Terzhinan during pregnancy instructions for use. Terzhinan - vaginal tablets for thrush in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman faces many diseases. During this period, the body is particularly susceptible to the effects of external negative factors. The disease can develop and manifest itself quite suddenly, regardless of what measures were taken by the woman to prevent it. One of these diseases are vaginitis - inflammatory processes in the vagina.

As you know, to cure inflammation of this kind during pregnancy is very, very difficult. Medications are selected with great care and in such a way as not to harm either the child or his mother. However, there is a way out: one of the drugs prescribed by doctors is Terzhinan. Reviews, price, the degree of influence on the body of the expectant mother, the opinion of experts about the drug - all this will be discussed in this article.


Candles "Terzhinan" ("Tergynan") - one of the most successfully combined drugs, the main action of which is aimed at effective and fungal diseases in the field of gynecology.


The composition of the drug includes the following active substances:

Ternidazole (slows down the process of bacterial reproduction);

Neomycin sulfate (is an antibiotic, actively blocks the action of harmful microorganisms living in the intestines);

Nystatin (suppresses the growth of the fungus);

Prednisolone (has a positive effect on inflammatory processes, reduces the level of allergic reactions of the body, the amount of pus, strengthens capillaries);

Additional components: silicon dioxide, sodium, magnesium, clove and geranium oil (protect and restore the vaginal mucosa during treatment, maintain acidity at a stable level).

Release form

The drug "Terzhinan" has a release form in the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories, 6 and 10 pieces in 1 package. Tablets - in the form of a flat oval. Color - from dairy to beige. Each tablet has an embossed "T" logo.

Separately, Terzhinan injections are presented. During pregnancy (reviews and comments of doctors on this matter are given below), this form is unacceptable at any time, and it is much more difficult to find it.

Candles "Terzhinan" can be bought at a pharmacy only by prescription. Store the drug at a temperature not exceeding 25C. Shelf life is no more than 3 years.

Terzhinan vaginal tablets is a French drug manufactured at the SOPHARTEX factory.


Many women are interested in how much they will have to pay for Terzhinan candles during pregnancy. The price of the drug varies depending on the packaging, region and method of sale - in a regular pharmacy or via the Internet. For example, in Moscow, a pack of Terzhinan for 6 candles costs from 215 to 313 rubles. A blister of 10 tablets will cost from 333 to 421 rubles. On average, in the country, the drug "Terzhinan" No. 6 costs about 250-300 rubles, and No. 10 - 400-450 rubles.

Thus, based on the average treatment period, which is about 7-10 days, the course of therapy will cost no more than 500 rubles. Of course, in each case, the number of candles and the period are set separately by the attending physician.


Suppositories are mainly prescribed. Instructions for use are attached to each package of the drug. With the help of vaginal tablets "Terzhinan" the following diseases are treated:

Mixed vaginitis;

Recurrent vaginitis;

Bacterial vaginosis.

In addition, Terzhinan suppositories are often prescribed before surgical operations on the pelvic organs, including before abortion, before the introduction of mechanical contraceptives and childbirth. This is done in the absence of the above diseases solely for preventive purposes, as well as to preserve the integrity of the inner lining of the vagina and contribute to its speedy recovery after surgery.


What are the nuances of the use of Terzhinan tablets during pregnancy? The instructions for this drug contain the following recommendations for use:

Before insertion into the vagina, the suppository should be soaked in boiled water for about 30 seconds;

Wet tablet is administered in a supine position, after installation it is not recommended to get up for 15 minutes;

For the best effect, suppositories should be used immediately before going to bed - they dissolve in a short time, but when taken in a vertical position, they flow abundantly and quickly from the vagina;

If during the course a woman begins menstruation, the treatment is not interrupted;

With deep and recurrent vaginitis, the course can be extended by a doctor up to 20 days.

Candles "Terzhinan" are used exclusively as a local preparation, the oral method is strictly prohibited. Since bacterial vaginitis tends to be sexually transmitted, treatment of the sexual partner is also possible.

Contraindications and interaction with other drugs

The next question that is often asked by patients concerns the possible reactions of the body to Terzhinan suppositories. Is it possible to use this drug during pregnancy, and what are the contraindications to its use?

