Pink glasses for a wedding. Decorating glasses for a wedding with your own hands: interesting ideas and ways to implement them. Stained glass paints in decoration

A modern wedding takes place with the participation of numerous paraphernalia, traditional since ancient times and recently introduced into the festive celebration, but has already firmly won the love of young people and guests. Such not too ancient wedding ceremonies include the tradition of putting on the table in front of the newlyweds fancy decorated goblets go wine glasses, from which the drink seems sweeter.

Exquisite magnificent flowers, feathers, lace, stucco - all this is purchased in wedding salons before the celebration. But no less popular is the tradition of making decorations for wedding glasses with your own hands. In the modern world, such a hobby will save the necessary money, and even after the wedding, such wine glasses can become a family relic.

Wine glass decoration options

When developing a solution on how to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands, it should be remembered that in addition to the decorative attribute of a wedding, such products are vessels for champagne. Ornaments are arranged in such a way that comfortable it was necessary to hold the glass by the stem and drink without spilling liquid due to the abundance of convex elements.

Decoration with lace or openwork guipure

The color of such a delicate and elegant material is most often taken white, sometimes pastel pink or bluish shades are used. Lace is used in various widths, depending on the invented wedding design. They are fixed on the walls of the glass with a thin layer so that champagne glows in openwork intervals or they make a lush frill at the base of the leg. Each option at the wedding looks original and unique.

Giving glasses luxury with the help of painting

As a style use:

Acrylic paints are used for painting, which are not washed off with water or artistic oil paints, but it should be remembered that the latter dry for a long time (about 5 days). For those who do not have certain drawing skills, painting on glass is difficult, so you can use stencils or paste ready-made images printed from the Internet. For a correct understanding of the stages of work, you can watch the video, which presents the master class.

stucco decoration

This is not about the heavy plaster moldings that decorate the ceilings and walls in the apartment. It means light polymer clay, from which craftsmen mold the thinnest petals of roses, poppies, lilies or other favorite flowers. Such bouquets will look amazing from the outside of the glass, turned at the wedding from the newlyweds to the guests. This is a wonderful decoration for champagne vessels, if you can decorate wedding glasses with your own hands. Photos of amazing products can be viewed in the catalogs of fashionable wedding stores.

Combined jewelry options

For young spouses, it doesn’t matter what technique the wine glasses are made in, beauty and grace play the first role for them, therefore it is recommended to use a mixture of styles when decorating wine glasses for a wedding. For example, a lace fabric or delicate painting can become a background for elegant stucco work. The beauty of the petals on the walls of the glass is emphasized by ribbons of various colors, small and large beads, large and small shiny balls.

For stickers of individual elements, decorations are selected special glue otherwise, beautiful compositions may fall during the feast ceremony at the wedding table:

Master class on decorating wedding wine glasses with petals

Before finishing, you should take acetone, nail polish remover, alcohol (one of the substances) for degreasing work surface so that the decorative elements adhere well to the glass. After treatment, the surface is washed well with running water. If the above substances are not available, then use a washcloth with soap, then wipe it with a soft dry cloth until a characteristic creak appears. Then proceed to finishing:

  • they take an artificial rose with well-shaped petals and disassemble it into separate components and round off all the protruding parts below with scissors;
  • you need to transfer the flower to the glass surface from the center, that is, immediately glue 3 small petals, then gradually add more around the circumference, increasing their size towards the edges;
  • at the same time, they try to arrange the following parts so that they overlap the emerging gaps, it is recommended to wait for some time for the glue to dry;
  • in the free space left specifically for this purpose, they write the names of the bride and groom, you can come up with good or comic wishes. To apply them, they take a thin brush and write in small letters, calculating the place so that the inscription does not fit on a neighboring flower;
  • with the help of rhinestones, beads, silvery acrylic paints, they additionally decorate the walls of the glass, draw hearts, curls, stars, etc .;
  • if everything prepared to create a design development is already on the walls of the glass, then we can assume that the vessel is ready for a solemn event.

For novice designers, it should be recalled that sometimes a concise product looks much more elegant than a stuck-on set of incongruous elements. To give an already slender glass, it is enough to add an element of design development, and the glass will shine with a festive look.

