How to steam your face to remove open comedones. How to steam your face before cleansing at home

Since ancient times, chamomile has been considered a medicinal plant. Tea from chamomile flowers has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Medicinal grass is used not only for the preparation of a medicinal drink, chamomile is also in demand in the field of cosmetology. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin of the face, smoothes wrinkles, refreshes and relieves irritation. The plant contains such beneficial substances as azulene, a powerful natural antiseptic, as well as flavonoids, which provide youthful skin, and coumarin, which is responsible for skin regeneration.

If you do not know about the benefits of chamomile for the face, MirSovetov will share beauty recipes with you.

Ways to use

The basis of the skin remedy is chamomile decoction or infusion. Easy to prepare: 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile flowers are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and heated over low heat for 10 minutes. This is how a decoction of chamomile is prepared. If it is necessary to use an infusion for skin treatment, then it is not necessary to boil the chamomile, the grass is poured with boiling water and infused for 3 hours in a thermos.

The resulting liquid is used for various purposes:

  • for morning washing - cool chamomile decoction moisturizes the skin well, protects and tones;
  • wiping the skin - use a fresh decoction of chamomile or ice cubes prepared in advance. Ice for wiping the skin is prepared for future use, stored in the freezer and used in the morning, rubbing the face with an ice cube. Such washing is very useful for flabby and aging skin - chamomile will refresh and improve blood circulation. You can store ice from chamomile decoction in the freezer for 2 weeks;
  • chamomile compresses will expand the pores and help get rid of rashes faster. To make a compress, you need to brew chamomile with boiling water, insist it and use a hot decoction. A linen napkin soaked in chamomile broth is placed on the face for 10 minutes.

Also, cosmetics can be made from chamomile flowers, which are then used for a long period. For example, you can prepare an oil-based chamomile tincture. Crushed dry chamomile flowers are poured with sea buckthorn or infused in a cool dark place for 2 weeks, then filtered and used to wipe the face. Such an oil decoction is stored in a cold place.

About the testimony

Even though chamomile is a harmless drug, it is necessary to understand in what cases it can be used.

Indications for the use of chamomile for the face are:

  • dry, aging, oily skin;
  • peeling;
  • irritation, hypersensitivity;
  • small wrinkles;
  • circles and puffiness under the eyes;
  • rashes.

MirSovetov recommends testing for sensitivity and allergy before using chamomile decoction for the skin. Attach a gauze pad soaked in the decoction to your wrist, hold for 5 minutes, if there is no redness and irritation on the skin, you can use the decoction to treat and heal the skin.

Chamomile Facial Recipes

How to make an all-in-one skin care product:

  1. Take 1 tsp. dry chamomile flowers (it is advisable to use pharmacy chamomile).
  2. Pour raw materials with 200 ml of water, put on fire.
  3. From the moment of boiling, the fire should be reduced and the chamomile infusion should be heated for 5 minutes.
  4. Turn off the fire and leave the infusion for 15 minutes to infuse.
  5. We filter the finished infusion of medicinal chamomile and use it for its intended purpose.

Since such a decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, you do not need to cook chamomile for future use. Making an infusion or chamomile tea is very simple: pour 1 tsp. dry chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, cover it with a saucer, wrap it with a towel and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

We prepare the tonic for the face as follows: put 2 tbsp in a saucepan. raw materials and 2 tbsp. l. dry mint (you can take fresh), pour 4 cups of water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, insist until completely cooled, then filter and pour the tonic into a glass container. You need to wipe your face with this tonic 2 times a day. The natural cosmetic product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

To protect delicate skin in the cold season, you need to wash your face with a decoction of chamomile every morning or wipe your face with an ice cube.

Mask for all skin types: take 2 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, 4 tbsp. l. fresh milk, half an avocado and a cucumber. All ingredients must be mixed and chopped in a blender. Apply the paste on the face and neck, leave for 10 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water. After the procedure, the face should not be vigorously rubbed with a towel, so light movements will be enough to get the excess fluid wet.

Steaming the face with chamomile

To conduct - you need to open the pores. You can do this at home by steaming with chamomile. Brew dry raw materials (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), boil for 10 minutes. Take a clean bath towel, cover it with it and hold your face over the generated steam. Before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned of cosmetics and wiped with a tonic. Keep the face for 10 minutes over the steam. Since hot steam is very dangerous for the skin, try to keep a distance of 30 cm from the pan.

When the face is steamed, blot the skin with a cotton towel or cosmetic tissue, use a scrub. Steaming can be done no more than 2 times a month.

