If the uterus presses on the bladder and rectum: reasons why it is dangerous and what to do. Pain in the anus during pregnancy

The main "pregnancy hormone" progesterone changes the body of the expectant mother from conception to the birth itself. Its excess can cause cysts or bleeding, and its deficiency can cause inflammation and threats of miscarriage. But the most common complaint of pregnant women is pain in the intestines, caused by the work of the hormone in the body, discomfort, disruption of the stomach, intestines and other internal organs, since progesterone relaxes the walls of this organ.

Pain in the intestines during pregnancy easily confused with abdominal pain, which is why women often panic about it.

Pain in the intestines, symptoms

  • Pain in the bottom of the abdomen indicates spasms in the intestines. The nature of pain - strong or less intense, constant or increasing. Spasms are very similar to intestinal colic.
  • Cramping and diarrhea will indicate irritable bowel syndrome, or warn of dysbacteriosis as a result viral infection. But the doctor can make a final diagnosis only after the necessary laboratory diagnostics.
  • Bloating, flatulence, combined with intestinal spasms can signal irritable bowel syndrome. If the pains recur for several months, the diagnosis is confirmed: this is IBS.
  • Abdominal cramps may be accompanied frequent urges to a bowel movement. With the reduction of the large intestine, there is discomfort and a desire to go to the toilet.
  • Spasms accompanied by nausea are characteristic of dysbacteriosis and gastritis, but can also be irritable bowel syndrome or colitis.
  • Another reason when stomach pain during pregnancy- False feeling of unfinished defecation. Spasms in this case are a sign of the development of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Cramping and bleeding during bowel movements, accompanied by pain in the anus- a sign of hemorrhoids, tumors or polyps on the walls of the intestine.

intestinal colic

If a woman has painful stomach with a sharp urge to defecate - most likely she has intestinal colic. The pains are concentrated below, in the area of ​​​​the intestines and are similar to muscle cramps, may be accompanied by an acute urge to go to the toilet.

Causes of intestinal colic can be:

  • an instant reaction of the intestines to changes in the food habits of a pregnant woman (sometimes she wants cold and salty, then she suddenly wants sweets),
  • progesterone hormones negatively affect the intestines: it slows down motility and stagnation of food processing products is formed,
  • the uterus increases in size and presses on the intestines.

In order not to aggravate the predisposition during this period to gas formation and cramping pains in the intestines, expectant mothers must strictly observe the diet and diet - eat regularly, in small portions, exclude pickles, smoked meats, sweets and spices from food for a while. Good for work gastrointestinal tract hiking, minor physical exercise and positive emotions. You can relieve acute pain with a warm heating pad.

Causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

Future mothers often complain: constipation and stomach pain during pregnancy. A description of such an ailment is presented above, but here liquid stool diarrhea is extremely rare
a phenomenon throughout all 9 months, but the main harbinger of an infection or other threat. If diarrhea is excluded as a result of poisoning on stale or poor-quality foods eaten the day before, then the reasons may be the following:

  • worm infection,
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • changes in the microflora of the stomach,
  • lack of enzymes
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • crashes nervous system,
  • intestinal infection,
  • infectious disease.

It hurts the intestines during pregnancy what to do

  1. Many panic - every change in the body of a pregnant woman can be a threat not only to her health, but also to the life of the baby. Increased anxiety, ambition and irritability are the norm for all pregnant women: “hormones play”. First, cool down your emotions!
  2. The movement of food residues in the intestines takes place under the strict supervision of the nervous system. Therefore, stress and anxiety only exacerbate the situation - the pain intensifies. Again, you need to calm down!
  3. Contact your doctor and share your concerns. Sometimes a telephone consultation can explain the cause of the pain.
  4. If diarrhea was provoked intestinal infection, then it does not stop for 2 or more days. The infection is always accompanied by nausea, vomiting, elevated temperature body. In addition, the expectant mother will wake up at night to go to the toilet. If so, urgent hospitalization. In other cases, this is not a disease, but a temporary change in the body.

During pregnancy, a woman may experience not only pain in the intestines, but also pain in the upper part of the stomach, read more about this, so quite often a pregnant woman cannot correctly determine the nature and focus of pain.

Special diets for pregnant women or what to avoid

To get rid of soreness of the intestines, only a correction of the diet or diet is sufficient.

