Drugs that reduce the production of sebum. How to deal with excess oily skin

Sebum plays an important role: it protects our skin from pathogenic bacteria, and also protects it from losing excess moisture. But it happens that the sebaceous glands produce an excess amount of sebum. Why is this happening and how to get rid of an unpleasant oily sheen?

How to get rid of excess sebum

Increased sebum secretion: causes

There can be several reasons for the failure of the sebaceous glands:

Improper nutrition. Usually, the change in the state of skin secretion directly depends on the amount of sweet and starchy foods in your diet. It is worth reducing the use of these products, and the skin condition improves significantly;

Improper washing. It seems that by washing more often, we cleanse our skin of harmful bacteria and its condition should improve. However, this does not happen. The fact is that by our actions we make the sebaceous glands work more intensively. To maintain the skin in a normal state, two washes are enough: in the morning and in the evening. During the day, excess sebum can be removed with matting wipes;

Wrong rhythm of life. Blockages at work, loans, problems in personal life - all this has become the norm for a modern person. Meanwhile, frequent stress and overwork negatively affect the state of our body and especially the condition of the skin;

Improper metabolism. Some diseases can cause metabolic disorders in the body. It is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner and not self-medicate.

After learning more about the causes of increased sebum production, let's talk about how to deal with it.

How to reduce sebum on the face

Decoctions of medicinal herbs help bring the skin into good condition due to the tannins contained in them, beneficial acids and trace elements. Wiping your face every morning with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile, calendula or green tea, you can improve skin tone and narrow pores in a short time.

Regular use of simple cosmetic masks will help significantly improve the condition of oily skin:

Mix blue clay with water until the consistency of sour cream. Apply to cleansed skin and keep for about half an hour. Rinse without using soap;

In a bowl, beat one egg with a couple of drops of lemon juice. Add oatmeal. Keep the resulting mixture on your face for 20 minutes;

Grind the cucumber to a state of gruel and mix with two tablespoons of aloe juice. Apply the mask with massaging movements and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Zucchini can be used instead of cucumber.

These tips really help to improve the condition of the skin. However, they fight only visible signs and give a temporary result. To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the failure in the body. Remember that only a dermatologist should deal with this.

It seems that science knows everything about acne.

Known genetic predispositions:

Increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to androgens provokes the production of sebum;

Thin, long and tortuous ducts of the sebaceous glands prevent sebum from splashing onto the surface;

The presence in the skin of a greater number of sensory endings of nerve cells surrounded by mast cells, capable of releasing inflammatory mediators.

Development process:

The level of sebum production increases, and its composition changes towards an increase in viscosity;

In order to process the glycerin contained in the sebum (sebum), the bacterium P.acne begins to multiply intensively, which is a permanent resident of the stratum corneum and feeds on glycerin;

In the process of work, bacteria leave waste products behind them. They trigger an immune response in the skin, provoking an inflammatory response;

At the same time, viscous fat sticks together the horny scales of the skin, they do not exfoliate from the surface of the skin in a timely manner, clogging the ducts of the sebaceous glands;

Also, excess sebum penetrates into the stratum corneum, changing its composition to non-physiological, increasing the permeability of the skin and worsening its barrier properties.

Since all processes in the skin are interconnected, over time it dehydrates, pigmentation increases, the condition of the vessels worsens, and the tone decreases.

The reasons for the increase in the level of sebum production are also known:

An increase in the amount of male hormones androgens in the body stimulates the production of sebum in the sebaceous glands;

Substances that irritate the skin also provoke sebum secretion;

When stress increases the level of adrenacorticotropic hormone, which also increases the production of sebum.

As we can see, science knows, if not everything, then a lot. Why, in most cases, can not help people solve the problem of acne?

If you analyze the market for anti-acne drugs and treatments offered in salons, it becomes clear that the entire industry is focused on solving the problem of reducing sebum production by suppressing the production of androgens and killing acne bacteria: in pharmacies you can find many drugs with antiseptics and antibiotics, dermatologists and gynecologists prescribe hormones and retinoids, and beauty salons offer cleansing and peeling.

Unfortunately, all these remedies and procedures quickly dry out and injure already damaged skin, leading the patient to new problems: acne treatment is followed by skin treatment for the effects of acne treatment in the form of peeling, irritation, pigmentation, vascular problems, and skin tone reduction. etc.

Fortunately, science has officially recognized acne as one of the forms of dermatoses, which means that it has classified this type of skin as sensitive and requiring delicate handling. This did not bring a fundamental change in the market situation, but advanced companies began to include corneotherapeutic components (ceramides, omega acids, etc.) in their care lines. However, we do not have to wait for the market to finally turn towards the client and take into account his needs. Knowledge is power, and the salvation of the drowning has always been the work of the drowning themselves.

I propose to use scientific knowledge and approach the solution of the problem in a complex way.

We work with the reasons for the increase in sebum production:

1) As we can see, one of the three causes of increased sebum production is skin irritation. If possible, avoid soaps, scrubs, peels, cleansing, and other causes of skin sensitivity.

2) Another reason for the increase in sebum synthesis in the skin is stress. Sometimes stress cannot be avoided, but often we create it ourselves. And it is quite within our power to go to bed on time, eat normally, meditate or do some other practice that reduces the level of stress in the body.

3) The third reason is the increased level of male hormones in the body. But it is not necessary to drink hormonal drugs to help the body regulate hormonal levels. There are effective natural remedies. There is sacred vitex grass, evening primrose oil.

Of course, it is impossible to give everyone one universal recommendation, and I must say that it is better to take any means after consulting a specialist. But in order for you to believe that these remedies work, I will refer to my experience. I took courses of evening primrose oil and rose mosquito oil, rich in omega acids. The condition of the skin has really improved significantly. My good friend, cosmetologist Marina Astakhova, also prescribes holy vitex to her patients. Also with very good results (for those who are in Moscow, I sincerely recommend Marina and always share her contacts by mail with pleasure).

Treating Acne Causes from the Inside Out

If you have been struggling with the manifestations of acne for years and have read a lot of information on this topic, then you are probably already convinced that until the cause is eliminated, the consequences will not disappear anywhere. And cosmetics can work only with the consequences, the causes are inside the body.

For some, these are problems with the thyroid gland, for someone with the genitals, for someone with the gastrointestinal tract. Someone has inherited a predisposition or has shifted the fragile balance of health with stress.

Accordingly, treatment should be individualized. For those who live in Moscow, I sincerely recommend making an appointment with Marina Astakhova. She is not only a cosmetologist, but also a doctor, a psychologist. It works with problems from all sides, approaches the body holistically, treats only with natural preparations. No hormones or retinoids. After the reception, Marina will tell you what tests you need to take and, based on the results of the tests, a program for taking herbs, oils, vitamins, etc. will be drawn up. I have already sent more than thirty people to Marina and I can say with confidence that the results are excellent. Not as fast as with retinoids, but without side effects, which often cross out all the positive results of treatment.

If you cannot get to Marina, then I will give some universal recommendations that will help everyone to one degree or another and at the same time will not harm anyone. Their effectiveness has been proven in my experience: if I take supplements regularly, my face remains clear even during pregnancy, when the skin situation is prone to deterioration.

1) The main thing is the observance of the drinking regimen. Without it, all other points do not make sense, since all processes in the body can only proceed normally in water. You need to drink about two liters of water a day. Instead of water, it can be decoctions of your favorite herbs, dried fruit compote with spices, rose hips. Coffee and tea do not count. On the contrary, they dehydrate the body, make it work in an emergency mode, increasing stress, as they contain stimulating substances (actually soft drugs).

2) Reception of vegetable oils with omega acids. Mosquet rose works best (can be replaced with wild rose). Pharmacy won't work. There you will most likely be offered rosehip macerate in soybean oil. Mix oil with iherb or buy oil in capsules at the drugstore. Since the capsule consists mainly of gelatin, and we need oil, feel free to exceed the indicated dosages two to three times in the first two to three weeks. The first effect should be visible after a couple of weeks. This point is more important than the subsequent ones, and if you take supplements not immediately, but in courses, then start with oil.

3) Reception of amino acids. For example, Solgar's Basic Amino Acid Complex. Like omega acids, amino acids are the building material for every cell in our body, which means they affect the functioning of every organ. For those who do not want to take pharmacy supplements, there is a natural way to nourish the body with all 18 essential amino acids: spend 3-5 days fasting on kichadi (other names for kichari, kichiri). This is an Ayurvedic dish of rice and mung beans (an easy-to-digest legume) in ghee. The combination of rice and mung bean provides the body with all the necessary amino acids. I won't post the recipe. There are many of them on the Internet. They differ in spices and you can choose the option that seems most delicious to you. The main ingredients - rice, mung beans and ghee - will remain unchanged. If it is very difficult to eat only khichadi for several days, then just cook this dish for yourself for lunch or dinner as often as possible. Mash is sold in Ayurvedic stores, health food stores.

4) Reception of lecithin. As with oils, it is best to choose the purest form. I drink Lecigran.

5) Natural vitamin complex with a complex of B vitamins and antioxidants "Floradix Ironvital". These are the most natural vitamins found in pharmacies. For the most part, they consist of various extracts and juice concentrates. Very well absorbed.

About the duration of the courses of admission, I cannot give you a recommendation via the Internet, since everything depends on the specific situation. But if you know that you have genetic breakdowns, chronic diseases, then you will have to support the work of the body almost constantly. If stress was the cause of the failure and it passed, then at a young age three months is enough to eliminate the consequences.

Listen to yourself and take care of your skin. This is your main indicator.

