Classic professional hand care program. Comprehensive hand and nail care program Herbal for velvety

Your well-groomed hands and nails give an impression of you. After all, hands are the calling card of a woman. The condition of your hands and nails will emphasize your neatness, attitude towards yourself, and at the same time make others treat you with respect or doubt you.

- it's not overkill. The skin on the hands during the day is subject to contact with various substances, so you should pay attention to the conditions of your work, this also applies to homework. Chemicals, solvents, resins and other substances, as well as frequent contact with water - all this affects the condition of the skin of the hands and nails. And yet, the same thing does and low-quality nail polish. Therefore, when performing such work, it is necessary to use rubber gloves. And at the end of the work, the hands must be washed and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

If you have problems with your hands and nails, which are in no way related to your work, if your nails have lost their natural color, delaminate, become rough and brittle, this means that you urgently need to check your health.

And what should be the nails? Firm, pink and smooth, well groomed.

Brittle and brittle nails can be strengthened with baths: add vitamin A oil, 5 drops of lemon juice or 3 drops of iodine to warm vegetable oil. Dip your hands in the bath and sit for 10 minutes. These baths can be done 1 - 2 times a week.

Nails and the skin around them can be improved if you regularly rub or cranberry juice, black or red currant, you can table vinegar. Every other day it is useful to make baths from sea salt, you can also use table salt. Nails will be beautiful and strong if, in addition to external care for them, you follow the diet. Foods rich in proteins, mineral salts, vitamins A and D, as well as gelatin are needed. Gelatin contains jellied dishes and some desserts; you can simply add it to hot soup.

If you are a woman who smokes, your nails may turn yellow. It is best to quit smoking, so as not to harm not only beauty, but also health. And there can be no beauty without health. And yet, women who smoke can whiten their yellowed nails by wiping with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice. But this must be done daily.

A manicure improves the appearance, but from time to time leave your nails unpainted, let them “breathe” with air, “warm up” in the sun and strengthen.

But what about those who have the skin of the hands running, and the nails are not well-groomed? If you have a desire to fix everything, to put your hands and nails in order, then consider how to do it.

If you want to have snow-white hands, you can use some of the following recipes:

1. Every evening, massage with a mixture of starch and glycerin in equal parts.

2. To whiten the skin of the hands, you can use a mixture of boiled potatoes with milk. To do this, mix the named ingredients so that the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained. Apply to the skin of the hands and hold for 5 minutes, then rinse with water and lubricate with cream. Do this procedure 2 times a week. This hand mask is especially useful in winter if the hands are prone to chapping.

3. If calluses have formed on the hands, daily soda baths will help with rubbing these areas with a pumice stone. At the end of the procedure, lubricate your hands with cream.

4. Whey or yogurt has a good effect on the skin of the hands. Soak your hands in the serum for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse them with warm water, dry with a soft towel and grease with a protective cream.

5. Whitens the skin of the hands and cucumber juice mixed with sour cream. To do this, it is enough to grate a medium-sized cucumber, mix it with sour cream and grease your hands with the resulting mixture. After 15 - 20 minutes, rinse with warm water without soap, grease with a nourishing cream.

6. Now many people decorate their homes with flowers that they grow themselves. After such work, it may turn out that the earth has eaten into the skin and remained under the nails. True, the British say that the one who has earth under his nails loves flowers. But such hands must still be washed, although it is difficult. The following remedy will come to the rescue: add one teaspoon of granulated sugar, one tablespoon of milk to the soap foam. Now, wash it off. When the dirt is gone, rinse your hands with warm water. If your hands are very dirty, you can make soap baths with soda. Make soap foam, for which cut a little soap with a knife and pour boiling water over it. When the soap dissolves and foam forms, and the water cools slightly, add two teaspoons of baking soda, then soak your hands for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash, dry with a soft towel and grease with a nourishing cream.

Essential oils will also come to the aid of hand and nail care. For example, restorative creams:

Cream with lavender - 2 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of sage, 2 drops of lemon, 3 drops of chamomile, mix with two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cream for adult women - 4 drops of sage oil, 4 drops of lavender, 4 drops of chamomile, 2 drops of eucalyptus mix with a small amount of hand cream.

Day cream - 1 drop of geranium, 2 drops of chamomile, 2 drops of lemon mix with one tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Night cream - 3 drops of peppermint oil, 2 drops of geranium, 1 drop of frankincense, 1 drop of fennel, 1 drop of grapefruit. Mix everything with a teaspoon of baby cream.

In conclusion, a few simple rules should be recalled:

1. In cold weather, wear gloves or mittens.

2. Wear rubber gloves when handling various detergents.

3. Use a protective hand cream to protect your hands from redness and drying out if your hands have to be in frequent contact with water or in cold weather.

4. Do not wash your hands often with soap, even very good soap washes away grease, which gives the skin elasticity and softness.

9 964 0 Hello! In this article, we will look at hand care at home. You will get acquainted with the basic provisions of care and learn how to comprehensively take care of the beauty of the hands.

Why is it important to take care of your hands?

Hand care is one of the components of the beautiful appearance of any girl. The skin in this place is very vulnerable and sensitive. There are few sebaceous glands in it, and they are completely absent on the palms, so the hands have weak natural protection. They contain 5 times less moisture than the face, so they are often dehydrated.

In addition, hands regularly encounter the effects of the external environment - the sun, wind and frost. From this, the skin turns red, compacted and covered with cracks. During housework, chemicals for washing and washing negatively affect the water-fat balance. Without protection, hands age quickly and can become ill with various skin ailments.

Rules for caring for hands at home

You do not have to spend a lot of time and money to take care of your hands and nails. To begin with, it is enough to learn a few simple rules to protect defenseless skin from external influences:

  • Don't forget to wear gloves while doing housework.. This simple rule will greatly extend the beauty of your pens. This applies to washing the floor, dishes, washing linen, wet cleaning;
  • water for washing hands should always be warm. Too hot or cold wash out the lipid layer, which is restored extremely slowly;
  • in the winter, wear gloves outside, but only from natural materials. Synthetics will deprive your skin of scarce moisture, and the absence of gloves will completely lead to surface roughness;
  • drink more non-carbonated and clean water. This is useful not only for the whole body, but also for the hands;
  • for washing hands, purchase liquid soap with useful additives. From the usual hard soap, the skin dries out and becomes thinner. In extreme cases, you can use ordinary baby soap - it is universal and suitable for everyone;
  • dry your hands after washing. Excess moisture negatively affects the water-fat balance;
  • eat more foods rich in vitamins A, C and E or drink vitamin complexes with their content. This will keep the collagen fibers intact and protect against age spots;
  • . Give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • do not forget to take care of the skin on the elbows. There it gets rougher and dries much faster. Once a week, while taking a bath, rub your elbows with a pumice stone, and then lubricate them with a nourishing cream;
  • do not lose sight of the condition of the nails. Untidy nails spoil the general appearance of the hand and give away your age. It is not necessary to do an expensive manicure - it is enough to keep them clean, treat the cuticle with oils, and the nail plate with the same nutritional compositions that care for the skin of the hands;
  • lubricate the skin with cream at least twice a day. To do this, always carry a nutritional composition with you in your purse so that you can take care of the beauty of your hands even at the workplace. At home, it is recommended to stock up on creams for various purposes - for sun protection, moisturizing, nourishing, etc.

