What to do if the skin is peeling - Irzeis. Peeling of the skin as a symptom of dermatological problems

rashes and, of course, peeling of the skin, are traditionally aggravated. The reasons for this are prolonged exposure to low air temperature and cold wind, insufficient moisture, as well as a decrease in the body's defenses and vitamin deficiency. Wherein peeling of the skin can occur both on the face and on other parts of the body - on the arms, elbows, legs, etc. In order for this trouble not to spoil the mood and not interfere with enjoying the spring, it is enough to know the basic rules for skin care, which should also be subject to certain modifications with changing weather conditions.

Proper cosmetics

First of all, especially close attention should be paid to cosmetics. The main requirement for spring creams is pronounced moisturizing properties. It is good if they are made on a fat basis, which will help create a kind of barrier between the air environment and the integumentary cells of the skin, which will help prevent moisture from evaporating. Such products are especially good if noted peeling of the skin on the hands or on the body, but they are not recommended for girls whose skin is prone to oily and increased sebum secretion.

magic dandelion

Traditional medicine has a very high efficiency - masks prepared from those that appear in the spring. For example, dandelion can be used to improve skin condition. To prepare the mask, it is necessary to chop the stems, leaves and flowers, and fill a 200-gram jar with raw materials to the middle, and then pour vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) to the top. Wrap the container in dark paper and refrigerate for two weeks. After that, after mixing, apply on the skin of the face, neck and hands and keep for 1-1.5 hours. Wash off the mask first with warm and then cool water.

Salvation of oily skin

For oily skin, you can use a mixture of dandelion and nettle, taken in equal proportions, and replace vegetable oil with vodka. Infuse in the refrigerator for one week, then strain through cheesecloth. Wipe the problem areas with the resulting lotion twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Prevent and fix peeling of the skin a mask of decoction of lime blossom and honey also helps. To prepare it, 1 tablespoon of lime blossom is poured into 100 ml of boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for 20-30 minutes, after which 1 teaspoon of honey is added. The resulting composition is well impregnated with gauze and applied to the skin.

dangerous sun

Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes. A mixture of lime blossom and honey improves skin elasticity and firmness, tones it, improves complexion and is suitable for any type of skin. peeling skin usually disappears after

4-5 days of such treatment. Masks and lotions prepared using aloe leaves also contribute to moisturizing.

As for contraindications, in the spring it is recommended to refrain from procedures such as deep peeling, resurfacing or skin whitening. The sun's rays, the activity of which increases with the onset of spring, can cause the appearance of age spots on the skin that has become unaccustomed to their effects, which will be difficult to get rid of.


Among other things, to maintain the beauty of the skin in the spring, a balanced diet and the intake of multivitamin complexes are of great importance. It is necessary to eat a large amount of carrots, nuts and olive oil, rich in vitamin A. Fish and seafood, almonds, linseed oil have a high content of useful amino acids. The use of sweets, smoked meats, pasta and spicy foods is best, on the contrary, minimized. In addition, to ensure optimal hydration of the skin, it is necessary to drink 6-7 glasses of pure water every day.

Beauticians like to repeat the main rules of healthy skin: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. They are equally necessary for all skin types, but sometimes even with good external care, problems arise. In the spring, many women - both young girls and mature ladies - note that the skin can become covered with red spots, dry out a lot and even itch. Although this problem, as well as solutions, are universal (both for men and women) and depend little on gender.

It depends on the causes of peeling, because the disease can be both cosmetic in nature and be a symptom of serious internal disorders.

However, it is imperative to take steps to eliminate the defect: slight redness quickly turns into a drying spot, which actively peels off and grows, or its color becomes more intense and noticeable.

From a slight defect, the problem grows to universal proportions, spoils the mood and reduces self-esteem. And here it is almost impossible to cope without long-term treatment and the help of specialists.

Why does the skin on the face peel off?

Renewal of the epidermis (upper layer of the skin) occurs regularly. Peeling is a visual sign that for some reason old cells did not have time to “remove” in time:

  • or new ones are rapidly dividing,
  • or the old layers are slowly peeling off.

