Constipation in a child 2 years of treatment. How to treat constipation in a child? What to do, what medicine to give

When constipation occurs in an adult, it does not cause panic or concern. Over time, an adult learns to determine for himself effective methods fight against illness.

But if a two-year-old baby has constipation, parents begin to sound the alarm - and rightly so, because this condition is not considered normal.

However, not every parent understands correctly what exactly is considered constipation and when really worth worrying about.

How to understand that a child has constipation?

Constipation is the absence of feces for a long period - more than two days. Normally, a 2-year-old child should defecate at least six times a week.

But even if two year old goes to the toilet regularly, but at the same time he is in pain, he has to push, the feces are hard and difficult to pass, it is safe to say that the child has constipation.

Any form of constipation is almost always manifested by pain in the abdomen, because of them the baby is naughty, crying.


Constipation may be of an organic nature - if there are anatomical defects resulting from malformations. This may be a manifestation of congenital diseases, or a consequence of tumors, polyps. In this case, treatment may be only operational.

However, most often constipation in two-year-old children is functional. Causes of constipation include:

  • Irrational nutrition. unbalanced, monotonous food, or prolonged receipt of predominantly protein foods.
  • Wrong drinking regimen. The child should definitely drink plain clean water. Do not often give your child tea, under the ban on coffee.
  • Hypothyroidism. Function deficiency thyroid gland affects the functioning of the intestines.
  • Anemia. If in the body not enough iron, then the intestinal musculature is not adequately supplied with blood. As a result, intestinal peristalsis is weakened.
  • Problems with the nervous system.
  • Dysbacteriosis, food allergy.
  • Medication containing bifidobacteria, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, and antidiarrheal medicines.
  • Helminthiasis. Worms often cause constipation.
  • Psychological factors. Children often experience constipation when visiting kindergarten, especially if the baby is experiencing difficulties in adaptation or communication problems.

As a result of these factors, intestinal tone may change. There is a spasm that prevents the passage stool, and this leads to compaction of feces. This is the so-called spastic constipation.

Persistent constipation in a 2 year old

Chronic constipation in a two-year-old baby inevitably leads to dysbacteriosis - a condition in which the content of beneficial bacteria decreases and pathogenic microflora actively reproduces. In this state, it breaks assimilation of essential trace elements, vitamins.

In this case, inflammation often begins in the intestines, which is accompanied by spasms, which further increase constipation. Rectal fissures, hemorrhoids may appear. Therefore, the treatment of constipation should be started without delay.

Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of constipation

If the child does not have a stool for more than two days, then some action must be taken. You can do mechanical stimulation - put a candle with glycerin or a regular enema.

Enema to a child

Enema is better with 200 ml boiled water. You can add water a couple of teaspoons of glycerin. Also, in order to relieve inflammation, you can make an enema with a decoction of chamomile. Instead of a traditional enema, you can use microclysters, such as Microlax. such enemas give an instant and at the same time mild effect.

Effective laxatives

Emergency help to get rid of constipation is not enough. The problem needs to be addressed comprehensively. Eat drugs with lactulose, which soften the stool, gently eliminating constipation. These drugs include Duphalac, Normaze. They should be given to the child in the morning, diluted with water. When the stool returns to normal, the drug should be given for another 2-3 days, and then canceled.

If the child has confirmed dysbacteriosis, then you can undergo a treatment course to normalize the microflora. Some doctors recommend Primadophilus, which contains special lactobacilli. But practice shows that he can further secure the chair.

According to the latest research, best effect gives Normoflorin. It comes in three types, depending on specific case, therefore, without a doctor's prescription, it is better not to take it.

However, it gives enough quick effect, and, most importantly, it does not treat the symptoms, but directly affects the cause of constipation.

Due to age, other drugs should not be given to a child of 2 years old. Therefore, the main emphasis should be on a special diet.

