Modern makeup for brown eyes. Makeup for light brown eyes. Blue and light blue ideas for girls with brown eyes

Just because you have the same eye color as half of humanity does not mean that you are destined to blend in with the crowd. Beautiful everyday makeup for brown eyes will emphasize their expressiveness. What colors are right for you? How to do everyday makeup for brown eyes? The lessons that you will find in the article will help you answer these questions.

Winning combinations

Here are some shades of shadows worth having in your makeup bag to make your look even more beautiful:

But red and yellow, as a rule, do not go well with brown eyes.

Natural beauty

Achieving the effect of “bare” skin and at the same time hiding flaws and refreshing the appearance is not an easy task.

Let's look at this gentle everyday makeup for brown eyes step by step:

If you want to make the look more expressive, then use black eyeliner and draw a thicker line. To make the makeup look harmonious and complete, do not forget to line the lower eyelid with the same shadows that you used, highlighting the crease on the upper eyelid.

Green and blue tones interestingly set off the brown color of the eyes. While soft neutral browns soften their brightness. Here is such a light everyday makeup for brown eyes that will clearly demonstrate how it looks.

How to repeat it?

  1. On the entire moving eyelid, apply greenish shadows with small sparkles. Don't take the color too high.
  2. Highlight the crease of the eyelid with a brownish tint. Blend the colors so that there is no sharp border between them.
  3. Using a thin brush with dark shadows, make a soft line along the eyelashes.
  4. Apply shimmery shadows under the brow.
  5. Curl with tweezers and diligently paint over the eyelashes with mascara to make them fluffy and expressive.

And here is how a similar makeup will look, but using turquoise.

Experiment and find the shades that suit you best.

Mint lollipop in chocolate

You can also do everyday makeup for brown eyes in a different way using green and brownish shades.

Here's how it's done:

  1. Start at the outer corner of the eye and the crease of the eyelid. In this area, apply shadows of dark beige color.
  2. Then apply a mint shade to the inner corner of the eye and the middle of the eyelid. Blend the border.
  3. Using a thin brush, emphasize the lower eyelid with the same colors that have already been used.
  4. It remains to make a thin line with eyeliner and make up the eyelashes, and the makeup will be ready. For a more expressive look, add dark brown shadows to the crease of the eyelid.

10 minutes for makeup

No time for makeup? It doesn't matter if you learn how to do this simple everyday makeup for brown eyes.

  1. Use a pencil or brow wax to enhance the shape and color of your brows.
  2. Cover the entire eyelid with very light matte shadows to even out skin tone.
  3. Apply highlighter to the inner corner of the eye and above the eye socket under the eyebrow.
  4. Draw a wide expressive arrow, cover your eyelashes with mascara - and a beautiful image is ready.

fashion trends

Eyeliner can be not only black or brown. It looks very interesting bright blue color in combination with brown eyes:

If that's too bright for you, then check out how a deep purple eyeliner drastically changes the look of an otherwise almost classic neutral makeup.

This is the case when the trend that came from the catwalk can be safely applied in everyday life.

warm tones

The following everyday makeup for brown eyes is done using soft matte chocolate tones and a dash of purple.

  1. Start with an eyeshadow base and then apply light brown eyeshadow all over the lid with a small brush.
  2. Then outline the crease of the eyelid with a darker brown color and blend it thoroughly.
  3. On the outside of the corner of the eye, add some shadows of a warm purple color.
  4. Don't forget to emphasize the lower eyelid. To do this, from the side of the bridge of the nose, draw it with a thin line of brown shadows, and closer to the outer corner of the eyes - with purple shadows.
  5. To "open" the look, apply a drop of light pearl shadows from the side of the bridge of the nose.
  6. With black eyeliner, draw a thin neat line along the upper eyelid.
  7. Color your eyelashes.