Regular cosmetic procedures (the simplest and gentlest cleansing) help to cope with the problem and facilitate the process of cell replacement. But due to internal failures, only care procedures cannot solve everything.

In spring, the skin of the face flakes and turns red for a number of reasons:

  • cell renewal begins to occur at an accelerated pace;
  • redness and drying spots may be allergic;
  • seasonal rashes in some skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).

In the first case, you will need a complex of cosmetic procedures, in the second - special means prescribed by a doctor (anti-allergic tablets and soothing ointments).

For the treatment of skin diseases, you will need the help of a dermatologist to delicately solve the problem without aggravating the skin condition.

In any season, the skin reacts poorly to:

  • irregular care;
  • improperly selected cosmetics;
  • drying decorative cosmetics;
  • sudden changes in temperature, cold and weathering;
  • lack of water in the body;
  • dry air, excess direct sunlight;
  • poor-quality or unbalanced nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • weakening of the immune system, nervous tension and stress.


I'll go into a bit more detail about some of the reasons we often neglect.

About nutrition and health

You can talk a lot about bad eating habits (soda, salty and sweet snacks, marinades, smoked meats and delicacies), however, most of them affect the body in the following ways:

  • removes fluid from cells;
  • creates an additional load on the food tract (stomach, pancreas, intestines);
  • complicates the work of the liver and urinary system.

All this leads to the fact that the body redistributes forces and sends fewer useful substances to the skin.

In certain diseases, non-compliance with the diet can provoke not only rashes, but also other serious malfunctions of the body. For relatively healthy people, this can be a test during stress and seasonal weakening of protective mechanisms.

Smoking, coffee and alcohol have a similar effect. Dehydration often affects beginner fitness enthusiasts.

About care and weather

There are still people who prefer to use for washing, and for peeling a mixture of salt and soda.

And cosmetologists are sounding the alarm: everything you save now will have to be spent in the future with a trinity to maintain healthy skin:

  • special hypoallergenic moisturizers,
  • and in adulthood - hyaluronic in all forms and forms to make the face at least a little younger, and wrinkles - not so deep.

Even oily skin becomes dry and flaky from such a budget cleansing, but pimples and greasiness do not decrease. In vain dry the skin and alcohol-containing products.

The sun, air conditioners, wind and cold are the enemies of a healthy epidermis if there are too many of them. These weather factors must be balanced with protective equipment.

If you often fly on airplanes, work in an office with dry air, then regularly use moisturizing and express products (now there are very funny and convenient disposable non-woven-based masks and refreshing skin-based sprays).

Of course, the whole problem cannot be solved in this way, but the skin will become a little easier, and it will be much faster to put yourself in order if the basic care is not neglected.

In a beauty salon

Professionals will help you with problems with peeling. Among their rich arsenal are the following:

Peelings(ultrasound, hardware), based on fruit acids - they remove the upper keratinized layer of the skin, accelerate cell renewal and improve their nutrition;

Hyaluronic acid- this component does not cause allergies and moisturizes at the cellular level, replenishing the natural structure. These methods include peelings and masks with hyaluronic acid, injection techniques (mesotherapy, biorevitalization), which not only moisturize, but also rejuvenate.

The effectiveness of salon care depends on how carefully you take care of yourself in everyday life, whether home procedures are enough. If the cosmetologist is a proven one, then periodically you should be interested in his opinion on how your skin changes and what means will help maintain your youth and health. This will allow you to update your cosmetic bag in a timely manner and use really useful products.

At home

Useful remedies for peeling can be used independently as a preventive measure or regular care. Perfectly moisturize masks from dairy products containing honey, cucumber or cucumber juice, eggs (can be quail), vegetable oil.

Choose formulations that do not contain allergic components, test unfamiliar ingredients in advance on the crook of your elbow.