Hand care steps

  • Stage 1 - cleansing. Daily hand care is impossible without this procedure. To do this, it is enough to wash your hands with soap, but sometimes you can do cleansing baths.
  • Step 2 - Exfoliate. It removes dead cells from the skin. For this, a scrub or peeling is used. During this stage, you can prepare the skin for the application of the nutrient composition, since the beneficial substances will better penetrate the surface.
  • Stage number 3 - nutrition. The main goal of this stage is to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins A, B, C, E and F. Their deficiency leads to various problems. Hand creams enriched with these vitamins are used here. They may not be present in the composition directly, but in the form of oils, whey or citrus extracts.
  • Stage number 4 - mitigation. It is necessary for the prevention of cracks, wrinkles and dryness. Healing masks, baths and lotions will help here. They can be rubbed into the nails, as this helps to strengthen the plate.
  • Stage number 5 - massage. We do it when we apply care products.
    - We make stroking and pressing movements from the ends of the fingers to their base.
    - Then we move further - to the wrist, and higher - to the shoulder. At this time, one hand seems to grab the other.
    - Now you can tap on the hand. Straighten one arm, clench your fingers into a fist, and hit it with the edge of the other, starting from the hand and ending with the armpits. First, on the inside and outside of one hand, and then the other.
    - Pinch will help increase muscle tone. Take it with the tips of your index finger and thumb and lift the skin a little. In this way, work in the direction from the fingers to the wrist, and then to the elbow.
  • Stage number 6 - gymnastics. Hand exercises are needed to relieve fatigue. The monotonous position for a long time negatively affects their condition. The basic rule for the health of the hands is that their rest should be the opposite of those actions that were performed all day.

You can relieve tension from your hands even while sitting at the computer. Here are some simple exercises:

  1. Shake your arms and rotate your limbs clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  2. Place your elbows on a flat surface. Alternately bend and straighten your arms.
  3. Place your hands on the table. Do clenching and unclenching your fists.
  4. Spread your fingers. Alternately from the little finger to the big one, bend and straighten them.

Professional hand care

Sometimes you can treat yourself to spa treatments that are done in beauty salons. They mean hand care with high quality cosmetics with vitamins and ceramides.

Spa treatments include:

  • peelings and masks for cleansing;
  • fragrant baths with sea salt;
  • food masks;
  • wraps with paraffin;
  • relaxation massage.

During them, essential oils, herbs and spices are used, the aromas of which relieve stress and bring pleasure. Often SPA hand care is carried out using healing mud and algae. You can devote the whole day to the beauty of your hands and go through the whole range of procedures that can complete a decorative manicure.

Hand care products

The market for hand care products is very rich. We will help you understand it with the help of the following table.

purpose Means Peculiarities
cleansing 1. Peeling
2. Gommage
3. Scrub
4. Salt
5. Soothing ingredients for baths
It is better to purchase scrubs with natural ingredients, such as ground coconut pits or wheat bran. Gommage is more suitable for cleansing sensitive skin.
You can buy products for chemical peeling, then the old cells will be dissolved by fruit acids. To soften water in cleansing baths, you can purchase salts and special components.
Basic care 1. Cream
2. Lotion
3. Emulsion
4. Soufflé
5. Balm
6. Gel
7. Milk
8. Spray
9. Oil
Today, there is a large selection of forms of basic hand care products. Cream, balm, soufflé and oils have a greasy texture, and the emulsion has a soft composition, due to the content of two separate phases - water and fat.
Milk and gel contain a lot of water, so they are well suited for use in the summer. It is better if the basic care product is made from herbal extracts and oils.
intensive care 1. Serum
2. Mask
Masks and serums also contain nutritional components, but in a higher concentration. These products are the main components of anti-aging cosmetics.

Preservatives are added to cosmetic products, which are necessary to increase the shelf life of products. If you want to use exclusively natural compounds for care, then you can make them yourself.

Homemade Hand Care Recipes


Oatmeal for softening

You will need:

  • water - 150 ml;
  • hercules - 50 g;
  • olive oil - 20 ml.

Cook porridge from cereals and water. When it is ready, add oil and cool the composition to a comfortable temperature. Soak your hands in it for 10 minutes and then rinse.

Bread from cracks

You will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • wheat bread - 1 pc.

Heat the milk to a warm state and soak the crumb in it, which must first be removed from the bread. Immerse your hands in the composition, wait 15 minutes, and then rinse your hands.

Herbal for velvety

You will need:

  • dry chamomile - 30 g;
  • sage grass - 30 g;
  • dry plantain - 30 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Prepare a decoction from the ingredients. You need to boil it for about 10 minutes. Dip your hands in the strained broth and hold for 25 minutes. You may not rinse.

Mint for tired skin

You will need:

  • fresh mint leaves - 20 pcs;
  • boiling water - 180 ml.

Brew the greens and wait half an hour until it is infused. Now you can put your hands in it for 25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove your hands and do not rinse.

Salt cleansing

You will need:

  • sea ​​salt - 100 g;
  • warm water - 1 l.

Dissolve salt in water. Soak your hands in the bath for 10 minutes. Then wipe thoroughly with a towel and grease with a greasy cream.

Vinegar for sweating

You will need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • apple cider vinegar - 60 ml.

Mix the ingredients. Immerse your hands in the prepared bath and wait 15 minutes. Then wash them with warm water.

Potato for moisturizing

It will take:

  • potato.

Peel the tubers and boil. We only need a decoction, and use the potatoes for other needs. Cool it to 40 degrees and place your hands in it. Wait 10 minutes, dry them with a towel and spread with cream.

Nutritious with cranberries and St. John's wort

It will take:

  • chopped lingonberry leaves - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dried St. John's wort flowers - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 0.5 cups.

