Hair coloring yellow. How to remove yellowness from hair and quickly wash off the “chicken effect” at home

Often, when coloring, many girls choose a cold shade of blond for themselves. But at the most inopportune moment, when, it would seem, the desired result is achieved, ignoble yellowness occurs. How to remove it from the hair after dyeing? Read on.

Where does yellowness come from after staining or bleaching

First of all, you need to find out about the reasons that caused the yellowness of the hair:

  • Poor quality coloring. This may be the use of cheap low-quality dyes, non-compliance with the staining technology, a small interval between stains. Do not forget that clarifiers can drown out their own hair pigment, discolor them. But the paints paint over the gray hair and give the hair the desired shade.
  • Lightening too dark hair. Dark hair has a very persistent pigment, which can be painted over only a few times. Therefore, brunettes and brown-haired women either turn to a highly professional master, or dye their hair at home several times, causing them irreparable harm.
  • Using poor quality water to wash off the paint. Bleached hair is too weak after the procedure, it does not have a protective layer at all. That is why impurities in the water, such as rust, iron salts and other substances, easily penetrate the hair structure and give this unpleasant shade.

How to remove with tinted shampoos

Naturally, a woman who received such an unpleasant surprise comes up with the idea to quickly remove the resulting hateful shade. This is done with the help of various cosmetics - shampoos, balms, tonics. Professionals advise using tinted shampoos in purple, ashy, pearl or platinum shades. Their pigments absorb yellow.


  1. Dilute the tint with regular shampoo in a ratio of 1: 2;
  2. Apply to hair and hold for 2-3 minutes;
  3. Wash off with water.

After several applications, tinting agents completely remove yellowness.

Longer exposure time will cause the hair to take on a purple or pink tint instead of a cool blonde!

You need to apply a tint every third or fourth shampoo to maintain the desired color.

How to get rid of the problem at home

Before buying special products in the store, you can try several recipes from natural ingredients. They, as a rule, can help in the fight against a yellow tint no worse than chemicals.

Masks for lightening hair


  • Rhubarb - 1 tablespoon.
  • White wine (can be replaced with boiling water) - 500 ml.

Cook the mixture over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. Then strain the mask, cool and apply to the entire length of the hair for 50 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.


  • Kefir - 50 ml.
  • Any shampoo - 1 tsp.
  • Vodka - 2 tablespoons.
  • Egg - 1 piece.
  • ½ lemon.

All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous consistency and lubricate each strand separately. Keep the mask for 5-6 hours, rinse and rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile.

Hair mask - brightening combined with care


  • Honey - 3-4 tablespoons

Lubricate the hair with honey before going to bed, put on a plastic cap and wrap it up. Leave the mixture on your hair until morning. In the morning, rinse your hair thoroughly and rinse with chamomile decoction. For greater effect, you can add a few teaspoons of lemon juice to the mask.

Chamomile and glycerin mask

  • Pharmacy chamomile - 150 grams.
  • Glycerin - 60 grams.

Chamomile is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for half an hour. During this time, it has time to cool down, after which glycerin is added to it. The mask is applied to the hair and aged for 40 minutes and washed off with shampoo.

The effect of using masks according to folk recipes comes already on the second or third application. If you use them regularly, you can constantly maintain a noble cold shade of hair.

How to remove with decoctions

An excellent solution to the problem of yellowness will be the treatment of their decoctions. It can be a decoction of onion peel, which is prepared as follows: the peel is taken from several onions, poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water and gradually brought to a boil. Next, the broth is infused for 2 hours, during which time it has time to cool. The liquid is applied to the hair and kept under a plastic cap for half an hour, then applied again and left overnight or for 6-8 hours if the procedure is performed during the day. In the morning, the decoction is washed off, and the scalp is smeared with lemon juice.

A decoction of onion peel will also give hair silkiness.

Chamomile has an excellent effect, from which a decoction is also prepared, but it is used after washing the hair.

