William Shakespeare's sonnets about female beauty. William Shakespeare's sonnets about female beauty Shakespeare's sonnets that are easy to learn

The name of William Shakespeare is well known to all schoolchildren thanks to the plays "Romeo and Juliet", "Othello" and "Hamlet". However, not all students know about Shakespeare's sonnets.

A sonnet is not a simple verse, but a poetic work of a certain form, consisting of 14 lines. In Shakespeare's sonnets, the following rhyme is adopted: abab cdcd efef gg, that is, three quatrains for cross rhymes and one couplet.

In total, Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, and most of them were created in the years 1592-1599. The entire cycle of sonnets is divided into separate thematic groups:

  • Sonnets dedicated to a friend;
  • Sonnets dedicated to a swarthy lover;
    Joy and beauty of love.

Let's look at Shakespeare's popular sonnets in English and their translation.

Sonnet 57 (Sonnet 57)

Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do till you require. Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour
Whilst I (my sovereign) watch the clock for you,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid your servant once adieu.

Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But like a sad slave stay and think of nought
Save where you are how happy you make those.

So true a fool is love that in your will
Thought you do any thing he thinks no ill.

For faithful servants there is nothing else
How to expect the lady at the door.
So, ready to serve your whims,
I spend time waiting. I don’t dare scold boredom to myself,
Follow the hands of your watch.
I do not curse the bitter separation,
Leaving your door at a sign.

I do not allow jealous thoughts
Cross your treasured threshold,
And, poor slave, I consider myself happy
The one who could spend an hour with you.

Whatever you want to do. I lost my sight
And there is not a shadow of suspicion in me.

Translation by S. Marshak

Watch the recitation of Sonnet 57 by BBC actors.

Sonnet 66 (Sonnet 66)

Tired with all these, for restful death I cry;
As to behold desert a beggar born,
And needy nothing trimmed in jolity,
And purest faith unhappily forsworn, And gilded honor shamefully misplaced,
And mained virtue rudely strumpeted,
And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
And strength by limping sway disabled,

And art made tongue-tied by authority,
And folly, doctor-like, controlling skill,
And simple truth miscalled simplicity,
And captive good attending captain ill:

Tired with all these, from these would I be gone
Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.

Exhausted by everything, I want to die.
Longing to watch how the poor man toils,
And how jokingly the rich man lives,
And trust, and get into trouble, And watch how impudence climbs into the light,
And the maiden's honor rolls to the bottom,
And to know that there is no progress for perfection,
And to see the power of weakness in captivity,

And remember that thoughts will shut your mouth,
And the mind takes down the stupidity of the blasphemy,
And straightforwardness is reputed to be simple,
And goodness serves evil.

Exhausted by everything, I would not live a day,
Yes, it will be difficult for a friend without me.

Translation by Boris Pasternak

You can listen to the recitation of sonnet 66 by William Shakespeare below:

Sonnet 71 (Sonnet 71)

No longer mourn for me when I am dead
Then you shall hear the surly sullen bell
Give a warning to the world that I am fled
From this vile world, with vilest worms to dwell: Nay, if you read this line, remember not
the hand that write it; for I love you so
That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot
If thinking on me then should make you woe.

O, if, I say, you look upon this verse
When I perhaps compounded am with clay,
Do not so much as my poor name rehearse.
But let your love even with my life decay,

Lest the wise world should look into your moan
And mock you with me after I am gone.

You mourn when the poet dies
As long as the ringing of the nearest church
Will not announce that this low light
I traded worms for the lower world. And if you re-read my sonnet,
You do not regret about the hand that has cooled down.
I don't want to blur the delicate color
Eyes beloved by their memory.

I don't want these lines to echo
It reminded me again and again.
Let them freeze at the same time
My breath and your love!..

I don't want my longing
You betrayed yourself to the people's rumors.

Translation by S. Marshak

And here is the rendition of Sonnet 71:

Sonnet 90 (Sonnet 90)

Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now;
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for an after-loss: Ah, do not, when my heart hath ‘scoped this sorrow,
Come in the rearward of a conquer'd woe;
Give not a windy night a rainy morning,
To linger out a purposed overthrow.

If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,
When other petty griefs have done their spite
But in the onset come; so shall I taste
At first the very worst of fortune's might,

And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compared with loss of thee will not seem so.

If you fall out of love - so now,
Now that the whole world is at odds with me.
Be the bitterest of my losses
But not the last straw of grief! And if sorrow is given to me to overcome,
Don't ambush.
Let the stormy night not be resolved
Rainy morning - morning without consolation.

Leave me, but not at the last moment
When from small troubles I will weaken.
Leave now, so that I can immediately comprehend
That this grief is more painful than all adversities,

That there are no adversities, but there is one trouble -
Lose your love forever.

Translation by S. Marshak

Recitation of sonnet 90 in English in the video below:

Sonnet 102 (Sonnet 102)

My love is strength'ned, though more weak in seeming;
I love not less, though less the show appear:
That love is merchandised whose rich esteeming
The owner's tongue doth publish every where.Our love was new, and then but in the spring,
When I was wont to greet it with my lays,
As Philomel in summer's front doth sing,
And stops his pipe in growth of riper days:

Not that the summer is less pleasant now
Than when her mournful hymns did hush the night,
But that wild music burthens every bough,
And sweets grown common lose their dear delight.

Therefore like her, I sometime hold my tongue,
Because I would not dull you with my song.

I love, but I rarely talk about it,
I love more tenderly, but not for many eyes.
Trades in the feeling of the one in front of the light
He puts his whole soul on display. I met you with a song, like hello,
When love was new to us
So the nightingale rumbles at the midnight hour
In the spring, but forgets the flute in the summer.

The night will not lose its charm,
When his outpourings are silenced.
But music, sounding from all branches,
Having become ordinary, it loses its charm.

And I fell silent like a nightingale:
I sang my own and I don’t sing anymore!

Translation by S. Marshak

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This edition of the immortal works of William Shakespeare is unique in its own way in modern Russian literature, as the literal translation of the author was first undertaken. This titanic work was carried out by the poet-translator Nikolai Samoilov. Having freed Shakespeare from the literary layers applied by the translators of the twentieth century, Samoilov showed the readers the real and, as it turned out, very relevant work of the world genius. Meet the real Shakespeare. For a wide range of readers.

1. “We expect offspring from the pearl of beauty ...”

We expect offspring from the pearl of beauty -

So the rose of beauty does not die;

When mature flowers wither,

The heirs retain their appearance.

But you are married with clear eyes,

You feed love with your beauty,

With abundance, yourself over and over again,

As the worst enemy, you condemn to hunger.

You are the decoration of the world, the standard,

The beauty of spring is the only herald,

Your cute appearance, burying in a bud,

Like a miser, you squander a meager pay.

Don't be a glutton eating the world

With a grave, for two, having arranged a feast.

2. “When a person besieges forty winters…”

When forty winters besiege a person,

On the field of beauty, fighting with the flesh,

An outfit in which you are irresistible

Wear out, rags remain;

Then - then, if they ask where now

All the beauty of spring attire,

Do not say: "In the depths of sunken eyes."

The answer will be considered shameless bravado.

It is more worthy to say: “I did not live in vain,

Here is the excuse for old age - a child.

I tried, creating a copy in it,

Therefore, he is my portrait from the cradle.

I, having grown old, as if young again,

Having cooled down in me, the blood burns in my son.

3. "Look in the mirror, seeing the reflection ..."

Look in the mirror, see the reflection

Say: "It's time to create a living portrait."

Fool the world by failing to fulfill the decision

You will take grace from a girl.

After all, where is the one who is not happy

Give the virgin bosom to plow?

Or maybe self-love is a barrier,

Does she tell the childless to die?

For a family to become a tomb is treachery,

You are a mirror for your mother

She is in you, and you are in your offspring

You will return to yourself the April of the past days.

But, if you decide to interrupt your family,

Live alone and your image will die.

4. "Why your beauty - the wealth of the family ..."

Why your beauty - the wealth of the family

Spending on yourself, lovely spendthrift?

She is not a gift, being generous, nature

Gives it back to the generous.

Lovely hunks, why are you loaning

Do not rush to return the owner?

Spending without an account, indebted everywhere,

Forgetting that in every transaction - profit is the essence.

You're cunning, you're doing business with yourself,

Living a lie, you're already bankrupt

When fate sends death with a scythe,

Where do you get an acceptable report?

