cause of stress at work). There were no pains in the lower abdomen. From the 9th week she suffered from toxicosis in the form of nausea and reactions to pungent odors. The gynecologist prescribed the drug urozhestan 200 mg 2 times a day. When administered orally, vomiting occurred after 3 hours and there was dizziness. Vaginally applied at night in the morning, vomiting and diarrhea.

From Guest

I felt better from utrogestan. I stopped vomiting and my stomach hurts less.

From Guest

Utrozhestan was prescribed at 14 weeks: the uterus is in good shape. Although the stomach did not hurt, but it was drawn after a walk. During the reception, the stomach was still drawn after a walk. Exactly a week later, in the morning, my stomach hurt sharply, to tears, for 3 minutes, an hour later I was at the gynecologist, by that time the pain was constant, periodically intensified. Ultrasound - ending the pregnancy. The body is individual: someone has a lack of progeron - and utrozhestan helps, someone has enough - then it hurts. Do not be lazy and give up on hormones, perhaps the cause of your pain is different. Everyone mild pregnancy And healthy babies!

From Guest

They prescribed me "Utrozhestan" vaginally. Used from 21 weeks to 36 weeks. She endured the child, everything was fine, she felt good, although at the beginning of pregnancy there was toxicosis and I wanted to sleep, but this is not from the drug.

From Guest

Dear ladies! Now I am 11 weeks pregnant. I have been taking Utrozhestan 400mg since 6 weeks. a day, terrible dizziness and constant sleepiness. brown discharge constantly pursued, only from the 10th week pah-pah-pah! the discharge has stopped. So, from the 6th to the 10th week, I was in the hospital for preservation and learned an important truth, it turns out that duphaston was forbidden to prescribe to patients during pregnancy - The doctor told me this! Allegedly, his reception has already been proven to be detrimental to the development of the psyche of the unborn fetus!

From Guest

I was prescribed uroestan at 4 weeks of pregnancy. I had signs of adenomyosis. as they began to take utrozhestan, after a couple of days, brown discharge began. and miscarriage a week later. my advice to moms is if you are prescribed, then it is better to play it safe and go to another gynecologist.

From Guest

I had high hopes for 12 weeks. but .... My head was spinning, the ground was leaving under my feet and I saw double!!! I was tormented for 5 days, until my husband advised me to try not to drink them !!! Stopped - it's gone! And now I'm at 22 weeks. and again the doctor asks me to take them urgently, at least vaginally! I will try (((

From Guest

I have been taking Utrozhestan since the 5th week of pregnancy, today is the beginning of the 11th week. According to the doctor's prescription, I took the first pill orally .... After 3 hours, I had a feeling that I was drunk, my head was spinning, my tongue was tangled ... My husband was frightened. Since I was sleepy, I slept for 3 hours. She immediately complained to the doctor, she prescribed 200 mg vaginally in the morning and evening. I feel great ... According to the prescription, I need to quit, but I read that it’s impossible, so I’m waiting for the next visit to the doctor ... for advice.

From Guest

When I took Utrozhestan inside, there were also minor ailments, dizziness and drowsiness. But as soon as I began to administer it vaginally, these side effects were no longer there)) So, one must think that everything acts inside through the liver, while vaginally bypassing it.

From Guest

Utrozhestan, I was prescribed this hormonal drug in the ZhK for 5-6 weeks. pregnancy. Pregnancy 1 and the desired doctor said that I had a threat of miscarriage and I definitely need to drink Utrozhestan, believing the doctor at night she took one pill an hour later the whole body shook and started nervous tantrum, in the morning my mother came to her senses, the doctor, having learned about this, recommended that I take progesterone. For a fee of 500 rubles, she passed an analysis from a vein and received the result in a day, and went to the LCD to her doctor, after looking at the analysis, she said, “oh yes, your progesterone is normal and you don’t need to take pills” .. There are no words, that is, I must I was poisoning my body and my baby simply because they prescribe expensive pills for everyone, as I later found out that my friends were also prescribed the same hormonal pills without tests. Then the doctor prescribed me suppositories from the expensive thrush, I didn’t put them either, my mother told me that until 12 weeks you couldn’t put candles and climb there at all .. only somewhere in the 5th month Pimafutsin put 6 days from the thrush. Now I gave birth to everything well, and I wish everyone to safely endure their babies. Be careful and do not get poisoned without tests.

