Infant formula from the first days of life. Types of ready-made food for an infant. Can multiple blends be used at the same time?

Undoubtedly, the best food for newborns is mother's milk, full chemical composition which, by the way, has not yet been deciphered. Considering multiple factors, not every mother can give her baby good nutrition, and various infant formulas offered today in a wide variety can replace breast milk. It cannot be said that formulas can compete with mother's milk, but they also contain a large number of useful elements necessary for the organization good nutrition child. Choose suitable mixture difficult, and the rating of infant formulas can help in this, which is compiled by the opinion of specialists and best experts in the form of parents.

Rating of infant formulas 2018 for the smallest

Compiling any rating, and rating mixtures for baby food is no exception, it is necessary to take into account various factors, while the opinions of experts often differ from the wishes of ordinary consumers, for whom appearance, taste and price are often more important than the composition of the mixture. It is also worth noting that the speech this case we are talking about the smallest, whose body is not strong and requires careful attention, because if you choose the wrong mixture, you can get a whole “bouquet” of troubles in the form of allergies and others undesirable consequences. Meanwhile, the rating of infant formula from 0 to 6 months is compiled constantly, and this greatly facilitates the choice for parents.

    • The leading place in the proposed rating, and Particularities.Com quite agree with this opinion, is occupied by the trademark “Malyutka”, proven over the years, on which not a single generation has grown. Firstly, the fact that this is our domestic manufacturer cannot but rejoice, and secondly, and this also suits parents, the baby formula for newborns "Baby" includes such useful for child's body elements like lactose, taurine and iodine. In addition, this is not milk powder, but demineralized whey, which is close to breast milk in composition.
  • In second place among the manufacturers of infant formula for babies is the products of a Danish company known as Similak. The composition of the mixture also includes iodine, lactose and taurine, as well as "Malyutka", "Similak" does not contain harmful palm oil, however, these mixtures are made on the basis of powdered milk and contain soy lecithin.

      • The rating of baby formulas for newborns can continue with Nestogen brand products from Switzerland. The main advantage of these mixtures is that they are also demineralized whey. They include taurine, lactose and substances that improve the digestion of the child. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the presence of the same soy lecithin.

      • Also, in the rating of infant formulas from 12 months, you can include a mixture based on goat milk Nenni. It contains beneficial prebiotics, vegetable oils, lactose and marine fish oil. Among the shortcomings of the mixtures produced in New Zealand include the low content of taurine and iodine.

      • The Nutrilon trademark from Holland also offers its mixtures to the consumer's judgment. Among the advantages of these mixtures, one can single out the fact that they contain whey, they contain a sufficient amount of taurine, iodine, they contain prebiotics, however, the content of a small amount of palm oil and soy lecithin makes the product less in demand.

      • The rating of baby formulas in terms of quality can be continued by another representative of Russia - the mixture "Baby 1". It is cheaper than imported analogues, it contains demineralized whey, taurine, iodine and lactose, while the content of palm oil and soy lecithin significantly reduces consumer demand.

      • Complete this list Particulars. Whom would like a Russian mixture of the well-known trademark "Agusha", offering a mixture for newborns "Agusha 1". Its main advantage is its low price, while the composition of the mixtures includes taurine and nucleotides. A significant disadvantage is the content of palm oil, often allergic, and a small amount of iodine.

As we have said, it is difficult to rank the best baby food formulas, since most manufacturers pay great attention diversity of their composition and safety, meanwhile, differences between them exist and are often considerable. Therefore, it is necessary to choose mixtures carefully, giving preference to products of well-known brands. And do not ignore the notes made on the packaging.

Rating of mixtures 2018 for children from 6 months

Talking about infant formula for one year old babies, do not forget to receive complementary foods in the form various mixtures many babies start as early as 6 months, and many even earlier. Given the fact that the body of a child at this age is not yet strong enough, the rating of infant formulas from 6 months old should include mainly one-component mixtures without flavorings, preservatives and other harmful inclusions. Therefore, mixtures containing harmful impurities should immediately be excluded from this list, and milk-based mixtures should not be abused in the first months of life.

Given the above factors, the rating must necessarily include mixtures made on the basis of demineralized whey, do not forget about the content of iodine, which promotes growth, taurine, an amino acid involved in the development nervous system and the brain. Also important is the presence of nucleotides - a material involved in the structure of cells, polyunsaturated fatty acids that contribute to normal development child's brain.

      • Rating of infant formulas by test purchase showed that parents often give preference to "Baby" mixtures, which contain all the necessary of the above. The only drawback can be considered a small amount of palm oil and soy lecithin.

      • Nutrilon products can take second place in the ranking. Dutch blends contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, nucleotides and prebiotics. In addition, the balanced composition of mixtures of this brand excludes the appearance of colic and increased gas formation.

      • Despite the fact that Similak mixtures are also in the top positions of the rating, one must carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body to them. Firstly, they are made on the basis of powdered milk, and palm oil replaces no less harmful Coconut oil, besides, the composition of the mixtures includes soy lecithin.