Share your beauty with your children

Until I'm buried with you.

5. “The time that sculpted your face…”

The time that sculpted your face

The kind that stops the eyes

Deal with your beauty

Like an evil tyrant who knows no mercy;

Timeless flow

Leads to winter, to death from cold, summer:

Having plucked the leaves and frozen the juice,

The gardens and the ground are painted white.

Only the one who can smell the roses

Captivate and imprison in a vessel in the spring,

Keeping in spirits, strengthened a hundredfold,

It will save you from complete death in winter.

Losing flesh, frozen flowers

The essence of beauty will be left in perfume.

6. "Don't let winter ruin summer..."

Don't let winter ruin your summer

Pour life-giving juice into the vessels;

Pass your appearance like a baton,

Until the beauty flower died.

So, giving in growth, you do not destroy the soul,

The one who lends is happier than the spendthrift;

With their offspring, populating the land,

He takes a profit ten to one.

Who are ten sons by ten grandchildren

Persuade during life to give,

He will be happy, death will lower his hands,

Seeing that the whole race cannot be exterminated.

Humble your temper, your appearance is perfection,

Don't leave it to the worms as a legacy.

7. "Look, how the blessed luminary ..."

Look how the blessed light

He rises with a proud head,

Honor people greatness deserved

And led their eyes behind him;

When the hill of heaven ascended slowly,

Like a strong man in the prime of his days,

From the earth they admired the views of sinners,

But the devotees are still people;

Having passed the zenith, it is on a chariot,

Like old age, dragged into the sunset,

People, recently, devoted faces,

They turned away, looking to the side.

You won’t get yourself a son at your noon -

One, like the sun, you will meet the hour of death.

8. “Music itself - you feel sad from music ...”

Music itself - do you feel sad from music?

Pleasant - pleasant joy,

Why do you love what you reproach for,

And glad to accept, bearing annoyance?

Perhaps the reproach offends the strings,

Sung by them harmoniously and amicably:

“In vain did not want to marry on time -

Alone you will be useless to no one.

See how the strings are friends with each other -

So mother and father sing, caressing their son,

They like to live and sing as a family,

Unity is the cause of bright joy.

"One is nothing!" they sing without words.

9. "Afraid to moisten the widow's eyes..."

Afraid to moisten the widow's eyes,

Is that why you live alone?

ABOUT! These excuses are not new.

Childlessness will punish the world cruelly.

He will forever be a mournful widow,

He needs your reborn image,

Believe me, the widow will say goodbye with a tear,

He will be comforted when he sees a husband in his son.

When the wealth of the ancestors spends wast,

It lives in other hands

Who does not distribute beauty to children

With her death, he multiplies the world of torment.

Not loving neither women nor children

He kills his appearance like a villain.

10. “Shame on you! Do not lie that you love someone ... "

Be ashamed! Don't lie that you love someone

To yourself you are unreasonable, like a spendthrift;

Surrounded by love, you will destroy

With his insane hatred,

So obsessed with murderous passion

That you are plotting to yourself.

Keep your home - a pledge of love and happiness,

Caring for him is the main thing in fate.

Oh, change, so that I change my mind!

Is hate more important than love?

Be merciful, kind and affectionate

Do not contradict the family to continue in children.

Respect me: live in the world

So that beauty goes to children.

11. “While you wither, the son blooms…”

While you wither, the son blossoms,

In it, a part of you becomes stronger,

And the blood boils like a waterfall from the tops,

You have the right to call her yours.

In fatherhood, wisdom, beauty and growth,

Celibacy is frost and desolation.

If everyone was like you, they would go to the churchyard

All the people of the world for three generations.

May those whom nature has created

Freaks - will die from infertility,

She gave you a rich gift -

Share with children and populate the land.

You are created by nature, like a seal,

In order to repeat the appearance as an imprint.

12. "When the clock keeps track of moments ..."

When the clock keeps track of the moments

A beautiful day night extinguishes the darkness,

Violet fades, and aging

In curls, gray hair shines thicker,

Leaves fall from the trees,

They rescued the herds in the summer heat,

Gifts of the fields on the road along the road,

They are carried in sheaves with a prickly beard.

Then I'm sad, remembering a friend,

At the appointed hour, the white light will leave,

Time does not spare us, cutting off with a sickle,

Prepares a place for those who follow.

Only descendants will be able to enter into an argument with him,

When death takes you in the dark.

13. "Oh, let you belong to yourself! .."

Oh, may you belong to yourself!

The living is allowed to control himself,

Hurry until you are tired of life,

Transfer your cute face to someone else

For people to enjoy beauty

Taking her for rent, do not be careless -

May your sweet face after death

Your descendants embody forever.

Who will let the cold into his beautiful home,

Let death bring him to ruin,

Allows you to ruin, scrap,

When do you have the strength to put things in order?

Only one mot! You are very similar to your father

Let your son say the same.

14. “I don’t spend nights studying the stars ...”

I don’t spend nights studying the stars,

But still familiar with astronomy.

Not like predicting luck

Feel the plague and hunger in your gut;

For every moment, unable to give advice,

I will not point to rain and hail in fate,

Looking at the stars and planets

I will not tell you the deeds of kings.

There is another reason for the prophecies -

Your eyes were able to convince

What will be the truth with beauty one,

When your image begins to live in your son.

And if you want to live differently -

The world will cry for beauty and truth.

15. "Everything that grows on earth ..."

Everything that grows on earth

Only a moment is perfect;

On the stage of the world the stars rule

A performance incomprehensible to others;

Plants and people are related by order:

Everyone's growth depends on heaven,

At the zenith, the decline begins

Regression ends in oblivion.

The result of reflections is sadness from understanding:

My friend today is rich in youth,

But time, accelerating fading,

Seeks to turn noon into sunset.

I love you, I'm glad to help

What time will take, I will return back.

16. “Well, why don’t you have a desire ...”

Well, why don't you have the desire of the Tyrant -

Time to pacify the war

And protect yourself from withering

More reliable than my fruitless verse?

Now you live at the pinnacle of happiness,

Look how spacious the virgin gardens are,

They are ready for your participation

Your appearance to repeat in living colors.

Life, by this, renewing it skillfully,

More precisely than a pen and your portrait

Show people both in body and soul,

You were handsome in the prime of your youth.

Giving yourself, you save in another

Yourself with loving, sweet skill.

17. “In the future, they will not believe even the page ...”

In the future, they will not believe even the page,

Where a verse is filled with praise for you,

Though the sky sees that they are a tomb

For half of your virtues.

And if inspiration helps me

Truthfully describe in verse a portrait,

The offspring will scream in indignation:

“There were no such beauties, and no!”

Flipping through the yellowed pages

Describing angelic faces

Chatterbox gives dreams for the truth.

That I am truthful, with my beauty

Will help prove your child.

18. “Should I compare you with a June day?…”

Should I compare you to a June day?

You are more beautiful and more moderate at the same time:

May is cracking down on a flower with a storm,

Summer is given for a very short time;

Sometimes the heavenly eye burns too much,

But more often modestly hides behind a cloud,

Beautiful - only an hour is beautiful,

Capricious and strong in nature is chance;

Your beauty belongs to the ages

Neither winter nor summer spoil it,

Dragging a black shadow on his heels,

Death cannot kill my sonnets.

As long as people breathe and read,

They won't let you forget.

19. "Glutton time, tear the tiger's teeth ..."

Glutton - Time, tear the tiger's teeth,

Blunt the lion's claws, reducing strength;

Burn the flesh of the Phoenix in his blood,

Return to the earth everything that gave birth;

Create in flight and December, and May;

Whatever you want to do, quick moment,

Beauties of the world old and destroy,

I only forbid the crime:

Do not touch the brow of my love with a pen,

Fence off the malice of days with a barrier,

Stop aging forever

Let him be an example for posterity.

And, however, harm, like others,

In my poems will live young.

20. “You were created by nature with a female face…”

You were created by nature with a feminine face,

Soul and master, and mistress;

Tenderer than women at heart, but at birth

You live, only cherishing constancy;

The eyes are clear, there is no game of deceit in them,

Any object under the gaze is gold;

And to become yours is desirable for men,

And women are struck by beauty.

Nature made you a woman

But, having fallen in love, she created a man;

Adding what I don't need by nature,

That took me forever.

I ask her: Give me without treachery

His love, and women - offspring.

21. "I'm not one of those enthusiastic poets ..."