So if you're worried bowel pain during pregnancy:

  • It is necessary to consume enough fiber (fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes), which contributes to the rapid release of intestinal food residues.
  • Baked potatoes, bread and cereals, bread with bran increase the volume of the intestines and soften its walls.
  • With caution, you can take nutritional supplements: they are effective for the gastrointestinal tract, constipation and diarrhea.
  • Helps reduce abdominal pain and remove nausea pectin (orange, grapefruit, papaya, currants, plums, rose hips, but viburnum is impossible: it can provoke a miscarriage).
  • Getting into intestines during early pregnancy milk also creates pain. This product irritates the intestines and brings little benefit to the whole body. It is better to opt for fermented milk products.
  • Liquid helps move food in the intestines, every day you need to drink up to eight glasses of water.
  • Do not abuse caffeine: it accelerates peristalsis, stimulates bowel movements. Drinks contain caffeine - coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cola.

Why constipation is terrible

As mentioned above, the level of progesterone in the body of pregnant women increases and, as a result, the intake of fluid from the intestine increases. This leads to constipation and intestinal pain. Often, constipation does not pose a threat to the fetus, but it causes discomfort to the expectant mother, and can cause serious complications. Against this background, hemorrhoids develop, bleed from the rectum, and rectal fissures form. If constipation is accompanied by bloody stools, or if stools do not occur within a few days, you need to visit a gynecologist.

With a tendency to constipation, pregnant women, unfortunately, already in the period of 4-6 weeks will learn how bowel pain during early pregnancy. But in the first trimester is minimized drug treatment and should only be used when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. It is strictly forbidden to use drugs that relax the intestines, they also weaken the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to involuntary abortion.

Pregnancy calendar and intestines

Depending on the period of the ongoing pregnancy, not only the fetus grows in the mother's womb, but also changes occur in the woman's body. The main attention is how the uterus grows, which accordingly pushes everything apart. internal organs. Suffer here, first of all, adjacent organs. Depends on the location of the uterus, its growth rate and compliance with developmental standards, can the intestines hurt during pregnancy.

1-2 months. On early term the uterus is located in the small pelvis, it is impossible to probe it through the abdominal wall, only through the vagina. The growth of the uterus does not interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system.

9-10 weeks. Noticeable stretching of the uterus, the height of the bottom is 10 cm, the placental system is actively working, the embryo begins to move, in connection with this metabolic processes increase in the female body. Increased needs are provided to the most important organs.

12-13 weeks. - the uterus becomes softened and spherical, its bottom reaches the pubic plexus. In nearby organs - the uterus and intestines, the muscles are relaxed, so the pregnant woman may be disturbed by strong gas formation and frequent stool. Toxicosis increases due to changes in the position of internal organs and stretching of the uterus.

14-16 weeks. In the embryo, almost all organs are already formed, the uterus grows up to 14-15 cm. Especially often during this period, women complain: bowel pain during pregnancy symptoms The same.

17-18 weeks. Formation period ends placental system. The embryo is already taking on a human form. On the head, which is very large in comparison with the whole body, eyes, ears, and nose begin to stand out. Bulges are formed on the torso - these are the future arms and legs. The length of the uterus reaches 18-19 cm. The gastrointestinal system suffers during this period: a woman suffers from heartburn. Abdominal cramps are accompanied by a feeling of incomplete defecation - this is the uterus pressing on the large intestine.

20-21 weeks. The centimeter scale of the bottom of the uterus is equal to the gestational age: 20 weeks - 20 cm. The uterus increases by about 1 cm every week. At 21 weeks, its bottom is fixed 3 cm below the navel. A pregnant woman is worried about intestinal colic and constipation. Correct Mode nutrition and sufficient drinking regimen eliminate bowel pain during pregnancy symptoms. At the "equator" of pregnancy, you should discuss with the gynecologist the need for taking vitamins. Future mom should eat up, but not eat "for two." Hunger and thirst can be quenched with fruits and salads.

22-24 weeks. The embryo has sufficiently developed muscles and bones, the pulmonary system is already being formed. The fetus weighs 500-600 gr., and puts quite a lot of pressure on the organs. The bottom of the uterus stopped at the level of the navel (about 24 cm in height). Pregnant women also complain about cramps in the lower abdomen.

25-28 weeks. The uterus has stretched to a height of 28 cm. The blood supply to the uterus increases. Woman feeling lack fresh air and feels thirsty. Nighttime urge to go to the toilet becomes habitual.

