Do they do massage in Vietnam. How much does a massage cost in Vietnam? Average prices for a massage in Nha Trang

Many tourists save money for a whole year to go to Thailand for an amazing massage. The massage course restores the body well after long working days, but is quite expensive. Is it necessary to go to Thailand in order to get such an effect, is it not possible to find the same massage, for example, in Vietnam?


Far from the subtleties of Asian massage, it is difficult to understand the differences between Thai and Vietnamese techniques. Although Vietnamese massage is not so popular and famous, there are tourists who do not mind trying it out. Here you need to try each type of massage on yourself, and then decide which one is better.

Vietnamese massage is not as intense as Thai massage, so it does not use much force. If in Thailand techniques that affect the spine more are popular, then in Vietnam they focus on skin care. No one will intensively stretch and knead the body intensely. The Vietnamese prefer energy points, various oils and aloe juice. The healing effect of aloe juice is known to many, and here it becomes possible to try the healing properties on your skin. After it, the skin will become smooth, elastic and hydrated.


Their benefits depend on the quality of the procedures. Of course, there are places in Thailand where they can cheat by providing poor quality massage services. But still, tourism and massage are developed there somewhat better than in Vietnam. At the same time, no one says that Vietnamese massage therapists are unprofessional or do not know their job well. There are simply fewer places with quality services at the moment.

If you do not agree to any offer of a massage right on the beach, but spend a little effort to find out about professional massage parlors, then the quality will be at a high level.


The cost of services is different, both in Thailand and in Vietnam. Of course, Thai massage on average will cost more than Vietnamese. Though looking with what to compare. At hotels and expensive salons, prices in Vietnam for massage can “argue” with prices in Thailand. For a quality massage, you will have to pay a decent amount of money in any of the countries.

If there is no principled attitude about what kind of massage should be: Thai or Vietnamese, but you just want to relax and get a boost of energy, then it is not necessary to go to Thailand. Vietnam is fine too. Here you can have a good rest and get a lot of pleasant impressions.

Vietnamese massage is now famous all over the world. A large number of salons are located in all resort areas of this country. Perhaps there is not a single tourist who would not go to a session of traditional Vietnamese massage upon arriving in Vietnam. Vietnamese massage is distinguished by its techniques, which we want to tell you about in this article.

Features of Vietnamese massage

First of all, we want to clarify that Vietnamese and Thai massage are very different, despite the fact that the countries are adjacent to each other. Do not confuse the various techniques of Asian massage. Thai massage can be called lazy yoga, because the master during the session stretches the client and wrinkles a lot. Vietnamese massage is performed according to a completely different algorithm. This is a combination of pressure on energy channels and impact on biological points, spine and joints.

The Vietnamese massage begins with the legs, the master gradually moves up, kneads the muscles, improving blood circulation. The procedure allows you to remove toxins from the body and improve the general condition of a person. Massage is recommended after active sports and swimming.

Types of Vietnamese massage

An interesting procedure for everyone who came to Vietnam will be a facial massage. Such a power massage differs from the usual Russian one and is aimed at smoothing wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin.

There is also a mixture of Vietnamese and Thai massage, which is performed using special devices - a hammer and a peg. During the procedure, the massage therapist taps the human body, following the energy meridians.

After sunbathing, a massage with aloe is recommended. This plant has amazing properties, softens the skin, fights redness. Even if you are badly burned, aloe in this situation can be a real salvation. There is another interesting type of massage, which is performed using hot stones. This is a very pleasant procedure, beneficial to health. True, if you are burned, then it is better to postpone it for a couple of days, when the skin returns to normal, or choose a massage with aloe.

Various oils and balms are used for massage, so you also get an aromatherapy session and completely relax during the procedure.

Vietnamese massage is low cost, the price per session can be as low as five dollars. Naturally, if you want to receive a high level of service, a Russian-speaking administrator who will select the necessary procedures for you, a beautiful interior and other bonuses, then it is better to choose a more expensive salon. In Vietnam, massage is available in beautifully designed cabins right on the seashore. Such procedures to the sound of sea waves are especially pleasant.

