When choosing a skin care program, try to take into account the age, type of skin and its condition for a given period. What determines the condition of the skin of the face

As we age, our skin requires more and more attention, but gets it less and less. We forget about the mode of sleep and rest, violate all biorhythms - we are not up to them; we eat as we please; we drink a lot of coffee and black tea; to relieve stress, we begin to drink alcohol, and many women also smoke - there are a lot of women's cigarettes now. Throw in chlorinated water, climate change, tanning beds, and more. various factors The listing could go on for quite some time. The skin of the face, neck, hands and the whole body in such conditions quickly ages, and becomes like the peel of stale vegetables - a terrible picture, so it's better not to let this happen, and help your skin stay young and fresh for as long as possible, caring for and maintaining it. your health.

How to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body

Proper care is complex impact: it is necessary to take care of the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside - nutrition and a sufficient amount of liquid are the most important factors. Our health is determined by nutrition, and skin healthy person will always find more strength to recover than the skin of someone who has accumulated a whole set of diseases.

If the skin is healthy, it always has an even and pleasant color, without any earthy, pale and gray shades; it is even and smooth, resilient and elastic, with good tone and normal pores, without blackheads and comedones, age spots and wrinkles. Healthy skin is also not prone to redness, dryness and flaking, and there are no vascular "nets" and "stars" on it.

Avocado is still an exotic fruit, and not available to everyone, but there are a lot of healthy fats in other plant products. Among them, soybeans can be named: the fats contained in it - they are up to 27% in seeds - are rich in phospholipids that stimulate regeneration processes in cells and have an antioxidant effect. The use of soy strengthens capillaries and helps cleanse the body of toxins, and female body helps support normal level estrogen is a hormone that we need for health and beauty.

All these tips are very simple, and many have even known for a long time. Just follow them, and your skin - both on the face and on the whole body, will long years delight you with health, youth and beauty.

The skin covers the entire human body and is the largest organ. In addition, it performs certain functions that are of great importance for our body. But there are 5 main factors that can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

  1. stress

First, let's recap what stress is. Stressit is a strong stress to which the body is subjected as a result of certain emotional upheavals. Let's try to catch the connection between stress and the condition of our skin. The fact is that during stress in our body there is an active production of hormones. adrenaline and cortisol, which have a definite Negative influence on the skin.

Under the action of adrenaline, the capillaries of the skin undergo spasm. For this reason, the blood begins to stagnate, which leads to the deprivation of its oxygen, as well as the most important nutrients. As a result, the skin becomes pale yellow. In individual cases, in parallel with spasm small vessels skin, in areas in the neighborhood, their unexpected expansion occurs, due to a neurological nature. It manifests itself as stagnant red spots on the skin.

As for cortisol, at the time of stress it is also hostile to our skin, namely, it provokes an increase in the amount of sugar in the blood, the excess of which helps to start processes that change collagen molecules, and hence its properties. On the basis of such transformations, the skin becomes stiff, and the number of wrinkles on it inevitably grows. Cortisol slows down division and reproduction the most important connective tissue cells of the body - fibroblasts, which leads to inhibition of the nucleation of collagen fibers and disruption of their recovery. Against this background, the vulnerability of the skin of a mild degree, its protracted healing with various injuries, thinning and stretch marks are acquired.

Moreover, under the influence of cortisol, natural production hyaluronic acid which is an excellent skin moisturizer. Plus, this hormone threatens the importance of the natural skin barrier, which allows moisture to evaporate more intensively. Along with these processes, sensitivity, including photosensitivity of the skin, increases significantly, conditions for its infection and inflammation appear, and dryness occurs.

An excess of this hormone stimulates the formation of fats, which leads to their accumulation in the organs and tissues of the body and increases the production sebum.

At the time of emotional outbursts, a large amount of histamines (mediators of allergic reactions) which can cause a rash small pimples, as well as increasing the sensitivity of the skin to all kinds of irritants.

Constant or prolonged tension during stress provokes cramps in the muscles of the face, therefore, the elastin fibers stretch more than they should, while the skin loses its elasticity.