Decoration of wedding glasses with ribbons and polymer products

Lovely ribbons, neat bows remind of youth, bring an element of celebration to a significant day for the young. If the wedding is in the spirit minimalism, then to decorate a glass, it is enough to tie a red or silver ribbon on the stem of the glass; all guests will surely look at such a modest decor. Finishing steps:

  • the first stage, by analogy with the previous composition, requires degreasing the surface before work;
  • pieces of the same width are cut from a polymer strip of a circular cross section, and the resulting circles are cut several times into identical parts, forming neat small bows;
  • flowers are collected on paper, a ball of polymer material is laid as a base, about one and a half millimeters thick, if the clay sticks to hands, then it is rolled in pastel crumbs;
  • petals are made from a standard ball, which is rolled into a thin cake, bent and applied to the base on paper;
  • take a pin and roll out the surface of the petal from the center to the edge (a pin is needed with a round head);
  • after the flower head is completely formed with a toothpick, it is left aside and several unopened buds are made of clay, a ball is rolled up, then a drop is formed and the bud petals are cut on top with scissors for manicure;
  • ready-made decorative elements are baked in the oven for 15 minutes, the temperature is chosen at around 110º, left to cool by opening the door;
  • cooled flowers using super glue are attached to the walls of the glass, taking into account a uniform and beautiful composition;
  • cooled and glued flowers are decorated with pastel colors, using pink, soft purple and blue shades;
  • on the surface, as an addition, halves of beads are glued to fill empty spaces in the design version;
  • from the ribbons of the color you like, a neat bow of medium size is formed and attached to the stem of the wine glass to complete the composition.

Master class "Wedding glasses with your own hands"

To choose their own, non-trivial option for decorating wine glasses on the wedding table, newlyweds can look through a lot of photos and choose the option they like or come up with a completely new one. In addition to ribbons, satin, lace, tulle of different colors and widths are used. Rhinestones on glass or satin look very effective.

How to decorate glasses with rhinestones?

Sometimes the bride and groom take glasses with iridescent rhinestones to their solemn attire. Ribbons, lace, voluminous flowers made of polymer material or artificial petals do not attract them, so a master class on how to make such a decoration will follow:

How to decorate wedding glasses with natural or artificial feathers?

To make an original decoration and take care of a festive look, choose feathers for design about decorating glasses on the wedding table:

Decorating glasses with your own hands is very an exciting activity. If you like the work, then in the future you can help your friends do it already as an experienced designer.

A wedding is an important event in the life of every person. As a rule, people prepare for this holiday for a long time and thoroughly. It is on this significant day that the life of a new family begins. One of the most important accessories that are used throughout the celebration and attract the attention of the audience is considered to be the glasses of the newlyweds. What's more, they last a lifetime. Therefore, any married couple wants this thing to be unique. So, how to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands?

Preparing for a wedding is a very important process, every little thing is important here.

The most important accessory at the wedding are the glasses of the newlyweds.

It is very important that the glasses are beautiful and unique.

As you know, after the main procedure of marriage - the painting of the newlyweds, the newly-made husband and wife beat their wine glasses with a ring. And then, on the festivities themselves, they drink from special ones - beautiful ones. It has long been believed that the more fragments there are, the happier and richer family life will be. Of course, there is a whole list of wedding traditions, customs, signs. But the decor of wedding glasses with their own hands is a trend of modern times. So far, no one can say for sure where this “fashion” came from. But the fact remains: more and more couples prefer to drink champagne from handmade glasses at a banquet.

A similar creation can be ordered from the master. Many handmakers offer such services. And you can do everything with your own hands.

There are many ways to decorate sparkling drink dishes. It all depends on the imagination and skill of the needlewoman. In addition, such work will allow the future wife to show what a craftswoman she is, to show her creative potential.

It does not really matter what shape the glasses will be chosen for. Technique does not depend on this. Although more often newlyweds prefer a romantic drink - champagne.

For help in the design of glasses, you can contact the master

You can beautifully decorate wedding glasses yourself

We prepare materials and tools

To decorate wedding glasses, you will have to prepare certain tools and materials. Their set largely depends on the chosen design idea.

Don't be afraid. The decor of wedding glasses is interesting and exciting. There are many ways that are available to people who have nothing to do with creativity.

When choosing a technique, you should not grab onto the most complex and painstaking, especially if you have not heard of it before. First you need to watch the master classes, study the necessary information. It is important to make sure that all accessories are available to the novice master. It is recommended to make sure that the wine glasses fit into the overall design of the hall, fit the style of the newlyweds. Someone decorates only the glasses of the bride and groom, and someone - for all guests. This is a matter of taste, desire, time and material possibilities.

Standard materials and tools that may be required include:

  • acrylic or stained glass paints;
  • glitter in jars or any sparkles;
  • tapes;
  • lace;
  • original ribbons;
  • various beads, beads, rhinestones;
  • dried flowers or artificial flowers;
  • glue gun;
  • PVA glue.

To begin with, it is worth deciding what material the glasses will be decorated with.

Decorating glasses is a very interesting and exciting process.