Diet for constipation in babies

If a two-year-old baby has constipation, then the following dietary recommendations should be followed:

  • You need to include porridge in your diet. Moreover, it is desirable to cook them in water. It's better to prioritize fibrous cereals- buckwheat, yachka, millet. Such cereals will actively stimulate intestinal motility.
  • Should be given regularly to the child decoction of prunes. To prepare it, you need to pour a few prunes hot water and insist for several hours. You can add this decoction to porridge.
  • The child should eat salad daily from fresh vegetables, soups. If porridge is the ideal meal in the morning, then soup and the second should be for lunch. Soup is best made from vegetables, preferably without meat broth. It is useful to add wheat or oat bran to the soup. Salad can be made in addition to lunch, or for an afternoon snack. A laxative effect will have a salad made from cabbage, carrots, cucumber, seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Fatty, floury, fried foods should be completely excluded. Can be given to a child Rye bread, or bran, white banned.
  • It is necessary to include as many fruits as possible in the baby's diet. Benefits will bring apples, pears, oranges, plums, watermelon, apricots, cherries, raspberries. Do not remove the peel from the fruit, because it contains the highest concentration of fiber. Fruit can be given to a child in between meals. It is impossible to combine fruits and berries with other products, because it is possible to provoke the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.
  • Water almost always helps with constipation. Be sure to give the baby as much as possible clean water. helpful before bed give kefir, and better ryazhenka or bifidok. So the body will prepare for the morning stool.

To prevent future constipation in a child, it is important to change the diet of the whole family forever. In addition, the family should have a friendly atmosphere. After all, children are very sensitive, and their health problems are often associated with psychological factors.

Bowel problems are common even in adults, and constipation in a child (2 years old) is much more common than parents would like.

Improper diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of vital important elements and vitamins - all this leads to a decrease in intestinal activity.

Constipation in a child is further complicated by the fact that the baby cannot always explain what is bothering him.

Diagnostics in this issue entirely falls on the mother, who must carefully monitor the regularity of the baby going to the toilet and behavior on the potty.

Signs of constipation in babies

constipation two year old can lead to quite serious consequences, especially if the baby’s constipation is strong, prolonged or frequent.

During constipation in a child, the movement of feces through the intestines is difficult or completely blocked.

The remains of undigested food accumulate in the body, begin to release toxic gases and poisons, block absorption useful substances.

Therefore, constant constipation, especially in a child of 2 years old, disrupts the work of not only the gastrointestinal tract, but the whole organism.

The main symptoms of constipation include:

  • rare trips to the toilet (less than 1 time per day);
  • abdominal pain, nausea, increased gas formation;
  • increased hardness and dryness of the stool;
  • pain during bowel movements.

If the child’s trips to the toilet and the consistency of the feces to the mother are easy enough to track, then other signs may require more attention.

It is possible to determine that it is painful or difficult for a baby to go to the toilet, not only from his words, but also from outward signs: child for a long time sits on the potty, is naughty, rests his heels on the floor, squeezes his knees.

At severe constipation the baby may have spotting discharge of loose stools on panties.

This is a sign of acute constipation, which can lead, among other things, to a violation of the integrity of the intestine, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

In no case do not scold the baby for linen soiled in this way - this can cause psychological constipation in the child.

Causes of constipation in children

In most cases by 2-3 years anatomical reasons constipation should already be installed.

Congenital or acquired anomalies in the development of the intestine, as a rule, are diagnosed in the first year of life.

But if the baby is tormented by constant constipation, seek the advice of a doctor: tumors, adhesions or seals could form in the intestines that prevent the normal removal of undigested food residues.

The most common causes of constipation in children are malnutrition and lack of fluid. A child, like an adult, should consume a sufficiently large amount of clean drinking water.

Juices, lemonades, yogurts, soups, etc. liquids help, but are still considered food. Develop the habit of drinking at least two or three glasses of plain water a day with your baby to ensure that there is enough fluid in the body.

Diet for constipation must necessarily include foods rich in fiber.

Regular consumption of apples, cherries, grapes, dried fruits will help eliminate lung causes constipation, increase peristalsis - that is why children's institutions so often cook compote from dried fruits.

A proper diet should not only include fruits and vegetables. Balance your intake of animal fats, liquid cereals, and processed foods, which can help reduce bowel activity.

Overuse of medications leads to frequent constipation. Taking antibiotics has a devastating effect on the microflora - doctors always warn about this and prescribe additional drugs to maintain bowel function.

But other medicines can also adversely affect the work of the digestive tract, especially if the baby is constantly sick and takes them often or regularly.

It should be noted that, in addition to functional and anatomical, there is such a thing as psychological constipation in a child.

This disorder can be caused negative emotions or painful experiences associated with going to the potty.

For example, a baby may remember that pooping hurts, and consciously avoid this procedure.

Potty training, especially if the baby is strongly scolded for dirty pants, can also cause disruption of the regular bowel function.