      • Mixtures of the Hipp trademark from Germany incorporate all necessary components including taurine and lactobacilli. These mixtures are great for children with anemia, as they include iron, ascorbic and folic acids.

      • Complete this small rating can mixtures Humana. If it weren't for the high price, these formulas could take the top spot, but not many parents can afford them. Meanwhile, in terms of their composition, these infant formulas are as close as possible to breast milk, in addition, they are recommended by specialists in the treatment of work disorders. gastrointestinal tract. They are tasty, do not contain sugar, preservatives, flavors and dyes.

Thus, before choosing a formula for baby food, you need to carefully study its composition, and do not forget to consult a specialist. You should also not blindly trust the ratings, although helpful information contained in them can greatly facilitate your choice.

Breast milk has many useful properties. If for some reason it is not possible to breastfeed the baby, he is artificially fed. Parents need to understand the variety of mixtures offered by manufacturers. Often the baby is allergic to the mixture, so it is important to choose the right one. Breastfeeding largely determines work internal organs in future.

Mixtures differ in their constituent components, consistency and age-appropriateness of the child.

According to the consistency, dry (should be diluted with water before use) and liquid mixtures (already ready for use, just warm up).

The composition of almost all mixtures includes milk protein, which is processed different ways. It is important to consider when buying a product age features child.

Adapted mixtures are close to breast milk in all components. They are used for feeding newborns. They contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus. It contains the amino acid taurine. The number "0" means that the product is suitable for babies born ahead of schedule or underweight. The number "1" means that the mixtures are suitable for babies under 6 months old. When a child has poor protein absorption cow's milk, it will be correct to choose a mixture based on goat's milk.

Partially adapted. It is a casein nutrition (based on cow's milk protein) containing increased amount trace elements, especially iron, zinc, copper. It contains no minerals or fats. This diet is recommended for babies aged 6-12 months. There will be a mark with the number "2" on the package.

Unadapted. These mixtures are made from whole milk powder, to which sucrose and starch are added. They do not contain choline, taurine and other biological additives. The number "3" indicates that the mixture is suitable for children over 12 months old.

There are mixtures that take into account some of the characteristics of the child's health.

Fermented milk mixtures are made on the basis of the starter culture of live bacteria. They improve bowel function and maintain a normal balance of microflora.

Fermented milk mixtures are not prescribed if the child has an allergy. The treatment is aimed only at restoring work digestive tract A.

Fermented milk mixtures are rarely prescribed to children in the first 3 months of life, as they increase regurgitation. For therapeutic or prophylactic purposes fermented milk mixtures should be alternated with ordinary.

How not to make a mistake and not harm the health of the child

After the baby is examined by a specialist, baby food must be chosen correctly.

  • Until the age of six months, it is imperative to select an adapted milk formula.
  • It is necessary to take into account age characteristics.
  • If there are diseases, then you need to choose medical nutrition.
  • It is better to choose food that does not contain palm or coconut oil.
  • Be sure to check the expiration date of the product.
  • Monitor the condition of the child after the first complementary foods.

Choosing the right mixture is not so easy. Sometimes you have to change a few trademarks. In order not to cause problems with the health of the baby, you should understand in time the symptoms that signal that the food is not suitable for him:

  • An allergy to the mixture develops (rash, skin irritation).
  • The chair is liquefied, white lumps appear.
  • The child becomes capricious, restless, especially after feeding.
  • There is no weight gain.
  • Sleep is disturbed.

It is necessary to make the mixture, strictly following the instructions for breeding. Do not increase or decrease the dose on your own.

The composition of nutrition, especially if it is intended for a newborn, should without fail include the following components:

  • Iodine. Promotes active growth and development of the body, starts metabolic processes.
  • Taurine. It is an amino acid necessary for the formation of the nervous system, cognitive sphere and vision. The body itself begins to produce this amino acid only by the end of the second month of life.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Needed for correct formation all parts of the brain.
  • Nucleotides. Promote the growth of the body, form immunity, improve the intestinal microflora.

You can not experiment with the nutrition of a child under one year old. For any questions, you need to contact a specialist who will help solve the problem, taking into account the state of health of the baby.

Overview of famous brands of baby food

Often pediatricians recommend this particular brand. The best milk formula, topping the rating of baby food. Strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the digestive system, colonizes the intestines with beneficial bacteria. Contains all the necessary biological substances for healthy development.

The only downside is the presence of palm oil.

Topping the rankings is another top milk formula. For the category of children with an allergic predisposition, manufacturers offer dairy-free and hypoallergenic types of mixtures. Their distinguishing features are components such as fish fat and iodine.

The negative side is the presence of palm oil, which inhibits the absorption of calcium. The mixture does not contain prebiotics.

It contains prebiotics that help to improve the functioning of the intestines, fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements necessary for full development growing organism.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the presence of maltodextrin.