29-30 weeks. Due to the large size of the fetus, an increase in blood pressure, stagnation of food processing products in the intestine is formed. Pregnant women complain of flatulence. You can restore the intestinal biocenosis by adjusting the diet.

31-32 weeks. The uterus is located at a level of 32 cm, this is the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the chest.

36-40 weeks. Last month of pregnancy. At the same time on last month. Child weighing 2000-3000 gr. and ready to be born at any moment. The uterus rapidly descends and strongly presses on the stomach and diaphragm. In pregnant women in the 9th month, food is slowly digested, nausea is possible, heartburn appears. Pregnancy is full-term, and all difficulties remain in the past.

In eating, pregnant women should focus on low-fat foods and dairy products. Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cereals, bran, vegetables and fruits will reduce discomfort, help the stomach and intestines.

All of the above symptoms are not a reason for hospitalization, but a doctor's consultation and balanced diet necessary for every pregnant woman. There is a myth that with subsequent pregnancies, intestinal problems disappear by themselves. This is impossible and individual: conception, pregnancy and the birth of a child change female body and on certain time brings trouble.

Who will not agree that pregnancy is one of the most important events in a woman's life? Women themselves often say that this is the most best time: they give way to a place in transport, everyone around is taken care of, you can devote your time to yourself. But this is if the pregnancy is proceeding normally ... And if not?

One of the most common problems that occur during pregnancy is some form of bowel discomfort.

And this is due to the pregnancy itself, a lifestyle that changes and a change in the psycho-emotional sphere.

The fact is that bowel function during pregnancy undergoes some changes that you need to be aware of in order to prevent possible problems.

Bowel functions

Intestines important organ a person who performs the functions necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


absorption function - this is the absorption of amino acids that are produced by intestinal microorganisms; excretory function - the walls of the intestine secrete some enzymes and juices; evacuation function - the removal of decay products from the intestine resulting from digestion (defecation). Intestinal microflora

The main microbes are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which form a protective film on the surface of the intestinal mucosa. The microflora also includes E. coli, due to which nine vitamins are synthesized in the intestine (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, biotin, nicotinic acid). The intestinal microflora breaks down fats, proteins, carbohydrates, regulates the absorption of water and nutrients and gastrointestinal motility.

However, when studying the intestinal microflora of pregnant women, it was found that almost every second of them has a reduced level of bifidobacteria. And in children born from these mothers, the level of bifidobacteria is also lowered. All this leads to quite serious consequences. Unfortunately, the unborn baby also suffers, because its intestines in the future, during and immediately after childbirth, are populated by maternal bacteria. And if the useful flora is not enough or its composition is disturbed? Hence the majority of problems with the baby's tummy.

Features of the intestines during pregnancy

Pregnancy leaves its mark on the work of all organs, including the intestines:

the pregnant uterus compresses the intestines, partially disrupting blood circulation in the vessels of the small pelvis, peristalsis becomes lethargic, lazy; the pregnant uterus presses on the rectum; the body produces special substances that stimulate the intestines, but during pregnancy the ability to respond to these “stimulants” is reduced, since the uterus and intestines have a common innervation, and excessive activity of the latter can cause uterine hypertonicity and the threat of interruption; (pregnancy hormone) has a relaxing effect on the uterus, capturing the intestines as well, as a result, peristaltic movements are reduced; often pregnant women are prescribed iron preparations, sedatives and antispasmodics, which also reduce intestinal motility; pregnant women are prone to anxiety and tearfulness, any event for them is stress, which also does not activate the activity of the intestines.

Possible bowel problems during pregnancy

Due to the peculiarities of the intestines that occur during pregnancy, the following diseases may occur:

constipation; haemorrhoids; intestinal dysbiosis.

Constipation in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman's body produces a special hormone - progesterone. It reduces intestinal peristalsis, as a result of which food lingers in it longer than necessary, and you experience discomfort. In addition, the intestines are squeezed by the uterus enlarged by the second half of pregnancy, which naturally disrupts its normal operation.

This state of affairs is physiologically justified, since the intestines and uterus have a common innervation. The fact is that with an increase in intestinal motility, uterine contraction can occur, which in itself provokes the threat of abortion. However, if this leads to constipation, then first of all, diet and nutrition will help here.