The composition of the Terzhinan product is selected in such a way that it suits almost every woman. Its use is not recommended only in the presence of allergic reactions to individual components.

And how safe is Terzhinan in combination with other drugs during pregnancy? The reviews of doctors and specialists who observed their patients during the use of the remedy are very encouraging: not a single negative case in the form of side effects has been identified in the entire practice.

Side effects and overdose

Such a nuisance as some side effects can also occur when using the drug "Terzhinan", despite all its hypoallergenicity. Most often, they appear in the first days of the course in the form of itching and After several doses, these phenomena disappear. However, if irritation and burning persist, you should consult a gynecologist.

What is the likelihood of an overdose if Terzhinan suppositories are used during pregnancy? Reviews of experts from control laboratories say that due to the nature of the application and due to the low degree of absorption of the drug into the blood, an overdose is practically impossible. However, they should not be abused.

Contraindications during pregnancy

It is necessary to distinguish between the terms on which you can use the tablets "Terzhinan". During pregnancy, the 1st trimester is the most dangerous for the use of the drug - in the first weeks it is really capable of causing some harm to the fetus.

At later dates and during feeding, the Terzhinan remedy is prescribed directly by the attending specialist, based on the personal data and conditions of the disease of each particular patient.

Clinical Trials

Candles "Terzhinan" are considered one of the best options for the treatment of gynecological inflammatory diseases during pregnancy. In addition, clinical trials are periodically conducted to evaluate the effect of the drug on various non-specific inflammations. Colpitis, one of the most common diseases in women of reproductive age, has become the object of recent research.

For the course of treatment, 50 patients were selected, who were prescribed Terzhinan suppositories. The drug was used by each woman according to the instructions - once a day for 10 days before bedtime.

Clinical trials were carried out as follows:

  1. Passing a complete examination, including bacteriological and colposcopic, confirming the presence of the disease.
  2. Directly taking Terzhinan tablets for the specified period of time.
  3. Recording results.
  4. Control examination of patients, if necessary - extension of the course of therapy up to 20 days.
  5. Final check for relapses.

Clinical studies have revealed the following:

After the first application of the remedy, all patients lost itching and discomfort in the genital area;

By the end of the course, the women's well-being improved significantly, abundant atypical discharge disappeared;

A recurrence of the disease was recorded in 1/5 of the entire composition of patients. This is explained by the fact that these women already had chronic gynecological diseases of this type.

Despite the fact that the studies were conducted in observables who were not in position, the discharge after "Terzhinan" during pregnancy, according to statistics, acquired a standard consistency, color and moderation at the same stage of the course of treatment - after about 8-10 days.

It should be noted that none of the observed women had any allergic reactions to the drug.

Terzhinan - vaginal suppositories. Experts prescribe this drug for vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa), which was provoked by various infections, bacteria. When a girl is pregnant, she often develops immunodeficiency, which is why experts prescribe Terzhinan.

At the specialist Treatment of vaginitis using suppositories
specialist doctor on monitor
pregnant doctor study

Women in an interesting position are prone to infectious diseases. Those diseases that took place in a latent form and did not cause any special problems in the normal state, became more active due to pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the microflora of the vagina is undergoing changes, like the whole organism as a whole.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of vaginitis, which is caused by the sensitivity of microorganisms to the substance. Therefore, the main indications for use:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • mycosis;
  • mixed infections of the genital tract;
  • trichomoniasis of the vagina;
  • vaginitis, frolic due to fungi of the genus Candida;
  • mixed vaginitis.

It is also prescribed for prophylaxis before surgical interventions, childbirth, abortion.

With a specialist for examination

Taking into account the fact that during pregnancy a favorable environment develops for the development of candidiasis, vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis, specialists need to carefully select the drug for treatment. That is why, the main thing that the doctor looks at when choosing terzhinan during pregnancy is the safety of the medicine for the expectant mother and baby.

It contains ingredients that together can prevent the occurrence of relapses. These are antifungal agents and antiseptics or antibiotics.