Treatment of constipation in children 2 years of age requires a careful approach - this is the age of formation and development of the digestive function.

It is important to determine the causes of the disorder before starting medication.

Proper diet is necessary not only for constipation in children, but also for harmonious development organism as a whole. Consulting a doctor will help rule out the presence of serious pathologies.

Emergency help for constipation

How to quickly deal with constipation in a child at 2 years old, what to do?

For such crumbs, there are only 3 safe method quickly eliminate obstipation:

  • enema;
  • candles;
  • oil.

Despite the fact that these methods are safe, they can be resorted to only in extreme cases - during an exacerbation, in order to provide urgent assistance.

They do not eliminate the causes of constipation, and when frequent use can only exacerbate the problem. It is possible to treat a child for constipation with laxatives only as prescribed by a doctor.

An enema for a child at 2 years old with constipation is put from boiled water room temperature. For the procedure, you will need a pear or a mug of Esmarch and petroleum jelly.

Lay the baby on its side, ask him to bend his knees and pull him up to his chest. Lubricate the tip of Esmarch's mug with petroleum jelly or oil and gently insert it into the baby's anus.

Enter 50-100 ml of liquid and allow time to soak a little into the stagnant feces, and then ask the baby to go to the toilet.

The effect of the enema may come faster, so before the procedure, put a clean sheet under the child's buttocks. Don't force the enema.

Try to explain to the baby what you will do, show the pear and water, explain that the enema will be a little unpleasant, but he will be able to go to the toilet and his stomach will stop hurting.

If the child cries and resists, firstly, the risk of damaging the anus with the tip increases, and secondly, further aggravation of psychological constipation due to disturbing memories is possible.

The second way to quickly deal with constipation in children is glycerin suppositories. Candles can be purchased at a pharmacy in children's dosage or cut an adult candle lengthwise so that it easily enters the baby's anus.

The effect of this drug occurs almost instantly, but it should be used, like an enema, only in emergency situations for quick relief of symptoms.

After the procedure, the baby should be taken to the doctor to determine the causes of the acute condition.

Another popular and gentle remedy for constipation in children is Vaseline oil. It is taken by mouth or injected directly into the rectum.

Vaseline oil is not absorbed by the body, so it is not absorbed in the intestines, but lubricates the walls and provides a smoother passage of stagnant feces.

To make the baby more willing to swallow the butter, mix it with a little cool milk. Vaseline oil is injected into the rectum with a syringe, laying the child on his side and bending his knees.

Treatment of constipation

If a child with constipation suffers from severe pain it is recommended that you consult your doctor. Constipation may be an accompanying symptom of an acute condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Constipation and vomiting in a child, fever, the appearance of blood in the stool, gurgling in the abdomen - serious reasons to call an ambulance.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the exact causes of constipation in a child. Do not neglect a thorough diagnosis, do not postpone a visit to the doctor and tests.

Most likely, the baby is all right, and a regular diet will be able to solve the problem of obstipation, but exclude the presence of serious deviations still follows.

Diet for constipation is simple. The baby should consume enough fiber, which is the main element for the intestines.

With a lack of fiber in the body, the child has not only problems with obstipation, but also the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the absorption of nutrients decreases, which in the long term can lead to dystrophy of other organs.

Foods rich in fiber are vegetables and fruits. Cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, apples, apricots - these products should be included in the child's diet constantly.

In order not to memorize long lists of fruits that relax and stimulate intestinal motility, stick to simple rule: all berries with skin and stone are your new best friends.

Vegetables and fruits can be given to the baby raw (salads or desserts), boiled or stewed.

During heat treatment, try not to overexpose the products on fire so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.

Natural juices can be made from tasty and sweet vegetables. Do not store such juices in the refrigerator - they can be consumed within 10 - 20 minutes after preparation.

Good for intestinal congestion and dairy products. choose natural yoghurts, kefirs, ryazhenka.

Unfortunately, advertised sweet drinkable yogurts are rarely as rich in lactic acid bacteria as plain kefir, so teach your baby to use natural products- they can be controlled fruit salads or add them to cereal.

Increase your consumption of healthy cereals: whole grain wheat, buckwheat, corn, bran. White bread, rice, semolina, pasta, potatoes can be given to a child in a very limited quantities.

Avoid any sauces high in animal fats (sour cream, mayonnaise).