Chamomile decoction

Decoctions, as well as masks, give results on the second or third time of use, so you need to use them every time after washing your hair.

Prevention is easier than cure

In order to prevent yellowness from appearing on dyed hair, it is more beneficial to prevent its occurrence. To do this, follow several rules:

  • You need to color only healthy hair, without split ends.
  • Lightening hair immediately after a perm is highly undesirable, you need to wait at least a month.
  • When lightening dark hair, you should be prepared for the procedure to be repeated several times.
  • The composition should be applied evenly starting from the back of the head and moving further to the temples and bangs.
  • Use only high-quality expensive paint for clarification.

You can remove yellowness from bleached hair, you just need to be patient and choose the right tool for this. Both chemical and folk remedies are effective, which, together with the elimination of yellowness, also restore the hair structure.

Sometimes, after lightening or highlighting, an unpleasant yellowness appears on the hair. Most often, such a nuisance appears after dyeing hair in cold light colors, when, quite unexpectedly, instead of a perfect blond, the strands acquire an unpleasant yellowish tint, reminiscent of chicken fluff, or even rust. How to remove yellowness from highlighted hair or correct the result of not entirely successful lightening?

To do this, you can use one of the cosmetic preparations specially designed to solve this problem, or very inexpensive and affordable home remedies. It is worth noting that for hair dyed in warm shades, yellowness is not always harmful, so for curls that have golden or tobacco tones, a small amount of yellow will add radiance and naturalness.

Why does she appear?

Before you decide how to get rid of the yellowness of your hair, you should understand where it comes from in order to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant shade that spoils even a perfect cold blond.

Reasons for the appearance:

  • Wrong lighting technology or highlighting, dubious coloring preparations, or mixing several bleaching chemicals. When turning into a blonde, give preference to blond colors, and not bleaching compounds, since the latter only kill the natural color, etching it, but do not give the strands an additional shade. The paint makes it possible not only to choose the desired shade, but also to remove the yellowness.
  • Dark hair. It is almost impossible to get a blond without yellowness on such hair the first time at home. In order for the hair to acquire the desired shade, you will need to carry out the bleaching procedure several times or contact a good specialist in the salon.
  • bad water. The clarified strands are very vulnerable, as they are deprived of natural protection, therefore all kinds of harmful impurities from the water easily penetrate into them, which give the curls an unpleasant yellowish tint and make them brittle and lifeless.

The best shade will turn out if you lighten your hair from professionals in a good salon. There, the masters have the opportunity to use professional paints, mix them, add color correctors, achieving only your shade of blond, besides, a qualified specialist will color the hair so that yellowness will definitely not appear.

Cosmetics to help solve the problem

Professional hairdressers know exactly how to remove yellowness from highlighted hair or unsuccessfully bleached curls. Most often, their recommendations are to use specially formulated cosmetics, and most of them are available and intended for use at home. These can be shampoos, toners or balms.

Tinted shampoos. If your choice fell on tinted shampoos, pay attention to purple, silver or ashy shades, they are the best to remove yellowness. To make the blond shade natural, these tinting shampoos are used diluted, mixed with a regular shampoo in a 1: 1 ratio, if there is little yellow tint - 1: 2. Apply the mixture after one wash of the head. An undiluted tinting agent can color the strands purple, blue or gray.

Video - instructions for using the tinting agent.

If the cause of the yellowness of the hair is poor-quality water, it can be dealt with deep cleaning shampoos. They penetrate the hair and remove harmful impurities, but often they cannot be used, as they can ruin curls already weakened by bleaching.

Most self-respecting cosmetic companies have anti-yellow products after coloring or lightening. Silver shampoos from Estel, Wella, L'Oreal, Schwarzkopf and BC have proven themselves well. All of them work great at home, and the result is more than worthy.

home remedies

There are many recipes that tell you how to get rid of yellow hair using simple home remedies. Most of them are quite simple, effective and help bring hair color closer to the cherished ideal.