Pour boiling water over the herbs and set aside for half an hour. Strain the broth, and pour the liquid into a bowl of warm water. Dip your hands in it for about 20 minutes. Then dry your hands and spread with cream. The bath helps to relieve inflammation, moisturize and make the skin elastic.

Oil for elbows

You will need:

  • vegetable oil.

Heat the oil, pour into two containers and immerse your elbows in the liquid. After 5 minutes, treat the softened skin with a pumice stone, wash with warm water and lubricate with cream.

Scrubs and peels

Coffee creamy

It will take:

  • ground coffee - 3 tsp;
  • heavy cream - 1 tsp:
  • bee honey - 1 tsp.

Mix all ingredients well. Apply the scrub to your hands and rub vigorously for about 3 minutes. At the same time, massage your fingers well. Now leave the composition on your hands, and after 15 minutes remove it with warm water.


It will take:

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • vitamin E - 1 capsule.

All components can be mixed directly in the palm of your hand and scrubbing can begin immediately. Do the manipulation for a few minutes, and then wait 10 minutes for the beneficial components to be absorbed. Wash off the scrub with plain water.


You will need:

  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • brown sugar - 60 g.

Prepare a scrub from the components and gently rub it into the skin of the hands. Do scrubbing for 3 minutes, and then wash off the mass. It not only cleanses well, but also moisturizes the skin.


You will need:

  • grape seed essential oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rice - 60 g;
  • sandalwood essential oil - 2 drops.

Grind the cereal with a coffee grinder or blender. Now mix it with oils. Apply scrub to skin, massage gently for 5 minutes and rinse. The mixture tones and improves the elasticity of the skin.

Butter honey with oatmeal

It will take:

  • finely ground hercules;
  • vegetable oil;

Combine a tablespoon of cereal with the rest of the ingredients. Take them in an amount sufficient to form a thick slurry. Apply it on your hands and do self-massage for about 5 minutes. Now wash your hands with water and apply a nourishing cream.


Honey Egg Nutrient

You will need:

  • bee honey - 50 g;
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.

First, mix the flour with the yolk well, and then add the honey. As a result, you should get a viscous and thick composition. Apply the mask on the skin and wait 20 minutes. If desired, it can be kept all night if you wear cotton gloves. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hands with warm water and apply cream.

Important! If there is no oatmeal, then oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder will do.


You will need:

  • glycerin - 20 g;
  • oatmeal - 80 g;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml.

Combine and mix flour, butter and juice. Now add glycerin and bring the mixture to a pulp. Apply the composition for 30 minutes, then rinse and spread with cream.

Curd with green tea for rejuvenation

It will take:

  • cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • green leaf tea - 1 tsp;
  • boiling water - 100 ml;
  • olive oil - 50 ml.

Pour the tea with water and leave for 20 minutes. Now strain it and mix the liquid with the other ingredients of the mask. Apply the mixture to your hands, put on cotton gloves. After half an hour, remove them, rinse off the composition and spread the treated area with cream.

Tonic with orange

You will need:

  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sesame oil - 1 tsp;
  • red pepper - a pinch.

Remove the pulp from the orange and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Apply it on your hands, wait 5 minutes and rinse. Finally, treat the skin with almond oil.


It will take:

  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vaseline - 1 tsp;
  • camphor oil - 1 drop.

Grate the apple and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Spread the mixture on your hands in a thick layer and wait 10 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse off and apply a moisturizer.

Creamy honey

It will take:

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • high-quality butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • chamomile decoction - 1 tbsp.

Mix all the ingredients well and place in a convenient storage jar. This cream is very oily, after applying it you need to wait a while for it to be absorbed. But it makes the skin soft and pleasant.

This is interesting! Combine the application of the cream with a special self-massage technology. In the morning, smear the product on the back of the limb. Move from the edges of the fingers to the wrist as if putting on thick gloves. Pay attention to every finger! The cream is not applied to the palms. In the evening, massage your hands with a soft brush under running water, and then spread the composition in the same way that you used in the morning.

Sour cream yolk

It will take:

  • sour cream - ½ cup;
  • yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vodka - 2 tbsp. l.

Whip the first two ingredients in a blender or mixer, and then add the rest and mix well. You can replace vodka with 1 tablespoon of cognac or alcohol.

Creamy glycerin

It will take:

  • glycerin - 50 g;
  • cream - 50 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 drops.

Mix all the ingredients and apply on your hands twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Ointment for cracks

It will take:

  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • bee honey - 1 tbsp. l;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

To prepare, just mix all the ingredients. The ointment is applied to the hands for 20 minutes. It is advisable to make a salt bath before the procedure.

Paraffin therapy

Home care will become even more effective if you periodically do paraffin therapy with your own hands. It helps soften and moisturize the skin. During the process, paraffin evenly covers the hands and warms the skin. As a result, sweating increases and pores open. Because of the paraffin, moisture cannot evaporate, so it is absorbed back into the skin, restoring the water balance.

For paraffin therapy, you just need to buy cosmetic paraffin. The procedure is simple:

  • melt the paraffin in a water bath (temperature below 40 degrees);
  • steam and scrub your hands;
  • lubricate your hands with nourishing cream or oil;
  • dip your hands in paraffin for 10 seconds, then remove, hold over the container for the same amount of time and lower again;
  • repeat manipulations 4-5 times;
  • wrap your hands in a film and warm with a towel;
  • after half an hour, remove the layer of paraffin and wash your hands;
  • apply moisturizer.

The effect is visible after one procedure, but in order to maintain it for a long time, you can carry out a whole course of procedures. It is 5-10 sessions with a break of 5 days.

What is the best oil for hand care?

Oils are used for massage, adding to baths and masks, as well as treating diseases. Essential oils of plants have a positive effect on the skin of the hands and nourish it with essential vitamins:

  • orange;
  • geranium;
  • grapefruit;
  • jojoba;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • cypress;
  • lavender;
  • leuzea;
  • lemon;
  • mandarin;
  • neroli;
  • rose;
  • sandalwood;
  • fennel.

You can choose the oil depending on the existing problem according to this table:

Rules for caring for hands after 40-50 years

Fading hand skin requires a lot of attention. Be sure to follow all the rules of skin care. The back of the palms at this age is even more prone to dryness than at a young age. In the palms, already devoid of sebaceous glands, the sweat glands lose their ability to adequately moisturize. regularly indulges in deep moisturizing procedures.

Among cosmetics, you should choose those that are specially designed for mature skin. Ladies over 50 need to buy creams with UV protection to prevent the formation of age spots. Whitening masks and serums are used to eliminate existing stains.