Enough frequent occurrences that accompany stress is poor-quality sleep and / or its lack. According to the results of scientific studies, it has been proven that the restorative effect of sleep is necessary for the formation of new and renewal of old skin cells. This process is regulated sleep hormone melatonin. Unfortunately, the older a person becomes, the less actively melatonin is produced in his body. Accordingly, the more time we devote to sleep, the younger we will look. Otherwise, the skin tone decreases and there is a significant risk of folds and wrinkles on it.

  1. Ecology

It is known that the ecological situation in the whole country and the world is developing rather negatively. The presence of various kinds of pollution (exhaust gases, dust, smog, hard water, etc.) present in the environment also affects the condition of our skin. To the most striking skin problems caused by negative influence ecology include:

  • pallor, lethargy and dryness,
  • loss of firmness and elasticity,
  • premature wrinkles,
  • blockage of pores
  • redness,
  • allergic manifestations.
  • I (Scandinavian)

thin, bright skin. Blond or red hair. Characteristic light eyes and the presence of freckles. Ultraviolet tolerance is minimal - a few minutes after irradiation, the skin burns (appears inflammatory process). There is no uniform tan. Usage sunscreen Necessarily.

  • II (light-skinned European)

Light skin and hair. Infrequently, freckles may occur. Eyes of light, gray, blue, green flowers. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the skin burns easily. Achieving a noticeable natural tan is problematic. The use of s / s funds is also a prerequisite.

  • III (Central European)

Ivory skin. Dark and light brown hair. Light brown eyes. Skin tans easily. The tan is even. With prolonged exposure to the sun, it can burn. The use of s / s funds is necessary.

  • IV (Mediterranean)

Olive skin color. Dark brown, black hair. Dark brown, black eyes. The skin hardly burns. Sunburn comes on quickly and lasts long time. The use of s / s funds is necessary for prolonged exposure ultraviolet radiation(not so much to prevent burns, but to prevent premature aging skin).

  • V (Asian)

Hazel, brown or yellow skin and black hair. The skin never burns. The tan is almost invisible due to natural color skin. There is no need to use s / s funds.

  • VI (African)

Dark (black) skin, dark eyes and black hair. The skin also never burns. Natural skin protection from UV rays. There is no need to use s / s funds.

  • Over time, melanin tends to accumulate in our skin cells. Because of this, with age, it appears brown spots small, freckle-like. These are the so-called dark spots . Unfortunately, getting rid of them is almost impossible. Age spots increase age and make the skin color uneven.
  • UV is also known to increase the risk of skin cancer. Also, with regular use of sunbathing or visiting a solarium, small moles are often formed, which are benign neoplasms.
  1. Smoking

When smoking, the skin receives a double toxic blow: it suffers from cigarette smoke in principle, and is saturated with the harmful components of this smoke when it is inhaled, while being absorbed into the blood and acting on blood vessels to skin cells and nerve endings.

While smoking nicotine (an alkaloid found in tobacco) provokes vasoconstriction, which leads to a violation of the supply of oxygen to the tissues. This leads to slow healing of skin lesions, as this process requires a good blood supply. Because of negative impact tobacco smoke, people who have this bad habit are most at risk of developing skin cancer and more often relapse. Scars, respectively, in the postoperative period are delayed for a long time. Moreover, tobacco smoke promotes education carboxyhemoglobin in the vessels, which leads to the final deterioration of skin respiration. An interesting fact is that constricted vessels remain in this state for up to 1.5 hours after smoking one cigarette. This suggests that a person who smokes every 1.5 hours creates conditions for constant oxygen starvation for his own skin.

Smoking contributes to the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers, respectively, the firmness and elasticity of the skin is lost. With the constant puckering of the lips and squinting of the eyes under the influence of smoke, smokers develop wrinkles near the mouth, on the forehead and around the eyes. For those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, there is such information: the risk of noticeable and deep wrinkles 5 times higher than in non-smokers, and their appearance occurs much earlier (sometimes with a difference of 20 years!). But the problems don't end with wrinkles. Smokers are often recognized by unhealthy state facial skin that is yellowish or gray shade and expanded capillary mesh on the nose and cheeks. Their skin is rough and tough.