I'm not one whose muse inspires

Write poetry fake beauty

Who glorifies the charms of loved ones,

Using heaven in comparisons.

Not forgetting the wonders of land and sea,

Lies about spring flowers,

Boasting, in unbridled enthusiasm,

Ranked among the rare pearls of beauty.

Let me be a sincere poet;

My young friend, I confess not joking,

Not as shiny as the stars, but still

Beautiful, like a child for a mother:

But I won't charge the price

To what he does not intend to trade.

22. “The glass of mirrors will not convince you that you are old ...”

The glass of mirrors will not convince you that you are old,

As long as you are the same age as your youth,

When you are deprived of the spell of wrinkles,

Then a messenger of death will come to me.

Your beauty is for the heart, like an outfit,

It is in you, yours is in me on the march,

Hearts, counting the time, beat to the beat,

So how can I be older than you?

So take care of yourself:

Our hearts are inseparable,

I carry yours in my chest for you,

Like a nanny, I tirelessly shore.

But don't expect to get back

When mine is killed by a deadly poison.

23. “How, having become timid, a bad actor goes numb…”

How, timid, a bad actor is silent,

Forgetting the words of a long-familiar role,

How quick-tempered, giving space to fury,

Brings himself to heartache;

So I, shy, forgot my vows,

Having violated the rituals of lovers,

And love seems to lose its fervor

Suppressed by the burden of incandescence.

Oh, let eloquence be replaced by a look,

Let your heart speak to you with your eyes

Time about love seeking rewards

They said more than language with words.

The ability to speak with a glance in the blood.

24. "My eyes are artists skillfully ..."

My eyes are artists skillfully

Imprinted in the heart of your portrait;

His body serves as a living frame,

There is no safer place for beauty

After all, the views of the eyes took into account the perspective,

In the chest, placing your image,

You lit up the room amazingly,

Glass-eyed windows in the workshop.

Now the eye has mutual favors:

Mine - depicted your portrait,

But yours also cared for a friend,

In my chest, like windows, running the light.

It is a pity that, drawing a copy from the face,

Eyes cannot reach hearts.

25. “Let those to whom the constellations give happiness ...”

May those to whom the constellations give happiness

They have money, title and honor.

My Fortune closed the path to power,

The unknown is glad that life gives.

With the caress of the sovereign favorites,

Like marigolds, bloom under the sun,

Frowning - and the joy of the retinue fades,

The bliss lasts a few minutes.

Zealous warrior, minion of luck,

Broken, after a thousand victories,

From the former glory will not receive change, -

All feats will be forgotten immediately by the world.

Your favorite, glad to love you -

No one can deprive us of love.

26. "Beautiful master of my love..."

Beautiful master of my love,

I am your vassal, faithful tributary to the grave,

Show mercy to the letter - the embassy,

There is only reverence in him, a sharp mind an exile.

He failed to find worthy words,

The embassy will stand naked before you,

For this do not chase my ambassadors,

Warm in your soul with your kindness.

Perhaps a guiding star

Show mercy, fulfill desires,

Love will dress up, I'll prove then

That I am worthy of your attention.

Dare to boast of love,

Until then, I won't show up.

27. "Tired on the road, I hasten to go to bed ..."

Tired on the way, I hasten to go to bed,

Promising the desired rest to the body,

I touch the pillow - thoughts are like a blizzard,

Brain tiring, get down to business

Dreams and thoughts are on the way

They fly to you, piercing the distances of the night,

Interfering and for a moment close your eyes,

Like two blind men look into the darkness.

Imagination hastens to help the eyes,

Blind eye your ghost sees clearly

Like a diamond it lights up the night

Darkness, making both young and beautiful.

So the legs during the day, and the thought at night sometimes,

Aiming for you, they do not give me rest.

28. “How can I return the state of happiness ...”

How to return the state of happiness to me,

After all, I do not know the grace of rest:

Trying to rest from the hardships of the day,

Do I tire myself more at night?

Even though day and night are enemies,

Torturing me, they shake hands:

The day knocks down the bustle of the road,

And the night prevents me from sleeping with longing for separation.

To please, I repeat in bad weather: Day,

My friend replaces the sun today

When the constellations of the clouds hide in the shade,

Instead of them, he decorates the darkness of the night.

But the days in response to my sorrows multiply,

And the night gnaws with melancholy more and more diligently.

29. "When, persecuted by malice and fate ..."

When, driven by malice and fate,

Rejected and alone, I cry

Disturbing the sky with a complaint - a prayer,

In vain I waste my strength on curses,

I dream to be like all those

Whose valor human opinion praises,

Envying me, I'm angry, I don't drink, I don't eat,

What I do to myself is contempt.

Repentant, suddenly, remembering you,

I stop being jealous and angry

My soul in spite of dashing fate,

Like a bird, it strives to the sky with a song.

Then I, with the thought of your love,

Happier and richer than kings.

30. "When to the court of dumb, cherished thoughts ..."

When to the court of dumb, cherished thoughts

Recall memories again -

My mind grieves for the unfulfilled

And he judges severely for the waste of years,

Then the eyes that did not know tears,

Are again flooded with tears:

From the pangs of love, I groan in earnest,

Priceless are those who were my friends;

Grieving because of past grievances,

I am seriously ill, as I used to be sick,

The sad account of suffering is not closed,

For every sin I double the payment

But when I think about you

How grateful I am to fate again.

31. “People’s hearts are beating in your chest…”

People's hearts are beating in your chest,

Which I did not consider already alive;

There now reigns the love of friends,

Lying under gravestones.

How many bitter, funeral tears

Love stole from the eyes in vain,

I grieved over the dead in earnest,

Now I see their faces clearly in you!

You, like a crypt, contain all the love

My friends, and windy, and strict,

Taking their rights, you collect again

Those feelings that I wasted on many.

In you are all those whom you loved in the past,

You - with them - own me entirely.

32. “Perhaps you will survive that day ...”

Maybe you'll survive that day

When death will bury the bones in the grave.

I hope you find and read

My poems, grieving in the churchyard.

Comparing them with the poems of the young,

Finding imperfection in my works,

You still save them in the archive -

In honor of the bliss we experienced.

Honor me with just one thought:

“Be, friend, alive - there would be no embarrassment,

Today, appreciating a friend for talent,

Muse would keep her favorite.

But he died, another new one rose,

I honor their style, and in it - his love.

33. “More than once I saw the tops of the mountains…”

More than once I saw how the tops of the mountains

A beautiful morning honors the luminary,

As to the meadows, having cast a sovereign glance,

Alchemy gilded the streams.

Freaks - the clouds ran suddenly,

The sun allowed itself to be humiliated,

The god-like face behind the cloud is rotten,

Invisible to the west crawled away.

The earthly sun with the brilliance of wondrous eyes

My forehead lit up one morning.

Alas, it only shone for me for an hour,

Then parting from the eyes - the cloud hid.

And yet love does not despise him -

Even the sun does not exist without spots.

34. "Why did you promise me a wonderful day ..."

Why did you promise me a beautiful day,

He walked without a cloak, careless as a rake,

Evil clouds overtook, the rain poured down,

Dividing us with an ugly veil?

I won't praise you for being through the fog

You will come to warm and caress, and flattery.

You, like a balm, save me from wounds,

But you cannot heal from dishonor.

From grief your shame will not help me,

Losses won't cover regrets

When you carry a heavy cross of insults,

Sympathy is a bad consolation.

But the tears that shed out of compassion

Made you forget your deeds.

35. “Do not torture yourself with longing for an old sin ...”

For an old sin, do not torture yourself with longing:

Roses have thorns, sand in the spring,

Both the sun and the moon are stained by clouds,

An ugly worm got into the bud.

No one is holy, and I am a sinner in sonnets -

I gave legitimacy to your deeds,

Justified: My friend is hasty in words,

And your sin exalted above others.

Reason gave your misdeeds,

How did the lawyer plead guilty?

I judged myself, I made concessions to you,

Love and hate wage war within me.

It turns out that I unwittingly helped,

The one who shamelessly stole from me.

36. "Let me admit that we are divided..."

Let me admit that we're divided

Although we are still united in love,

I have only dishonor from guilt,

There is no reason to shame you.

In love, we have one attachment,

And everyone has their own evil from birth,

Love won't touch too strong

But steal hours from pleasure.

So as not to bring shame on you,

I will not show that we know each other personally;

So that your honor is not hurt by reproach,

And you don't acknowledge me in public.