Treatment of constipation in pregnant women

Avoid heavy meals, eat more often and in small portions. You will have to sacrifice the habit of eating sandwiches, hamburgers and other "fast food". In the diet every day should be porridge and soup. You should drink more fluids (if there are no contraindications to this in the form of edema or high blood pressure). It is recommended to drink a glass on an empty stomach warm water. Include more vegetables and fruits in your menu, cook a variety of dishes from beets and carrots. Dried fruit compote helps with constipation. Prunes and dried apricots, especially before meals, will also help achieve desired effect. And before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt, their variety depends on your individual preferences.

In addition to diet, do not forget about physical activity. Walk more, try not to sit too much desk or a computer, as this causes stagnation of blood in the pelvis and can further aggravate the problem.

But if, nevertheless, the complex of these measures did not give desired result, then do not despair. Laxatives remain in reserve. BUT: the use of laxatives during pregnancy should be approached with great caution.

Remember, treatment should be strictly individual and only under the supervision of a doctor. In no case should the problem be left to chance or treated by itself!

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Hemorrhoids are in the anus. Stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoidal veins contributes to a sedentary lifestyle. A person who sits for a long time heats the seat under him with the heat of his body, forming something resembling a heating pad. In these "greenhouse" conditions, hemorrhoidal cones begin to "ripen" from increased speed. Add to this the wrong, irrational irregular fast food diet of the average city dweller, leading to hidden and obvious problems with the pancreas and (or) thyroid glands, kilograms, which, combined with the same sedentary lifestyle, gives rise to chronic constipation.

In addition, stagnation of blood in the veins occurs due to increased intra-abdominal pressure and direct pressure of the uterus on the muscles of the rectum.

Hemorrhoids are manifested by burning in the anus, streaks of blood in the feces and bleeding.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

All this, of course, does not help normal course pregnancy. Therefore, if there is hemorrhoids, but does not cause much concern, it is necessary to prevent complications. First of all, adjust the frequency of bowel movements. This procedure should take place daily at the same time. With the help of a diet, ensure that there is no constipation. Do the gymnastic exercises that your doctor recommends.

Go on a diet Special attention. It should be rich in vegetables and fruits with a moderate amount of meat and carbohydrates. You need to eat beets, cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, watermelons, melons every day (of course, not all at once - depending on the season). Useful dairy products, brown bread.

The hygiene of the anus is very important. You need to wash cold water after every bowel movement.

External hemorrhoids do not require surgical treatment. The doctor may recommend warm baths, ointments and suppositories containing anestezin (Anestezol, Anuzol), belladonna, glivenol (in capsules or tablets 3 times a day or in Procto-glivenol suppositories).

In the acute period - lead lotions, lotions with drilling liquid, with furacilin, butadion ointment, troxevasin-gel, escusan.

At internal hemorrhoids doctors also in most cases recommend limiting drug therapy.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis in pregnant women

Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a violation of the normal quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora, resulting in an environment favorable for the development of pathogenic flora (staphylococci, streptococci, proteas, and others). Clinical picture non-specific, symptoms may vary. These include: bloating, diarrhea or constipation, belching, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, abdominal pain, allergies to common foods, low temperature.

Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in pregnant women

Treatment of dysbacteriosis, in addition to dieting, includes probiotics that stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria and live beneficial microorganisms (, bifikol, bifidobacterin).

And remember that all these troubles are just for a while, and soon your body will return to its previous state.

The first trimester of pregnancy is ending - a new organism has already been formed, now it will grow and develop. In the third month of pregnancy, the placenta is fully formed. Especially dangerous is the effect on the fetus of alcohol, nicotine, chemical substances- at 9-11 weeks it can lead to malformations of the brain.

Critical periods of the third (3) month of pregnancy

The placenta is overproducing female hormones, in the second month, as it were, picked up this function from the disappearing corpus luteum. And if she is not mature enough and does not cope well with new responsibilities? Starting from the fifth week, some women are likely to have a miscarriage due to insufficient intake of the necessary hormones. This threat has passed. Listen carefully to your condition in the 9-12th week.

Remember: normal pregnancy never accompanied by pain.

Should alert during pregnancy:

    recurring pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;

    feeling of pressure on the rectum;

    increased secretion of mucus from the vagina.

If you have even one of the symptoms during pregnancy, immediately go to bed, all physical activity is contraindicated for you, only rest! You can immediately take 2 tablets of no-shpy or Magne B6, which have an antispasmodic effect, “calm” the muscles and reduce tension. But if the pain does not go away within 2-3 hours, consult a doctor: a protracted condition, which experts call the threat of abortion, is very dangerous for the fetus.