  1. Alcohol

There is one indisputable fact about alcohol: alcohol spoils appearance person before there is a feeling of its influence on the body as a whole. Consider the negative impact of this factor on the condition of our skin.

  • Alcohol is known to dilate blood vessels. That is why initially a person has a seemingly harmless blush on his face. However, when alcohol is abused, gluing occurs in the blood red blood cells - erythrocytes that transport oxygen and, as a result, oxygen starvation skin cells. If several capillaries are clogged with erythrocyte clots at once, their rupture occurs due to blood pressure. For this reason, purple appears vascular network and bluish-red complexion.
  • After drinking alcohol, the liver begins to work intensively to process it, and the kidneys begin to remove decay products. It is for this reason that alcohol has a pronounced diuretic effect. The result is significant dehydration. In this case, first of all, water leaves the subcutaneous fat. The skin becomes dry, dull, loses its former smoothness and earns the appearance of small wrinkles, as well as a more noticeable manifestation of existing ones.
  • Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages depletes the reserves of vitamins C and E, which help maintain collagen. Against this background, the contour of the face loses clarity, and in some areas the skin sags. In addition, alcohol reduces the ability of the skin to recover, so the regeneration period due to any damage lasts longer than it could be.
  • Alcohol also acts on the hormonal level, namely, it contributes to the restructuring hormonal background. In women, for example, the level of male sex hormones becomes higher, as a result of which the skin coarsens, the pores become pronounced. It should be noted that such consequences are very poorly amenable to cosmetic correction.
  • When alcohol use turns into alcohol abuse, the previously listed signs gain strength and new problems appear: liver and kidney function suffer, for example, appear chronic pathologies these and other organs. As for the skin, there are bags under the eyes, severe swelling and puffiness of the face.

Useful tips to protect our skin from the influence of negative factors

1) A healthy lifestyle, including:

  • absence bad habits(smoking, alcohol)
  • strong healthy sleep(preferably at the same time)
  • proper nutrition (eating foods rich in antioxidants),
  • avoiding stressful situations (if possible),
  • sports (mainly outdoors),
  • any trips outside the city (to nature).

2) Skin care with suitable cosmetics(moisturizing creams, scrubs, peelings, masks, etc.). If possible, it would be useful to visit a beautician. He will help determine your skin type, as well as photosensitivity and select cosmetics for individual care. Here are some tips for skin care in winter and summer:

  • In winter, you should very gently cleanse the skin, use products that have moisturizing and softening properties, since microcracks often appear on dry skin, which can cause infection. Although there is one big plus: winter period, especially in frosty weather, the air is very clean and all harmful microbes penetrate the skin to a lesser extent, and some of them simply die.
  • As for the summer period, at this time it is necessary to avoid clogging of pores and use light texture products. The same goes for sunscreen. For those who are going to sunbathe: get quality product sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 and use it every day after showering. On the first day, sunbathe for 20 minutes and then gradually increase the amount of time you spend in the sun. Sunbathe in any summer headdress, so as not to earn sunstroke and do not dry out the skin of the face and hair. Cover your shoulders when returning from the beach. Follow the recommended time for tanning, namely before 10:00 and after 16:00, when the sun's rays are soft enough, do not cause burns, the tan lies evenly, and the skin acquires a beautiful bronze tint.

Today, the beauty industry has a huge arsenal of tools. But to ensure own skin proper care, it is not at all necessary to sit in salons for several hours a day. In our article, we will take a closer look at how to improve the condition of the skin of the face with the help of simple but reliable means.

For this purpose, you can use both purchased and homemade cosmetics. With branded products, everything is more or less clear, because the manufacturer probably indicated on the packaging what, how and why to apply to the face.