Take care of yourself, you are everything in life;

Your life and honor are dear to me.

37. “How glad the old man is - the father of the success of his son ...”

How glad the old man is - the father of the success of his son,

Performing deeds of young days,

So, wounded by Fortune for no reason,

I console myself with your faithfulness.

After all, beauty, wealth, intelligence and glory,

On top of that, a noble family

You are rightfully granted by fate,

Add my love to the number of generosity.

I will forget everything: both poverty and contempt,

Seeing how happy and rich you are,

From these blessings, being content only with a shadow,

I will be glad to live a part of your glory.

I will be happy to find in you

All the best that is in human destiny.

38. “How can a muse delay even a moment…”

How can the Muse delay even a moment,

When my poems are full of you?

You are so beautiful that the feeling of admiration

A simple sheet of paper will not express.

Thank yourself when in a sonnet

Find something to keep your eyes on

Well, who is so stupid not to become a poet,

When do you lift him up to Parnassus?

So become a muse ten times stronger

What were the other nine before,

Let everyone who takes, flaming,

Will create a great and immortal verse.

And if my sonnet gets fame,

Give me the work, your praise is rightful.

39. “Oh, how to sing your virtues…”

Oh, how to sing your virtues,

When in me you are the best particle?

Praises to you, and my praises to me,

How can I not be proud of you when I praise you?

To do this, you have to live apart,

Let the departure of love diminish the glory

But I can more worthy of praise,

I will give you the honor that is rightfully deserved.

Separation, you would be torture,

When in the hours of dreary leisure

You didn't give me sweet freedom

Devote all the time to dreaming about a friend.

I double the term,

Praise the one who is far from me.

40. "Take my loves, one and all..."

Take my loves, one and all

Taking away all the passions, will you become richer?

The one that you called true, my friend,

Now yours, all others, all the more so.

Kohl took love, breaking the harmony of friendship,

For what I love - I do not reproach,

That's if he was deceived - to blame

Indulging your capricious tastes.

I forgive your robbery, my dear thief,

Even though you took what I own

But all the blows of hate are nonsense

Love hits us harder and harder.

In you, evil seems to me good,

Kill with resentment, but don't be an enemy.


In misdeeds, self-willed for years.

When I'm not near and in my heart

Temptations follow you

Day and night they follow the world

You are young and kind - compliance is in the blood,

That is why they besiege you;

When a woman wants love

Who would refuse to caress her?

And you, my friend, did not win the temptation,

Dissolute youth in the thirst for pleasure,

You, rampaging, broke two fidelities,

When he took over my possessions:

She was pushed to treason by beauty,

His own - violating friendship is a holy duty.

42. "Not all the sadness that you have that ..."

Not all the sadness that you possess

Which reigned in my chest;

It hurts more that, having mastered you,

She killed your love for me.

Forgiving sin, I can justify you:

You love, knowing that I love a friend,

She wants to become even more desirable -

Love, bringing joy to a friend.

They are the owners of two of my losses:

Beloved friend in the arms of a beloved,

Beloved owns it now

I carry one, the cross of unbearable pain.

I can console myself with only one thing:

We are one with him, it turns out, I love.

43. "The tighter I squint, the sharper the look ..."

The tighter I squint, the sharper the look,

My eyes are not happy with anything during the day,

When I fall asleep, they look closed

In the darkness, looking for you with a look.

But if the shadow for them is brighter than the day,

That image of your rivals does not know

In the light of the sun blind me

Since the dream shines so in the darkness!

What happiness would be for the eyes

To see you on a clear day with my own eyes,

Kohl with pleasure in dreams, after an hour - an hour,

Examine the shaky image at night.

While we are apart, my days are darker than nights,

In a dream I will see - the nights of the day are brighter.

44. "Be a thought - flesh, any distances ..."

Be thought - flesh, any distances

I would overcome dreams with ease,

Pierced spaces, driven by desire

Get to where you are.

I wouldn't care what they gave

We are separated at this moment with you,

Neither land nor sea would hold

Me from a meeting with a joyful fate.

Alas, unfortunately, my flesh is wingless,

Earth and water are the essence,

Giving strength to complaints and groans,

They prevent you from conquering the path instantly.

Slow, gave nothing,

Me, except for the heavy tears of my sadness.

45. “Light air and fire will help…”

When they go to you

Messengers of my love and faith,

The other two live with me in the struggle,

Tormented by melancholy beyond measure.

The sadness will last until

Until the ambassadors bring an answer:

"Your worries about me, friend, are nonsense -

I am alive and well and send you greetings.

Having listened to them, at first I will be glad,

Then, sad, I will send to you, back.

46. ​​"Do not break out of the vicious circle ..."

Don't break out of the vicious circle

A dispute dragged on between the eyes and the heart:

Eyes deprive the heart of rights to a friend,

And the heart deprives the eye of these rights.

It insists that it is inaccessible to the eye,

Eyes from the heart hide your image,

Then, deciding to end their strife,

The brain took on the case to act as a judge.

Jury from thoughts, showed will,

And he passed, after weighing everything, the verdict:

We allocate to each a share

And with that we end the stupid argument.

Since then, eyes and hearts are in harmony again:

Love honors the heart, looks value the look.

47. "Now the eyes and heart are in harmony again ..."

Now the eyes and heart are in harmony again,

Helping each other with services

When eyes are sad from hunger

And the heart is exhausted from longing.

Eyes feast, looking at the portrait,

And the heart is invited to be saturated,

But there is no refusal to the eyes either,

When the heart dreams of you.

Through portrait and dreams

You, being far away, are always with me.

Wherever you go - thoughts are there,

I am with thoughts, and therefore with you.

And thoughts are sleeping - you are dreaming again with your eyes,

The look divides the joy with the heart in half.

48. "It's time to hit the road..."

It's time to hit the road

I hid the knick-knacks under the constipation

Now he can't reach out to them,

Sneaking into the house, a dishonest thief.

All the diamonds in front of you are rubbish,

Was a consolation, and now sadness:

I'm scared to trust you locks

And it's a pity to leave a thief prey.

Have to lock in my chest

Where are you forever, although you are not there,

The doors are open, you can enter

And you can leave at any time.

49. "When the hour of insight comes to you ..."

When the hour of insight comes to you,

You see the flaws in my soul,

Seeing her love without embellishment,

Will begin to change his dreams and plans;

Deciding it's time to draw the line

You will pass without words, barely touching your eyes,

And you stand aloof a mile away,

Not wanting to stand next to me

I will understand your coldness and make up my mind

Tell yourself that I'm worth the punishment

I'll raise my hand and swear

That both the law and the truth are behind you.

You have the right to leave blaming

Because there is no reason to love me.

50. "How hard is the path when at its end..."

How hard is the path when at its end

Not an idle rest with a long-awaited friend,

A sad smile on your face

The horse, feeling it, barely runs,

Tired of carrying me and my grief,

Not in a hurry to multiply the distance,

Therefore, he does not want to speed up the run.

The blows of the spurs do not help either,

When, angry, I stab a horse in the sides,

He groans softly, listening to the reproach,

I myself suffer more than a horse.

I ask her: do not judge for spurs,

After all, joy is behind, grief is ahead.

51. "I justified the slowness of the horse ..."

I justified the slowness of the horse,

Not experiencing enmity towards him for laziness:

There is no need to rush before returning.

But how can he justify himself,

When will the speed stop for me?

I'm ready to give spurs to the wind,

To make it fly even faster.

Thought will not overtake the best horse,

The flesh cannot overtake the desire.

Aiming for you, faster than fire

The love of a horse will help justify:

Fled from a friend, slowing down the lynx,

I rush to him, and you do not rush.

52. “I am like a rich man whose key is blessed…”

I'm like a rich man whose key is blessed

Open the way to the rarest treasures,

He rarely goes to meet them,

So that the moment of goodbye is always the sweetest.

Solemn holidays in a row

Harsh everyday life is an exception everywhere,

They are rare and look in a year,

Like large diamonds in jewelry.

That's how time hides from me

You, like a dress, in a black closet of separation,

That's why I'm glad for the radiance of the day

Which in the morning stops the torment.

You give me the holidays of dates,

And weekdays of endless expectations.

53. “What substance are you born with…”

What substance are you born with

The only one besides a personal shadow

You have a million

Shadows of living and dead generations?

Look at the bust of Adonis, you are him

From you, the great creator sculpted it,

By the beauty of Helena the ancient world is smitten,

But she, too, is you in a Greek tunic.

