When and why to feed your baby soy formula. Baby soy formula

Until formulas based on milk protein hydrolysates and formulas based on synthetic amino acids received approval for feeding infants, soy formulas were the only type therapeutic nutrition for children with a protein component other than protein cow's milk. Today, this type of nutrition still continues to be relevant.

Composition of soy mixtures

Soy mixtures are medicinal mixtures based on soy protein isolate obtained from soybeans, which should not be genetically modified. This ban is established by the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On food safety” for baby food products and products for pregnant and lactating women, and its implementation is controlled at the state level and by the National Association of Genetic Safety (OAGB).

Soy protein isolate is the most purified form of soy protein. It is produced from shelled and defatted soybeans by removing non-protein compounds, to a protein content of 90-92%. Before being added to the mixture, soy isolate is additionally enriched with calcium and lecithinized. Soy protein, compared to the ideal protein for humans established by the FAO/WHO standard, is characterized by an increased content of almost all essential amino acids. The only thing it lacks is methionine. In this regard, the biological value of soy protein is necessarily increased by introducing methionine. The fat component of soy mixtures consists of a mixture of vegetable fats, and the carbohydrate component may contain maltodextrin, hydrolyzed corn starch, and glucose syrup.

Important! Soy-based formulas are dairy-free, lactose-free formulas, but are not hypoallergenic formulas, as they can cause an allergy to soy protein.

All mixtures based on soy protein isolate are enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex and belong to adapted mixtures intended for feeding a child from birth to 12 months.

Read more about mixtures in these articles.

Differences in the quantitative composition of soy formulas from milk formulas

Comparative analysis of composition requirements per 100 ml ready mixture requirements for adapted milk formulas intended for children from birth to 12 months ( TR CU 033/2013 “On the safety of milk and dairy products”) and mixtures based on soy protein isolate for young children (TR CU 027/2012 “On the safety of certain types of specialized food products, including dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition”) is given in the table.

IndexAdapted milk formulas for children from birth to 12 monthsAdapted mixtures based on soy protein isolate
Protein, g1,2-2,1 1,5-2,0
Taurine, mg, no more8,0 4,5-5,5
Methionine, mgnot separately named25-35
Fat, g3,0-3,8 3,0-3,8
Linoleic acid, % of fatty acids, not less14-20 14
Linoleic acid, mg, not less400-800 400
Carbohydrates, g6,5-8,0 6,5-8,0
Lactose, % of total carbohydrates, not less65,0 absent
Calcium, mg40-90 45-75
Phosphorus, mg20-60 25-50
Potassium, mg40-80 50-80
Sodium, mg15-30 20-32
Magnesium, mg4-10 4-8
Copper, µg30-100 40-100
Manganese, mcg1-30 not named
Iron, mg0,6-1,0 0,6-1,4
Zinc, mg0,3-1,0 0,4-1,0
Chlorides, mg30-80 not named
Iodine, mcg5-35 not named
Selenium, mcg1-4 not named
Vitamin A, mcg-eq40-100 50-80
Vitamin E, mg0,4-1,2 0,5-1,5
Vitamin D, mcg0,8-2,1 0,8-1,2
Vitamin K, mcg2,5-17,0 2,5-10,0
Vitamin B1, mg0,04-0,21 0,03-0,06
Vitamin B2, mg0,05-0,28 0,06-0,1
Vitamin B6, mg0,03-0,12 0,03-0,07
Vitamin Bs, mcg6-35 6-15
Vitamin B12, mcg0,15-0,3 0,15-0,3
Pantothenic acid, mg0,27-1,4 not named
Vitamin PP, mg0,3-1,0 0,4-0,8
Vitamin C, mg5,5-15,0 6,0-15,0
Inositol, mg2,0-28,0 not named
Choline, mg5,0-35,0 not named
Biotin, mcg1,0-4,0 not named
L carnitine, mg, no more2.0 (when applied)1,0-2,0
Lutein, mcg, no more25.0 (when applied)not named
Nucleotides, mg, no more3.5 (when applied)not named

Types of soy mixtures

NameAppearanceBrief description of composition and applicationprice, rub.
"Nutrilak soya", 350 g Protein is represented by soy protein isolate, carbohydrates - glucose syrup. For children with intolerance to cow's milk proteins, lactose, galactosemia, and gluten allergies.415
"Similac Izomil", 400 g Protein is represented by soy protein isolate, carbohydrates - hydrolyzed corn starch. No palm oil. Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: docosahexaenoic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid. Lutein and prebiotics. For children with allergies to cow's milk proteins and lactose intolerance.558
"Nutrilon soy", 400 gProtein is represented by soy protein isolate, carbohydrates - maltodextrin. Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic. For children with allergies to cow's milk proteins and lactose intolerance, after surgical interventions.727
"Frisosoy", 400 g Protein is represented by soy protein isolate, carbohydrates - glucose syrup. Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic. Nucleotides. For children with allergies to cow's milk proteins and lactose intolerance.596
"Humana SL", 500 g Protein is represented by soy protein isolate, carbohydrates - glucose syrup. Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic. For children with allergies to cow's milk proteins, lactose, fructose, and sucrose intolerance.722
"Bellakt soya", 400 g Protein is represented by soy protein isolate, carbohydrates - maltodextrin. Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids: docosahexaenoic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid.400

When is soy mixture prescribed?