But home cosmetics deserve more detailed instructions. Do not underestimate the means prepared at home, because their effectiveness has been tested by more than one generation of beauties, and in some cases even confirmed with the help of laboratory research. In addition, by learning how to make beauty products with your own hands, you can save a lot of money.

The main rule that guarantees good result, lies in the observance of the system. To improve the condition of the skin, it is not enough just to carry out some procedure from time to time. It is necessary to clearly understand that the described means work only in combination. By providing regular comprehensive care, you will soon feel that the condition of the skin has become much better.


It is necessary to start any procedures from this step. It is impossible to improve the condition of the skin of the face at home without regular cleansing. During the day, the surface of skin tissues is exposed to many factors, so it is so important to remove impurities correctly and regularly.

Micellar water, which is in the lines of many cosmetic companies, is excellent for this procedure. That's where you should start your day.

Tonics are also used for cleansing. When buying this product, pay attention to the type of skin for which it is recommended. You can make an excellent tonic on your own by mixing alcohol diluted with water, citrus juice, wine vinegar and other ingredients that suit your skin. An excellent remedy is obtained if you dissolve a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.

It is also worth mentioning what not to do. The main rule to remember is that evening care behind the skin. Going to bed with the remnants of makeup on your face is unacceptable. It's hard to think of anything more detrimental to female beauty. Be sure to use the correct

Another important point regarding the use of soap. There is a common misconception that washing with soap is good for oily skin. Yes, for some time after such a procedure, there may be a feeling of dryness and even tightness. But in fact, soap only enhances the work of the sebaceous glands, stimulating the production of sebum. Remember: washing with soap is not worth it, it is harmful for any type of skin. Economic, by the way, is no exception.

Hydration and nutrition

If you want to know more about how to improve your facial skin at home, these treatments are indispensable.

There are a huge number of moisturizers on the market today. They provide moisture balance. There are day and night creams.

Nourishing cosmetics replenishes the supply of substances necessary for the normal functioning of tissues and prolongation of youthfulness of the skin. The composition of such creams may include minerals and vitamins.

You can easily increase the effectiveness of a purchased cream with the help of linseed oil. Put a few drops into a jar and apply the cream on your face.

If you are looking for answers to the question of how to improve the condition of the skin of the face, but do not incur large financial costs, pay attention to effective folk remedies.

An excellent cream that nourishes and moisturizes, you can do it yourself. Pour half a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of chamomile flowers bought at the pharmacy, cork the container, wrap it up and leave for 2 hours. After that, heat 50 g in a water bath butter, 2 small spoons castor oil, 1.5 tsp glycerin and strained chamomile infusion. The mixture must be stirred until all the components are combined together. This cream is suitable for all skin types.


Once a week, it is necessary to carry out a procedure that will help get rid of dead epithelial cells. If you regularly cleanse your face, then after a few weeks you will notice that the tone has become more even and the skin looks younger.

Mechanical exfoliation is carried out using products containing coarse particles. help in this matter and special brush, which will enhance the effect of the scrub.

Can cook excellent tool, mixing a teaspoon of ground oatmeal, brewed coffee (you can sleep) and water. Apply the mixture on a damp face with massaging movements, spread, rub lightly, and then rinse with warm water.

Even in ancient times, people knew how to improve the condition of the skin of the face with the help of honey. Today, recipes with this component are also popular. You can also make an excellent exfoliating mask with it. Crush in a mortar (or roll with a rolling pin) one tablet of Aspirin. Pour a tablespoon of honey into a small container, add the resulting powder and stir. Apply the mixture on the face with rubbing movements, massage. This tool provides not only an exfoliating effect, but also helps to get rid of inflammation and redness, improves skin color, makes it velvety.

Whitening and even tone

The beauties of antiquity knew how to improve complexion and skin condition. For these purposes, medicinal plants were used: mint, mountain ash, chamomile, St. John's wort, parsley, thyme, calendula. Not worth the risk collecting medicinal herbs on your own, it is better to buy them in a pharmacy.