When spotting see a doctor immediately. At this stage, spontaneous miscarriage can be avoided.

Why do an ultrasound?

Question: according to my calculations, the gestational age is 2 weeks, and according to ultrasound, the onset of pregnancy coincides with menstruation, how should this be understood? The thing is that ultrasound does not determine the term, but the size of the fetus. The day of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary) and the day of fertilization are individual for each woman, and it is difficult to determine the moment of conception to the exact day. Therefore, the starting point of pregnancy is considered to be the first day of the last menstruation.

With the help of ultrasound, you can determine the sex of the child. For some hereditary diseases, this is simply necessary. In addition, many people want to know in advance: will they nurse their son or daughter in six months?

fetus in the third month of pregnancy

By the end of the third month of pregnancy and intrauterine life the child moves his arms and legs, clenching his fists, turning his head, opening his mouth, swallowing, even trying to suck his own thumb.

ninth week of pregnancy. The structure of the face is improved; hard palate and mouth are formed. The internal organs continue to develop, especially the liver, which is very important, because until the 20th week it is the liver that is the main hematopoietic organ of the child. Goes active growth muscles on the arms and legs, ligamentous apparatus. Now the fetus is able to move. Movements can still be called chaotic: their main coordinator - the cerebellum - has not yet matured.

Tenth week of pregnancy. The development of the eyes is completed, but they are still closed with tiny eyelids. Nose, ears, lips brought by nature to the human "standard". Most importantly, the formation of the mouth and the entire intestinal tract has been completed: the intestines are lengthening, twisting into loops, the rectum is “forming”. Now your child can already swallow. Both hemispheres of the brain are formed, the cerebellum begins to develop. Soon the child will move not chaotically, but smoothly, reacting to the movements of the mother and external noises.

Eleventh week of pregnancy. The ossification of the skeleton continues. The voice apparatus begins to form. Grow, condense them - in the following months. Endocrine glands, kidneys, liver receive further development. Lymph nodes are formed.

Twelfth week of pregnancy. You can hear the fetal heartbeat much more clearly. Of course, the stethoscope to which we are accustomed cannot do this - a special ultrasonic stethoscope is needed. It will record 130-150 beats per minute - that's how actively a tiny tireless heart works.

Fetal growth by the end of the third month - 9 cm.

Early toxicosis during pregnancy

Why does it happen early toxicosis? The list of hormones produced by the placenta includes placental lactogen. It has a very active effect on metabolism (metabolism) - it increases the mobilization of fatty acids and reduces the synthesis of proteins in a woman's body. Thus, the supply of amino acids that go to the "construction" of children's tissues increases. As a result, the placenta and the fetus begin to "manage" the metabolism of the mother's body, forcing them to satisfy their needs. These processes, and besides, all growing, cause maladaptation: the body's inability to adapt to its "new position". This is the toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy.

In addition to appearing nausea and vomiting, the mother may lose weight, and the skin becomes dry, flabby. Weakness, drowsiness appear. If the so-called subjective symptoms of pregnancy (nausea, salivation, vomiting) get worse, help is needed! Toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy torments not only you, this condition significantly affects the development of the child. The fact is that with repeated vomiting, your body is dehydrated - and, therefore, the flow of nutrients to the fetus is sharply disturbed. But right now the brain is growing!

Don't wait for improvement. Delay is fraught with the development of severe toxicosis, when vomiting becomes very frequent. With the appearance of the first symptoms, consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. Usually, therapy started on time allows you to quickly eliminate troubles.

During this period, walks are very useful. It is better to eat fractionally, in small portions, and the food should be non-hot and give pleasure. Weigh yourself regularly, and if the weight drops sharply, it's a distress signal. Uncontrollable vomiting may occur. You can’t bring it to this, and therefore urgently consult a doctor.

Sometimes worn out by the early severe toxicosis a woman is thinking about an abortion. Get those thoughts out of your mind. After all at next pregnancy toxicosis tends to recur, moreover, in an even more severe form.

Even if difficulties have fallen to your lot - be persistent. A child who does not stop growing and developing for a minute, whose movements you will soon feel, is an incomparable joy in the near future.