  • Honey. This product not only hides yellowness, but also cares for hair, nourishing and restoring its damaged structure. Heat honey to a warm state and apply to hair. Wrap your head with a film, and then with a towel and hold for 2-3 hours, then rinse.
  • Lemon with vodka. Mix lemon juice with vodka in equal amounts. Carefully lubricate each strand with the composition, without rubbing it into the scalp, otherwise irritation may occur, and leave for half an hour. Rinse with plain water and be sure to use a moisturizing balm. Not suitable for dry hair.
  • Green tea. Dilute 100 ml of fresh green tea in 0.7 l of boiled water. Use as a rinse after shampooing.
  • Kefir mask. Mix 1 tsp. shampoo, 2 tbsp. l. vodka, 50 ml of kefir, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 egg. Spread the mixture through the hair, wrap and soak for about an hour.
  • onion peel. This tool will not only hide the yellowness, but also slightly tones the curls in a pleasant golden-red color. A few tablespoons of husk pour 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat. Let it brew for a few hours and strain. Apply to hair, wrap head and leave overnight. Wash off in the morning with water acidified with lemon juice or 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar.


The appearance of yellowness on the hair can be completely avoided if you follow some simple rules:

  • When you lighten your hair at home, carefully follow the instructions that come with the dye, purchase it from trusted stores and from well-known manufacturers. Watch the expiration date and the integrity of the packaging with the coloring agent. The same applies to all cosmetic preparations.
  • Do not try to lighten dark, thick hair yourself. The result will not please.
  • After staining, any paint, and especially bleaches, is best washed off with purified water (filtered or bottled). Tap water is one of the main causes of yellowness.

It is quite possible to remove yellowness after experiments with lightening hair. Almost all cosmetic brands have their own drug against this trouble, besides, the arsenal of home remedies is also quite large. However, it is still better to entrust such a delicate process as lightening hair to a professional, and then you will become the owner of a truly perfect color, without yellowness and other problems.

It happens that after dyeing your hair, instead of a magnificent and long-awaited image of a blonde, the result is very sad. Especially if the consequences of unsuccessful lightening remain, one of which is yellowing of the hair.

Therefore, before dyeing hair in light shades, it would be useful to learn how to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening, because of what it is formed and how to avoid it.

Causes of yellowing hair after lightening

The main problem that a future blonde or the person who goes to the hairdresser for regular hair highlighting may face is the possible yellowing of the hair after the procedure.

Yellowness on the hair can appear due to various nuances in hair care.

Any woman should know what causes an unwanted yellow tint (often accompanied by the visual effect of dirty hair).

We list the most common reasons:

  1. An incorrectly chosen shade of paint is a common mistake, more common among those who have lightened at home or are the owner of dark hair;
  2. Violation of staining technology - one oversight during lightening can provoke immediate yellowing;
  3. The simplest reason is a violation of the specified time in the instructions (an extended number of minutes in time);
  4. Another reason occurs when the natural color of the hair is stronger than the dye and is suppressed only by tinting.

In addition, the result in the form of yellowness can occur as a result of the wrong choice of paint, hair care products and even water.

Quality of hair or dye

Consultation of the master in the salon will eliminate possible errors

Poor-quality paint also adversely affects not only hair color, but also their health, therefore, when buying cheap paint in transition or at a low price (or just a suspicious product from an unknown company), it is better to refuse to buy. If the tone is chosen by the hairdresser, there is no need to refuse the offer of an examination (and even more so, you should not keep silent / change its results).

Choose the paint by studying the inscription on the package.

The product must not contain ammonia

Carefully! Wash off the paint in time, otherwise you can get a head burn. It is also not recommended to pour too much paint on the area to be painted!

Poor quality water

Poor quality water also contributes to the immediate process of the early yellowing of the curls. The original color of the hair may change due to the presence of numerous metal salts and rust elements in it, which, penetrating into the paint, create an unpleasant yellow-dirty color.

