How to draw smoke in photoshop. How to Create Realistic Smoke in Photoshop Tutorial, Cigarette Smoke in Photoshop

Step 1. Open the girl's photo in Photoshop. First we will soften her skin. I have used the image in full size, but you can work with a small one. Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N ) above the background one and name it "smooth skin". I made a copy of the background layer, but if you're worried big size PSD file, you don't need to do this. To smooth the girl's skin, we will use the Mixer Brush Tool (B key). In the tool settings, enter the values ​​as in the following screenshot.

Thanks to the settings shown in the screenshot above, you will soften the skin by mixing pixels with each brush stroke. This tool is similar to the Smudge Tool, but it does less damage to the layer's pixels. The tool settings have been set to Sample All Layers, so you can work on a new layer and not worry about damaging the background photo layer.

It is better to use a brush with soft edges and adjust the size according to the area of ​​the face. Don't use a brush that's too small, as fine lines will be visible, and the goal is to create smooth transition between shades on the face.

Be careful with lights and shadows. Take into account the location of the light source and draw along the line of shadows and glows, otherwise you will spoil the shape of the face. The whole process takes 10-15 minutes.

Step 2 Now with the tool Stamp (Clone Stamp Tool) (key S) we will remove the pill from the girl's hand and later replace it with burning paper. In the tool settings, set the value to Sample from all layers (Sample All Layers). Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N ) and work on it so as not to damage the main layer of the photo. After removing the tablet, you will need to restore a small part of the finger.

Step 3 It's time for a little color correction. At the very top of the layers palette, create an adjustment layer. Color balance (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance) (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance). Need to add blue tint the entire image.

Now create a fill layer. Gradient (Layer> New Fill Layer> Gradient) (Layer> New Fill Layer> Gradient): black and white gradient. White spot should be placed over the girl's head and chest. Set the Blending Mode of this layer to Multiply. With the help of a layer mask, I have hidden some parts of the gradient and brought back the glows on the arms, legs and face.

Step 4 It's time to work on the shadows and highlights. If you don't want to damage the photo, create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N ) and fill it50% in gray through the fill menu (Shift+F5 ). Then select the tool Clarifier (Dodge Tool) (key O) and in the settings set Range (Range) - Midtones (Midtones), and Exposure (Exposure) -10% . Outline the light areas to enhance the glow there. Then switch to the Burn Tool (O key) and do the same with the dark areas.

To hide grey colour, you need to change the Blending Mode to Overlay.

Next, you need to work on the edges. Raise your Exposure to30-40% and outline the areas as shown in the screenshot below. You can work on the same layer, but I decided to create a new one.

To enhance the effect, merge both gray layers into a group (ctrl+g ) and make a copy of it. Lower the Opacity of the copy.

Step 5 Create a new layer "glass fire 1". Insert the fire image into our document and set the Blending Mode to Lightening (Screen) to hide the black background. Add a pixel mask to this layer (click on the mask icon at the bottom of the layers palette) and use a black brush to hide the flame outside the glass. By clicking on the chain icon between the mask and the layer, you unlock the mask and can move it on the canvas.

Apply a style to the fire layer.inner shadow ( Inner Shadow ) via iconfx at the bottom of the layers palette.

Blend mode (Blend Mode) - Soft light (Soft Light)
Offset - 0
Size (Size) - 50 pixels (depends on canvas size)

Paste another fire image into our document and place it on top of the glass. Hide with a mask lower part flame. Get rid of the black background with Blending Mode (Blending Mode) -Lightening (Screen).

Step 6 It's time to add lighting effects. To make the fire in the glass more realistic, I added a glow with a soft brush. You need to work on a separate layer with Blending Mode (Blending Mode) – Lightening Basics (Color Dodge). Glow color -#7f4500 . When you're done, make a copy of this layer (Ctrl+J ) and change Blending Mode to Screen.

