Love note for a girl. Love letters to a girl

Hello honey! I haven't written to you in such a long time that even my hand has lost the habit of holding a pencil. You probably guessed why there was no news from me for so long. I am rarely allowed to write. But even those rare letters in the season of night winds cannot be forwarded to you. You know, carrier pigeons can't cross the Mountains of Hope at this time. Yes, I feel sorry for these birds - because they will fly in spite of any danger. You know how they train; beyond the mountains a dove awaits them. Some, without waiting for the right time, release envoys to certain death. But I can't do that.

As usual, I don’t write anything about my life so that you don’t get upset. Let it be better. Spring will start for me soon. Her breath is already felt everywhere. Oddly enough, spring for me is always represented with your face. I don't remember how it happened, but it's been so long that it's become a habit... Someday I'll be released or I'll run away from here. I already manage to disenchant some of the spells with which everything around is stuffed and closed. Nothing, nothing, I feel, another five years, and I will break free. We will definitely see you. Love for you helps me pick up the keys to many spells. Often they just fall apart when I hold your Name as a fragrance on my lips. I don't know about you, but I live only in love for you. The mere knowledge that you exist on earth. Of course you know where I am. Miracles here will not surprise anyone. But I know for sure that the main miracle on earth is You. Be happy in your forests of joy and wandering fields! OK. Write if you can. For a while the path through the mountains is open. Well, I'm finishing. A dove can't take more than a couple of pieces of paper...

…Darling! I really want to write you something warm, tender. So that this letter warms you a little, your soul. I want my words to make you feel good, happy, happy.

Someone believes that everyday fuss is life, real reality, and everything else is worthless illusions, wandering in the clouds, in a word - nonsense. But you don't think so, do you? After all, life is, first of all, moments, moments when you experience feelings of joy, delight, excitement, happiness. Moments like this are worth living for. Yes, it can be considered something unearthly. But then what are all the experiences, feelings that a person experiences? Moreover, this is not at all a deception, not a ghost, not a mirage that will melt away without a trace. After all, this is reality - my words, phrases addressed specifically to you, my dear. And the reality is the sensations that they will cause in your soul. Of course, just a set of words that is pronounced just like that, aimlessly, just to take time - this is ordinary chatter, chatter. But I don't want to just say a few sentences. I want to evoke good, warm emotions in you with my words. Reassure you if something is bothering you. Instill optimism. Indeed, life is beautiful. And indeed it is. After all, in childhood we enjoyed it and were not sad about anything. Why don't we become happier as adults? After all, the world around us has not changed much. Probably, the whole thing is only in ourselves, in what we are, how we relate to life.

Sometimes you really want to live with emotions alone, not calculating something, not questioning, but completely trusting not your mind, but your feelings. And who said that you need to live intelligently? We must live happily! But there is no happiness without feelings. And the mind rarely gives us a state of happiness. There are so many reasons in the world to consider yourself unhappy all your life, and so, it would seem, is not enough to be happy.

Didn't you notice? I am next to you, my girl, I sat down next to you and silently look, try to make out the features of your face and watch how you read this letter. I watch how your face, his expression, look change as you read these lines. How would you like to guess whether these words touch your heart, and if so, what do you feel, are you experiencing now? Let not me, but my words touch you gently. Feel their warmth, feel it. Let it not leave you as long as possible, dear.

[Every guy dreams of a girl who, obeying a feeling of love for him, will write such letters. But, as you know, most of the time these dreams remain just dreams. Only a professional seducer can live the way movie characters live and make their life just as incredible and interesting. You will learn this at the practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy in the real conditions of the metropolis.]

It's nice to know that now you and I are alone, you and I. Reading these lines, you involuntarily think of me. Let the moments, but now there is no one for you but me. And not only my words, but also my thoughts that they carry gently and affectionately embrace you. Are you calm and good in these arms, my dear? Please forget the past, don't worry about the future. What was and what will be is not important at all now. Live in the present, live in these moments. And be happy, my girl. And I, admiring you, quietly and quietly disappear ...