Infusions and decoctions are effective, but they bring maximum benefit. To prepare an effective bleaching agent, pour a spoonful of vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water, boil, pour into a bowl. Lean over the bowl, covering your head with a towel. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week.

Fighting breakouts

In most cases, acne is an occasion to consult a doctor and find the cause of their occurrence. The skin may react similarly to liver problems, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract. Acne can occur due to malfunctioning of the endocrine glands, problems with hormones, accumulation of toxins in the body. But sometimes cosmetics also help to improve the condition of the skin with rashes.

Effective in this case, citrus juices, which contain a large amount of vitamin C. It helps to cope with inflammation. Prepare a mixture of powdered Aspirin, the same amount of soda and lemon juice(the tool should have the consistency of sour cream). It is necessary to apply such a mask not on the whole face, but only on problem areas and keep it for no more than 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure weekly.

homemade masks

There are a huge number of recipes that help solve the problem of how to improve the condition of the skin of the face. Homemade masks are prepared on the basis of clay, oatmeal, coffee grounds, cottage cheese and dairy products, fresh berries and fruits.

The next face mask that improves skin condition is prepared quickly, does not require rare and expensive components, and its effectiveness is visible after the first application. Grate a small potato and a slice fresh cucumber the same size. Mix in equal parts white clay, oat flour, sour cream (cream) and honey. Apply to face for 15 minutes.


It is worth mentioning how to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body with the help of massage. Today, such types are common as: lymphatic drainage, point, vacuum, Japanese (tsogan). If you want to prolong youth, it makes sense to learn how to massage yourself. Such procedures improve blood flow and tissue nutrition, eliminate lymph stagnation, and cope with cellulite.

Nutrition system and lifestyle

No procedures that improve the condition of the skin of the face will bring an effect if you do not adhere to healthy lifestyle life. Watch your diet, drink enough water, do not forget about the importance of vitamins. Ventilate the room regularly, take walks on fresh air. Smoking, frequent alcohol consumption, an abundance of fatty foods, baking, fried foods. Lack of sleep immediately affects the beauty and state of health.

The complex of measures includes skin care, rational nutrition, sufficient sleep, self-massage and walks in the fresh air. Follow the procedures regularly, then they will bring really good results.

Competent care is impossible without knowing the type of skin and an adequate assessment of its condition. The condition of the skin is influenced by many factors: health, climate and season, age, heredity, profession, physiological states organism ( hormonal disorders, lactation, pregnancy, menopause), diet and drink, care activities.

Many skin problems arise precisely because we incorrectly determine its type and choose care that does not suit us. How often, for example, we confuse liquid seborrhea with dehydration on oily skin, we begin to degrease violently and only aggravate the situation. As a result, we find ourselves in a vicious circle, the problem is not solved, and new ones are only added to it.

A competent determination of the type and condition of the skin is a whole system of steps that is much more complicated and interesting than a simple test with a napkin after washing.

A good cosmetologist at the first visit must draw up a client card, ask many questions and conduct tests. If you do not have the opportunity to visit a competent specialist, do not despair. Our series of posts on diagnosis and skin types will help you do this on your own. So, let's begin.

10 steps of competent diagnostics

These steps will help you correctly determine the type and condition of the skin at home without complex instruments and the help of a beautician.

And in the next few posts, we will talk in detail about all four types of skin and their characteristic properties. After them, you will be fully equipped and, after reading the entire series, you will finally be able to accurately determine your skin type and choose the right effective care.

1. Skin thickness

Determine the thickness of the skin by eye. It can be thick, medium thickness and thin. Thick skin is dense and often rough and oily. Translucent vessels give out thin skin. Thin skin is usually aged and dry.

2. Skin color

The skin is very light, light, swarthy, swarthy. With a golden, olive, pinkish or white-blue tint.

3. Pore size

As a rule, large and medium pores are friends of oily and oily skin. Small and imperceptible - normal and dry.

Pore ​​size is often determined by genetics and is inherited.