The most the best mix recommended by experts. Suitable for children who have digestive disorders. Does not contain sucrose and starch. The food is rich in vitamins and minerals. You can also find hypoallergenic milk formulas of this brand.


The rating continues with another of the best children's medicinal products, which is prescribed for stool disorders, colic, anemia. There is a milk formula designed for babies born prematurely and prone to allergies. The composition includes fatty acids, nucleotides, prebiotics, a lot of vitamin C.

Good infant formula included in the rating better nutrition for babies. Its composition includes folic acid and iron, so pediatricians recommend Hipp for anemia. The mixture contains a lot of lactobacilli, so nutrition helps to establish intestinal microflora.

The negative point is the content in the mixture potato starch and a small amount of iodine.

Baby dry mixes of this brand are intended for babies from six months. You can choose sour-milk types. The mixture is included in the rating of baby food recommended by experts. Contains prebiotics and probiotics, casein, nucleotides, lutein, inositol. Nutrition helps build a healthy immune system.

The mixture contains little protein and iodine, it contains maltodextrin. Quite difficult to dissolve in water.

The best infant formula suitable for babies intolerant to cow's milk protein. At its core - goat milk, vitamins and microelements, nucleotides, marine fish oil. The mixture does not contain glucose and sucrose.

The disadvantage is the low content of taurine and iodine.

The rating of mixtures determines one of the first places for this product. Thanks to Similak, the work of the child's digestive tract is normalized, constipation is eliminated, the absorption of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, is improved. The mixture includes taurine, nucleotides, prebiotics.

Among the shortcomings can be identified the content of coconut oil.

The disadvantages include the content of palm oil and lecithin. The finished liquid tastes sweet, which harms the enamel of the child's teeth.

How to recognize the problem in time

During the transition from breast to artificial feeding You should carefully monitor the condition and behavior of the child. Parents need to know how an allergy to the mixture manifests itself. Every adult can understand that a child has an allergic reaction. Symptoms of its manifestation can be different:

  1. Disorder of the digestive system. The number of spitting up is increasing. Before blaming the mixture, you need to check the pacifier. The hole may be too large and the child is swallowing too much air. When a child is allergic to the mixture, a violation of the stool occurs. The baby may be disturbed by colic and pain in the abdomen.
  2. Respiratory manifestations. Observed severe runny nose and cough.
  3. Skin signs. There is a rash, redness in various parts of the body. They cause discomfort to the baby, as they itch and itch.

If found similar symptoms you don't have to do anything on your own. For any manifestations of allergies, you should contact a pediatrician, allergist or gastroenterologist.

Hypoallergenic mixtures are prescribed for allergies to ordinary species baby food, which is manifested by urticaria, tissue edema, atopic dermatitis. Hypoallergenic formulas differ from other types of nutrition in that instead of cow's milk protein, they contain whey protein and casein.

Treatment of allergic manifestations will depend on the severity of the disease and the stage of development.

If the allergic symptoms are not too pronounced, you can try the following steps.

  • Reduce portion. This step should be taken when a rash is observed, frequent regurgitation and the child is prone to overweight. When the portion is reduced, the load on the digestive organs decreases, bloating and colic disappear, and food is quickly absorbed by the body.
  • Change the mixture to a product of a different brand. Treatment can be carried out with fermented milk products.

With severe manifestations of allergies, treatment is based on a special diet. You can try making mixtures with goat milk or soy protein. A lactose-free and low-lactose diet will help. Sometimes treatment is accompanied by the use of antihistamines.

If the mixture is chosen correctly, the child will have a normal physical and mental development. In case of deviations, you should consult with a specialist who will help identify the causes and choose the right diet.

When deciding which method of feeding is preferable, mixed or artificial, it is undoubtedly worth making a choice in favor of the first. The adapted mixture is still far from real breast milk, and mixed feeding makes it possible to feed the baby with unique mother's milk. The newborn receives all the benefits of breast milk, which is supplemented with a small amount of supplementary nutrition.

If mom has the opportunity to feed the baby at least a little breast milk she must do it. Even the best artificial mixture can't fully recreate unique composition mother's milk

Principles of mixed feeding

Maria Gudanova, AKEV Association expert and consultant on breastfeeding, suggests the following principles that will be relevant when supplementing a baby with an adapted formula:

  • The best "food" is breast milk. The mixture should be an assistant in making up for the lack of mother's milk, but never completely replace it. Only breast milk is able to fully satisfy all the needs of the child's body, and not even the most expensive mixture is able to do this.
  • The mixture is temporary. The introduction of supplementary feeding is carried out only for a few months. When the baby reaches the age of 6 months, the artificial part of the diet is replaced with complementary foods. In addition to mother's milk, the baby receives vegetable puree, cereals and juices.
  • Maintain and prolong lactation. Mom needs to make sure that milk in the breast constantly arrives. The most effective means frequent application. Active stimulation of the mammary glands will help produce more milk. In this case, non-compliance with the regimen is possible in order to prevent lactation from fading away. The baby needs to be breastfed at any time: before bedtime, after sleep, and also during active search sucking object. Don't replace breasts with a pacifier. Feed more often at night, and especially after 3 a.m. - at this time, the hormone prolactin is gaining strength, whose task is to increase lactation.