Utrozhestan, often used in gynecology, refers to hormonal drugs. The main component of this drug is the hormone progesterone. In order to understand when this drug is prescribed, it is necessary to determine what role progesterone plays in the female body. This is also necessary in order to determine side effects Utrozhestan, and, therefore, when it is strictly forbidden to use it.

How does progesterone affect the female body?

Progesterone, as you know, corresponds to the group of gestagens. It is produced by the corpus luteum, which is formed at the end of the menstrual cycle. This hormone promotes the transition of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation phase, which is controlled by the follicular hormone, to the secretory one.

Also, progesterone helps to reduce the excitability and contractility of the uterine muscles. That is why it is called the pregnancy hormone.

When is Utrozhestan appointed?

This drug has a fairly wide range of applications. So, it is prescribed for:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • mastopathy of various origins;
  • premenopause;
  • as a hormone replacement during menopause.

When is the use of Utrozhestan prohibited?

Women who are prescribed Utrozhestan suppositories are increasingly interested in side effects and contraindications to the use of the drug. So, this drug may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • the presence of a tendency to form thrombosis (increased blood clotting);
  • bleeding from the genital tract, not associated with menstruation.

In addition, Utrozhestan should be used with caution when:

What are the main side effects of Utrozhestan?

Having dealt with the effect of Utrozhestan on the female body, it is necessary to say about what are the main side effects of this drug.

Most often, after taking Utrozhestan, the following side effects are noted:

  • allergic reactions;
  • drowsiness;
  • the development of dizziness almost immediately (1-3 hours) after taking the drug;
  • shortening of the menstrual cycle;
  • bleeding between periods.

Most often, after Utrozhestan appear bloody issues, which are not associated with menstruation, which gives the woman certain inconvenience.

Also, weight gain can be conditionally attributed to the side effects of Utrozhestan, which many women complain about. This is due to the fact that progesterone promotes the formation of adipose tissue. As a rule, after the end of the drug, hormonal background returns to normal, and the weight gradually begins to decrease.

Is the drug prescribed during pregnancy?

Utrozhestan is often prescribed during childbearing, especially in the early stages. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that the likelihood of spontaneous abortion is high.

However, there may be side effects from taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy. Most often it is:

Latin name: UTROGESTAN
ATX code: G03D A04
Active substance: Progesterone
Manufacturer: Cyndea Pharma (Spain),
Olic (Thailand)
Pharmacy leave condition: On prescription

Utrozhestan is a hormonal drug for use in gynecology and obstetrics in order to compensate for the lack of endogenous progesterone and thereby prevent the development of undesirable consequences.

Indications for use

Hormonal drugs are designed to compensate for the lack of progesterone in the female body and thereby eliminate the conditions resulting from its deficiency.

Oral administration of the hormone is indicated for:

  • Infertility caused by insufficient luteinization
  • Vivid manifestations of PMS
  • MC disorder due to ovulation disorders or amenorrhea
  • Fibrocystic mastopathy
  • Premenopause (the first stage of menopause)
  • Replacement HT in peri- and postmenopausal women (together with drugs containing estrogen).

Utrozhestan is vaginally used:

  • As a means of HRT to correct the lack (or absence) of progesterone due to non-functioning / absent ovaries
  • To prevent miscarriage or premature birth in pregnant women with various complications
  • To ensure luteinization during IVF preparation
  • To normalize luteinization in spontaneous or induced MC
  • Premature menopause
  • Together with estrogen-containing drugs in replacement HT
  • Infertility due to insufficient luteal phase
  • Prevention of habitual or threatened abortion due to insufficient amount of progesterone in the body.

The composition of the drug

The active ingredient is micronized natural progesterone, which is given in different concentrations: the manufacturer produces Utrozhestan capsules with 100 and 200 mg of the hormone.

The composition of the accompanying components is the same for both forms, differing only in dosage: in Utrozhestan 200 mg pills, the content of the ingredients is doubled. The suspension is formed by sunflower oil and soy lecithin, the capsule body is gelatin, glycerol, E171.

Medicinal properties

The drug belongs to the gestagenic group. The active component of Utrozhestan is the hormone progesterone, synthesized by the corpus luteum. After penetration, it enters target cells, where it binds to DNA and stimulates the construction of RNA.