Examples of quick and effective masks below:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. fat cottage cheese and 1 tsp. honey, add milk to a paste-like consistency, apply the mask for 15 minutes, and then gently rinse with warm water.
  • Make banana puree from 1 fruit, stir in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably olive), bring to a homogeneous state. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.
  • Flaxseed has good moisturizing and cleansing properties. 1 tbsp dry seeds need to be boiled to a state of porridge, and when it cools down a little, add 1 tbsp. jojoba oils. Lubricate the problem area, and after 3-5 minutes, gently remove the residue.
  • 1 chicken (or 2 quail) raw egg is shaken and oatmeal and olive oil (1 tbsp each) are added. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, apply to the skin. Wash off the mixture after 15-20 minutes.

Care after such masks ends with a nourishing cream.

Another popular beauty trend is natural vegetable oils (almond, cocoa butter, macadamia, argan, peach). Apply them to cleansed skin daily (for treatment) and 1-2 times a week with a tendency to dryness. Excess can be blotted with a napkin after half an hour.

Facial massage will also be useful for improving blood circulation and nutrition - ideally, you can be like special sessions to a beautician, but at home you can do a light massage yourself for 2-3 minutes, patting, stroking and slightly pinching your cheeks, forehead, chin.

Instead of output

The skin is a delicate and sensitive organ that signals us about problems. If you have neglected your health for a long time, then get ready for a long “retribution” in the form of care and treatment.

Many people may be at risk for flaky skin - due to predisposition, lack of proper care and cleansing, illness. But dryness and peeling is not an eternal diagnosis, they can and should be fought. And believe me, the result is worth it!

Don't forget to like and rate this post! How to get rid of flaky skin in spring.

Spring is a time when the skin requires special attention and gentle care. After all, it is at this time that most cosmetic problems appear - dryness, as well as peeling. The latter is the most common skin problem faced by almost every second person on the planet.

Why does skin flake off in spring?

peeling skin may appear as a result of prolonged exposure to low air temperatures and cold winds, insufficient moisture, as well as a decrease in the protective functions of the body, and, of course, with a deficiency of vitamins in the diet. At the same time, this cosmetic defect can appear not only on the face, but also throughout the body, or its individual parts. To get rid of this unpleasant spring phenomenon and enjoy the arrival of spring, you need to remember how to properly care for your skin during the change of season.

Anti-flaking products

In the spring, it is worth using special cosmetics. This is especially true for creams. They should be oil-based, with enhanced moisturizing properties, as in spring the skin dries out quickly under the influence of wind and sudden changes in temperature. But it is necessary to use such creams taking into account the type of skin, otherwise the use of an improperly selected cream can adversely affect the appearance of the skin.

Also in the spring it is recommended to regularly use various. Their use will not only protect the skin from moisture loss, thus preventing peeling, but also give it a healthy color and become a kind of "recharge" after the cold winter period.

Masks for spring peeling

Especially effective are masks from spring plants. For example, to improve the condition, you can use a mask of dandelions. To make it, dandelions are finely chopped and placed in a glass container, pouring them with olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio. Dishes with dandelions wrapped in a dark cloth are placed in the refrigerator for two weeks. After the expiration date, the mask can be applied for an hour and a half, thoroughly washing it off after the procedure with warm, and then with cool water.

For owners oily skin, the mask recipe can be slightly changed by replacing olive oil with alcohol and adding nettle to it. Mix all the ingredients in a ratio of 1:1:1 and store in the refrigerator for a week, and then wipe problem areas with a filtered liquid.

Clay masks and masks will also help get rid of peeling. But it is worth using such masks very carefully, as their frequent use can dry out the skin.

The second point that you need to pay special attention to in the spring to prevent peeling is proper nutrition. Nuts, carrots, olive oil, foods rich in vitamin A, and seafood should be present in the daily diet. It will not be superfluous during this period to take special multivitamin complexes. The use of smoked meats, fried foods, sweets is strictly not recommended. Also, to ensure adequate skin hydration, you need to drink at least six glasses of plain water a day.