Process mixed feeding more complex and energy intensive than natural view. There should always be a ready-made warm mixture at hand, the bottles have to be constantly sterilized, so before giving up a full-fledged breastfeeding It is worth once again weighing everything and thinking it over.

When to mix?

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Lack of breast milk in the mother (hypogalactia) is the main reason for switching to mixed feeding. Hypogalactia can be primary (occurs immediately after childbirth) and secondary (manifests itself on more later dates). Not having achieved positive results from measures aimed at increasing milk production, doctors recommend starting to supplement the child with an adapted mixture (we recommend reading:). This is done in order to make up for the lack of food, lack of vitamins and minerals.

The lack of breast milk is determined by the following signs:

  • The child behaves restlessly during sucking or immediately after eating.
  • During suckling, the mother feels that the breasts are completely empty.
  • Small amount of urination: you can find out with the help of the “wet diaper” test. Well Eating three month old baby on average should pee 12 times a day. It is this number that will be the control.
  • The child is not gaining weight well, and there are also noticeable delays in physical terms and in mental development(We recommend reading:).

Having established the presence of these signs, you should not immediately buy the mixture. It is better to first consult with a pediatrician who would support ideas. breastfeeding or seek help from a lactation specialist. Experienced doctors will always advise the right way solve the problem and answer the question of how to maintain lactation.

Sometimes the thought to start the process mixed feeding newborn visits young mothers during periods of "milk crises". Such time intervals are characterized by low milk production compared to the needs of the child. The problem is solved by one sure and reliable means - private attachments to the chest. After 2-3 days, lactation will again become sufficient. Make no mistake, do not rush to introduce the mixture.

Feeding technique

Mixed feeding of newborns involves a free feeding schedule. This has its pros and cons. The baby receives a breast on demand at any time - this is necessary to increase milk production.

The amount of the adapted mixture, designed for the whole day, is divided into 5 "doses" - in portions, the mother feeds the baby during the day, and at night only the breast is offered to the baby. Thus, the baby's diet will be carried out with mixed feeding.

The child does not need extra food - the baby eats the mixture five times a day in approximately equal amounts. His mother must calculate in advance, but there is no need to cook food for the future - a fresh portion is made each time

How to determine the amount of the mixture?

One of the main issues in the organization of mixed feeding is the volume of the mixture, necessary for the child. Russian pediatricians adhere to the method of weighing the baby before and after breastfeeding. The amount that the baby ate should be subtracted from the total amount required for one complete feeding.

Doctors from other countries consider this method uninformative. They explain this by the fact that each time a child can eat a different amount of breast milk. To find out how much mixture a baby needs with mixed feeding, again, the “wet diaper” test will help.

The following volume of the mixture can compensate for one missing urination:

  • 30 ml of the mixture at the age of 3 months;
  • 40 ml of the mixture at the age of 4 months;
  • 50 ml of the mixture at the age of 5 months;
  • 60 ml of the mixture at the age of 6 months.

The scheme will help to calculate the required amount of the mixture per day. For example, a baby pisses 10 times at 3 months - you need to supplement him with 60 ml of the mixture per day. A 4-month-old baby who has wet diapers 8 times needs supplementary feeding with a mixture of 160 ml per day.

How to choose a mixture?

At good health child and the absence of contraindications, you can pick up any of these mixtures: Humana, NAN, Nestozhen, Nutrilon, Hainz, Hipp or Mamex (we recommend reading:,). A child with severe symptoms of constipation, colic, irregular stool or if there is a risk of developing infections, you should feed with a mixture of "Nan sour-milk 1", which is intended for children under 6 months.

Intolerance to cow's milk in one of the parents or the risk of it in the baby justify the use of the mixture "Nan hypoallergenic", "Hipp hypoallergenic" or "Nutrilak hypoallergenic", in which there is a partially hydrolyzed protein. The presence of an identified allergy to bovine protein determines the choice of hydrolytic adapted mixtures, in which the main potential allergens are destroyed by hydrolysis. In this case, parents can choose Frisopep, Pregestimil, Nutramigen, Nutrilon Pepti MSC, Damil Pepti, Nutrilak Pepti SCT and the like. Before you start feeding the selected product, be sure to consult a pediatrician and find out which mixture will be optimal for your baby.

What to feed?

Due to the risk of mixing breastfeeding being crowded out, we recommend that you take your time to switch to bottles. It is quite possible to introduce small portions of supplementary food in other ways:

  • Spoon. Feed your baby with a soft silicone spoon. Take a mixture of 0.5 tablespoons and gently pour the crumbs into your mouth. For staging correct technique you can watch the tutorial video.
  • Pipette. With it, you can easily feed your baby with a small amount of formula. Bring the filled pipette to the corner of your lips and pour into your mouth.