I love you, I want to be with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, beautiful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can not live without you... 35

Love makes the whole world cleaner and kinder. Love makes us happy cheerful. I'm so grateful that I met you, my love. The warmest, most tender words, the most beautiful flowers - all to you, my only one. 7

You are the one and only, unique and most beautiful for me! You are the sun that lights my path. I love you with all my heart, with all my soul. 29

I love you more than anything in the world and I will never stop loving you. You are the only one for me on the whole planet, I love you so much! You are everything to me and more! 24

You are the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful, and just mine. I love you more than anyone in the world, you are half of my heart, my ray of happiness. I so want our love to be fabulously beautiful. You have become for me the only, the most important thing in the whole world. 22

I love you very much, with my soul, heart, body and every cell. You are the most desirable in the world, I love you so much that you can not imagine. I admire you my angel! 15 - declaration of love to a girl in prose

With your beauty, tenderness, affection, you simply enchant me. I am ready to shout to the whole planet how much I love you, my treasure. You are the best thing in the world for me. May everything go well with you, bunny, may all your cherished dreams come true! May fate give you a lot of happiness. 22

You are the most precious person to me! I love you with all my heart and can't live without you! 26

You are my clear star that always illuminates my path. You are my sun, which gives me warmth, you are my love, which is forever in my heart, which makes it beat more often. I love you my kitten. 16

You are just a wonderful gift of fate. Sweet, gentle and the most beautiful girl on earth, I love you, and I want to always go to be with you. Stay always joyful, radiant, desirable and my most beloved girl in the world! 20

You filled my soul and heart with you... And my heart can't be without you... I love you, baby! 18

My life only makes sense when you are by my side. You are forever in my heart. Only when you are near, life becomes beautiful! 19

My message is not just words, it's feelings and experiences, it's love! Without you I am nothing! Without you, this world is uninteresting! For you all my kisses, for you all my feelings! 28

In my love, I am ready to confess to you every day. You're driving me crazy. May every day give you only pleasant impressions, may luck smile at you in everything. Always remain as beautiful, gentle, kind, affectionate. May the good angel always protect you! 13

Today is the most important day in my life, because I confess my love to you. I want us to always be together. There is no better girl in the world than you. You and I will always be happy, because you are my destiny. May our path of love be long and happy! 13

I love you madly and I have no doubts about my feelings, I value you very much. You are the most precious person for me in this world! My love is getting stronger every day and it's getting harder to be without you, because my life only makes sense when you're around. You are forever in my heart. 23

My love, I can't imagine a single day of my life without you. Thank you for every happy minute, joyful day and just for the fact that you are in my life. 17

I do not find a place for myself when we are not around. I want to be always with you. I love you with all my soul and with all my heart. 9

You are my scarlet flower, my guardian angel. Let the constellation of love shine brightly above our heads, I love you with all my heart, my sun. 13

We have been together for a long time, but every day I become more and more in love with you! May the Angel never let you go from under his wing. I love you! 9

You are the best girl I have ever met. I love you so much. I am truly happy with you. I fell in love with you from the first second of meeting and will always love you, my joy! 9

Only you alone I need in this world, you are more important to me than anyone on earth. I am madly in love with your smile, your eyes, your sonorous laugh. Your beauty simply captivates me. Sweet, gentle, kind, be always the happiest! 16