We work with the consequences of acne externally

After 10 years of working in my cosmetics laboratory and communicating with those who use them, as well as based on my own experience, I came up with the following scheme:

1) Creams and serums should not contain sulfur, acids or any other drying ingredients, since these products are on the skin for several hours after application, which means that the assets have time to penetrate deeply and work for a long time. If you use drying agents, then, undoubtedly, the result will come faster, but after one to a month and a half, the skin will begin to peel off, dehydrate, and sensitivity will increase. It will no longer be possible to use such a remedy, and at the same time it will be necessary to treat the consequences of its use.

Therefore, everything else necessary for effective work with acne can be put in creams - a corneotherapeutic line of assets, sebum-regulating oils, mild sebum absorbents, extracts that absorb infiltrates, etc. - but not that the skin will dry up.

2) You can afford more in cleansers. We apply them for 1-3 minutes, which allows some of the actives to work, while severe destruction and overdrying of the skin does not occur.

Unfortunately, there is a weak link in this theory. This is tap water. City water itself dries out the skin, so when I wash my face with it, I rather call for softening the drying and irritating effect that it has. Therefore, maintaining the assortment of peeling foam and seeing the excellent results of its work, I still recommend using it at first 3-5 times a week, gradually reducing the number of applications. If foam peeling is not the only item in your program, and you use everything that is written in this article, this approach works well in using it. On other days, use micellar gel or hydrophilic oil to cleanse the skin.

3) Masks - these are the obligatory and irreplaceable means of the anti-acne program. They are applied in a thick layer for 20-30 minutes, which ensures a deep delivery of assets. Masks can be strangely colored and have a specific smell, but they can add all those invaluable ingredients that are technologically difficult to include in other forms of the product.

Therefore, if you use my cosmetics, be sure to use an acne and post-acne mask 2-4 times a week. You can complement it and alternate with other masks, they are all multifunctional and work great.

If such a program is followed, a balance of effectiveness and the absence of side effects is achieved. But remember that in this case, with cosmetics, we are trying to neutralize the consequences of those failures that occur inside the body. The stronger the failure, the more difficult it is to do this, since the forces are not equal. And the older we are, the worse the skin heals and the slower it renews itself. So don't expect cosmetics to be your panacea. Be sure to work on correcting the state of the body from the inside.

Marina Kazarina.

Cosmetologist, expert in the field of corneotherapy.

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Three steps to healthy skin: suppress the activity of bacteria that cause inflammation, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, remove scars and stagnant spots.

Why does the skin become problematic? The reason is in the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin, which lie in its deep layers. According to the amount of sebum secretion, the skin is divided into three types - dry, oily, normal and combination. Oily skin (all over the face) and combination skin (T-zone - nose, forehead and chin) are characterized by large sebaceous glands with abundant sebum secretion and wide mouths, which are mistakenly called "pores" by the people. Most people think that these "pores" or "blackheads" are skin glands that should be treated with creams and ointments. However, the sebaceous glands themselves are located deep, in the lowest parts of the skin, from there a thin convoluted excretory duct leads, opening at the mouth on the surface. Therefore, so often the use of only creams and lotions for the treatment of deep acne is ineffective.

Normally, the sebaceous glands are designed to produce sebum in order to protect and strengthen the skin, but under the influence of improper care, poor ecology, dietary habits and hormonal levels, their work fails.

In addition to the amount of sebum secreted, its density also matters. The thicker the secret, the harder it is for it to stand out. An abundant thick secret literally "bursts" the walls of the gland, which is why seals of different diameters are visible on the skin: from tiny balls to rather large nodes, over which the skin color can even change, acquiring a slightly bluish tint. The accumulation of sebaceous secretion attracts bacteria that live on the skin, since sebaceous secretion is an excellent breeding ground for them. As they multiply, they cause inflammation, soreness, and redness of the skin. When the main defect is not eliminated - congestive accumulation of fat - such local inflammation can "smolder" for weeks, forming blackheads or pimples.

A difficult pimple is worse than a difficult teenager

The owner of a pimple, wanting to get rid of such a dubious “decoration” as quickly as possible, often tries to squeeze it out, but nothing happens, because the stagnant secret simply cannot pass through the narrowed duct of the sebaceous gland. Another option for the wrong approach to the problem is cauterization of the skin over the pimple with various solutions, ointments and creams. But they are not able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and open the stagnant conglomerate. Gradually, a chronic pimple disappears on its own, but bluish, then brownish pigmentation, and often an atrophic scar, remains in its place for a long time.

What to do? In order for a congestive pimple to go away quickly, it is advisable to help the skin get rid of it. It is very simple - you need to use a method called electrocoagulation with the "opening" of the channel to remove the contents of the pimple, and then inject an antibiotic or an oxygen-ozone mixture under it to quickly suppress bacterial inflammation. After such a manipulation, healing is very fast, however, pigmentation and a scar can still form, therefore, as soon as a pimple has formed, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

Atrophic scars after acne can be eliminated by injections of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and regular application of retinol cream. The younger the scars, the better they respond to treatment. For the same purpose, as well as to even out skin tone, a median trichloroacetic (TCA) peeling is used, which stimulates skin renewal and actively exfoliates its upper layers. Usually these are 4 procedures with an interval of a month. They are carried out in the autumn-winter period (from October to February), when the sun is not very active, and the likelihood of pigmentation formation after the procedure is low. The resorption of bluish spots can be significantly accelerated with the help of oxygen therapy (ozone) and mesotherapy with vitamin complexes and antioxidants.

Skin and nutrition

The state of skin secretion depends on the nature of nutrition: the more abundant the intake of sweets, the more thick, plentiful and “tasty” for bacteria sebum is produced.

What to do? Sometimes a change in diet with a restriction of sweets and starchy foods improves the condition of the skin without treatment.

In some cases, acne on the face is allergic in origin and is associated with intolerance to certain types of food. Then the rash intensifies after various kinds of feasts. For such patients, a combination of skin rashes with other manifestations is characteristic: for example, fatigue, headache, digestive disorders, bad breath, general skin sensitivity with a tendency to itching and redness. A surge in patients with this kind of acne to the dermatologist is observed after the celebration of the New Year, and in the summer after returning from vacations from Turkey and Egypt with their plentiful buffet.

What to do? For a food intolerance rash, the best treatment is a diet based on a blood test for food compatibility. This is an immunological analysis with an assessment of specific antibodies (Ig G and IgE) to various products, the number and activity of cells that mediate an allergic reaction.

Skin and ecology

An important factor in the development of "acne" is the thickening of the uppermost layers of the skin, which narrow the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland and contribute to stagnation in it. Thickening of the skin develops in response to external influences, such as solar radiation and unfavorable urban ecology. Many people who suffer from acne notice an improvement in the summer while relaxing on the sea. This is due to the beneficial effects of fresh air on the skin. However, upon returning to the metropolis in 10-20 days, the skin condition worsens, its thickening affects, which developed during sunburn as a protective reaction to solar radiation.

What to do? For such patients, chemical peels are an excellent treatment, thinning the top layer of the skin and releasing the tight sebaceous duct. Peeling with salicylic acid is ideal, which not only thins the top layer of the skin, but also has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. When using salicylic peeling, an immediate effect is observed in the form of drying up of inflammatory elements. In addition to salicylic, in some cases other types of peels are used: with glycolic, lactic and other fruit acids, retinol peeling. The latter is a little uncomfortable, as it can cause an exacerbation of acne, which is practically not observed with salicylic and glycol peels. What type of peeling will be most optimal in each case - the doctor decides. Usually this is a course procedure consisting of 4-10 peels once every 7-14 days, which are carried out in the autumn-winter period. However, according to indications, salicylic peeling can also be used in summer. It is a well-tolerated, fast procedure that takes 10-15 minutes.

Attention! Do not confuse chemical peeling with a scrub or gommage that mechanically cleans the surface of the skin. The last two remedies are used to prevent acne and increase the effectiveness of washing. Moreover, if there are active inflamed pimples on the skin, these agents cannot be used, as they can injure the skin and spread the infection over its surface.

skin and hormones

For adolescents and young adults, the main cause of acne is a sharp increase in sebum secretion and thickening of the upper layers of the skin from the onset of puberty.

What to do? In this case, the ideal solution would be a combination of local homeopathic treatment aimed at thinning the thickened sebum, and the use of peels with salicylic or glycolic acid. In the acute period, when bright red swollen nodules are present on the face, electrocoagulation, local antibiotic or ozone therapy will be effective. At the first stages of treatment, the so-called "cleansing" may be appropriate, when the sebaceous glands are mechanically released from the secret that clogs them. Cleansing is not a real therapeutic measure, since in the absence of systematic treatment, the sebaceous glands very quickly “clog” again, but in the early stages it can be useful to ensure access of drugs to the walls of the gland.

In some cases, a very good effect in inflammatory acne is given by an undeservedly forgotten quartz lamp, which was previously widely used to treat skin diseases. Currently, such a lamp can be purchased at home. However, only a specialist can give recommendations on the purchase of such a lamp and recommend a course, since in some cases its use will be contraindicated, which, by the way, applies to any method of treatment.

skin and age

Often, acne worries middle-aged people, when the first wrinkles already appear, but the “problem” of the skin still persists. The reasons are age-related thickening of the skin, a decrease in local immunity and endocrine disorders. At this age, acne is located mainly on the oval of the face and on the cheeks, where thin convoluted glands lie.

