Satin or calico - which is better? How to choose bedding, which material is better in quality - cotton, calico, poplin or satin

When choosing bed linen, the question often arises: “ Coarse calico, poplin or satin which is better? We have tried to resolve this issue. To determine, what's better, And What is the difference coarse calico He satin or poplin, it is worthwhile to begin to figure out what kind of fabric it is.

Fabrics: What is the difference between calico and poplin or satin?

Coarse calico- a fabric, most often cotton, of simple linen weaving. The warp and weft of the fabric are the same thickness. The fabric is easy to manufacture, dyes well, is resistant to abrasion, withstands many washes. Thin coarse calico called chintz. Dresses and shirts are sewn from chintz. thick coarse calico, with a density of more than 100 g / m² is often used for the manufacture bed linen.

Poplin- a plain weave fabric, predominantly made of cotton. What is the difference between poplin and calico? Everything is simple! ducks poplin 1.5-2 times thicker than the base. The fabric is as durable as coarse calico, also paints well, but is smoother to the touch, more shiny and pleasant to the body. Wrinkles less.

- special fabric satin weaving. Quite difficult to manufacture. It has a characteristic sheen reminiscent of silk. This satin is different from poplin And coarse calico. It is made mainly of cotton, it is well dyed, it is environmentally friendly, however, like coarse calico With poplin.

So what should the hostess choose? Which is better, coarse calico, satin or poplin? To get an answer, it is necessary to define the evaluation criteria. I propose the following criteria:

  1. wear resistance
  2. Softness
  3. Tactile sensations.


According to this criterion, the superiority is undoubtedly for coarse calico. Coarse calico cheaper than poplin. satin the most expensive type of fabric. By price satin able to compete with artificial silk. And then artificial silk is cheaper than good satin. But satin worth the money...

wear resistance

According to this criterion coarse calico And poplin split the first place in half. What's better coarse calico or poplin hard to say! They equally withstand all the vicissitudes of fate and are able to withstand a huge number of washes. satin loses a few poplin And coarse calico due to the thinner and more delicate thread from which this material is made. But this does not mean at all that satin worse poplin or coarse calico. The loss here is small. You should not pay special attention to it.


But in this parameter wins satin. He is better than poplin or coarse calico. It is the softest of all materials. In second place poplin. Its thinner warp makes this fabric softer than coarse coarse calico. If you need softness, then definitely the choice is not for coarse calico. satin is better in this respect poplin.

Tactile sensations

In this parameter again in the first place satin. It is silky, pleasant to the touch, light, somewhat reminiscent of silk, but much cheaper than it. satin far ahead in this parameter as poplin, and coarse calico and we can say that by tactile sensations satin significantly better than coarse calico And poplin.


In total, we have obtained poplin average in all respects. It is somewhere in the middle between satin And coarse calico. He's a compromise between cheap coarse calico and expensive satin. A compromise capable of trying on two camps of "economists" and "lovers of pleasant sensations." Won two categories coarse calico(although she shared wear resistance with poplin in half), and won the other two satin.

Conclusions: What is better calico, poplin or satin?

What type of fabric: satin, poplin or coarse calico buy bed sheets decides for himself. All types of fabric have their advantages. Coarse calico is a low price and good wear resistance. Poplin- this is the perfect balance of tactile sensations, softness and a relatively low price. satin- this is royal underwear, but its price is also higher than that of others.

I would recommend coarse calico or poplin for a country house, where after a long day of work you want to fall down and fall asleep, and it doesn’t matter if the pillow shines or not. It is important that in the morning you can get up and wash bed sheets not afraid that it will not endure the next wash. satin same good in bed with a loved one or a loved one. If you want the night to be unforgettable, but you don’t have money for natural silk, feel free to lay bed sheets from satin. Your partner will definitely appreciate it. And if your family has an average income and you just need to sleep well, buy everyone bed sheets from poplin. Don't guess.

So what is better poplin, satin or calico?

Bed linen is not quickly taken - it is chosen. Carefully, carefully study the composition, evaluate the quality, look at the cost. If the price is right, they buy it, if the kit is expensive, but they also buy the appropriate underwear. Everyone wants to sleep comfortably, because sleep is health, according to medicine.