All homework is done strictly in seals. Before putting them on, hands are generously smeared with cream. It must be washed off after the action is completed. Twice a week, baths are made with the addition of essential oils, and peeling is done once every 7 days.

Features of winter and summer care

Hand care in spring and summer

  • Aggressive sun rays can lead to pigmentation on your hands and rapid aging. To avoid this, use sunscreen every time you go outside in the summer.
  • On hot days, you can cheer yourself up by immersing your hands in ice-cold water for a while. This will improve blood circulation. After manipulation, wipe your hands and grease with cream.
  • If you have a dacha, then take proper care of your hands after the garden. After dirty work, wash your hands thoroughly with a brush. After that, treat all lesions on the skin, regardless of size, with hydrogen peroxide. Don't forget to apply cream afterwards.

Hand care in autumn and winter

  • In winter, half an hour before going outside, lubricate the skin of your hands with a nourishing cream. Before the exit itself, you can apply another layer.
  • Be sure to wear gloves and do not take them off in the cold unnecessarily.
  • If your hands still look worse from the cold, then immediately take care of them. In the evening, do baths and nourishing masks. Before going to bed, lubricate your hands with cream and put on cellophane gloves for good absorption, and mittens on top.
  1. Mashed potatoes and milk, a bath of yogurt or sauerkraut infusion helps to whiten hands.
  2. You can lighten age spots on the surface of your hands by mixing tincture of kombucha (2 tablespoons) and onion juice (1 teaspoon). The composition is applied before going to bed.
  3. From peeling and redness, a composition of ammonia 0.25% (1 tsp) and a glass of water will help. Dip your hands in it for 5 minutes.
  4. A decoction of cod will help remove burrs. Keep your hands in it for a while. Repeat the manipulations several times and the problem will disappear.
  5. For a healthy shine on your nails, rub lemon or cranberry juice on your cuticles.
  6. Strong coffee will help get rid of nail fungus. Keep your hands in it, periodically shaking the composition. The procedure will relieve pain and make the skin soft.
  7. A fat cream made from 82.5% butter and cinquefoil will help to quickly heal cracks. Take 250 g of oil and 5 g of the crushed root of the plant and heat in a steam bath for 10 minutes. They lubricate the cracks in the morning and evening.

If you decide to devote the whole evening to the beauty of your hands ...

  1. Cleanse your hands with a bath.
  2. Remove dead skin particles with a scrub.
  3. Get a massage using essential oils.
  4. Provide the cover with useful substances with a nourishing mask.
  5. Lubricate the skin with a moisturizing and protective cream.

Carry out a comprehensive hand care once a week or at least once a month and you will always have well-groomed and beautiful hands.

How to rejuvenate the skin of the hands in 2 minutes. Rejuvenating hand care

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under his own brand "Lyudmila". Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.

Home care program

Beautiful hands require constant care, one has only to be too lazy and abandon them for at least one day, as the hands will immediately remind themselves of dryness, tightness of the skin, and if you do not take care of your hands for a longer time, then problems cannot be avoided. Therefore, we offer a comprehensive program for the care of hand skin and nails.

Morning care. Hands are washed with warm water or room temperature water and soap. Ideally, soap should not contain alkali, now there is a large selection of liquid soaps on the market that do not injure the skin of the hands. Washing hands in very cold in hot water also degreases the skin and makes it rough.

Be sure to dry your hands after washing. If moisture remains on them, then on the street the skin of the hands becomes weathered, coarsens, often even cracks appear on it.

Before going outside, hands should be lubricated with hand cream. In winter, do not forget about warm mittens.

Day care. Hands are washed before eating and, as they get dirty, with warm water and soap or rubbed with lotion. Cleansing wipes can be used to care for the skin of the hands and cleanse it, but this does not apply to washing hands before dinner. In summer, if your hands sweat, wipe them more often. To nourish the skin, rub the cream into it several times during the day.

Evening care. Hand skin care in the evening is more complete and thorough.

Hands are washed with warm water and neutral soap. For better cleansing of the skin, baths are made: warm with a solution of acetic acid or lemon juice, saline. After washing and bathing, dry your hands with a towel.

To preserve the beauty of the hands, massages and creams are required. The cream is rubbed with movements similar to those when putting on gloves, that is, from the end of the fingers to their base and beyond? with the whole palm, then with one hand, then with the other. After rubbing the cream, the skin is massaged with similar movements. During the massage, stroking, rubbing, kneading and patting the skin are sequentially performed. In the evening, more oily creams are used to lubricate the skin of the hands. At the same time, during rubbing, it is recommended to do some simple gymnastic exercises for the hands.

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set "Velvet handles"

Beautiful hands require constant care, you just have to be too lazy and abandon them for at least one day, as your hands will immediately remind you of themselves with dryness, tightness of the skin, and if you do not take care of your hands for a longer time, then problems cannot be avoided. Therefore, we offer a comprehensive program for the care of hand skin and nails.

Be sure to dry your hands after washing. If moisture remains on them, then on the street the skin of the hands becomes weathered, coarsens, often even cracks appear on it. To avoid this, use after each wash (even instead of a towel, gentle tiles for hands - they soften and nourish the skin)

Before going outside, hands should be lubricated with hand cream.

To create and maintain a flawless manicure, some of us prefer to visit professional beauty salons or beauty parlors, while others do their own manicure at home. Sometimes a manicure done at home is indistinguishable from a professional manicure.

How to do a manicure, in what sequence, what tools are needed - a lot has been written about this on the Internet, and everyone already knows, but I want to focus on those tools that will give your nails health, strength and beauty: nail wax and nail strengthening cream.

Brittle nails:

Most often it is caused by various diseases of the body. These diseases can be of varying severity: from thyroid disease to lack of vitamins, in particular vitamins A, E, F, and calcium. Nails can be overdried, because the nail plates are 80% water and have a porous structure, so frost and water, the scorching sun and water can dry out the nails and make them brittle. Frequent coloring and the use of products that include acetone and formaldehyde also lead to the fact that the nails become brittle, dry and dull. Heredity is not the last factor, because fragility depends on the composition of the keratin protein.

Solution: start taking calcium containing foods. Calcium is excellent for strengthening nails. If you take pharmaceutical preparations, consult your specialist: brittle and weak nails are evidence of a lack of calcium, too dry and brittle - in the body, on the contrary, there is too much calcium, but not enough vitamins. Vitamins E and F enhance nail growth.