What to do? The combination of peeling (with salicylic or glycolic acid) with mesoimmunocorrection gives the best result. Mesoimmunocorrection - the use of mesotherapy products with hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids that stimulate the skin's immunity, promote its hydration, enhance local metabolism and blood circulation. The combination of these methods not only has an "anti-acne" effectiveness, but also contributes to the prevention of age-related changes. The skin becomes more elastic, even and fresh, which is important for most patients over the age of 30.

Attention! A radical remedy that permanently or permanently reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and thins the upper parts of the skin (and therefore cures acne) is a vitamin A preparation - Roaccutane, which is taken daily for several months and has a cumulative effect. However, you should not flatter yourself and self-medicate. This drug is indicated only in cases of severe or moderate course of the disease, and its appointment requires a preliminary examination, has contraindications and can sometimes be tolerated with the development of dry skin or other manifestations that are eliminated by certain therapeutic measures. Treatment should be under the supervision of a physician and against the background of regular evaluation of blood tests.

Home care for problem skin

Maximum attention should be paid to cleansing. Currently, gel-based cleansers with an increased pH are widely used. They irritate the skin less, but often “under-wash” it. This is easy to determine by swiping your finger across your cheek after washing. Ideally, clean skin resists, literally “creaks” from cleanliness. If the skin is undercleansed, there will be a feeling of "film". Therefore, experienced dermatologists often recommend that their patients wash their faces with ... soap. But the choice of soap is also a responsible matter, varieties with moisturizing ingredients are categorically not suitable. There are also gels that wash the skin well, but it is better to entrust their choice to a dermatologist.

Of great importance is the choice of means of care. Problematic skin does not tolerate creams with a dense texture, since the mouths of the glands are instantly clogged with the fatty base of the cream. At the same time, alcohol and other drying “wipes”, “burners” and cleansers severely dehydrate the skin. This leads to the development of the phenomenon of the so-called "oily dry skin" - the mouths of the glands are clogged with fat, and the surface of the skin is overdried. The ideal choice in this case is a lightweight gel-based serum with no or minimal fat content. It is also better to entrust the choice of serum to a dermatocosmetologist. Sometimes it's best to choose a serum marketed as "anti-ageing" despite its amazing anti-acne ingredients.

Professional approach to problematic skin

In general, the treatment of problematic skin is complex. In the acute stage, when there is inflammation, redness and soreness, methods that suppress inflammation are used: electrocoagulation, antibiotics, salicylic peeling, oxygen therapy. After that, you should deal with the normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands and the restoration of skin immunity with the help of peelings, mesoimmunocorrection, homeopathic mesotherapy, taking Roaccutane. This is the longest and most multi-stage stage of treatment, since it is necessary to change the natural features of the skin and increase its immunity.

At the final stage, the effects of acne (scars, congestive cyanotic spots on the skin) are eliminated with the help of TCA peels, mesotherapy with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, regular use of regenerating serums and creams.

Finding it difficult to understand the multitude of methods? Not at all. An experienced doctor will quickly select the right treatment regimen on an individual basis. All these procedures are carried out quickly and painlessly. They may be preceded by a soothing and relaxing massage treatment, also effective for problematic skin. For example, a deep lift-massage performed on a device that imitates a pinch massage according to Jacquet, aimed at kneading deep stagnant elements and draining the sebaceous glands. This is a cozy and pleasant procedure during which people fall asleep, especially when they come after a working day. It can be combined with other types of treatment (as a preparatory stage for salicylic peeling, mesotherapy) to combine relaxing care and treatment of problem skin.

In the depths of the human skin, there are sebaceous and sweat glands, which tend to produce not only sebum, but also sweat. In addition, the entire skin of the human body, except for the skin of the palms and feet, is endowed with hairs.

Some of them are visible, others are invisible. Hair follicles that cover the skin tend to penetrate deep into the skin, while they are located next to the sweat and sebaceous glands. Pimples or acne and acne are a pathology of the skin of the face, as well as some other parts of the body, accompanied by an inflammatory process of both hair follicles and sweat, as well as the sebaceous glands that are adjacent to them.

Acne is an inflammatory process of the hair follicles, as well as the sebaceous glands that are located next to them. Since a particularly large number of small hairs is observed on the skin of the back, face, open part of the chest and chin, in most cases these areas are affected. Each small hair contains a bulb located deep in the skin. Next to the bulb, one can observe the sebaceous gland, which tends to produce sebum, which is released onto the surface of the skin to lubricate it. In fact, the production of this fat is really necessary, since only in this way it is possible to protect the skin not only from drying out, but also from cracking.

As a result of blockage of the mouth of small hairs, bacteria that are constantly present on the skin receive favorable conditions for their reproduction. bacterium Propionibacterium acnes considered to be the most active causative agent of this disease. Gradually, the bacteria begin to multiply, thereby causing an inflammatory process, which in turn leads to redness, soreness, and swelling of the entire area around the hair follicle. If the infection begins to develop further, then the patient will also have suppuration. At the moment of a breakthrough, the skin is cleansed not only from an excessive amount of sebum, but also from the infection itself.

In adolescents, acne develops between the ages of twelve and fifteen, with the onset of puberty. The most common cause of the development of this disease is considered to be an increase in the amount of sex hormones in the blood, namely androgens. The sebaceous glands, which are located very close to the hair follicles, begin to synthesize a large amount of sebum due to an increase in the level of androgens. As a result, there is a blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, which are designed to remove sebum to the outside. Since sebum remains under the skin, it becomes the cause of infection, and, consequently, acne. In girls, acne occurs mainly before the onset of menstruation. This happens due to the fact that it is during this period that the amount of female sex hormones, namely progesterone, increases in their blood. Most often, all adolescents manage to get rid of this disease only by the age of twenty to twenty-five, that is, during the completion of puberty. There are also cases when the development of acne is associated with the presence of one or another endocrine pathology such as polycystic ovary syndrome in girls.

Most often, immediately after the completion of puberty, acne disappears without a trace once and for all. If a person has numerous purulent acne already at an older age, then this can be considered a signal that there is some kind of disease in his body. In this case, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

In the case of the development of acne in the fairer sex after twenty-five to thirty years, you should be wary, since this condition may be one of the signs of a particular disorder of the endocrine system. Seborrheic acne is sometimes observed with polycystic ovaries. Other signs of polycystic ovaries include both increased facial hair growth and hair loss in the temporal region, as well as infertility and menstrual irregularities. In addition, pathologies of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, or adrenal glands. Sometimes acne also occurs against the background of the use of oral contraceptives or during pregnancy. There are also cases when these phenomena, on the contrary, help to forget about acne forever.

  • Improper diet - eating foods containing a sufficiently large amount of cholesterol, as well as excessive consumption of sweets, can provoke excessive sebum secretion, which in turn causes acne. Especially often this disease affects people who suffer from obesity.
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can also cause acne, as in this case there is excessive keratinization of the skin. Short sunbathing, on the contrary, helps to get rid of acne, and also has a beneficial effect on the entire skin.
  • Hereditary predisposition: in most cases, acne develops in people with oily skin. It's no secret that oily skin can be inherited.
  • Lack of zinc in the body increases the production of sebum, while causing the development of acne. Zinc deficiency is most often observed in people who eat a monotonous diet.

Acne - how to get rid of them? Modern and effective methods of therapy

In fact, to get rid of acne, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, since the treatment of this condition involves careful adherence to all recommendations for caring for the skin of the face. If you are interested in knowing whether you can cope with acne on your own or you can’t do without the help of a specialist, then count the number of acne on one half of your face. If there are less than ten of them, then in your case we are talking about a mild degree of acne, which you can get rid of at home. If there are more than ten of them, then you have a complex pathogenesis of acne, which cannot be dealt with without the help of a specialist.

  • Proper care for oily skin.
  • Reduced activity of the sebaceous glands, which tend to synthesize sebum.
  • Prevention of the development of comedones, and in case of their occurrence - a timely course of therapy.
  • Therapy with antibiotic drugs in case of severe forms of acne, accompanied by the occurrence of numerous purulent acne.

Facial skin care as a method of acne treatment

If we are talking about oily skin, then the patient should carry out the following kind of hygiene procedures every day: in the mornings, you should wash your face with cool water, but in the evenings, use special solutions to care for the skin, wiping them with a cleansed face. The most popular today are such skin care products for acne as: salicylic acid , camphoric acid , 5% chloramphenicol alcohol, and resorcinol. A small amount of the solution should be applied to a cotton swab, and then wipe the affected areas of the skin with it. In this case, it is strictly contraindicated to use fatty creams. In no case should you squeeze out acne, as this can cause the development of some other infectious pathology. In addition, extrusion can injure the skin, which subsequently contributes to the formation of scars. Both in the morning and in the evening, you should wash your face only with special products intended for skin care. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

Today, there are a huge number of cosmetic products that can be used in the fight against acne. With all this, not all of them are able to produce the proper therapeutic effect.

Among the truly effective cosmetics are:

  • Tretinoin helps to minimize the synthesis of sebum, and also inhibits the activity of bacteria that cause the formation of acne. This cosmetic product is recommended to be applied in the morning and evening, after cleansing the skin of the face. The course of therapy with this drug is at least four weeks.
  • Adapalene ( Differin) comes in the form of a cream. With its help, it is possible to prevent the development of comedones, reduce the inflammatory process and accelerate the healing process of acne. This cream is applied only to cleansed skin immediately before going to bed. To forget about acne forever, Adapalen therapy should be continued for one to two months.
  • Benzoyl peroxide ( Baziron AS) - helps to reduce the production of sebum, prevents the growth of bacteria, accelerates the recovery of affected areas, and also reduces inflammation. This drug is produced in the form of a gel, which should be applied to damaged areas of the skin twice a day. The disappearance of acne during therapy with this medication is noted no earlier than a month from the date of the start of treatment.
  • Skinoren ( azelaic acid) prevents blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, and also reduces the activity of bacteria that tend to cause the development of acne. This cosmetic product is available in the form of a cream, which should be applied to cleansed skin twice a day. The course of therapy with this medication is three months.