The use of the drug at different times

Gestational ageIndications for useContraindications
First trimesterIncreased leukocytes, thrush. After a doctor's appointment. When the symptoms are mild and the disease does not threaten the health of the expectant mother and baby, doctors suggest waiting with the treatment of infectious diseases until the second trimester.Strictly after the appointment of a doctor, since any drugs in the first trimester must be taken with caution.
Second trimesterTerzhinan during gestation is prescribed to get rid of microbes, bacteria and fungi, with the appearance of severe itching, burning, swelling.In the 2nd trimester, only individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to the components is taken into account.
third trimesterThe drug is prescribed for infection, as well as to normalize the microflora of the vagina and restore the mucous membrane and epithelium. It is also prescribed for the treatment of the birth canal, in order to avoid infection of the infant with candidiasis.Almost all are minimized, since the nervous system has already formed. Therefore, the appointment is determined by the doctor individually, as well as throughout pregnancy.

For the treatment of vaginitis

Discharges and other consequences

Sometimes, when terzhinan suppositories are used during pregnancy, a woman may be frightened by the appearance of discharge. It is necessary to determine the reasons why this is happening. This usually has no negative consequences. It's all about the candles themselves. They have features and when introduced into the vagina, they begin to dissolve under the influence of heat.

The mucous membrane absorbs the main part, the rest comes out. That is why part of the drug may come out during the next day after application. This is a normal process and is the norm. And it happens when using vaginal suppositories or when using rectal suppositories. There are no other reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge.

Sometimes a woman may experience slight discomfort after using candles. It can be expressed as a slight burning sensation, irritation on the skin. In this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist; before that, the pregnant woman should stop taking terzhinan. This happens when a woman has a sensitive mucous membrane or is allergic to the components of the drug.

In any case, all side effects are expressed in a local reaction. It happens that the reason is the incorrect input of the candle. In some women, the increased vulnerability of the vagina, if the painful sensation passes quickly, it is not worth stopping the treatment.

If a double dose of the drug enters the body, its components can cause poisoning of the body and harm the unborn child. When taken orally, the drug may pass into the placenta to the baby. It is not yet recommended to take terzhinan in the 1st trimester, it is better to wait until the 16th week of pregnancy (if there is no urgent need, and the doctor does not insist on taking the drug).

There will be discharge after use

There can be no overdose of the drug, since it is not absorbed into the blood. That is why the increase in concentration is impossible. At an increased dose, the condition due to which the drug had to be taken may worsen. The reaction may be ambiguous, the symptoms may stop, but may also intensify. In this case, you need to remove the candle and consult a gynecologist.

Contraindications are limited only to individual intolerance and allergies. The action of terzhinan does not go beyond the vaginal mucosa. In any case, taking the drug should be under the supervision of a specialist, he will select the drug, taking into account the characteristics of the condition and your body.

Features of the drug

The instructions for terzhinan say that the drug must be used at night. A woman during pregnancy should insert a tablet (before use, it must be held in warm water for at least 30 seconds) deep into the vagina once a day. Before going to bed, the most optimal time is when a woman can lie quietly and not move, which will contribute to the normal absorption of the drug. If you use candles during the day, after the introduction of at least 10-15 minutes, you must lie still. Usually the duration of treatment is 10 days. If the expectant mother has candidal vaginitis, then the doctor can extend the course to 20 days.

Features of the use of terzhinan at an early stage up to the 16th week of pregnancy are that the first trimester is always dangerous for taking medications and, if there are any pathologies, it is worth following the recommendations of a specialist. But it is impossible to ignore the inflammatory processes. In special cases, the specialist prescribes an individual treatment regimen, it will be necessary to follow his recommendations. Because infection can lead to premature birth or abortion.

Each woman has an individual treatment plan

In the 2nd trimester of danger, there are fewer restrictions than in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. The main prohibitions on the use of antibiotics, but terzhinan contains them in small quantities. Therefore, the medicine is safe for a pregnant woman and a baby. The dosage remains normal, in the absence of any discomfort.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, approaching the time of childbirth, you do not need to give the body a heavy load. This applies to the use of terzhinan, other drugs, as well as physical and emotional stress. Until the last month, the dosage remains normal. At any time, you can not use the medicine on your own, only after consulting a specialist.