Water must be free of harmful impurities

Bad hair care products

Inappropriate care products - it would seem, how such ordinary things as shampoo, or balm, or the wrong mask can contribute to the instant and unpleasant effect of the hair? However, it is possible.

An unsuitable product can lift the hair scales, provoking the penetration of dirt and water salts under them. The hair loses its luster and begins to look dull and yellowed.

Note! Many cosmetic companies specifically produce products marked “for clarified” or “after coloring” (shampoos, masks and balms). Such products, as it were, glue, smooth the hair scales, enhancing their reflective ability and preventing dirt from penetrating deep into the hair shaft.

Lightening after other procedures

The cause of yellowness can be:

  • improper use of folk methods of clarification at home;
  • the lack of experience of the master in clarification, or the master performed the clarification process in a hurry, violating the sequence of actions;

Frequent visits to the solarium can provoke yellowness in the hair
  • prolonged abuse of the solarium or sunbathing;
  • treatment of certain diseases (especially if the treatment includes chemotherapy, for example, cancer).

How to get rid of yellowness

And yet, how to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening? This problem is easy to solve, the main thing is to start the procedure of getting rid of an unexpected shade in time, and it must be carried out immediately.

The possibility of re-lightening should be considered - as a rule, owners of dark and red hair resort to this method of correction - they will need about 3-4 tinting procedures.

For those who have already lightened the curls, the possibility of repeated gentle coloring is lightening with the help of tinting (gold, honey, ashy color palette). Also, special silver products with blue or purple pigmentation are perfect for neutralizing yellowness.

Another option would be a return to natural color procedure. It is important to know that bleached hair care products are selected only strictly after consultation with the master, and by determining the degree of problematic and healthy hair.

It is better to carry out the hair lightening procedure in the salon, trusting the master

If a woman chooses clarification in the cabin, you need to know: when carrying out the clarification procedure in the salon, the hairdresser will not allow the appearance of yellowness on the hair(he paints them well, later treating them with special sprays).

But no one is immune from mistakes (the client is warned about the possible appearance of a yellow coating in advance, even at the stage of choosing the future color of the curls, especially those who previously dyed). If curls, styling, lamination procedures were previously done, or the presence of a solution for “chemistry” was noted, it is important to wait a while before lightening the hair (from a week to a month).

Often, ladies choose home clarification so as not to overpay the master for work. Often, the problem of yellowing hair joins the consequences of poor staining in some women.

If it is not possible to visit the office and brighten again in the salon, or purchase expensive care products, then you can always use the methods proven by generations of blondes.

Here are popular recipes for dealing with yellowness in the hair.

Masks for bleached hair

Comfortable and nourishing masks will make it possible to get rid of yellowness on the hair.

honey mask

Everyone knows the healing properties of honey for the body and body, but few people thought about treating hair with honey. Not sparing honey, we apply along the entire length and hide the hair under a plastic cap.

After 3 hours of waiting, rinse thoroughly and lather with shampoo for fair hair, then apply the balm for exactly 5 minutes. Next, you need to use a special spray designed to care for and restore weak hair, spraying it along the entire length of the hairstyle.

Rhubarb hair mask

For its preparation you will need:

  • 1 tsp finely chopped rhubarb leaves;
  • 30 ml of wine (preferably dry white).

How to prepare the mask: mix the leaves with wine and let it brew over low heat. After evaporation of half of the mixture, strain the resulting mass and allow to cool. To give good nutritional strength to the hair, it is recommended to keep such a mask for exactly an hour.

Effective decoctions

Decoctions are also effective in combating yellow bloom on blond hair.

The most popular - onion broth

The husks of several onions are cooked until boiling over low heat. Next, you need to infuse the decoction for several hours (it is better to cook and infuse the decoction in the daytime), and then apply to the hair with a sponge, repeat the procedure after 30 minutes.

We remove the hair in a hat (both a bathing hat and a cellophane hat are suitable) and keep the night. Immediately after waking up - wash off, and immediately the hair is smeared with lemon juice.