Antibiotic drugs in the fight against acne in most cases are prescribed only to those patients who have a severe form of this pathology, accompanied by the occurrence of numerous purulent acne. Both the choice of antibiotic drug and its dose, as well as the duration of therapy, are within the competence of a dermatologist. Antibiotic drugs can be prescribed topically in the form of gels, creams, ointments, or systemically in the form of tablets and injections. As for the systemic use of antibiotics, it is possible only if the doctor has all the necessary information regarding the sensitivity of bacteria to certain medications.

  • Erythromycin is considered to be one of the most effective antibiotic agents that can be used in the fight against acne. Quite effective is a drug called Zinerit, which includes erythromycin. In addition to erythromycin, Zineryt also contains zinc, a substance that tends to reduce sebum production. Zineryt should be applied to all affected areas of the skin with a special applicator twice a day. Regular use of this medication makes it possible to get rid of acne in ten to twelve weeks.
  • Clindamycin ( Dalacin acne gel) is another antibiotic drug with which you can forget about acne. This remedy should be applied in a very thin layer to the affected areas of the skin twice to thrice a day.

Treatment of the consequences of acne

As soon as the inflammatory process subsides and the acne disappears, you will notice that spots or scars have appeared on your skin at the sites of the lesion. By the way, scars in most cases occur as a result of squeezing or scratching a pimple. To get rid of spots and acne, you should seek help from a beautician who will perform a superficial peeling of the face. Do not forget that quite often this procedure contributes to the re-development of acne, so it should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists.

In the fight against acne, you can use the help of some folk recipes, namely:

  • Lemon. To cleanse the skin of an excessive amount of sebum, as well as reduce its fat content, you should wipe the skin of your face with a slice of lemon every day before going to bed.
  • Grapefruit. The juice of this fruit is used to cleanse oily skin. In this case, not pure juice is used, since a few more drops should be added to it. camphor alcohol. It is recommended to wipe the oily skin of the face with the resulting mixture every day.
  • Chamomile is considered to be a very common folk medicine in the fight against acne. In this case, it is recommended to make a special infusion from this plant. The recipe for its preparation is simple: we take one tablespoon of the flowers of this plant and steam them in one glass of boiled water. The resulting infusion is necessary to wipe the oily affected areas of the skin.
  • Oak bark helps reduce oily skin and also treats acne. We take twenty grams of raw materials, pour it with two hundred milliliters of boiled water and leave it to boil over low heat for thirty minutes. After that, let the broth cool, filter it and wipe the affected areas of the skin with it twice a day.
  • Curd mask for the face is also very effective in fighting acne. It is not difficult to prepare such a mask: you need to take one tablespoon of cottage cheese and mix it with a little salt, as well as one tablespoon of juice lemon or grapefruit. Mix everything thoroughly, after which the resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face. Remove the mask after ten minutes with a non-greasy cream.
  • To get rid of blackheads, we prepare a special lotion: we take two tablespoons of carefully chopped peppermint leaves and steam them in one glass of boiled water. The resulting infusion is filtered, after which we add one teaspoon to it. lemon juice, three teaspoons of calendula tincture and the same boric alcohol. The resulting product should wipe the inflamed areas of the skin in the morning and evening. In the evening, it is best to carry out this procedure just before going to bed.

All of the above traditional medicine can be used only for simple forms of acne.

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We figured out: is it possible to defeat acne with pills

Little troubles that you want to get rid of immediately and forever. They can appear at any age and stay for a long time. Guessed? This problem is called acne. There are many ways to fight, choose the option that suits you - and preferably together with a specialist.

Before you start fighting acne, you need to see a doctor. After all, as a rule, the problem lies inside the body, and there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of "intruders".

Firstly, acne on the face can occur during adolescence due to the establishment of hormonal levels during puberty. An increase in the amount of androgens in both men and women leads to an increase in sebum production.

Also one of the reasons is hormonal changes during menstruation. At the end of the menstrual cycle, just before menstruation, women experience an increased release of steroid hormones. The skin becomes oily and rashes may appear.

Doctors advise attacking acne from all sides. It is necessary to act not only from the outside, but also from the inside. What acne pills to use? Which of them are effective and how?

Oil-reducing pills, or retinoids, are the most effective group of medications for treating acne. They not only help reduce oily skin, but also eliminate the appearance of scars. In the first week of use, the situation may worsen, itching and peeling of the skin may appear, but then these changes disappear within a few days.

Like any drug, retinoids have side effects. Tablets should not be taken simultaneously with creams and ointments, during the reception it is necessary to limit sunbathing, and it is also forbidden to carry out exfoliating cosmetic procedures (peels). The action of retinoids is weakened by alcohol intake.

The use of hormonal contraceptives reduces the level of androgens (male sex hormones that cause acne).

Reviews about the use of hormonal drugs:

- Good afternoon! To begin with, my skin is oily, with inflammation, enlarged pores and blackheads. Problematic skin started as simple blackheads on the nose. After the arrival of the first menstrual cycle, the hormonal background was disturbed, and acne began to come out. At first I fought on my own. Seeing my poor skin, the gynecologist advised me to drink the oral contraceptive "Jess" for 6 months, because it contains a small dose of hormones. I made up my mind, got tested and started drinking. The gynecologist immediately warned me not to expect a quick result, because. it takes time for "Jess" to fit into the body. The first two months passed, no cosmetic effect was observed, the skin was still strewn with acne. Only the breasts increased in size, the stomach did not hurt during menstruation, the cycle was on schedule. The third one came. I started seeing results. Acne was reduced, the skin became smooth, all the tuberosity, which was just above the cheekbones, disappeared, I lost two kilograms. And I was so afraid to get better, but, looking at the scales, I was very happy. After 3 months I passed the tests, they were good, and I continued the treatment. For 6 months of use, I didn’t feel dizzy, I didn’t feel sick, my appetite was, as always, good. (Olga, 20 years old)

- Started taking Jess. After a week of use, she noted that her breasts had increased significantly. But something wasn't right. Firstly, my appetite increased, I began to eat everything. M is a constant feeling of hunger. The weight has not changed, but plus everything, I feel sick all the time, my head is spinning. In the second week, a rash appeared all over my body, as if a herd of rabid mosquitoes had bitten me. It turned out that this is urticaria - a side effect that is described in the instructions. "Jess" I stopped taking. Two days later, everything returned to normal, nausea and other side effects disappeared. I will not recommend these OK, it seems to me that it is not worth the risk, but everyone is individual - they suit someone, someone does not. They did not suit me, given that I took tests for hormones. (Natalia, 27 years old)

This is possible with the use of antibiotics. The appointment of these drugs is indicated only for the defeat of a large area of ​​the skin, mainly with pustular rashes. Such acne pills are prescribed only by a doctor, because many drugs have contraindications.

Acne Pill Reviews:

- Because of the spring beriberi, my forehead was sprinkled with small pimples. As soon as I started taking Unidox Solutab, the pimples disappeared in just 2 days!

But, starting treatment with pills, I noticed a huge number of side effects. As they say, one heals, the other cripples. But I developed a little system for myself that helped me take pills without any side effects.

  1. Take the tablets after a heavy meal.
  2. The use of the drug "Linex" to maintain the intestinal microflora. Thanks to him, the entire course of taking antibiotics, my intestines felt great. I didn't have any ulcers or gastritis.
  3. The use of Complivit. I started drinking it to maintain immunity. I think that antibiotics kill the immune system completely. (Tatiana, 24 years old)

- Due to skin problems, I was prescribed the drug Unidox Solutab. Along with getting rid of acne, I received the following side effects: as a result, after taking seven tablets out of ten, my body began to become dehydrated. They could not stop vomiting and diarrhea, called an ambulance - they took me to the hospital, where the doctors explained to me that this drug was prescribed necessarily in tandem with drugs that protect the stomach, after which I had to restore the gastrointestinal tract for another six months. Therefore, when taking this drug, read the instructions carefully, there are just a mountain of side effects! And it is better not to drink such a strong antibiotic, anyway, it does not have a very good effect on the body. (Maria, 25 years old)

Also, in order to reduce the number of acne, doctors advise you to follow a diet, lead a healthy lifestyle and get as much positive emotions as possible!

How to do makeup with an impending eyelid?

acne pills, problem skin, acne treatment

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  4. Medical treatment for acne and seborrhea

There are skin diseases that are treated by both dermatologists and cosmetologists. These include something that everyone can have, which you can ignore, but which you really want to get rid of, as this affects the aesthetic appearance of the skin. So, these are problems that spoil the appearance and cause not so much physical as moral suffering. Let us dwell here only on the most frequent ones - Acne, seborrhea and various formations on the skin.