In addition, it is recommended to soften brittle nails, you can make warm oil baths, rub a strengthening nail cream into your nails - the formula enriched with vitamins penetrates the nail plate, and the nail is restored. And also try to use protective rubber gloves when washing dishes and household cleaning associated with dirty work.

Cream for strengthening nails is very convenient, it can even be applied to varnish. It is applied to the area near the cuticle and rubbed with light massaging movements - in this place the nail is most receptive to beneficial substances.

Let's start strengthening nails:

Cream to strengthen nails and wax to seal the treatment composition is applied after you have finished your manicure and dried your hands.

Take a small amount of firming nail cream and rub it into the nail plate, be sure to capture the cuticle area - the cream will soften it and with regular use the cuticle will grow less.

We rubbed the cream, waited five minutes and now we take a jar of nail wax.

The wax is hard, so it is better to pick it up as if scraping off with a fingernail or the tip of a nail file.

We start polishing the nail soft side of the polisher. The nail will heat up - it will be hot. Do not be afraid, this effect is only to our advantage - the wax melts and seals the nail.

Went through all the nails. They rinsed their hands with cold (!!) water and applied a nourishing and softening cream on their hands or used an oil plate instead of a towel.

The result will not be long in coming if you use a strengthening nail cream once a day, and a polishing wax with every manicure.

Hands can say a lot about a woman. Hands often give out the age of a woman. They are exposed to active mechanical, thermal and chemical irritants more often than other parts of the body. The skin of the hands dries out early, becomes thinner, loses its elasticity, and age spots and wrinkles appear on it. But well-groomed, soft hands - this is what attracts, creates an impression of a person. In ancient times, when knights could only dream of a beautiful lady, their most cherished desire was to touch the hand of their beloved. And the ladies carefully monitored the condition of their hands, so that the gentleman once again admired the velvety and tenderness of the skin.

“For a woman’s hands to be beautiful, they must be idle,” Alexandre Dumas wrote in the middle of the 19th century. Now our women are constantly working, their hands either wash the dishes, or clean the vegetables, or do the cleaning - which means that they must be constantly protected. Women's hands are almost always in sight. Women are usually emotional, they like to gesticulate when talking, they like to tap their nails on the table, they will not fail to offer their hand for a kiss if the opportunity presents itself. Especially women like to show their hands if they are beautiful. How to make sure there is something to show?

Detergents and cleaning agents, washing powder, soil when working in the garden have a bad effect on the condition of the skin of the hands. Without special care, their skin becomes dry, rough, cracked, flaky.

The skin on the back of the hands contains very few sebaceous glands, and on the palms they are absent altogether. Therefore, the hydrolipid film of the skin, which provides it with natural protection, is very weakly expressed in the area of ​​the hands. In addition, the epidermis of this zone contains little water - 4-5 times less than the skin of the face. As a result, the skin of the hands is very often dehydrated.

The first thing to follow if you want to have beautiful and well-groomed hands is to keep them clean and dry. Wash your hands with warm water and toilet soap, which contains fats and alcohols, which weaken the action of the alkali in the water. Prolonged external irritation leads to a weakening of local immunity and the occurrence of viral lesions of the skin of the hands, including warts, papillomas, keratomas. Daily remove the dirt from under the nails, for this, use a special stick or brush. Wrap the end of the stick with cotton wool and carefully remove the dirt that has accumulated under the nail. Do not use sharp and metal objects for cleaning - they can damage the inner sensitive part of the nail. If your hands are heavily soiled after doing some work, wash them with a soft brush that does not scratch the skin.

After washing, dry your hands with a terry towel and rub them with a nourishing cream or oil. While rubbing the cream, massage your hands from the fingertips towards the hand, which improves blood circulation and is very beneficial for the skin.

To nourish and soften the skin of the hands, use creams specially designed for this. They soften and moisturize the skin of the hands, make it velvety, smooth and elastic. Most hand creams contain substances necessary for the skin: fats, vitamins, enzymes and extracts of medicinal plants. Applying the cream to the cuticle area with active massaging movements perfectly activates the blood circulation of the nail bed and smooths out all the bumps and small burrs.

In addition to the growth of the cuticle, a careless attitude to the nails for a long time leads to another trouble - the growth of barbs. If the skin on the hands is cracked, has become rough, you need to use a cream that has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Massage of the cuticle area is performed with a very soft brush, pre-soaped with glycerin or baby soap. In this case, light peeling occurs, freeing the cuticle from dead skin flakes and, most importantly, preventing the formation of unaesthetic cracks, where dirt can subsequently clog.

If the hands are running, it is better to use a special cuticle oil.

Improper nail care leads to the formation of hangnails, which spoil the appearance of the hands and interfere. Burrs are an indicator of the condition of the skin. They can not be pulled out, it is better to carefully file and grind.

In addition, it is necessary to make baths and, of course, you simply need to protect your hands. For this gloves, protective creams and pastes are used. Not everyone can work with gloves. But it is worth getting used to doing the dirty work in them. A week of training is enough, as the work begins to argue in your hands, and the skin will not crack and peel off, giving you discomfort, the nails will begin to break and exfoliate less.

The size of the gloves should match the size of the hands. Gloves that are too small compress hands and tear easily. Very large gloves create inconvenience during work.

Before putting on rubber gloves, hands are thoroughly washed, dried well and sprinkled with talcum powder. After finishing work, the hands are washed with gloves, then the gloves are removed, rinsed inside, dried and sprinkled with talc or starch on both sides. Gloves are stored in a dry place away from heating devices, fire. Keeping your hands in gloves for a long time is not recommended, as the sweat released under them irritates the skin of the hands.

After removing the gloves, the hands are washed in warm water, dried, and a greasy cream for dry skin, or a special hand cream, is rubbed into the skin.

By the way, gloves have an ancient history, which I would like to tell in passing.

Even in ancient Egypt, women protected their hands while working and eating with special bags. Already at that distant time, gloves were more likely not an ornament, but a necessary part of the wardrobe, and not so much in countries with a cold climate, but in countries where it is not as warm all year round as in Egypt. But being a utilitarian object, gloves, like any thing, bore the imprint of both their century and their owners. The Middle Ages do not yet know gloves with five fingers. However, then the gloves clearly testified to the well-being of their owners: rich people embroidered them with precious stones, embroidered them with gold and silver thread. Such gloves belonged to the upper strata of the population - kings and the highest clergy.

The Renaissance introduced a new fashion for gloves. For the first time, the five-finger gloves we know appear: along with knitted stockings, knitted gloves also come into fashion. If in the 16th century they are knitted, then in the next two they are also embroidered. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, women's cotton gloves occupied a firm place in the fashion industry. During the day, ladies wore gloves with fingers, while in the evening they wore gloves without fingers, thus showing that they are an elegant detail of the image.