Constipation during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, pay special attention to the work of the intestines. A full rectum presses on the uterus, which is very undesirable, so the chair should be daily. Brown bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, especially boiled beets, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, prunes.

A good laxative effect has a glass of water drunk on an empty stomach in small sips, or a glass of yogurt at night.

But taking laxatives and giving enemas without consulting a doctor is not recommended. And even more so, it is contraindicated for women who have had miscarriages before. An enema, for example, can increase the tone of the muscles of not only the intestines, but also the uterus.


Unpleasant sensations in the uterus and other organs reproductive system are associated with both pathological and normal physiological processes. However, if pain, pressure or heaviness is not associated with the ovulation process, premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy, they are most likely a sign pathological process so don't ignore them. For example, one of the non-standard sensations that most likely indicate the presence of a disease is the feeling that the intestines are pressing on the uterus. What can this condition lead to, and what pathologies does it indicate?

Could this be?

Can the intestines press on the uterus, and in what cases does this happen? The pelvic organs are located in close proximity to each other. In particular, the rectum is located in close proximity to the uterus, and therefore some processes in it can theoretically affect the organs of the reproductive system.

However, normally, the uterus is deviated towards the pubis, that is, it is located at a significant (for these conditions) distance from the intestinal loops. Therefore, with a normal location of the organ and in the absence of pregnancy discomfort in the uterus, associated with processes in the intestine, usually does not occur.

Why is this happening?

Otherwise, the situation is with a strong (or not very strong) posterior bend of the uterus. In this state, it does not bend towards the pubis, as is normal, but towards the spine, as a result of which it turns out to be quite close to the intestinal loops. Therefore, in this case, a feeling of pressure and even pain in the cavity of the organ in connection with the processes occurring in the rectum is possible.

In addition, during pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, and it converges with the intestines. Therefore, during gestation, unpleasant symptoms can also be observed, which, as a rule, are especially pronounced during bowel movements. And if this may not be the case with the normal location of the uterus, then with a backward bend, such symptoms almost always develop during pregnancy.

At some stages menstrual cycle the uterus may also increase slightly. When bending, in this case, pressure can also be observed, but not too pronounced.

Such a condition and symptoms are not typical when bending anteriorly, that is, towards the pubis, even during pregnancy.

Diseases that cause it

During pregnancy, the intestine begins to put pressure on the uterus and all the processes that occur in it are reflected in it. For example, when increased gas formation the walls of the intestines stretch and press harder. The same thing happens with constipation and other difficulties with defecation. Pain and spasms in the intestines can also erode into the uterus, causing it, in addition to pressure, and pain.

If pressure on the uterus appeared in the absence of pregnancy and its normal location, then this may be pathological causes. For example, such as:

  • Endometriosis, especially external, that is, on outside the walls of the organ (pain in this case usually occurs during menstruation);
  • Adnexitis - inflammation of the ovaries, pain in which can erode into the anus, which will be felt as a feeling of pressure on the uterus;
  • Apoplexy (rupture) of the ovary has the same features as adnexitis;
  • An ectopic pregnancy in the cervix can be accompanied by pain and erode into the intestines, which, as in the case of adnexitis, can be felt as pressure;
  • Sphincteritis - inflammation of the sphincter, accompanied by swelling, which puts pressure on the uterus;
  • Neoplasms in the uterus, which can lead to the fact that the shape of the cavity changes and approaches the intestines, and then the rectum begins to put pressure on the uterus;
  • Neoplasms in the intestines, causing it to stretch and put pressure on the uterus;
  • Inflammatory bowel syndrome, increased flatulence and flatulence are accompanied by an accumulation of gas in the rectum, which stretches and presses on the uterus, as in the previous case;
  • Constipation, for the same reasons.

Such pathological conditions require timely treatment, as they can lead to serious consequences listed below.