The skin usually begins to peel off when the sebum it produces becomes insufficient or due to excess loss of moisture compared to consumption. As the skin loses both oil and water, it begins to dry out and its top layer dies off and begins to flake off.


weather changes

During cold periods, the air becomes dry and the skin dries out quickly due to the combination of dry air outside and hot inside the house. But the season may not matter if you live in desert regions.

Prolonged exposure to heat

Too hot water while taking a bath or shower, instead of soothing the body, as many people think, dries out the skin, making it flaky. In addition, constant exposure to wood-burning stoves, heaters, and fireplaces can reduce moisture and dry out the skin.

Soaps and detergents

Many soaps, detergents, and shampoos used at home can draw moisture from the skin as they are designed to remove oil. As a result of their use, the skin can become extremely dry and flaky due to the chemicals they contain.

Cosmetical tools

Skin condition can be affected by eye makeup or makeup base. Eyeliners, mascaras, eye shadows, or the tools used to apply them can accumulate bacteria over time. This irritates the skin, dries it out and sometimes causes flaking and itching.

Skin diseases

According to the National Foundation psoriasis(American organization), this disease can cause dryness and scaling of the skin. Besides, seborrheic dermatitis can lead to a red, scaly, itchy rash, usually due to oily skin.

Eczema can occur anywhere on the body and results in dry patches that can become very itchy, red, and inflamed. Blepharitis- This is an inflammatory disease that affects the eyelids due to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

aging factor

As hormone levels fluctuate over the years, the skin becomes very dry, flaky, and wrinkles appear due to the aging of the sebaceous glands, which secrete less sebum. You may need a moisturizer.

Using a hard sponge while showering

Most people find that scrubbing the body up and down with a rough sponge or washcloth helps remove dirt, but it also causes the skin to dry out due to the friction applied to it. "Rubbering removes the top layer of skin and increases dryness," says Nanette Silverberg, MD, professor of dermatology at Columbia University.

contact dermatitis

This is a common condition caused by an allergic reaction to certain irritants that touch the skin, as the Eye Care Source website explains. It can be a clothing fabric, fabric softener, or detergent. Many everyday fabrics and products can irritate the skin from wipes to perfumes.

On the face

Dry, flaky patches on the face can create an area of ​​easy entry for bacteria. You should seek medical attention if you notice dry, flaky skin on your cheek, chin, neck, and even towards your back.

Facial skin may also show signs such as cracks or tears; red, swollen patches, hot and tender; infected sores in or around the mouth.

The following are some of the factors that can lead to this problem on the forehead, chin, or cheeks:

  • Weather
  • Hot baths and showers
  • Harsh soaps and detergents
  • Heat
  • Other skin conditions such as psoriasis.

On hands

If you are allergic to certain irritants that you come into contact with, such as soaps and detergents, then the best solution is to avoid them. They can contribute to itching, blistering, scaling, and flaking of the skin.

Some of the other irritants include:

  • Nickel bracelet or watch
  • Poison ivy
  • Latex
  • Fragrances in cosmetics and skin care products
  • Formaldehyde.

On foot

Some of the causes include eczema or bathing too often, according to The New York Times Health Guide. Other factors include aging, exposure to dry air and cold temperatures, and the amount of time spent outdoors.

In addition, during the winter months, frost and low humidity reduce the amount of moisture available to the skin, which also contributes to flaking, according to Iowa State University.

White dry flaky skin

Galonevus (Nevus of Setton)

White, scaly skin - actinic keratosis (thickening of cells)

This is a pink-brown nevus (dark mole) surrounded by very light or white scaly skin. It is recommended to visit a dermatologist to check the condition of the skin if there are any abnormalities.


It can be caused by vitiligo, anemia, or tuberous sclerosis, among many other underlying conditions.

Lichen sclerosus

It usually affects the groin area. Symptoms include thinning and white patches on the skin that may be localized or spread over a wider area.

Ring-shaped scleroderma

The skin begins to harden and thicken, resulting in red or purple patches that then change to a yellow tint with a white center. They may eventually turn into brown spots before turning white.

seborrheic eczema

This is a skin disorder that can cause round or oval white patches, sometimes scaly.