Step 7 Since the hand is next to the flame, light should fall on it, as well as on the neck and knee. This glow must be drawn on a separate layer (or several layers, if you prefer). Select the Move Tool (V key) with soft edges and color#5E3403 draw a glow. Change colors depending on the area where the light hits.

Step 8 Now we will create love note, more precisely, what should remain of it. Open the burnt paper image in a separate document and get rid of the background with the Magic Wand Tool (W key). Use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl + T) to position it horizontally so you can write the text. Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and write "i love you". The font I used is called " ".

Select the text layer and the paper layer and clickCtrl+E to combine them. Using the Move Tool (V key), drag the resulting paper into our main document. In the Distortion mode (Edit> Transform> Distort) (Edit> Transform> Distort) change the shape of a piece of paper and place it on the girl’s hand. Use a layer mask to hide part of the paper so that the index finger is visible.

Step 9 Create a new layer and paint a finger shadow on the paper using a soft brush. Then create an adjustment layer. Levels (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Levels) (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Levels): darken the midtones and increase the contrast of the piece of paper. For both layers, you need to create a clipping mask (Ctrl+Alt+G ).

Step 10 Insert the third flame into our document and set Blending Mode (Blending Mode) to Lightening (Screen). Tool Free transform (Free Transform) (Ctrl + T) resize and place on paper as shown below.

Step 11 Now we will add sparks. Open the image with the fire and tool Rectangular area (Rectangular Marquee Tool) (key M) select the area with sparks. Copy the selection (ctrl+c ) and paste it into the main document (Ctrl+V ). Get rid of the black background using the blending mode and the tool Eraser (Eraser Tool) (key E) erase unnecessary sparks.

You can make a copy of the spark layer and apply the Gaussian Blur filter (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur) to bring them out of focus.

Step 12 Merge all layers into one separate (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E ). Place the resulting layer on top of all layers and name it "Final". In the main menu of the program, go Image> Corrections> Options (Image> Adjustments> Variations). Select More Blue first, then More Green. Click OK. Set the Blending Mode to Soft Light and lower the Opacity of the layer to30% .

Before and after:

24.04.2016 27.01.2018

Greetings to all! Today we will learn how to make smoky text in Photoshop. How to make such text in Photoshop is not a trivial question. Let's do it in 5 minutes!

Here's what the final picture will look like:

Starting this lesson, I want to say what you can do in Photoshop. To do this, you need a little inspiration, good and straight hands. And any text in Photoshop begins with a tool Text Tool(or Horizontal Text). The idea is that you type the text and start adding the effect. For example, a smoky effect - I will talk about this now.

Lesson materials

Download the following images, which we will use to create the effect for the text, from the links:

It's all free, download without hesitation!

Create an effect in Photoshop

With the materials sorted out, now you can get down to business! Open Photoshop and let's get started.

Create a new document - it can be 600x250 pixels in size, with a black background. The background can be selected when creating a document, or you can fill it after using the tool fill(fill tool). Why black? Yes, because the smoke is best seen on a black background and appears in all its glory.

As I said earlier, the first thing to do is add some text in Photoshop. Take advantage of the tool Horizontal Text (Text Tool), add text to the middle of the image. Use white color, and you can use any font, I used - Gill Sans. If you want to download it on the Internet, it is not difficult to find.

Ok, the text is added, let's start adding the effect.

Do the following now:

  1. Select text layer
  2. Click CTRL+J to duplicate a layer
  3. Select the bottom original text layer
  4. Apply blur filter − Filter - Blur - Motion Blur...
  5. blur angle 90 , and the Offset parameter is 20 .
  6. Click OK

We observe the following picture:

Do we have a smoky effect? That's right, so the text should be with a small footprint.

Now open the previously downloaded image - such as in the picture below. Copy it to a new layer, which should be above all the others.

We need to turn this piece of the image into smoke. To do this, we will desaturate it by clicking on the menu Image - Adjustment - Desaturate (CTRL+SHIFT+U). The shape of this abstract pattern resembles smoke, so with discoloration it turns into almost 100% smoke.

