Dairy-free dry mix Humana SL based on natural soy protein isolate. Soy formulas for children

If your child is prone to allergies, then it is preferable to introduce hypoallergenic mixtures into his diet, because they are usually dairy-free and contain protein hydrolyzate. There is a wide range of such baby food, and sometimes parents, especially inexperienced ones, find it very difficult to make the right choice. Read how different types of hypoallergenic products differ from each other, what are their properties. This will help you accept correct solution.

What is a hypoallergenic mixture

Every mom wants to feed her baby only with breast milk, but different reasons this is sometimes not possible. In such a situation, special baby food comes to the rescue. However, if a child is found to be allergic to it, this brings young parents into a state of shock. You should not panic, because modern manufacturers have taken this situation into account and released hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns.

How is this food different from regular food? The hypoallergenic mixture for newborns has other components in its composition, as a rule, it does not contain natural milk backs. It is specially designed so that, when it enters the body of the crumbs, it does not provoke allergic reactions and can be used for treatment, during remission and for prevention. There are several types of hypoallergenic food:

  1. Dairy-free formulas for babies. Suitable for children who have an absolute intolerance to cow's milk. Contains soy protein.
  2. Low and lactose free. Designed for babies with lactose intolerance. Used for diarrhea and intestinal infections.
  3. Adapted proteins. Designed for children with severe milk allergy, cystic fibrosis, premature babies and children who are not gaining weight well.
  4. Dairy without phenylalanine. Designed for children with phenylketonuria.
  5. Gluten free. For babies who have complete intolerance to cereals.

Mixtures are available in the following forms:

  1. Dry. Powder with economical consumption and long shelf life. Diluted with water in the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. Liquid concentrated. Diluted with water one to one, stored for a short time.
  3. Ready. This food only needs to be warmed up.

Therapeutic hypoallergenic mixtures

They are prescribed by specialists (allergist or pediatrician) if the child has a food allergy or other disorders. They are based on cow's milk with a high degree of hydrolysis (cleavage) of the protein substrate. Therapeutic mixtures for children with allergies contain vitamins, trace elements, minerals. They are prescribed for:

  • food allergies of light, moderate, severe course;
  • problems with digestion and absorption (may be caused by bowel surgery, chronic diarrhea, pancreatic insufficiency, cystic fibrosis, and other conditions);
  • hypotrophy;
  • severe intestinal absorption syndrome.

Medicinal mixtures can be:

  1. Serum. Contains peptides derived from the breakdown of whey proteins. Such products are characterized by high biological value.
  2. Casein. With cleaved casein peptides.
  3. Soya.

Preventive hypoallergenic mixtures

Nutrition for children who have an increased risk of allergies (for example, because one or both parents have it). Prophylactic Hypoallergenic Blend contains partially hydrolyzed milk protein, which is easier to digest than whole milk protein. Such food is prescribed for:

  • increased risk allergies;
  • the first manifestation of a reaction to cow's milk;
  • long-term remission after allergy.

Nan hypoallergenic

  • price: 320-690 rubles per 400 g;
  • composition: partially hydrolyzed whey protein, lactose, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lacto- and bifidobacteria, maltodextrin (in Nan-2 product);
  • for what age: Nan-1 from birth to six months, Nan-2 from 6 months to a year, Nan-3 from 12 months;
  • pluses: it dissolves very quickly, pleasant taste, there is practically no bitterness characteristic of hypoallergenic nutrition, the presence of fatty acids, a safe composition, convenient packaging with a measuring spoon, economical consumption;
  • cons: it is expensive, constipation and bowel movements of a green tint are possible.

Nutrilon hypoallergenic

The manufacturer of baby food produces several types of products for children with increased food sensitivity. Hypoallergenic formula Nutrilon is very similar in composition to breast milk and is suitable for the prevention of the disease. Has the following characteristics:

  • price: 400 g costs 650-800 rubles;
  • composition: partially hydrolyzed milk proteins, fatty acids, lactose, palm oil, prebiotics, soy lecithin, vitamins, minerals, taurine;
  • for what age: Nutrilon No. 1 from 0 to 6 months, No. 2 - from six months;
  • pluses: prebiotics develop strong immunity, fatty acids contribute to the normal development of the central nervous system, brain, visual function, nutrition prevents the appearance of intestinal infections; convenient packaging;
  • cons: expensive, sometimes causes stool disorders.