The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology explains that these patches usually appear on the face, shoulders, neck, and torso and are most common in dark-skinned children and adolescents.

Pityriasis versicolor

It is caused by a fungal infection that has similar characteristics to a yeast infection that results in athlete's foot, eczema fringes, and ringworm, but unlike these conditions, it is not contagious.


This is due to a genetic condition in which the skin loses melanin, forming white patches that can spread throughout the body. Vitiligo can affect anyone, but it is most common in people with darker skin. There is no cure yet, but active treatment can slow pigment loss.

Red dry flaky skin

Flaky skin with redness - psoriasis (a disease with excessive cell growth)

Dry, red, flaky skin on the face, arms, and legs occurs when the sebaceous glands fail to produce sebum, leading to invisible cracks in the skin that lose moisture, resulting in dry, flaky skin. In addition, exposure to irritants is exacerbated, as a result of which even products for sensitive skin can cause irritation.

Some of the common causes of sebaceous gland dysfunction include:

  • Age
  • Hormones
  • Genetics.

Peeling and itching

Itching and flaking are symptoms of conditions such as allergic reactions including hay fever, asthma and eczema, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and various types of cancer, pregnancy and old age.

Traditional treatments include prescription corticosteroids; vitamin D analogues (vitamin D-based preparations); and controlled UV therapies that are performed in a dermatologist's office.

home remedies

homemade milk

This mild remedy has anti-inflammatory properties and removes dead skin cells. Use a soft washcloth soaked in milk, then rinse the area of ​​application with warm water.

Yogurt or kefir

Yogurt or kefir is also effective for skin problems due to the presence of lactic acid, which can remove bacteria that cause itching. You need to apply some of these products to an area of ​​dry skin, leave for a while, and then rinse with water.

Avocado masks

Avocados are among the healthiest fruits, especially when it comes to beauty and skin care, mainly because of their fatty acid and vitamin A content.

Olive oil and sugar

Olive oil provides the skin with proper care, while sugar exfoliates. Extreme caution must be exercised when using this product and monitor the reaction of the skin. When applied, a soft and pleasant massage effect should be felt.

This article talks in detail about the causes of redness and flaking of the skin of the face in the spring, as well as itching, redness and flaking of the scalp and how to properly deal with it.

Redness, peeling of the skin of the face in the spring is a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes small areas on the cheeks and near the lips are slightly peeling, which indicates a spring lack of vitamins. Moisturizing vitamin cream will easily bring the skin in order. In such cases, it is good to use homemade cream to moisturize the skin.

With the onset of spring, many women stop using weather protection cream, leaving the skin exposed to the adverse effects of cold winds and ultraviolet rays, leading to inflammation of the dermis. In the spring, you should strengthen the nutrition of the skin, make moisturizing masks twice a week, it is advisable to switch to creams for dry skin. People with oily and problematic skin are recommended to use cleansers, scrub and night cream from the series for their skin type, and take a day cream specifically for dry skin.

Do not be afraid that the cream will "add fat", it will only save the skin that has starved for the winter from a lack of moisture and fill it with vitamins. It is good to make salads from young leaves of nettle and dandelion at this time of the year. The leaves are washed in running water, dried and poured with boiling water, then they are used for salad, and a spoonful of honey is added to the boiling water with which they were poured and drunk like vitamin tea.

Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system, since a decrease in the body's resistance entails the active reproduction of bacteria that cause reddening of the skin, itching and peeling. As you know, it is not the bacteria themselves that are dangerous, but the products of their vital activity - toxins (poisons). The skin performs a very important job - cleansing the body of harmful substances, poisons come out through the pores along with sweat.

Therefore, it is possible to use deodorants that prevent the release of sweat only in extreme cases and not for a long time. Constant clogging of the armpits with antiperspirants can cause not only redness, but also the appearance of pimples and acne. Not finding a way out in the right place (armpits), the body will begin to look for where to get rid of harmful substances.