I sat at the window of the hospital room and waited for a nurse with a drip. Outside the window, despite the beginning of March, a blizzard was raging in full. A young couple walked down the sidewalk holding hands. “This is love!” I thought. After all, the wind and frost are whistling outside, but they are still holding hands ... I remembered those evenings that I spent with my girlfriend at home, at the moment when the same element raged outside the window.
The nurse ran into the ward and started shouting for me to lie down immediately and not sit on the cold windowsill and said that she would come in an hour, she was called to the intensive care unit. I slowly climbed down from the windowsill and lay down on the bed. My heart still ached with a dull pain, but it was made to beat by the thought that she was waiting for me and believed that I would get through and return home. And at that time she was also in the hospital, only in the oncology center, she was undergoing chemotherapy. Her illness knocked me out of the saddle, which is why I ended up in the hospital after a heart attack. The phone rang and the number of his girlfriend flashed on the screen. I didn’t want her to hear my voice trembling from weakness, so that she would understand that it’s still quite difficult for me to speak. I didn't pick up the phone. But I went to her page on the Internet and wrote her a letter in which I wanted to tell her the most important thing. I thought what if the doctors fail and something happens to me ... and she will never know what she meant to me. And I began to write a letter more like a monologue than a message:


Hello my beloved! You know, very often I don’t have enough time and opportunity to speak frankly with you and express my feelings for you. That's why I decided to write you this letter. My love, thank you for being in my life! I love you very much, you are very dear to me! You know, I often remember the life in which you were not. And I compare that boring period with this happy eternity. After all, love is eternal and has no boundaries, like beauty and ugliness, sinfulness and holiness, fidelity and lies. I more clearly understood what life is, what it means to live and love, and most importantly, to be loved. When you push the dawn to see your bottomless eyes, in which I drown in silent bliss. Do you remember that evening in a cafe you told me that you don’t need anyone but me and you can’t imagine your life without me? So since then, every day I remember your words. And to the end I believe that it was sincere.
Every night I pray to God for only one thing, that he would not take you away from me, that you would be happy, healthy and cheerful. You know, in life it is probably more important that your loved ones feel good, that those close people who make up the main part of your life are happy. And I'll be happy if everything goes well for you. I want you to know that there is no way in the world that I will leave you until you want me to. And on the day when this happens and God forbid our paths diverge, the largest part of my heart capable of experiencing feelings will die in me forever. I will remain the same, but only outwardly. I will smile, but it will probably be a more ironic grimace than the cheerful and cheerful smile that you gave me. But this is all just thoughts, I believe to the last that after my return, everything will be as before, and I will do my best to make it even better, I promise. Kiss love miss you. Vitya.

And she answered:
(text written by my girlfriend)

Beloved, until I met you, my life was empty, sad, colorless, you filled it with happiness, joy, a smile ... I'm happy that I have you. the one and only. you taught me to live and love ... decorated my life with bright colors ... turned my life around) I'm happy when you're around, even when you're silent, if only you were there. Despite the distance between us, I still love you very much and will continue to love you. everything will be fine with us, even better .. I believe in it! during our relationship, you became completely dear to me, as if I had known you for a hundred years ... thank you for everything ... but forget about the troubles, bunny ** if they discuss us, then we are more interesting than others ... now it's not YOU and I and we!!! my sun, I'm always with you in grief and joy .. but about the relationship, everything will be fine with us, I know)) I believe! you are the best with me, the most beloved, affectionate, gentle, pleasant, in general the most !! and there is no one better! I will wait for you as long as you like, if only you were happy and enjoyed life, did not be sad, and first for yourself and then for others ... my bunny, I loved you and I will love you even more ...

Two weeks later, all the words spoken to each other lost their power. We broke up at the end of March 2011. Lies and constant hiding from me of any events with her participation, the participation of her mother in our relationship, lack of independence and misunderstanding of the meaning of the words that she utters played a role. So ended this short and beautiful story about two people who for a long time believed that they were together forever, who threw everything in order to be close in one second became strangers to each other, as if nothing had happened.

People, don't scatter loud words "I LOVE", "I LOVE", etc. if you are not sure about them... For EVERY WORD uttered by us has some meaning for the person to whom we say it. Be happy and I sincerely wish you not to face such a situation as mine and not to be disappointed in your loved one forever...
April 30, 2011

P.S. We were both discharged home under the strict supervision of doctors and undergoing a course of treatment. During this period, we parted. And everyone's life went on as usual. I was chasing an incomprehensible happiness, looking for it somewhere around the corner, she lived a quiet peaceful life, was on the mend.