Similac hypoallergenic

This brand is made in Spain. The hypoallergenic mixture of Similac has many positive feedback from parents who used it, but some babies do not fit. List of its main features:

  • price: 615-770 rubles;
  • composition: partial protein hydrolyzate, vitamins, lactose, minerals, lutein, vegetable oils, nucleotides, fatty acids, prebiotics, maltodextrin;
  • for what age: No. 1 - up to six months, No. 2 - from 6 months to a year;
  • pluses: reduces the risk of flatulence, promotes the full development of the brain, maintains normal intestinal microflora, has a good effect on the formation nervous system, contains no palm oil;
  • cons: some children are not suitable and cause intestinal disorders.

Nestogen hypoallergenic

Nestlé products. The Nestozhen mixture is hypoallergenic in composition as close as possible to the breast milk of a woman. Many parents prefer this brand because of the affordable cost, good composition. However, there are also negative reviews of mothers, indicating that such food did not suit their child. Description:

  • price: 270-490 rubles;
  • composition: protein hydrolyzate, prebiotics, maltodextrin, vitamins, minerals;
  • for what age: from birth;
  • pluses: pleasant smell, sweet taste, quickly diluted, affordable price, abundance useful components in the composition ensures the full development of the child's body;
  • cons: inconvenient packaging, food is not suitable for everyone, for some it provokes severe constipation and pain in the abdomen.

Nutrilak hypoallergenic

It is immediately worth noting that the reviews about this product are ambiguous. The hypoallergenic Nutrilak mixture has a bitter taste much stronger than its counterparts, so some kids flatly refuse to eat it. Main Power Specifications:

  • price: 200-410 rubles;
  • composition: reduced lactose content, maltodextrin, partially digested whey protein, prebiotics, omega-3-6 fatty acids arachnoid and docosahexaenoic, nucleotides, probiotics, vitamins, lutein, no palm oil;
  • for what age: No. 1 - 0-6 months, No. 2 - over six months;
  • pluses: low price, the components of the mixture have a positive effect on the brain, nervous system, bone and muscle tissue of the baby;
  • cons: sometimes not suitable, bitter taste and bad smell.

Bellakt hypoallergenic

Production of the Belarusian company. The Bellakt hypoallergenic mixture has been on the market for a long time and managed to acquire a lot of fans among parents.

  • price: 240-450 rubles;
  • composition: maltodextrin, prebiotics, partially hydrolyzed whey proteins, vegetable oils, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, nucleotides;
  • for what age: No. 1 up to six months, No. 2 from 6 to 12 months;
  • pluses: low price, no preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, easy to digest, does not irritate the intestines, helps get rid of colic, promotes healthy growth and development of the child.
  • cons: some children have intolerance to the components of this mixture.

Friso hypoallergenic

The product is considered preventive because it contains partially hydrolyzed milk protein. According to numerous reviews of parents, the Friso hypoallergenic mixture is considered one of the best on the market, although it belongs to the high price segment. Peculiarities:

  • price: 620-850 rubles;
  • composition: partially hydrolyzed cow's milk protein, fatty acids, nucleotides, prebiotics, nutrients, trace elements, minerals, vitamins, calcium, lactose, vegetable oils, potassium, maltodextrin, taurine, carnitine, choline.
  • for what age: No. 1 up to six months, No. 2 up to a year;
  • pluses: it is preventive and develops a smooth tolerance to cow's milk, promotes proper development brain, organs of vision, improves immunity, improves intestinal microflora, very convenient economical packaging on which there is a photo from detailed description composition;
  • cons: in very rare cases, not suitable for children, but this is due to the taste, not the components.

Baby hypoallergenic

In the baby food line of this company there are fermented milk product, suitable for sensitive crumbs, but you can not help but warn that the reviews about it are too ambiguous. This powder is well perceived by some babies, while others only get more allergic to it. Hypoallergenic mixture Baby has the following features:

  • price: 430-650 rubles;
  • composition: lactose, vitamins, trace elements, partial hydrolyzed milk protein, fatty acids, starch, nutrients, trace elements, vegetable oils%
  • for what age: from birth to a year;
  • pluses: tasty, dissolves easily, helps the child grow and develop quickly.
  • cons: high price, not suitable for many.