White gloves were worn to the ball, black - to the mourning costume, yellow - to hunt. The length of the glove depends on the length of the sleeve: the shorter the sleeve, the longer the glove. The women's evening dress, baring the shoulders, was accompanied by mittens almost to the middle of the shoulder.

The rules of etiquette clearly describe what to do with gloves in different situations, and these rules are connected with the symbolism of hands. Previously, there was a custom to take off the right glove when approaching the altar in the church or to a noble person, thereby showing his humility and humility. After all, a glove is part of a protective vestment, primarily the vestment of a warrior who acts with his right hand. Taking off her glove, you disarm before God or before a person higher than you in rank. And a glove thrown in the face or under the feet is an insult, a challenge to a duel.

"Glove" etiquette brought true torment to men of past centuries. The man preferred to carry this toiletry item in his hands so as not to blunder and violate any point of the rules of etiquette, for which he would be considered ignorant. The Spanish nobleman did not dare to wear gloves in the presence of the pope and the king, in church, at funerals, during mourning and celebrations. In other countries, it was impossible to take off gloves with your teeth, give them a hand, and generally take something with gloves. In a word, there was a set of rules when a man belonging to high society had the right to wear gloves.

As for the woman, it was almost exactly the opposite. If she, giving her hand to a man, takes off her glove, this is a sign of disposition and mercy, but by no means slavish humility. Strict etiquette protected a woman's hands with gloves, like her legs with a long skirt, for many centuries. Back in the 19th century, the question was seriously discussed in Russian society: should a lady constantly wear gloves, or at home can she afford to show herself to the eyes of her family and servants with her bare hands?

In Kievan Rus, it was customary to take gloves in payment of customs duty. And in the villages, after the wedding, for which mittens were always given, the bride took them to the cage so that they would bring a rich harvest. In general, in the popular mind, mittens have good power. A pair of felted mittens guarded the bride's dowry from an unclean spirit. They even cut their hair in mittens, believing that this would make the latter grow better.

However, the inventive human will is capable of using such an innocent object as gloves for evil purposes. The French Queen Catherine de Medici presented the wife of the King of Navarre with gloves scented with poison, from which she soon died.

The structure of nails

Nails? are derivatives of skin cells. Nail growth begins at nail bed where is located matrix. The cells of the nail are formed in the matrix. The visible part of the matrix is nail hole. The condition of the nails is directly related to metabolism and overall health. General metabolic disorders or diseases of the cardiovascular system affect the process of nail formation. Therefore, thickened or deformed nails are often an indicator of serious diseases.

The edges of the nail plate are covered cuticle- a layer of epidermal cells with a protective function. But the excessive growth of the cuticle leads to the formation of burrs, dirt accumulates under the exfoliated edge of the cuticle. Hands look messy, but in addition, contamination can become a source of infection. The skin rollers on the sides of the nail have the same purpose as the cuticle, and in the same way, they can, by overgrowing and drying out, become the cause of pollution and the formation of burrs.

The nail plate itself consists of keratin A protein that is synthesized in the body from amino acids. This protein is the main element of not only nails, but also skin and hair. The keratin contained in the nails is denser, due to the presence of more sulfur in the keratin molecule, or rather, the amino acid cysteine. The qualitative composition of keratin is specific for each person and is largely determined by genetic factors. That is why some nails are hard and hard, others are thin, etc. Keratin is located in the thickness of the nail in layers, between which there are lipid-like substances and water. These layers give the nail plate elasticity and shine.

Nail hygroscopic, that is, it has the ability to absorb water, while it increases in thickness and becomes less solid. In addition to sulfur, the nail contains other trace elements: calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Most often, there are enough named elements in the body, however, as a result of a violation of their absorption by the nails, disturbances in the structure of the nail may occur.

The growth rate of nails is approximately 3 mm per month. A complete renewal of the nail plate occurs in about six months. As you know, the rate of nail growth varies from person to person.

During the period of growth of the whole organism, as well as during periods of increased production of hormones (transitional age, pregnancy), nails grow faster. Reflexively accelerates the growth of nails and with their regular grinding or mechanical irritation. It can be regular massage, work, fingers, as well as the habit of biting nails.

After reaching puberty, the nails grow more slowly. Their growth also slows down with a lack of blood circulation, as well as in cases of metabolic disorders.

Home care program

Beautiful hands require constant care, one has only to be too lazy and abandon them for at least one day, as the hands will immediately remind themselves of dryness, tightness of the skin, and if you do not take care of your hands for a longer time, then problems cannot be avoided. Therefore, we offer a comprehensive program for the care of hand skin and nails.

Morning care. Hands are washed with warm water or room temperature water and soap. Ideally, soap should not contain alkali, now there is a large selection of liquid soaps on the market that do not injure the skin of the hands. Washing hands in very cold in hot water also degreases the skin and makes it rough.

Be sure to dry your hands after washing. If moisture remains on them, then on the street the skin of the hands becomes weathered, coarsens, often even cracks appear on it.

Before going outside, hands should be lubricated with hand cream. In winter, do not forget about warm mittens.

Day care. Hands are washed before eating and, as they get dirty, with warm water and soap or rubbed with lotion. Cleansing wipes can be used to care for the skin of the hands and cleanse it, but this does not apply to washing hands before dinner. In summer, if your hands sweat, wipe them more often. To nourish the skin, rub the cream into it several times during the day.

Evening care. Hand skin care in the evening is more complete and thorough.

Hands are washed with warm water and neutral soap. For better cleansing of the skin, baths are made: warm with a solution of acetic acid or lemon juice, saline. After washing and bathing, dry your hands with a towel.

To preserve the beauty of the hands, massages and creams are required. The cream is rubbed with movements similar to those when putting on gloves, that is, from the end of the fingers to their base and beyond? with the whole palm, then with one hand, then with the other. After rubbing the cream, the skin is massaged with similar movements. During the massage, stroking, rubbing, kneading and patting the skin are sequentially performed. In the evening, more oily creams are used to lubricate the skin of the hands. At the same time, during rubbing, it is recommended to do some simple gymnastic exercises for the hands.

Gymnastics for hands

1. Squeezing and unclenching the brushes.

2. Sit down at a table and imitate playing the piano, making sure that all fingers move separately. Raise your fingers as high as possible.

3. Rotate the brush first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat this exercise several times on each side.