It's been 2 years. During this time we saw each other several times and each time we understood that everyone in their souls has a desire to start all over again, from scratch. I felt guilty for leaving at a time when she needed support so badly. She, in turn, felt guilty that the relationship had to end. She always reassured me, said that she was not angry with me, said that she wanted to grow up, get married and give birth to beautiful healthy children, so that her husband would be like me in character ....
On the night of May 29-30, 2013, I learned that Maria Savrova, the girl to whom I wrote this letter, died at the age of 18 from oncology ......

❥ I want the whole world to know that I love you! Today I called you, heard your sad voice, and I felt sad too. Smile dear, please. You have a very beautiful smile! I feel happy when I see her. I love you very much, from the first day we met.

— ☙ —

❥ My girl, I have an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling for you, without which a person does not live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for which I began to live and breathe.
I love you and will love you forever!

— ☙ —

❥ My favorite kitty, I love you madly! I will give everything for you, you are the whole world for me, you are my life, I am happy with you. I appreciate our relationship and cherish you, I want you and I to always be together, not parting for a moment, my sun. I love you!

— ☙ —

❥ My dear, the best girl on this Earth. I don’t know what is happening in your soul, I just want to say that for me getting to know you is the best thing that has happened to me lately, I am grateful to the Almighty that I met you, I can’t imagine how I would live, no knowing you. I love you.

— ☙ —

❥ I love you more than life, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, beautiful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you ... I love you!

— ☙ —

❥ My beloved and dearest in the world! You are the most beautiful in this world and I am very happy that we met! You know very well that I love you, but I want to tell you about it personally - that I love you madly and I have no doubts about my feelings, I value you very much. You are the most precious person for me in this world!

— ☙ —

❥ I never thought it was possible to think about the same person all day long. About a person with whom you always feel good and comfortable, with whom you never want to part, with whom hours fly by like minutes. About a man, looking into whose eyes you forget about everything! Sunny, I miss you so much, I miss you so much! I want us to always be together. I want to repeat to you all my life - I love you, love, love ...

— ☙ —

❥ I remember how terribly nervous I was before our meeting. I was expecting a date with an ordinary girl, but a real angel was waiting for me! When you came up to me and looked at me, my breath caught, my heart stopped, my knees buckled and my chest felt somehow unnaturally warm. I drowned in the heavenly gaze of the most beautiful eyes in the world. During our short meeting, I realized that it would not be the last. Walking next to you and talking about all sorts of nonsense, I felt my heart fill with joy, and warmth spread throughout my body. I was truly happy. I fell in love with you from the first second of meeting and will always love you, my joy.

— ☙ —

❥ Absolutely everything has changed for me since you appeared in my life! I realized that you are the best, and I no longer need anyone but you. I want to always be with you. Look into your eyes, hold your hand gently, kiss and say how much I love you. My love is getting stronger every day and it's getting harder to be without you, because my life only makes sense when you're around. You are forever in my heart.

— ☙ —

❥ I keep you very carefully in my heart ... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were there. You completely and completely filled my soul and heart with you ... and my heart can’t be without you ... I love you baby!

Beautiful declaration of love to a girl in your own words

Our beautiful love story...

We fell in love despite our difference, and from that moment on, something rare and beautiful was created.

You are all for me …

I can lose everything I have, but I can't lose you, I can't lose someone like you in my life.

I love you …

You bring me joy when I'm sad, I dream of you when I sleep, you are my guardian angel when I'm with you, you are my soul mate, you, who I love.

You can love me like I love you...

Even if everything goes wrong, I will smile at you. Just because one day you told me that you love my smile and I love you.

Your love is enough for me...

I love you with all my heart and soul and that is more than enough for me.