You can decorate glasses beautifully without special knowledge in this matter.

Decorating Techniques

You can find out in more detail what is required for creative work by studying the features of the technique you are interested in. Many of them are listed in the table.




One of the most affordable ways to decorate. Its difficulties come down only to the drawing skills of the master. You can depict floral, floral ornaments, images of wedding themes (rings, doves, silhouettes of newlyweds), inscriptions on the surface.

Acrylic paints (they are considered the most durable, do not wash off), any glitters, non-erasable markers for drawing on glass.

Stained glass paints will allow you to create unique glasses. Glass can be easily painted in different colors, and thematic elements can be drawn on top. If necessary, special stencils can be used.

Stained glass paints, acrylic for painting, brushes, stencils.

Glitter decoration

It will be much easier to decorate wine glasses with loose sparkles. They are sold both in cosmetic stores and in stationery. To decorate the glasses, it is enough to coat the desired areas with glue and cover with sparkles. After drying, the excess can be shaken off.

Glue stick, glitter, brushes.

Such works look expensive and original. The most affordable option may be to tie a bow at the base. Ribbons can also make roses, flowers, which are securely attached to the glue gun. The decor can be supplemented with beads, rhinestones, lace.

Ribbons, scissors, glue gun, additional decor if necessary.

This option will add tenderness and romance to the inventory. It is really possible to make original skirts for the legs of a glass from lace ribbons. Glasses in lace mesh will look stylish. The process is quite simple. To begin with, the material of the desired size is cut off with a margin of a couple of centimeters. The lace is smeared with PVA glue and attached to the glass. After a few minutes, excess glue is removed with warm water. Additional decorations can be attached with a glue gun.

Lace, PVA glue, scissors, warm water, glue gun, additional decor.

Glasses decorated with gold or silver ribbon look minimalistic and stylish. You can simply gently wrap the glass in a spiral. Wine glasses will look very elegant. Or a shiny lace can be tightly wound around the leg.

Glue, tape.

All small accessories such as beads, beads, rhinestones are actively used to decorate glasses for the celebration. With their help, it is really possible to create any ornament. Drawing can be limited only by the imagination of the master. For fastening, it is recommended to use silicone glue or a glue gun.

Beads or any small accessories, silicone or glue gun.

flower petals

Fresh flower petals, of course, will not work, as they are very short-lived. But artificial ones are a great option. It is enough to glue the petals in the desired composition on the fat-free surface of the glass in any convenient way. You can glue them in several layers. With a transparent contour, you can then apply a pattern that imitates dew.

Petals, glue, additional decor, silicone or transparent outline.

Natural flowers

Glasses with natural flowers will look fresh and original. It is better if they are combined with the bride's bouquet. But it is worth noting that the work will be long and painstaking. In addition, you will have to decorate the dishes immediately before the wedding celebration.

Fresh flowers, cotton wool, water, floral tape, plant glue.

Whatever technique is chosen, the activity will require accuracy in completing all the details. A very responsible approach is required to the choice of materials and especially glue. It must be of high quality and invisible on the product.

There are several techniques for decorating glasses

Choose quality materials for decoration

Useful master classes

To better understand this or that technique, you should study master classes from professionals.

Original glasses in the style of "Bride and Groom"

This type of design has become more and more common in recent years. Styling glasses under the image of the bride and groom is relevant and stylish. In addition, the design is considered quite simple in execution. The following materials will be required for work:

  • glue gun and rods;
  • satin ribbons in black and white;
  • artificial flowers for decoration;
  • lace;
  • tulle;
  • beads and rhinestones;
  • scissors.

Masters advise starting work with a glass for the bride, as it is much more difficult. The skirt is usually made of lace. The waist can be emphasized with white beads or rhinestones. And on the top of the glass, tulle is placed, which creates a semblance of a veil. All decorative elements are fixed with a glue gun.

When making a glass for the groom, they also start with black lace, which imitates a tailcoat, and white - a shirt. The tie is made from a black satin ribbon.

You can decorate the glasses beautifully on your own, for this it is enough to watch the master classes of professionals

Currently, the design of glasses in the style of the Bride and Groom has become very popular.

It is advised to start the design with a glass of the bride

Decoration with fresh flowers

Fresh flowers are the most difficult material for decorating. Delicate flowers require special patience. So, we will analyze in detail each stage of the work.

  1. Each flower is cut shorter and lowered into the water for several hours. It should be well hydrated. The larger the flower, the shorter the stem should be.
  2. A specialized teip tape is attached to the glass. It can be found in flower shops.
  3. Each flower comes from the water. A fleece, richly moistened with water, is applied to the place of the cut and fixed with a floristic wire.
  4. The wrapped ends of the flowers are hidden behind the ribbon on the glass.
  5. To hide sloppy elements and bulges, beads, rhinestones, beads, satin ribbons are used.