It is impossible to carry out the procedure for steaming the face with chamomile if there are such diseases:

  • vascular diseases ("mesh" on the face);
  • heart diseases;

How to get rid of rashes

With the help of chamomile, you can get rid of acne on the skin. You should not expect instant results, so be patient and proceed with treatment.

Recipe 1.

We make steam baths: pour 3 tbsp. l. dry pharmaceutical chamomile 3 cups boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately remove the broth from the stove. Cover with a towel and hold your face over the steam until the decoction is hot (about 7 minutes). Gently blot excess moisture with a cosmetic tissue.

Use a ready-made decoction for lotions - apply cool chamomile decoction to problem areas 2 times a day. After 2 weeks, the first results will be noticeable. Naturally, in order to exclude the appearance of new acne, you need to eat right, relax, not be nervous and take care of your skin.

Recipe 2

You can prepare an infusion for acne from chamomile flowers and dry mint. Take an equal amount of mint and chamomile, a pinch of green tea and pour the raw material with boiling water (250 ml). Cover with a lid, infuse the decoction for 10 minutes. Strain the cooled broth and wipe the skin every day. This product will keep in the refrigerator for 7 days.

Recipe 3

Take 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds, stir. Steam 1 tbsp. l. mixture with 2 cups boiling water. Place the infusion in a water bath, continue to infuse for 20 minutes. Ready infusion filter and wipe the face with a cotton swab 2 times a day.

Problem skin treatment

To moisturize dry skin and relieve irritation, a mask based on chamomile infusion with the addition of oil will help. Take 2 tbsp. l. chamomile, fill the raw material with olive oil and leave to infuse for 14 days. Strain the finished infusion. Prepare a gauze mask, soak it in a warm oil solution and place it on your face. The exposure time of the cosmetic product is 15 minutes. After removing the mask, you do not need to wash your face.

Problematic skin with a small amount of rashes can be treated with a special solution. It is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. l. chamomile, a few dry lemon peels, raw materials are poured with boiling water (250 ml). After infusion (about 3 hours), 1 tsp is added to the solution. camphor alcohol or vodka. The resulting solution is wiped with acne-affected areas. You can store the solution in the refrigerator for 7 days.

Oily skin is wiped with cold or hot chamomile decoction (1 tbsp per glass of boiling water).

Cosmetologists say that you need to take care of your skin all the time, so love your skin, pay enough attention to it, and then it will always be fresh, radiant and young.

Before deep cleansing of the face, steaming of the skin is usually performed. This can be done in a variety of ways: with a special device, using hot wipes and masks.

Effective facial skin care involves the use of various masks and scrubs, as well as deep cleansing. To carry out this procedure, you need to know how to steam your face yourself, at home.

Steaming the face regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and this procedure also improves blood flow. The mask applied after this manipulation will bring much more benefit.

Hot steam has a beneficial effect on the skin. Why is steaming necessary? The skin becomes soft, the pores open, and their contents are easily evacuated.

But it is important to understand that poor-quality cleansing often leads to the opposite result. Usually the skin is affected by rashes and various irritations. Therefore, steaming at home must be approached thoroughly, having previously become acquainted with the main indications and contraindications.

Features of the procedure

In order to know which method allows you to quickly and well steam your face, you need to clarify the type of skin. Dry skin can be steamed for no more than 5-7 minutes. Oily skin can be steamed for eight to ten minutes. For normal skin, 10-12 minutes will be enough.

Steaming procedures will help to prepare the skin integument as efficiently as possible. But it is better that the methods of their implementation be recommended by a cosmetologist. You should not resort to this or that method without his advice.

How to carry out the procedure correctly

There are the following rules that allow you to steam the skin well at home:

  • before starting the procedure, the face must be washed with running water;
  • dry skin can be lubricated with a moisturizer;
  • sensitive skin will be properly wiped with a napkin;
  • at the end of the procedure, it will be right to wash with warm water and blot your face with a soft towel;
  • after the procedure, oily skin can be treated with a mask that narrows the pores;
  • dry skin after steaming, it is better to carefully rinse with cool water.

Washing with cold water immediately after this manipulation is not recommended. At the end of the procedure, you should try to avoid drafts.

What are the contraindications

Many people complain about the side effects that appeared after the steaming procedure. This can be avoided if you know what contraindications exist. First of all, steaming the face is very harmful for hypertensive patients.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to carry out this manipulation at home after the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies.

Another serious contraindication for steaming is asthma. It is not recommended to steam the skin of women with facial hair. It is also impossible to carry out the steaming procedure after the detection of wounds and any inflammatory processes.