There are many sets of different fabrics on display. What to prefer?

satin easy to confuse with silk - so airy, silky and durable. In its manufacture, a double-weave cotton thread is used, which provides density to the fabric. The weaving process itself is quite complicated, but the quality is excellent. Ecological cleanliness is inherent in the fabric, it practically does not wrinkle, but it is quite expensive. But it lasts a long time, retaining the original color.

Poplin made from cotton and silk threads. The material turns out to be both dense and soft, the surface is covered with small scars - threads of different thicknesses are involved in weaving. The matte sheen of the fabric gives elegance and originality to the items sewn from it. valued for durability, brightness of color - it remains even after many washes, affordable prices.

Coarse calico also made on the basis of 100% cotton threads. practical, does not require special care, calmly tolerates washing - does not shrink, does not shed. Available with various patterns.

It remains to compare the pros and cons of each type. In terms of wear resistance, coarse calico and are in the lead. Satin is a little inferior due to the presence of a thin thread in the weaving. But very little.

The softest will be the product from, the roughest -. The best tactile sensations are given by satin.

It's hard to give someone the upper hand. Each fabric has its own characteristics. But there is a choice. Decide for yourself what suits you best.

Very often we face the difficult question “How to choose the right bed linen? What material is better? Many remember the days when such goods were in short supply. Then no one thought about quality, was not guided by their preferences in design or material when choosing a kit.

Today, such restrictions have become obsolete and stores meet us with a huge assortment of bed linen made from various fabrics of any color.

This is where a new problem arises - too large a sentence confuses and does not allow you to quickly make a choice. Standing at the counter, we often think: what to take - satin or calico, linen or, polyester or poplin?

Which fabric is stronger and more pleasant to the touch?

After all, every housewife wants bed linen not only to please with its colors for a long time and not wear out, but also to provide a pleasant and healthy sleep for the whole family.

Agree, soft durable sheets, a pillowcase and a duvet cover have a positive effect on a person’s nightly rest, unlike bedding made of slippery, prickly and unpleasant fabrics.

That is why, sooner or later, being disappointed in more and more new sets, we all begin to look for the answer to the question: what bedding materials should be preferred?

The first acquaintance with the new kit, we, of course, begin with label and label. It is there that you can find all the necessary and important information about the weave density of the threads and the composition of the fabric, as well as the necessary care. Be sure to read this information, on the basis of which it will be possible to conclude whether such bedding suits you or not:

  1. When choosing a kit in the first place pay attention to the ingredients. Give preference to natural fabrics. They are hypoallergenic, do not block the flow of air, do not make the body sweat a lot and remove moisture well. These factors are the main guarantors of healthy and comfortable sleep.
  2. The density of the fabric is determined by the number of threads, intertwined with each other to get a solid canvas. The more threads used to create the fabric, the higher its wear resistance, and hence the durability. High-density bedding is able to survive more washes, retain elasticity and color brightness for longer. Also, the density of the weave of threads is responsible for the heat-shielding properties of linen and its breathability.

A natural question arises: what is the optimal density of fabric for bed linen?

Optimal fabric density for bed linen

There is nothing difficult in determining the optimal density of the fabric from which the bed linen is made. The main thing to understand is that the higher the density, the greater the number of threads used to make the fabric. Therefore, a set of more dense material is much stronger than a set of less dense material. This suggests that it will serve you for a long time and will survive many washes without compromising the integrity of the bed linen.

Every honest manufacturer always indicates the density of the material on the labels and labels of their products. But how to determine what density you need if you do not understand anything about it? In this case, you should familiarize yourself with the table of density of weaving threads "according to the standard":

  • Twenty to thirty weaves per square centimeter are a sign of low density of the material of the product. This indicator is considered optimal for a fabric such as cambric. For the rest, it is too small and it is worth looking for something better.
  • Thirty five- forty weaves are typical for linen and cotton, the density is below average.
  • Average density - fifty sixty five, is also optimal for linen and cotton.
  • above average - sixty five eighty. This density can be seen in Turkish silk and other artificial fabrics.
  • Satin and percale have a high density - eighty five - one hundred twenty weaves per square centimeter.
  • Very high density in polysatin and Japanese silk - one hundred thirty two hundred and eighty weaves.

Such knowledge will help you navigate the data declared by sellers and always make the right choice when buying a new set of bed linen.

Modern manufacturers use a large number of a wide variety of fabrics for the manufacture of their products. It should be understood that the properties of such materials depend not only on the density of weaves of threads and composition, but also on a number of other factors:

  • The number of threads.
  • The order and arrangement of weaves.