How to choose a hypoallergenic mixture

If you notice signs of allergies in your baby or know that he has a tendency to it, then the most reasonable decision would be to visit a doctor. It is preferable that you make the choice of a hypoallergenic mixture under his guidance and supervision, especially if you are faced with this issue for the first time. You can buy products in ordinary supermarkets, pharmacies or order in the catalog of an online store with delivery. There are a few tips that you should definitely use when buying a particular food:

  1. You need hydrolyzed baby formulas marked "HA" or "HA".
  2. It is preferable that the composition does not include coconut, rapeseed or palm oils.
  3. Be sure to check the production date and shelf life.
  4. Introduce any new mixture into the baby's diet gradually, observing his reaction. Keep a special food diary, and note everything related to feeding there. Write down which hypoallergenic mixture is best in your opinion, do comparative analysis.
  5. Do not change mixtures too often, the body must adapt to each product, and this takes time.
  6. Choose a product for feeding according to the age of the baby. As a rule, children from birth to six months need to take boxes marked "1", older than 6 months - with a "2" icon, after a year - "3". If the child is premature or too weak, they buy mixtures marked "0" or "Pre", but only after agreement with the doctor. At every age, the need for nutrients ah, the crumbs are different.
  7. When making a purchase, rely not on the price, but on the composition. In the elite and mass market mixtures, there can be exactly the same components. Study reviews of other moms and ratings to understand what a particular product is. Inexpensive food can also be of high quality.

Video: hypoallergenic mixtures for babies

Soy is a leguminous plant that the Chinese began to grow about 5,000 years ago. Interest in this plant is explained by the fact that soybeans contain up to 50% of proteins in their seeds. Perhaps there is hardly any other product that has caused such a stir and so many different opinions about the benefits and harms to the body when it is used.

Soybeans are cultivated in two types: a classic agricultural crop and genetically modified (GMO). With genetic modification (transgenic soybeans), the gene for the enzyme of an agricultural bacterium is introduced into the culture, due to which the plant becomes resistant to many weeds and seems to be of little danger to humans. But the effect of GMO products on the body has not been studied enough.

Transgenic soybeans are mainly used for the production and preparation of animal feed and biodiesel.

The use of transgenic soybeans in products is allowed in many countries of the world. In Russia, it is forbidden to grow GMO soybeans, but since 1999 the use of genetically modified food sources (GMIP) has been allowed.

The labeling of products containing GMIP includes different countries not the same. So, in Canada, the USA and Argentina they are not labeled at all, in Japan, Russia and Australia they label products containing more than 5% GMIP, in the EEC countries - more than 0.9%.

Soy composition

Soy is an excellent source of vegetable protein.

The main value of soy is proteins, complete, no worse than proteins of animal origin. Soy proteins are not uniform in function and structure. 70% of them are well absorbed in the body. Soy proteins contain from 5% to 10% protease inhibitors, they block the enzymes necessary for the breakdown of proteins and thus prevent their absorption. True, up to 40% of the inhibitors lose their activity in the stomach, but the rest can still block pancreatic enzymes.

Soybean is a source, their composition of seeds contains from 16% to 27%. Soybean oil contains choline and lecithin - important biological substances. Soy contains a large amount of phospholipids that exhibit antioxidant activity, increase the neutralizing function of the liver, can reduce the need for insulin, strengthen capillary walls, and prevent degenerative processes in the nervous tissue and muscles. About 87% of soybean oil is unsaturated fatty acids.

There are few carbohydrates in the form of soluble sugars in soy: fructose and glucose monosaccharides, sucrose disaccharide, raffinose trisaccharide, stachyose tetrasaccharide and starch polysaccharide. It also includes insoluble sugars: pectin, hemicellulose, etc.

Soy grains contain a number of fat- and water-soluble vitamins, trace elements, as well as a number of isoflavones, which are glycosides. Isoflavones are not destroyed by heat treatment and can exhibit estrogenic activity, since they are structurally similar to 17-estradiol. Some of them are destroyed by intestinal bacteria, some are inactivated by the liver. The remaining active part may have a potential effect on the genitals (reproductive function) and on the thyroid gland and the development of tumors.

There are reports that it is soy that contributes to the inhibition of the function thyroid gland, dysfunction of the sex glands, causes malabsorption. Some experts associate it with the development of diabetes.

Naturally, it is important for parents to know not only the composition of soy products, but also the effect of these substances on the child's body. After all, soy products often popular in recent years are associated, the usefulness of which for the body is very doubtful.

Let's try to figure out what the benefits and harms of soy are, and whether it can be used by children.

Benefits of soy

Soy proteins are assimilated better than animal proteins, do not form toxins, contain an almost complete composition of amino acids. necessary for normal state skin, hair, nails, to ensure the functions of the nervous system. and are needed to protect the body from infections.

Based on research, American scientists argue that if girls consumed soy in childhood, then in the future they will lesser degree (65%) threatens breast cancer. This effect is caused by the use of soy in childhood, and not in adulthood.

An important component of the nervous system is lecithin, which protects nerve cells from damage. Lecithin is responsible for logical thinking, it is needed to ensure the normal function of the nervous system.