Don't forget to set the blend mode for this layer to Exception (Exclusion)

Agree, now this piece of negligence, ala smoke, spoils the whole picture for us. Therefore, we need to refine the image of smoke a little with eraser (Eraser Tool). Set it to 10% opacity and smudge the edges.

Here I rely on your artistic taste.

Here's how I did it:

We are not resting on our laurels, high-quality smoke is still not enough. Therefore, we cling to a piece of the image already from another file and do exactly the same thing with it as we did with the previous one.

It is necessary that the smoke was on all the text!

Insert a piece of another smoke and apply a blend mode to it Multiplication(Multiply), make it more aggressive by applying settings Levels) CTRL+L.

Work a little with the eraser so that the rest of the smoke remains visible.

Great. But for now, it looks like a ridiculous overlay of some images on others in Photoshop. It doesn't smell like smoke yet, so we'll continue to work on the effect.

If you remember and look at the layers, you will see that we applied a blur filter to one of the text layers. Now it's time to work on the second layer.

Take a tool Blur (Smudge Tool) is a droplet on the right side of the toolbar. Set the brush size of this tool to 40px pixels, and intensity - 60% . These settings are made on the top panel of Photoshop.

Start smearing with the tool upper part text so that it looks like thick smoke.

After that, set the transparency of the entire layer - 75% .

Next, a little complicated, brush settings. You will have to apply the same brush settings as in these screenshots. The idea is to achieve small loose dots that we will put on top of the text. To call the brush settings window, click F5.

Excellent setting, by the way, do not forget this experience - you will still need it for further independent work in Photoshop.

Create a new layer on top of the rest - immediately apply a layer style to it - External glow (Outer Glow)

Now with a brush we draw many small dots on top of the text!

That's all! I hope you have mastered this interesting lesson!

Step 1: Smoke I
So, let's start our conversation about how to create smoke in Photoshop. A lot depends on the brush you choose, with which you intend to create smoke. Of course, you can use any brush included in standard set Photoshop, for example, with an ordinary airbrush brush. But in this case, your smoke will turn out to be too blurry, without sharp edges. If you want to create a thicker and more saturated smoke effect, then it would be wiser to use special brush(a set of such brushes is presented at the link at the beginning of the lesson).

So, for starters, let's create a new file (for this you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N). Set the resolution to 2000x1400. Next, you need to create a new layer. The best way to do this is to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N. Now you will need one of the brushes suggested at the link at the beginning of the tutorial. Download them, install them in Photoshop and select the one that is third from the top in the set you just installed.

Step 2: Smoke II
So, select the above brush and decide on the color of the future smoke. By the way, if you later need to erase any areas of smoke, you can use the same brush by simply switching to the Eraser Tool.

(Eraser tool to erase unwanted areas)

Step 3: Smoke III
All is ready. You can start drawing. Let's imagine that the wind blows from right to left relative to our scene. In this case, the smoke column will be located approximately as shown below.

(smoke taking into account wind direction)

Step 4: Smoke IV
Don't forget that smoke is a three-dimensional object. Therefore, it should be more dark in the lower areas and appear lighter in the upper ones (as is the case with any spherical object).

(adding a third dimension to smoke by overlaying light and shadows)

Step 5: Smoke V
The last thing you can do to increase the realism of the smoke is to add a cast shadow to it. For this purpose, you can use another brush from the same set. She is fourth from the top. This is a flat brush that can be very useful in situations like this.

How to please your nails if you are already tired of the monophonic coating and the standard design? The effect of smoke on the nails will appeal to most girls who like to create a plume of mystery and mystery around them. Let's take a closer look at this unusual manicure.

What it is

The effect of smoke on the nails is also called smoky manicure. A similar original coating appeared not so long ago, but has already managed to win the hearts of millions of girls. Bizarre shapes on nails, voluminous haze, clubs that intertwine with each other, and mysterious translucency - all this inexplicably attracts.