If you need to introduce a large amount of supplementary feeding, options with a spoon and a pipette will be inconvenient. In this case, find a bottle with the tightest nipple and a small hole. The process of sucking the mixture should be as laborious as the process of natural breast sucking. A baby receiving "easy prey" will refuse breastfeeding.

The introduction of supplementary feeding does not necessarily mean the use of a bottle with a nipple, which can cause further rejection of the mother's breast. A soft silicone spoon is perfect - even the smallest will master it


What are the features and rules for introducing the mixture in the combined type of feeding? GV experts recommend adhering to the following principles:

  • Breast first, then supplements. Every feeding should start with breastfeeding. First, attach the crumbs to one breast, then to the other - as soon as both are empty, you can proceed to supplementing from a spoon or bottle.
  • Mom after the mixture. At the end of the introduction of supplementary feeding, be sure to attach the baby to the breast again, so he can calm down and fall asleep.
  • Convenient feeding. The baby should be comfortable while eating. The lack of mother's milk should not be the cause of unrest and worries of the baby with mixed feeding.
  • Don't feed. Seeing that the baby does not want to eat the mixture after the breast, do not insist. It is important not to overfeed - it is very harmful. Always focus on the needs of the child. He asks for more, opens his mouth - supplement, no - do not be zealous and do not add uneaten to future doses of daily feeding.

Dr. Komarovsky argues that it is important to organize frequent bodily contact between mother and child, which will help stimulate the production required amount milk. light massage, co-sleeping, frequent carrying on the hands and regular breastfeeding will help to establish lactation. Pleasant environment, love and care will help the baby to be convinced of the need natural feeding. Other mothers confirm the words of experts with their personal experience.


The modern view of mixed feeding gives rise to a number of prejudices:

  • From mixed feeding one step to artificial. Go to combined type nutrition due to unwillingness to establish lactation will definitely bring the transition to artificial type feeding. If the mode is introduced as necessary, mommy can keep lactation.
  • baby on mixed type nutrition receives less immune protection. The presence of breast milk in the diet satisfies the body's needs for protective substances. Formula-fed babies are much more likely to become weak and sickly than babies who receive valuable mother's milk at least in a small dose.

A mother who feels that there is not enough milk for the crumbs should never make a decision about supplementary feeding on her own and thoughtlessly. Be sure to consult with experts.

This - unusual review portal site. It differs from the ratings of other children's products primarily in that it is impossible to ask the main consumer a question: "Well, how do you like it?" The newborn will not tell if the mixture is tasty or if the parents need to buy another jar. It will not advise you to remove the vanilla flavor or add more liquid to the dry substance. Is that his skin will not "keep silent": answer allergic reaction to the wrong breast milk substitute.

Therefore, adults still remain experts in baby food. Natalya Vlasova, the founder of the Krasnoyarsk online store for parents and their children, helped to compile our rating of mixtures for newborns. She popularly explains what the numbers in the name of the mixtures mean. Tells which mixture for newborns is best. And shares useful and important information about the composition of products.

Natalya Vlasova, director of the Krasnoyarsk online store detki24.rf.

What is fed in the hospital

Natalia, what does the number 1 mean in the name of the mixture?

Number 1 is the first step. This means that the mixture is suitable for babies from birth to 4, 5 and six months. Next comes the second step, number 2. It is suitable for children from 6 months to a year. Number 3 is the third step. Goes from a year to a year and a half. The fourth step, or number 4, is for children from one and a half years old. As a rule, manufacturers sign mixtures under numbers 3 and 4 on the packaging as “milk drink” or “baby milk”.

Is soy dangerous for children's stomach?

Soy in baby food is not dangerous. Modern children's soy mixtures inspire confidence. They are usually prescribed for babies from 0 to 6 months old with an allergy to milk protein. Soy protein has been used for a very long time. During this time, a lot of arguments have been put forward about the dangers of soy both in baby food and for adults. But no argument against the use of soy has been 100% proven.

Should I look for a mixture without palm oil, is it harmful?

Oh, this is palm oil, how many disputes about it! Palm oil has its pros and cons. This can be discussed separately with an expert. So, the mixture should be close in composition to mother's milk. Cow's milk is devoid of fat, so baby food manufacturers add their own. Palm oil blends contain palmitic acid. It makes up a quarter of the fat portion of breast milk. Some manufacturers do not use palm oil, replacing it with coconut or some other.

Who is the dry goat mix for? It seems that allergy sufferers are fed with it?

The composition of goat's milk protein is closest to the protein of mother's milk, therefore it gives less chance for allergies. If the baby has a reaction to cow's milk protein, then you can try goat's milk formula for babies. But it costs much more.

Are there special formulas for premature babies?