After finishing work, the products are sprayed with water and stored in a bag in the refrigerator. So the glasses will keep a fresh look until the celebration.

Flowers are the most difficult material to decorate.

Glasses with flowers will look beautiful and modern

Stained glass paints in decoration

Masters use several methods to decorate wedding glasses with stained glass paints. For the first, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • contour stickers;
  • stained glass paints;
  • thin brush;
  • satin ribbon;
  • glue gun.

The contours for stained glass are separated from the base and attached to the glasses. The glass surface must first be degreased. The void between the contours is neatly, evenly, painted over with paints. After drying, a ribbon is tied at the transition of the glass to the leg or a small flower is glued.

The next method will appeal to lovers of drawing. To implement it, you will need a stencil, adhesive tape and the same materials as in the previous version.

A stencil, bought at a store or drawn by yourself, is fixed with tape in the inside of the glass. And outside, all the contours are well drawn with contour stained glass paint. He needs to be allowed to dry for a few hours.

After that, you can remove the stencil and follow the steps described above. If the master is confident in his talent, then you can draw immediately without stencils, relying only on your imagination.

The drying process can be accelerated with an ordinary hair dryer.

When using paint for decoration, you need to be careful

Paint drying can be speeded up with a hair dryer.

The stem of the glass can be tied with a ribbon

Using ribbons and polymer clay

If you have free time, a desire to do small painstaking work, then decorating wedding glasses with ribbons and polymer clay moldings will be an excellent option. For such work, you will need to prepare:

  1. glass goblets;
  2. set of polymer clay;
  3. special contour for glass. it is better to choose white and lilac colors;
  4. glue moment;
  5. beads of different sizes.
  6. thin satin ribbons 1.7 m long in white and pale purple;
  7. pastel in the same shades;
  8. degreaser (you can use alcohol).

Before starting decorative work, the glasses should be washed well and the surface degreased. It should be said right away that this cannot be done with vodka, since it contains oils in its composition.

Ribbons are perfect for decorating wedding glasses.

Before starting work, the glass should be thoroughly washed and degreased.

Now you can start creating flowers from polymer clay:

a stick of clay is cut into pieces, each of which is divided into small slices - these will be petals;

  • make a small ball of clay;
  • roll the slices into balls and flatten, the resulting petals are attached to the ball;
  • the pastel is rubbed into crumbs;
  • in the course of activity, so that the products do not stick to the fingers, they are dipped in pastel;
  • ready-made flowers are baked in the oven for fifteen minutes at a temperature of 100-110 degrees (it is better to look at the recommendations on the package);
  • flowers are attached with glue to the legs of the glasses;
  • pastel is rubbed into the surface of flowers, details are drawn with contours;
  • the necessary elements are drawn on the glass with a contour;
  • additional decor in the form of beads is glued.

After all these steps, wedding glasses can be considered ready.

Glasses with red ribbons will look sophisticated and beautiful.

Additionally, the glass can be decorated with beads

The stem of the glass can be decorated with small flowers

Of course, creating important attributes for a wedding is very exciting. But in the process of decorating, a lot of pitfalls can emerge that can ruin all the work. For this reason, you should read some tips from professionals in this matter.

  1. In order for the result to look neat, no pieces and threads of dried glue can be seen, it is better to choose a special glue for glass and ceramics. It differs in that it hardens in a matter of seconds, has an absolutely transparent color. Silicone can be an excellent analogue of such a material.
  2. Many crafters prefer to use cyanoacrylate glue to attach the decor. Especially quickly it fixes beads, rhinestones and other small elements. Its main advantage is that it is not afraid of moisture. You can find it in any store with goods for construction.
  3. PVA is often mentioned in master classes. It is well suited for decoupage, decorating with textile materials. It also leaves almost no marks. If inaccuracies still appear, then they can be eliminated with alcohol or warm water.
  4. Before you start decorating wedding glasses, you should try out the chosen technique on any unnecessary dishes.
  5. Glasses should always be well washed and dried before work. Any residue of dirt, fingerprints can lead to the fact that the decor will simply fall off at the most inopportune moment.
  6. After completion of the work, the glass can be coated with colorless paint or varnish for glass surfaces. So all the shortcomings in the work will be hidden and the decorations will be more firmly fixed.
  7. Glass decorations can be purchased much cheaper at stationery or sewing stores.
  8. In order not to spend money on unnecessary materials, it is recommended to clearly define the technique in advance, think over each step and write a list of everything you need.