This is how the pattern and characteristics inherent in certain types of fabrics are determined. You should familiarize yourself with all the materials in more detail, which we will now deal with.

Coarse calico

- one of the most popular materials used for the manufacture of bed linen. What is this fabric and why is it so common in manufacturing?

Coarse calico bedding rightfully deserves the title of an ideal choice for everyday home use. Such sets are distinguished by low price, various colors and designs that can satisfy even the most sophisticated and capricious taste. But the most important advantage of coarse calico is its excellent operational qualities, which simply cannot but please practical housewives. Linen made of this material is very durable and dense, which has an excellent effect on its good wear resistance. It also dries very quickly and is perfectly cleaned of dirt and stains, which makes washing such products easy and pleasant.

Coarse calico bed linen does not require delicate or special care and easily survives a large number of washings, both manual and machine.

The most common question that arises when choosing calico products is what composition does this material have, is it natural or synthetic? You can safely opt for a coarse calico set - such bed linen consists of 100% cotton!

For the manufacture of coarse calico, thick cotton threads are used; they form rather dense weaves, which gives the fabric a number of special advantages and properties. Chintz - very similar in composition and manufacturing method to calico, but has a lower density and, accordingly, is less durable. Unlike satin, calico canvas is matte and does not have a glossy sheen.

According to GOST, calico should have a density of one hundred and forty-five grams per square meter. But home most often choose bedding with a density of one hundred and twenty-five grams per square meter. Of course, such material has less wear resistance, but it is lighter and softer, which makes it more comfortable to use.


- another representative of the most popular materials from.

A distinctive feature of this fabric is a special satin double weave of twisted threads. Thanks to this technique, satin boasts the smoothness and beautiful satin sheen of the material.

The denser the fibers are twisted, the more expressive is the shiny surface of the fabric.

Satin products are even and smooth, as well as very delicate and silky to the touch. Linen made of such material glides well, does not wrinkle and drapes beautifully. It can be described as hardwearing as it is resistant to frequent washing.

Satin is able to surprise with its color palette, as well as color fastness. After all, all juicy shades, fashionable and beautiful prints, are able to survive at least two hundred - three hundred washes and remain as bright for a long time.

What is the difference between satin and calico? What is better to choose?

If you can’t decide on the choice of bed linen and are rushing between satin and calico, then in order to make the right decision, you will need to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of these materials.

It will also be useful to get acquainted with the opinion of relatives and friends or look for reviews on such fabrics on the Internet, since you can find almost any information there.

But it should be remembered that there are no comrades for the taste and color, therefore, before taking the side of satin or calico bed linen, you should rely more on your personal opinion and preferences.

Pros and cons of satin:

  1. Very soft and pleasant to the touch.
  2. Differs in smoothness and gloss of fabric, it is very attractive in appearance.
  3. Wear-resistant, more durable than coarse calico.
  4. Able to survive many washes and retain the brightness of the drawings.
  1. Satin linen may seem too expensive, since its price is an order of magnitude higher than calico bed linen.

Advantages and disadvantages of calico bed linen:

  1. Low democratic price.
  2. Lots of different designs and colors. You can choose a set for both children and adults.
  1. Coarse calico is a rather hard material; you can feel the thickening of the thread and the roughness of the surface of the fabric by touch.

🎉🎉🌟 Coarse calico, poplin or satin which is better?
When choosing bed linen, the question often arises: “Coarse calico, poplin or satin, which is better?”. We have tried to resolve this issue. To determine what is better, and how calico differs from satin or poplin, it is worth first understanding what kind of fabric it is.
Fabrics: What is the difference between calico and poplin or satin?

Coarse calico:
Weaving. Coarse calico is a fabric, most often cotton, of simple linen weaving. The warp and weft of the fabric are of the same thickness. The fabric is easy to manufacture, dyes well, is resistant to abrasion, withstands many washes. Thin calico is called chintz. Dresses and shirts are sewn from chintz. Thick calico with a density of more than 125 g / m² is often used for the manufacture of bed linen.

Weaving. Poplin is a simple plain weave fabric, predominantly made of cotton. What is the difference between poplin and calico? Everything is simple! Poplin with a density of 115 g/m². The fabric is as durable as coarse calico, it also dyes well, but it is smoother to the touch, more shiny and pleasant to the body. Wrinkles less.