And since all areas of the skin perform a strictly planned cleansing, these "overtime" toxins cannot be completely thrown out and they slowly accumulate in the pores. This is how acne, itching, redness, peeling of the skin are obtained. Many pathogens of skin diseases are in a state of "hibernation", clogged pores create an excellent environment for their awakening and vigorous activity.

Of course, spring beriberi contributes to a decrease in immunity, but besides it, a significant blow to the body's resistance was caused by winter colds, frequent hypothermia, lack of iodine. Preparations for strengthening immunity with echinacea in the form of tablets and tinctures, iodmarin can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

At this time of the year, it is necessary to include seafood in the diet, especially shrimp, as they are champions in iodine content. Exacerbation of chronic diseases can also cause inflammation of the skin. In this case, teas from St. John's wort, tea rose petals, chamomile, white acacia flowers, and yarrow will help well.

You can brew and drink teas in any proportion (to taste) and without restrictions, since they do not contain poison, and the range of action is so wide that an overdose is almost impossible. These herbs successfully destroy harmful bacteria without harming the beneficial microflora, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins, and heal wounds. From decoctions and infusions of these herbs, you can make lotions on inflamed areas of the skin of the face, take baths.

Demodicosis is a skin disease that can be called "age-related", since children do not get sick with it, it is very rare in young people, and quite often in older people. The causative agent of demodicosis is a tick that lives on the bulbs of eyelashes, in the sebaceous glands and can be dormant for many years. Some experts consider demodicosis a hereditary disease. Favorable conditions for the "awakening" of the tick is the weakening of the immune system, dysfunction of the endocrine and sebaceous glands, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Inflammation appears around the eyes, on the eyelids, on the nose, near the mouth.

First, the skin turns red, peels off, then a blistering rash appears. Despite the strong itching, it is impossible to comb demodicosis because microtraumas contribute to the "increase in living space" of the tick. Treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist, therapy lasts quite a long time. The strictest observance of personal hygiene accelerates the process of treatment, and also prevents relapses. Demodicosis can cause redness on the head and itching.

Seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, an allergic reaction also cause redness and flaking of the scalp, face and other parts of the body. During the spring flowering period, people suffering from allergies should always carry medications recommended by their doctor. Psoriasis is a chronic, hereditary disease that is not considered contagious. The nature of its appearance and treatment is almost not studied. For the treatment of psoriasis, folk remedies such as birch tar, onion peel and many others are widely used.

Dandruff is a fungal disease and requires not only cosmetic treatment (shampoos, masks), but also strengthening the immune system, as well as the use of antifungal drugs. The people rubbed sour milk into the scalp, this procedure perfectly cleanses the pores. The role of shampoo was played by egg yolk, and a decoction of burdock roots or an infusion of dry celandine grass was added to the water. As a result, the village beauties grew lush braids without any dandruff.

The wrong shampoo can cause yellowish crusts to appear on the scalp. If the crusts begin to get wet, wounds form under them, then you need to consult a dermatologist, as these are symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a rather unpleasant disease, a rash appears on the face, head, behind the ears, on the back, in the groin - in those places where the sebaceous glands are most located. First, redness appears, then plaques appear, which grow and merge into incessantly itchy, scaly spots with crusts, weeping. Causes of the disease: frequent stress, disruption of the endocrine system and decreased immunity.

A weakened body is not able to destroy harmful bacteria. And here comes the feast for the opportunistic fungus from the genus Malassezla, it actively reproduces and with all its family eats fatty acids in the sebaceous glands with pleasure. As a result, the quantity and quality of sebum changes dramatically, inflammation occurs - seborrheic dermatitis.

In no case should you comb itchy plaques, as the fungus will enter the bloodstream and "go" to look for new places of residence. Having reached the scalp, the fungus will deprive the hair of normal growth and nutrition. Hair becomes weak, thin, begins to actively fall out, which leads to complete baldness. Seborrhea, like all fungal diseases, is treated for a long time and is difficult. Doctors welcome the use of folk remedies.

Spring redness and peeling of the skin is closely related to a decrease in immunity and non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. At the first sign of skin diseases, immediate measures should be taken.