What methods are available

There are the following steaming methods that can effectively soften the skin:

  • steam baths;
  • special compresses;
  • home masks.

steam method

In order to cleanse your face at home, you can use steam from hot water. To carry out this procedure, a device is useful in which water will be heated, as well as a towel, medicinal plants or essential oils.

It is important to choose the right essential oils. Properly selected essential oils regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as well as soothe and refresh the skin. The same goes for herbs. In order to cleanse sensitive skin, it is recommended to use rose, calendula or chamomile. And you can clean oily skin by applying lemon or mint. For normal skin, rosemary, lavender or jasmine are perfect.

At home, this procedure is correctly carried out as follows.

  1. First you need to fill the container with hot water.
  2. Then you will need to add herbs or oils there and wait from three to five minutes.
  3. Only then should you lean over the pan, cover your head with a towel, then hold your face over the hot contents for several minutes.

When the pores open, you need to use a cotton swab dipped in tonic. Then it is recommended to wash and apply a mask with a peeling effect. Cosmetologists advise using clay-based masks. They have excellent absorbent properties.

Five to seven minutes later, you can wash off the applied product, wipe the skin with a tonic, then apply a soothing cream. If steaming the face is carried out in the evening, then it is not necessary to apply the cream.

Steaming the bath is not recommended for women with urticaria and dilated blood vessels. Baths with oils are not recommended for young ladies who have an allergic reaction. Before using the oil, it is necessary to test it on the skin of the wrist. Lavender and orange oils are considered the safest.

Using hot wipes

You can steam the skin at home with cotton or linen napkins. A clean cloth will need to be moistened in the solution, and then, wringing it out slightly, apply to the face. When the napkin has cooled, the manipulation must be repeated. The question of how many times you need to do steaming procedures is easy to answer. It depends on the type and condition of the skin. On average, it is recommended to do 4-5 such procedures at home.

The following tools have the greatest effect:

  • licorice herb;
  • lavender herb;
  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • calendula.

For the procedure 1 table. a spoonful of the product used for steaming at home should be poured with 500 + 200 milliliters of boiling water and placed in a thermos. How long it takes to infuse depends on the container in which the product is located. Usually 20-30 minutes is enough for such a remedy.

Using special masks

In order for the pores to expand, cosmetologists recommend making special masks. Many of them can be prepared at home. Steaming masks are recommended for women with sensitive epidermis. Such methods should also be used by those whose skin is prone to irritation and inflammation.

Steaming your face with masks prepared at home has many advantages. The main advantage is that against the background of vasodilation and improved blood flow, various plaques and blood clots resolve. Skin cells are saturated with oxygen. This gives the skin a fresh, healthy tone.

Properly performed procedure contributes to the fact that the skin of the face looks more elastic, fresh, young.

Another advantage of using masks is that against the background of thermal exposure, metabolic processes are activated. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to do such masks 2-3 times a week. The average duration of one session is 15-20 minutes.

Rules for the use of masks

Homemade masks will be more beneficial if the person knows exactly how to steam the face before cleansing.

It is impossible to combine masks with other warming manipulations. Otherwise, a double heating effect is formed, which often leads to the death of parts of tissues or cells. You can use scrubs only when all the manipulations are over.

Be careful with homemade masks, you need to be those women who have serious problems with the cardiac or vascular system. To enhance the heating effect, cover the mask with a paper towel.

Rinse off the mask only with warm running water. At a different temperature, you can only harm your face.

The most effective masks

There are not many recipes for steaming agents. The following masks prepared at home are considered the most effective:

  • oatmeal;
  • semolina;
  • honey egg.

To prepare an oatmeal mask, you need to combine cereal with low-fat milk, then add 1 teaspoon of soda. Next, you should stir the mass, cool it and apply to the skin. Wash off the product fifteen minutes after application. Oatmeal mask promotes high-quality cleaning of pores.

For women with hypersensitive epidermis, a semolina mask is recommended. Using it regularly, you can not only cleanse the skin, but also whiten it. Making a mask is easy. To do this, you need to cook milk semolina porridge without sugar and apply it on your face. Wash off the product after 10-15 minutes.


It is very important to observe the condition of the skin at the end of the steaming procedure. If redness appears on the face, then the chosen method must be abandoned.

The first sign that a girl knows how to take care of her facial skin and does it regularly is a clean, healthy, even-looking skin, regardless of age.

You can effectively and quickly clean your facial skin in most beauty salons, but visiting them regularly is quite expensive.

Therefore, there is a simple way out - this is cleaning with home remedies with your own hands. As you know, it is best to start any cleaning procedure with steaming the face. How to steam your face for cleaning at home?