Acne vulgaris or juvenile acne

Acne is the most common skin disease in adolescents and young people, that is, the most socially active part of the population. This unpleasant disease affects about 85% of people aged 12 to 25 in European countries, so clear skin at this age is the exception rather than the rule. The presence of inflamed pimples, pustules and abscesses, blackheads (comedones), spots and scars, greasy, untidy appearance of the skin in the most prominent places causes difficulties in communication, professional device, reduces self-esteem, often leads to the formation of significant psycho-emotional disorders, up to the desire to complete isolation. Some young people stop leaving the house, drop out of school and work, become isolated, and in the end, a minor and completely banal skin problem develops into a personal tragedy. A patient who has addressed to a dermatologist about acne has serious psychological problems. Shyness, guilt, a sense of social unacceptability, anger, a state of depression, disbelief in the possibility of a cure are expressed to one degree or another. Intense experiences exacerbate the course of the disease. In stressful situations, patients, especially women, open the skin, squeeze out Acne, which further worsens the appearance of the skin due to the accompanying inflammation. On such injured areas, scars and spots remain that do not go away for a long time.

Acne is a long-term disease, often aggravated (in girls, as a rule, monthly) and often resistant to ongoing treatment. Today we know much more about acne than ten years ago, and a competent specialist can always help the patient. In this regard, the opinion that existed in the past that acne will disappear by itself with age, and therefore it is not worth spending effort on treating them, now sounds simply absurd. It is not always possible to immediately find the right individual approach, but the efforts made and the persistence shown are always rewarded with a good result. In the arsenal of specialists there are a number of effective drugs of different groups. The choice of the drug depends on the form of the disease, the prevalence of certain symptoms, the sex of the patient, the presence of contraindications.

Acne is more often divided into:

  1. acne with a predominance of comedones (white and black dots with mild inflammation);
  2. papulo-pustular acne (there are comedones, inflamed nodules - what is usually called acne, pustules, sometimes single large painful seals, gradually turning into abscesses such as boils);
  3. conglobate acne (along with all of the above, there are long-term painful seals that leave pronounced scars after healing).

Most patients eventually develop the habit of squeezing comedones and pustules, constantly touching the inflamed skin, which is why bloody crusts, spots, superficial scars are added to everything described.

Many factors are involved in the development of acne, the action of which is ultimately realized in the sebaceous hair follicles. Not all follicles are affected, but only those with a special structure, located on the face and upper body, with large sebaceous glands, wide (up to 2.5 mm) ducts and thin, almost invisible hairs. The sebaceous glands are the target organ for sex hormones, especially testosterone. Under the influence of testosterone, produced by the sex glands, especially actively in adolescence, the size and number of sebaceous glands increase significantly, the production of sebum increases, and its composition changes. In addition, in the development of acne, a violation of the keratinization of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, difficulty in the outflow of sebum to the surface of the skin, increased reproduction of microbes in the accumulated sebum and subsequent inflammation are essential. With the help of modern medicines, it is possible to influence almost all the factors involved in the development of the disease.

With the initial manifestations of acne (usually at the age of 8–13 years), when the clinical picture is dominated by increased oily skin and comedones (whitish nodules and black dots), and there are not so many inflammatory elements, retinoic and salicylic acid preparations are used externally. Both acids have the ability to dissolve comedones, and salicylic acid is much weaker in this regard. With papulo-pustular acne, it is advisable to use antibiotics, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide (benzoyl peroxide), traditional external agents (salicylic, chloramphenicol, resorcinol alcohols). Severe forms of acne, including acne conglobata, should be treated with oral retinoids, and only if there are contraindications, other methods of treatment (antibiotics, immunomodulators) are used. As with papulopustular acne, it is preferable to use a combination of different drugs.

Problems solved in the course of treatment and ways to solve them:

  • decrease in sebum production (retinoids, especially retinoic acid, hormonal drugs - estrogens, progestins or antiandrogens, spironolactones);
  • reduction of inflammation - antibiotics (tetracyclines, erythromycin, lincomycin, clindamycin) and local anti-inflammatory and microcirculation-improving agents, including zinc oxide, sulfur, tar, ichthyol, resorcinol;
  • prevention of the appearance and elimination of comedones (retinoids, especially retinoic acid, salicylic alcohol);
  • prevention of scarring (early start of treatment, retinoids, curiosin, contractubex, exclusion of injury to rashes).

Features of acne treatment with drugs of different groups

Currently, retinoids are the most effective group of drugs for the treatment of acne. Their use solves several problems at once - reducing the production of sebum and inflammation, preventing the appearance and elimination of comedones and scars. Two isomers of retinoic acid (tretinoin and isotretinoin) are used externally for the treatment of acne. Roaccutane and Retinol palmitate are used for internal treatment of acne conglobata and widespread papulo-pustular acne resistant to other external agents.

Roaccutane (isotretinoin) (Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland) is produced in capsules for oral administration of 10 and 20 mg (30 pieces per pack). Assign at the rate of 0.5-1.0 mg / kg of body weight per day, taken in equal parts 2 times a day after meals for 12-16 weeks. If necessary, repeated courses break should be at least 8 weeks. Roaccutane is a highly effective drug, however, its use is limited by high cost and many side effects. Treatment is always carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Retinol palmitate (vitamin A) is a domestic drug, it is produced in capsules for oral administration poiME, as well as in an oil solution poIU/ml. Effective doses for acne at least IU per day. The course of treatment is 12-16 weeks. The intervals between courses are 4-8 weeks. Retinol palmitate is inferior to Roaccutane in effectiveness, however, its tolerance is better, and the cost is much lower.

For external treatment of acne, preparations containing all-trans retinoic acid (tretinoin) and 13-cis-retinoic acid (isotretinoin) are used. All-trans-retinoic acid is contained in the following foreign preparations: Retin-A - 0.05% cream in tubes of 30 g (Silag, Switzerland), Lokacid - 0.05% cream in tubes of 30 g and 0.1% solution in 15 ml vials (Pierre Fabre, France). External preparations with 13-cis-retinoic acid, which has a higher bioavailability, are produced only in Russia - Retinoic ointment 0.1% and 0.05% and Retasol ® (FNPP "Retinoids"). Ointments and solution are recommended to be applied to previously cleansed skin 1-2 times a day. Upon reaching the effect, it is recommended to reduce the concentration or reduce the frequency of application of the drug. The duration of treatment is 12-16 weeks.

Drugs from the group of retinoids have a number of side effects. The most serious of them are teratogenicity and embryotoxicity. In this regard, women of childbearing age are prescribed retinoids with reliable contraception and a negative pregnancy test. In the outpatient card, when prescribing systemic treatment, a note is usually made about the woman's awareness of possible side effects, and abroad, dermatologists suggest that women fill out and sign a special form in order to avoid further prosecution in case of side effects. External treatment with drugs of this group is stopped when pregnancy occurs. Retinoids do not have a negative effect on the reproductive function of men.

In the first or second week of treatment, most patients experience an exacerbation reaction, which is expressed in redness, moderate itching, and peeling of the skin. The patient should be warned about the reaction, and if important events in life are coming at this time, then it is better to postpone the start of treatment. Usually these phenomena disappear on their own within a few days, after which there is a persistent improvement. Dryness of the lips, cracks in the corners of the mouth, peeling of the skin are frequent during the treatment process, they are eliminated by using a neutral moisturizer for the face and body, hygienic lipstick or lip gel, limiting the use of detergents when washing and washing. With the systemic administration of retinoids, dryness of the nasal mucosa, nosebleeds, conjunctivitis, urethritis, increased levels of transaminases and lipids in the blood, and increased skin sensitivity to sunlight are sometimes observed. Taking this into account, before the start of treatment and monthly during the course of treatment, a biochemical blood test is performed, it is recommended to use protective sunscreen, avoid direct sunlight.


pregnancy and lactation, abnormalities in the biochemical analysis of blood (hyperlipidemia, increased activity of ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase), renal and hepatic insufficiency, hypervitaminosis A, drug intolerance. It is impossible to prescribe simultaneously retinoids inside and out, ultraviolet irradiation, preparations with keratolytic and exfoliating effects, exfoliating cosmetic procedures and products (scrubs, peeling). The action of retinoids is weakened by the simultaneous use of glucocorticosteroid drugs and alcohol intake.


Of the wide range of antibiotics for the treatment of acne, only tetracyclines, erythromycin, lincomycin, josamycin and clindamycin are used. The appointment of antibiotics inside is indicated for the defeat of a large area of ​​the skin, the predominance of pustules. During pregnancy, of these drugs, only erythromycin can be used.

Antibiotics of the tetracycline group have an advantage over other groups, since they are lipophilic and easily reach the main object of their action - the sebaceous glands. They can be prescribed for a long time - 2-3 months in a small dose. In this case, they block the production of bacterial lipases, the main link in the development of inflammation. An essential advantage of this method is the possibility of long-term treatment without disturbing the composition of the intestinal flora. The daily dose of tetracycline is 1000 mg (10 tablets of 0.1 g or 4 tablets of 0.25 g), doxycycline hydrochloride - 50 mg (1 capsule of 0.05 g once a day), unidox solutab - 50 mg ( 1/2 tablet of 0.1 g), metacycline - 600 mg (2 times a day, 0.3 g). Antibiotics of the tetracycline group at the indicated doses are always well tolerated, and side effects characteristic of long-term use at a bacteriostatic dose do not develop. Tetracyclines are contraindicated in concomitant fungal diseases, pregnancy (last trimester), liver dysfunction, leukopenia, children under 8 years of age, kidney disease. During treatment, insolation is not recommended, ultraviolet irradiation, retinoids for internal use, hormonal contraceptives, psychotropic, anticonvulsant and antidiabetic drugs are not prescribed. The absorption of tetracycline is weakened in the presence of food, especially milk and dairy products, as well as trace elements - aluminum, calcium, magnesium, iron. Their use should be avoided during treatment. Tablets are taken separately from meals.

Doxycycline, Metacycline and Unidox Solutab are better absorbed and can be taken with or after meals with plenty of water. Unfortunately, the resistance of microorganisms to the drugs of this group quickly develops, and when re-administered, they are rarely effective.