The substance transfers the mucous tissue of the uterus into the secretory phase from the stage of proliferation, which contributes to the normalization of the state of the endometrium, the formation of a layer necessary for successful course pregnancy. After fertilization, the egg provides it proper development. The hormone reduces the contractile function of the muscles of the uterus and tubes, triggers mechanisms that prepare the mammary glands for lactation.

In addition, Utrozhestan contributes to the accumulation of fat necessary for bearing, increases the consumption of glucose, promotes the deposition of glycogen in the liver, increases the formation of gonadotropes, and reduces the nitrogen content in the body.

oral intake

After ingestion of the capsule, the active substance is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Plasma concentration is formed within an hour. progesterone forms two active metabolites that have properties identical to the endogenous hormone. Derivative substances are almost completely (95%) excreted from the body with urine.

When inserted into the vagina

After being released from the capsule, progesterone is rapidly absorbed and accumulates in the uterine cavity. highest level The hormone is also formed an hour after the introduction of the candle. With the introduction of Utrogestan 100 mg twice a day, the average concentration is maintained throughout the day. In the case of the introduction of the drug more than 200 mg per day, the level of progesterone corresponds to the first term of pregnancy. Metabolites are also excreted from the body in the urine.

Release forms

Hormonal drugs are produced in the form of capsules, which, depending on the purpose, can be taken orally or used as suppositories for intravaginal use. Therefore, if Utrozhestan is used vaginally, it is called suppositories, and when taken orally, it is called capsules.

Capsules 100 mg - soft round pills in a pale yellow body. Filling - homogeneous, oily suspension of whitish color. The medicine is packaged in blisters. In a pack with instructions - 28 or 30 capsules.

Utrogestan suppositories (or capsules) containing 200 mg of progesterone differ from the first drug only in the shape of the capsules - they are oval. Otherwise, they are similar - they also have a pale yellow body and a whitish suspension as a filler. The product is packaged in blisters of 7 pieces. In a pack - 2 plates and instructions for use.

Mode of application

The average cost - (28 pcs.) - 394 rubles, (30 pcs.) - 396 rubles.

The duration and method of administration of Utrozhestan depends on what it is taken for, the indications of the state of the body and, in some cases, on the personal preferences of the patient.

oral intake

If the capsules are prescribed for oral administration, then the instructions for use recommend drinking Utrozhestan after meals and preferably at night. In this case, you can avoid possible drowsiness in daytime and dizziness. The drug should be drunk after meals with plenty of water.

If the doctor has not made other appointments, then in determining the dosage they are guided by the recommendations of the manufacturers:

  • With a deficiency of progesterone in the body, the daily amount of drugs is from 200 to 300 mg (taken in two divided doses).
  • With PMS, FCM, dimenorrhea and premenopause: the course of therapy is 10 days. It is recommended to carry it out in the period from the 17th to the 26th day of the MC. The daily dosage is from 200 to 400 mg.
  • Replacement HT in perimenopause (premenopause and the first year of menopause) together with estrogen-containing drugs: a 12-day course of Utrozhestan is recommended at a daily dosage of 200 mg.
  • Replacement HT in the postmenopausal period involves the continuous use of drugs. Therapy begins on the first day of taking estrogen-containing drugs. Determination of the dosage of Utrozhestan is carried out personally in each individual case.

Utrozhestan vaginally

The average cost is 418 rubles.

It is desirable to insert candles before going to bed to ensure a long horizontal position of the body. If this is not possible, then after the introduction of the capsule in the daytime, a woman should lie down for at least half an hour, but an hour is better.

To facilitate the passage of the capsule into the vaginal cavity, it can be moistened or used with an applicator. It is recommended to administer the medicine to the maximum depth.

Elimination of the threat of miscarriage or premature birth: the course is carried out at 22-34 weeks of gestation. The daily dosage is 200 mg.

Compensation for the lack or complete absence of progesterone. Therapy is carried out in combination with etrogens:

  • Day 13-14 MC: 200 mg of drugs
  • Day 15-25 MC: Utrozhestan 100 mg twice a day
  • From the 26th day of MC and in case of successful conception: the dosage is increased every week by 100 mg. The daily amount is divided into two doses, upon reaching the highest dosage of 600 mg, it is divided into three procedures. Maximum daily allowance It is allowed to use no longer than 60 days.