The duration of the massage can be different - from forty minutes to one and a half hours. Of course, this affects the cost of procedures. Longer sessions cost more.

Other beauty and health procedures in Vietnamese salons

In addition to massage, Vietnamese masters can offer you interesting face and body treatments. These are various face masks, body wraps and scrubs. Many of them are performed using natural products. For their manufacture, exotic plants and fruits, clay, mineral water are used.

Almost all salons offer manicures and pedicures. At the same time, the procedures are performed at very low prices, in comparison with Russian ones. The main thing is to pay attention to whether there is special equipment for sterilizing instruments in the salon. Feel free to ask about it and ask for the tools to be carefully crafted. Of course, in expensive salons such requirements are always observed.

The massage parlor is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Vietnam among travelers. And this is no coincidence. The services of massage parlors are an integral part of tourism here and at the same time, a great way to escape from the annoying heat of the sun and the bustle of the city.

What is so special about Vietnamese massage? Let's understand the intricacies of massage and spa in Vietnam together.

About massage in Vietnam

The Vietnamese mastered the art of massage several centuries ago. Initially, such salons were considered obscene in Vietnam, and the men who went there were certainly involved in adultery or simply looking for an excuse to leave the family. Then hardly anyone wanted to be seen leaving such a haunted place. But, fortunately, these stories are far in the past and any tourist can enjoy any kind of massage without hesitation.

The technology of Vietnamese massage is in many ways similar to Chinese methods, but it has something unique, something that distinguishes Vietnamese massage from all the others. The emphasis is on kneading the muscle knots that form in various parts of the body.

Like Thai massage, Vietnamese massage is focused on acupressure. For example, massage of reflex points on the feet restores the natural flow of energy throughout the body, which leads to its healing and excellent well-being. How effective is reflexology? - you ask. It all depends on how your potential massage therapist is a master of his craft and what methods he uses.

Some argue that acupressure works wonders using only their fingers. Others resort to foreign objects, such as hot stones, to stimulate the muscles of the body. How effective each of these methods is, only you can judge and no one else.

- What kind of salon in Vietnam to choose, so as not to regret and be one hundred percent satisfied with the procedure done?

In this matter, you should already trust the advice of people who know and understand this.

What you need to know about massage and massage parlors

Many massage therapists offer their services in public places, on beaches or right on the streets. As a rule, such services cost tourists much cheaper than in local spas, but the quality of performance sometimes leaves much to be desired.

In massage parlors that specialize only in foot massage, everything is quite simple. You will be asked to change, then lie down on a comfortable bed or chair. One moment and you are already in a state of complete bliss from a relaxing therapeutic massage.

In prestigious salons, massage treatments can be both long and short. The price is correspondingly higher than in conventional roadside spas. Basically, such salons specialize, in addition to foot massage, in face and body massage.

Safety in SPA salons

If you came to the salon as a couple and they take you to different rooms, then most likely something is wrong here. We had a case when the newlyweds came for a massage, the wife was taken to a back room and got a good massage, and the husband was massaged half the time, and the other half was diligently offered "extra" services.

Moreover, with English in small salons, difficulties often arise. Therefore, only the ring on her finger somehow convinced the masseuse of the futility of her proposals. What is characteristic, the SPA salon was chosen away from the tourist street, and the desire to save a little ended up sideways.

We do not advise couples to go to spas far from the center. Or go only on the recommendations that they really do only massage. Sex services in spa centers in Vietnam not common and we have not seen such cases. But some "additional" services, the masseuse, if desired, can offer.

Valuable things, going for a massage, it is better to leave in the hotel room. If the place where you accidentally wandered in search of frantic relaxation seems suspicious to you, then, with a high probability, it is. It is better to walk around the city and look for the most suitable salon for you.