Broth on kefir

A decoction is especially effective for those who lightened curls with vinegar.

For decoction you need:

  • Kefir - 50 ml,
  • Vodka - 2 tablespoons,
  • Shampoo (for colored or bleached hair) - 1 tsp,
  • Half a lemon, an egg.

All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and applied to the entire length of the hair for 6 or 7 hours (the hair is removed under a cap or bag), then the mixture is thoroughly washed off.

The simplest methods, such as rinsing, can also preserve the original color of the hair for a long time, pushing back the yellowing process.

Other remedies to get rid of yellowness in the hair

Consider a few more options for getting rid of an unpleasant hair color available at home.

Grape juice with shampoo

This is the simplest rinsing method that will relieve not only the yellowness on the hair, but also the “dirt” effect after lightening, which remains after highlighting at home.

Grape juice - a remedy for lightening the yellow tint

It is necessary to dilute grape juice with shampoo (in a ratio of one to one) and lather - starting from the roots. The procedure is carried out until the final result is achieved.

Rinse with rhubarb or lemon juice

We dilute a couple of glasses of rhubarb juice (or lemon juice) per liter of water and rinse regularly after washing until the yellow coating is completely eliminated.

It is important to use only filtered water

It is allowed to use previously infused water (or mineral, without gas).

Use of specialized shampoos

There is a special type of shampoo that can get rid of the problem of an unpleasant shade on blond hair.

Choosing a Special Shampoo

Special shampoos also help to combat the unwanted change in the shade of blond hair after dyeing. Such cosmetics are much safer and more effective than simple shampoos..

In addition to neutralizing yellowness, the composition of some varieties of such shampoos can also neutralize plaque from dark colors, but their cost will be higher than those that neutralize only yellowness. It is important to select such funds only after consulting with the master.

The most popular and effective means to combat yellowness are:

  • Silver Flash;
  • Estel Curex Color Inten;
  • Nouvelle True Silver;
  • Echoline S6

Interesting fact! Why do special hair cosmetics often leave blue on the head during the dyeing procedure? The substances included in their composition eliminate the red pigment, which makes the hair much whiter.

Applying a tinted shampoo

More than one experienced blonde knows how to get rid of the yellowness of hair after lightening with a tinted shampoo. This tool has a very powerful effect, so you need to use it very carefully.

It is important to follow the instructions, otherwise you can seriously aggravate the problem (from hair loss and scalp dryness to burns):

  1. You need to use the product in a small amount;
  2. The mass is distributed over slightly damp hair;
  3. Expect only 2 minutes, but if you want to give your curls a silvery tone, you can increase the time to 4 minutes;
  4. Rinse your head well with warm water;
  5. If the hair is weak, then after it is necessary to apply a nourishing mask for bleached (dyed) hair.

If all the above actions are performed correctly, then the hair will become beautiful, healthy and attractive, and instead of yellow plaque, shine, elasticity and the complete elimination of the effect of dirty hair will appear. They acquire glamorous grooming.

How to prevent yellowing of hair

In order not to see an ugly color in the mirror after lightening the hair and get rid of the unpleasant yellowness, it is important to prepare in advance for the dyeing procedure. Just three simple steps, and a yellowish tint will not occur, even if a perfect amateur dyes his hair.

First step

Before radically changing the image, it is recommended to assess the condition of the integrity of the hair and scalp. If the curls are brittle, weak, dry, then for a start it is important to restore their strength (with the help of shampoos, conditioners and masks).

Hair mask has a beneficial effect on their structure

Also, if there is damage to the scalp (for example, a week or two after the perm procedure), you should not lighten your hair. Coloring in a light tone is contraindicated for those who have dyed their heads with henna or natural basma for a long time - after all, instead of a blond color, you can easily get red.

Second step

There is a set of rules that will help get rid of unpleasant consequences and avoid the appearance of yellowness after lightening hair (it is especially important to take them into service for those who lighten at home).

Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. You need to apply paint from the back of the head (this part needs as much time as possible for the lightening process);
  2. Then you should paint the middle part, and finish painting on the temporal part and bangs (if any);
  3. It is recommended to paint quickly, but do not accentuate time at the ends.

Hair coloring is not complete without dividing the head into zones

For those who are clarified for the first time, it is recommended to start from the middle part, after 15-20 minutes paint over the root part. 15 minutes after the end of the painting, it is recommended to wash off everything with products for colored hair.

For those who are re-lightened, the overgrown roots are first stained, then the rest of the parts, but it is not recommended to be zealous when painting the ends. You need to touch up at least once a month.

Third step

The right choice of hair care products is a guarantee of their beauty and a serious weapon in terms of getting rid of yellowness after lightening hair.

Instead of hydrogen peroxide (it is known to be a strong agent, but has long been a thing of the past as a hair lightener) it is better to take a paint with a hint of pearl, platinum, or sea breeze. It will not only lighten the hair, but also neutralize the yellow color, and give a healthy shine (and it’s not bad if it contains vitamins).

Most of the women with blond hair have always enjoyed unprecedented popularity among the stronger sex and aroused the envy of dark-haired ladies. Ah, if brown-haired women and brunettes knew what difficulties their hated rivals face!

All these tips on a very popular search topic: how to get rid of yellow hair after lightening, will help keep your hair healthy and beautiful for a long time.

Coloring in blond without yellowness: we dye hair at home. Watch an interesting video:

An unexpected discovery: how to remove yellowness from bleached hair. Find out about the tool you need from the video:

How to get rid of the yellow tint after dyeing hair without harm? Watch a helpful video:

Many girls and even older women dream of becoming blondes, they want to have light strands or blond curls instead of dark hair. To do this, most people lighten their hair with various preparations, but often instead of white, they become red, gray or cast yellow. You can make your hair light after bleaching and remove the yellow tint if you follow the rules for dyeing, in accordance with the recommendations on the package, select the tone of paint.

  • the use of cheap, expired or low-quality paint;
  • non-compliance with the technology of applying the composition, staining or rinsing procedures;
  • after clarification with cold, too hot or dirty water;
  • dyeing too dark strands in a light color;
  • applying the composition to dirty hair;
  • too persistent color of its own pigment, in which yellowness may not appear immediately, but after a while.

Often the reason that white-dyed curls have become red, yellow or dirty gray is several mistakes made due to lack of experience at once. When carrying out clarification not at home, but in the salon, many problems can be avoided by the professionalism of the masters, the use of proven compositions.

The master in the salon will remove the yellowness with special means

Ways to prevent yellow tint in hair

To prevent yellowness on the hair after home dyeing, you should prepare your hair for the procedure in advance, assess their condition and original color. Removing an unsightly shade is much more difficult than preventing its appearance, so you need to approach this procedure with all responsibility.

The use of brighteners

  • first you need to restore weakened or brittle strands with the help of special shampoos, masks or balms, cut off split ends;
  • if it was recently done, the clarification procedure should be postponed for at least 3-4 weeks;
  • if the curls were painted in a dark color, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the yellowness at a time, the pigments of modern paints are quite persistent, they penetrate deep into the hairs;
  • the composition should be evenly applied, starting from the back of the head, moving towards the sides and ending at the bangs;
  • if your hair is bright red or dark red, after the first dyeing it will most likely be yellowish, you need to be prepared for this;
  • the paint must be proven, of high quality, it is advisable to buy it at a higher price.

The tone of lightening depends on the choice of paint

In order for the hair to become evenly dyed, light and white after bleaching, it is necessary to correctly carry out the procedure for their home clarification. For the first time, it is advisable to contact the master, it will be possible to paint the roots as they grow back at home with certain skills.