You are my treasure …

My love, take care of yourself, take care of yourself, you are my precious treasure, so take care of yourself like a treasure.

Beautiful girl - beautiful words!

Love letters to a girl

Letter to my girlfriend

It's hard for me to love you. Indescribable feelings, you brought into my soul. A bouquet of fantastic emotions brought your unexpected arrival into my life into my heart. Now you are not around, but I know you feel my warming love for you. To teach a person to dream again is not given to everyone. You did it. And I am again in a fairy tale, alluring into the distance and frightening with its beauty ... You are not a desire, but an opportunity to find yourself. Only with the advent of you, I was able to be reborn and understand who I am. Only you helped me become independent of my desires. My heart has learned to be patient. Endure the fire, flaring feelings and overwhelming emotions. Having passed through darkness, through the jungle of evil and the desert of suffering, I found light in my soul. Your harmony. I won't give you to anyone now and I won't let them take you away. But I'll let you go if she wants to leave... I can give my life to you, but I'm afraid that you will throw it into the sky, bottomless and too spacious for one human life. I'm afraid that she will not return to me anymore, and I will only exist, not live ... You have become an angel in my life! ..

Letter to my girlfriend

I want to thank you for being in my life. For leaving so many pleasant, beautiful memories and emotions. For giving me so much affection, warmth, care. For wonderful nights. For the minutes when I was there. For your smile For the kind words. For all the good things that happened between us.

I am sincerely sorry that I was not able to appreciate it in time ...

Only now (or rather, after the May conversation), realizing that I was losing you, I realized how dear you are to me. Only now I realized that you are exactly the person with whom I am ready to go my life path to the end. That you are exactly the one with whom I want to raise our children (recently I have been haunted by an illusion - I see you with a stomach, and next to me I kneel and lean against the baby with my cheek, gently stroking my tummy with my hands. I see this picture all the time and from this starts to ache.) That you are the one to whom I want to give my affection and warmth, whom I want to take care of. It is you and our crumbs that I want to make happy,

Letter to my girlfriend

My girl, I feel for you an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person does not live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for which I began to live and breathe.

I love you and will love you forever!

Letter to my girlfriend

We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

If you don't think so, then I won't be able to live anymore, because the heart can't only beat halfway...

Letter to my girlfriend

I love you madly, from your first glance into my eyes ...

You are the one who gave me the best feelings. I didn’t have such feelings, but I was waiting, looking for ... and now the moment has come ... you appeared!

I love you more than life!..

Sometimes it seems that my love is so great that your love is not even noticeable ... But I know that you love me! You give me joy and fill my life with meaning!

So I want to shout to the whole wide world that I LOVE YOU!!!

Letter to my girlfriend

You are the most precious person to me! I love you with all my heart and can't live without you! I am ready to share with you both grief and joy! I am ready to go even to the ends of the world, if only you were next to me!

Letter to my girlfriend

My favorite and dearest in the world!

You are the most beautiful, and I am very happy that I have you! You know that I love you, I have already told you this many times, but I want everyone to know about it. They found out that I love you madly, and I don’t doubt my feelings a bit, I value you very much! You are the most precious person for me in this world!

You suddenly appeared in my life, and this feeling so suddenly arose and grew into boundless love for you!

I really understand that without you I can no longer live, except for you I don’t need anyone and no one can replace you!

My heart forever belongs only to you. Only with you I am truly happy and only with you I want to be always! **

Letter to my girlfriend

I want to say a lot. Leave more unsaid. Something that can only be felt, something that the best writer cannot convey in words. Feel like a touch of lips, like a touch of silky skin, a feeling that pierces the soul and leaves a deep trace of sweet memories, anticipation of wonderful sensations and an anxious heartbeat. Like a whirlwind of images, into which you slowly sink, wanting to save every second, to extend it into eternity, not to expect the end of the element of feelings. Save like gold, as the most valuable gift, keep in memory the eternity that keeps you. And never betray the sacred for two in their little world of oblivion and joy.