Since soy-based mixtures do not contain milk proteins, lactose and gluten, they can be used as medical nutrition in a number of cases:

  • atopic dermatitis caused by;
  • primary (galactosemia) and;
  • allergy to gluten (celiac disease).

The purpose of soy-based mixtures has its own characteristics and limitations:

  • absence of allergy to legume proteins in the child’s closest relatives;
  • child's age is 5-6 months;
  • complete exclusion of dairy products (including fermented milk and butter);
  • observing the child's reaction ( skin changes, vomiting, regurgitation, diarrhea).
  • soy mixtures are introduced into the child’s diet gradually, over 5-7 days;
  • the therapeutic effect from the use of soy mixtures should be expected no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the start of their use;
  • The average course of treatment is 3-6 months.

Myths about soy formula and soy in baby food

  1. Soy mixtures contain GMOs. This myth was refuted at the very beginning of the article, which stated that the use of genetically modified soybeans in soy formulas, as in all baby foods, is prohibited.
  2. Soy formulas are not nutritious enough. Modern soy formulas are food products that are not inferior to milk formulas in their nutritional value, as they contain all the necessary substances for normal height and child development.

  3. Soy protein is poorly absorbed by the body, and it is obviously administered more than required.
    The digestibility of soy isolate by children reaches 95% and is practically not inferior to milk proteins, so there is no need to increase the protein content in the mixture required for the baby. The only one mandatory requirement compared to conventional mixtures there is an increase minimum quantity protein in the mixture. The spread of this opinion is largely due to the presence of anti-oxidants in soybeans. nutrients, in particular a trypsin inhibitor, which can block the enzyme trypsin, which breaks down protein in the human body, which leads to low protein digestibility. Industrially produced soy protein isolate is completely devoid of trypsin inhibitor, which means that nothing prevents soy protein from being absorbed by the body.
  4. Microelements of the mixture are poorly absorbed. A special feature of soybeans is that it contains phosphorus in the composition of phytic acid, which is capable of forming poorly soluble salts - phytates with biological important microelements(iron, copper, molybdenum, manganese) and interfere with their absorption and assimilation. However, modern technologies for producing soy isolate make it possible to almost completely clean it of phytates and phytic acid, eliminating the need to add trace elements in excess. The exception is iron, which is allowed to be added in larger quantities than in conventional mixtures, but this is rather a feature not of soy mixtures specifically, but of all medicinal and therapeutic-and-prophylactic mixtures.
  5. Soy mixtures can cause flatulence and diarrhea. The fact is that soybeans contain quite a lot of hard-to-digest carbohydrates (raffinose and stachyose), which, when they enter the intestines, stimulate the development of microflora, causing flatulence and bloating. Soy protein isolates lose these carbohydrates during processing and are not capable of causing anything like this.
  6. Have an adverse effect on the reproductive development of the child. This opinion appeared due to the presence of plant phytoestrogens in soy, which have similar properties to estrogens (female sex hormones). Studying markers of puberty infants(bone density and metabolic markers) demonstrated the absence of hormonal effects when infants were fed soy formula. This is due to the fact that the activity of phytoestrogens is disproportionately lower than that of estrogens and their high concentration is required to obtain a noticeable hormonal effect.
  7. Soy mixtures can slow down mental development. This myth arose after observing a group of adults who consumed tofu for about 20 years, which resulted in a decline in their cognitive abilities by the age of 71-93 years of life. However, short-term studies have refuted this relationship. A much more likely explanation for cognitive decline was old age subjects.
  8. May cause iodine deficiency in the body. Indeed, at the beginning of the 20th century, when soy mixtures were just beginning to be used, such a problem existed. Modern mixtures do not cause iodine deficiency, as they are enriched with a sufficient amount of iodine for the child.
  9. Soy mixtures are made with soy milk. Soy milk is not the same thing as soy protein isolate. Soy milk is originally a liquid product made by soaking ground soybeans in water and then separating the resulting liquid extract, which can be dried to dryness. Soy milk has many impurities and in dry form contains only 46% protein versus 90-92% of its content in isolate. Thus, the basis of the protein component of all soy mixtures is not soy milk, but soy isolate.
  10. Soy lecithin in infant formula is harmful. Lecithin is a substance related to phospholipids. It is a natural component of human milk that plays important role during the formation of central and peripheral nervous system, which promotes the absorption of vitamins A, K, E, D, affects fat metabolism, stimulates the formation of hemoglobin and has other important functions. Vegetable lecithin is more effective than animal lecithin, and soybean oil is the richest source. Its emulsifying properties are widely used in industry, which is especially important when dissolving infant formula in water. Parents' concerns about the presence of soy lecithin in infant formula are mainly related to the possible extraction from genetically modified soybeans, which is unfounded due to the ban on its use in baby food.
  11. Soybean oil in infant formula may be genetically modified. The source of transgenes is protein, and soybean oil does not contain protein, so it cannot be genetically modified. In this regard, it is not subject to examination for the content of GM sources and mandatory labeling.