Yes, sure. It is very easy to recognize them. The name of such a mixture always has the prefix Pre or the number 0. For example, NAN Pre, Nutrilon Pre, Frispre, etc. Such mixtures are also suitable for children with low weight - up to 2.5 kg.

Parents want to know which formula is the best for newborns. But they can't always control it. What mixtures are given in maternity hospitals?

Mixes in maternity hospitals give if there is not enough or no milk at all, or the child has an allergy to mother's milk. In the first case, mixtures with the number 1 are given, from 0 to 6 months. In the second - hypoallergenic mixtures.

As it turned out, in maternity hospitals in different regions of Russia they do not give preference to any particular brand of goods. Each has its own rating of infant formula. Basically, they buy what the supplier has in stock or make a choice based on the price: the average level, the mass market category. So, in Voronezh, often in maternity hospitals, newborns are offered a mixture from Nutrilak. In Kaliningrad, "Baby" is more in demand. Hypoallergenic Nutrilon is bred on Sakhalin. If, after discharge, you want to buy home the jar that the child has already tasted, you can ask a neonatologist a question.

Overview of Infant Formulas

The ranking of infant formulas for newborns includes the most popular brands. Each is evaluated in terms of advantages and disadvantages. The expert stops at the cost and appearance. Takes into account packaging design and composition.

  • Kabrita 1 Gold.
  • Nutrilon Amino Acids.
  • Friso soy with nucleotides.
  • "Bibikol 1 Nanny".
  • Nutricia Nutrilon.
  • "Nanny Goat's Milk".
  • Nestlé NAN Pre.
  • Nutrilak Premium Soy.
  • "Mamako 1" on goat's milk.
  • "Baby 1".
  • Similac 1.
  • MD Mil SP Goat.

A crumbly substance of a white-yellow hue with a characteristic milky odor, packed in cardboard, tin or plastic. The last two options are more convenient to take on the road: they have a lid or latch, unlike their cardboard counterparts. On the other hand, all tin cans have unpleasant feature: when a little bit of the mixture remains at the bottom, it becomes problematic to get it out of the jar. Outwardly, perhaps, all mixtures look the same. But under the lid of each jar - judging by what reviews the mixtures collect from parents, pediatricians and experts - is not the same.

Kabrita 1 Gold

Expert review:

Formula for babies from 0 to 6 months. It is made on the basis of goat's milk. Due to this, it is less allergic, because goat's milk is as close as possible to mother's milk in its composition.

Packing: sold in iron cans 400 g and 800 g each.

Advantages: the quality is quite decent, many people choose this mixture.

disadvantages: prices range from 1000 to 1300 rubles for 400 g and from 1850 to 2100 rubles for 800 g.

Nutrilon Amino Acids

Expert review:

Mix for babies from birth. But it does not need to be bought at random, it is prescribed by a pediatrician.

Benefits: Suitable for children with food type allergies. Contains no cow's milk protein, lactose or gluten.

disadvantages: high price, varies from 2200 to 2650 rubles. The mixture is often difficult to obtain and is rarely found in pharmacies and specialty stores.

Friso soy with nucleotides

Expert review:

Formula suitable from birth, soy protein isolate powder. Does not contain lactose (replaced by maltodextrin). Because of this, it is suitable for children who do not digest lactose or cow protein.

Advantages: despite the fact that these are not quite ordinary products, they are relatively cheap, from 580 to 700 rubles.

disadvantages : no obvious ones found.

"Bibikol 1 Nanny" with prebiotics

Expert review:

Suitable for children from zero to six months. Produced on goat milk, which means it is suitable for children with intolerance to cow protein, as well as those that are included by pediatricians in the food risk group.

Packing: issued in a metal can of 400 g.

Advantages: meets expectations - both in price (from 1330 to 1560 rubles) and in quality.

disadvantages : not identified.

Nutricia Nutrilon Premium

Expert review:

This product is divided into 4 age categories: from 0 to 6 months, from 6 to 12 months, from 12 to 18 months and from a year and a half until the moment the mixture is needed.

Packing: the company produces a mixture in metal cans of 400 and 800 g. There are also mixtures 1 and 2 in a carton box of 350 g.

Benefits: Contains prebiotics.

disadvantages: not found, except perhaps individual intolerance.

"Nanny Goat's Milk"

Expert review:

There are several types of this mixture. So, "Nanny Classic" - from birth to a year. Suitable for those who cannot digest cow's milk. "Nanny with prebiotics 1" - from zero to six months and a similar jar, but with the number 2, up to a year. Nanny 3 is a dry milk drink for children over one year old.

Packing: available in metal cans of 400 g.

Advantages: All Nanny mixtures are made on the basis of natural goat's milk.

disadvantages: it costs more than the usual classic mixture.

Nestle NAN Pre

Expert review:

It is eaten from birth up to 3 years. This mixture helps parents of premature and underweight babies. Made from partially hydrolysed protein.