4. Stretch your arms forward. Rotate the brushes 10 times clockwise and 10 times counterclockwise.

5. Put your palms together and push them hard towards each other.

6. Rotate your arms above your head.

7. Raise your arms up and down sharply, waving them like a bird's wings before taking off. Repeat 10 times.

8. Hold your hands palms down, interlace your fingers, slowly, in a circular motion, turn your hands palms up, at the same time opening your fingers. Repeat the action in reverse order.

9. Put your hands down and shake them vigorously? at first only with brushes, then to the elbow and, finally, with the whole arm.

Good finger exercises are typing, playing the piano, and sewing.

Hand exercises are best done when the hands are warm. Do the exercises have to be done very carefully? never let the joints stiffen and become too tense. To strengthen your fingers, try clenching your fists with spools of thread in them. After exercising, rinse your hands with cold water.

Hand massage

Hands often suffer from insufficient circulation. Many women have cold hands - this is proof that the peripheral circulatory system does not provide for the needs of the body. Improved blood supply accelerates the regeneration of the skin, therefore, improves its appearance. Massage of the hands has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on general well-being, improving tone and calming the nerves, since a large number of nerve endings are concentrated here.

Before starting the massage, lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream or vegetable (preferably olive) oil. When performing a massage, it is important to strictly follow the sequence: first you must massage first And fifth fingers, then second And fourth and finally third And first. Start massaging with your left hand.

1. In a spiral motion, massage your fingers in the direction from the nail to the base, continuing to move along the back of the hand to the wrist.

2. Slowly knead each finger from tip to base. Then successively rotate your fingers, while holding them by the tips, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

3. Put the massaged hand on your elbow, lift your fingers up. Place the palm of your right hand on the back of your left, and the first finger? into her palm. Go down to the middle of the palm, fixing lightly with the first finger. Move down to the wrist. Now go to the side of the palm and move up to the elbow.

4. Intensely tug 3-4 times, as if vibrating, fingers, holding each by its tip.

5. Put your hand on the table, and with the palm of the other, smoothly slide over it from the fingertips to the base of the hand, as if stroking it.

6. Turn the hand over with the palm and phalanges of half-bent fingers of the other hand, perform 3-4 rubbing rotational movements.

Finish the massage with stroking.

After massaging the left hand, move to the right hand and do the same with it. Remove the rest of the cream with a damp cloth.

Cleaning hands after dirty work

In spring and summer, our lovely women are busy with chores in the garden. After such work, the skin tightens, dirt gets into the pores, which is almost impossible to clean with ordinary soap. Here a good helper can be lemon acid or sorrel leaves. Pour a little citric acid into your palms, add a few drops of water and rub your palms. After a few seconds, the dirt will come off. If you decide to clean your hands with sorrel leaves, you can simply rub them on your palms. If the dirt has eaten too much, then you can try to rub your hands a slice of lemon. To clean and strengthen your nails, cut a lemon in half and dip your fingers into each half. Hold for 5 minutes.

However The best way to clean your hands is to keep them free from dirt..

For this you can do artificial "gloves": take 1/4 cup warm water, 2 grams of edible gelatin, 15 grams of starch, 20 grams of talc, 2 grams of boric acid. Mix everything well, apply on hands and dry. Now you can work, and when you're done, just wash your hands.

Sometimes, when performing repairs in the apartment, despite gloves, it gets on the skin of the hands dye. If there is no solvent, then you can use the following method: pour a little (1 teaspoon is enough) washing powder into your palms, add 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil and rub your hands with the mixture - the paint will come off.

Pastes and ointments for hand protection

Pastes and ointments protect the skin of the hands from irritating substances. They are applied to the brushes in a thin layer.

When working at home, hands are most often protected. Our good old silicone cream is quite suitable for this. But there are many other, more modern and effective means, both domestic and imported. The main thing is not to forget that the protective cream is applied for a while and after doing dirty work it must be washed off. When using each new cream, a sensitivity test should be carried out to avoid undesirable effects in the form of irritation or allergic reactions.

homemade ointment based on beeswax has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands. To prepare it, you need to hard boil an egg, take out the yolk, mash it, add 4 grams of beeswax melted in a water bath to the yolk, and add peach oil until the mixture reaches the density of the ointment. Use the ointment every evening.

Another secret to good hand skin is the cleanser you use. Choose non-alkaline or low-alkaline soap, liquid soap when cleaning your hands. This soap is the most gentle for the skin of the hands. To maintain acidity, it is useful, at least before going to bed, to rinse your hands with acidified water. To obtain such water, dilute 1 teaspoon of table vinegar in 1 liter of boiled water.

Baths for hands

Baths are used to restore elasticity and softness of the skin, prevent its rapid withering and the appearance of wrinkles. Along with baths, nourishing masks are used.

Hands are washed with warm water and soap and wiped dry, the mask - gruel - is applied to the skin of the hands in the same way as the cream. After applying the mask for better absorption, her hands are bandaged for 1-2 hours or longer.

The duration of the bath depends on the available free time and lasts from 5 to 30 minutes.

Milk bath. Pour 0.5 liters of warm milk into an enameled or glass dish and immerse your hands in it for 10-15-20 minutes. After the bath, rub the cream for dry skin, massage and do hand exercises.

Oil bath. Immerse your hands for 30 minutes in heated vegetable oil (olive, peach, corn). After the bath, blot them with a soft, well-absorbing napkin, then rub the juice of half a lemon into the skin with massage movements, do massage and gymnastics.

Salt bath. Dissolve in 1 liter of water (and even better in an infusion of herbs: 2 tablespoons of a mixture of chamomile, sage, mint, dill, lime blossom, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes) 2 tablespoons of sea salt. After the bath, do a massage and gymnastics for the hands.

Potato bath. Boil potatoes for dinner, and drain the water from it into a separate container. When the broth has cooled to a temperature of 37 degrees, immerse your hands in it and hold for 10 minutes. After that, the skin will become smooth and velvety.

Herbal bath. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, sage, mint, or flaxseed. To pour 1 tablespoon of any of the herbs listed above with 1 cup of boiling water, cool slightly and place your hands in a warm decoction for 10 minutes.

Oil-vinegar bath. Mix 1 cup of any warm vegetable oil and 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. Soak your hands in the bath for 10 minutes.

Iodized bath. In 2 cups of warm water, add 2 teaspoons of iodized salt, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Dip your hands in the liquid and hold for 10 minutes. The bath has a good effect on the skin of the hands.