Unthinkable rhythm of life, unsatisfactory environmental conditions, chronic fatigue do not contribute to skin health at all.

It is constantly subject to stress, gets dirty very quickly, therefore, as a result, the pores are clogged with the production of sebaceous glands - dead cells, as well as the remnants of powder, other cosmetics, street dust.

To ensure the greatest effect of many cosmetic procedures, the pores must be opened as much as possible. Thanks to this, it will be possible to remove all the “skin debris” and remove toxins, and the skin itself will become more elastic, pliable and soft for subsequent manipulations with it.

It is in achieving these goals that steaming is resorted to. This procedure is indicated in the following cases:

Steaming, which will become a regular procedure for deep skin cleansing, will help you forget about annoying acne, ugly enlarged pores, and comedones forever.

If a girl knows how to properly steam her face before cleaning, she will avoid possible skin injury and prevent her purulent infection.

At the same time, there should be no pain from such a procedure, and the likelihood of ingrown hairs is minimal.

What do you need to know?

When exposing the skin to steam, one should take into account the type of skin and the presence of various dermatological problems.

For example, an oily type of dermis needs to be steamed at least once a week. If we talk about dry skin, then it needs this procedure no more than twice a month. Combination skin will need to be steamed every 10 days.

In addition, the time of steam exposure may depend on the type of epidermis: oily skin should be steamed for at least 12 minutes, combined and normal - 10 minutes, and dry - 7 minutes.

Also, the result of steaming depends on the correct choice of herbal decoction.. So, decoctions of thyme and mint are suitable for the oily type of the epidermis, mixed and normal dermis should be steamed with rosemary and lavender decoctions, and for dry skin, use geranium, lime and chamomile. It is also useful to enrich compositions for steaming with essential oils.

Sensitive skin must be steamed with extreme caution, as this type of dermis can react with irritations and structural asterisks.

If there are no contraindications for thermal heating of the skin, you can start steaming. How to steam your face well at home? To do this, you must first prepare for this procedure.

It is important to consider that the result directly depends on the type of skin. You should not only understand how to directly steam the facial skin, but also be aware of which preparation method is needed specifically for your skin.

Before steaming, all cosmetics must be removed from the skin.. You need to wash your face with warm water with your usual mild cleanser.

It is useful to make a homemade scrub by adding a little honey and ground coffee to your cleansing gel or milk cleanser.

After thoroughly massaging the skin with light circular movements, rinse off the composition, apply the product on your face according to your skin type and proceed to the steaming procedure.

So, how to steam the skin of the face? To carry out such a procedure, you need only a few items - a towel and a container for hot liquid.

There are also special devices for this purpose - mini-saunas and inhalers, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

But the principle of their action is the same: a liter of boiling herbal infusion is taken into the container, you can add a few drops of essential oil.

Putting the vessel in front of you, you need to bend over it and cover yourself with a towel. At the beginning of the procedure, it is not advisable to lean too low over the container, as the steam is hot, so you can easily burn the mucous membranes and face.

The main task is for the decoction to steam the skin, and not burn it, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature of the water.

When preparing a decoction with herbs and choosing the right essential oil, you need to focus on the condition and type of your skin. But how to steam your face?

  1. Dry skin is more suitable linden or chamomile decoction in combination with grape or rose ether. To do this, pour fresh or dry flowers of the prepared composition with one liter of boiled water. Take 1 glass of dry flowers, and half a glass of fresh flowers. You need to insist a little, about two to three minutes, and you can proceed to the procedure.
  2. normal skin type perfectly perceives a decoction of nettle, lavender and sage with the addition of rosemary oil.
  3. Thyme with lemon diluted with peppermint oil well suited for oily skin.

When the pores open after steaming, the face can be wiped with a hard textured towel or the skin can be cleaned with streptocide.

Enlarged pores get clogged quite easily with so-called skin debris, so it's important to immediately cool your face with an ice cube after cleansing to help shrink the pores.

Steaming the face. Steam bath for the face

This method is similar in effect to the previous one, but hot water is used instead of steam. How to steam your face with a towel?

You need to do the following:

  • fold natural cotton fabric several times (you can use old, soft flannel or chintz) or a towel so that you can cover your entire face and neck;
  • make an infusion of herbs suitable for skin type, insist and cool a little (the temperature should be such that it does not burn the hand);
  • soak a napkin in a decoction, squeeze;
  • immediately put on the face and lie down;
  • when the napkin cools, moisten it again in hot broth.

This procedure must be repeated three more times until the skin becomes bright pink. When finished, gently dry your face with a towel and proceed to cleansing.