Limit to a minimum the consumption of fatty and spicy: fried foods, smoked meats, garlic, pickles.

Required element proper diet, and the nutrition of adults and children in general, - daily consumption the right amount liquids.

Give preference to plain water or weak teas. natural juices, soups, fruit drinks are also suitable.

Dried fruit compote (prunes, dried apricots, cherries, apples) is an excellent laxative for children. A mixture of dried fruits can be prepared independently or purchased already in ready-made On the market.

Don't forget the possible allergic reactions on various fruits and vegetables - for children 2 years old this is a fairly common occurrence.


It is believed that the norm for a child at the age of about 2 years is a bowel movement every maximum 36 hours. If the period is longer, then this is already the first sign of constipation, that is, the complicated passage of feces through the intestines. But what can be given to a child from constipation at 2 years old, so that it accelerates intestinal motility, but does not harm him in any way? What is better to give for this - pharmacy laxatives or herbal decoctions? Or maybe it’s better to do without all this and just adjust his diet? Because of what at all small child Can intestinal peristalsis be inhibited?

What stool at 2 years old is considered normal

The main thing is the frequency of the stool. For children, the norm is a daily visit to the toilet, in rare cases - a delay of up to 36 hours. In most cases, children are emptied 2 times a day. The color of the feces is slightly lighter than usual, which is due to the still insufficient amount of synthesized bile. It is because of this that they do not digest “heavy” foods and dishes well. At the same time, the feces themselves are quite moist, practically not fragmented. The smell, though nasty, but without the "acetone" aroma. Its presence indicates a violation of the balance of microflora and possible complications with the digestion of lactose (there is a large group of children whose pancreas simply does not produce the enzyme necessary to break down milk).

Also, the feces should not be excessively dense. And its significant fragmentation indicates that an insufficient amount of fluid is absorbed in the intestine. This happens, for example, if he consumes too little fresh fruits and vegetables that contain fiber.

Causes of constipation in children

The main causes of constipation before the age of 3 years are:

  • an excessively large amount of sweets and muffins in the diet;
  • lack of fiber;
  • salt imbalance in the body (may be caused by diseases of the endocrine system);
  • pathology in the development of the gastrointestinal tract (as a rule, the absence of nerve roots in a certain area of ​​the large intestine);
  • eating a large number fried.

It is worth noting right away that in most cases the “guilty” are the parents themselves, who simply did not keep track of the child’s diet. In rare cases, the problem is anatomical in nature (usually with chronic constipation).

Pharmacy laxatives

Not every laxative can be given that is recommended for adults. The safest thing to do is to do an enema, but many parents are simply afraid to carry out this procedure. In any case, there are many laxatives that can be given to a child. Several of them can be mentioned:

  1. Duphalac. It is a probiotic and is ideal for those constipations that are caused by severe intestinal dysbacteriosis (including chronic). This tool not only helps soften feces, but also comprehensively optimizes the work digestive tract. It is not recommended to take it only in postoperative period. But Duphalac is great for the prevention of constipation. If parents have suspicions about intestinal obstruction in a baby, then you can give him this remedy- it does not harm in any way and even vice versa. The recommended dose is 5-10 milliliters per day. It is better to take it undiluted (sold in the form of ready-made syrup).
  2. Guttalax. A classic laxative that enhances intestinal peristalsis and absorption of water in it, which just quickly and softens dense fecal masses. Take at the rate of 1 milliliter per 2 kilograms of the child's body weight. Guttalax is contraindicated in pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract and suspicion of volvulus. It is also not prescribed for fructose intolerance or allergy to it.
  3. Glycerin suppositories. They are an excellent alternative to the same enema, although they act in a similar way. Instantly softens feces and promotes defecation. However, it does not normalize the digestive process in the complex. Such candles are ideal for a single use, so that after - apply for medical assistance. Glycerin itself is not absorbed by the intestinal walls, so it does not enter the bloodstream (in any case, it is not toxic).
  4. Bisacodyl. These are also candles, they are considered a more “powerful” alternative to glycerin. The active substance affects the contractile function of the abdominal muscles. That is, it contributes to a short-term increase in intestinal motility.
  5. Microlax. This is the so-called microclyster, which is mainly used in preparation for examination by a proctologist or gastroenterologist. Promotes "emergency" cleansing of the intestines from feces by increasing the flow of fluid through the walls of the colon. For children under 2 years old, this microclyster is administered only half the length of the tube (a little more than 1 centimeter), so you can not be afraid to harm babies (the dosage is standard for adults, children, and even newborns). It is not recommended to use more than 2 times during the day.