Natural feeding - the best option for a newborn. However, mother's milk is not always enough. In such cases, an adapted milk formula (for example, “Nan”) comes to the rescue. When deciding to introduce complementary foods, parents should not forget about food allergies, which children are often susceptible to.

Allergic manifestations during the introduction of complementary foods are obvious changes in the color and consistency of stool, rashes on the face and body, redness and peeling of the skin, difficulty breathing, rhinitis and even the appearance of snoring.

Sometimes this problem is hereditary. If close relatives suffer from this disease, then there is a chance that it may also appear in the baby. But most cases of allergies are still associated with dietary disorders. In this case, stop the manifestation unpleasant symptoms Correcting the menu will help.

When choosing a suitable hypoallergenic mixture, first of all you should remember that the child must receive all the necessary nutrients from food. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine which substances the baby’s body does not tolerate well.

A repeated mistake when selecting ready-made feed can lead to more acute manifestations of allergies or the transition of the disease to the chronic phase. To prevent this, at the first signs of the disease, you must urgently contact a pediatrician, who will prescribe treatment and recommend the most appropriate feeding option.

Newborns have something special careful attitude requires digestive system, which in the first months of life cannot be called fully formed. She is not yet ready for serious tests, so the mother should choose the most gentle food for her baby.

Contains in baby food essential vitamins and microelements that can support children's immunity.

The main thing is to carefully consider the choice of a jar of ready-made dry food. It is better not to take risks and give preference to hypoallergenic mixtures. They are also called hypoantigenic.

These are products characterized by a minimal content of allergens. For the first time, such feeding began to be used in the second half of the 20th century. Such nutrition is based on protein that has undergone pre-processing - hydrolysis, during which valuable amino acids and peptides are released.

The composition of the mixtures is different, and this is worth understanding.

Key parameters

  1. Age. Today, the choice of infant formula is so large that when purchasing a product for the first time, you should look at what age it is intended for. This information must be indicated on the packaging. It is important to choose food suitable for baby according to the age scale, because as the child grows, the need for nutrients transforms. Accordingly, the contents of the mixtures for different terms will be different.
  2. Compound. Next we look at the composition. It should not contain products that can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.
  3. Price. If the choice is between a cheap and an expensive jar with similar filling, then you should not overpay, believing that the expensive product will be of higher quality. There are many cases where the child’s body did not accept expensive formulas, but reacted positively to cheap ones. Therefore, a high price is not an indicator of better quality.
  4. Date of manufacture– is also an important selection parameter. It must be indicated on the box. If baby food is nearing its expiration date, you should not buy it, because it may take several weeks from opening the package until the formula is completely used up. During this time, the product will become expired. You should also not buy baby formula for future use. On the contrary, it is better to buy the smallest packaging. There is always a possibility that the diet will have to be changed if suddenly the newborn has a reaction to the product you have chosen. profuse regurgitation, too frequent bowel movements or constipation, skin rashes, gas or colic.

If, after introducing a new diet, the little one feels good and no negative changes occur, you can safely stop the search.

Allergies are an almost unpredictable phenomenon. For example, it can occur on milk protein. Then dairy-free soy formulas are suitable for feeding. They have a sweetish, pleasant taste. At the same time, the choice is great:

  • if a baby has a predisposition to intolerance to cow's milk, then preventative dairy-free options are intended for him;
  • with moderate manifestations of allergies - therapeutic and prophylactic;
  • in serious cases - therapeutic.

The last two types of formulas are not fed to the baby constantly, but only until the allergy symptoms disappear.


With soy

For newborns with intolerance to cow's milk, soy-based formulas have been created. The best, according to parent reviews, in this group are:

  • "Similac Izomil" - Denmark;
  • “Nan soya” – Switzerland;
  • “Friso-soy” (FrieslandCampina) and “Nutrilon Soy” (Nutricia) – Holland;
  • “Humana SL” (Humana) – Germany;
  • Enfamil Soy (Mead Johnson Nutritionals) – USA;
  • "Bellakt Soya" - Belarus;
  • “Detolakt Soya” is a Ukrainian brand.

Some people cannot tolerate milk, while others cannot tolerate soy. About a third of newborns are allergic to soy proteins. That is why it is better to consult a professional in advance regarding any type of baby food. If you intend to feed your baby soy formula, your doctor will definitely ask if your close relatives are allergic to legumes.

But even if soy the mixture will do It can be given to babies no earlier than 5 months. This new food should be introduced gradually, alternating with the usual mother's milk, increasing the amount over the course of a week. At the same time, babies should not be on the menu. fermented milk products, as well as cheese or butter.