Ensuring the luteal phase in preparation for IVF: from the day hCG injection administered 200-600 mg per day. Then, after the embryo is fixed, Utrozhestan 200 continues to be used during pregnancy at the same dosage. Duration of application - 1 and 2 terms of gestation.

Ensuring luteinization in spontaneous and induced MC or therapy for infertility due to dysfunction corpus luteum: therapy is started on the 17th day of MC. Capsules are recommended to be administered for 10 days at 200 or 300 mg.

Abortion Prevention: Therapy is indicated in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. The daily amount is 200-400 mg in two divided doses. The drug is administered daily until the complete disappearance of the threat of miscarriage.

Cancellation of Utrozhestan during pregnancy

To date, there are several opinions on the mechanism of drug withdrawal. In Western countries, the practice of abruptly stopping the use of Utrozhestan prevails. It is substantiated by the fact that clinical observations and various studies on animals did not fix the body's addiction to the drug. Proponents of this approach should take into account that the abrupt withdrawal of the hormone can provoke a withdrawal syndrome - the appearance of spotting on the 2-3rd day. If in a few days they have not disappeared or become more intense, you should definitely contact a specialist.

Doctors of the CIS countries have a different point of view on how to cancel utrozhestan. It is believed that the body gets used to an external source of hormone intake, and therefore it must be given time to rebuild and launch its own mechanisms for synthesizing it.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Utrozhestan during early pregnancy helps to fix the egg and then normal development, warns miscarriage.

Treatment in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is possible, but only if necessary, as the risk of developing cholestasis increases. In case of appointment, constant monitoring of the state of the liver is necessary.

In addition, if Utrozhestan is prescribed to prevent miscarriage due to insufficient luteinization, then the risk of developing hypospadias in a child (anomaly in the development of the penis due to a violation of the structure of the urethra) is not excluded.

It is advisable for lactating women to refrain from treatment with the drug, since so far there is not enough data on the intake of progesterone in women's milk.


Utrozhestan is prohibited to use in the presence of at least one of the following factors:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to capsule ingredients
  • Thromboembolic conditions, deep vein thrombosis, stroke, MI, etc.
  • Intracranial hemorrhage (current or former)
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin
  • Partial or poorly performed abortion
  • porphyrin disease
  • Diagnosed or suspected malignant tumors of the genital organs and breasts.

Capsules should not be taken orally with:

  • Liver pathologies in severe form at the time of appointment or existing in the past
  • During breastfeeding
  • Under the age of 18 (due to lack of treatment experience).

A limited appointment of Utrozhestan is allowed for:

  • Violations of the CCC
  • hypertension
  • Insufficient functioning of the liver in a chronic form
  • Diabetes
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Hypersensitivity to UV radiation
  • 2 and 3 terms of pregnancy.

In the case of appointment, it is necessary to constantly monitor the patient's condition.

Precautionary measures

Before starting treatment with Utrozhestan, a thorough check of the patient's health, determination of the level of hormones is necessary.

If Utrozhestan is prescribed for hormonal therapy to a patient undergoing estrogen treatment, then it is preferable to use it no later than the 12th day of the monthly cycle.

If Utrogestan during pregnancy is prescribed to prevent miscarriage along with beta-agonists, then the dosage of the last drug can be reduced.

Given that oral capsules can cause drowsiness, dizziness and decreased alertness, you should refrain from potentially dangerous species activities. To minimize side effects, it is better to drink tablets before going to bed.

Cross-drug interactions

When combining Utrozhestan with other drugs, it is necessary to take into account their effect on hepatic enzymes, as this affects the course of metabolic processes of progesterone. Accordingly, its concentration will decrease or increase, which will affect the therapeutic effect.

Liver-enhancing drugs include barbiturates, anticonvulsants (such as Fentitoin), anti-tuberculosis drugs (Rifampicin), the diuretic Spironolactone, and the antimycotic Griseofulvin.

Some types of antibiotics of the ampicillin and tetracycline groups can change the intestinal microflora and, then, the transformation of steroids in the liver. Due to the fact that mutual reactions are influenced by many factors and features of processes in each organism, it is impossible to foresee the consequences in advance.

Progestins have the ability to reduce glucose tolerance, so if treatment is prescribed to a patient diabetes dosage adjustment may be required.

Progesterone is able to increase the content of Cyclosporine and reduce the effect of Bromocriptine.

The bioavailability of progesterone may be reduced in smokers and increased in drinkers.

When combining progesterone with ketoconazole, there is a mutual enhancement of each other's action.

Features of reactions with the introduction of candles

So far, there is no data on the interaction of progesterone with other substances of medications after the introduction of Utrozhestan into the vagina, since such studies have not been conducted. In order to avoid possible reactions and difficulty in the release of progesterone, Utrogestan should not be combined with other intravaginal drugs.

Side effects

Although the drug is usually perceived by the body normally, in some women the capsules can provoke negative phenomena. The nature of side effects also depends on the way the drug is used.

When administered orally, the following disorders may occur:

  • Reproductive system: menstrual cycle disorder, amenorrhea, intermenstrual bleeding or discharge, engorgement mammary gland(swelling, soreness, induration)
  • NS: headache, drowsiness, transient short-term dizziness, depression
  • Gastrointestinal: vomiting, stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation), bouts of nausea, bloating
  • Liver and gallbladder: intrahepatic cholestasis
  • Immune system: urticaria
  • Skin: itching, acne, chloasma (especially often occurs if it was before).

Side effects that are less common:

  • Libido disorder
  • Discomfort in the chest
  • Elevated temperature
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Hair loss, baldness
  • Hairiness in uncharacteristic places
  • PE, venous thromboembolism
  • Accumulation of fluid in the body
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Change in MC (reduction in duration or unexpected, which occur if treatment is started too early - before the 15th day of the menstrual cycle.

If Utrozhestan is used intravaginally, then it cannot be ruled out side effects as:

  • Individual hypersensitivity reactions (burning, itching or hyperemia) as a response to the contained soy lecithin. Anaphylaxis has not been ruled out.
  • Characteristic oily discharge.


Accidental or deliberate reception a large number capsules can provoke undesirable reactions, manifested in the form of:

  • Drowsiness, hypersomnia
  • short-term dizziness
  • Reducing the duration of the MC
  • Euphoric states
  • Dysmenorrhea.

In some women, toxicity can occur even at the recommended dose if she has unstable progesterone secretion. Also, intoxication is promoted by individual hypersensitivity to the main substance or too low content of estradiol.

How to eliminate an overdose

If the drug causes drowsiness and dizziness, then the patient should reduce the dosage of drugs or take capsules at bedtime for 10 days of MC.

If the MC changes or if spotting occurs, it is advisable to delay the start of therapy for several days of the MC.

To cope with other manifestations of intoxication, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

Terms and conditions of storage

The capsules are valid for 3 years from the date of issue indicated on the pack. To avoid deterioration, they must be kept away from heat, light and sources of moisture, in places not accessible to children. The storage temperature is up to 25 °С.


Only a doctor can replace Utrozhestan with an identical remedy.

Catalent France Beinheim (France), Capsugel Ploermel (Italy)

Average cost: caps. 100 mg (30 pcs.) - 351 rubles, caps. 200 mg (15 pcs.) - 368 rubles.

Progesterone-based drugs are designed to compensate for the lack of the hormone and eliminate the complications caused by it.

Iprozhin is produced in gelatin capsules with different concentrations of the active ingredient: 100 and 200 mg each. As a filler - peanut butter and soy lecithin.

Depending on the indications, the capsules can be used orally or intravaginally.


  • Stimulates ovulation
  • More affordable price compared to other drugs
  • Few side effects.


  • May cause allergies due to peanut oil content.

Fleet Laboratories (England)

Average cost:(15 pcs. 1.125 g each) - 2482 rubles, 90 g (1 pc.) - 187 rubles.

The drug is in the form of a gel for intravaginal administration. Contains progesterone. The drug is used to provide the luteal phase in preparation for artificial insemination, to eliminate MC disorders caused by insufficient hormone levels in the body. It is also prescribed for replacement HT for women with menopausal disorders.


  • Easy to insert
  • No need to lie down after the procedure
  • Helps well.


  • High price
  • Not sold everywhere.