If you have no desire to sit over the steam, the best option is
how to steam the pores on the face are steaming masks that you can cook yourself or buy in the store.

The purpose of these is to create a vacuum between the skin and the applied product for greater heating of the deep layers of the skin.

It is also useful to cover the steaming mask on top with a cloth mask.

Both the effectiveness of the procedure and the subsequent condition of the skin depend on the qualitative preparation of the facial skin for cleaning.

Therefore, it is necessary to know and follow the recommendations and other rules for the use of steaming masks. This will help not to damage the epidermis, but to solve related problems.

Take liquid honey and egg yolk in equal proportions, mix and add olive oil (approximately 1 tablespoon).

Heat the composition in a water bath to a very warm, but not scalding state. Before applying the mask, apply a little of the mixture on the thin skin of the wrist. If you feel warm but not burning, the product is ready to use..

Apply the mask in an even layer on prepared, thoroughly cleansed skin. From above, fix the composition with small pieces of cling film to prevent the mask from dripping and provide a kind of greenhouse effect.

After 15 minutes, the mask will completely cool down, it can be rolled up with fingers previously dipped in water.. Thanks to this, an additional tonic effect can be achieved, which is similar to a soft peeling.

After removing the mask from the skin of the face, wash with warm water and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. If you plan to carry out further deep cleaning, you must immediately use the prepared cosmetic products, preventing the skin from cooling.

Make semolina porridge with milk without using oil, salt or any other additives. The porridge should turn out not very thick, homogeneous (without lumps), convenient for application to the skin.

Cool the composition to a warm state. Keep in mind that the more the porridge is cooled, the more it will become thicker and swell.

After applying the mask in an abundant layer on the skin of the face, fix it with cling film. Wait for the mask to cool completely and then rinse it off with warm water while massaging the skin, especially in problem areas that are prone to increased pollution.

In addition to the steaming action, the skin is whitened and nourished, the surface layers of the dermis are cleansed of sebaceous plugs and dirt.

Cook oatmeal in plain milk or water, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, stir.

Cool the resulting mass to a hot but tolerable state, apply it on the skin of the face, covering it with a warm towel or plastic wrap. Remember that the composition should warm the skin, but in no case burn!

After 15 minutes, when the mask has cooled down enough, remove it with your fingers, previously dipped in warm water. Simultaneously with the removal of the mask, it is recommended to do a light massage.

Then wash with cool water and carry out further usual skin care.

Steaming face masks based on oatmeal have a fairly deep cleansing effect, therefore, they are rarely followed by any mechanical cleaning procedures using scrubs or gels.

Mix one part of kaolin powder with two parts of zinc ointment until a thick slurry is formed. Dilute the resulting paste with freshly squeezed cucumber juice.

This mask does not need to be warmed up! In this case, it is not the temperature of the mask itself that is important, but its chemical composition.

Apply the product in a thin layer on the skin of the face, keep it on the face for no more than 10 minutes and remove. It is important to thoroughly wash off all residues of the mask from the face in order to avoid unwanted chemical reactions.

In addition to the steaming effect, this remedy perfectly eliminates cracks, inflammation, redness of unknown origin, itching of the skin and excessive secretion of skin secretions.

Mix one teaspoon of green cosmetic clay with 1 teaspoon of zinc ointment and stir. In the resulting composition, enter 1 dessert spoon of lemon juice and 3% hydrogen peroxide.

After receiving a homogeneous composition, apply it on the skin of the face and rinse after 10 minutes. Since the mask is quite aggressive, it is only suitable for use on problematic or oily skin.

After applying a chemical steaming mask, you should not carry out mechanical cleaning for several hours, since this can easily damage the steamed skin. This mask itself conducts a thorough cleansing of the epidermis.

Before using a new component, an allergy test should be carried out.. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the elbow and wait two hours. If irritation does not appear, the composition can be safely used.

It is well known that skin health is one of the main criteria of beauty. In order to preserve and maintain it, the face must be constantly looked after.

The steaming method underlies most cosmetic procedures, but their effectiveness depends on whether it is done correctly.

Many skin problems can be avoided if sufficient attention is paid to cleanliness. Most people mistakenly believe that simply washing your face is enough for this. Some add scrubs, peels and gommages and do not see the need for a deeper cleansing of the pores. But they are clogged with whole plugs of dermal debris: cosmetic residues, particles of atmospheric dust, sebaceous deposits. As a result, cellular respiration is disturbed, the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues becomes catastrophically small - the skin fades, acne and black spots appear.

In order for the cleansing stage to be deep and of high quality, you need to know how to open the pores in order to extract all this dirt from them. There are different methods and ways to steam your face at home - you can use any of them.