Everywhere, peering, I see you:

In the spring you amaze with beauty,

And in the harvest I know, loving -

Only, he will be compared with generosity with you.

In every beauty there is a part of you,

You don't let permanence go to waste.

54. “It seems to us that beauty is priceless…”

It seems to us priceless beauty,

Where virtue flourishes

The rose has a seductive mouth,

When the scent hovers over them.

Rosehip is attractive to look at

The thorns are sharp, the flowers grow at least,

The color is not inferior to roses,

It would seem that the advantages are the same.

However, they are deprived

Attention, without glory die,

And sweet roses are so valuable

That smell doesn't even kill death.

Their aroma keeps the infusion of spirits,

Like my sonnet in line your youthful appearance.

55. "And marble, and tyrants' sarcophagi ..."

And marble, and tyrants sarcophagi

A mighty verse will easily survive

Your image will not fade on paper

When the dirt of the inscription will be erased from the stones.

Let the war and rebellion multiply the ruins,

Let the statues of the leaders fall in the struggle, -

The sword of Mars and the fire will not destroy

There are lines about you in my sonnets.

In spite of fires, death and strife

They will carry your image through the ages,

Descendants will praise the image in unison,

Until God's judgment stops.

Rise from the dead on the terrible day of judgment,

You will know that you have always lived in poetry.

56. "My love, renew your ardor ..."

My love, renew your fervor,

Do not let me say that the appetite is sharper,

Overeat so that the white light is not nice,

Tomorrow you will get up twice as hungry.

Be the same: enjoy today

To satiety, to reluctance to meet,

In the morning again strive to embrace,

His yesterday's lethargy rehearse.

Hours of separation spend in anguish,

Like oceans between us

When you wait for a meeting on the sea sand,

Then they are especially desirable.

On a frosty day, the summer heat is more desirable.

57. “What can a slave do? Serve and wait…”

What can a slave do? Serve and wait

When you want to give an order.

It's not a pity to waste time

The purpose of life is to fulfill your desires.

I'm afraid to grumble at the infinity of torment,

Counting the days and nights in anticipation.

I dare not curse the hours of separation,

When you send me into exile for no reason.

And in my thoughts I do not dare to ask a question,

Where can you be and who is around the crowd,

As they wait for warmth, chilled in the cold,

So I dream to meet you.

Love is stupid, ready to forgive again,

Finding no evil in your deeds.

58. "God, who made me your slave..."

The God who made me your slave

Did not give me the right to demand a report:

When and who comes to your house

Share with you fun and care.

I am your vassal, my role is sad -

Waiting for orders in the prison of separation

Endure rejection, don't blame for the pain

To endure resentment of bitter humiliation.

Be where you want, be free to decide,

What to do business, il fun,

You blame and forgive yourself,

For mortal sins you have the right.

Bad or good are those entertainments,

I'm waiting without judging, even though it's torment.

59. “If everything is old, then new is just a repetition ...”

If everything is old, then new is only a repetition.

Mind, deluded, from ancient times,

Gives us for a new creation

The one who was born a long time ago!

Oh, if I could, once in the archives,

From ancient books that have lived five centuries,

Learn how our ancestors patiently

You were portrayed with a string of words.

Reading the books of the ancient poet,

Understand who sang beauty better.

Are we better at this?

Ile perfection also has a limit.

I'm sure that ahead of me,

He praised those who were not so handsome.

60. “A wave pushes a wave in the back…”

The wave pushes the wave in the back,

While the shore carries on the stones,

So the minutes before his death

Stubborn succession rush forward.

Everyone crawls to maturity from the day they are born,

Barely having time to look at God's light.

At the zenith, aging begins -

From Time there is no mercy for the living.

The color of youth in the prime of life pierces,

Wrinkles disfigure the forehead,

All the best in nature eats,

Oblique cutting off everything that has faded.

And yet I hope that praising the beauty,

I will save her from time in verse.

61. “Is your image at night by your will…”

Is it your will that your sweet image

Doesn't it let me close my heavy eyelids?

You send me shadows like you

My eyes, trying to deceive?

Or maybe it's your invisible spirit

Sent to spy on me

Tries to test a false rumor

Perhaps jealousy dominates you?

Oh no! Your love is not so strong;

My love does not let me close my eyes

She imposes the role of the guard,

It prevents me from resting at night.

Disturbing thought sharp as a blade:

He is close to others, far from me.

62. “The sin of selfishness has become the master of the eyes…”

The sin of selfishness has become the master of the eyes,

Soul and flesh are now his possessions,

So deeply rooted in the heart,

That there is no healing for me from him.

I don't find a prettier face

The camp is graceful, the spirit is full of nobility,

When I judge my dignity,

I see superiority over others.

When the mirror shows me

Shabby, in gray hair and wrinkles,

Then I repeat, blaming myself for sin:

The love for oneself in men is monstrous.

Praising - you - I boast about you in myself,

Decorating old age with youthful beauty.

63. "When my friend enters my years..."

When my friend enters my years

Broken and battered by fate

The blood will be depleted, it will become like water,

The blue morning will go to sunset.

The old woman of old age will knock on the door,

Royal colors are now fading,

And on top of all the other losses

Beauty, like the color of spring, will leave him.

Trying to protect from these years

I'm in a hurry to build a fortification,

When the knife of old age wants to cut the color

Save a beautiful face from oblivion.

The black line will protect

In it, the image of a friend will be young of the century.

64. "The hand of Time is ruthless..."

Ruthless hand of Time:

There is no mercy for wealth and pride,

And a tower that stood for centuries

And the bronze of eternal statues will overturn;

I see the hungry ocean

Water is advancing on the kingdom of land,

And the shore of the wave destroys like a battering ram -

The balance of captures and losses equals;

The alternation of these changes

Inspires that everything will end in failure,

Losses teach to think: decay is formidable,

At the appointed hour, love will destroy in one fell swoop.

This thought makes me want to cry

About what is, but it is terrible to lose.

65. "Once bronze, stone, firmament of the earth and the sea ..."

Once bronze, stone, firmament of the earth and the sea -

All the frailty of being will destroy into dust,

How to survive beauty in an unequal dispute

It has no more durability than flowers.

How can the breath of summer resist,

Caught in the siege of merciless days,

When even the rocks can't do it,

Iron gates are not stronger.

The thought is frightening: there are no reliable shelters,

Where is my diamond from Time to store,

Who is able to keep the flow of events

And protect beauty from damage?

No one has performed such a miracle

I'll save her in ink - I'll be the first.

66. “Tired, I appeal to death: – No patience!.

Tired, I appeal to death: - No patience!

Dignity from birth in poverty,

Elegant nonentity in fun,

Faith is forgotten in the hustle and bustle

And the honor is given beyond merit,

And the virtue of the century, mocking, corrupted,

And perfection was slandered by hearing,

And the power of the ruler turned into weakness,

And whim guides knowledge

And honesty was called foolishness by servility,

And evil orders to serve good.

Tired of living like this, I would have left before the deadline,

I'm afraid to leave love alone.

67. "Why should he live among the vices ..."

Why should he live among vices,

Decorate them with your presence,

So that a grave sin, hiding from reproaches,

Have you tied yourself even tighter to him?

Why does the color of dead colors imitate

The blush of his cheeks, he is gently scarlet,

Why deception adorns ugliness

His face, taking for an ideal?

Why should he live when Nature,

Wasted blood has long been bankrupt,

Her treasury is getting smaller year by year,

Does he live only by what he takes?

She keeps it so that from the pedestal

Show us what you used to have.

68. “He is a model for the faces of bygone days…”

He is a model for the faces of bygone days,

When beauty lived and died

Like the color of spring, and the fashion of people's foreheads

Borrowed beauty did not decorate.

Then they still did not shear the dead,

The curl was the property of the grave,

Curly hair in the form of wigs,

They didn’t put cute ones on their heads.

The grace of other ages is visible in it,

At that time, beauty was healthy,

Not young, robbing old people,

Creating spring, from the youth of another.

A friend is an example of the beauty that reigned before,

To see her art of falsehood.

69. "Your appearance delights the world..."

Your appearance delights the world,

Everything is fine: gait, stand, grip,

All languages ​​say that you are an idol

And the worst enemy does not see flaws.

All those who glorified the flesh with praise,

They gave only what was due,

But their speech was very different.

When the invisible soul touched.