Pathological processes that can cause unpleasant sensations of a pressing nature in the organ are usually accompanied by other characteristic symptoms, which can be quite obvious. For this reason, in most cases given state fairly easy to treat. Diseases are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Endometriosis - pain during menstruation radiates to the rectum and intensifies during this period, acyclic bleeding occurs, there may be difficulties with the onset of pregnancy, especially with a strong development of the process;
  • Ovarian apoplexy - a sharp unilateral pain in the lower abdomen, with eroding into the rectum and other areas of the small pelvis, fever, chills, increased sweating, a sharp onset of bleeding from the genital tract;
  • Adnexitis - pain in the lower abdomen unilateral, rarely, bilateral, localization, eroding into the intestines, common signs inflammatory process- fever, intoxication, weakness, fatigue, lethargy, pallor, lasting several days;
  • Ectopic pregnancy - pain in the lower abdomen and intestines, a feeling of fullness in the uterus and its neck, acyclic bleeding, increased discomfort during intercourse, as well as during defecation;
  • Sphincteritis - sharp pains in the rectum, aggravated by defecation, eroding into the uterus, pressure on the uterus, intensifying and accompanied by pain in it during defecation;
  • Neoplasms in the uterus - a feeling of heaviness, pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty with defecation, acyclic bleeding, an increase in the abdomen and body weight with large sizes neoplasms;
  • Neoplasms in the intestines - difficulty with defecation, a feeling of fullness;
  • Constipation - the same symptoms;
  • Inflammatory bowel syndrome - abdominal pain, flatulence, a feeling of seething.

Timely detection by the patient that the intestines are pressing on the uterus, and contacting a doctor, help diagnose the disease on early stages its development. Thanks to this, it is possible, in most cases, successful treatment with a minimum of negative consequences.


Diagnostic measures are carried out in two directions: from the point of view of gynecology and proctology. Gynecologists use the following methods;

  • Colposcopy and hysteroscopy;
  • Laparoscopy as a last resort;
  • X-ray of the uterus.

Proctologists prescribe colonoscopy, rectoscopy, anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy.


Treatment is prescribed depending on what disease caused the condition.

  • Endometriosis is treated by taking the hormone progesterone in Duphaston or Norkolut preparations for two to six months. Sometimes combined oral contraceptives one tablet per day for the same period;
  • Ovarian apoplexy requires surgical intervention, during which damaged vessels are coagulated and sometimes tissues are sutured;
  • If there are neoplasms in the intestines or uterus, they are also removed surgically. With neoplasms in the uterus, hormonal treatment with progesterone preparations (Norkolut) can also be prescribed for a period of two months;
  • Adnexitis is treated with antibiotics a wide range, for example, Amoxiclav, 1000 mg per day, for up to 14 days. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed - Ibuprofen, Nurofen, one tablet 2-3 times a day;
  • An ectopic pregnancy requires surgery, during which the cervical canal is scraped;
  • Sphincteritis is treated with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs locally. Procto-glivenol relieves unpleasant symptoms, Ultroaproct relieves inflammation, Posterisan boosts immunity and speeds up recovery. The drugs are applied topically for two weeks, 1-2 times a day;
  • Constipation is cured with specific drugs, such as Forlax and normalization of nutrition.

Timely correction of the condition leads to the fact that the feeling that the uterus is pressing on the rectum or vice versa decreases, and then completely disappears. In addition, other accompanying symptoms of diseases also disappear, so you should not neglect the timely treatment of the condition.


In order to avoid the development of pathology, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations with a doctor in a timely manner. It is also important to eat right and avoid constipation. During pregnancy, however, such unpleasant sensations will probably not be avoided.

Consequences and complications

Without treatment adnexitis, ectopic pregnancy lead to the formation of an acute process that can lead to sepsis or peritonitis, and will require urgent medical intervention, as it will threaten the patient's life. Neoplasms can degenerate into an oncological process, and in the case of the uterus, they can also lead to infertility. Endometriosis and adnexitis can also lead to infertility and form a stable pain syndrome.

In itself, such squeezing, as it increases, can lead to difficulties in defecation. And in severe cases - to its complete cessation.


As is clear from the article, it is quite difficult to reliably understand what exactly the intestines are pressing on the uterus. But if you have such suspicions, then you need to see a doctor, because this can become a symptom of a rather serious pathological process. During treatment, it is important to carefully follow the doctor's recommendations. And although this condition is quite rare, it is necessary to treat it carefully.

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One way or another, the pain of hemorrhoids usually manifests itself suddenly, at a stage when the disease has already fully developed. Usually, the first manifestations of the disease are accompanied by other characteristic symptoms:

  • bleeding after defecation and urination;
  • itching, soreness and inflammation of the skin around the anus;
  • sensation of a foreign "lump" around the anal sphincter;
  • actually pain in the rectum.

On the description of the last symptom should dwell a little more. What causes such a pain syndrome? The fact is that blood clots that occur with hemorrhoids often completely block the blood supply to the nodes themselves. The resulting pain is usually not relieved by pain medication. And they last for many days in a row. What to do in such a situation?