The technique of coloring strands in white consists of several stages:

  1. Separation of strands into 4 parts. Parting should go from the middle of the forehead to the neck and from temple to temple. You should not wash your hair in advance, they should be a little dirty.
  2. Proper preparation of the drug from the package according to the instructions. This should be done with gloves, using glassware, a plastic comb or a special brush.
  3. First, the composition is applied in the back of the head, then at the temples, then on the top of the head and in front of the head. The bangs are painted last.
  4. Very thick hair should be divided into thin strands, smearing each one so that yellowness does not appear in some places, which will be very difficult to remove.
  5. Redheads take longer to lighten than fair-haired, so the paint will need to be kept on them longer.
  6. It is necessary to wash off the composition first with water, then with shampoo and a special balm from the package with paint.

Paint must be applied evenly

Tips on how to remove the yellow tint after staining

If yellowness or after nevertheless appeared, they can be removed in several folk or professional ways. Here are the most effective and efficient:

1. Using a special tinting shampoo or balm. Ash, pearl, purple or silver shades have proven themselves best. To remove unsightly straw yellowness, you need to add one part of the product to three parts of your regular shampoo, every third time. Keep the composition on the head should be no longer than 3 minutes.

Tinting agents to eliminate yellowness

2. Good effect gives natural. It is not difficult to remove yellowness from clarified curls with honey: you need to smear strands with them in the evening, leaving the mask until morning under a tight cap for better absorption. The tool helps, even if the discolored curls have become red, yellow or a bright straw shade.

Honey for yellow hair

3. To remove a slight yellow or red tint after home clarification, ordinary onion peel helps. It is necessary to pour it into a saucepan, pour water, boil and leave for several hours to infuse the broth. This product is applied to the hair in the evening, washed off only in the morning. You need to sleep, wrapping the strands with cellophane or a thin towel.

Onion peel brightens curls

4. Rinsing curls after clarification with rhubarb infusion or lemon juice. To do this, dilute a liter of water with two glasses of infused rhubarb, which has good lightening properties, or a glass of fresh lemon juice. Rinsing should be done at least 2-3 times. Cinnamon has a similar effect, chamomile gives a weaker result.

Lemon juice removes yellowness from hair

5. Applying homemade brightening masks for some time.

Recipes for homemade masks for brightening strands

Masks should be prepared from quality products, applied every other day for 40-50 minutes. You need to wash them off with warm water, you can wrap your hair with a towel for their best effect.

Rhubarb and glycerin mask

Pour the crushed rhubarb root into a glass so that the powder is occupied by two quarters. Pour this amount with a glass of boiling water, add 60 grams of glycerin, wait 30 minutes. Apply to the strands while the composition is warm.

Rhubarb stalks help lighten curls

Mask of lemon juice, kefir and vodka

Warmed kefir (a little less than half a glass) is mixed with a beaten egg, two tablespoons of vodka, a spoonful of any shampoo and 50 grams of lemon juice. We apply the mixture to the strands.

Kefir-lemon mask with vodka and yolk

Wine and rhubarb mask

A spoonful of crushed dried rhubarb roots should be poured with 500 grams of dry wine, brought to a boil and boiled until the liquid is less than half. The warm mixture should be applied daily to the hair, kept for about an hour to lighten the yellow strands.

All these professional and home remedies help to cope with the yellow tint that has appeared on, make them whiter. However, if the color of your own strands is too dark, it is very difficult to dye your hair blonde, it will be difficult to achieve a natural light tone of curls.

The problem of yellow hair is faced mainly by blondes. The yellow highlight in the hair is not terrible in itself. For girls who, when bleaching, want to achieve a warm shade - a tobacco, golden, brown nuance, a slight yellowness will not hurt and will give a sunny sheen.

Those blondes who initially dreamed of achieving a cold shade suffer from yellowness. They chose paints with purple, ashy or pearlescent nuances, but instead an unwanted “rust” appeared.

Before telling how to remove yellowness from hair, it is worth finding out why it occurs. There are several reasons for the appearance of an undesirable shade:

  • Poor quality hair coloring. This should include cheap dyes, non-compliance or inaccurate adherence to staining technology, the use of other chemical compositions shortly before clarification. When choosing a paint, it should be remembered that bleaching agents only kill the natural pigment, and hair dyes also paint over the hair in the desired color, neutralize the appearance of a yellow tint.
  • Lightening dark hair. The darker the natural hair color, the more difficult it is to get the perfect cold blonde on the first try. To dye your hair without yellowness, you will have to choose: either dye it several times, each time causing harm to your hair, or turn to a highly professional master.
  • Using poor quality water to wash your hair. Bleached hair is deprived not only of natural pigment, but also of natural protection, therefore, rust, iron salts and other impurities contained in running water (in a pond) penetrate the hair structure, giving it an ugly yellow tint.

Choosing products that remove yellowness from hair

You can remove yellowness from dyed hair with the help of ready-made cosmetics - shampoos, tonics, balms. Experts advise using tinted shampoos in purple, ashy, pearl or silver shades. It is better to use diluted shampoo, adding 2-3 parts of the usual shampoo with which you wash your hair to one part of the tint. It is worth using such a mixture during every third or fourth wash. With a dark shade of natural hair - more often, although it is important not to overdo it here - you can get a completely unnatural hair color.

The following products received excellent reviews:

Shampoo L "Oreal Serie Expert Silver

Shampoo Estel Professional Curex Color intense (silver)

Sheer BLONDE conditioner


Line BC Color Freeze 100% Color & Shine

At the same time, there is no ideal remedy suitable for everyone without exception. Everyone has different hair, so you need to try, seek advice from experienced hairdressers who will help you choose the right product, taking into account the structure of your hair. Moreover, there are plenty to choose from. There are a lot of cosmetic products that allow you to get white hair without yellowness.

Before you buy a ready-made remedy, you can try to get rid of the yellowness of your hair with folk methods. Among the remedies that remove the side effects of hair bleaching are honey, chamomile decoction, lemon, green tea, kefir.

Honey mask.

Honey will not only remove yellowness, but also have a caring effect. To do this, slightly warm the honey in a water bath, apply to the hair along the entire length, wrap the head with a film and a terry towel, hold for at least 3 hours, then rinse.

Lemon mask

Dilute lemon juice with vodka in the same proportions 1: 1, apply to hair, trying not to get on the scalp. Leave on hair for 30 minutes. Rinse with water without adding shampoo. Apply any moisturizing balm.

tea rinse

Brew a cup of green tea, dilute in 1 liter of warm boiled water. Rinse hair after washing. Hair acquires a noble cold shade.

A proven way to paint over the yellowness of hair after lightening

In cases where a quick and guaranteed result is needed, it is better to use not some separate tool (shampoo, conditioner, tonic), but the whole arsenal at once.

First, you need a paint that removes yellowness. It can be any brightening paint. It is important that this is not a brightening COMPOSITION, but a PAINT. The difference is that the brightening composition only kills the natural pigment, and the paint gives the desired shade. We recommend choosing a platinum or ash color paint.

Immediately after staining, we use any tint agent (balm, shampoo, tonic) of the same range as the anti-yellow paint. We apply the product in a diluted form: shampoo + tint in a ratio of 1: 1. Leave on hair for 2-3 minutes. It is not recommended to use undiluted drug. Hair will take on a blue, purple or gray tint.

Paint without yellowness works wonders, because according to the laws of color, purple shades "kill" yellow ones.

How to tint the yellowness of the hair that has appeared after highlighting?

It happens that the yellowness of the hair appears on the highlighted hair, despite the fact that this type of coloring is considered more gentle. You can remove yellowness from highlighted hair at home without resorting to salon procedures. To do this, you should buy one of the products: "Tonic" purple hue, LOreal Professionnel Silver Shampoo or Silver Estel Shampoo. Use according to instructions.

You can use folk remedies. Rub freshly squeezed cabbage juice into your hair or wash your hair with shampoo, to which light grape juice (2: 1) is added. It will not be possible to get rid of yellowness immediately, but the curls will become noticeably more well-groomed and healthier.