Erythromycin belongs to the group of macrolides, the daily dose -mg is divided into 3-4 doses 1-1.5 hours before meals. The drug is produced in tablets or capsules of 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 g. Possible side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, liver dysfunction. The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, liver diseases with impaired function. It should be borne in mind that erythromycin is inactivated by dairy products and acidic drinks, and also increases blood levels and enhances the toxic effect of carbamazepine (tegretol, finlepsin) and theophylline.

Clindamycin (lincomycin group) is prescribed in a daily dose of 0.6 g, divided into 2 doses, is available in capsules of 0.15 g and called Dalacin C - 0.15 and 0.3 g each. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Possible side effects include dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), liver dysfunction. The drug is incompatible with erythromycin and vitamins of group B. Lincomycin is prescribed in a daily dose of 1500-2000 mg (2 tablets 3-4 times a day), is available in capsules of 0.25 g. The duration of treatment and side effects are similar to clindamycin.

Josamycin or vilprafen in a daily dose of 1000 mg (1 tab. 2 times a day between meals) is used for 2-4 weeks, then 1 tab. within 8 weeks. Possible side effects include dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), liver dysfunction. The drug is incompatible with lincomycin, weakens the effect of hormonal contraceptives.

In case of intolerance to antibiotics, they resort to sulfanilamide preparations, usually co-trimoxazole (biseptol, septrin, groseptol, cotrifarm 480). The drug is prescribed pomg (1-2 tablets) 2 times a day during or after meals with an interval of 12 hours. During treatment, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, monitor the condition of blood and urine, avoid solar and ultraviolet radiation, and do not prescribe ascorbic acid.

It is logical to assume that the local use of the above antibiotics can be much more effective and safer than the internal one. However, studies show that topical erythromycin, clindamycin, and tetracycline are only effective for mild acne, especially when combined with zinc, retinoids, or benzoyl peroxide. External application of 1% erythromycin ointment (Ung. Erythromycini 1%) has a positive effect only in combination with other external and internal agents, the gel with clindamycin Dalacin T (Pharmacy, USA) is more effective. Easy to use Eriderm (Eryderm, Abbott Labor, USA) - 2% solution of erythromycin. Levomycetin, boric, resorcinol alcohols are also used for drying and cauterization of individual rashes. Combined preparations are effective - Zinerit ("Yamanouchi", the Netherlands) - a solution of erythromycin and zinc acetate and Benzamycin, a gel for external use, in tubes of 20 g, ("Rhone-Poulenc Rohrer", USA), containing 3% erythromycin and 5% benzoyl peroxide. All of the above drugs are prescribed 2 times a day. As with oral antibiotics, topical preparations tend to cause the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms, so their repeated administration is often ineffective. Resistance of strains of Propionibacterium acnes (the main microorganism that multiplies in the sebaceous glands of patients) to commonly used antibiotics was found in 60% of patients. Strengthening of resistance depends on the duration of therapy, resistance to erythromycin develops more often.

Other antiseptics and disinfectants. One of the successful modern approaches to treatment is the use of benzoyl peroxide - a lipophilic compound due to the presence of a benzoic acid residue in its composition. When applied to the skin, benzoyl peroxide decomposes under the action of air into peroxide and inactive benzoic acid, which remains on the surface of the skin. Active oxygen compounds damage the walls of bacteria, destroying them, the content of fatty acids decreases, which prevents inflammation. At the same time, the same compounds have a damaging effect on the horny scales, which is clinically expressed by skin peeling, which accompanies the therapeutic effect. Benzoyl peroxide preparations do not affect comedones, therefore, if they predominate, they are not used. Different companies offer this drug under the names Benzakne (Polfa, Poland), Desquam (Bristol-Myers, USA), Oxy 5 and Oxy 10 (SmithKline Beach, UK), Baziron (Galderma, France). Benzoyl peroxide is produced in the form of 2%, 5%, and 10% gel, 5% and 10% lotion. Treatment begins with the application of a lower concentration of the drug to the face, then it is increased. A higher concentration is immediately applied to the back and chest. Benzoyl peroxide is applied to previously cleansed skin once a day. Side effects include an exacerbation reaction in the first days of use, dryness and flaking of the skin, discoloration of hair and linen when the drug comes into contact with them. Intolerance is not uncommon, therefore, before starting treatment, it is recommended to conduct a skin test - the drug is applied to a small area of ​​​​the skin of the flexor surface of the forearm for 48 hours. In the absence of itching and redness, you can apply the drug on the face.

A good effect, especially in the presence of comedones, has a combination of local application of benzoyl peroxide in the morning, and Retinoic ointment in the evening.

Azelaic acid inhibits the growth of microorganisms and reduces the content of free fatty acids on the surface of the skin. Cream or gel Skinoren (Schering, Germany), containing 20% ​​and 15% azelaic acid, respectively, is applied to the skin of the face (both on the affected and free areas from rashes) 2 times a day. When applied, local skin irritation is possible. Skinoren is used in the complex therapy of acne; its use as an independent remedy usually does not bring success.

Zinc hyaluronate is part of the Curiosin gel (Gedeon Richter, Hungary), has a healing and antimicrobial effect. It can be used with a small amount of rashes, since the effectiveness of the drug is low. The gel is applied to cleansed skin twice a day, there may be a burning sensation and redness of the skin at the application sites.

Povidone-iodine (Betadine) is used to lubricate pustules in a concentrated (10%) or diluted 1:1 solution with water 1-2 times a day. It is undesirable to use in fair-skinned and red-haired patients due to increased sensitivity to iodine. The diluted solution cannot be stored.

With a small number of comedones in the initial stage of the disease, salicylic alcohol 2-3% is effective. It is used 2 times a day, trying not to apply to the entire affected area in order to avoid overdrying, but only to certain areas.

Sulfur is an anti-inflammatory agent, it is included as one of the components in most external agents (ointments and talkers) traditionally used in the treatment of acne. However, in recent years, its comedogenic effect has been discovered, i.e. it can cause the formation of comedones.

hormone therapy

Therapy with sex hormones is possible only in women. Estrogens (ethinylestradiol) and antiandrogens (cyproterone acetate, spironolactone) can be used for treatment. Estrogens reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, however, not as significantly as retinoids. They can be used simultaneously with local administration of retinoic acid, antibiotics or benzoyl peroxide, which increases the therapeutic effect. To achieve a good result, estrogens must be given for a long time - at least 5 cycles. The first signs of improvement are noticeable only towards the end of the second or third cycle. Estrogens have many side effects - nausea, fluid retention in the body, swelling of the legs, weight gain, breast tenderness, skin pigmentation, and an increased risk of vascular thrombosis. Risk factors for side effects include smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, and vascular disease. Cyproterone acetate for the treatment of acne is used only in combination with estrogens. Of the combined preparations, Diane-35 and Janine (Schering, Germany) are used. The drug is prescribed 1 tablet per day, starting from the first day of the cycle, for 21 days with a break of 7 days. The antiandrogenic drug Cyproterone or Androkur (Schering, Germany) is prescribed 1 tablet (10 mg) per day, starting from the first day of the cycle for 15 days, a new course is started 4 weeks after the start of the first one. Glucocorticosteroid drugs are prescribed orally or parenterally only for abscessing and fulminant acne, which are extremely rare. External use of corticosteroid ointments is not indicated.

Drugs of other groups

Zincteral ("Polfa", Poland) contains zinc sulfate, the deficiency of which is often found in patients with acne. Tablets of 0.124 g are prescribed 1-2 times a day during or immediately after meals for 1-2 months. Nausea may occur during the first week of use. The drug enhances the action of retinoids, but weakens - tetracyclines. Homeopathic treatments include injections of Cutis compositum or Traumeel (Heel, Germany). Phytotherapy is still widely used as adjuvants - applications of gruel from badyagi for resorption of individual large nodes, lotions with green tea, calamus rhizome, raspberry shoots. Inside appoint infusions of plants with estrogenic action (hop cones, sage leaves).

Skin care

Many patients, feeling the increased sebum secretion characteristic of acne, try to wash their face as often as possible using soap and a sponge. At the same time, the skin dries up, but sebum secretion does not become significantly lower, since the washing out of fats occurs only from the surface of the skin, without affecting the sebaceous glands themselves, located in its depths. In this regard, frequent washing of the skin (no more than 1 time per day), the use of sponges and washcloths are not recommended in order to avoid irritation and injury. Now many use antimicrobial soap. But it changes the state of the microbial flora only on the surface of the skin and does not significantly affect the course of the disease. At the same time, antimicrobial additives contained in soap can cause irritation or allergic reactions. To clean the skin, it is better to use a mild neutral soap for sensitive skin or special cosmetics designed for this purpose (cleansing with milk, then tonic), and to eliminate the shine of the face associated with the release of sebum to the surface, use cosmetic wipes or special matting facilities. The widely held belief that makeup should not be used for acne has also now been reconsidered. Modern high-quality cosmetics that do not irritate the skin, well mask existing defects, do not significantly disturb perspiration, are not applied to the skin in a thick layer, and can be used during the day. It should be removed at home. Some medicines require the use of sunscreen. It is better to prefer gels and milk, and also be sure to quickly remove them from the skin indoors. Scrubs and peels may be recommended to smooth the surface of the skin and give it freshness, but are contraindicated during treatment with retinoids, benzoyl peroxide and tetracyclines.

The use of therapeutic masks with a drying effect and detergents is limited during treatment with retinoids and alcohol solutions. If there are pustules on the skin and severe inflammation, massage and cosmetic cleaning of the skin are contraindicated.