Why is this needed?

Is it good to steam the skin of the face? When is it necessary to do this? Usually such a preliminary stage is carried out before a large-scale one. This procedure allows them to open up as much as possible under the influence of heat (or cold). Accordingly, the scrub, cream, mask and any other cosmetics applied after that will be able to penetrate much deeper into the epidermis in order to start the necessary processes at the cellular level.

The mechanism of action of steaming the pores on the face is quite simple, and the results can surprise in the most pleasant way:

  • hot steam cleanses the pores of sebaceous deposits, cosmetics, toxins and other skin debris;
  • it is very useful to steam the face from, because after such a procedure, their rods are either independently removed (pushed) to the surface, or very easily come out under gentle pressure with your fingers;
  • improvement of cellular respiration is a guarantee of a beautiful complexion: a natural blush appears, and dullness and yellowness disappear;
  • if you steam your face in front of the mask, its effectiveness will increase several times, since nutrients penetrate into the very depths of the epidermis;
  • various metabolic processes in cells are activated;
  • steaming has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the skin;
  • acne, comedones becomes noticeably smaller, so this procedure is recommended for all owners of problem skin, and especially for teenagers.

If you regularly steam the pores before cleansing, they can be opened to the maximum and enhance the effect of scrubs and peels, eliminating all dermal debris.

You will be surprised how well-groomed and beautiful your skin will become if you perform such procedures constantly. The main thing here is to do everything right, without violating the general recommendations.

The secret of efficiency. Under the influence of heat (hot water, steam, thermoactive components), even the most narrowed pores can open up. However, given this principle of action, you need to be careful with, for which you then have to use means with the opposite effect - narrowing.

The course of the procedure

If you need to quickly and efficiently steam out the skin of the face, you will have to follow a certain algorithm of actions. It is the same for all existing methods and techniques. If you follow it exactly, the results will exceed all expectations.

  1. Remove makeup with this.
  2. Wash with cleansing milk or gel.
  3. Pin up your hair or put it under a hat / scarf. It is important that they do not interfere with the procedure.
  4. Steam the pores in accordance with the chosen method.
  5. How much should I steam my face before cleansing? The optimal time required for complete opening of the pores is 10 minutes.
  6. After the procedure, you can not wash or dry with a towel. Allow the skin to rest for another 10 minutes so that the moisture is completely absorbed.
  7. Wipe your face with a dry cloth.
  8. Clean with a scrub / peeling / gommage.
  9. Apply .
  10. Treat the steamed skin with cream.

Many are interested in the question of how often you can steam your face. You can carry out the procedure according to this scheme 2 times a week for very problematic and contaminated skin. If her condition is not so critical, 1 time will be enough.

If something is not clear, you can always find a training video and see how a professional does it. Of course, in many respects the effectiveness of the procedure will depend on which particular method of steaming was chosen. But before moving on to a review of these techniques, a few more general useful tips from cosmetologists.

Wrong opinion. Some women try on their own to increase the thermal effect of cosmetics (masks, gel, wipes), which steam out the pores. To do this, they actively move during its action: they do gymnastics, dance, do something around the house. And they only make it worse. After all, they sweat intensely. Droplets of salty sweat fall under thermoactive cosmetics and cause severe irritation.

To avoid side effects, you need to be able to properly steam your face at home so that there are no health problems. This procedure is included in the category of quite dangerous, since there is a high risk of complications if the technique is not followed.

To avoid unwanted consequences, follow simple but important recommendations from cosmetologists.

  1. Do not steam the skin with unbearably hot water or steam: they can burn your face or provoke development.
  2. For dry epidermis, it is advisable to reduce the procedure time to 5 minutes and do it no more than once a month.
  3. Within 3-4 hours after steaming, the person should not go outside. This applies to any weather: open and cleansed pores are equally negatively affected by both ultraviolet and frost.
  4. The most optimal time to steam the pores is 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  5. Any steaming cosmetics must first be tested on the sensitive skin of the wrist.
  6. They can not be applied to the area around the eyes and lips.
  7. If after this procedure irritation appears on the face, this method should be abandoned and consulted as soon as possible with a cosmetologist / dermatologist.

One of the most important steps is to choose the way you will steam your pores at home. After all, there are several ways, and you will only need to choose one. But first you will have to study the list of contraindications and decide for yourself whether this procedure is harmful to you at all.

Helpful advice. So that cosmetics that are designed to steam out the pores do not burn the lips and skin around the eyes, apply to them.