Seeing the beauty of your soul

She was measured by deeds in conjectures;

After considering everything, the merchants decided:

The flower is good, but it smells like weeds.

What is the cause of all problems?

Only in the fact that you bloom, available to everyone.

70. "Blaming in sins, slander gives a lesson ..."

Blame for sins, slander gives a lesson:

Beauty is the target of slander;

Guesses blackens her hint -

Like a raven flies in the blue sky.

When handsome, gossip has a reason

To say that you indulge in temptations,

The worm spoils the sweetest bud -

You embody the purity of dawn.

You passed the traps of young days

And emerged victorious from the fights,

Expect more attacks in the future

All the past from the envy of the deposit.

On the forehead is a shadow of suspicion, like a crown.

You would be the king of hearts without her.

71. “When I die, mourn for me…”

When I die, mourn me

No longer than with church bells

They will ring that he ran away, cursing

For the meanness of the world, now in the earth with worms.

Reading these sad words

Don't remember me - I'm not worth it

I love you so much that I give you rights

Forgetting me, do not be tormented by longing.

And if you look randomly

Into my poems when I mix with clay

Do not remember the poet's name aloud -

Let love perish with my death.

When I die, and hide sadness and tears,

So that the world does not ridicule you for crying.

72. "So that the evil world does not require an account ..."

So that the evil world does not require an account,

How he loved me, knowing my temper,

I'll die - forget why you care,

Can't prove you were right

Bye, my touting properties,

Do not call on lies to help you,

All your perseverance will be in vain

You won't lift me above the truth.

And so that lies do not dare to dirty us

And you, praising me, did not hide your eyes,

Let the name be buried with the body

To no longer dishonor us.

I am sorry for the wretchedness of my deeds -

You should be ashamed of loving me.

73. “In me you see the season…”

In me you see the season

When the yellow leaf became rare,

From trembling branches, in bad weather,

The bird whistle is no longer heard.

In me you see the days of aging,

When the lights go out at sunset

A semblance of death and oblivion -

The night paints the sky black.

In me you see withering

Fire in a golden bed

Extinguishes bright light

He is food turned to ash.

Seeing this, you understand:

Sweetest thing is what you lose.

74. "Don't cry when the convoy comes for me..."

Don't cry when the convoy comes for me

And take away without the right to return,

After all, my life will continue with a line

your favorite poem.

When you re-read it, you will see again

Everything that only belonged to you -

A poet of endless love

The earth will receive what is due to her.

You lose the dregs of life - dust,

He is fair game for worms.

All the best will remain in verses,

In vain we, losing the body, whine.

There is no price in it, because what we do is valuable,

And creativity will remain yours.

75. “For thoughts you are like food for the stomach…”

For thoughts you are like food for the stomach,

As for the earth in the heat of thunder bells,

With love, I fight in earnest,

I toil with her, as misers with riches:

They are glad, enjoying them,

Then again they tremble with fear of losing;

I, like them, then hide your name,

It is glad to praise the whole world with verses.

Sometimes satiated with the feast of fellowship,

After parting - I start to starve

And again ready for a moment of solitude

Other pleasures to give away.

Now I wither, then I overeat food,

While I love, I am either a rich man or a beggar.

76. “Why do I deprive my verse of decorations ...”

Why do I deprive my verse of decorations,

Diversity, quick change of topics,

I do not study trends, currents,

The latest opinions, styles and concerns?

Why do I always write the same

In junk I dress my imagination,

My words are so similar

That I find paternity in everyone?

My love, because everything is not new,

That I dedicated poems only to you,

Decorating the word with a new outfit,

I spend what I paid many times.

Like the sun in the morning, old and new,

So love repeats everything again.

77. “The mirror will show how youth fades…”

As youth withers, the mirror will show

Hours - the movement of precious minutes,

On a clean sheet, a thought will lie in a blue line,

After reading it, readers will understand:

That their wrinkles are in truthful mirrors

A hint that the grave is waiting for everyone;

The shadow will help in tireless hours,

Understand how time flows to eternity.

And all that memory can not hold,

Trust blank pages and then

One day, having found cute children,

Remember the thought born of the mind.

Clocks and mirrors, catching your eye,

Both the book and your mind will be enriched.

78. "I often called you as a muse ..."

I have often invoked you as a muse,

You started to inspire sonnets

Envying the union that has arisen,

All the poets began to imitate me.

Your eyes taught the dumb to sing,

And heavy ignorance is to fly,

Scientists magnificently feathered their wings,

Grace was given grace.

Be most proud of what I compose,

After all, all mine is born to you,

Other style of creations adorn,

But fate has given me more.

You are for me - and all my art,

And the most sublime feeling.

79. “While I was writing about you alone…”

While I wrote about you alone,

The verse struck with the grace of its grip,

Now the sick Muse is tormented by spleen,

Therefore, my poetry is in decline.

I admit: there is no sweeter topic,

While I am silent, the worthy rejoice,

But everything that another poet composes

He is stealing from you - to you, my friend.

When he talks about virtue

You give inspiration by your behavior,

Everything that says about your beauty -

It belongs to you from the day you were born.

He is not worth your praise, my friend,

You paid for everything he said.

80. “When I write about a friend….”

When I write a sonnet about a friend,

Praising him, deprives me of words,

Having bound the tongue, the power of another -

I can't give a decent answer.

Your soul is as wide as the ocean,

Glad is equal to a ship and a shaky boat.

Mighty ship, but I'm preparing for a fight -

Rooks fearless daring captain.

Your support is important to me now

A ship at depth is sure of itself.

When the trail of a broken boat is lost,

It remains a joy to the eye.

The ship is sailing, the boat is broken into dust,

The worst thing is that love is waiting for the collapse.

81. "If I live, I'll come to bury ..."

If I live, I will come to bury,

Survive - come to the funeral,

A poem about you cannot kill death -

I will be completely oblivious.

Poems will bring you immortality

I will have to die for the world

The grave will be the payment for sins

And you will remain an idol in the eyes;

Poems on a pedestal will lift,

Their descendants will read or hear them,

Will be translated into the future language,

When all those who are now breathing die.

The pen will help until the end of days,

You will live for centuries in the mouths of people.

82. “You are not married to my Muse ...”

You are not connected with my Muse by marriage,

So you can safely accept

All dedications, you don't have to

Bless all who write for them.

You are perfect in mind and body,

You think that I did not appreciate you,

Therefore, I changed to those who boldly

(translated by Ya. Feldman)

NOT from the stars do I my judgment pluck

Why do I need stars on a black night?
Why do I need turquoise in the morning?
I would prefer all the luminaries
Your eyes.
I would read them without error,
Where will time take us?
And one of your smiles
Foresaw everything:
Earthquakes and wars
The end of eras, the beginning of troubles,
And a stormy year, and a calm year,
And a terrible judgment...
However, if you are with me,
I don't care about the rest.

(translated by S. Marshak)

You are music, but musical sounds
You listen with incomprehensible longing.
Why do you love what is so sad
Do you meet flour with such joy?

Where is the secret reason for this torment?
Is it because you are saddened
What harmoniously coordinated sounds
Sound like a reproach to loneliness?

Listen how friendly the strings are
They enter the ranks and give a voice, -
As if mother, father and young boy
They sing in happy unity.

We are told by the accord of strings in a concert,
That the lonely way is like death.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Must be afraid of widow's tears,
You have not committed yourself to anyone with love.
But if a formidable fate took you away,
The whole world would put on a widow's veil.

In her child, a mournful widow
Favorite features are reflected.
And you do not leave the creature,
In which the light would find consolation.

Wealth that wastes
Changing place, remains in the world.
And beauty will vanish without a trace
And youth, having disappeared, will not return.

Who betrays himself
Doesn't love anyone in this world!

(translated by S. Marshak)

The face of a woman, but stricter, more perfect
Nature has been sculpted by craftsmanship.
As a woman, you are beautiful, but alien to treason,
King and queen of my heart.

Your tender gaze is devoid of evil play,
But it gilds everything around with radiance.
He is courageous and majestic in power
Friends captivates and smits girlfriends.

You are the nature of a sweet woman
I thought, but, captivated by passion,
She separated me from you
And she made women happy.

So be it. But here is my condition:
Love me, and give them love.

(translated by S. Marshak)

I do not compete with the creators of one,
Which to the painted goddesses
The sky is presented as a gift
With all the earth and the ocean blue.