At the same time, large pores occur with dry skin types. Such pores are typical for people living in a hot climate - Arabs, Asians, residents of the tropics. For them, large pores are a climatic necessity, heat exchange takes place through them.

In addition, large pores can be found on dry aging skin. Such skin in youth was oily. With age sebaceous glands stopped working and atrophied, but the pores remained.

4. The degree of contamination of the pores, the presence of comedones

Comedo- this is a plug in sebaceous gland. It consists of rancid skin sebum, dead horny scales and surface contaminants (dust, dirt). Most often, comedones unpack their bags on different subtypes of oily skin.

Comedones are of two types.

    open. They are called black dots. Sebaceous plug in open pore oxidizes under the influence of oxygen and darkens. open comedones usually shallow and live on the nose.

    Closed. They are also called subcutaneous. These are closed, firm bumps or nodules under the skin.

5. Beginning of sebum secretion after washing

Pay attention to how long after washing and applying care products, the skin begins to get oily.

  • Up to 12 - sebum secretion is increased (oily seborrhea, adolescents, young skin up to 27 years).
  • From 12 to 15 - sebum secretion is normal (normal skin).
  • From 15 to the evening, or the skin does not get oily at all during the day - sebum secretion is reduced (age and dry skin).

6. Water balance of the epidermis

The skin is either hydrated or dehydrated. To determine the water balance, conduct a test.

  • On the cheeks, slide the skin against massage lines ring finger or little finger. On the forehead - forefinger. On the nose - a pinch.
  • If a small network of wrinkles is visible as a result, the skin is dehydrated. If there are no wrinkles, it is moisturized.

Dehydration can affect any skin type. More on this in the next posts.

7. Elasticity

Crow's feet around the eyes, pronounced nasolabial folds, vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, a change in the oval of the face, folds near the ear, flaccid earlobes - all these are signs of reduced elasticity.

If there are no pronounced signs of a decrease in elasticity, conduct a test.

Pinch the crease on the neck for a couple of seconds. Let go and evaluate the result. If the fold is straightened:

  • in less than 10 seconds and did not leave marks and dents - the elasticity is normal;
  • in 30 seconds - elasticity is slightly reduced;
  • in one minute - elasticity is significantly reduced.

If the fold does not straighten at all, there is practically no elasticity, the skin is highly susceptible to deformation.

8. Circulation

To determine the rate of blood circulation, conduct a test.

Push down thumb in the area of ​​the zygomatic arch (bone near the ear, under the temple). The pressing force must be significant. Evaluate the result after 30 seconds. If after clicking:

  • there are no traces and spots left - the speed of blood circulation is lowered;
  • a pale pink spot remains - blood circulation is normal;
  • there is a red spot - the speed of blood circulation is increased.

9. Dermographism

Dermographism is the reaction of blood vessels to mechanical stress. This test is needed in order to understand which procedures can be performed on your skin and which cannot.

Draw a diagonal line with a spatula, glass rod or side of the nail thumb forehead, neck, cheekbone or collarbone. Rate the result. If left:

  • a white strip that does not rise above the skin - dermographism is negative, any procedure can be performed;
  • pink stripe without edema - medium dermographism - invasive procedures can be carried out, but in a gentle mode, monitor the skin reaction;
  • red swollen strip - positive dermographism - invasive procedures cannot be carried out, exclude mechanical impact, say goodbye to scrubs.

10. Allergic reactions and sensitivity

If the skin is sensitive, hypersensitive, reactive and prone to allergic reactions, be sure to test for allergies before applying (or better - buying) a new product. Apply a small amount on the inside of the forearm and evaluate the result after 24 hours.


To assess the condition of your skin and navigate by type, conduct 10 tests: evaluate the thickness and color of the skin, the size of the pores, the degree of contamination and the presence of comedones, when the skin begins to oily, water balance and elasticity, blood circulation rate, dermographism and sensitivity.

And in the next post of the series, we will talk in detail about all types and subtypes of oily skin. Stay tuned.

Do you have any questions? Ask in the comments.

Pump up cosmetic literacy, stay with us and be beautiful.