Weaving. Satin - fabric of special satin weaving. Quite difficult to manufacture. It has a characteristic sheen reminiscent of silk. This is what satin differs from poplin and calico. It is made mainly of cotton, it is well dyed, it is environmentally friendly, in other words, like calico with poplin.
So what should the hostess choose? Which is better, calico, satin or poplin? To get an answer, it is necessary to define the evaluation criteria. I propose the following criteria:
wear resistance
Tactile sensations.

According to this criterion, the superiority is undoubtedly for coarse calico. Coarse calico is cheaper than poplin. Satin is the most expensive type of fabric. For the price, satin is able to compete with artificial silk. And then artificial silk is cheaper than good satin. But satin is worth the money...

Wear resistance:
By this criterion, coarse calico and poplin share the first place in half. It's hard to say which is better calico or poplin! They equally withstand all the vicissitudes of fate and are able to withstand a huge number of washes. Satin somewhat loses to poplin and calico due to the thinner and more delicate thread from which this material is made. But this does not mean that satin is worse than poplin or calico. The loss here is small. You should not pay special attention to it.

But in this parameter, satin wins. It is better than poplin or calico. It is the softest of all materials. In second place is poplin. Its thinner warp makes this fabric softer than coarse calico. If you need softness, then definitely the choice is not for coarse calico. Satin is better than poplin in this parameter.

Tactile sensations:
According to this parameter, satin is again in the first place. It is silky, pleasant to the touch, light, somewhat reminiscent of silk, but much cheaper than it. Satin is far ahead of both poplin and calico in this parameter, and we can say that satin is significantly better than calico and poplin in terms of tactile sensations.

In total, we got that poplin is average in all respects. It is somewhere in the middle between satin and calico. It is a compromise between cheap calico and expensive satin. A compromise capable of trying on two camps of "economists" and "lovers of pleasant sensations." Coarse calico won in two categories (although it shared wear resistance with poplin in half), and satin won in the other two.

Conclusions: What is better calico, poplin or satin?
From what type of fabric: satin, poplin or calico to buy bed linen, everyone decides for himself. All types of fabric have their advantages. Coarse calico is a low price and good wear resistance. Poplin is the perfect balance of tactile sensations, softness and a relatively low price. Satin is royal underwear, but its price is also higher than others.🎊

It is easy to get lost in the variety of modern materials. Poplin and satin are popular fabrics. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In order to make a choice, you need to know their main characteristics.

The first poplins were made from silk threads. But technologies changed, and weavers improved their skills. Cotton replaced silk in manufactories. Cheaper raw materials quickly gained popularity. Poplin began to be woven from cotton. Later, the masters began to add synthetic fibers to it.

Main differences

The difference between materials that are largely similar to each other is due to two factors:

  • Various types of weaves;
  • Different twist of threads.

They are distinguished by the method of weaving. Poplin is linen, while satin is satin.

poplin features

Modern poplin, like satin, is mainly made from cotton. Although there are materials using different types of fibers.

A prerequisite in the production of poplin is the use of different thicknesses, and sometimes the composition of threads for warp and weft. Thanks to this technique, a characteristic scar is formed on the surface of the canvas. This is what they call this type of fabric - poplin in a small scar. The basis of this material is always thin, but dense. It is twice as thin as coarse and rare weft threads. Weaved together, they create a soft and textured fabric.

Cotton acts as the main raw material. In addition to it, other natural, synthetic or mixed fibers are used. There is a rare species in which natural silk and woolen threads are combined.

Depending on the fiber processing technology, it happens:

  • bleached;
  • painted.

Depending on the method of applying the dye, the following types are distinguished:

  • plain dyed;
  • multicolored;
  • printed.

Features of satin

Satin is characterized by its own special interweaving of threads. The ratio of warp threads to weft threads is 1:4. This technology makes the fabric look like silk or satin. For production, cotton fibers are used after special processing. On the surface of the canvas, weft threads are mainly visible, they almost completely overlap the warp.

The most popular types:

  • mako satin;
  • silk satin;
  • satin jacquard;
  • printed;
  • printed;
  • satin 3d.

Satin is a smooth, dense fabric with a noble matte sheen. The threads in the production are taken double and subjected to strong torsion. The stronger the twist, the more shine. Satin is more expensive than poplin, but more durable and more beautiful.