At the moment when you steam out the pores, hot air, vapors penetrate deep into the skin and affect not only cellular processes, but also blood circulation and air ventilation in the lungs. If some internal organs malfunction, the condition may worsen. Accordingly, this procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • asthma;
  • lung problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heat.

If there are any chronic diseases (even if they are not associated with contraindications), it is better to dispel all doubts and consult a specialist if you can steam your pores before cleansing. This will help avoid complications.

And now, finally, the long-awaited ways with which you can put your skin in order.

Be careful! If you have too much inflammation on your face (many pimples), the vapors can spread the infection even more.


Among the ways to steam your face for cleaning at home, there are advanced methods that are used in beauty salons (vaporizer, cold hydrogenation), and there are artisanal ones, that is, as simple as possible, using improvised means (basin, towel, herbal preparations ).

It is up to you to choose which one will be the most acceptable and effective for you.

Herbal steam bath

If you need a high-quality, well-steamed face with minimal risks to the skin, you won’t find anything better than a steam bath. And the first thing you will need to do is to choose herbs according to your skin type.

  1. From acne: aloe, immortelle, calendula, St. John's wort, lavender, coltsfoot, succession, plantain.
  2. For oily skin: butterbur, birch, aloe, oak, nettle, burdock roots, linden, mint, horsetail, plantain.
  3. For dry skin: thyme, oregano, calendula.
  4. From wrinkles: rosemary, coltsfoot, chamomile, sage.
  5. From black dots: mountain ash, nettle.
  6. From: parsley, dandelion.

The technique for performing the procedure is as simple as possible:

  1. Make a concentrated infusion or decoction from the herb.
  2. Pour a glass of herbal decoction into a liter of boiling water prepared in advance in a deep cup (a basin, a small bath or a special device - a steam sauna).
  3. Lean over the container so low that the vapors do not burn your face.
  4. Cover your head with a terry towel.
  5. As the infusion cools, in order to steam the pores to the end, bring the face closer to the surface of the healing liquid or add boiling water.

The herbal bath allows you to open the pores as much as possible in the minimum time. This is a proven method that rarely causes side effects.

Towel / napkin

A terry towel or a cotton napkin allows you to steam your face very quickly at home - literally in 5-7 minutes. Moreover, there is a universal way: moisten them in ordinary hot water, wring out slightly, cool to avoid burns and attach to the problem area.

And there are special therapeutic solutions that will not only open the pores, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. And then the towel or napkin is wetted directly into them.

The following mixtures of herbs and essential oils turned out to be the most effective recipes:

  1. For problem / oily skin: a mixture of sage, birch, St. John's wort, linden + essential oils of lemon or mint.
  2. For dry skin: infusion of linden, chamomile, dandelion, bay leaves + rose or fir esters.
  3. From wrinkles: decoction of cinnamon, licorice, nettle + essential oils of lavender or.
  4. For combination skin: a mixture of sage, calendula, mint + esters or jasmine.

Now you know how to steam your face with a towel: perhaps this is one of the easiest and fastest ways with a minimum of costs. If you want even more effect and are ready to empty your wallet for this, thermoactive cosmetics are at your service.

Thermoactive cosmetics

Thermoactive lotion-tonic from "Styx" (Austria)

A steaming facial cleansing gel gives a very noticeable effect, which rids the pores of dirt, dead cells, toxins, improves blood circulation and perfectly prepares the skin for the subsequent application of cream / scrub / mask. Thermoactive cosmetics of this kind collects good reviews:

  • gels from Anna Lotan (Israel), New Line and Cora (Russia), physiogel from Stiefel Laboratories (Ireland);
  • Detox - thermoactive tonic lotion from Styx (Austria);
  • exfoliating thermoactive mask from Nuxe (France).

In addition, beauty salons offer cold hydrogenation for facial cleansing. It does not injure or stretch the skin. Funds for such a procedure are produced by brands such as Anna Lotan, Magiray, Holy Land from Israel. Today they are sold in the public domain, so it is quite possible to do a cold steaming of the face at home.

  1. Apply a hydrating gel to your face.
  2. Rub it into the skin with light massage movements.
  3. Cover your face with a sheet mask with slits for the mouth and eyes.
  4. From above, you can make a warming compress to enhance the effect.
  5. After 10-15 minutes, everything is removed, the remains of the gel are removed with a dry cloth.

With the help of thermoactive cosmetics, it will be possible to steam the face very quickly and with high quality, as it contains special formulas - the latest developments in the beauty industry.

Steaming masks

There is a special steaming face mask that is easy to prepare at home. Its principle of action is to create a vacuum under itself so that the layers of the dermis warm up in depth. After the thermal composition is applied to the face, it must be covered from above with a special fabric mask with slits for the eyes and mouth. This will enhance the effectiveness of the procedure.