See you on the air of LaraBarBlog. ♫

The condition, beauty and health of our skin is highly dependent on both internal and external factors. And if these factors are not taken into account, then any, even super-professional cosmetics will be simply useless.

TO internal factors include all diseases of our body. The fact is that the skin is a kind of indicator of the state of our health. Acne, wen, skin rashes indicate a metabolic disorder. Ulcers, small cracks, dryness and peeling, as well as pigmentation disorders are often symptoms of vitamin and mineral deficiency. Rash, pimples, age spots and others dermatological problems can indicate diseases of the internal organs.

However, if you notice a pimple or hives on your face, you should not immediately panic. Quite often, dermatological problems arise due to improper care behind the skin and can be caused by an allergic reaction to the wrong cream or the wrong cleanser. Therefore, if you have no other symptoms besides skin problems, first try to think about what mistakes you might have made in facial care and eliminate them. Change cosmetics, treat your skin with masks and lotions, adjust your diet. If, after two weeks, skin problems have not disappeared, this is serious reason see a doctor.

Stress can also be attributed to internal factors that affect the condition of the skin. Strong and long lasting nervous tension sometimes leads to the appearance of spots on the skin, allergic rashes, acne, circles and swelling under the eyes, wrinkles. Of course, it is better to avoid stressful situations. However, the fast pace modern life does not often provide such an opportunity. Study, work, and often personal life associated with nervous experiences, so you just need to learn to relax. Everyone has their own remedy for stress: someone prefers active classes sports, someone - aromatherapy, but for someone there is nothing better evening spent alone with a book in hand.

External factors are natural and chemical. The latter include products household chemicals, artificial substances found in food, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and drugs.

Decorative and medical cosmetics Soaps, shampoos, cleaners and detergents constantly affect our skin, and their effect is by no means always beneficial. The components that make up cosmetics can cause allergies. Corrosive substances contained in cleaning and detergents, injure the skin, dry and irritate it. Of course, the skin of the hands often suffers from household chemicals, but the face is not immune from harmful effects these funds. For example, microparticles of washing and cleaning powders settle on the face and can cause an allergic reaction.

However, a much greater risk to the skin of the face is associated with the use of cosmetics. The modern cosmetic industry strives to make its products based on hypoallergenic ingredients. Of course, this does not apply to fake manufacturers. Sometimes young girls save on cosmetics, preferring quantity to quality. Indeed, relatively speaking, for the same amount you can buy either 1 lipstick of a respected cosmetic company, or 5 lipsticks, the origin of which is in serious doubt.

Seeming benefits are deceptive. Fake manufacturers are unlikely to care about the health of their future customers. They strive to reduce the cost of manufacturing their products, which means that the components are chosen cheap, low-quality, and often hazardous to health. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: a miser pays twice. Having saved on the purchase of cosmetics, a lover of cheapness risks spending more more money for treatment.

It is very good if the consequences of using low-quality cosmetics can be completely eliminated. Scars, acne, lifelong allergies - that's far from complete list those "gifts" that may remain on the face after using such cosmetics.

Dermatological problems often arise due to flavors, preservatives, dyes that are part of food. The harm that artificial additives do to our body does not always manifest itself quickly and vividly. To do this, you need to have a predisposition to allergic reaction for dyes.

However, even if you do not suffer from such an allergy, this does not mean that artificial additives do not harm you. Accumulating, they gradually worsen the state of health, which subsequently can cause serious problems Therefore, if possible, products with such ingredients should be excluded from the diet. If you have a choice between chips and a fresh apple, go for it.

Medications can also cause skin problems. Even doctors do not deny: any medicine has side effects. An important role is also played by individual susceptibility to the components medicines. Of course, in no case should you refuse to take medication just because of the risk of acne or hives. However, one must bear in mind the possibility similar consequences. If you experience dermatological problems during or shortly after your treatment, consult your doctor as soon as possible!