In order for the glass to be beautiful in the end, choose glue for glass and ceramics

Before you start decorating, the glasses should be thoroughly washed and dried.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a couple in love. To leave as many pleasant memories as possible from this event, you should not deprive the decor and decoration of the holiday. Glasses are what will be in the hands of the heroes of the occasion throughout the day. Therefore wine glasses should be exclusive. And it's better to make them yourself.

All guests will like such handmade products and will be stored in the family home for a long time. The main thing is to choose the most suitable and affordable way to decorate. If you have time, you can decorate glasses for guests. It is important to consider that glassware for sparkling drinks should not stand out from the overall composition.

Video: Master class on decorating wedding glasses

There are no trifles in preparing for a wedding. Everything matters: the cafe where the celebration will take place, the program of the celebration, the bride's dress, and the decoration of the wedding table. There are so many things to think about that it just makes your head spin with worries. And the financial side can even make even the calmest newlyweds worry. Initial calculations have to be adjusted many times, and the final amount is much more impressive in size.

But in this bustle, you can sometimes allow yourself to relax a little, think about the pleasant side of the event: after all, now two loving hearts will be together! It’s good if some thing is preserved from the day of the wedding, some kind of souvenir that will remind the husband and wife on the day of the celebration of the “golden” wedding about the first joint holiday - a real wedding. Such a symbol of the union of two lovers can be glasses for newlyweds, decorated with a future wife. And let many give the design of wedding glasses "at the mercy" of professionals, you will have an exclusive pair made by yourself. You won't find this in any store!

What you need

Having taken up the decoration of glasses on your own, you can calm down and dream in the process of making a unique little thing. By doing so, you will reduce your wedding expenses a little. It seems that such a pair of glasses is a trifle! But by saving a little here and there, you can eventually set aside a substantial amount for your honeymoon trip.

So, how to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands? Will a girl who was not fond of any kind of needlework before, and held paints and ribbons in her hands for the last time in the lower grades of school, cope with this? Definitely will do it! You may have to start with a trial lesson and decorate some old glass that has been at home for a long time. Or you can buy one or two inexpensive ones and try to bring your ideas to life on them. After the novice needlewoman feels more confident, she can start decorating the festive glasses.

What will be needed for work? In addition to the glasses themselves (it is better to choose the simplest ones, made of thin glass, on a long elegant stem), you will need:

  • flowers (artificial or live - however, in the latter case, your products will please the eye with beauty for a short time);
  • satin ribbons of different colors, lengths and widths (except for very wide ones);
  • intricate light braid or lace;
  • glass paint;
  • good glue;
  • different beads and rhinestones (preferably flat - it will be convenient to glue them).

Ways to decorate glasses

Before you start decorating glasses, create a comfortable workplace for yourself: free the table, lay out all the required materials.

Note! Glasses decorated with ribbons and lace in white, pink, gold or silver shades look the most advantageous.

Try this way:

  1. Take the tape, wrap it around the glass (as tightly as possible) and secure with glue.
  2. On top of the first layer, apply a second one - for example, from a ribbon of the same color, but of a different shade.
  3. Then apply the third layer. It is desirable that all tapes be of different widths.
  4. To make the composition look complete, attach on one side - closer to the leg - a large elegant bow.
  5. Complete the bow with a sparkling drop of a pair of small rhinestones.

Experienced craftswomen, whose skill level allows them to already conduct their master class, give the glass even greater solemnity and beauty, wrapping the leg with a thin satin ribbon. Looks very cute! And if you “dress up” the lower part of the leg in a skirt made of ribbons, you get even a slightly flirtatious option.

You can try experimenting with lace. A translucent canvas with intricate patterns already looks great in itself, and as a wedding decoration it will be simply indispensable: it is in perfect harmony with fragile glass and with the airy dress of the bride.

Note! Lace is better to take wide - so it looks more luxurious.

With ribbons and lace, you can create real masterpieces that will delight all guests of the holiday. Don't forget the rhinestones.

Note! Only with the design of rhinestones you need to observe the measure: too much will create the impression of pretentiousness and will look clumsy.

A few small "glitters", on the contrary, are able to add sophistication, make a strict product more elegant. Thanks to rhinestones, glasses will take on an expensive look.

Those who know how to draw are lucky: they can dream up plenty, inventing wedding patterns, which are then carefully applied with paints on glass. These can be: monograms, the first letters of the names of the bride and groom, woven together, beautiful roses and even portraits of the newlyweds with a commemorative inscription. You can use stencils and display two gold rings in contact with each other, or a pair of hearts on the glasses. If it seems to you that your idea is not good enough, and you want something more interesting, look at the photos of finished products - they are presented on the Internet in a large assortment.