Of course, there are cases of allergies to soy protein - then other options should be considered.

With protein hydrolysates

For children who cannot tolerate soy foods, products with protein hydrolysates may be suitable. This is a new generation of mixtures with hypoallergenic properties. They are chosen if the child’s work is impaired gastrointestinal tract, for example, there are problems with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

  • “Nutramigen” and “Pregestimil” (Mead Johnson Nutritionals) – USA;
  • “Friso PEP AC” (FrieslandCampina) and “Nutrilon Pepti Allergy” (Nutricia) – Holland;
  • "Alfare" (Nestle) - Switzerland,
  • "Humana" (H.A.1, H.A.2 and H.A.3);
  • “Similac Hypoallergenic” and “Similac Alimentum”;
  • “HiPP Combiotic” (HA1 and HA2, HiPP) – Austria;
  • “Nutrilak PEPTIDE MCT” and “Topic 1 or 2 H.A.” (Unimilk) – Russia.

If the baby has a congenital tendency to allergies, mixtures made using protein hydrolysates can be given while still in the maternity hospital.

But keep in mind that introducing them into a newborn’s diet is not easy: mothers write in reviews on parenting forums that mixtures of this type have a specific bitter taste, to which children gradually get used to.

With goat milk

The fats and proteins of goat's milk are absorbed better by babies than cow's milk. Moreover, it is useful for absolutely all little ones, regardless of whether they suffer from allergies or not.

Now this type baby food is confidently taking a leading position. The most popular products in the series are produced by: “Cabrita” and “Nanny”.

Brands in Focus

“Nan hypoallergenic” contains whey protein, split into amino acids. This eliminates the possibility of allergies. In addition, the product does not cause discomfort in the baby's tummy, such as constipation and colic. The veracity of this fact is confirmed by numerous reviews from moms and dads.

“Nan-2” with the addition of bifidobacteria is intended for children from 6 months of age. Moreover, the formula can also be given to newborns: food from a jar marked “1” is given to babies in the maternity hospital, when mother’s milk is still small. Obvious plus: causing allergies There are no components in Nan.

"Nutrilon" is a tasty mixture, as close in composition as possible to mother's milk. It is intended for healthy children, and does not contain substances that cause a negative reaction in the tiny body. In addition, Nutrilon brand nutrition maintains the balance of intestinal microflora.

Vegetable fats are included in baby food in order to make it as close as possible to mother's milk. , and soybean oils are in many ways beneficial for the baby, are perfectly absorbed by the small body and contribute to the development mental activity and vision. Nutrilon contains such oils.

Some mothers prefer to buy formulas without palm oil, which today has a lot of pros and cons, and which can still act as an allergen.

"Similak Hypoallergenic" - food for children whose relatives are allergic. This series of mixtures is created on the basis of milk protein hydrolyzate. This option is suitable for babies from birth to one year.

Manufacturers claim that a child will not develop symptoms if fed with Similak brand products. The composition meets all the requirements necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Does not contain palm oil; instead, the mixture contains vegetable oil familiar to Russian people.

Subtleties of feeding

The use of a hypoallergenic mixture has its own characteristics. Before giving it to your baby, you need to understand a few points. In particular, it is not recommended to suddenly switch to a new product. This needs to be done gradually.

The results of switching to hypoallergenic infant formula will not be noticeable immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks. During this period, the baby’s skin will noticeably clear up if he previously had allergies.

You should use soy food especially carefully: doctors recommend introducing it into a regular diet from six months of age, and ideally only after a year.

Before giving a hypoantigenic infant formula to a newborn, you should consult a pediatrician. Only a specialist can take into account a number of additional factors that parents may not even be aware of.

Soybeans contain unique complete proteins that are practically not inferior in nutritional value and nutritional value to proteins of animal origin. But since the debate about the usefulness of soy is still ongoing, many parents are wondering: can this product be used in baby food?

What are the benefits of soy?

In nutrition, a person uses soybean seeds - soybeans characterized by a high content of vegetable protein, on average accounting for about 40% of the weight of the seed. In terms of their biological value, soybean proteins are very close to proteins of animal origin, that is, they contain all essential amino acids (amino acids that cannot be produced by the body independently, but can only be supplied with food proteins) in an optimal ratio. Soy protein has a relatively low energy value of 215 kcal per 100 g (for example, 100 g of lean pork contains 357 kcal, and 100 g of beef contains 220 kcal).

A characteristic feature of soybeans is the low content of carbohydrates, which are represented by soluble sugars - glucose, fructose, sucrose, as well as soluble polysaccharides (starch) and insoluble structural polysaccharides (hemicellulose, pectin substances, mucus, etc.). These carbohydrates take Active participation in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating bowel movements, as well as in the absorption and removal of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

The mineral composition of soybeans is represented by potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium. Soy grain contains a number of vitamins: b-carotene, vitamin E, B1, B2, B6, choline, biotin, folic acid.