Above is the laxative for children, which is recommended everywhere by the doctors themselves. These drugs are absolutely safe, they can be used in more early age. However, suppositories and microclysters are recommended to be used as an emergency remedy to stimulate defecation. In this situation, taking into account the age of the "patient", it is recommended to give preference to probiotics - they have more light action. Dufalac, in turn, is suitable for any disorder of the digestive function. The smallest children are prescribed it even with colic. Those that are older - in the treatment of antibiotics.

Folk methods: what can be given to a child

Is it possible to use for constipation in children about 2 years old for treatment traditional medicine? What is the opinion of doctors on this matter? They think what to give different kind decoctions based on herbs should not be. But the same dried pear compote is a very good way to simplify defecation. True, the “laxative” effect itself can be excessively strong, so you need to make sure that there is no dehydration of the body if the child has diarrhea after constipation.


Often, young parents still give their children the most common prunes - it also helps soften feces and stimulates defecation. It is recommended to eat no more than 50 grams per day, since the reaction of the colon mucosa may be too strong.

Pumpkin seeds

Previously, children were given nibbles on fried pumpkin seeds. Moreover, one should have eaten at least 200 grams of them at a time. This also gives a strong laxative effect, but can still provoke gastritis, so you should be careful.


Major bowel cleansing can also be done with the help of ordinary bran. If they are simply brewed, then it is unlikely that the child will eat it. It is better to add it to yogurts or curds (necessarily fat-free or at least with a minimum percentage of fat content). This advice is also suitable for the prevention of intestinal obstruction.

Linseed oil

Has a gentle effect and linseed oil- it is also allowed to be given to children under 2 years old. Doctors recommend taking it on an empty stomach in just 1 tablespoon without diluting. On extreme case- it is mixed with honey or sweet fruit syrup, jam. It also has a similar effect fish fat, but a lot of it should not be given to a child, since hypervitaminosis can be provoked (it contains a huge amount of vitamin A, which harms the body in excess).

  • you will need dry bases of the following herbs: chamomile, cumin, dill seeds;
  • take all the components in 1 tablespoon and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • insist 2 hours.

Accept herbal infusion should be 15 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. By the way, such herbal collection can be used from any age and many doctors recommend it themselves. The main thing is not to exceed its concentration. The taste of the infusion should be slightly "herbaceous", but not bitter at all. Color - light brown.

Adjustment of the diet

But most effective for constipation in chronic form(with frequent relapses) is a specialized diet aimed at enhancing peristalsis and reducing the load on the large intestine. This is where most of the moisture is absorbed. So, in the daily diet of the baby should include:

  • fresh or boiled fruits and vegetables (allowed and baked);
  • fermented milk products (with the exception of whole fat milk);
  • lean meat (poultry and fish are great);
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet, semolina and so on);
  • compotes (it is better to completely refuse from "store" juices).

Another child should drink as much liquid as possible (but not sugary juices or tea), and at the same time completely switch to bran bread. The latter contributes to the normalization of peristalsis, and at the same time prevents the accumulation of toxins.

But from following products it is better to refuse altogether or try not to give up to 4-5 years:

  • chocolate (and milk, and white, and natural, and porous - they all harm the gastrointestinal tract);
  • fatty yogurts;
  • pasteurized juices (replace with homemade compote);
  • sweet muffin;
  • sweets (including caramels);
  • chewing gum;
  • various kinds of sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise also belong to them).

How else to help a child

What else can be done to normalize the intestinal motility of the child? Doctors everywhere recommend doing therapeutic gymnastics. Moreover, children at this age love her. It's about about the simplest exercises - squats, "biking", crawling on your stomach, bending your knees to your stomach, riding a large balloon- all this has a very positive effect on peristalsis and prevents intestinal obstruction.

Pretty effective and any other physical activity. Long walks on fresh air, bathing, swimming, playing on the playground - all this will be useful. Especially before the age of 3 when gastrointestinal tract finally formed. It is precisely because of the process of its transition to heavier food that constipation most often occurs, accompanied by dysbacteriosis - at this moment, the microflora is simply formed.

In total, constipation in a child is much easier to prevent than to treat it already. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid intestinal obstruction, then probiotics, such as Duphalax, should be preferred. And for an "emergency" situation, glycerin suppositories or specialized microclysters are suitable. But after the therapy and successful defecation, you should still seek the help of doctors, at least for an examination. After all, constipation can also be caused by quite serious disorders in the digestive tract, including tumors. You should protect yourself in advance from the exacerbation of such diseases.

Problems with bowel movements can appear at any age. Children are also affected by this condition. In such a situation, the question arises: “If a child has constipation at 2 years old, what should parents do?”. After all, not all laxatives that are used for adults can be given to babies.

Problems with bowel movements can appear at any age.

Signs and causes of constipation

Normally, a two-year-old child empties daily. Feces should have a well-formed consistency. If there is no stool for more than two days, this is a sign of constipation. Due to their age, young children cannot always explain what is bothering them. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the following features baby behavior.

If your baby has symptoms other than constipation, such as fever, nausea, vomiting, or blood in the stool, see a doctor immediately.

The consequences of constipation in children

Persistent constipation lead to disruption. This condition may be temporary or chronic. Stagnant food residues begin to produce toxic substances that penetrate the bloodstream and cause intoxication. As a result, the child experiences headache, weakness, drowsiness. His temperature rises, sleep worsens, appetite decreases.

The child may experience headache, weakness, drowsiness

With constipation, the absorption of nutrients from food is difficult. This leads to a lack of vitamins and a weakened immune system. Systematic constipation in children causes rectal fissures and bleeding. With the accumulation of feces, the intestinal walls are stretched, as a result, the baby has pain, develops inflammatory process and gas formation.

Constipation in a child at 2 years old: what to do

There are several ways to relieve constipation at home.

How to treat constipation with suppositories

The most gentle method is the use of glycerin suppositories. They are absolutely safe for the health of a small child. These candles are allowed to put even newborn babies. A 2-year-old child is given 1 suppository in the morning 15 minutes after breakfast to normalize the stool. Candles have a smooth surface, so their use does not cause discomfort.

To use the drug, the baby should be laid on its side and the anus should be lubricated with baby cream. Then bend his legs, lean them against the tummy and place the candle in the rectum. After the end of the procedure, you need to hold the buttocks of the child in a closed position for several seconds. This is necessary so that the suppository does not come out back. Glycerin suppositories are not used for hypersensitivity to glycerin, inflammation of the rectum and fissures anus. Do not treat constipation in a two-year-old child with a suppository for more than five days. Otherwise, the intestinal receptors will lose sensitivity, which will lead to a violation of peristalsis and natural defecation.

How to help a baby with an enema

Constipation in a child of 2 years old can be eliminated with an enema. For children of this age, syringes with a volume of 200 ml are used. Water should be at room temperature (20-35̊). Too warm liquid should not be used. At the same time, toxins that are released from unprocessed food will be absorbed into the intestinal walls, from where they will enter the bloodstream. Colon burns may also occur.

To achieve faster desired effect, it is recommended to mix water with 1 tsp. glycerin. You can also add starch. First you need to dilute 5 g of this component in 100 ml of water, then pour the same amount of boiling water and cool to the required temperature. This solution has a coating effect and reduces intestinal irritation.

Constipation in a child 2 years old can be eliminated with an enema

Wash your hands before giving an enema. Then treat the syringe tip with cream, insert into the rectum by 5 cm and gradually squeeze out the liquid. You can carry out this procedure 2 times a week. Frequent enemas impair bowel function. Vegetable oil will help get rid of constipation, which envelops the mucous membrane and softens the accumulated feces. It is administered in the evening in a volume of 50 ml. The effect will come in 8-10 hours. Do not give an enema acute pain in the abdomen, discharge of blood from the rectum, or the appearance of a small amount of liquid stool in the absence of a normal bowel movement.