Let them decorate the stanzas
They repeat in verse, arguing among themselves,
About the stars of the sky, about the wreaths of flowers,
About the treasures of the earth and the sea.

In love and in the word - the truth is my law,
And I write that my dear is beautiful,
Like all who are born by a mortal mother,
And not like the sun or a clear moon.

I don't want to praise my love,
I'm not selling it to anyone!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Who is born under a happy star -
Proud of fame, title and power.
And I was more modestly rewarded by fate,
And for me, love is the source of happiness.

Under the sun, the leaves spread luxuriantly
Confidant of the prince, henchman of the nobleman.
But the sun's benevolent gaze goes out,
And the golden sunflower goes out too.

Warlord, minion of victories,
In the last battle, he is defeated,
And all his merits lost track.
His destiny is disgrace and oblivion.

But there is no threat to my titles
Lifetime: loved, love, love.

(translated by S. Marshak)

When in discord with the world and fate,
Remembering the years full of adversity,
I worry with a fruitless plea
Deaf and indifferent sky

And, complaining about the woeful lot,
Ready to change your lot
With those who are more successful in art,
Rich in hope and loved by people, -

Then, suddenly remembering you,
I swear a pitiful cowardice,
And a lark, contrary to fate,
My soul is on the rise.

With your love, with the memory of her
I am stronger than all the kings in the world.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Don't be sad when you admit your guilt.
There is no rose without thorns; the purest key
Muddy grains of sand; sun and moon
Hides the shadow of an eclipse or clouds.

We are all sinners, and I am no less than all
I sin in any of these bitter lines,
Comparisons justify sin,
Forgiving unlawfully your vice.

As a defender I come to court
To serve the enemy side.
My love and hate lead
Internecine war in me.

Though you robbed me, dear thief,
But I share your sin and sentence.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Mossy marble of royal graves
Will disappear before these weighty words,
In which I saved your image.
The dust and dirt of centuries will not stick to them.

Let the war overturn the statues,
The rebellion will dispel the labor of masons,
But the letters embedded in the memory
Running centuries will not erase.

Neither death will carry you to the bottom,
No dark oblivion enmity.
You and distant offspring are destined,
The world is worn out, see the day of judgment.

So, live until you wake up
In verses, in hearts full of love!

(translated by S. Marshak)

If copper, granite, land and sea
They won't stand when their time comes
How can it survive, arguing with death,
Is your beauty a helpless flower?

O bitter reflection!.. Where, what
Find a refuge for beauty?
How, stopping the pendulum with your hand,
Save the color from time to time?..

There is no hope. But the light face is cute
Save, perhaps, black ink!

(translated by S. Marshak)

I call death. I can't bear to see
Dignity that begs for alms
Over simplicity mocking lie,
Nothingness in luxurious attire,
And perfection is a false sentence,
And virginity, rudely desecrated,
And inappropriate honor shame
And power is a prisoner of toothless weakness,
And directness, which is reputed to be stupid,
And stupidity in the mask of a sage, a prophet,
And inspiration clamped mouth
And righteousness in the service of vice.

Everything is disgusting that I see around ...
But how to leave you, dear friend!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Well, I will live, accepting as a condition,
That you are true. Though you have become different
But the shadow of love seems like love to us.
Not with your heart - so be with me with your eyes.

Your gaze does not speak of change.
He harbors neither boredom nor enmity.
There are faces on which crimes
Draw indelible marks.

But, apparently, it is so pleasing to higher powers:
Let your beautiful lips lie
But in this look, tender and sweet,
The purity still shines.

The apple from the tree was beautiful
Eve thwarted Adam.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Who, owning evil, will not cause evil,
Without using the full power of this power,
Who moves others, but like granite,
Unshakable and not subject to passion, -

Heaven grants grace to him,
The earth brings dear gifts.
He was given greatness,
And others are called to honor greatness.

Summer cherishes its best flower,
Though he himself blooms and withers.
But if vice found shelter in it,
Any weed will be worthy of it.

Thistle is sweeter and sweeter to us
Corrupted roses, poisoned lilies.

(translated by S. Marshak)

You know how to decorate your shame.
But, like an invisible worm in the garden
He draws a disastrous pattern on roses, -
So your vice stains you.

Rumor talks about your deeds,
Guesses generously adding to them.
But praise becomes blasphemy.
Vice is justified by your name!

In what a magnificent palace
You give shelter to low temptations!
Under the beautiful mask on the face,
In a magnificent outfit they will not be recognized.

But beauty cannot be saved in vices.
Rusting, sharpness loses the sword.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Don't call me a pagan
Do not call the deity an idol.
I sing hymns full of love
Him, about him and only for him.

His love is softer every day
And dedicating a verse to constancy,
I can't help but talk about him
Not knowing the themes and intentions of others.

"Beautiful, faithful, kind" - these are the words,
Which I say in many ways.
They have three definitions of the deity,
But how many combinations of these words!

Goodness, beauty and fidelity lived apart,
But it's all in you merged.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Neither my own fear, nor a prophetic look
The whole universe, looking diligently into the distance,
They don't know how long I've been given
A love whose death seemed inevitable.

Its eclipse the mortal moon
Survived in spite of the lying prophets.
Hope is back on the throne
And a long peace promises the flowering of olives.

Separation death does not threaten us.
Let me die, but I will rise in verse.
Blind death threatens only the tribes,
Not yet enlightened, wordless.

In my poems and you will survive
Crowns of tyrants and coats of arms of nobles.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Don't call me an unfaithful friend.
How could I change or change?
My soul, the soul of my love
In your chest, like my pledge, is stored.

You are my shelter, given by fate.
I left and came back
As he was, and brought with him
Living water that washes away stains.

Let my sins burn my blood
But I did not reach the last edge,
So that from wanderings not to return again
To you, the source of all blessings.

What is this spacious light without you?
You are alone in it. There is no other happiness.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Oh how I lied once when I said:
"My love cannot be stronger."
I did not know, with a full flame of grief,
That I know how to love even more tenderly.

Accidents foreseeing a million
Invading every moment
Breaking the immutable law
Wavering and oaths and aspirations,

Not believing in changeable fate,
But only an hour that has not yet lived,
I said: "My love for you
So big that there can be no more!"

Love is a child. I was wrong about her
Calling the child an adult woman.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Interfere with the union of two hearts
I don't intend to. Can treason
Love boundless put an end to?
Love knows no loss and decay.

Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Not fading in darkness and fog.
Love is the star that sailor
Defines a place in the ocean.

Love is not a pathetic doll in your hands
By the time that erases the roses
On fiery lips and cheeks,
And she is not afraid of time threats.

And if I'm wrong and my verse lies,
Then there is no love - and there are no my poems!

(translated by S. Marshak)

As soon as you, my music,
Take up music, disturbing the system
Frets and strings with skillful play,
I am tormented by jealous envy.

It's a shame to me that the caresses of gentle hands
You give to the dancing frets,
Tearing off a brief, fleeting sound, -
And not my languishing lips.

I would like to become the keys,
So that only your fingers are light
Walked on me, making me tremble,
When you touch the strings in oblivion.

But if happiness fell on a string,
Give your hands to her, and your lips to me!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Her eyes don't look like stars
You can’t call the mouth corals,
Not snow-white shoulders open skin,
And a strand twists like a black wire.

With a damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet delicate petal.

You won't find perfect lines in it
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how goddesses walk
But the darling walks the earth.

And yet she will hardly yield to those
Whom in comparisons magnificent slandered.

(translated by S. Marshak)

I love your eyes. They me
Forgotten, regret unfeignedly.
Burying a rejected friend
They, like mourning, wear their color black.

Believe that the sun's shine is not the way it goes
To the face of the gray-haired early east,
And the star that leads us to the evening -
Transparent skies western eye -

Not so radiant and not so bright
Like this look, beautiful and farewell.
Ah, if you would clothe your heart
In the same mourning, soft and sad, -

I would think that beauty itself
Black as night, and brighter than light - darkness!

(translated by S. Marshak)

When you swear to me that you are all
Serve worthy of the truth as a model,
I believe even though I see you lie
Imagining me as a blind youth.

flattered that I can still
To seem young in spite of the truth,
I lie to myself in my vanity,
And we are both far from the truth.

Won't you tell me you lied to me again
And it makes no sense for me to admit my age.
Love holds on to imaginary trust,
And old age, having fallen in love, is ashamed of years.

I lie to you, you lie unwittingly to me,
And we seem to be quite happy!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Don't force me to justify
Your injustice and deceit.
It's better to conquer force by force,
But do not hurt me with cunning.