Soy lecithin (part of soybean oil) promotes the synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin, the absorption of vitamins A, E, K, D, participates in fat metabolism, prevents damage to the retina, respiratory distress. It is known that it is necessary for the development of growth, a lack of vitamin E leads to malnutrition, and - to rickets. Lecithin also contributes to the production of energy, normalizes the consistency of bile.

Some children are prescribed by pediatricians already in the first year of life. According to the regulated rules, GMO soy is not used in the production of infant formula. In the US, soy infant formula currently accounts for 25% of all formula used for artificial feeding of children from 2 months of age.

Soy milk formulas have been used for over 100 years. The composition of modern mixtures has been significantly improved. Previously, they were made from soy flour. Currently, all formulas are prepared from soy protein isolate, a purified protein with a high biological value. Additionally, proteins are enriched with biologically active substances: taurine, L-carnitine, L-methionine.

Fats in soy mixtures are represented by vegetable oils: palm, olive, soy, sunflower, coconut. The fat component is similar to the composition of milk mixtures.

Considering the fact that phytates (substances, which are approximately 1.5% in soy mixtures), are poorly absorbed in the body and prevent absorption and, the mixtures are additionally enriched with phosphorus, calcium, zinc and iron.

According to the results of a number of studies, substantiated facts and confirmed cases of the harmful effects of soy mixtures on the health of children have been identified.

Soy as a traditional food product is constantly consumed by the peoples of Asia. Studies conducted in Japan have proven the penetration of soy components through placental barrier. But they do not have a negative effect on either the mother or the fetus.

When conducting ultrasound of the genital organs of children who were breastfed and children who received milk formulas and soy formulas, no differences were found. No differences were found reproductive function in males and females under the age of 30 who received soy formulas and regular milk formulas in childhood.

Bone mineralization, the level of phosphorus and calcium in the blood of full-term children who received enriched formulas from soy protein isolate did not differ from those in children who received milk formulas. True, they were higher than in breastfed babies, because the level of isoflavones in the breast milk of women with a normal diet is lower. But the growth and development of children in all these cases is the same.

Soy mixtures have a beneficial effect in violation of the stool. The chair at children is normalized faster.

A number of soy protein isolate formulas are now available to meet quality and safety requirements for children.

Indications for prescribing soy infant formula

Baby soy food is primarily a dietary food and must be prescribed and selected by a pediatrician. Indications for its use are:

  1. Intolerance to cow's milk proteins by a child, regardless of whether it was whole or given to a child. Intolerance is manifested by bloating, stool is disturbed, regurgitation appears, abdominal pain, manifested by the child's anxiety, crying, and symptoms may appear.
  2. Galactosemia is a disease caused by a deficiency of enzymes for the breakdown of galactose, which, when accumulated in the blood, exhibits a toxic effect. Manifestations of the disease are a lag in mental and physical development, an enlarged liver and jaundice, the development of cataracts.
  3. Lactase deficiency is a deficiency of an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose) in the baby's intestines. The disease is manifested by the appearance of frequent profuse foamy stool, which has a sour smell, and swelling. The disease can lead to dehydration of the child.

Primary lactosemia and galactosemia are hereditary pathologies, and lactosemia can also be secondary. With such enzymatic disorders, switching to soy mixtures is the only way to ensure adequate physical development of the baby.

Of course, you need to introduce a new mixture gradually, over a week. When administered, it is necessary to observe a doctor, monitor the child's condition and the tolerance of the mixture.

Contraindications to the use of soy mixtures

In some cases, it is better to refrain from soy mixtures:

  • congenital hypothyroidism - against the background of hormonal treatment of the disease, hormone inactivation is noted, which requires constant monitoring of its content in the blood and an increase in the dose of the hormone taken;
  • premature babies - mixtures adversely affect the development of bone tissue, even with additional application vitamin D and calcium (these phenomena are associated with impaired calcium absorption as a result of functional immaturity of the kidneys in a premature infant);
  • malnutrition at birth.

soy products

Soya is often included in the composition of sausages and other semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings).

Even if you are lucky, and the baby does not have indications for prescribing soy mixtures, then it is very difficult to protect an older child from consuming soy. Despite the fact that almost all experts unanimously argue that soy products are contraindicated for children, in real life this recommendation is difficult to implement.

IN this case we are not talking about soy cheese, soy protein bars, soy mince, soy cream or soy dietary supplements. With these products, everything is easier - do not buy and do not give them to children.

Probably, not everyone is aware that soy is a part of so many products: sausages, semi-finished products (quite popular in many families) - dumplings, pancakes, etc. Even in dairy products and sweets (sweets, chocolate, ice cream), in bread and canned food contains soy.