Bath against corns. In 1 liter of warm water, dilute 1 teaspoon of grated laundry soap. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Such a bath helps to eliminate calluses, so it should be applied only to the inside of the palms. After the bath, thoroughly clean the corns with a pumice stone, and then lubricate these places with boron petroleum jelly or anti-inflammatory cream.

Softening bath. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water with shampoo. Immerse your hands in the liquid for 10 minutes. This bath helps to get rid of calluses. After holding your hands in it, carefully remove the calluses with a pumice stone and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Cabbage bath.

Mix equal amounts of sauerkraut juice and whey. Immerse your hands in the liquid for 10 minutes. This bath is useful for rough, rough skin. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a nourishing oily cream.

Healing bath (for chapped hands in the cold). Pour 1 tablespoon of flax seed into 0.5 liters of hot water and shake for 10 minutes. Soak your hands in the liquid for 20 minutes.

Starch bath. Add 1 tablespoon of starch to 1 liter of water. Soak your hands in the liquid for 15 minutes. After that, rinse your hands and grease with a nourishing cream. Such a bath effectively fights cracks and calluses not only on the hands, but also on the soles of the feet.

Baths for sweaty hands. 1. Boil 1 tablespoon of oak bark in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes. Wait until the broth cools down a bit and dip your hands in it for 5-10 minutes.

2. Pour 1 tablespoon of sage into 1 cup of boiling water. Wait for the broth to cool slightly, and dip your hands in it for 5-10 minutes.

3. Pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar into 1 liter of warm water. Immerse your hands in the liquid for 5-10 minutes.

Do these baths 3-4 times a week.

Bath for redness of the hands. Contrasting baths of cold and hot water will help with redness of the hands. Place your hands in hot water for a few seconds, then in cold water, alternate baths up to 20 times. After that, lubricate the skin of the hands with a greasy cream.

Bath for cracks and cuts. Soak your hands in warm water with a few crystals of potassium permanganate. Add enough crystals to make the water pink. After that, grease the cracks with iodine tincture. If the skin in the cut areas is inflamed, make a bandage with a five percent synthomycin emulsion.

Paraffin therapy

A paraffin mask or wrap is a very effective hand skin care procedure. Recently, she has been very popular in beauty salons. The essence of the procedure is that after a cleansing bath, exfoliation and massage, liquid paraffin is applied to the hands covered with a layer of cream, which hardens at room temperature. Cellophane gloves are put on top, and then hands are wrapped or terry mittens are put on. It turns out a "compress", which has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands.

Rice Paraffin Therapy

Warm skin opens pores, it increases metabolism. As a result of thermal exposure, deep warming of the hands occurs, muscle and ligament tension is relieved, pain in the joints subsides. Softening, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. The skin of the hands becomes smooth, toned and elastic.

Paraffin mask restores skin that has been exposed to cold and moisture, has a rejuvenating, regenerating effect, moisturizes and nourishes it. This procedure is also therapeutic, because paraffin applications are used to treat myositis, arthritis and arthrosis.

Yolk-honey mask. Yolk, a tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal mix, rub. Rub this mixture on your hands and keep it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with clean warm water. You can add 10-15 drops of lemon juice to the mask.

Honey mask. Mix a tablespoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 1 yolk and add a little water. Apply this mixture on your hands for 20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Oil-yolk mask. Mix the yolk, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of honey and rub into the skin of the hands for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply cream to the skin.

Yolk-corn mask.

Whisk an egg yolk with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of cornmeal and add a little tea infusion. Lubricate your hands with the resulting mixture and rinse with water without soap after 15–20 minutes.

Glycerin mask. Mix 50 grams of glycerin with 1 teaspoon of ammonia and apply to wet hands. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Chamomile mask. Pour a tablespoon of chamomile with a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain and pour 1 tablespoon of starch with the resulting broth. Apply the mixture on your hands for 25-30 minutes.

Potato mask. Boil 2-3 potatoes, wipe them and mix with milk to a mushy state. Apply the gruel to your hands or dip your hands in this puree until it cools. Rinse off the mask with warm water and apply a cream for dry skin.

Whitening masks. 1. Rub lemon juice on the skin of your hands, wash it off after a few minutes and grease your hands with a greasy cream.

2. Mix 2 tablespoons of sour milk with half a small boiled potato, apply the gruel on your hands and hold for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Hand cream

Cream is the oldest cosmetic product. It is a mixture of vegetable and animal fats, fat-like substances, emulsifiers and water. Fatty substances, penetrating into the skin, impregnate and soften its surface layer, give it firmness and elasticity, protect it from exposure to harmful substances, preserve youth and give a well-groomed appearance.

Some hand creams can be made at home. They are very useful for the skin of hands and nails, soften the skin and nourish it. For greater efficiency, biologically active substances are added to creams: vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants, berries, vegetables. In addition, the composition of creams includes complexes of substances that have a protective, hygienic or preventive effect.

Healing cream. Mix 3 grams of cinquefoil root powder and 0.5 cups of softened butter. Cook in a water bath for 10 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, then cool. The cream has a healing effect, promotes the rapid healing of cracks in the skin.

Softening cream. Beat 1 egg yolk, add a few drops of olive oil and 0.5 teaspoon of honey, mix the resulting mass thoroughly with 30 grams of butter. Apply the cream on clean and dry skin. Store the prepared cream in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days, so do not make too large a volume.

Cream jelly. Wet 6 grams of gelatin in 100 millimeters of water, when the mass swells, add 80 grams of glycerin and 50 grams of honey. Cream containing glycerin, apply only to damp skin.

Phyto cream. Mix in equal parts the herb of calendula, chamomile officinalis, large plantain and a series of tripartite. Take 1 tablespoon of a mixture of herbs and pour 1 cup of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 6 hours, strain. Separately, mix 50 grams of butter with 1 teaspoon of honey until smooth. Add 1 teaspoon of herbal infusion and mix everything. Store the cream in the refrigerator.

It is not necessary to prepare the cream yourself. Now on sale a huge number of a wide variety of types of creams that are designed to solve any problems with your hands. Silicone creams form a protective water-repellent film on the skin, Vaseline protects hands from exposure to detergents, chemicals, wind and dust. Creams containing ultraviolet filters protect the skin in summer from the harmful effects of sunlight. Creams, which include beeswax, tinctures of lime blossom, horsetail, natural fatty substances, stimulate metabolic processes, nourish and tone the skin. Chamomile extract contained in the cream has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents premature aging of the skin, gives it firmness and elasticity. Moisturizing agents are glycerin, decoctions of mountain ash and St. John's wort. As emollients, choose a cream containing lanolin and rose petal wax.