Love another, but in the minutes of meetings
Don't take your eyelashes away from me.
Why cheat? Your gaze is a smashing sword
And there is no armor on the loving chest.

You yourself know the power of your eyes,
And, perhaps, looking away,
You are preparing to kill others,
Sparing me out of mercy.

Oh, have no mercy! Let your direct look
If he kills me, I will be glad to die.

(translated by S. Marshak)

My eyes are not in love with you, -
They see your vices clearly.
And the heart is none of your fault
He does not see and does not agree with his eyes.

And yet, external feelings are not given -
Not all five, not each separately -
Assure the heart of a poor one,
That this slavery is fatal to him.

In my misfortune I am glad alone,
That you are my sin and you are my eternal hell.

(translated by S. Marshak)

I hate - these are the words
What from her sweet lips the other day
Broke in anger. But hardly
She noticed my fear, -

How to hold the tongue
Which me so far
He whispered caress, then reproach,
Not a harsh sentence.

"I hate," - subdued,
The mouth spoke, and the look
Already changed to mercy anger,
And the night rushed from heaven to hell.

(translated by S. Marshak)

Love is a sickness. My soul is sick
An agonizing, unquenchable thirst.
She demands the same poison
Who poisoned her once.

My mind-doctor healed my love.
She rejected herbs and roots,
And the poor doctor was exhausted
And he left us, losing his patience.

From now on, my illness is incurable.
The soul finds no peace in anything.
Abandoned by my mind
And feelings and words roam at will.

And for a long time to me, devoid of mind,
Hell seemed like heaven, and darkness seemed to be light!

(translated by S. Marshak)

Where do you get so much power from?
To rule in powerlessness over me?
I instill lies in my own eyes,
I swear to them that the light of day did not shine.

So infinite is the charm of evil,
Confidence and power of sinful forces,
That I, forgiving black deeds,
Your sin, as a virtue, fell in love.

Everything that would feed enmity in another,
Feeds the tenderness in my chest.
I love what everyone curses around,
But don't judge me with everyone.

He deserves special love
Who gives his unworthy soul.

(translated by S. Marshak)

God Cupid dozed in the silence of the forest,
And the young nymph at Cupid's
I took a burning tar torch
And lowered it into a cold stream.

The fire went out, and there is water in the stream
Warmed up, boiled, boiled.
And here the sick converge there
Heal the infirm body with bathing.

Meanwhile, the evil god of love
Got fire from my girlfriend's eyes
And set my heart on fire for experience.
Oh, how ailments have tormented me ever since!

But not a stream can heal them,
And the same poison is the fire of her eyes.

To the question Shakespeare's easiest sonnet. Tell me, what do you think is the easiest Shakespeare's sonnet. It needs to be learned urgently. given by the author Anna kissil the best answer is Her eyes don't look like stars
You can’t call the mouth corals,
Not snow-white shoulders open skin,
And a strand twists like a black wire.
With damask rose scarlet or white
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks,
And the body smells like the body smells,
And not violets delicate petal.
You won't find perfect lines in it
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how goddesses walk
But the darling walks the earth.
And yet she will give in to those hardly,
Whom in comparisons magnificent slandered.

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
I call death. I can't bear to see
Dignity that begs for alms
Over simplicity mocking lie,
Nothingness in luxurious attire,
And perfection is a false sentence,
And virginity, rudely desecrated,
And inappropriate honor shame
And power is a prisoner of toothless weakness,
And directness, which is reputed to be stupid,
And stupidity in the mask of a sage, a prophet,
And inspiration clamped mouth
And righteousness in the service of vice.
Everything is disgusting that I see around...
But how can you leave my dear friend!

Answer from Doubt..[guru]
I don't know about lightness, just one of my favorites
sonnet 54. I like Marshak's translation.

Answer from way[guru]
I like this:
Sonnet 45 (The other two foundations of the universe) Trans. S. Marshak
The other two foundations of the universe -
Fire and air are lighter.
The breath of thought and the fire of desire
I send to you, despite the space.
When they are two free elements -
Love will fly to you as an embassy,
The rest stay with me
And burden my soul with weight.
I yearn, out of balance,
While the elements of spirit and fire
They won't rush back to me with the news,
That a friend is healthy and remembers me.
How happy I am! . But again in a moment
Fly to you and thoughts and aspirations.
Although, I think you should choose the sonnet that warms the soul and matches exactly your mood, then it will be easy to remember ...

Answer from petitioner[guru]
If you fall out of love - so now,
Now that the whole world is at odds with me.
Be the bitterest of my losses
But not the last straw of grief!
And if I can overcome grief,
Don't ambush.
Let the stormy night not be resolved
Rainy morning, morning without consolation...
Leave me, but not at the last moment
When from small troubles I will weaken.
Leave me to understand again
That this grief is more painful than all adversity.
That there are no adversities, but there is one trouble -
Lose your love forever!
Sonnet 90. Translation by S. Ya. Marshak.

Answer from Galina Kitcha[guru]
Sneak time with fine craftsmanship
A magical holiday poses for the eyes.
And the same time in a circular run
It takes away everything that makes us happy.
Hours and days unrestrained flow
Leads the summer into the twilight of winter days,
Where there is no foliage, the juice froze in the trees,
The earth is dead and a white cloak is on it.
And only the aroma of blooming roses -
Flying prisoner, locked in glass -
Reminds me of cold and frost
That summer was on earth.
The flowers have lost their former brilliance,
But they kept the soul of beauty.

Answer from Alyona[guru]
if you fall out of love, so now

Answer from well now[active]
Her eyes are not stars, I will not hide
And the redness of the lips with coral cannot be compared,
And the chest is not as white as snow in winter,
And hair is like a wire thread.
I met many roses at the time of flowering,
But there are none like her on her cheeks;
From the smells of others I am in admiration,
Than those that left their mark on her.
I love her conversation, but I know
That music is more pleasant to listen to;
Slender goddesses gait - I admit:
It is not given to her, as they do, it is easy to step.
And yet, oh heaven, there is no comparison:
My love, you are rare!

Answer from Lyosha Donetsk[newbie]
The heart with the eye has a secret pact:
They relieve each other's pain
When your gaze searches in vain
And the heart suffocates in separation.
Your image of a keen eye
Gives and heart to admire plenty.
And the heart to the eye at its appointed hour
Dreams of love give way to share.
So in my thoughts or in the flesh
You are in front of me at any moment.
You can go no farther than a thought.
I am inseparable from her, she is with you.
My gaze draws you in a dream
And wakes up the heart sleeping in me.

Sonnet 18

Can I compare your features with a summer day?
But you are sweeter, more moderate and more beautiful.
The storm breaks May flowers,
And our summer is so short-lived!

Then the heavenly eye blinds us,
That bright face hides bad weather.
Caresses, undead and torments us
By its random whim, nature.

And your day does not decrease,
The sunny summer does not fade.
And a mortal shadow will not hide you -
You will live forever in the lines of the poet.

Among the living you will be until then,
As long as the chest breathes and sees the gaze.

Sonnet 99

Violet early I reproached:
The evil one steals his sweet smell
From your mouth and every petal
He steals his velvet from you.

Lilies have the whiteness of your hand,
Your dark curl is in marjoram buds,
A white rose has the color of your cheek,
At the red rose - your fire is ruddy.

At the third rose - white, like snow,
And red as the dawn - your breath.
But the impudent thief did not escape retribution:
The worm eats him as a punishment.

What flowers are not in the spring garden!
And everyone steals your scent or color.

Sonnet 104

You don't change over the years.
The same you were when you first
I met you. Three winters are gray
Three magnificent years have powdered the trail.

Three gentle springs have changed color
On juicy fruit and fiery leaves,
And three times the forest was undressed in autumn ...
And the elements do not rule over you.

On the dial, showing us the hour,
Leaving the figure, the golden arrow
Slightly moves invisible to the eye,
So I don’t notice years on you.

And if the sunset is necessary, -
He was before your birth!

Sonnet 130

Her eyes don't look like stars
You can’t call the mouth corals,
Not snow-white shoulders open skin,
And a strand twists like a black wire.

With a damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet delicate petal.

You won't find perfect lines in it
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how goddesses walk
But the darling walks the earth.

And yet she will hardly yield to those
Whom in comparisons magnificent slandered.

William Shakespeare

Paintings by Emile Vernon.