Soybeans are the richest natural source of isoflavonoids - biologically active substances that, together with soy protein help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases digestive organs, cardiovascular system, as well as oncological diseases. Isoflavonoids are resistant to heat treatment, and cooking does not reduce their quantity or activity.

"Harmful" components

Along with useful substances Soy also contains substances that are considered anti-nutrients. These include: inhibitors of enzymes that break down proteins, lectins, urease, lipoxygenase, etc.

Inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that break down proteins) block the work of these enzymes, forming stable complexes, which results in a decrease in the absorption of protein substances in the diet. If soy products predominate in the diet for a long time or the diet is made up exclusively of them, then the blockade of pancreatic enzymes leads to the fact that it is forced to work more intensively, “for wear,” producing additional amounts of enzymes, which ultimately leads to disruption of its function.

Lectins disrupt the absorption function of the intestinal mucosa, thereby increasing its permeability to bacterial toxins and rotting products.

Lipoxygenase- an enzyme that oxidizes lipids (fats), resulting in a decrease in the taste of soybeans. Inactivation harmful substances(almost 95%) occurs during thermal and industrial processing of soybeans, which means their concentration in soy products is almost zero.

The exceptional composition of soy, namely: the absence of cholesterol and lactose, the presence of unique proteins, whose amino acid composition is almost identical to the composition of proteins of animal origin, allows the use of soy and its processed products in the diet of not only adults, but also children.

Soy-based infant formulas

Specialized infant formulas based on purified soy protein (isolate) are made from genetically non-modified raw materials, contain only vegetable fats and carbohydrates, a balanced vitamin and mineral composition, and therefore they are easily absorbed and tolerated by the child’s body and are a good basis for children’s therapeutic nutrition.

Indications for switching to soy mixtures may include:

  • Cow's milk protein intolerance- this is a special type in which the consumption of products based on cow's milk, including infant formula, leads to the development of allergic reactions from the skin () and the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, diarrhea or constipation, colic).
  • Galactosemia- this hereditary disease is caused by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism and is characterized by a lag in physical and mental development, enlarged liver, jaundice, cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye).
  • Celiac disease is a digestive disorder caused by damage to the villi of the small intestine by gluten (aka gliadin), this protein is found in grain products (wheat, rye, malt, barley and oats). This disease has a mixed autoimmune, allergic, hereditary genesis, and occurs with a frequency of 1:3000.
  • Lactase deficiency is a congenital or acquired condition in which the body, due to a deficiency or complete absence of the lactase enzyme, is unable to break down milk sugar - lactose. The disease is characterized by frequent, liquid, foamy, sour-smelling stools, abdominal pain, flatulence, intestinal pain; in young children, dehydration is possible, and insufficient weight gain is observed.

Since soy mixtures (NAN-soy, Nutri-soy, Nutrilon-soy, Peptidi soy, Frisosoy, Humana SL, etc.) are medicinal, i.e. are intended for the correction and prevention of pathological conditions, then switching to them is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor and when introducing them the following rules must be observed:

  • gradually introduce a new mixture - replacing the full volume in no less than a week;
  • during the introduction of a new mixture, it is unacceptable to use new products;
  • Monitor allergies carefully as soy formulas contain small amounts of native protein (that is, unrefined protein found in its natural state) and are therefore potentially allergenic. Due to high risk development of an allergic reaction, it is not recommended to switch babies to soy food younger than 4-5 months .

But the most important thing is right choice alternative nutrition for the baby, taking into account his individual characteristics and health conditions, therefore, when choosing a mixture, you should consult your doctor.

In the nutrition of young children, it is recommended to use only specialized products with proper labeling, i.e. The label must indicate that the product is recommended for baby food. This ensures that medicinal soy mixtures and other soy-based products comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations adopted in Russian Federation, and excludes the use of genetically modified soybeans in their production.

Soy products

In addition to specialized soy formulas, the market offers soy-based baby food products, such as soy milk, kefir, cottage cheese, and cheese curds. They can be used by children over 2 years old , as well as products based on cow's milk, provided that the product is well tolerated. But you need to remember that for younger children preschool age As before, milk and dairy products remain the basis of the diet, as they contain calcium and vitamin D, which are necessary for the growth and development of the child. And soy milk products (due to their plant origin) lack these qualities. Therefore, a complete replacement of cow's milk is undesirable.

The production of soy products can be roughly represented by two main lines: dairy and meat.

Dairy , which are allowed children over 2.5-3 years old , are obtained using a special unit, the so-called soy cow, - pre-processed soybeans are placed in it, from which, under the influence high pressure get liquid soy milk, which is subsequently pasteurized to increase shelf life. Soy milk, which has a sweetish taste, can be used in nutrition in the same way as cow's milk, since it is not inferior to it in its nutritional value, but does not contain lactose. During the milk production process, okara is also obtained - a paste from soybean pulp, which is a source large quantity coarse fiber. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in children's diets. Okara is added to minced meat and dough, making the products cheaper without losing the taste.