The finished product should look neat, as if it was purchased in a store - but this is where the similarity with store copies ends.

Note! Do not forget: you are working with light materials, with transparent glass. Hands must be perfectly clean!

While creating a masterpiece, put wet wipes and rags somewhere closer.

About the nuances and practical benefits of a hobby

There is one more thing to consider when decorating glasses.

Note! It is necessary that they go well with the overall table setting.

By the way, you can decorate them in the same style with a bottle of champagne. In addition, since glasses will definitely be used during a wedding photo shoot, they need to be made to resonate in style with the outfits of the young - especially the bride. They can also become "full participants" of the wedding video, so that the newlyweds and guests will remain in the memory for a long time.

If the first design experience turns out to be successful, then, perhaps, along with the entry into a new life, you will also acquire an unusual hobby. Friends and acquaintances will be able to contact you with requests to help in the design of the wedding table. Over time, you may be able to open your own business, which will be very useful when you go on maternity leave and start raising your first child.

In any case, decorating glasses for a wedding, you will get a lot of positive emotions. Your works of art will take pride of place in your new home. Every year on your wedding day, you and your spouse will be able to treat yourself to wine from your favorite glasses, remembering the wedding celebration and making plans for the future. And, even when celebrating the “golden” wedding, you will drink champagne from those same glasses to the cries of “Bitter!” your children and grandchildren. Everything changes, but there are things that pass with us all our lives - from carefree youth to wise years whitened with gray hair.



A wedding is one of the most beautiful, special moments in the life of two people. To fully reflect the uniqueness of the couple, a luxurious dress and bouquet of the bride, an elegant suit of the groom are not enough. There are a thousand other things to take care of. Master class: do-it-yourself wedding glasses will help you express your individuality by decorating these irreplaceable attributes of the celebration.

Decoration of wedding glasses with lace

Graceful lace will help to quickly and easily give the glasses a festive look. Here are two step-by-step ways to implement this idea with your own hands.

For the first option you will need:

  • lace, ribbon
  • glue gun or clear cyanoacrylate-based super glue (it's waterproof and sticks well)

Note: before applying glue to the surface of glass or crystal, they must be wiped with a napkin with alcohol.

For attaching beads, rhinestones, crystals, ribbons to glass, silicone glue, glue for ceramics, glue-moment gel, ordinary PVA are also suitable.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. To decorate the top of the glass with your own hands, wrap lace around it, measure the desired length, taking an additional few millimeters to spare.
  2. Glue the lace carefully. Try not to see the glue.
  3. To decorate the stem of the glass, gather the fabric with a needle, as in the photo below. Tighten the thread on the glass.
  4. Carefully tie the ribbon around the leg.

For the second option you will need:

  • lace
  • satin ribbon in purple or other bright color
  • beads, rhinestones

How to do:

  1. Glue a satin ribbon to the top of the leg.
  2. Wrap the stem of the glass with a spiral, gluing each turn.
  3. Cut off a piece of lace. It should be wider than the base of the glass.
  4. Glue it while picking it up. Glue the ends.
  5. Use glue to attach the bow to the base of the leg.
  6. Add rhinestones to the lace and a bead to the bow.

Helpful advice: when gluing small parts, apply glue with a needle or toothpick.


There are many options for decorating a glass with ribbons. Try to make one of them yourself. For example, attach an elegant bow to the leg or wrap the ribbon around it in a neat spiral (as in the last photo tutorial).

Flowers from satin ribbons will look interesting. To do it yourself, understand the technique for completing the task by studying a simple video tutorial.


Beautiful artificial flowers, collected in a fantasy composition, are perfect for decorating a wine glass. It's easy to do it yourself. Just tightly fasten them together, glue to the glass. The absolute identity of the glasses is not the main thing, but their elements must be in harmony with each other.

Natural flowers- difficult material for creativity. The laborious process of preparing them requires patience, but the result will justify the effort. To better understand, use this master class: do-it-yourself wedding glasses for preparing and attaching fresh flowers:

  1. Cut each selected flower short, dip it in water, hold it there for several hours. Plants must absorb enough moisture.
  2. Stems of such large flowers as roses, lilies, shorten as much as possible.
  3. Attach a special teip tape to the glass, apply cotton wool soaked in water to the place where the stem is cut, wrap it with thin wire and place it under the tape. This process is called taping.
  4. Using pebbles, beads, nets, hide sloppy areas of work and wait for the glue to harden.
  5. Spray the flowers, hide the finished glasses under the bag, refrigerate until the celebration so that the plants retain their shape and beauty.