Blind massage in Nha Trang

Perhaps in Nha Trang you will be advised to visit a SPA salon where masseurs are blind. If you find this salon, be sure to visit it. In 2 out of 3 cases, they did a wonderful hour-long massage. In addition to massage, before starting it, you can relax in the sauna right at the salon. It will be possible to choose a Finnish or Turkish sauna.

In general, do not be embarrassed at all by the fact that the masters will be blind. They do their job more than well, and their services cost half as much as in other salons. By the way, tips can be given directly to their hands.

As for 1 time, they simply forgot to do a massage using hot stones. Such a small moment, but the main massage was also done perfectly.


  • Full body massage - 60,000 dong
  • Body massage with hot stones 70,000 VND
  • Sauna - 40,000 dong
  • Service package - 100,000 VND.

Address: 07 Au Co, Nha Trang

Massage and SPA in the cities of Vietnam

In Mui Ne, the situation is such that almost all salons are for tourists. Better not think about how to find a salon cheaper, but go there, which Russian tourists will advise you. On the other hand, a salon that is not advised may be exactly what single guys will like, but be very careful.

In large cities, for example, in Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, going to a spa is an excellent opportunity to meet a Vietnamese woman, who may become your personal guide in the country. We are talking about normal communication, and what can come of it depends on your particular situation.

There was a case when a Japanese, having met a Vietnamese woman in the cabin, made plans with her to travel around Vietnam. Moreover, the Vietnamese took on part of the costs. That is, we are talking about normal communication and acquaintance.

Often reading notes about spa salons in Dalat, you will come across a mention that in Dalat you should not even stutter about any “additional” services. In practice, this is not entirely true.

In Dalat, we recommend:, they offer excellent massage here, in addition to massage, you can relax in the sauna, swim in the pool.

Tipping at the spa

A few words about tips in massage parlors. In many salons, mainly in men's, sometimes simply unrealistic tips are required. For example, if the cost of the services rendered was 120,000 dong, you will be required to pay another 100,000 on top. Do not let yourself be taken by surprise and check in advance whether the tip is included in the price of the service or not.

If you don’t have an exchange, but only large bills with you, then it’s probably better and you shouldn’t leave anything at all so as not to wait for change. If you really liked the massage, you can leave any amount, but be aware that a very small amount, for example, 10,000 VND, may upset your massage therapist.

Before you go to Vietnam, if you have any back problems, do not be too lazy to go to the surgeon and consult. The fact is that the back will be kneaded quite intensively. The massage therapist may just sit on you, so keep that in mind, because the massage should be beneficial.

Here are some of the salons that we would recommend visiting in Ho Chi Minh City:

1. Nails & Beauty Shop - 118 Pasteur, District 1
2. Ngoc Anh Spa - 36-38 Nguyen Cu Trinh, District 1
3. Indochine Spa - 69 Thu Khoa Huan, District 1

And also some salons in Hanoi:
1. Omamori Spa - No. 102 B1 Alley 5 Huynh Thuc Khang , Dong Da district
2. Just Massage - No. 237 Au Co, Tay Ho District
3. Moc Spa - 65A Tran Quoc Toan, Hoan Kiem District