Several recipes for homemade masks of this kind will allow you to thoroughly steam the pores at home.

  • Egg-honey

Beat the yolk with olive oil and honey (1 tablespoon each).

  • semolina

Boil coarse-grained semolina porridge in milk without salt to the desired density (so as not to spread), apply warm (almost hot) on the face.

  • oatmeal

Boil thick oatmeal in milk without salt, add 10 g of baking soda, apply warm (almost hot) on the face.

Now you know how to steam your face before cleansing: there are a lot of funds, you can choose any method to get rid of dermal debris.

Clean pores are essential to your skin's health, so take care of it regularly. And if there are any doubts, perhaps they will be dispelled by a block of questions and answers on this topic.

This is interesting. Preparations for cold hydrogenation (steaming) are produced in the form of a gel, produced mainly on the basis of extracts of succulent plants (these include aloe, cacti, etc.).

Questions and answers on facial steaming

If you decide to steam your face at home on your own, you will have to work out every nuance of the procedure. Answers to the most problematic questions will help you to understand everything thoroughly.

  • Can you steam your face every day?

Even with the most polluted skin, it is impossible to steam your face every day. Maximum (for oily and problematic epidermis) - 2 times a week.

  • Is it possible to steam the face with acne?

If they are single and the inflammation has not spread throughout the face, it is not only possible, but also necessary. But if the rashes cover a very large area, you first need to be treated and relieve inflammation.

  • How to steam the skin on the nose?

To steam the pores on the nose so that black dots disappear, you can use thermoset strips. And so any of the above methods is suitable for cleaning any area of ​​the face.

  • Do I need to steam my face before using a clay mask?

Before any cosmetic mask (whether it is home or industrial production), including steaming the pores, it is very useful. This enhances the effectiveness of the cosmetic product.

  • Do I need to steam my face before peeling?

Before any, it is better to steam your face properly - this is one of the main tips of cosmetologists.

You can thoroughly wash your face every day with all kinds of cosmetic products with a cleansing effect, use scrubs and peels regularly, but at the same time feel that the pores remain clogged. Because of this, a lot of skin problems arise: acne, dull color, black dots, uneven relief, etc.

But even at home, you can get rid of skin debris if you thoroughly steam the pores on your face with one of the methods described above. Then the cleaning products you use are guaranteed to fulfill their functions, penetrating to a sufficient depth and extracting from the innermost layers of the dermis the dirt that prevented it from looking clean and well-groomed.

Before proceeding with home procedures, it is necessary to clarify how often you can steam the skin of the face without harm. And also to understand what steaming and cleaning generally give.

Purpose of the procedure

Steaming the skin serves two purposes. Firstly, the procedure, by opening the pores, helps to remove toxins from the body, and facilitates the removal of sebaceous plugs. Secondly, after steaming, the skin absorbs nutrients from natural masks better.

Types of procedure

Proper steaming of a person with oily skin is a session similar to inhalation. Pour hot water into a small saucepan or bowl, approximately 80-90 ° C, cover your head with a towel and breathe over the steam for 7-15 minutes.

For dry skin, this steaming method is not recommended. It is better to moisten a thick towel in a hot herbal decoction (about 60 ° C) and apply to the face for 10 minutes.

Regularity of procedures

There is no specific answer on how often you can steam the skin of the face. It is necessary to build on the type of skin and its condition.

For problematic epidermis with increased sebum secretion and enlarged pores, at least one session per week is required. For dry sensitive skin - one procedure every 10-14 days.

It is also necessary to take into account that during the period of menstruation, or in the presence of a local rash on the face, steaming is strongly not recommended, because. the procedure may exacerbate the problem.

With normal facial skin, you should be guided by its needs, and steam and clean as needed. For prevention, a couple of procedures per month in the winter will be enough, and one per week in the summer.

What to add to water

Hot steam perfectly opens the pores. And to get an additional effect - cleansing, moisturizing, soothing - you need to add some herbs or essential oils to the water for steaming.

For oily skin, a collection of chamomile, rosemary, birch leaves, linden flowers, chestnut fruits is excellent. The combined epidermis should be steamed over a decoction of coltsfoot, linden and mint.

Licorice, chamomile, dandelion and bay leaf can help soothe dry and sensitive skin. And mature skin will be strengthened by anise, ginger and cinnamon.

You should also pay attention to essential oils - geranium, patchouli, rose, rosemary, lavender, lime, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, etc. They not only have a beneficial effect on the skin, but also clear the respiratory tract, preventing colds.