Note: fresh flowers must be the same as those used in the bride's bouquet and groom's boutonniere.

Flowers for decoration can not only be bought or cut, but also made independently. A small master class of do-it-yourself wedding glasses using polymer clay (cold porcelain) flowers, see the video guide:

Some types of polymer clay require heat treatment. So that the clay does not lose color in the oven, boil it in water for about 5 minutes. White plaque formed during cooking is well removed with sunflower oil.

How to decorate wedding glasses with petals (PHOTO)

To give glasses a festive look, we offer another simple master class: do-it-yourself wedding glasses decorated with artificial flower petals.

Photo instruction: Gently glue the petals around the base of the glass. Fasten a satin ribbon under them.

If desired, add a variety of decorations to the petals - beads, pearls, rhinestones, beads.


Airy and light, feathers will be a great addition to any created composition. They come in all colors of the rainbow, so every needlewoman will find the right ones for her creation. Emphasize feathers or use them to give tenderness to the composition.

Here are some ideas for creating exclusive DIY jewelry:

stained glass paints

There are several simple ways to decorate a wine glass with your own hands using stained glass paints.

For the first method you will need:

  • contour stickers-stencils for wedding glasses
  • stained glass paints
  • tassel
  • silk ribbon

How to do:

  1. Separate the contour stickers from the base (do not forget to wipe the surface of the wine glass).
  2. Glue them to the glasses.
  3. Carefully paint over empty areas with stained glass paints.
  4. The finishing touch for a festive look is a silk ribbon at the top of the wine glass stem.

The second method is suitable for those needlewomen who know how to draw well.

Required tools:

  • stencil
  • scotch
  • tassel

How to do:

  1. Come up with a stencil or use a ready-made one (stencils are easy to find on the Internet), stick it with tape on the inside of the wine glass.
  2. Carefully outline the contours first, then paint over the empty areas.
  3. To avoid smearing, wait for the paint to dry before removing the drawing.
  4. If you are confident in your abilities, draw, relying only on your imagination. The main thing is that creativity reflects your unique vision and concept of celebration.


  • Use a hair dryer to speed up the drying of paints.
  • To give a matte glass or part of it, spray white acrylic paint with a regular brush.
  • Use gold, silver, or white paint to decorate the rim of the glass.


Rhinestones are often used to decorate the attributes of a wedding celebration. With their help, you can easily give the glasses a festive look with your own hands. Small elements are suitable - they will shine better, shimmering in the light. Lay out the figures of rings, hearts, patterns with rhinestones, make inscriptions. The leg of the glass decorated with rhinestones will look elegant, see the photo below:


Beads, beads - a universal tool for giving wine glasses a rich look and solemnity. As a rule, they are not the main element of decor, but are attached to petals, flowers, lace to complement the image. It will look good beads, divided in two and glued to the glass, laid out in the form of a specific pattern or arranged in random order.

Engraving of wedding glasses

The engraving on the glasses looks elegant and no frills. At home, the classic version of engraving is difficult to implement, but it is easy to do with the help of decoupage. Video master class: do-it-yourself wedding glasses will help you realize this.

Glasses that you decorate yourself are the best gift for you and your soulmate. Their decoration is a good way to show imagination, emphasize the uniqueness of your couple, add even more beauty to the celebration.

If you have other interesting and unusual ideas for decorating wedding glasses with your own hands, share them in the comments.

A wedding is a holiday that cannot do without special paraphernalia. It includes invitation cards, bonbonnieres, chests for money, pillows for rings and much more. An important detail of the solemn event is the glasses from which the newlyweds will drink champagne after the marriage is registered. Future spouses can show their imagination by designing wedding glasses with their own hands, and detailed master classes with photos will help them with this. The decor of the glasses will not only save you some money, but also make the original tableware a real family heirloom.

Decoration of wine glasses with rose petals

As a rule, wedding glasses are decorated in accordance with the style or theme of the celebration. For a beautiful romantic wedding, future spouses can make glasses decorated with rose petals. This plant symbolizes the love between the bride and groom, and the shade of the chosen flower will tell about the true feelings of the newlyweds. Choosing a red rose, the heroes of the wedding celebration allude to the passionate nature of their relationship, white - to the purity, innocence of marriage, pink petals speak of tenderness, respect, trust in each other.

Necessary materials

  • Glasses (it is better to decorate three or four, if suddenly the main glasses break).
  • Two high-quality artificial roses of a suitable color (with neat petals).
  • Glue (instant for ceramics, silicone or superglue).
  • Mother-of-pearl beads.
  • Scissors.
  • A4 paper.
  • Thin brush.
  • Pencil.
  • Alcohol or acetone.
  • Stained glass paints of suitable shades (one is light, the other is contrasting).