Medication treatment

If the child is constipated, he should not be given medicines intended for adults. These drugs may adversely affect children's body because of the high dosage. For elimination chronic constipation Lactulose syrup is recommended, which is taken in the morning during a meal. Children under 2 years of age are given 5 ml. The duration of treatment is 7 days. Also used to facilitate bowel movements:

  • "Bifiform" - 1 capsule twice a day. You can drink regardless of food. To prevent the capsule from getting into Airways its contents must be mixed with food;
  • "Hilak forte" - 20-40 drops three times a day with meals;
  • "Bifidumbacterin" - 5 doses three times a day 30 minutes before meals, the drug is diluted in water at room temperature at the rate of 1 dose per 1 tsp. Pour into a glass first required amount liquids. Then they take some water from this container and dilute the drug in a vial. After that, the medicine is poured into a glass and mixed. Do not use hot liquid to prepare the solution;
  • "Lacidophil" - 1 capsule twice a day with meals. You need to take until the symptoms disappear;
  • "Linex" - 1 or 2 capsules three times a day after meals. The duration of admission is determined by the doctor;
  • "Prelax" - the dosage is selected individually, the duration of treatment is from 2-3 weeks;
  • "Buscopan" - 0.3-0.6 mg per 1 kg of body weight, take the drug for no longer than three days.

If the baby does not have elevated temperature, colitis and obstruction, vaseline oil can be used to facilitate bowel movements. It has an enveloping effect and promotes the promotion of feces. The oil will not harm the health of the child, because it is not absorbed into the digestive organs. You need to give it to the baby for 2 tsp. If constipation in children 2 years of age is regular, you should contact your pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe an examination and, based on the results, refer the baby to narrow specialists.

Treatment of constipation in children by correcting nutrition

Difficult defecation is an indication for introducing foods that stimulate digestion into the diet. The child's menu should include:

  • bran;
  • whole grain bread;
  • yogurt, curdled milk, kefir;
  • fruits vegetables;
  • fresh juices.

The child's menu should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, yogurts

The baby should drink enough liquid - 50 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day. Juices and compotes are not included in this volume. Drink filtered non-carbonated water. If a child is constipated at 2 years old, he does not need to be given food that has a fastening effect. This:

  • pasta;
  • potato dishes;
  • semolina;
  • bananas;
  • jelly;
  • chocolate;
  • delicious pastries.
  • cocoa, tea;
  • mayonnaise, sour cream.

To help the baby get used to such a diet, it should be followed by the whole family.

Traditional medicine

Folk methods are also quite effective in violation of defecation. The following recipes will help to normalize digestion:

  • chop the prunes in a blender, then mix the mass with water in a ratio of 1:1. Give the child 2 tsp. for the night;
  • peel the cucumber, grate it, take 2 tsp twice a day;
  • 1 st. l. dill seeds pour 300 ml of boiling water, drink after cooling, 0.5 cups during the day;
  • children are given in the morning before meals, 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil. But it is recommended to sterilize it first. The oil is poured into a jar, which is placed in a pot of water, then it is put on fire and boiled for 30 minutes;
  • 100 g of prunes are mixed with 2 tsp. hay herbs, pour 600 ml of boiling water, insist 3 hours and filter. You need to take 3 tbsp. l. every hour;
  • bran is poured with hot water, which is drained after cooling. The child is given 1 tsp. with food three times a day. The course of admission continues for 10 days;
  • give the baby on an empty stomach 100 ml of carrot juice;
  • an hour before going to bed, drink a glass of kefir. The product must be fresh, if it stays for 3 days or more, the effect will be the opposite;
  • Grind 100 g of dates, figs, dried apricots, raisins and prunes with a meat grinder, add 1 tbsp. l. honey (provided that the child is not allergic to this product). Mass should be given in the morning and evening. It can be consumed with porridge or make a sandwich;
  • 20 g of senna or rhubarb root pour a glass of water and boil for 20 minutes, take 100 ml before bedtime.

Help solve the problem of constipation physical exercise, which help strengthen the muscles of the intestine and improve motility. With children, it is recommended to perform tilts, leg swings, squats and strengthening the press. You can also activate the muscles of the digestive system with the help of running, cycling or skating. In the morning before meals it is useful to drink 200 liters of water. It is desirable to eliminate psychological factors that prevent the child from going to the toilet.

Treatment of constipation with massage

Abdominal massage will help improve peristalsis. It's running in a circular motion clockwise. For this purpose, they make acupressure. Lay the baby on his back, step back from the navel 2 cm and lightly press on this area with your fingertips for about 2 minutes. Repeat the movement 3-5 times. It is advisable to perform such a massage daily until digestion normalizes.

Difficult defecation not only causes discomfort to the child, but can also cause serious health problems. Therefore, it is important for parents to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner and begin treatment. If, in addition to constipation, the baby is not bothered by anything, you can independently perform procedures that help restore digestion. But if the child's health worsens, bleeding occurs, fever or weakness, it is necessary to call an ambulance.