Genetically modified soybeans

Genetically modified products are produced from so-called transgenic plants, and transgenic soybean as a cheap vegetable protein is widely used both for the production of soy products themselves and as a “protein fortifier” for sausages and meat products. Transgenic plants are hybrids in which the set of genes has been changed in order to give the plant some beneficial features: resistance to pests, frost resistance, yield, calorie content, etc. When “adding” a new quality, the plant does not fully know how this will affect its genetic code as a whole, and therefore it is unknown how this will affect the health of a person who regularly eats food from genetically modified plants. Independent scientists have concluded that active consumption of genetically modified foods is associated with significant health risks. This can lead to the spread of new pathogenic bacteria, affecting harmful effects on the body, when “useful” genes are inserted into a certain DNA chain, various technological “garbage” can also end up there, for example, an antibiotic resistance gene. Eating genetically modified food can cause severe allergies, since foreign (modified) proteins are potential allergens. All this makes the use of transgenic products in baby food unacceptable.

When soy milk is boiled, foam forms on its surface - the so-called yuba, its taste is quite specific. The yuba is collected with a slotted spoon, dried, rolled into a tube, and then completely dry added to salads and other dishes instead of asparagus or bamboo. Yuba is also not recommended for use in baby food.

Soy kefir obtained by adding sourdough. It is no healthier than traditional kefir; on the contrary, it is depleted in calcium and vitamins, but can be used in the diet of vegetarian children.

When soy milk is curdled, it turns out soy cheese tofu, or bean curd. Tofu is similar to homemade cheese. It has a neutral taste (that is, almost no own taste), which is one of the advantages of tofu, since it is possible to add all kinds of additives, for example seaweed(in industrial production), fresh fruits, nuts or dried fruits at home, which improves the taste and nutritional quality of the product.

Soy curd mass It is prepared from soy milk in the same way as tofu is prepared, only with the addition of sugar.

Meat product line (which are allowed for children over 5 years old ) is prepared from soy concentrate, which replaces meat, from which huge quantities can be prepared different dishes- these can be cutlets, chops, etc. Soy meat has a neutral taste and smell, therefore, to give it specific odors, it is necessary to add dressings and sauces, which is excluded in the diet of young children.

Soy flour, soy protein isolate is added to meat products (sausages, frankfurters, sausages), it is advisable not to use it in children's diets under 3 years old .

IN children's menu not recommended for use miso- soybean paste, fermented, natto which is made from whole cooked soybeans, tempeh- a product of fermented soybeans, since all of them are a source of a large amount of coarse fiber, and its use will lead to digestive problems in the child. From children's diet also excluded soy sauce, due to the high salt content. In addition, it often causes allergic reactions, since its “ferment” requires the addition of special microorganisms. Soy flour can only be included in the diet after 5 years , since this product contains a substance that inhibits the activity of one of the enzymes that digests protein in the duodenum. During heat treatment, this substance is destroyed, but still, porridge based on such flour should not be given to children. Flour contains indigestible carbohydrate components - raffinose and stachyose, which can cause bloating, diarrhea, etc.

In baby food it is possible to use healthy, hypoallergenic soybean oil, in the same volumes as the usual vegetable and olive oils.

Thanks to modern technology of processing by pre-germination of soybean grains, new baby food products with good taste and nutritional properties are produced, which include extrusion products in the form breakfast cereals And confectionery eg cookies, muffins.

In childhood, soybeans and soy products are used primarily as a therapeutic food for certain conditions. In addition, they are a source of high-value proteins as an alternative to animal products. Also, soybeans and soy products will help diversify the diet of healthy children.

Comment on the article "Soy products. What can a baby eat?"

Nutrition for a nursing mother: what foods cause colic? During the first months after the birth of the baby, a nursing mother needs to adhere to a simple diet. It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods causing bloating: legumes, sweets, cabbage. It is better not to eat fresh vegetables and fruits yet; they can also cause bloating and colic. They should be consumed in cooked form - boiled, baked. It is undesirable to eat foods that are too fatty, overcooked, spicy or smoked. WITH...


I didn’t follow a strict diet and everything was fine. She ate everything, but within reasonable limits. My son was born in the middle of summer; how can mom manage without fresh vegetables and fruits? This enriches the composition of breast milk. And all babies have colic. Massaging the tummy in a clockwise direction with massage oil chicco.

I never followed a diet. I ate everything, but watched the baby’s reaction. I didn’t notice that any product affected his well-being.

The name "First Choice" speaks for itself. First choice products "FrutoNyanya" are hypoallergenic products for the first acquaintance with each category of complementary foods ( dairy-free porridge, vegetable, fruit, meat purees, juices and even baby water). 6 questions about complementary feeding are answered by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova Sergei Viktorovich Belmer. 1. What is complementary feeding? Under feeding...