There are many options for decorating wedding glasses with petals - the color of plants, the type of flower used, and elements of additional decor vary. Both laconic glasses, decorated exclusively with petals and an elegant ribbon on the stem, and solemn attributes, generously decorated with rhinestones, beads, lace, inscriptions or stones, look great.

Decoration of wedding glasses with ribbons

Wedding glasses decorated with ribbons look cute and gentle. This decorative element is able to add a festive touch to any wine glass - sometimes it is enough to tie a ribbon on the top of the leg to turn ordinary tableware into a real wedding attribute. Below we will consider the option of self-designing a wedding attribute using polymer clay and elegant satin ribbons. Such wine glasses will be a wonderful decoration of a wedding celebration; everyone present will surely pay attention to their unique decor.

Necessary materials

  • Glasses.
  • One stick of white polymer clay (color can be chosen as desired).
  • White glass outline.
  • The contour on the glass is lilac.
  • Dry pastel (white, lilac).
  • Large beads.
  • Small beads.
  • Superglue gel.
  • Thin satin ribbons of snow-white and lilac shades.
  • Alcohol or acetone.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Nail scissors.
  • Paper.
  • Ball head pin.
  • Nail file.
  • Tassel.



Looking through a variety of ideas for creating wedding glasses with ribbons, it will be easier for newlyweds to come up with and implement their own version. Ribbons on the thin stem of a champagne glass look elegant, emphasize its elegance, and decorations with ribbons and lace on the bowl look festive. Satin, silk, tulle fabrics of different widths can be used.

Decoration of wine glasses with rhinestones

If the heroes of the occasion are not lovers of lace ribbons, polymer clay or rose petals, a great option for decorating a wedding glass is rhinestone decor. Shining stones will look chic, this decoration is perfect for an opulent formal wedding. Rhinestones can be inexpensive or from Swarovski, but in any case, they will help create a truly original decoration for a wedding attribute.

Necessary materials

  • Glasses.
  • Glue backed rhinestones that you like in color.
  • Big bead.
  • 50 cm satin ribbon matching color.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue gun.
  • Matches.
  • Alcohol or acetone.



A popular option for decorating a wedding glass with rhinestones is the initials of the heroes of the occasion, lined with beautiful shining stones. This design looks concise, but gives a truly festive look to such wedding attributes. Wedding glasses look great, where rhinestones completely cover the glass leg - this decor will definitely not go unnoticed. Newlyweds may also like the decoration option, which implies an arbitrary arrangement of shiny pebbles - it looks elegant and unusual.

Ideas for decorating wedding glasses with your own hands

When choosing decor for wedding glasses, future spouses are usually guided by their personal preferences and the theme of the upcoming event. If the heroes of the occasion arrange a wedding in a certain style, the glasses must necessarily reflect it. For example, in addition to the classic decor elements, they can use more interesting options - twigs, dry leaves, shells, chains, feathers. The painting of wine glasses can also be unusual, which will emphasize the originality of a young couple.

Rhinestones or beads

To create a beautiful decoration of a wedding attribute using rhinestones or beads, the heroes of the occasion will have to do painstaking work - imperfections in the design of a wedding glass with small details will immediately be noticeable. The pattern created with the help of these decorative elements can be minimalistic or vice versa - rich, artsy, the newlyweds need to proceed from their own tastes.

openwork lace

Lace is a delicate, airy material that seems to be created for a wedding. If the hero of the occasion marries in a lace dress, then wine glasses decorated with this material will favorably emphasize her romantic, touching outfit. The leg of the glass, the base of the bowl or its middle can be decorated with elegant fabric - each option looks interesting in its own way.

decorative painting

Painting glasses is one of the most popular ways to decorate a wedding attribute, because drawings allow you to realize any desires of the newlyweds, create incredible images. Based on their imagination, future spouses can come up with a unique design: draw graceful birds, frosty patterns or cute butterflies. A wedding glass can only be decorated with painting or additional decor - ribbons, lace, rhinestones, beads, engraving.

Video: Do-it-yourself painting wine glasses for a wedding

Painting wedding glasses on your own can be difficult for those who do not have experience in the artistic field. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on stencils in advance - you can draw them by turning on your imagination, or find suitable drawings on the Internet. A beautiful painting of glasses will become a bright decoration of the celebration, will allow the newlyweds to realize all their wishes, and the presented video will help to understand the intricacies of applying drawings with paints on glass. Needlewoman Anna Koshkina reveals the secrets of beautiful wine glass painting using a hand-made stencil: