Examples of wording in the summary of the reasons for dismissal from the previous job. What to say at an interview about the reasons for self-leaving work and dismissal: what to name the reason and what to say when answering a question

Even if you do not indicate in your resume the reasons for dismissal from the previous place, then this may be asked at the interview. Therefore, the answer to this question must be thought out in advance. You can also see an example: the reasons for leaving a job for a resume may be suitable for several positions at once.

Possible options

Speaking about the reasons for dismissal, it is desirable to be extremely frank. After all, the future employer may think that you were simply asked to leave "in an amicable way." Some of the most common formulations that applicants indicate are the following:

  • due to circumstances;
  • did not agree with the leadership;
  • low wages;
  • due to downsizing;
  • problems in the team.

But such descriptions make it impossible for the recruiter to understand why this person decided to quit. Therefore, the reason for dismissal in the resume should be more specific:

  • there is no opportunity for career growth in the company due to the specifics of production;
  • I want to study new areas of activity, there are no opportunities for professional growth at the old place of work;
  • my ideas to increase labor productivity did not find a response, further work began to take place in conditions of misunderstanding;
  • mass layoffs, closure of the department in which he worked, complete liquidation of the enterprise, reduction in position due to a change in the specifics of the company's work;
  • despite the pleasant general atmosphere, the work did not live up to my expectations, although it was interesting.

But keep in mind, if you quit with a scandal, then the future employer can find out by making just 1 call. Therefore, you should not take any example from the proposed options, it is better to wait for the interview and try to explain everything orally.

Change of activity

Sometimes applicants want to radically change the scope of their work or change the specifics. In this case, it is better to formulate the reasons for dismissal as follows.

  • I want to change direction. The company I currently work for is purely a trade company, and I would like to try to apply my knowledge in production.
  • Change in the type of work, team, direction of the company. Engaging in the same business for 10 years, even with a gradual expansion of responsibilities, leads to the automatic fulfillment of the assigned functions. Because of this, there are no prospects for professional and personal development.
  • Professional and career growth. At the current place of employment, there is no prospect of changing the direction of activity and career opportunities.
  • Expansion of professional responsibilities. I want to apply my experience, skills and knowledge not as a narrow specialist, but as a generalist.

Perhaps the recruiter will want to clarify and ask you to tell, for example, what professional duties you have grown beyond.

Forbidden moves

There are a number of reasons that are best left out of your resume. Of course, when talking at an interview, you will have to remember this. But in a conversation you will always have the opportunity to say that you understood your mistakes and drew conclusions.

The following should not be listed as reasons for dismissal:

  • did not agree in character with colleagues;
  • did not meet the requirements of the management;
  • unable to work with unpleasant people;
  • the company requires regular refresher courses;
  • uncomfortable working conditions, irregular working hours;
  • lack of opportunities for wage growth;
  • I have not worked in the same company for more than 3 years;
  • the company hides from taxes and pays wages “in envelopes”;
  • dismissal due to the end of the probationary period;
  • I was laid off, although I am a good specialist;
  • The crisis in the country was the reason for my dismissal.

Of course, these are likely to be the real reasons for your departure. But the employer will see at the same time a conflicting person who cannot take root in the team, does not deserve a salary increase, is too picky and can give out trade secrets.

Basic Rules

Before you figure out what to write in a resume about the reasons for dismissal, think about whether this is necessary in your case. As a rule, this question is asked at the interview, where you can talk in detail about what made you look for a new job.

If you change jobs every year, the recruiter may consider you a “flyer” and not even invite you for an interview.

In this case, you can specify:

  • I have diverse experience in many areas, which allows me to quickly adapt and delve into the specifics of the work;
  • the Angelica company was liquidated;
  • the commercial department of the company "Aura" was closed due to the reorganization of production.

In some cases, many entries in the labor record appear not because of the employee’s restlessness, but because of changes in the company’s form of ownership. In this case, you can not indicate the reasons for dismissal, but in the work experience column, do this:

Leading Manager, PKF Glad

Reasons for leaving a previous job: what to say at an interview and write in a resume

Dismissal: what reason to indicate?

It is rare to meet a person who has worked all his life at one place of work, without changing anything in his life until retirement. Much more often there are people who often and regularly change their occupation or organization. At the same time, the reason for dismissal from a previous job can say a lot about a person and his attitude to life. This question is often asked at interviews and is often mentioned in resumes.

It is believed that by answering the question about the reasons for dismissal, one can add up not only a psychological portrait of a person, but also understand whether he can work in the next company. To some extent, this point of view is true, but there are situations that the employee can neither foresee nor prevent.

The main reasons for changing jobs

Reasons for changing jobs

The most common objective reason for dismissal from a previous job is low wages. In the conditions of constant competition, firms and organizations are trying to hire good qualified specialists, so they can lure a high salary. And man is a creature that is always looking for where it will be better for him.

But there is one caveat. If an employee quits due to low pay. he must move to another place of work. Even with little money. going "to nowhere" is stupid and unreasonable.

Another common option for making a decision to dismiss is the lack of opportunities for further growth, both professional and career. Young professionals who are ready to adapt to changing business and production conditions want to know more, do more and grow in their profession. If the organization does not have such an opportunity, an ambitious and purposeful employee has the right to look for a better job with prospects.

Other top reasons for leaving include:

  • Misunderstandings with the leader or team. The human factor often affects even business relationships, so it becomes uncomfortable for individual employees to work in this atmosphere. But here the actual question is whose fault the misunderstanding occurred.
  • Moving to another area of ​​the city or beyond. A change of residence is often accompanied by a change of job. especially if the current company cannot offer options to compensate for such an inconvenience: paying for transport, changing work schedules, increasing salaries.
  • Changes in the nature of work. For example, adding new responsibilities without increasing pay or changing schedules. In modern conditions, the absence of change is impossible, but it must always be accompanied by additional circumstances and actions. And when this does not happen, a person may begin to look for other uses for his skills and abilities.
  • Reducing the workplace. This reason does not depend on the employee, and even often does not depend on the employer himself. But if the organization is downsizing. even valuable and significant employees can be without work.

There are also many other reasons why a person leaves a previous job and looks for another, but they are less common.

A special group are the reasons when the dismissal occurs at the initiative of the management: incompetence, violation of discipline, offenses committed in the course of activity. If an appropriate entry is made in the employee's work book, it will be more difficult to find a good job later.

Thus, the reasons for dismissal from a previous job can be completely different, and they should be told during further interviews, but how exactly to submit information is a serious issue. To communicate with an HR specialist in a potential company, you need to prepare.

How to answer interview questions about a previous layoff

Employees of the personnel department of the company where a person has to get a job, be sure to ask about the reasons for dismissal from the previous job. Especially if the entry in the work book is concise and can say little about the real prerequisites for dismissal.

In order to feel confident at the interview and correctly answer all the questions, you should remember two simple rules:

  1. You need to speak the truth. In the recruitment department, there are specialists and professionals in their field who ask a lot of questions and draw a conclusion based on all the information received. So it's hard to hide anything. And if it works out, the employee of the personnel department will see that the applicant is hiding something. In this regard, there is a second rule.
  2. The truth can be told in different ways. When answering questions about being fired from a previous job, the truth must be presented in a favorable light for yourself. Often this is not difficult. If the reason for the dismissal is low salary or lack of opportunity for further growth, the person shows himself on the good side in his desire to achieve something more. But if there was a conflict at the previous place of work, you will have to think about how best to explain this.

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The manager who conducts the interview, on the basis of any story or explanation, draws conclusions about the character of the person and the possibility of his further infusion into the new team. The first stage of any interview is to determine the psychological and moral fit of the new company, potential leader and colleagues. Only after that will the test of professional skills and knowledge begin. Although it may not start if the first stage is not completed. It is easier and more profitable for an organization to hire an inexperienced newcomer and train him, who at the same time will be loyal, purposeful, flexible and sociable, than a conflicting and principled professional.

Thus, communication with an HR specialist should be as sincere and frank as possible, but it is important to prepare for questions and think carefully about the wording of your own thoughts. Especially if the advertised vacancy is the desired position for the applicant.

What to write in a resume about the reasons for dismissal

Reason for leaving on resume

A completed resume is the first and most important opportunity to interest the employer in your candidacy. Therefore, applicants think carefully about the information that is placed in the resume. Sometimes it is better not to indicate the reasons for dismissal from a previous job at all, waiting for an interview and then taking the opportunity to explain everything in person.

On the other hand, according to this information in the resume, a specialist in the personnel department can also draw certain conclusions, so sometimes these reasons can still be voiced. However, here in the formulations and explanations one must be even more careful and careful. After all, if at a personal interview you can explain everything for a long time and clearly, adding emotions, facial expressions and personal charm to your words, then there is no such possibility on a piece of paper. And each person can perceive the same text in different ways.

The most loyal and streamlined formulations of the reasons for dismissal from a previous job can be called:

  • The impossibility of further growth and advancement, when I feel that I can do more.
  • A low level of salary, which does not depend on the performance of my work, and which I cannot influence by my actions.
  • My ideas and suggestions do not find a response from the management, and further communication takes place with a hint of misunderstanding.
  • A complete discrepancy between the working conditions and my skills, abilities and specialization, which is why I cannot reach my full potential.
  • Mass layoffs, termination of the company.

An explanation of these reasons and taking into account other information indicated by the applicant in the resume will give the HR officer full information to continue further communication about filling the vacancy or, conversely, that there is no need to waste time on an interview if the person is obviously not suitable.

The reason for leaving a previous job is an important issue when looking for a new kind of activity. However, this is a simple question if you prepare for it and correctly formulate your own thoughts and judgments.

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Reason for leaving is on resume. What to write in the column "Reason for dismissal"

October 28, 2014

An applicant who is looking for a job must first of all think about his resume. After all, this document is a business card, which briefly and clearly describes the positions held, previous jobs, existing skills and merits.

What is a resume?

To attract the attention of a personnel officer or manager, it is important to write a resume correctly. To do this, you should exclude the presence of common mistakes made when writing it. In addition, the reason for dismissal in the resume must be described correctly enough so as not to arouse the increased interest of the employer.

CV mistakes

1. Grammar and stylistic errors are simply unacceptable in a resume. This is because a document with such shortcomings is usually not read to the end, and even more often it is simply thrown into the trash. After all, the literacy of a new employee of the company is a rather important point.

2. Text should be formatted and easy to read. A document that does not have paragraphs, clarifications and highlights is difficult to perceive. That is why it is necessary to use bold selections, as well as underlining in paragraphs and headings. Decorations with markers, the use of a different font are unacceptable, because a resume is primarily an official document.

3. Today on the Internet you can find a resume, an example of which will serve as a good template for the applicant. It is important to consider that it is impossible to write completely under a carbon copy. First of all, the profile must be unique.

4. When writing information about previous jobs, you must correctly indicate the start date of the activity, its end, as well as the reasons for dismissal of one's own free will. This is because the vagueness of such information will indicate the lack of assembly of the applicant.

5. Your business card should indicate the purpose of its compilation. The answer to this question should be based on the structure of the resume. Even if several professions are considered in different companies, it is necessary to draw up a separate document for each vacancy.

6. A resume that has a lot of unnecessary information about the personal life, hobbies, hobbies and habits of the applicant looks overloaded. Therefore, such a mistake simply cannot be allowed.

Is the accuracy of the information important?

When presenting information about himself, the applicant must avoid lying. After all, information about a person is checked by security services. That is why it makes no sense to appropriate non-existent experience or skills, as well as to distort the data regarding the date of birth, last name, marital status. Especially important is the reason for dismissal in the resume, to which personnel officers often turn their attention. It requires reliable information presented by the applicant in the right way. It is about this that it is important to talk in more detail.

Reasons for leaving: what not to talk about

For many applicants, the important question is what to write in the reason for dismissal. It is important to understand here that it is impossible to get away from a direct answer. The phrase "Due to the circumstances" is sure to arouse suspicion. The personnel officer or employer may assume the worst. Therefore, the answer for the resume and further interview must be prepared in advance.

The most common variant of the reason for changing jobs offered by the applicant to the personnel officer is the circumstances caused by the crisis. Upon receipt by the employer of certain information about the applicant, he will conclude that he is facing an irresponsible person. In addition, during a crisis, companies are freed from ballast, so the value of such an employee will be in question.

Major Mistakes

A big disadvantage of the applicant will be criticism directed at the previous employer. It does not matter that it is well deserved, because the interviewer will draw his own conclusions about the incorrectness and disloyalty of such an employee to his superiors. Such specialists are practically not in demand, so there may be big problems with employment.

In addition, referring to the low level of wages is undesirable. Otherwise, the employer will decide that the applicant is only interested in money.

Moreover, it would be a huge mistake to talk about dismissal without explaining the reasons. This can raise a lot of questions, as well as unnecessary suspicions regarding the applicant.

How to answer the question about the reason for dismissal

An applicant for a vacant position, answering a question about his dismissal, must show his loyalty to the employer. It is important to give the impression of an employee who is interested in the effective operation of the company, who knows how to cope with his own affairs and insist on his opinion.

Of course, we can say that there was no career growth at the previous place of work. It is important for the applicant, as a professional, to find himself in a company where he can work with benefit and use his experience and accumulated knowledge.

It is worth considering that a characterization may be required from the previous place of work. This has become a common practice today, so it’s better to leave without scandals. If you inform a new employer that the line you worked for has closed, you need to be prepared to confirm this information. In addition, getting positive feedback from a previous job is a big plus when applying for a new company.

You can talk about disagreements with the former management about business development and about the decision to disperse amicably. Moreover, it is important to clarify that the reasons for dismissal at the interview will be explained in more detail. In addition, you need to be sure that the former leader will confirm this information. In this case, the reason for dismissal in the resume must be indicated exactly.

Yes, no one forbids coming up with a more convincing reason, but it is worth noting that such information is checked very carefully. Therefore, any lie will immediately come out. At the same time, you may be required to testify from your previous place of work in a new place, where you should be assessed as an employee and specialist as a whole.

When filling out the questionnaire, the reasons for dismissal must be indicated approximately as follows:

1. There was no career growth at the previous job. In this connection, the applicant wants to find a job in the company where you can prove yourself by showing your knowledge.

Read also: The difference between an employment contract and a civil law contract

2. You can think of another reason for dismissal. However, do not forget that your former employer may be asked for information about you. Therefore, it is important to leave work of your own free will without scandals.

After reviewing the resume by the employer, the next step is an interview. It is here that it is important to explain the reasons for your dismissal.

1. When applying for a new job, it is important to give a positive assessment to your former management. You can not show any resentment and talk about all the scandalous moments.

2. The dismissal that occurred after the probationary period can be explained by the failure of the company to fulfill its promises. This may be a lower salary level or the presence of other job responsibilities that are not prescribed in the employment contract.

3. If there were ill-wishers at the previous place of work, then it is worth warning the new management that they did not want to let you go. That is why it will be impossible to get an adequate recommendation.

What if the applicant has worked for one month?

In the event that the applicant has worked for only a month, the reason for dismissal may not be indicated in the resume. When these circumstances are clarified, the situation can be explained by the fact that there has been a reorganization of the company, as a result of which your duties have changed. It can also be said that not all agreements were observed. The main thing is to speak about the former leadership loyally and with restraint.

Entry in the workbook

It should be noted that an entry in the work book is preferable, indicating the termination of the contract by agreement of the parties, rather than at will. After all, the first option reports a civilized dismissal. In the second case, the employee could be asked to leave, or the management was confronted with the fact that the employee left the company.

It is important that the reasons for voluntary dismissal or any other information are subsequently explained by the applicant. Otherwise, the employer may have unnecessary questions.

It is necessary to prepare answers in advance regarding your departure from your previous place of work. Otherwise, even if the applicant gets to an interview, and then cannot explain the situation associated with his dismissal, he may simply be refused employment.

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What is the best reason for leaving a resume?

I am glad to welcome you, dear friend!

The question from the title arises when you are offered to fill out a resume form, where there is a column on the reasons for dismissals. This does not happen often, however, we will briefly analyze this situation. So, what is the reason for leaving the resume?

No, no judgment

Usually there is no column on the reasons for dismissal in the resume. At least - on the most popular Internet portals. Accordingly, you do not need to write anything.

Similarly, if you are compiling a resume yourself, in a text editor. The reason for the dismissal is not an issue on which you can earn any dividends. Cons - easily, and pluses - hardly.

Therefore, the reasons for your departures should not stick out.

Your job is to think. that you will talk about the reasons for dismissal in a telephone or face-to-face interview. More on this below.

What reason to give?

If there is that rare case when you are offered to fill out a resume template that contains a line about the reasons for dismissal, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Specify those reasons that are in the work book. Nothing more needs to be written. Explain the real reason for layoffs at the interview.
  2. Think about how to explain the real reasons for the dismissal. Leaving at the initiative of the employee (of his own free will) or by agreement of the parties always has an underlying reason.
  3. What to do if there is a “criminal” record in your labor record. For example ". due to an unsatisfactory test result ”.

In this case, there are two options.

a) By default - write as is, see item 1. Try to find a reasonable explanation and state it in your cover letter. Or by phone.

Usually, the appearance of criminal records in a work book is a consequence of a conflict on the one hand, on the other hand, an inability or unwillingness to agree.

Step 1: Present the situation not as a conflict, but as a mutual misunderstanding, which has grown into an emotional plane. Got hot, in short. It happens.

Step 2: State what you learned from this story. You understand that you should have acted more carefully and deliberately, but ... what happened happened. No one is immune from mistakes. You acknowledge them openly and do not try to hide anything.

Your reasonable frankness can compensate for the negative.

b) Write another reason, different from the entry in the labor. For example, by agreement of the parties.

In the expectation that they will not notice or, if they notice, it will be possible to somehow explain why it was not possible to agree and “leave on their own”.

The strategy is risky. It will only work if they don't notice. Which is incredible.

The most unpleasant thing will be when you have passed an interview with a recruiter and a manager, but when applying for a job, the “personnel officer” will pay attention (and he will definitely pay attention) and then there will already be a bummer. You will not be able to explain anything - they will not listen to you.

Think about the real reasons

Drawing up a resume is the time to think about what you will talk about the real reasons for layoffs “on your own” and by agreement of the parties. And you have to speak. This is one of the most popular interview questions.

Doubtful reasons

  • I understand the desire to tell the truth about my former bosses. Or some other nastiness :). And I know that all and sundry warn applicants against this.

Nevertheless, it often happens that “Ostapov” suffered. It hurt apparently. Alas, it is important to control yourself. It is best not to speak badly of anyone.

  • Unfulfilled hopes for salary increases and promotions - also push until better times. For there are a dime a dozen people who want to become a boss, and money in the eyes of an employer is not the best incentive to work.
  • Also, do not talk about overtime, tight schedule, excessive workload. I guess it's redundant to explain why.

good reasons

  1. Barriers to professional growth. At the same time, I recommend thinking about the trajectory of your career, because the question is how you see it. would be a logical next step.
  2. Team change. They appointed a new leader, he drags his people. And they say to you: “Of course, it’s a pity, you are a good worker, but. you yourself understand. ".
  3. Reorganization. The situation should be presented in such a way that the management did not have a choice of whom to invite to stay, and whom to “ask”. Otherwise, the question is logical: are there the best, but you are not among them?

The company is undergoing restructuring. The position that you held (or your entire department, even better) goes into oblivion. Some kind of work is offered for you, but it does not fit in with your professional plans and you leave. Quite civilized. Without scandals of mutual claims.

"Artistic Thought"

The reasons for layoffs are not the case when you need to “cut the truth-womb”.

There is such a thing as “artistic conjecture”. A few from another opera, but also in our case: why not?

You are not lying, but interpreting the situation as you see it.

By the way, recruiters are also well aware that you will often lie :). Therefore, do not forget that your "ex" may be called.

However, calls will not be frequent. Why? The answer is not for this article. Just take my word for it.

In short, light "artistic conjecture" is preferable to the truth among the reasons we have labeled as "doubtful".

  1. When compiling a resume, we write the reasons for dismissals only when the template contains such a column that is required to be filled out.
  2. We write the wording of the reasons for dismissals in the same way as the entries in the work book. Comments in the cover letter and at the interview.
  3. We choose “good” reasons for face-to-face and telephone meetings. We decide what exactly we are going to say.

Let me digress for today. If you have any questions - write in the "contacts" section or in the comments.

Whether you're looking for a job as a kindergarten psychologist or a sales director, you'll almost certainly be asked at an interview why you left your previous employer.

Obviously, when answering this sensitive question, it is important to demonstrate your strengths and make a positive impression on the recruiter. But how to do that? Read tips.

Professionalism, motivation, character...
Many job seekers tend to view the interview as a minefield: tense environment, tricky questions. We advise you not to perceive the personnel manager as an enemy, because the personnel specialist acts in your general interests, however, it is better to think over the answer to the question about the reasons for leaving the previous job in advance. This moment is one of the key in the interview. According to your answer, the recruiter will judge your character traits, your motivation, and professionalism.

How can you show your best side without deceiving the employer? Experts advise when answering such a question not to focus on the disadvantages of the previous work, but to focus on what you plan to do in the future. “I would like to develop in the field of direct sales, but my previous job did not give me such an opportunity, since I had to spend most of the time working with documents,” such an answer is much better than, for example, the phrase: “I I sat all day over papers, and the authorities did not appreciate this.

Let's leave the criticism
Thinking through the answer to the question about the reasons for dismissal from a previous job, remember three simple rules. First: you can not criticize the former bosses or complain about colleagues. Otherwise, it is very likely that the recruiter will consider that you are from the breed of people who are always unhappy with everyone but themselves. Naturally, no one wants to hire such a candidate - what if he even in a new position will see an enemy in his boss, and envious people in his colleagues?

Be generous: do not criticize the former boss behind the back, especially since this will not bring any benefit to your career. It is better to keep silent about the shortcomings of colleagues and the boss, focusing on the content of the work and on what you really would like to do. Instead of talking about “unprofessional colleagues” who “they don’t know how to work and don’t let others work,” say diplomatically: “I am grateful to my former bosses and the team, because I learned a lot from them. But now I would like to move on, grow professionally. In our small firm, this proved impossible, so I am looking for a job in a large company.” Such an answer will demonstrate to the recruiter that you are a non-confrontational person with a high intrinsic motivation to work.

An exception to this rule may be the situation when the candidate worked, for example, in a budgetary organization, that is, where he could not influence his level of income through negotiations with his superiors. “I got a job as a nurse in a kindergarten where my son goes to spend more time with the child. But I soon realized that with such a salary I would have to deny myself a lot, ”such an explanation from the lips of an applicant applying for a position as a nurse in a commercial clinic sounds quite reasonable.

The ghost of the crisis
Rule three: be careful with phrases like: “I was fired because of the crisis”, “The company was downsizing, and I lost my job.” Personnel officers are well aware that companies are in no hurry to part with good specialists even in difficult times, and even more so now, when it comes to the crisis itself. And staff optimization is unlikely to directly affect a valuable employee.

If this really happened to you, try to explain to the potential employer why the layoff affected your position. “The economic conditions were such that our small company had to save on everything. Among other things, we decided to sacrifice an event manager, as the budget for seminars and conferences was reduced to a minimum. Circumstances turned out to be stronger, but I am grateful to my former colleagues for the experience, ”this kind of explanation will suit the most picky recruiter. If the company has changed ownership, after which the new director decided to change the entire team, it will be even easier to explain the situation to the recruiting manager.

When preparing for an interview, keep in mind that an experienced recruiter is sure, while a calm and sincere answer, on the contrary, is able to win over an interlocutor. Be honest, but stick to the rules we've outlined, and remember that diplomacy can work wonders.

Every citizen has the right to free labor.

That is, he himself can choose the type of labor activity for himself or even refuse it altogether, in contrast to Soviet times, when laws against parasitism were in use. Also, he is free to or contract if he has such a desire. However, of course, the contract is a contract, which gives both parties certain guarantees, which means that its termination has its own nuances.

What could be the reasons for dismissal of one's own free will, how it happens, when work is required, and when you can do without it, how long it is necessary to notify the employer - these are all important points that need to be clarified before dismissal.

B contains an open list of grounds for dismissal, and we are interested in paragraph 3 - termination of the contract at the initiative of the employee, which is discussed in more detail in. It is she who will be the main study for employees who want to quit.

The procedure has remained unchanged throughout the existence of the Russian Federation, but in 2002 the position of contract workers was eased. From that time on, they were allowed to leave on a general basis, and it became not necessary to have good reasons - lists of good and bad reasons will be analyzed further, as well as how the dismissal procedure depends on the good reason,

The only condition for this is the desire itself. After giving the employer two weeks notice and working off this period, the person will receive complete freedom, and the employer will not have the right to detain him. If he demands to complete some work, sign a bypass sheet, and so on, threatens not to issue a work permit - you should not worry about this if you are an employee who submitted an application in accordance with all the rules and worked for two weeks (or has good reasons to quit without it), then you have every right not to continue the work, and if he really tries to put up obstacles, then the law will be on your side. That is, you can always file a complaint with the prosecutor or the court, then the employer will still have to pay for moral damages. As practice shows, in order for the employer to stop illegal actions, only the threat of such treatment is enough.

Let's analyze the procedure for dismissal at the request of the employee:

An application is being submitted. Legislation does not impose requirements on its form, but it is best to comply with it. The simplest one is attached to the article - it does not indicate the reasons. In addition, own samples can be installed in the company. Where to apply will also depend on the procedure adopted in the company - usually to the personnel department or to the director's reception.

It happens that the dismissal occurs due to a conflict with the management, and the employee is afraid that his application will be “lost”, and then he will be fired for violation of labor discipline or for some other unseemly reason. If you have such a case, it would be useful to make sure - the application is made in two copies, and when one is transferred to the company, then the second should be marked with acceptance and date - as well as the signature of the person who accepted it. If necessary, this statement will serve as proof that you wrote it on a certain date, therefore, you are free from obligations to the employer.

After submitting the application, the countdown of days begins before the employee can quit. This is without good reason. If they are and are confirmed by documents, then it will be possible to do this and receive a calculation immediately. If you have to work off, then the employee must continue to work, as before, fulfilling the terms of his contract. If at this time they violate labor discipline, the employer can freely dismiss the employee for him. And that means the wording of the dismissal will be completely different.

If an employee goes on sick leave, it continues to flow, and on the appointed date he will still be able to quit.

After the expiration of working off, the employee not only can, but must stop working at the enterprise. If he does not do this, and works for at least another day, then it will be necessary to start the dismissal procedure again - re-apply and work off.

The employee has the right to withdraw the application until the expiration of the working period, after which he will be able to continue working if another employee has not yet been invited to his place. At the same time, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the invitation for the changer in advance and obtain his consent.

Possible reasons for terminating the contract

The reason is directly what prompted the termination of the contract. There may be several of them, and depending on the situation, they can be very different. You can terminate the contract for any reason, you only need to notify the employer in writing two weeks in advance.

All reasons for dismissal of their own free will are not described in the legislation - in fact, an employee can quit without a reason. First of all, working out will depend on the reason - that is, the period during which you will need to continue to do your work after submitting the application.

Indication of the reason in the application

It starts with a statement. Note that it is not at all necessary to indicate the reasons in the application, unlike the old legal norms, according to which this was required.

However, sometimes it is necessary to indicate the reason, since it is necessary to do without working off. For example, such a need may arise if:

  • I want to receive a calculation on the day of writing the application;
  • the employee needs an entry in the work book stating that he quit for a good reason, since this will further entitle him to receive any benefits or benefits.

Notice period for dismissal

Dependence on the reason for dismissal

The standard notice period is two weeks.

Until they expire, it will be necessary to continue working, and only after that it becomes possible to quit. However, if the application is submitted for a good reason, then you can quit immediately. And if it is not there or it is not respectful, then the scheme will be as follows:

  • The employee draws up a letter of resignation of his own free will.
  • Works out the two weeks required by law.
  • and leaves the workplace - he no longer bears any obligations to the employer. Note: the employer cannot force him to continue working and threaten him with anything. In particular, there are often cases of threats not to give the work book - this is a violation of the law and should be stopped.

Good Reason List

What reasons are considered valid according to the Labor Code?

  • The worker can no longer continue to work - first of all, this means. Let pensioners sometimes continue to work, and yet retirement when they reach the appropriate age is an inalienable right of every citizen, and if this age is reached and he wants to go on a well-deserved rest, then the reason is undoubtedly considered valid. In addition to a pension, it can be different - for example, admission to an educational institution.
  • Violation of labor legislation by the employer - this may be a violation of the contract with this particular employee, the collective agreement, and so on.
  • Sending a spouse to a service or job outside the country.
  • The need to relocate.
  • The employee has developed a disease that prevents the current type of activity or the very residence in the area where the work is located.
  • He takes care of a sick family member or a disabled person, preventing the continuation of work.
  • A child under the age of fifteen needs care.

To leave work without a working period, a good reason must be confirmed by some document.

As we have already indicated, before 2002, in order to break, it was required to have a good reason, and without it this could not be done. Until 2010, its presence was required in order to maintain continuous work experience. Now, the pension legislation has changed again, and the length of service has lost its former meaning, therefore, the validity of the reason is now important only for working off, and the employee will not lose anything by quitting without her indication at all - it will just be necessary to work for two weeks. And if you manage to negotiate with the employer, you may not even have to.

The valid reasons for dismissal of one's own free will have been sorted out, now it is worth paying attention to the disrespectful ones - mainly those that are sometimes mistaken for valid ones. These include:

  • Admission to part-time education - please note that valid reasons for dismissal include only admission to full-time education.
  • Unwillingness to work out a two-week period.
  • Lack of understanding with management.
  • Illness not confirmed by a medical certificate.
  • without health problems.

Reference to any such reason does not give the right to do without working off if the employer requires it and, if you do not want to complicate your search for the next job, it is still worth spending another two weeks at the workplace.

Another important point related to the reasons for dismissal is their presentation in the resume. Since the resume is important for finding the next job, some reason is usually indicated that is not related to possible conflicts, complaints from superiors, and the like. If certain claims to work are indicated, then they should be of a practical nature, for example, dissatisfaction with the level of remuneration or lack of further career prospects.

Enrollment in labor

The outcome of a litigation over future seniority or another similar dispute may depend on the entries in the work book.

This is an important document, and therefore the entries in it need to be given great attention. And in case of dismissal of his own free will, the employee should make sure that the exact entries corresponding to the Labor Code are made in it.

The entry should refer not to Article TC 80, but to Article 77, paragraph 3, the wording is “dismissed of his own free will” or “at the initiative of the employee”. We analyze this issue separately because such an error occurs all the time. If you find that it has been committed in your case as well, you must immediately demand to add a record of the invalidity of the link to Article 80, and then make a new link, correct. And one more nuance: they must be entered without abbreviations. Abbreviations are another common mistake.

Unfortunately, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain information regulating the valid reasons for the dismissal of employees. Because of this, employees often encounter difficulties along the way, ranging from management's refusal to remove them to non-payment of funds, including payment for unused vacations. In addition, enterprises, in the event of an employee leaving, often demand payment from him for the training or advanced training he has completed. Despite the huge number of pitfalls, the courts of the Russian Federation issued a variety of decisions on these issues.

However, according to article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

“The employee has the right to terminate the employment contract by notifying the employer in writing no later than two weeks in advance, unless another period is established by this Code or other federal law. The specified period begins the next day after the employer receives the employee's application for dismissal.

A full analysis of this article allows us to establish that the legislation provides for the following grounds for dismissal at will:

  1. Change of job with the subsequent relocation of one of the family members.
  2. The presence of a disease incompatible with work, or interfering with normal life in these environmental conditions.
  3. The presence of a disability of any group.
  4. Forced care for sick relatives, and for disabled people of group I. However, such reasons require evidence in the form of medical diagnoses and conclusions.
  5. Winning competitive selection for another position.
  6. Conscription to the Russian army and the beginning of training.
  7. Violation of the rules of the employment contract and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by management.
  8. Voluntary dismissal. Oddly enough, today this reason is valid, although it does not have solid arguments.

If you want to quit of your own free will, and instead the employer offers to remove you in a more simplified form, then never agree. It is important to understand that when the employer influences the conditions of your care, a negative entry about you may appear in the work book. This will not affect the duration of the dismissal in any way, but it can seriously affect the future, for example, when finding employment with another employer.

Grounds for dismissal and wording of the reason for dismissal

Employers periodically encounter unscrupulous employees who systematically violate not only the concluded employment contract, but also the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as a whole. It is worth saying that at this stage of development of the Labor Code, there are 18 reasons, according to which the manager has the full right to dismiss the employee. Grounds for dismissal of an employee without his consent according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Permanent failure to perform work duties without a good reason. This applies to absenteeism and evasion from work and medical examinations. However, if the employee was not punished for such disciplinary offenses with the help of a remark or reprimand, then the management cannot involve him under this clause. These are grounds for dismissal, which are disciplinary offenses.
  2. A single, but gross violation of the rules in the organization. This includes drug and alcohol intoxication, which was recorded in the worker at the workplace, as well as the disclosure of special trade secrets of the company.
  3. Falsifying and giving false documents when registering an employment contract. If an employee provided someone else's passport, forged documents about his level of education, or indicated the wrong length of service, this is a weighty argument for dismissal.
  4. The incompetence of an employee of his position. This item includes the lack of necessary qualifications for work. In this case, the employer is responsible for the certification and testing of the knowledge of employees. However, if during its course it turns out that the employee really cannot fulfill his labor duties due to the lack of the required education, this gives the employer the right to fire him.
  5. Termination of the company, official liquidation of its activities.
  6. Reduction.

With regard to the reduction, the management must comply with a special form for such dismissal. First, the dismissed person must give 14 days prior notice. Secondly, at the same time as notifying the worker, the head of the organization is obliged to submit documents of the reduced to the employment center, indicating his full name, profession, specialty and salary. The trade union must be notified within the same period. It is worth noting that if it is planned to lay off a large number of people, then a warning should follow for 3 months. In addition, the employer not entitled to dismiss disabled employees such as pregnant women and employees on vacation.

What is the reason to write in a resume when leaving a previous job?

All workers, one way or another, faced interviews during employment. When applying for any position, the director of the company is likely to ask you why you left your previous job. At such moments, it is important not to say anything superfluous. The situation becomes even more complicated when the employer asks you to indicate the reason for your departure on your resume. Firstly, do not underestimate this point.. His omission can embarrass the incredulous director, which will lead to a refusal to hire you. Also, a ready-made resume, which can be downloaded using the link, will be of great help in finding a job. Here are some examples of reasons for leaving a job for a resume:

  • Organization liquidation. One of the best reasons to list, because in the eyes of the new boss you will be a conscientious worker who did not leave the company in difficult times and worked until it completely closed.
  • Changing of the living place. Not the worst of the reasons, however, if you choose it, then be sure to indicate why you decided to move.
  • Lack of decent wages. By writing this reason on your resume, you risk being left without a job. Of course, the director can study your education documents, analyze your experience and conclude that you are really underestimated. However, management may question your reliability because money is your priority. If the company experiences periodic financial problems, then you will probably be denied employment.
  • Problem situations at work. It is highly discouraged to indicate as a reason for leaving, because this will present you as an instigator of conflicts and a brawler. However, if you can assure your employer that this is not your fault, you may even be in a better position.
  • Lack of career growth. A good reason to leave work. The desire to build a career will establish you as an employee for whom money is far from paramount.

Despite existing recommendations, future employees very often make gross mistakes, indicating in their resumes ridiculous and stupid reasons for changing jobs. They can scare off management, which is highly undesirable. The most inappropriate grounds include:

  • Getting injured.
  • Arrest.
  • No raise.
  • Inappropriate work schedule.
  • Family problems.
  • Hate towards management and co-workers.

Be very careful when filling out a resume. Remember that no matter how unimportant it may seem, filling it out can affect your future career and the position you receive. That is why it is better to use recommendations and tips so that your resume helps you in finding a job, and does not interfere.

What are the grounds for dismissal of a police officer?

The internal organs of the Russian Federation have their own special procedures. This also applies to layoffs. For example, grounds for dismissal from the police may include:

  1. Own wish.
  2. Reaching an Age Invalid for Service.
  3. Service and police pension.
  4. Termination of the contract.
  5. Violations by the employee of the clauses of the contract or contract with him.
  6. Inability to be at the disposal of the federal district due to end of service life.
  7. Reduction.
  8. Presence of diseases resulting in the employee being declared unfit.
  9. Unsatisfactory state of health an employee who interferes with the performance of official duties properly.
  10. Committing a crime and conviction.
  11. Call to the army.
  12. Systematic violations of discipline that have been fixed by management.
  13. Document falsification and information during employment.
  14. doing deeds which defame the honor of the police of the Russian Federation.
  15. Expulsion from educational institutions of a professional type.
  16. Transfer to another civil service.
  17. Refusal to perform duties in the service.
  18. Change of citizenship.

In addition, based on Chapter 7, Article 40 of the Law "On Police":

“a police officer may be dismissed from the police service for non-compliance with the restrictions and prohibitions established for police officers by this Federal Law and other federal laws. The dismissal of a police officer from service in the police is executed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates the issues of serving in the internal affairs bodies.

The dismissal of employees is sometimes accompanied by serious conflicts, which can only be fairly resolved by the court or the labor inspectorate. Regardless of whether you are an employer or an employee, upon dismissal, strictly observe the necessary form and procedure for dismissal. This will help avoid liability and make your decision legal. If you can’t figure out the situation on your own, you need to consult with a lawyer who will definitely help you stay in an advantageous position.

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Your resume is part of your biography, and an opinion about you is made up both on the basis of your experience, functionality, achievements, and on the basis of the reasons for leaving your previous jobs. Since companies value loyalty, HR managers tend to put themselves in your employer's shoes and emphasize reasons for leaving a previous job during interviews.

It is not a fact that a person who left the company for a higher-paid job will want to quit for the sake of an increase in salary of 5-10 thousand rubles. But the employer has reason to think so. They are especially suspicious of those who have worked in different companies for a short time. How to answer the question of why you quit?

If you haven't changed jobs for a long time


“I have already achieved significant results in the company (they are worth listing), discussed growth prospects with my superiors and realized that in the near future there are no opportunities to grow vertically or gain experience in related projects. Therefore, he began to look for a new job, hinting to the employer about it, and moved to a new company with a large area of ​​​​responsibility, correctly transferring things to a colleague.

This story is as transparent and understandable as possible, especially if you can present your manager's contacts as a referee. It is to such a parting with the company that you can strive.

“I served the company faithfully, but gradually I realized that I was doing about the same thing, there was no chance for a salary increase. I tried to do it better - it worked out, but I did not see any development, and no one promised an increase. Then I started looking for other jobs and found a higher paying job.”

This version is especially understandable if you are the only worker in the family, you need to pay tuition or a mortgage, so there was a good reason for your need to earn more.

“I was hunted down” or “I was offered a more interesting job, although I did not look for it and my resume was not in public sources.”

It is important here to explain what it was about the new offer that was so tempting that you agreed to change jobs. For example, you were invited by a former leader, or a company launched a project in an area that is immensely interesting to you in life.

Less attractive answers for the employer would look something like this:

"I got cut." Why you? Perhaps you were not efficient enough and useful to the company? Here it is worth immediately explaining by what criterion the company carried out the reduction, whom it left to work, so that it becomes clear that it was not your incompetence.

"We did not agree with the management in the vision of the further development of the company." It is important to explain here that you not only consider yourself smarter than management and are not ready to compromise, but that you were as open as possible and fought to the end, but when you realized that with the new goals of the company, your position would be unnecessary or you would have to do uninteresting things (here it is worth giving a reasoned list of them), then only then did you leave, warmly parting with the leadership.

If you quit often


"The company has not kept its financial obligations." For example, you initially agreed on a fixed income of 150 thousand and the same quarterly bonus, and you, like all employees, were paid 100 thousand without a bonus and no explanation.

“We changed the functionality from the first day: they took on the position of a marketing manager, but in the end I had to act as an assistant to the manager.”

“I left for personal reasons (mom, dad, husband fell ill), but I handed over the cases as much as possible and at first advised the employer on any issues.”

Less correct answers would be:

“After six months at the company, he asked for a raise in salary or position, but was refused, so he left.”

Few employers believe that six months is enough time to make a career, and you don’t want to be under pressure from such an employee.

“I left because another company gave me 5,000 more.”

This reason is rarely liked by employers, as they are afraid of overly greedy employees whose loyalty disappears at the sight of a few bills after four months of work. And if this is the reason for several job changes, then the chances of getting a new job become close to zero, especially for middle and top positions.

“I left because I didn’t have a good relationship with my boss.”

For most companies, it is important to find flexible, contact employees who can build relationships with any people. If you can't explain what exactly your manager was unbearable about, then this reason will not add points to you. It is worth noting that scolding former bosses at an interview is not very correct, so it’s better not to use this reason.

What everyone should remember

Most employers try on the answer to this question by thinking:
“Can he leave me for the same reason in six months?”, “Would I like to hire a person who can say the same about me in a year?” Therefore, try to speak with maximum respect and warmth about the experience, skills, responsibility that the previous company gave you.

And when deciding to leave, remember that for another ten years, at the next 20 interviews, you will be asked about the reasons for dismissal and clarify the contacts of recommenders. Take this step as seriously as possible, take your time and try to stay on good professional terms with your former boss, agreeing on recommendations.