Smoke can be clear or colored. It looks best on a black substrate, it is this that gives the mysterious haze a special depth. This original manicure will do For evening version. It will look great with long dresses, trouser suits and with others strict images.

You can blur the lines with nail polish remover or with 96% alcohol.

Materials and tools

We have collected for you best materials that will help you create a unique smoky finish:

materials Characteristic
gel polish It is possible to perform such a nail design with gel polishes, but it is a little problematic. Most often it has a rather liquid consistency and is not endowed with a special density. To perform the effect of smoke on the nails, it is recommended to use the thickest gel polish.
gel paint An ideal material for creating such an effect. The density of the gel paint is high and at the moment when the material comes into contact with the nail polish remover, a translucent haze forms on the surface of the nail.
gel paste A good material that can also be used in this nail design. The viscous gel paste dissolves well when combined with a small amount of nail polish remover.
stained glass gels Simple stained glass gels can give a special depth to colored smoke, because they lay down in a dense layer and give a special transparency to the pattern. You can also make unusual transitions of clubs from one to another.

Stained glass gel can be created by yourself. To do this, you need to mix the stained glass paint with a simple modeling gel for building up or with a top.

Secrets of stylish nail art

For you, we have collected the most unusual secrets, which will help you in creating the original coverage:

  • stains can be done with a thin or flat brush;
  • volume design can be given with the help of acrylic powder;
  • the best substrate for design is black gel polish;
  • use special stickers with already ready-made design print;
  • the smoke effect looks good on nails of any length;
  • it is recommended to decorate only 1-2 fingers on one hand.

Execution technique

The effect of smoke on the nails is created in several ways. But all of them are quite simple in their execution. It is enough to find improvised means that every home user who loves to decorate their nails has at home. Let's take a closer look at each. And then you decide for yourself which one suits you best.

simple brush

To create a smoky manicure, you can use a thin or flat brush. It is with the help of them that a wavy line is created, which then will need to be blurred a little. A thin brush will help create a line of any width, but a flat one has a certain size, but it is better to shade it with it.


If you do not have the time and desire to display something on your nails, then and will help to create an original haze. It is enough to choose the desired image with volumetric smoke on any background. You just have to carefully attach the slider or sticker and smooth it over the surface of the nail with an orange stick. You can fix the design with a finish coat.

Best Ideas

The effect of smoke on the nails can be white, translucent or colored. Everything depends on your mood. Here you need to experiment and choose what you like. Usually such a design is not decorated with anything, but for originality, you can add a few rhinestones on other nails.

white haze

You can create a transparent haze using simple gel polishes. It is important that they are very thick. Making translucent haze is pretty easy at home. Let's take a closer look at all the subtleties of this unique coating.

What will be required:

  • base;
  • black gel polish;
  • white gel varnish;
  • lint-free napkin;
  • flat or thin brush;
  1. Cover nails with gel polish base.
  2. Apply a black shade in 2 layers, drying each well.
  3. Remove with a lint-free cloth sticky layer.
  4. Dip a thin brush into any white gel polish and draw a thin line around the entire perimeter of the nail. This line will be the direction of the smoke.
  5. On the one hand, it can be thick, and on the other, narrow and be thin.
  6. Dip the brush into the gel polish remover and draw it along the line.
  7. White gel polish will begin to “float” a little. This layer must be well dried.
  8. Cover the design with a finish coat.

Video instruction

How to make a colored smoke effect on nails can be seen below in the video.

volumetric smoke

How to give volume and neatly decorate the smoke? Indeed, with the help of simple gel polishes, this is quite difficult to do, because they do not have sufficient density. Now we will tell you in detail how to decorate smoke tubers.

What will be required:

  • base;
  • black gel polish;
  • colored gel polishes;
  • flat or thin brush;
  • colored acrylic powder;
  • nail polish remover;
  • lint-free napkin;
  • brush-fan;
  • finish top.