Bright colors

Everyday makeup for brown eyes can include interesting color schemes. Look at these harmonious and beautiful images:

Proper makeup can significantly affect the female image, emphasizing the undoubted dignity of appearance. Well-chosen colors, the play of shadows, an even complexion, a soft sheen of lipstick, delicate blush, skillfully made up eyes - all this makes up a picture of the harmonious appearance of a stylish girl. Brown-eyed beauties may not make any special efforts to look stunning, because nature has already generously awarded them with bright and deep colors. Therefore, makeup for brown eyes is possible using any shades that are harmoniously combined with each other.

Beautiful and expressive brown eyes can be the result of skillful manipulations that any girl can easily master. Learning the art of makeup for brown eyes from video or photo instructions is a great opportunity to look stunning always and everywhere. You can choose colors of the same tone or choose contrasting shades - it all depends on the result you want to achieve.

When choosing shadows for brown eyes, do not forget that their shades should be in harmony with your color type, as well as with the main colors of the wardrobe. Otherwise, you will not be able to make the look deep and expressive. After studying the photo and video materials with different makeup options for girls with brown eyes, which we have prepared for you, you can easily determine which colors and shades suit you personally. If you wish, you can attend special make-up master classes. Let's see what makeup for brown-eyed people can be, based on the color type of appearance.

  1. For girls with a light hazel tint of eyes, makeup artists recommend choosing delicate and light colors of shadows that are one or two shades darker than the skin. In this case, the pink-lilac range, which goes well with light eyes, can be considered ideal. Weightless peach or milky-pearl shadows are also able to emphasize the beauty of the hazel iris. Girls with eyes of such an unusual shade can safely do makeup using sparkling champagne-colored shadows, which will give the image an elusive charm. For representatives of this color type, it is better to opt for purple, dark brown or bronze eyeliner, which will make the makeup very natural and natural.

  2. Light brown eyes themselves are very expressive and radiant, so they need only be slightly emphasized. However, try not to overdo it with cosmetics, because the abundance of colors can destroy the natural beauty. Harmonious and correct makeup for brown eyes of this color type is a minimum of bright shades and brown eyeliner. Use light shadows to make the look brighter, but it is better to refuse dark colors. You can apply a small amount of dark shadows to the crease of the eyelid, carefully blending them, but follow the measure to avoid the effect of tired eyes.

  3. For those who have brown eyes of a “classic” color, there are practically no restrictions, since this shade involves the use of any colors and their combinations. In this case, both purple, pink and lilac shades, as well as copper, bronze or gold, will look great. Green and blue makeup for brown eyes looks no less great. Makeup can become bright and saturated if it uses a deep blue tint, which, when skillfully applied, can completely transform your look. Colored eyeliner will only enhance the effect, so you can safely experiment, creating new options for a luxurious look.

  4. Sometimes dark brown eyes are very close in shade to black. Representatives of this type are incredibly lucky, because any shadow suits them. It is only important to consider that too dark and gloomy shades can sometimes look somewhat unnatural and inharmonious, so you should combine them with lighter and softer colors.

Makeup for beautiful brown eyes is not only well-chosen shades that match the color type of appearance. It is very important to follow the basic rules for applying cosmetics so that the result of your manipulations is perfect.

Rules for beautiful makeup

If you want your face to look no less attractive than the photos of Hollywood actresses, then you need to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for applying cosmetics. Almost all makeup lessons for brown eyes consist of a few basic rules that are an important basis for any make-up. Be sure to follow them, and then you yourself will be able to decorate your brown eyes with stylish and luxurious makeup.

  1. Perfectly even complexion. To do this, you should use special tools to hide all possible skin imperfections. You will need: concealer, corrector, foundation or foundation and powder. By step-by-step performing all the necessary steps to even out the complexion with the help of these cosmetic products, you will achieve a first-class effect. In order for everything to turn out harmoniously and naturally, knowledge and practical skills are needed. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you, if possible, at least once seek the help of a professional makeup artist - this will be an invaluable experience for you. Beautiful and bright brown eyes will look great only in combination with perfect skin.
  2. Careful application of cosmetics. Remember, no makeup should be done carelessly and carelessly.! Do not rush, because this can only spoil everything. Carefully and measuredly follow all the steps to make your image perfect. This rule, like the previous one, applies not only to girls who have brown eyes, but to absolutely all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. If you want to get a flawless result, you must make serious efforts for this. It just doesn't happen otherwise.