Many people know about Thai or Chinese massage, but those who have heard about Vietnamese massage are few. And he is in no way inferior in quality and benefit to his fellows, and if you are going to Vietnam, be sure to visit a good spa or a professional massage therapist. Features of Vietnamese massage Vietnamese massage has its own specific features, which consist in the impact primarily on the bioenergy points of the body. The Vietnamese are adherents of an integrated approach: they believe that it is necessary to take care of the internal state, and then you will be in good physical condition. The impact on biologically active points is combined with a special technique of massaging the joints and muscles, which improves blood circulation and relieves muscle tension. Of great importance in Vietnamese massage is the use of aromatic oils that help improve skin elasticity, restore mental clarity, reduce swelling, allow you to get deep relaxation, improve the removal of toxins from the body and balance the flow of energy. Massage technique in Vietnam There are several types of massage in Vietnam, the most common of which is light finger pressure on soft tissues and bones in the area of ​​biologically active points, interspersed with vigorous stroking of the palms. Depending on what actions the massage therapist performs, there will be a different effect: from slow and pressing movements you will relax, and from energetic ones your mental state will improve and the pain will pass. Another type of massage that can be found in Vietnam is foot massage. . In addition to the effects already described, such a massage improves the flexibility of the whole body, the condition of the intervertebral discs, relieves muscle tension in the thoracic and lumbar regions. The time of such a massage is important: if you do it before 5 pm, then you are guaranteed vivacity and a surge of strength, and if it is late in the evening, then you will have a sound and healthy sleep.
In addition, in Vietnam you can do a face or foot massage, a massage for burned skin and a massage with tapping with multi-needle hammers, a massage with herbs and jars (they do not leave traces, like our good old Soviet jars). light color effect In massage and spa salons, multi-colored lamps are often used, each of which has its own effect on the body. Yellow color relieves negative emotions, makes the mind accessible to new ideas, concentrates thoughts. Red helps to cope with fatigue and gives strength, stimulates the nervous system, increases sexuality and improves blood circulation. Green color - the color of harmony, which has a calming effect, makes a person more balanced.
Contraindications Like any medical effect on the body, Vietnamese massage has a number of contraindications: - general malaise; - elevated temperature; - infectious diseases; - skin diseases and asthmatic conditions; - exacerbation of any chronic diseases; - diseases of the heart and blood vessels; - tumors, both benign and malignant; - pregnancy. Where to go for a massage in Vietnam Massage in Vietnam you will be offered to do on almost every corner, especially on the beach. But if you want a really high-quality massage, then beach offers are best avoided. Take advantage of the services of spas or professional massages. It can be considered a great success if you get to a good massage therapist - there are not very many of them in Vietnam, and everyone knows their names. Going to the spa, be sure to specify who will do the massage: the master or the students - it is clear that the quality of the services of the latter is strikingly different.
Vietnam is multifaceted, and one of its wonderful sides is quality massage.

Currency of Vietnam

The national currency of Vietnam is called dong. In terms of value, it is one of the smallest currencies in the world. Designate it as VND or đ. Formally, one dong is equal to 10 hao and 100 sous, but such small Vietnamese money is not currently issued. Dong is a non-convertible currency. In 2007, the government of the country developed a plan for the gradual transformation of the dong into a convertible currency and decided to de-dollarize the Vietnamese economy.

Climate of Vietnam

If you are going to visit Vietnam, then it is good to know the climatic features of this country, otherwise your beach holiday may fail. This is especially important if you are going to visit this country during the off-season or plan to visit different climatic zones. According to its temperature regime, the Vietnamese climate is divided into subtropical and tropical. According to the seasonal division, the climate is monsoonal.

Vietnamese cuisine

The geographical location and colonial past had a huge influence on the cuisine of Vietnam, as a result of which the cuisine of this country absorbed the culinary traditions of French, Thai, Chinese, and Indian cuisine. At the same time, Vietnamese cuisine has retained its originality: it is not customary for the Vietnamese to succumb to dishes with significant heat treatment, and food, mainly with a small amount of fat (which makes it quite nutritious and healthy).

Vietnam, as a hot exotic region, attracts travelers with beautiful beaches, impressive natural landscapes, and architectural monuments. Along with this, all kinds of body care technologies are very developed in the country, which are somewhat different from those generally accepted throughout the world. Therefore, many knowledgeable tourists come here specifically for healing procedures. Today we will talk in detail about massage in Vietnam.

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The state government has implemented a whole program to provide visually impaired people with jobs. There were schools to teach them the art of massage. Thanks to this, many inexpensive establishments have arisen here, where blind or almost blind specialists perform various procedures flawlessly and for a small fee ($ 5-15).

The interior in such institutions leaves much to be desired, and several craftsmen work in the rooms at the same time, the couches are separated from each other only by a fabric curtain. But the quality of such a massage is almost always worthy of the most flattering reviews. Maybe it's because people who lack one of the senses are endowed with an advantage in some other.