The ELEMENTAREE meal builder differs from other food delivery services for preparing lunches and dinners that we tested here and here in that it was invented for adherents of proper, healthy eating. The website presents healthy and homemade nutrition kits. The company offers original solution: comprehensive food sets (breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as healthy snacks (fruit, nuts)) and a balanced menu for the whole day. Twice a week they deliver to your home or office...

This “sour cream” product is not sour cream or what they feed in kindergarten. Kulchitskaya Anna, RVS About 5 years ago, when the next reforms in the organization of nutrition in kindergartens were planned, parents were organized “Potemkin tastings”. The district education department collected active parents preschoolers were treated to delicious products that were “specially designed and created according to special specifications to feed your children.” There were dumplings, and yoghurts, and sour cream, and kefir, and...

Must be consumed following products: The fish is not oily; lean meat, skinless chicken, liver, dry soy products that need to be cooked, seafood. Fry (including kebabs), boil, smoke, bake. Cottage cheese 0% fat (no more than 2 times a week) Vegetables: Fresh, canned without sugar, stewed, fried, boiled. Only in cooked form: onions (turnip, green, leek), garlic. Only fresh: carrots, beets. Berries (fresh and fresh frozen - all). Fruits (fresh and...

I'm not a fan of all kinds of miso soups and food with seaweed. But my kids love the Naruto cartoon, and Naruto eats ramen all the time. I had to master the preparation of this dish, adapting it somewhat to my taste preferences: real ramen puts much more spices than I do. I buy ready-made noodles. I cook according to the instructions. I add all the ingredients according to the “what’s lying around in the refrigerator” principle. It is advisable to have: 1) Meat with bones (pork, beef...

Nutrition for children in the first year of life performs several functions. The first is to give the child the substances necessary for growth and development. The second, no less relevant, is to ensure prevention allergic diseases or, if the allergy has already manifested itself, minimize its manifestations by selecting low-allergenic products. And the third is to promote the skills of swallowing, chewing, and the formation of a eating routine. How to feed a child of the first year of life if he has allergies? Breast-feeding. For...

We also had an allergy to milk; only goat’s milk worked well. They cooked porridge on it and made cottage cheese from it, and they actually drank it.
My son still eats little besides apples and bananas.
We were allergic to all the jars, so we cooked turkey (the only meat that did not give allergic reactions), cooked vegetables, everything in a blender and froze the portions for a week. Vegetables mostly cauliflower and zucchini. Carrots, onions, potatoes, greens - everything gave allergic reactions. it was lunch and dinner.
Of the fish, only salmon and salmon passed normally... but this was after a year.
So breakfast was porridge goat milk, after 3 hours a bottle of either mixture or goat milk, lunch - turkey with vegetables, after 3 hours a bottle of mixture, afternoon snack - goat milk curd and a banana or baked apple. Dinner: porridge with goat's milk or vegetables with meat - depending on your mood. And at night 0.33 mixture or goat milk.
After a year of allergies to different types meat passed, I started drinking juices (only gardens near the bottom, the rest had a sharp allergic reaction).
The son was never thin and undernourished. The pediatricians were sent to the kindergarten at the stage of active advice to drink vitamins, to which the son gave a very beautiful rash on his cheeks and butt.
Now TTT - there is an allergy only to chemical vitamin preparations.
So grow up, everything should be wonderful!

Why don’t you give me pork? It is, of course, not dietary meat, but it is hypoallergenic. And calories and beauty in general. Turkey is too dry meat, it has no calories or taste.

I would still exclude butter and replace it with vegetable oil. If you really are allergic to milk. Even trace amounts of milk in food lead to the food not being digested.

Add meat to a dish of cereals or vegetables.

Screw the pediatrician, food allergies are not an easy thing.

My youngest child was a terrible allergy sufferer. It was fear and horror. Now the only prohibitions are milk, bread and tomatoes. And at your age, you could only eat 7 foods.

In general, don't be so nervous. Well, your child is slim, so that’s not bad. My youngest miracle weighed 11 kg when she was three years old, and then she gained 1.5 kg in 3 months:)

I decided to introduce soy products into my diet. I bought soybean grain and flour. But I don’t really know any recipes for cooking with soy. Can anyone advise from their experience what can be prepared for a baby from soybeans? I will be very grateful.


The other day I bought Happy Parents 6/2000. Excerpt from the note
"Vegetarian moms who rely too much on soy and soy products may be doing a disservice to their baby. born boy. This fact had to be stated by English scientists who have been observing children of vegetarian mothers since 1991. They concluded that soy may be the cause of hypospadias, that is, a simultaneous malformation of the external genitalia and urethra... A mother who replaces all protein foods with soy and its derivatives risks five times more than a mother who consumes milk and eggs..." So, we eat a lot of this soy; it is added to many products labeled as “vegetable protein.” It is not yet known how soy affects our children.