Packing: available in metal cans of 400 g.

Advantages: average acceptable cost.

Disadvantages: It can be difficult to find in pharmacies and specialty stores.

Nutrilak Premium Soy

Expert review:

You can give from the first minutes of life. Appointed by a pediatrician. The blend is based on soy protein isolate.

Packing: produced in a cardboard box of 350 g.

Advantages: it is prescribed for small children with cow's milk intolerance, lactose deficiency, galactosemia.

disadvantages : not found.

"Mamako 1" on goat milk

Expert review:

It is used from birth to six months. Does not cause allergies, does not violate the digestive processes.

Packing: available in metal cans of 400 and 800 g.

Advantages: price from 750 rubles for 400 g and from 1500 rubles for 800 g, that is, not too expensive for a goat mixture.

disadvantages : no obvious ones identified.

"Baby 1"

Expert review:

This is the manufacturer - Nutricia: the same one that produces Nutrilon Blend. You can give to drink up to six months.

Packing: available in carton packs of 350 and 700 g.

Benefits: Contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, GOS/FOS prebiotics.

Disadvantages : none.

Similac 1

Expert review:

Suitable for children under the age of six months. It is divided into two types: premium class in metal cans of 400 and 900 g, as well as the classic mixture in carton packs of 350 and 700 g.

Packing: depends on the type.

Benefits: Does not contain palm oil.

Cons : none

MD Mil SP Goat

Expert review:

Suitable for those who cannot drink mother's or cow's milk. Produced for three age categories, as indicated by the numbers from one to three on the package.

Packing: all mixtures are produced in metal cans of 400 g.

Advantages: does not cause skin or other negative reactions.

disadvantages: high price, from 1150 rubles.

You should know it

Natalia, why are amino acids, prebiotics, nucleotides needed and what are they?

Amino acid mixtures do not contain proteins at all. They are prescribed for children with severe allergies to milk and soy proteins. Prebiotics are needed to regulate digestion: they help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Nucleotides are important for the development of the baby, the formation of immunity and intestinal function.

When buying infant formula, you need to pay attention to the expiration date, age recommendations, composition and method of preparation. It is also necessary to pay attention to the shelf life of the open mixture. Vitamins and minerals must be present, and their content is 15-20% higher than in mother's milk.

What should not be included in the mixture: sugar, glucose, sucrose, fructose, soy (only prescribed by a pediatrician), starch (may cause bloating, increased gas formation).

Is it possible to manage to mix the mixture incorrectly?

When preparing the mixture, you must carefully read the preparation method on the package. Always strictly follow the dosage and use the measuring spoon from the jar with the mixture. If you follow the instructions, then it is simply impossible to prepare the mixture incorrectly. Do not prepare the mixture ahead of time. Ready to drink no later than an hour. It cannot be reheated.

What are the storage conditions for mixtures?

The storage conditions of the mixture are indicated on the package. It is important to understand that the opened package of the mixture is stored several times less than the packed one. Opened packages should be kept in the refrigerator. Any mixture must be prepared before use and in no case for the future. When traveling, a bottle of formula can be briefly put in a thermos or cooler bag.


After birth, a baby needs mother's milk. It is ideal for a newborn in its composition and includes vitamins, minerals and nutrients that it needs. little man. He will be fully saturated with this food for six months and only then will he require diversity in his diet.

But, unfortunately, many mothers do not have the opportunity to breastfeed their baby for all 6 months. The reasons may be different: lack of milk, serious illness Or my mother's going to work. In such cases, parents are forced to resort to the help of milk mixtures. Of course, they are not able to replace mother's milk, but manufacturers are trying to bring the composition as close as possible to mother's milk.

Loving parents want only the best for their baby, so they try to find safe and high-quality baby food. According to experts, a rating of infant milk formulas has been compiled. Perhaps he will help parents make the right choice.


Among milk mixtures, Nutrilon occupies a leading position in the ranking. It is produced by the Dutch company Nutricia and has a large assortment for healthy children and for children with various disabilities. The composition of each series is different, it is selected specifically for the newborn, taking into account his age and existing disorders in the body.

All types of Nutrilon are aimed at strengthening immunity, a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, preventing the appearance of colic and gas formation, proper development and growth of the newborn. The cost for one can is quite high and varies from 270 to 850 rubles, depending on the type of mixture chosen and the form of its release.


The next place in the ranking is occupied by baby food Nan, which is produced by Switzerland. It is produced for healthy children different ages. Lactose-free and hypoallergenic mixtures are also available for children prone to food allergies.

You can use Nan as a complementary food, and as a complete meal. The complex of vitamins included in the mixture increases the immunity of the child. Protein components allow the newborn to develop and grow normally. Nutrients charitable work on digestive system baby, excluding the occurrence of problems with digestion. Prices for a jar of the mixture vary depending on the type chosen and amount to 340 - 650 rubles.