Both in the past and now, most dermatologists always recommend a fairly strict diet. Our long-term observations have shown that the benefits of such restrictions are small, and only in a few patients there is a clear relationship between the consumption of certain foods (mainly chocolate) and increased rashes. Usually we recommend that patients follow a reasonable diet, no frills, include more fermented milk products and greens in the diet. However, 2-3 days of fasting during an exacerbation always gives a positive result. In general, when prescribing modern therapeutic agents, there is no need to follow any diet to achieve a good result. If the patient is to take part in a festive feast, it is better to cancel oral administration of drugs for 2-3 days and prescribe enterosorbents (Polifepan, Enterosgel, etc.).

  • The initial stage - a few small black dots appear on the nose and forehead (usually in children) - Salicylic alcohol, Retinoic ointment, Skinoren, medical cosmetics.
  • The same, but with significant oily skin - Retinoic ointment, Salicylic alcohol.
  • Numerous black dots and individual inflammatory nodules and pustules - Retinoic ointment, Salicylic alcohol, for pustules - alcohols with antibiotics, Dalacin T, Povidone-iodine.
  • The predominance of inflammation with a small number of comedones - Retinoids (Retinoic ointment, Retasol ®), benzoyl peroxide (Benzacne, Desquam, Oxy 5 and Oxy 10, Baziron), external preparations with antibiotics (Dalacin T, Zinerit, Eriderm, Benzamycin).
  • The predominance of pustules in a common process (face, back, chest) - antibiotics, in some cases - retinoids inside (Roaccutane, Retinol palmitate), externally - benzoyl peroxide, disinfectants.
  • Separate large painful ulcers on the face - antibiotics, externally - antibiotic ointments and benzoyl peroxide.

Seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis

In recent years, what used to be united by one term “seborrhea” began to be divided into 2 concepts - seborrhea of ​​the head and seborrheic dermatitis (damage to smooth skin).

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. It affects 1-3% of adults (mostly men). Seborrheic dermatitis, along with acne, refers to disorders of sebum secretion. Indeed, both diseases are often combined in the same person and the same areas of the skin are affected - the so-called "seborrheic zones" - the face, chest (decollete area) and the middle part of the back along the spine (interscapular region), where the largest sebaceous glands with wide ducts that secrete a large amount of sebum. The sebaceous glands of this type actively develop and increase in size during puberty. The composition of sebum also changes, it becomes more viscous, the components contained in it contribute to increased keratinization, which corresponds to peeling that is visible to the eye. Smaller glands, but also secreting a large amount of sebum, are located on the scalp. Their purpose is to provide fatty lubrication of the hair, to make it invulnerable to external influences. These glands are also more active during puberty. In adolescents and adults, the mildest form of seborrheic dermatitis is characterized by peeling of the skin and its excessive oiliness without inflammation - on the scalp it is dandruff, and on the face and chest - accumulations of fatty scales in the skin folds - near the wings of the nose, in the nasolabial fold, on the bridge of the nose , less often - on the chest and back. Oily scales soaked in sebum serve as a good breeding ground for the development of lipophilic fungi Malassezia furfur or Pityrosporum ovale. In turn, the immune system reacts to them with the development of allergic dermatitis, the disease enters its second, more unpleasant phase, and ceases to be limited to mild manifestations. There are itching, burning, at first mild, then more intense reddening of the skin, severe peeling, hair loss. The manifestations of the disease are aggravated by the patients themselves - constant combing, attempts to remove crusts, remove accumulations of scales from the hair, the use of "folk" remedies, and the most powerful ones, inevitably lead to increased redness, the appearance of scratches and wounds, the multiplication of other microbes, the development of complications pustular process. Usually in this condition, patients turn to a dermatologist, although everything could be corrected much earlier.

With any manifestation of the disease, attention should be paid to the diet. Sometimes its correction is enough to prevent further development of the disease. Alcohol, sweets and starchy foods should be limited, regardless of the type of food. With itching and inflammation, smoked, salty, pickled foods, spicy seasonings, strong broths, instant coffee, citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples and juices from them are also temporarily limited.

Treatment depends on the stage of development and the clinical picture of the disease. With the appearance of dandruff without the presence of inflammation, you can limit yourself to only external treatment, in more serious cases, internal treatment is also necessary. External treatment includes keratolytic, glucocorticosteroid, antiseptic, disinfectant and antifungal agents. Antifungal drugs usually start treatment, they can be used for a long time without the risk of side effects. Various dosage forms are used - creams, gels, shampoos. Shampoos with antifungal substances - Nizoral, Keto-plus, Perkhotal, Mycozoral, Sebozol contain 1-2% ketoconazole. Tee/Jel anti-dandruff shampoo contains 0.75% piroctone olamine and 2% salicylic acid. Creams and gels are applied 2 times a day, shampoos - 3 times a week. Various other medicinal substances that also have antifungal properties include zinc pyrithionate, tar, sulfur, resorcinol, and selenium disulfide. Drugs containing these compounds are available in the form of shampoos for the treatment of dandruff (Friderm-tar, Ti / Gel-Nyutar, Friderm-zinc) and ointments for the treatment of smooth skin lesions (Skin-cap, birch tar, tar and sulfur-tar ointment ). Prescription forms are also used: Vidal's milk, alcohol solutions with sulfur, boric acid, tar. After hair treatment, it is obligatory to change combs and hair brushes, hats.

With severe inflammation, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and disinfectants are used. With wetting and severe swelling of the foci, lotions with resorcinol 1%, decoctions of herbs are used. The crusts are usually lubricated with alcohol solutions (salicylic, resorcinol, boric alcohols). Corticosteroids have a rapid anti-inflammatory effect - they are used on the head in the form of solutions - Elokom, Diprosalik (Schering-Plough USA), Lokoid (Janssen-Silag Belgium), Belosalik (Belupo, Croatia), on seborrheic zones - in the form of ointments and creams - Elokom, Diprosalik, Belosalik, Hydrocortisone ointment. It should be noted that only non-fluorinated glucocorticosteroids in the form of easily absorbed creams and emulsions (Advantan emulsion, Elokom cream, Lokoid cream) or weak (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone) ointments can be used on the skin of the face, which is much thinner than in other areas. Preparations of this group are not suitable for long-term use due to the risk of undesirable effects - thinning of the skin, vasodilation, the appearance or intensification of acne. When it is possible to remove acute inflammation (usually in 3-5 days), and with residual peeling, they are replaced by preparations containing vitamin A - emulsion-based ointments Videstim ® , Radevit ® (FNPP Retinoids, Russia). It is known that vitamin A (retinol palmitate) reduces sebum secretion by reducing the size of the sebaceous glands and keratinization, and also has the properties of a local immunomodulator. Videstim ® contains 0.5% retinol palmitate on an emulsion basis, Radevit ® contains 1% retinol palmitate, ergocalciferol and tocopherol acetate (vitamins A, D and E). Drugs are used for a long time, including for the purpose of preventing relapses. In recent years, the local immunomodulator pimecrolimus, supplied to Russia under the name Elidel, has also been used in the treatment. Keratolytic agents are used for severe peeling and crusting. Apply sulfur-salicylic ointment 2-5% 1.5-2 hours before washing the hair under a scarf, on the face - 1 hour before washing, 10% urea ointment Karboderm (Ukraine). A particularly good effect is brought by combined preparations that combine the keratolytic properties of salicylic acid and anti-inflammatory glucocorticosteroids - Diprosalik, Belosalik. Internal remedies include vitamin A (retinol palmitate) in a daily dose of IU (once at night for 2 months), B vitamins, in particular brewer's yeast (Merz Germany and domestic companies), brewer's yeast with the addition of zinc and selenium Nagipol , multivitamin-mineral complexes, preparations with selenium (Selevit, Triovit), zinc (Zincteral). To reduce fat formation in women, hormone therapy (Diana-35, Janine) and antiandrogens (Androkur) are used - see above. Despite successful therapy, the disease often recurs. A rational approach to diet and a careful selection of skin and hair care products are necessary to maintain a favorable treatment result for as long as possible.

Oily skin (greasy, seborrheic, bumpy, porous, oily, skin with hyper-greasy function) is a common problem among teenagers and people under the age of 30. Oily skin is characterized mainly by excess sebum, which is produced in the sebaceous glands. In people with this type of skin, enlarged pores or inflammation of the hair follicles, a shiny face, may be noticeable. Skin with hypersebaceous function requires proper care, otherwise acne (pimples) and other inflammatory processes may occur.

Areas of increased oiliness are: forehead, nose, chin, back, shoulders and chest. The sebaceous glands are very important for humans and are responsible for many processes in the body. Sebum protects the skin from external influences and consists of lipid derivatives. The composition and secretion of sebum changes in different periods of life. The fat synthesized by the skin mixes with secretions from the sweat glands and creates a surface layer. It protects the skin from excessive moisture loss, harmful external factors, softens, has an antibacterial effect, transports vitamin E to the upper layers of the epidermis. Skin lipids have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, are involved in the removal of some xenobiotics (poisons, harmful substances) from the body.

Causes of oily skin

- Hormones affect the production of fat in the sebaceous glands:
In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, women have an increased amount of secreted sebum. This is due to the hormonal background.
Oily skin is more common in men, regardless of age. This is due to the predominance of the hormone testosterone in the body, which is responsible for the production of sebum.
The problem with increased greasiness of the skin is often found in young women, girls, adolescents, especially those over 12 years old. This problem arises due to puberty. It is characterized by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

Have an impact environmental factors, stress (especially chronic), cigarette smoke, air pollution.