06/21/2000 17:52:56, Nastya

There is such a company "DISO", very cool soy products. I tried a friend’s soy mince, a cocktail, schnitzels, goulash, etc. Delicious! Small children eat too, it’s been tested.

06/19/2000 13:10:59, Natalie

There has been debate for quite some time about whether soy formula is harmful or beneficial for babies. However, if the baby cannot tolerate cow's milk proteins, soy formula becomes a must. In addition, since soy nutrition is medicinal and is prescribed by a pediatrician, it means that statements about its harm are not so clear-cut.

Why are children given soy formula?

If a baby is intolerant to mother's milk or cow's milk, there is no choice, and the doctor recommends switching the child to soy infant formula.

It is known that soybean is a unique product in its composition; it contains complete proteins that are practically not inferior in nutritional value and nutritional value to proteins of animal origin. But the soy substitute must be introduced gradually, with great caution. If the soy mixture gives an allergic reaction, immediately consult a doctor to change the quality of your baby's complementary foods.

Naturally, soy is not as physiological for a child as mother’s milk, primarily because soy protein is of plant rather than animal origin. However, if you are intolerant to the carbohydrate component of cow's milk, soy is a powerful alternative and does not lead to negative consequences. You can give your child an adapted soy milk formula in the quantities that he needs as he grows.

Conditions under which soy mixture is administered

If the baby has an intolerance to cow's milk protein, which is manifested by the fact that after taking infant formula that contains cow's milk, the child exhibits allergic reactions, such as bloating, regurgitation, colic, bowel dysfunction, diathesis, the child is given soy formula.

The baby has galactosemia and in his body there is a lack of enzymes that break down galactose, which is part of milk sugar, into glucose. Galactose, accumulating in the blood, has a toxic effect on the body and provokes both physical and mental retardation, cataracts, jaundice, and liver enlargement. If you completely exclude milk from your diet, including breast milk, replacing it with baby soy formula, these serious consequences can be avoided.

Lactase deficiency is also associated with enzymatic deficiency, but in this case the digestion of lactose in the intestine suffers. Lack or complete absence lactase (an enzyme that breaks down lactose) leads to the child often having diarrhea (frequent stools, foamy, plentiful, with a pronounced sour odor). There is also bloating in the abdomen, intestinal colic, and very young children may develop dehydration. In this case, you cannot do without soy infant formula.

For celiac disease, a digestive disorder caused by damage to the villi of the small intestine by gluten (also known as gliadin), the introduction of soy mixtures is also recommended.

Infant soy formula differs from regular infant formula in that it is made from highly purified plant soy protein, whereas most breast milk substitutes are based on animal milk protein, mainly cow's milk.

Soy-based formulas also do not contain the so-called milk sugar found in cow's and breast milk - lactose. Therefore, the next important difference between soy formula for children is their carbohydrate component, which consists of a glucose derivative (dextrine maltose) and glucose syrup.

These are the main differences between this group of infant formulas, since the remaining components - fats, a complex of vitamins and minerals, are the same as in other formulas and fully meet the needs of the growing body of a child in the first year of life. This means that soy-based formula can be successfully used for feeding infants, especially those with special nutritional needs.

When is it appropriate to use the mixture on soybeans?

Feeding a child with soy-based formulas may be recommended for use in the following cases:

  1. For lactase deficiency.

    Lactase deficiency is a malfunction of the gastrointestinal enzyme lactase, which breaks down the milk sugar lactose from milk. This may be a congenital or acquired condition, for example due to intestinal infection accompanied by diarrhea. In such cases, feeding the child with soy formula allows you to avoid additional stress and facilitate the digestion process, prevent or reduce increased gas formation, baby's anxiety.

  2. With galactosemia.

    Galactosemia is a rare, hereditary disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, when the functioning of the enzymes responsible for further digestion of the carbohydrate lactose is disrupted. One of the main methods of treating galactosemia is properly organized diet therapy, when any types of milk and dairy products, as well as foods and dishes containing them, are excluded from the child’s diet. Using baby soy formula will bypass the block of non-functioning enzymes and provide the growing body with all the necessary nutrients.

  3. If you are allergic to cow's milk protein

    Food allergies, in the first year of life in children, most often develop to cow's milk protein. If a child has skin manifestations of food allergies (rash, redness, etc.), and the baby is at least 6 months old, a soy protein formula can also be recommended for feeding. Especially in cases where it is difficult for a child in the second half of life to administer formulas based on deeply digested cow's milk protein (hydrolysate), due to their specific, bitter taste.

    Soy mixtures will also be effective for allergies to milk protein in combination with lactase deficiency.

What does Nutrilak offer?

Infant soy formula is produced on the basis of highly purified, non-genetically modified soy protein isolate with increased biological value due to the additional introduction of the amino acids L-methionine and taurine. In addition to a complete set of vitamins and minerals in Nutrilak Premium Soy includes a higher content of calcium, iron, zinc and phosphorus, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, being structural components of the brain, are indispensable for the development of intelligence and maintaining visual acuity.