Pregnancy is always a joyful event, but some moments can overshadow the expectant mother. And these include not only irritability, fatigue, various ailments and mood swings, but also visits to the doctor. The most common reason for such visits is the common thrush, which often occurs during pregnancy. The disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida - the natural inhabitants of the vaginal microflora, the reproduction of which is restrained during the normal functioning of the immune system. But during the period of expectation of a baby, immunity drops sharply, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy, and it is this factor that gives a kind of start for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Terzhinan vaginal suppositories during pregnancy can help in this case.

During pregnancy, diseases of the vaginal microflora are exacerbated, caused by various microorganisms, bacteria, Candida fungi, Trichomonas, vaginitis, various types, so gynecologists prescribe Terzhinan suppositories to normalize it and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The composition of the drug and the main action of the components

Terzhinan vaginal suppositories contain:

  1. Nystatin - a time-tested, effective substance that is excellent in the treatment of many fungal infections, especially candidiasis.
  2. Ternidazole - is the main component of the drug and shows the greatest activity against Trichomonas, while it has an antibacterial effect.
  3. Prednisolone- the substance belongs to the group of corticosteroids and its main action is the relief of various inflammatory processes.
  4. Neomycin - neomycin sulfate is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group, it is necessary to eliminate purulent complications in diseases and disorders of the vaginal microflora.

Considering the action of all components of the drug, Terzhinan is highly effective in the fight against many types of microorganisms. Due to the active effect on pathogens and the suppression of the function of their reproduction, suppositories also contribute to the reduction of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for use

Terzhinan is prescribed to a woman not only during pregnancy, but also during the normal state of the body, if necessary.

The main indications are:

  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • fungal vaginitis, including those caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • mixed vaginitis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • violation of the state of the vaginal microflora.

Often the drug is prescribed for the prevention of the occurrence of various diseases, for example:

  • before any gynecological operations or procedures;
  • before an abortion;
  • before the start of natural childbirth;
  • before the installation (and after it) of intrauterine devices, in particular, spirals;
  • before hysterography;
  • before diathermocoagulation of the cervix and after this procedure.

In some cases, Terzhinan may be prescribed as a preventive measure during pregnancy in the first or last trimester.

The cost of the drug depends mainly on the number of vaginal tablets in the package. Most often in pharmacy chains there are cardboard boxes containing 6 or 10 candles, costing from 370 to 550 rubles, respectively.

Can Terzhinan be used during pregnancy?

The drug has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal and antibacterial action, which allows you to normalize the work of the vaginal microflora. Can Terzhinan be taken during pregnancy? For women during the gestation period, it is prescribed in cases where there are symptoms of the disease, as well as for their prevention.

Some women are afraid to use such vaginal suppositories, because they contain an antibiotic. But according to many doctors, the drug has an exclusively local effect, without being absorbed into the bloodstream, so it has no effect on the fetus and its development. Terzhinan can be used at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, because due to the local action, its particles do not penetrate into milk.

Terzhinan is often used during pregnancy for prophylactic purposes, including in the early stages, for example, in cases where a woman previously had various diseases of the vaginal mucosa to prevent their exacerbation. In the presence of diseases in late pregnancy, the drug is prescribed to a woman in order to avoid infection of the child passing through the mother's birth canal.

Some women are afraid of increased discharge after the use of Terzhinan during pregnancy and the appearance of abundant white discharge of a foamy structure, but this phenomenon indicates the active effect of the administered medication and the cleansing of mucous membranes from pathogenic microflora.

Dosage and method of application

According to the instructions Terzhinan during pregnancy is introduced into the vagina once a day, one tablet. It is best to use the drug at bedtime, lying down, so that the effect of the drug lasts as long as possible. If suppositories are used during the day, then after the administration of the drug, it is necessary to remain in the supine position for at least 4 hours.

To prevent the tablet from falling out of the vagina, it is not worth using a hygienic tampon, since it will close part of the mucous membranes from treatment with medicinal substances and the treatment will not be effective.

The course of application of the drug is from 7 to 10 days, but if the mucous membranes of the vagina are affected by any type of fungal infection, the treatment can be extended by the doctor up to 20 days.

Contraindications and side effects

At the beginning of drug therapy, many women note a burning sensation and itching in the treated area, but it is not necessary to stop treatment because of this, since this condition is a normal reaction of the pregnant woman's body to the process of suppressing existing pathogens in the vagina. Such unpleasant symptoms with the normal course of treatment disappear on their own after 2-3 days. But if after 3 days this did not happen and the burning sensation persists, you should consult a doctor.