- UV exacerbates oily skin problems. The sun's rays dry out and thicken the stratum corneum, which prevents the release of sebum and acne (pimples, blackheads) appear.

- Improper nutrition, eating a large number of fried, fatty, spicy foods increases the greasiness of the skin.

- Poor hygiene(you need to regularly wash your face in the morning, treat areas of the skin prone to greasiness) leads to increased oiliness and inflammation of the skin.

- Ambient temperature increase increases the secretion of sebum.

The amount of sebum secreted also depends on the area of ​​the body. The largest number of sebaceous glands are located on the face, chest and torso.

- Use of poor quality cosmetics, on an oily or greasy basis exacerbate skin problems.

- Immune system disorders contribute to oiliness, since the skin is a protective layer. If the immune processes are disturbed, a symptom of increased oily skin may appear.

Diseases in which a symptom of oily skin can be observed

Diabetes. One of the symptoms may be oily skin and inflammatory reactions. This is due to the fact that the disease is polysystemic (affects all organs and systems).

Undernourished women(cachexia, asthenic body type). Nutrients are needed for the synthesis of homones. If, due to diet or poor nutrition, a woman receives less of them, then there is not enough building material for female sex hormones and male ones begin to predominate in the body. In this case, oily skin is defined as a symptom of increased levels of male hormones.

Obesity(men and women of increased nutrition). The skin becomes oily as a result of malnutrition, excessive sweating.

Hormonal imbalance in women may be associated with ovarian dysfunction, abrupt withdrawal of contraceptives, tumors of the organs of the reproductive system (the reproductive system that carries out the function of reproduction), menopause, and so on. As a result, the level of male sex hormones rises and there is a characteristic symptom of oily skin, the appearance of bristly hair, coarsening of the voice, irregular menstrual cycle, sweating. If you do not consult a doctor, then infertility, malignant tumors, and irreversible changes in appearance may develop. It is recommended to consult an endocrinologist, symptomatic treatment should be carried out by a cosmetologist.

Hyperandrogenism in men- increased content of male sex hormones. Often this complication can be observed in male professional bodybuilders or athletes, as they often use chemically synthesized testosterone to build muscle mass. But there are cases of a genetic predisposition to such a phenomenon, with age, the synthesis of hormones will decrease and everything will return to normal. Treatment is related to the elimination of symptoms. It is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, a cosmetologist, a valeologist, a nutritionist, in some cases a psychiatrist (aggressiveness, jealousy, preoccupation with appearance), a sexologist (strong sexual desire, promiscuous sexual relations, rapid ejaculation).

Hypertrichosis(increased hairiness) in women and men - a disease, in some cases associated with the production of sex hormones and may be accompanied by oily skin.

Liver disease(hepatitis, fatty liver) - the liver is responsible for functions such as the elimination of toxins and excess hormones and other substances in the body. If this organ malfunctions, a symptom of oily skin in the forehead and nasolabial folds can be observed.

When to See a Doctor

As a result of increased oiliness of the skin, inflammatory diseases can develop, since sebum is a breeding ground for bacteria. If you find yourself experiencing such complications, you should immediately consult a doctor. By doing this, you can prevent increased scarring of tissues, the development of septic skin diseases, the spread of infection in the body, and avoid many chronic diseases (such as tonsillitis, runny nose, decreased immunity). In inflammatory processes associated with increased greasiness of the skin, the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus and propionobacteria are mainly involved. The infection can spread to other parts of the body or to other people. If left untreated, the infection can be fatal. Death usually occurs from general intoxication or sepsis. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Seborrheic fatty dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by greasy, scaly red (fresh rash) or white-grey (dry, old) scaly lesions of the scalp, hairline and face, creases around the nose and ears, chest, and armpits ( armpits), in the groin. You should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

acne Acne is a common skin condition that causes pimples to appear on the face, chest, and back. It occurs when skin pores get clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Treatment by a cosmetologist is necessary, with extensive lesions of the skin - a consultation with a dermatologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist.

Carbuncle (or boil)- a deeper skin lesion, sometimes affecting the subcutaneous fat layer. The reason is an infectious process in the hair follicle, pus (abscess) accumulates next to the hair. This is directly related to oily skin. With improper functioning of the sebaceous gland, an excess amount of fat is released and subsequently an infection joins. Treatment by a surgeon is necessary, followed by consultation with an endocrinologist, a dermatologist.

Necrosis- tissue necrosis due to deeper penetration of the infection.

Oily skin treatment

Treatment of oily skin should be complex. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause, and then the symptoms of the disease. Therapy of visible signs without a deeper examination will bring only a temporary result. Most often, specialists use an integrated approach to solving this problem, which includes examinations (an analysis of the content of hormones, blood sugar, general tests that characterize the somatic state, identify pathogenic flora), study the genetic predisposition and anamnesis of life (nutrition, habits) . The treatment combines salon procedures, hardware technique and pharmacotherapy.

Medical treatment for oily skin

To reduce oily skin, it is possible to prescribe preparations containing the following components:

  • Lactoferrin is a protein with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It has a beneficial effect on the balance of the body's immune system.
  • Adapalene - is a derivative of vitamin A, prevents the appearance of comedones, relieves inflammation. An effective combination with antibiotics for the treatment of inflamed skin areas.
  • Benzoyl peroxide - exfoliates well, renews the skin, prevents the reproduction of pathogenic flora.
  • Azaleic acid - reduces inflammation, reduces the growth of bacteria, exfoliates.
  • Zinc is a strong keratolytic (dissolves keratinized epidermis)
  • Copper - regulates the secretion of sebum.
  • Sulfur - affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands and suppresses their secretion.
  • Isotretinoid - synthesized in small quantities in the human body, inhibits the production of sebum, lyses (dissolves) the stratum corneum.
  • Bacteriocins and pyocyanins are metabolic products of bacteria (Escherichia, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas) grown on a sterile medium. Increase the immune properties of the skin, contribute to its rapid regeneration.
  • D-Panthenol - increases the strength of collagen in the skin, normalizes cellular metabolism. Needed to restore the skin after irritating procedures such as peeling.
  • Vitamin B6 - is involved in the metabolism of proteins (for example, lactoferrin) and unsaturated fatty acids. Favorable effect on the functioning of the nervous, hematopoietic and immune systems.
  • Vitamin PP - positively affects the metabolism and normal functioning of the skin.
  • The mineral zinc has a positive effect on the immune system. Zinc protects immune cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and activates the body's defense mechanisms, essential for healthy skin.
  • Other drugs that have a beneficial effect on the skin: Selenium, Coenzyme Q10, Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), folic acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin C.

Hormone therapy to eliminate oily skin:

Preparations for menopause in women - Vero-Danazol, Divina, Finland, Divisek, Indivina, Klimodien, Livial.
For other hormonal disorders: contraceptives with antiandrogenic action - Yarina, Jess, Janine, Belara.

Antibiotic therapy for oily skin is not prescribed! In order to prevent acne, it is better to use local antiseptics and exfoliating agents. Antibiotics kill the beneficial flora of the skin, resistance can occur, and in case of urgent need (for example, with acne and other inflammations), they will not be effective.

Herbal treatment for oily skin

  • Chamomile extract cleanses and softens. Acting locally, it has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Restores skin elasticity and smoothness.
  • Sage officinalis has a bactericidal, soothing, regenerating effect.
  • Calendula officinalis has a healing, regenerative property on damaged skin.
  • Oak or birch bark has antiseptic and tannic properties.
  • Violet tricolor extract cleanses, affects the metabolic process and helps to remove harmful substances that accumulate in the body.
  • Green tea extract has antioxidant properties, reduces the effects of free radicals on the skin.
  • Extract from the dandelion root enhances the body's defenses. Supports the proper functioning of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys. Helps in the excretion of metabolic products, which is good for the skin.

In addition to daily care at home, oily skin requires additional treatment. It is prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. The main treatments for oily skin are:

Hardware procedures for oily skin:

Beauty treatments for oily skin

  • Scrubs (midal, apricot, salt, clay, plastic, and so on) are an effective method for smoothing and cleansing the skin.
  • Peelings with acids (lactic, fruit, pyruvic, trichloroacetic, glycolic, and so on) reduce the pH of the skin, which has a bacteriostatic effect. Regulates the secretion of sebum and reduces skin greasiness;
  • Masks (mud, clay, based on seaweed) - disinfect, heal, soothe the skin, remove excess sebum.
  • Manual facial cleansing is the mechanical and most traumatic way to clean the skin pores. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning only in cosmetology centers.

Prevention of oily skin diseases

1. When choosing cosmetics, give preference to products:
- low lipid content
- with antibacterial and antiseptic composition (alcohol not more than 10%!!!),
- Hypoallergenic (neutral fragrances or better odorless),
- with the content of natural plant extracts.
- If this is not a specialized certified store in which you are sure, then it is better to choose less popular, not expensive brands of cosmetics. They have fewer fakes. Make your choice in favor of a domestic manufacturer. In the production of cosmetics, they often use plants from our latitude, which are less allergenic.

2. Once a week, use a simple exfoliation or facial cleansing.
3. Wear UVA and UVB sunscreen year-round.
4. Go to the sauna.
5. Do not abuse everyday makeup, provide the skin with oxygen. Always wash off makeup at night.
6. Use bottled water to wash your face. Do not wash your face with soap and water, a cleansing gel is better for oily skin.
7. Avoid contact between hands and face. Dirty hands carry bacteria.

Cosmetologist Kondratenko N.A.