Advantages and disadvantages

What is good for underwear will be inappropriate when sewing shirts. Therefore, it is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of each material.



  • Good organoleptic properties. It is a smooth and dense fabric. It has a high softness, while keeping its shape perfectly.
  • Durability and reliability. Withstands 150-200 washes without loss of quality.
  • Hygroscopicity. Well regulates the temperature of the human body in any environment.
  • Good breathability. It provides airflow and ventilation of products.
  • Ease of care. The fabric doesn't wrinkle and irons well.
  • Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic. Natural canvas, absolutely safe for humans.
  • Used for all seasons. In summer it gives coolness, in winter - warm.
  • Aesthetics. A slight sheen makes the fabric more presentable compared to its less noble relatives, such as calico.

All of these advantages relate to quality fabrics. If low-quality dyes are used in production, or not the best raw materials, then durability and safety are out of the question.

In addition, a poorly dyed canvas can shed. In this case, not only the appearance of the products is lost, but the question of the safety of such material also arises. The disadvantages include the complexity in cutting. The rib on the surface complicates it a little.

From poplin sew:

  • Men's shirts;
  • children's and women's clothing;
  • bed sheets;
  • pajamas;
  • sports and professional clothing.

It is difficult to say which is better: satin gloss or soft poplin comfort. These are different materials that have their own purpose. There are no universal options.



  • Great look. It belongs to the elite types of materials.
  • Easy Care. Practically does not wrinkle, does not shrink. Dries quickly and is easy to iron.
  • Gives pleasant tactile sensations. Its surface is smooth and delicate. Suitable for people with sensitive skin.
  • Durability and strength. Withstands 200-300 washes without loss of quality.

The main disadvantage is the high price. It is really not the lowest, it is compared with the cost of silk. Externally, the fabrics are very similar. This also applies to quality.

What's better?

Even with the necessary information, it is difficult to dwell on any fabric. To do this, you need to decide on the selection criteria. Usually guided by the following indicators:

  • Price. Satin has a higher price. Among the popular cotton fabrics, it is the most expensive. Sometimes even artificial silk is cheaper. But the fabric is worth the money. Satin is associated with wealth, fashion and luxury. Therefore, if a premium fabric is required, then satin is what you need. But if low price is the most important selection criterion, then poplin wins.
  • Tactile sensations. Satin wins here. Its soft silky surface is very pleasant to the touch. Satin is thinner than poplin, resembles silk in structure, flows well and drapes well. Plus, it's much softer. The basis of poplin is thick threads. They make the canvas more rigid. However, if we compare the fabric with coarse calico, then poplin is ahead of it in this indicator.
  • wear resistance. Both fabrics are durable and wash well. But if we compare the numbers, then satin again comes out on top. It is twice as fast as poplin in terms of the number of washes without loss of quality. But it is made of thinner threads, so it suffers more from breaks. The plain weave of poplin made it less vulnerable. The frequent weaving of the threads provided the fabric with protection from tearing. But because of this, he is more rigid.

If you choose fabric for bed linen, and are not limited in funds, and also have nothing against smooth and sliding fabrics, then it is better to opt for satin.

In the photo - various colors of satin

If the price of satin does not please you, pay attention to poplin. It does not look so elegant, but it deserves your attention no less. It is practical, reliable and looks good at the same time.

For summer clothes, poplin is considered more suitable. Dresses, blouses and children's clothes are sewn from it. In any case, the choice is yours.

Coarse calico in comparison with poplin and satin

Coarse calico, poplin and satin are the three main cotton fabrics. Coarse calico has the lowest cost. In its production, plain weave is used. For the warp, they take a thick thread, the ducks are thinner. The canvas does not have a hem, like poplin. Coarse calico refers to bilateral fabrics, it is the same on both sides.

It is a durable fabric with high wear resistance. In terms of strength, poplin and satin are inferior to it. Coarse calico can be used unbleached. Poplin is always dyed or bleached. Therefore, calico is popular with adherents of eco-style. Learn more about the difference between poplin and coarse calico in this article.

If poplin and satin almost do not crumple, then all the bends and creases are clearly visible on the calico. The fabric is well suited for bed linen, but it is used in clothing to a limited extent.

Read about what size bedding for a crib is.


This video will tell you about the comparison of Poplin and Satin fabrics.