The therapeutic effect of Terzhinan tablets occurs exclusively locally, therefore it does not have any effect on the body of the expectant mother as a whole, as well as on the development of the fetus.

Perhaps the only contraindication to the use of the drug can be called the presence of individual intolerance to any of its components, which is rare. The symptom in this case is an unbearable burning sensation and severe itching in the vagina, which occurs almost immediately after the administration of the pill.

To avoid re-infection with the infection and subsequent relapses, sexual contacts should be excluded for the duration of therapy, while the partner also needs to undergo a course of treatment.

The opinion of specialists about the drug and some important points of its use

Most gynecologists claim that Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy are not only an effective drug in the fight against thrush, vaginitis and various infectious diseases of the female genital organs, but also completely safe for both the mother and the fetus.

In the instructions for the drug, you can see a record that its use during pregnancy is possible only with caution and under the supervision of a doctor. For example, in the second and third trimester, suppositories are often used when there are good reasons for this, for example, the threat of infection of the fetus at the beginning of the opening of the cervix or during birth.

There is also some myth that Terzhinan suppositories can affect the hormonal background of a woman, dramatically changing it, which during pregnancy can cause a lot of complications, including its interruption. But this applies to other drugs of the Terzhinan line, such as injection solutions and oral tablets, which are never prescribed to pregnant women.

Some women complain of inconvenience and discomfort when inserting suppositories, as well as insufficient effectiveness. But, if you use the product strictly according to the instructions, that is, first lower the vaginal tablet before inserting it into the vagina for 20-30 seconds in warm water, then no inconvenience is felt. In addition, pre-soaking the candle contributes to its faster dissolution and the most effective effect.

It is important to remember that you should not prescribe the drug yourself, even if there are indications for its use. This can only be done by a specialist. It is dangerous to self-medicate while waiting for a baby.

Useful video: treatment of thrush during pregnancy

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While waiting for the birth of a child, expectant mothers note that the body becomes more susceptible to infectious and inflammatory diseases. This feature is associated with a natural decrease in the synthesis of protective antibodies. The deterioration of the mother's immune system is necessary for carrying a baby.

Terzhinan during pregnancy is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of urogenital diseases of an infectious nature. The drug is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, so it is used during the period of bearing a child. The medicine has high efficiency and affordable price, therefore it is widely used in obstetric practice.

The composition of the drug

Terzhinan is a combination drug, which includes four components. The first of them is the antimicrobial agent Ternidazole.

The drug is effective against many types of bacteria living in the absence of oxygen - anaerobes. These include clostridia, peptococci, fusobacteria, spirochetes, etc. Also, the drug is effective against some protozoa - Trichomonas, Chlamydia, Giardia, Amoebas and some others.

When used locally, the medicine produces an anti-inflammatory effect - it relieves redness, swelling, soreness. Also, the drug has an antioxidant effect, it improves tissue regeneration.

At high concentrations, neomycin can damage the cell membrane, making it permeable to various substances. Due to this effect, harmful metabolic products and digestive enzymes enter the microbial cell, which causes its death - a bactericidal effect.

The fourth component of Terzhinan is the steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Prednisolone. This substance reduces the intensity of the body's immune response to the infectious process, reducing the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The drug helps to relieve redness, swelling, pain, migration of lymphocytes.

The drug Terzhinan almost does not enter the general circulation, acting locally. A small part of the drug that enters the bloodstream is metabolized in the liver. The half-life of the drug is 8 hours. About 70% of Terzhinan's metabolites leave the human body with urine, the rest with feces through the digestive system.

Release form and expiration date

Terzhinan is available in the form of vaginal tablets of 6 or 10 pieces in one package. One suppository contains 0.2 g of Ternidazole, 0.1 g of Neomycin, 100,000 IU of Nystatin, 3000 mg of Prednisolone.

The drug contains additional components - geranium and clove oils. They have a softening and astringent effect on the mucous membrane, relieving discomfort in the vagina. Also, plant extracts have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect, which enhances the therapeutic properties of the drug.