Compliance with these basic rules will allow you to always and everywhere look decent. Do not forget, if you want your eyes to become brighter and more expressive, focus on them. Lips should not be painted too dark lipstick. So your makeup may seem pretentious and somewhat vulgar, so follow the measure.

Ideas and step by step instructions

Absolutely all girls want to look fabulously beautiful and charming, but not everyone knows how to achieve such an effect. When creating your image, it is very important not to miss anything, because any makeup is an art. For those who want to learn it on their own, we offer useful photo instructions for making a beautiful and simple make-up. Makeup for brown eyes step by step is a process consisting of several steps. Choose your favorite ideas and hurry to bring them to life.

After looking at the collection of photo makeup for brown eyes, you are convinced that a make-up can be gentle, bright, defiant, passionate, light or eccentric. It all depends on the choice of shades and the result you want to achieve. Brown eyes are a real reward for a girl who gets a huge scope for creativity and self-expression in a make-up.

Taking the first steps is always difficult, and make-up is no exception. So that you have a visual idea of ​​​​what and how to do, we bring to your attention several useful videos. Professional makeup artists will show you simple and stylish makeup in their lessons. Watch the video carefully, take into account all the tips and tricks, and then try to bring your favorite ideas to life.

Professionals claim that such a combination as blond hair and brown eyes is rarely found in nature. However, for them there are also special rules for applying the perfect-correct makeup.

What to consider when doing makeup for brown eyes and blonde hair

For applying make-up brown-eyed women with blond hair should know the shape of their face, skin color and exact shade of hair. This will highlight the natural beauty in the best possible way.

Blonde girls are best suited for the most natural look.

  • cornflower blue;
  • olive;
  • purple;
  • blue.

Makeup for brown eyes and blond hair requires a delicate taste.

This eyeshadow palette is suitable for makeup for brown eyes and blond hair.

The beauty of the image is emphasized by warm shadows: peach, sand, chocolate color and color shades:

  • green color of different shades;
  • beige color in all shades;
  • brown color in all shades;
  • fuchsia color;
  • dark pink;
  • shades of lilac;
  • golden and silver color.

Blonde girls with brown eyes are best suited for the most natural makeup.

Makeup for brown-eyed and fair-haired women will emphasize the beauty of the appearance, if the color shades of the eyes are also taken into account when applying it:

  1. Dark chocolate brown eyes favorably emphasized by pale pink, plum and beige colors.
  2. Light (hazel) eye color, emphasized with an olive-brown tint.
  3. If the eyes are brown with a green tint, then it is better to choose a neutral gray shade.

Powder must be a natural shade of yellowish-pink or bronze. Brown, green, blue and gray mascara is not suitable for makeup for women with this appearance.

Everyday makeup for brown eyes and blond hair. Step-by-step instruction

You will need:

Necessary steps to perform everyday makeup:

  1. Tiny drops of green, yellow, pink, red, purple corrector mask facial imperfections.
  2. Concealer eliminates defects of the upper and lower eyelids. It is lighter than the skin tone of the face, it draws a triangle under the eye. The same is done with the nasolabial folds.
  3. Next, a foundation is applied, and loose powder to fix the tone.
  4. Correction (correction of the shape of the face) creates natural shadows and highlights. A small amount of dry brown tone corrector is taken with a brush and driven in by hand under the cheekbone, along the sides of the nose, slightly under the lower lip and into the lower part of the chin. The clarifier lightens the back of the nose, the checkmark, the upper part of the chin, the prominent parts on the cheekbones, under the eyebrows on the face, the corners of the eyes near the nose, the middle of the frontal part.
  5. Eyebrows are highlighted with a brown pencil, comb hairs up, and draw lines under the eyebrows in pink or white and carefully shade.
  6. Be sure to make a fix special transparent gel.
  7. For easy application of shadows when making brown eyes and blond hair, a base (primer) is applied.
  8. At the outer corner of the eyes and upper eyelid apply a dark matte shadow, and lighter shadows at the inner corner of the eyes, the border between them is shaded.
  9. With the help of an eyeliner visually enlarge the eyes by pointing the arrow with pencils of the required color, shade it, or you can enlarge the eyes with clear massive arrows that go beyond the edge of the eye and lift them up.
  10. paint eyelashes.
  11. Apply peach or coral blush and shade to the temples.