Treatment of blood clots in hemorrhoids, as a rule, implies. During the operation, which is carried out under local anesthesia, the specialist will simply remove excess blood clots from the node. For opponents of such radical therapeutic measures, a more sparing therapy has been developed. Its essence, as a rule, consists in the following. The patient is prescribed:

  1. a special diet (with an emphasis on fiber - to soften feces);
  2. analgesics and other pain medications;
  3. physiotherapy (usually warm baths).

Anal fissures - damage to the anal canal.

The end of the lower rectum, which is a short tube surrounded by muscles, is called the anal canal.

Any physical damage to the integument of this organ usually causes characteristic pain in the patient. It is this condition that doctors call an anal fissure.

The described disease in its symptomatic manifestations almost completely coincides with hemorrhoids. Yes, and both of these ailments are treated in the same way. The whole essence of therapy in both cases comes down to making it easier for the patient by softening the stool.


An anal abscess is an abscess formed in the anus. Directly connecting the skin around the sphincter to the infected area, such a formation can bring a lot of discomfort to the patient.

In addition to the characteristic pulsating discomfort in the rectal area, aggravated by a change in body position, abscesses can manifest themselves as follows:

  • skin irritation in the anal sphincter area, accompanied by swelling and redness;
  • discharge of blood and pus during bowel movements and urination;
  • fever (fever, fever, general weakness, etc.).

With the successful diagnosis of the inflammatory process at an early stage, the abscess is successfully stopped with the help of. However, if such treatment is late, abscesses are preferred to be surgically removed.

In especially severe cases, the patient has to undergo not one, but several consecutive operations at once.


Crohn's disease causes bloody diarrhea.

Most often, the cause of such a reaction is an old injury, as a result of which the pelvic muscles cramp.

Unfortunately, the time of the onset of the next attack of proctalgia is almost impossible to predict. There is a pain syndrome in this disease is always sudden.

How is proctalgia treated? Diagnostics this disease surgeons and psychotherapists. It is these specialists that the patient should visit for consultation in the first place. Treatment (usually with medications) should also be prescribed by a doctor. The patient can only clearly follow his recommendations.

Many inflammatory bowel diseases manifest themselves in the form of specific pain. is just one of the most common ones. Other characteristic symptoms this disease are considered:

  • convulsions;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • sudden weight loss.

Diagnosis (and, consequently, the appointment of treatment) of this disease should be dealt with exclusively by specialists. As a rule, doctors prescribe purely symptomatic therapy to patients with Crohn's disease. Usually it consists in taking special drugs.


Colon cancer manifests itself in the same way as hemorrhoids.

Cancer of the rectum or anus usually presents in the same way as hemorrhoids.

Correctly diagnosing such diseases usually helps such characteristic symptoms like anal bleeding and stool disorders. Moreover, over time, all the mentioned signs of the disease begin to manifest themselves more and more.

To confirm or refute the suspicion of oncology, the patient should consult a surgeon specializing in similar diseases. After a physical examination, the doctor will probably refer the patient for additional studies (, biopsy, etc.).

As for the treatment, today radiation and chemotherapy help to fight cancer quite effectively.

However, the need for a banal surgical intervention is not excluded.

Other diseases that cause pain in the rectum

Prostatitis can also cause pain in the rectum.

Pain in the intestines is not always a sign of problems with this organ.

Often, diseases affecting other systems of the body (usually the genitourinary system) also manifest themselves in this way:

  • rising pain syndrome (characterized by constant or periodic pressure around the anus, more common in women);
  • infections caused by a fungus or an STD (most often HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, or herpes);
  • arthritis and bone tumors (pain in the coccyx can spread to the entire pelvic region, which can erroneously suggest problems with);
  • prostatitis (as well as other urinary tract problems);
  • psoriasis (like some other skin conditions, such as warts, inflammation can affect the area near the anus and cause symptoms that are characteristic of problems with the rectum).

What can cause pain in the rectum, the video will tell:

If the patient is pregnant

Pregnancy is a special state of the body in which any, even the most insignificant “sore” can lead to very serious consequences for a woman and her unborn child.

Therefore, if a lady is really worried about her health, she is not yet born baby, ignore such alarm symptom, like pain in the rectum, it should not be at all. What is the specificity of the said state when