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees Celsius. The medicine has a shelf life of 36 months, after its expiration, taking Terzhinan is prohibited. The medication should not be left in places accessible to small children. The drug can be purchased at pharmacies only with a prescription form.

Indications for use

Terzhinan during pregnancy is used for the following indications:
  • treatment of infectious inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • therapy of vaginal trichomoniasis;
  • therapy of vaginal candidiasis;
  • therapy of vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • prevention of postpartum infection;
  • prevention of bacterial complications after caesarean section;
  • prevention of infection after surgical abortion.
The drug is included in the list of recommended medicines for the treatment of infectious diseases of the vagina. Terzhinan is a priority for the treatment of trichomonas inflammation in expectant mothers.

Terzhinan: indications, side effects, course of treatment, analogues.

The effect of the drug on the fetus

In the course of clinical trials conducted in Europe and Russia, it was found that the drug does not contribute to the increase in complications from the fetus - and so on.

However, experts believe that taking any medication is not desirable before. In the 1st trimester, the formation of all organs of the unborn child occurs, harmful metabolites of drugs can affect the complex processes of tissue division. That is why doctors do not recommend resorting to drug therapy in early pregnancy.

Terzhinan can be used according to indications in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The drug does not affect the intensity of labor, so it is prescribed before childbirth - at 37-39 weeks of the gestation period.

Instructions for use

The duration of the course of treatment is selected by the attending physician and depends on the disease. Its average duration is 10 days. It is impossible to interrupt the course of therapy immediately after the disappearance of symptoms, as the patient increases the likelihood of relapse. Cancellation of the drug is possible only after a negative smear from the vagina for pathogenic flora.

Terzhinan is prescribed 1 tablet once a day. According to the instructions for use, the drug should be used at bedtime, however, the patient can administer the suppository at any convenient time of the day.

Before use, the patient should thoroughly clean her hands with soap and water, then dip the tablet in water for 25 seconds. After that, the expectant mother should lie on her side, bend her legs at the knee and hip joints, inject the drug into the vagina to the maximum depth.

If everything is done correctly, the patient should not feel discomfort. After the introduction of a vaginal tablet, a woman should take a supine position for 20 minutes. After a few hours, yellow discharge from the genital tract may appear - the remnants of the drug. If there is a sexual partner, he should also undergo antimicrobial therapy.


The drug is strictly prohibited for use in persons with allergic reactions to its components. The drug is not recommended for use in the presence of the following contraindications:
  • defects in the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • chronic renal failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • severe chronic liver disease.

Side effects

Usually the drug does not cause negative reactions during the course of treatment. Very rarely, patients report the appearance of local effects. The most common of them are burning, itching, redness, irritation of the vagina. Pain in the genital area is less common. If the described symptoms appear, treatment should be suspended.

Less often, against the background of drug therapy, patients note the development of allergic reactions. They appear as rashes or blisters on the vulva or other parts of the body. Very rarely, hypersensitivity causes angioedema. If symptoms of allergy appear, the patient should immediately stop treatment, rinse the vagina from drug particles and seek medical help.

Terzhinan's analogs

- a drug whose active ingredient is the antiseptic Chlorhexidine. The medicine is sold in the form of suppositories. The drug is effective against many pathogenic microbes - chlamydia, staphylococci, etc. The drug is used to treat and prevent urogenital pathologies in women.

Betadine is an antiseptic drug available in the form of liquid soap, solution, ointment and vaginal suppositories. It is effective against many types of bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungi. In obstetrics, the drug is used to treat vaginitis of various etiologies. The drug is not recommended for use from the third month of gestational age.

Polygynax is a multicomponent preparation containing the antibiotics Neomycin and Polymyxin. It also contains the antifungal agent Nystatin. The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of vaginal capsules. The drug is effective against many types of microorganisms. The drug is not prohibited during the gestation period.

A drug sold in the form of vaginal suppositories. The active ingredient of the drug is the antifungal substance Ketoconazole. Livarol is indicated for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis and for its prevention during the use of antibacterial agents. The medicine can be used during pregnancy only according to indications after being prescribed by a specialist.