Evening makeup for brown eyes and blond hair. Step-by-step instruction

You need to do the following:

Smokey Eyes. Step by step instructions

Trendy Smokey Eyes based on blue, green, cornflower blue, purple. It is easier for inexperienced women to use pearl, silver shades that suit women of any type of appearance.

Everyday makeup begins with preparation. The skin is cleansed of dirt or refreshed with tonic, moisturized with special water.

Instructions for performing such makeup are as follows:

Rejuvenating lifting make-up. Step-by-step instruction

  1. Apply a base on the face and eyelids, which contains reflective particles so that the skin is illuminated from the inside.
  2. Shape eyebrows a shade similar in color to the color of the hair, and the bend is lifted up.
  3. A light corrector masks wrinkles, nasolabial folds and dark circles under the eyes.
  4. Next, a foundation is applied. corresponding to the natural tone of the face.
  5. Light loose powder veil all the irregularities on the face, and swelling with dark powder.
  6. Makeup fix the base color of the powder with a brush;
  7. Allocate lower eyelid with dark shadows,
  8. Eyelashes color black ink;
  9. On the upper cheekbones shade blush;
  10. Complete anti-aging lifting make-up by applying natural color lipstick.

Festive (wedding) makeup. Step-by-step instruction

Instructions for this makeup:

  1. Upper and lower eyelids are tinted natural color concealer.
  2. A line is applied to the upper eyelid using a contour pencil and shaded.
  3. dark shadows apply to the upper eyelid and completely shade.
  4. light tone shadows slightly rub the borders of dark shadows and above.
  5. Thin layer light shadows are distributed to the eyebrows.
  6. Colored or black ink clearly defines the eye.
  7. On the lower eyelid contour draw a thin line, and a dark tone is superimposed on the top, which is shaded with a brush.

Makeup for brown eyes with an impending eyelid

Older women have a problem with an impending eyelid, but they also want to look attractive. Experienced makeup artists explain to such women the intricacies of eliminating such a flaw.

The most winning option for a bride with blond hair and brown eyes is smoky-eyes makeup, which allows you to emphasize the innocence and chastity of the bride.

Such makeup is almost universal and is applied to women with any hair and eye color, approximately according to the same rules:

Masters willingly share their experience:

  1. The tone of the face must be impeccable;
  2. A small amount of powder is taken for fixation;
  3. Shades of shadows should be much lighter than the eyebrows;
  4. During the correction, the contour of the face, the lower part of the cheekbones, the nose on the sides are darkened; lighten the back of the nose, checkmark, cheekbones, chin, slightly forehead, place under the eyebrows;
  5. Mascara is carefully applied to the roots of the eyelashes, and the tips of the eyelashes are painted by twisting;
  6. A little blush on the cheeks;
  7. Highlight the eyes and paint the lips with pink or beige lipstick.

With the help of these subtle secrets, women achieve excellent results and look very attractive.

Make up (as it is fashionable to call makeup) for brown eyes and blond hair, when applied correctly, will emphasize the natural bewitching mystery, magic and beauty of the image!

The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and find the best design options for your appearance, using the highest quality cosmetics and professional advice!

Perfect makeup for brown eyes:

Makeup for blonde hair:

With the right make-up applied, you can easily adjust the appearance to successfully create any image. Makeup helps to place accents in the right places and divert attention from imperfections. The same make up cannot be perfect for every face type.

Makeup should be applied taking into account the color of the eyes, hair and skin, individual facial features, such as the shape of the eyes and the shape of the lips. Owners of brown eyes and dark hair can experiment with makeup, because. with this combination of data, a large number of colors and techniques can be used.

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair can be created using decorative cosmetics of a variety of colors. It is necessary to take into account the shade of the color of the eyes and skin.


The blue-blue eyeshadow palette is recommended to be used as carefully as possible and only for evening makeup. Otherwise, there is a risk of looking too catchy. When choosing the color of the shadows, do not neglect such an important indicator as skin color.

Slate and brown shades are suitable for women with a winter color type. Eye makeup with beige, gold, green and plum shades is suitable for the summer color type.

What eyeliner and mascara to use

When choosing an eyeliner, you should follow the same recommendations as for the selection of shadows. A win-win option is a classic black eyeliner. It will suit all, without exception, owners of brown eyes and dark hair, regardless of skin color.

The choice of mascara is also wide. It is allowed to use both the usual black and dark brown shades, as well as blue or green colors. It all depends on the image that is being created.

What lipstick color suits brown eyes and dark hair

Correctly accentuated lips will make the face look visually younger. If the lipstick color is chosen incorrectly, eye makeup will not save. When choosing a shade of lipstick, not only the color of the eyes and hair, but also the color of the skin plays an important role.

The best eyeshadow and lipstick color combinations

To get a truly perfect makeup, it is important to choose the right combination of shadow + lipstick. Bright red lipstick combined with a rich herbal shade on the eyes is hardly capable of creating a luxurious look.

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair for every day will help to be irresistible, thanks to a large selection of different shades in cosmetics

To make the make-up really perfect, you can be guided by already proven color combinations.

Lipstick and eye shadow:

  1. The time-tested solution is red or wine lipstick and beige or taupe shades.
  2. Peach-colored lipstick is suitable for shades of emerald shade.
  3. With the help of golden shadows and red lipstick, you can create a chic evening look.
  4. When using brown-eyed girls with dark hair of blue shades, it is recommended to paint lips with pink lipstick. This combination will create an image in retro style.
  5. When choosing coral shades of lipstick, it is recommended to give preference to shades of hazel or champagne.

How to do eyebrow makeup

Due to the fact that the hair is naturally dark, there is no need for mandatory tinting and drawing of the eyebrows. To give the eyebrows a flawless look, you need to give them the correct shape with tweezers. The next step is to brush them.

This is done with a special brush in the direction of hair growth. To maintain the shape that has been created throughout the day, it is recommended to fix it with a transparent eyebrow wax. If the eyebrow line is interrupted due to the absence of hairs in any part, you need to draw the eyebrows with a pencil.

Light everyday makeup

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair for every day can be minimal due to the natural brightness of women with this appearance.

Step by step light makeup is performed as follows:

Light makeup for every day is ready.

nude makeup

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair in nude style involves the use of colors that are as close as possible to natural skin and pinkish shades.

To get the most natural nude makeup you need:

Evening makeup - step by step with a photo

To create an evening make-up, it is recommended to use brighter shades than for daytime. You need to select them not only taking into account the color of the eyes, hair and skin of the face. It is necessary that the resulting make-up is in harmony with the hairstyle and the chosen outfit.

When the color scheme is selected, you can proceed to the stages of creating makeup:

  • A foundation is applied to cleansed and moisturized facial skin. Next, you need to mask the imperfections of the skin with a corrector. After that, the face is covered with foundation.
  • For an evening look, the eyebrows need to be made darker. To do this, you need to additionally paint over them with a pencil. Next, fix the form with wax.
  • The mucosa of the upper eyelid is brought down with a dark pencil. Then the shadows of the selected colors are applied. The area under the eyebrows is covered with light shadows of a flesh-colored shade with a matte effect.
  • Bring the upper eyelid along the growth of eyelashes with a pencil or eyeliner. The lines should be clear and bright.
  • Eyelashes are painted with mascara in 2-3 layers. Make sure that there are no lumps on them. For evening makeup, mascara should be used jet black. To obtain the desired effect, green or dark blue mascara is allowed.
  • Paint lips with the chosen lipstick color. When choosing bright shades, you need to draw a lip contour with a pencil that matches the color of lipstick.
  • Apply blush. In evening make-up, they should be with shimmering particles.

It is important to consider that when choosing bright shadows, the lips should be covered with lipstick of “calm” shades. The emphasis should be either on the eyes or on the lips. Simultaneous emphasis is not allowed.

Makeup in oriental style

Oriental-style makeup will suit almost every owner of brown eyes and dark hair.
After all, it is precisely this type of appearance that most oriental beauties are endowed with.

To create makeup in this style, you need to follow a few subtleties:

  • In Arabic makeup, there is always an eyeliner. The presence of pronounced lines, drawn corners is a distinctive feature of such makeup.
  • Shadows should contain glitter or mother-of-pearl.
  • Eyebrows should be tinted with a black or dark brown pencil and fixed with wax.
  • Volumetric mascara should be used to color eyelashes. It is very important to qualitatively paint over the eyelashes at the outer corner of the eye.
  • The face should have a peach, swarthy or golden tone.
  • Bright lipstick is not used to create oriental makeup. Only natural shades with a light texture are allowed.

It is not forbidden to use false eyelashes when creating the image of an oriental woman.

Smokey ice for brown eyes and dark hair

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair, made using the smoky ice technique, in the 20-30s of the XX century was performed only in black.
Its modern variation allows the use of other shades.

Step by step technique:

  1. Skin preparation - applying foundation or foundation. Eyelid powdering is allowed.
  2. The upper eyelid is brought along the lash line without gaps. For this purpose, a soft eyeliner should be used. The resulting line is shaded.
  3. Shadows are applied to the feathered line. The first should be the darkest shade from the selected range. It should be shaded.
  4. Shadows of a lighter shade are superimposed on the border of the feathering. Shade again. It is allowed to use a third shade, even lighter, from the same color range.
  5. The lower eyelid is lined with the same pencil as the upper eyelid. Closer to the outer corner of the eye, the line should become wider. The eyeliner line is also shaded.
  6. An “arrow” is drawn along the outer edge of the upper eyelid, which should become wider towards the end.
  7. Paint eyelashes and lips, add a little blush.

In makeup, where smokey ice is present, bright lipstick is not used.

Wedding make-up

The image of the bride excludes the use of too bright and catchy shades in makeup. The image should be gentle, romantic and mysterious. Girls who are endowed with brown eyes and dark hair should pay attention to the golden or sandy colors of the shadows. Shadows of beige, green, lilac or light terracotta shades will help to create the desired image.

The eyeliner should be of medium thickness. With this technique, you can achieve mystery. When choosing lipstick, preference should be given to pale pink, burgundy, beige or coral shades. It is allowed to use gloss with caramel or the same coral shade.

For women over 45

Mature women should avoid bright shades when creating makeup. It is recommended to replace the black color of shadows, pencils, ink and eyeliners with brown. It is better to refuse eyeliner altogether. It is difficult to apply evenly on the aging skin of the eyelids. A pencil and shadows will ideally cope with this task.

Also, red-brown, blue and purple tones should be excluded from the eye makeup palette. It is recommended to abandon the intense staining of the lower eyelashes. It is advisable to limit yourself to the area of ​​​​the outer edge of the eye.

Eyebrow makeup also changes with age. Hair growth slows down, in some areas it stops altogether. There is a need for regular drawing of the eyebrow line. For these purposes, it is better to use shadows instead of a pencil.

With their help, you need to give the eyebrows the most correct shape (comma), since round eyebrows look ridiculous on the face of a woman at 45 years old. The edge of the eyebrows should not be below the outer corner of the eye. When drawing eyebrows, it is recommended to apply shadows with strokes. The direction of the lines should be parallel to the hairline.

Makeup rules

Before you start applying makeup, you need to prepare your skin for further manipulations. After cleansing procedures, you need to apply a moisturizer to the skin. An important point - the cream should be just moisturizing, as it is absorbed into the skin of the face as quickly as possible and creates an excellent basis for the future make-up.

When applying makeup, you need to follow a few rules for the use of cosmetics:

  • Foundation is not recommended to be applied with fingers. This technique prevents the uniform distribution of funds. As a result of this, the base will be visible to others and will create a “mask” effect. To achieve the most natural coverage of the face, foundation should be applied and distributed with a sponge.
  • For greater naturalness, the foundation can be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck, ears and areas behind them.
  • To evenly apply loose shadows, you need to moisten the brush for applying them. To do this, it is necessary to blot it with a damp cloth or a pre-moistened and wrung out cotton pad.
  • If the shadows crumble during the application process, you can remove them with a sponge with the remnants of the foundation.

A few pro tips:

  • You can apply a little blush under the very eyebrow closer to the bridge of the nose. This technique can give the look freshness.
  • When applying multiple layers of mascara, don't wait for each layer to dry before applying the next.
  • In eye makeup, the maximum number of shades of shadows is 3. All of them must be in harmony with each other.

Owners of brown eyes and dark hair are allowed to use a wide variety of color combinations and make-up techniques in makeup.

Feel free to experiment with colors and their combinations. The main thing is not to start experiments if there is too little time for this.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Makeup video for brown eyes and dark hair

Quick makeup for brown eyes:

Makeup for brown eyes:

Evening makeup is of particular importance. It differs from everyday life not only in appearance. Sometimes completely different means are used for its application than for everyday use. It is also allowed to use completely different colors and some other decorating agents.

What you need for evening makeup

Evening makeup should give a sense of celebration and fun. Many brown-eyed beauties make such a make-up for various events, ranging from minor to very important ones. Therefore, you need to look your best! And evening makeup for brown eyes is the main assistant in this.

Evening makeup trends change, but the general rules remain unchanged. Now, for evening make-up under brown eyes, glitters, glamorous gloss, and deep haze turned out to be in fashion. Choosing a make-up is now as easy as shelling pears, and eyes widen from the range of decorative products.

To perform beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Use a durable tone, with good adhesive properties.
  • Apply from 5 types of shadows, from 3 different color tones.
  • It is better to use lengthening mascara or build suitable eyelashes.
  • Use suitable lipstick or gloss, choosing what matches the overall image (hair color, dresses).
  • Use pencils - different types. From corrective to several - for the eyes.
  • Be sure to use a shading agent.

The difference between evening makeup is its brightness, and this rule applies to every step.

The main principle here is festivity, showiness. Means that are unnatural in texture are allowed.

We must not forget that makeup for the evening for brown eyes begins with the perfect tone. Bad skin is not a beauty guide.

In different cases, different means are selected. Be sure to take into account style characteristics, such as color type, eye color, skin type, hairstyle, clothing! It is worth losing something out of sight - and the result will be inharmonious, and the forces will be spent in vain.

In the photo, evening brown eye makeup for burning brunettes.

Brown eyes can make a stunning make-up. Therefore, it is worth citing as an example photos of how beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes can be.

The photo shows a beautiful evening make-up for blondes with brown eyes.

For the perfect evening makeup for brown eyes, you need to choose the right color scheme.

Contrasts are allowed in evening make-up, but excesses should not be allowed.

1) Black mascara is suitable for brown eyes. With a few exceptions, it can be brown, but it is rarely used in evening make-up.

Strong tools are used that lengthen and add volume, creating a dramatic effect.

An evening look for brown eyes can (and even needs to!) be diluted with makeup with arrows.

2) Choose several colors of shadows. You can choose different textures, focusing on fashion trends and evening wear. Good colors:

  • White.
  • Golden.
  • Brown.

These directions in colors will help to make a bright eye makeup.

3) Mmkijazh must be supplemented with an eyeliner. It needs to be shaded. This will help the tool from a special foam rubber. Rarely, this is done with a cotton swab or an eye shadow brush. A few more lines are drawn on top.

4) Be sure to use several lip products. Many first cover them with foundation. It allows you to achieve excellent adhesion, clarity of contours. Then a suitable lipstick is applied, and on top of it - gloss.

Important: It is not necessary to choose a sparkling, shiny option. In some cases, it is better to opt for a gloss with a texture close to lipstick. It all depends on the specific case. Also, many prefer to focus on their own taste.

5) Blush needs warm tones. They are sure to match the tone of the foundation. Brown eyes are well suited to golden colors, and many take risks using blush of this tone. Peach, beige, pink are also well suited.

If you want to make a gentle evening make-up for brown eyes, then you should give preference to delicate colors of decorative cosmetics: peach, flesh, sand, pale pink.

Star example:

An interesting evening image of brown-eyed Emma Watson.

Jessica Alba demonstrates gentle evening makeup for brown eyes.

Video: evening makeup for brown eyes in oriental style.

Step by step makeup

To make a beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes, you need to know the nuances of step-by-step execution. Below is a step-by-step instruction and photos for a visual understanding:

1) First you need to create a base. For this, tonal creams are used. Many use several suitable options. So, if bags appear under the eyes in the evening, it is better to use greenish tones, covering this particular area. Ordinary tonalnik here will help badly, you need to choose the actual colors.

2) Be sure to apply blush. Brown eyes do not go well with cold colors, but they are ideally suited for a natural range that other color types only dream of.

Blush is applied with a brush with long bristles. They must be carefully shaded so that unnecessary treacherous traces are not visible.

3) Shadows are applied sequentially. First you need a base layer. This will ensure an even distribution of the product.

In evening makeup for brown eyes, not only loose, but also their liquid variations are relevant. But it is better not to combine these varieties, since they do not harmonize well with each other.

Shadows are applied in several layers: first on the entire surface - white, then dark in the deepest places. On the eyelid, dark shadows are also applied on the fold line, from the far corners to the middle.

4) Many also use false eyelashes. This is a good option. Black series are suitable for brown eyes, there are special evening eyelashes - with sparkles, elongated, originally laid.

They are applied with a special eyelash glue, and the line of contact with the skin is masked with shadows. Then use eyeliner pencils. If the result looks unnatural, another layer of shadows is applied on top.

5) In addition to mascara, evening makeup for brown eyes should be done with arrows that will make the look insanely expressive and seductive. Of course, arrows should be done if the image and the general style of the make-up allow.

6) Lips are isolated in several stages. First, foundation is applied with a sponge. Then comes a layer of lipstick. Sometimes women use multiple tones of the same color to achieve a unique color.

Lighter lipstick is applied to the convex parts of the lips. Then gloss is applied on top. Many choose glosses with glitters or the chameleon series, but an option close to lipstick is also suitable.

The main thing is to get additional volume. The lip liner, which is chosen to match the color of lipstick and gloss, also helps in this, although in the evening setting you can play with contrasts. For example, choose a beige lipstick, a transparent oily sheen and a dark, to chocolate, pencil.

Tips: if you want to do just a light evening make-up for brown eyes, then you should refuse false or brightly dyed eyelashes and arrows. But this does not mean that you should give up bright accents! You can highlight the eyes with mother-of-pearl or focus on the lips.

With step-by-step instructions, evening makeup for brown eyes is not difficult. Therefore, it is worth giving a good example in the form of a photograph.

Step-by-step execution of evening makeup for brown eyes is shown in the photo:

Video: beautiful evening makeup for brown eyes step by step.

Evening makeup for brown can be made both light and bright and expressive. It all depends on your desire and mood. If you follow all the recommendations, the image will turn out to be perfect and stylish.

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