It is impossible to completely abandon the use of household chemicals and cosmetics, it is very difficult not to eat foods with artificial additives at all, it is unthinkable to do without medicines. However, there is another group of chemical factors, the harmful effects of which are very easy to avoid. It's about, of course, about caffeine, tobacco and alcohol.

Many girls are unable to imagine their life without a cup of coffee. It is like a life-giving elixir that helps to wake up, feel cheerful, and get involved in work. An exam session or a rush at work is inevitably associated with the absorption of literally liters of coffee.

You don't have to give up coffee completely. However, it should be remembered that too large doses of caffeine are not only harmful to health, but also life-threatening. First of all, the cardiovascular system is affected. Against the background of which the deterioration of the skin of the face is just a concomitant nuisance. The young body is hardy, therefore, you may feel the harm from "coffee addiction" only after a few years. Think ahead: refrain from drinking too much a large number caffeine.

IN Lately talk about the dangers of alcohol and smoking are heard more and more often. However, the phrase "Ministry of Health warns" is still not taken seriously by many. In the twenty-first century, a girl with a cigarette and a glass of beer is no longer surprising. Young people, both women and men, do not see anything wrong with smoking a few cigarettes a day or having a couple of drinks with friends after work, but the fact remains: alcohol and tobacco are harmful to health. Among other things, these toxic substances have detrimental effect on the skin. Smoking narrows the capillaries, making it difficult for the normal circulation of blood, and consequently, oxygen. The skin of the face suffers from a lack of nutrients, becomes lethargic, pale, wrinkled.

Alcohol leads to dehydration of the body and rapid fading of the skin of the face. Smoking and alcohol can literally age even a young girl for several years. Obviously, all these problems can be avoided by giving up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

Natural factors imply the impact environment: snow, rain, sun, wind, dust, humidity, heat, cold, etc. Let's talk about each in more detail.

Sun. Sun rays essential for skin health. Without them, our body, for example, is not able to absorb vitamin D, the deficiency of which causes a number of diseases, including rickets. Under the influence of ultraviolet, melanin begins to be produced more intensively, due to which the skin becomes beautiful and tanned. sunbathing have a beneficial effect on the condition of oily skin, reduce the number of acne, therefore big mistake- perceive the sun as an evil enemy of beauty and health. However, excessively long exposure to the sun is really dangerous. The sun's rays dry out the skin, causing early wrinkles, and ultraviolet penetrating into the deep layers of the skin destroys collagen and elastic fibers, which also has the most unpleasant effect on young skin. Finally, prolonged sunburn can cause skin cancer.

Humidity. With low humidity, the skin suffers from dehydration, and high humidity makes you work harder sweat glands, why skin becomes oily. Therefore, whatever the level of humidity in the surrounding air, the skin needs regular cleansing and moisturizing.

Low and high temperatures. At low temperatures, the exchange of nutrients and moisture in the skin slows down, so prolonged exposure low temperatures adversely affects the skin. In the cold season, before going outside, it is recommended to use a special protective cream. If there is no such remedy, you can apply the usual nutritious cream, the main thing is that it is not moisturizing. The fact is that under the influence of low temperatures, the moisturizing substances contained in such a cream freeze, and ice crystals injure the skin from the inside. In the evening, after returning from the cold, a moisturizer will come in handy.

High temperatures also harm the skin: the heat dries it out, contributing to rapid aging. IN hot weather Don't forget to apply moisturizer at least once a day.

Wind. The wind dehydrates the skin, often redness appears on it, the weathered face peels off. In addition, on a windy day, dust rises, which sticks to the face and clogs the skin pores, which leads to acne and blackheads. The situation is aggravated by the fact that strong wind often accompanied by low humidity and too high or too low air temperature.

Nourishing and moisturizing products will help protect your face from the wind.

Natural factors that affect the skin of the face differ depending on the season, so skin care must be adjusted according to the season.

And the last. Learn to sleep right! The condition of the skin is affected not only by the duration of sleep, but also by the position of the head during rest. Train yourself to sleep on your back and give up the usual high pillows in favor of orthopedic ones.

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