The drug is sold in the form of a cream, tablets and vaginal suppositories. The drug is intended for the treatment of fungal pathologies, its active ingredient is Natamycin. In gynecological practice, the drug is used to treat and prevent thrush. Pimafucin is not contraindicated during the period of bearing a child, but its use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Any woman should always take care of her health, especially if she is expecting a baby. However, even pregnant women who are responsible for this issue often face various ailments. The most common disease during this period is thrush or candidiasis. It occurs in more than 75% of pregnant women, causes discomfort and pain in the intimate area.

Thrush appears against the background of a weakened immune system as a result of a sharp development of fungal microflora. The body during pregnancy experiences a lot of stress and stress, so its protective function is weakened, and it is not able to resist diseases.

Terzhinan - what is this drug?

The appointment of any drugs to women in position is of concern, since their action can unpredictably affect both the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby. When candidiasis occurs, women are usually prescribed Terzhinan vaginal tablets. What is this remedy and why is Terzhinan prescribed during pregnancy?

Thrush is a gynecological disease that is usually caused by an imbalance of microflora when the body's immune system is weakened. She gives a woman a lot of inconvenience:

  • the appearance of curdled discharge;
  • the occurrence of a specific smell;
  • burning and itching in the intimate area (more in the article:);
  • pain when urinating.

During pregnancy, this disease can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus, which in the future will lead to the development of pathologies or diseases in it. During childbirth, thrush can be passed on to the baby.

It can affect the mucous membranes of the newborn (eyes, mouth, nose, internal organs), leads to the formation of ulcers in the baby, and with improper care contributes to the development of complications. That is why thrush should not be tolerated, it must be treated.

Terzhinan is a complex agent with an antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial effect that normalizes the pH and microflora of the vagina. It is produced only in the form of tablets for vaginal administration, so the remedy is sometimes called suppositories.

The action of the drug and composition

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Practitioners claim the rapid effectiveness of the drug, which copes with its task in a short time and is absolutely safe for pregnant women and their unborn babies. However, according to the instructions, Terzhinan should be prescribed to pregnant women with caution and only in cases of extreme necessity, when all risks are taken into account. This is due to the not fully understood effect of the drug.

Some of the fair sex, who have experienced the action of this remedy, sometimes complain about the inconvenience that occurs when it is introduced into the vagina. According to them, candles are inconvenient to enter, they cause a burning sensation and pain. This may be due to poorly understood instructions for use. If the suppository is held in water for about 20 seconds before insertion, it will become softer and the insertion will be easier and without pain.

To understand the effect of candles on the body of a future mother, you need to know the composition of Terzhinan:

  • Ternidazole. It has a destructive effect on the cell, violating the integrity of its DNA and preventing protein synthesis. It has a trichomonacid effect and actively resists the anaerobic flora, limiting its development.
  • neomycin sulfate. It consists of a complex of antibiotics of groups A, B, C. It has an antibacterial effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Effective against radiant fungus and its relatives. It is not prescribed for impaired renal function, cirrhosis of the liver, gastric and duodenal ulcers, as it can accumulate in the blood serum.
  • Nystatin. An antifungal drug that is effectively used in the treatment of candidiasis. Destroys the membrane shell of fungi and stops their growth.
  • Prednisolone. Its action is aimed at reducing the inflammatory process, strengthening capillaries, and has an anti-allergic effect.

When is Terzhinan prescribed?

Terzhinan tablets have a beneficial effect on the vaginal microflora, normalizing it, which reduces the amount of discharge and reduces the symptoms of the disease. It can be used throughout pregnancy. The use of vaginal tablets in gynecology is effective for:

  • any type of vaginitis caused by the development of a fungal or bacterial infection;
  • candidiasis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • during the period of surgical interventions (abortions, operations, when installing an intrauterine device).

Instructions for use and dosage

Terzhinan tablets are used for the treatment of gynecological diseases or for prophylactic purposes. Practice shows that for the entire time of using this remedy, not a single severe case of the negative impact of the drug on the body of the mother and child has been identified, therefore it is widely used to treat thrush in expectant mothers.

Terzhinan can be prescribed for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes in the early stages and in the process of pregnancy planning. In the later stages, it is usually prescribed before childbirth to protect the baby from infection during passage through the birth canal. Vaginal tablets are available in cardboard boxes of 6 or 10 pieces. Before starting use during pregnancy, you should undergo a mandatory consultation with your doctor.