How to make smoke effect on nails:

  1. Cover the nails with a base coat and then 2 coats of black gel polish.
  2. Remove the sticky layer with a lint-free cloth.
  3. Having dried everything well, with a thin or flat brush with white gel polish, draw a small wavy line.
  4. Soak the brush in nail polish remover and carefully trace the outline of the strip on the nail.
  5. Without removing the sticky layer, pour colored acrylic powder on the nail with a fan brush.
  6. The design is ready. You can cover it with a top or leave it like that.

colored smoke

If you do not have colored acrylic powder, then you can decorate the haze with stained glass paints and special. The procedure for creating a smoke manicure is quite simple and does not require much time.

What will be required:

  • base;
  • black gel polish;
  • stained glass gels;
  • structural gel for building;
  • nail polish remover;
  • thin brush;
  • glossy top.

How to create smoke effect on nails:

  1. Cover the prepared nails with a base coat.
  2. Apply black varnish in 2 layers, drying everything well in the lamp.
  3. Draw a line with a thin brush.
  4. Dip the brush in nail polish remover and draw along the drawn line.
  5. Dry the layer in the lamp.
  6. Mix on the palette stained glass gel with extension gel (or top).
  7. Carefully paint over the haze with the resulting colored gels.
  8. You can mix several colors at once, which go one into another.

The effect of smoke on the nails gives them a special gloss and mystery. As you can see, doing such a smoky manicure at home is as easy as shelling pears. Experiment with the rolling of shades and the depth of the haze itself. And then your fingers will show off the original manicure, which no one else has.

Why did I give this title to the article? Yes, because the smoke in its structure is completely different in different occasions. And it is not necessary to consider the smoke erupting from a revived volcano as one and the same. And since the articles on almost all sites of the Russian Internet are a reprint of the same foreign lesson with a disgusting translation, it is quite problematic to understand what and how to do not only for a novice user, but also for an experienced user. Therefore, we will try to consider in more detail and in detail how to make thin cigarette smoke.
Someone may object to me, saying: "Why should I draw something else? After all, there are brushes for any reason. And about smoke, including" Yes, it's true. But someone drew them too. And I think it's interesting to know how?
I take a picture with a black background. Not necessarily black, but preferably dark. Well, I'll immediately paste clip-art - a cigarette. Based on this scale, we will draw smoke.

On top, create a new empty layer. I'll name its layer "Smoke" and draw smoke on this layer.

I take a brush white color, a little hard somewhere around 5-10%, the size of the brush is approximately the diameter of a cigarette. I'll draw something... you can just a vertical line.. you can some kind of figure.. like this.

With a brush of a smaller diameter, I will draw several stripes of a darker color along the line of the figure.

Now you need to use the Distortion filter - "Wave" Filter parameters are selected individually. I used the default ones like this.

I press OK. it turned out like this.

Without clicking anything else, I'll immediately open the Editing tab. And weaken it: Wave. Loosen by about half. 45 - 55%

Again, use the "Wave" filter and again weaken by 50%. I had to do this manipulation 5-6 times.

Attention: while using the filter, I recommend moving and transforming the object. Change the angle or width of the picture, etc.

Free transform, move, filter .. In general, we select. As you can see from the story, that's exactly what I did. The "eraser" is also used from time to time. Extra smoke rings are removed to make the shape of the smoke plume more realistic.

After using the filter and transforming, I got this rough draft.

Well, then it remains only to "cultivate" the image made. I'll duplicate the layer. I'll tint it to light light green color. The layer is gray, the layer is light green. Wipe with a weak eraser different places made smoke. Pay attention to the transparency of the layers. I will slightly change the brightness of some areas. In general, by any means I try to achieve the greatest realism of the smoke made. The end result is cigarette smoke.

A naturally smoky cloud can be of any shape and direction. Do not forget only that the smoke at the source is thin and the higher the cloud is wider. For example like this.

As usual, the article is not a direct indication of unquestioning execution, but was written in order to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of certain tools. graphic editor Photoshop.