An honorable 3rd place in the ranking is occupied by Nestozhen baby food. The manufacturer of this mixture is also Switzerland. It is intended for children from birth with no health problems. Available in 5 types, each of them is intended for a certain age of the newborn.

Nestojen is nutrient mixture containing prebiotics, essential vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of newborns. Manufacturers guarantee a comfortable digestion for a newborn when eating their baby food. The average cost of Nestozhen, whose weight is 700 grams, is within 250 rubles.


The next place is occupied by a domestic manufacturer - Nutritek. Dairy nutrition Nutrilak is available for newborns of different ages. The main ingredients in the composition are cow's milk, vegetable oils, milk demineralized whey. The mixture also includes 30 vitamins and 20 trace elements necessary for the full development of the baby.

All Nutrilak series are basically free of sucrose. Manufacturers also produce hypoallergenic baby food for the treatment and prevention of food allergies in mild form in newborns. The average cost for 350 grams of the mixture is 165 rubles.


5th place in the ranking can be given to the mixture of Humana. Its manufacturer is Germany. The entire range consists of five series for kids of different ages. Manufacturers also produce baby food for premature babies and children prone to allergies.

Consists of Humana from fresh non-GMO skimmed cow's milk, flavors and preservatives. The mixture is enriched with vitamins and prebiotics, which provides protection for the child's immunity. Can be used by children intolerant of fructose, gluten and sucrose. Humana baby food does not contain nucleotides in its composition. The average cost for 500 gr. mixture is 400 rubles.


Hipp's formula includes skimmed cow's milk powder, vegetable oils, prebiotics, probiotics, and nucleotides. This infant formula protects the digestive organs of the newborn, promotes the development immune system and provides allergy prevention. Price for 350 gr. Hipp is an average of 350 rubles.


The 7th place in the ranking is taken by Agusha and its producer is Russia. The company produces dry formulas for children from 6 months and liquid formulas for babies from birth. All Agusha baby food is divided into two types: sour-milk and unleavened. It is better to start feeding a newborn with fresh mixtures, and then gradually move on to fermented milk.

Liquid milk formulas are available in 200 ml packs and are very convenient to use: they just need to be warmed up before use. The composition includes lactose, whole milk, vegetable fats, vitamins, nucleotides, minerals. And the composition of dry mixes includes skimmed milk, vegetable oils, lactose, prebiotics, minerals, vitamins, probiotics, nucleotides. But there are also special Agushi series without nucleotides, prebiotics and probiotics, Omega-3 acids and iodine. Price range for 400 gr. of this baby food is from 280 to 420 rubles.


Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids contribute to the development of baby's brain cells and his retina. Semilac does not contain palm oil, which the best way affects the digestion and absorption of calcium by the baby's body. Price per 400 gr. this mixture averages 350 rubles.


The composition varies depending on the series. The main substances are vitamins, minerals, iron, prebiotics, nucleotides. Mix Baby does not contain sugar, preservatives, dyes, GMOs. Its cost for 350 gr. is about 250 rubles.


And the 10th place in the ranking is occupied by producers from the Netherlands with a mixture of Friso. This baby food is specially formulated for premature babies and babies born with low birth weight. Manufacturers have provided everything for the maturation of the intestines, the development of the nervous system, strengthening the immune system and the microflora of the newborn. Ideal for tube feeding as well. It contains amino acids, prebiotics, nucleotides, balanced fats. For 400 gr. Friso mixes price is 400 rubles.

Place Manufacturer A country Price, rub Special blends
1 Nutrilon Holland 270-850 Separate products for different diseases, strengthens the immune system
2 NAS Switzerland 340-650 Lactose-free and hypoallergenic mixtures, boosting immunity
3 Nestojen Switzerland 250 Suitable from birth, for children without health problems
4 Nutrilak Russia 165 Based on cow's milk, with vitamins, hypoallergenic series
5 Humana Germany 400 For premature babies and those prone to allergies, from cow's milk, with vitamins and prebiotics
6 hipp Germany 350 For children from 2 weeks, based on cow's milk, contains prebiotics, strengthens the immune system
7 Agusha Russia 280-420 Sour-milk and fresh mixtures, based on cow's milk, special series
8 Semilak Spain 350 Contains nucleides and prebiotics, does not contain palm oil
9 baby Russia 250 Contains nucleides and prebiotics, no sugar
10 friso Netherlands 400 For premature and small babies, suitable for tube feeding

This rating of baby milk formulas for newborns will somehow help parents navigate in stores among a large assortment goods. No need to choose only the most expensive and famous brands manufacturers ranked first.

You also need to listen to your baby. After all, each baby is individual, the Baby mixture is ideal for one, and the other eats Semilak well. It is necessary to carefully study the composition of the mixture, especially for parents of children who are prone to allergies. It is also recommended to discuss your choice of baby food or its change with the pediatrician, together with him you need to consider all the features of the child: weight, health status, mood, and only then will the right choice of milk formula be made.