The drug is usually used at bedtime, but in some cases it is allowed to use it during the daytime with the condition that the woman, after inserting the pill into the vagina, should remain in a supine position for at least an hour. Before using it, a woman needs to wash herself with warm boiled water. Then wash your hands with soap and dry them.

One Terzhinan tablet is dipped in boiled warm water for 20 seconds, after which it gets a little soaked. A suppository is inserted into the vagina in a supine position, after which you should lie down a bit.

The Terzhinan tablet dissolves very quickly when interacting with the microflora of the vagina, therefore, if you immediately get up after its administration, abundant discharge from the leaked agent appears. To prevent this, after using the candle, it is not recommended to get out of bed for about an hour.

When planning

There are features of the use of Terzhinan when planning pregnancy. Any woman should take care of her health in advance and, in case of gynecological and other diseases, solve the problem before conception. The dosage and course of treatment are selected individually, according to the results of the tests, individual characteristics, and the severity of the course of the disease.

As a rule, suppositories are prescribed one tablet at night for 10 to 20 days, depending on the indications. If during the period of use a woman begins spotting, Terzhinan is stopped using until the end of menstruation, after which the treatment is continued. In the planning process, the drug is undesirable to use after ovulation.

1 trimester

In the 1st trimester, the female body undergoes significant changes. Under the influence of hormonal changes, the immune system suffers. As a result of this, thrush can bother the expectant mother, starting from the first trimester.

Terzhinan is a safe drug that has a local effect on the vaginal microflora, normalizing it. It is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not affect the course of pregnancy or the development of the fetus, so a woman may not worry. The dosage is set by the doctor if indicated.

2nd trimester

The beginning of the 2nd trimester is considered to be from the 14th week of pregnancy. By this time, the laying of all the organs and systems of the baby has already taken place, so pathological changes are not terrible. In addition, by 14-16 weeks, the placenta is usually completely formed and takes on a protective function. If a woman is prescribed Terzhinan for treatment, she may not worry about the baby. However, it is still worth remembering that any medicine should be prescribed by a doctor.

3rd trimester

Terzhinan can be used throughout the entire gestation period, and the 3rd trimester is no exception. During this period, it is used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in order to avoid infection of the child during childbirth. Most often, it is prescribed to women who have had stitches on the cervix or a pessary.

Usually the stitches or the obstetric ring are removed at 38 weeks. In this regard, the risk of infection increases, therefore, after manipulations, a woman can be prescribed vaginal suppositories for a period of 6 days. In the presence of vaginal candidiasis, the course can be extended from 38 weeks until the birth itself.

Side effects and contraindications

Usually the drug is well tolerated and has no special contraindications. It is practically not absorbed into the blood and is completely excreted from the body. However, like most remedies, it is recommended to be used with caution by pregnant women, especially in the first and last trimester.

Restriction to the use of Terzhinan is the age of up to 16 years. The tool is not recommended to be used without prior consultation with a doctor, since for its appointment it is necessary to undergo an examination. If you follow the doctor's instructions and the treatment regimen, there should be no consequences. Side effects include allergic reactions.

Most women observe yellow discharge after Terzhinan. This color is normal. The composition of the drug includes additional substances that dissolve over time and are removed from the vagina naturally. In this case, the discharge has a liquid mucous consistency without a specific odor.

If you have spotting, you should immediately contact your doctor, who will determine the cause of their appearance. In most cases, bloody streaks in the discharge are noted with improper administration of the drug, when the walls of the vagina are scratched, with an allergic reaction, with erosion of the cervix. Scarlet or brown discharge, as well as blood clots, can indicate various pathologies, up to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Drug analogues

In the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as the appearance of allergic reactions, Terzhinan should be canceled. To date, there is no remedy that would fully correspond to the composition and effectiveness of Terzhinan, therefore, the treatment of expectant mothers when it is canceled can be carried out by several means, depending on the causative agent of the disease.

The closest analog drug is Macmirror, which has a slightly lower efficiency. In the presence of vaginal fungal candidiasis, Clotrimazole or Pimafucin is usually prescribed. However, these remedies will be powerless if a bacterial infection has become the causative agent of thrush. In such a situation, therapy is supplemented with antibiotics, such as Meratin-Combi.