Unaware of this, parents feed their children soy every day. And although sausages, sausages, sausages, chocolate do not belong to the category of healthy food, there are few children who do not consume these products.

About 500 types of products containing soy fillers are currently entering the grocery market. Manufacturers are actively using them as a cheaper analogue of the product. The higher the percentage of this filler in the product, the cheaper it is. However, the price also does not always reflect the composition of the food product.

The presence of soy filler is indicated by soy protein or. Sometimes the label indicates the presence of vegetable protein - this is soy in disguise. State control over the sale of GMO products in Russia is insufficient. Unfortunately, not every label or package contains real information. But at least products that contain information about soy content should not be given to children.

Probably, if it is impossible or difficult to completely eliminate the use of soy, you should use salt, vitamin complexes with trace elements for children in order to avoid negative impact on the thyroid gland and the mineral balance in the body.

Summary for parents

It is difficult to say for sure whether soy is useful or harmful today, since there is no consensus among researchers and scientists. Soy is still at the center of scientific debate. Neither supporters nor opponents of soy have substantiated data.

In cases where formula milk is contraindicated for an infant, infant formula from soy protein isolate should still be selected as directed by a pediatrician, since there is no alternative.

In all other cases, products containing soy should be excluded as much as possible, although this is not so easy for parents to do with the current level of state control over food and in a difficult economic situation in many families. In any case, sausages should not be fed to children of any age: they are harmful to children, regardless of the presence or absence of soy in them.

There has been a debate for quite some time about whether soy formula is harmful or beneficial for babies. However, if the baby does not tolerate cow's milk proteins, soy mixtures become simply necessary. In addition, since soy nutrition is therapeutic and prescribed by a pediatrician, it means that statements about its harm are not so unambiguous.

Why children are given soy formula

If the baby has an intolerance to mother's and cow's milk, there is no choice, and the doctor recommends switching the child to soy infant formula.

It is known that soy is a unique product in its composition, it contains complete proteins, which are practically not inferior in nutritional value and nutritional value to proteins of animal origin. But you need to introduce soy substitute gradually, with great care. If the soy formula has given an allergic reaction, immediately consult a doctor to change the quality composition of the baby's complementary foods.

Naturally, soy is not as physiological for a child as mother's milk, primarily because soy protein is of vegetable, not animal origin. However, for intolerance to the carbohydrate component of cow's milk, soy is a powerful alternative and does not lead to negative consequences. You can give adapted soy milk formula to your child in the amounts that he needs as he grows.

Conditions under which soy mixture is administered

If the baby has cow's milk protein intolerance, which is manifested by the fact that after taking infant formulas, which include cow's milk, the child has allergic reactions, such as bloating, regurgitation, colic, stool disorders, diathesis, the child is given soy mixtures.

The baby has galactosemia and in his body there is a lack of enzymes that break down galactose, which is part of milk sugar, to glucose. Galactose, accumulating in the blood, has a toxic effect on the body, and provokes both physical and mental retardation, cataracts, jaundice, and liver enlargement. If you completely exclude milk from the diet, including breast milk, replacing it with soy infant formula, these serious consequences can be avoided.

Lactase deficiency is also associated with an enzymatic deficiency, but in this case, the digestion of lactose in the intestine suffers. Lack or complete absence of lactase (an enzyme that breaks down lactose) leads to the fact that the child often has diarrhea ( frequent stool, frothy, plentiful, with a pronounced sour smell). There is also bloating, intestinal colic, and very young children may develop dehydration. In this case, you can not do without soy infant formula.

In celiac disease, indigestion caused by damage to the villi of the small intestine by gluten (aka gliadin), the introduction of soy mixtures is also recommended.

After reading an article about medicinal soy blends, You will learn:

  • 1

    What is soy?

  • 2

    What is the composition of soy mixtures?

  • 3

    When is Soy Protein Isolate Formula Needed?

  • 4

    What Soy Blends Are There?

  • 5

    What is the best soy protein isolate formula?

  • 6

    What are the pros and cons of soy blends?

  • 7

    What features of feeding with soy mixtures should be observed?

  • 8

    How should the soy protein isolate formula be administered?

  • 9

    What is the doctor silent about when prescribing a soy formula to a child, or what fears of parents are in vain about feeding formulas based on soy protein isolate?


The history of soybean cultivation dates back to the 5th century in the provinces of China. To date, soybeans are grown in two types:

  1. Classical soybean, only this type can be used in the production of baby food;
  2. Genetically modified soy (GMO, transgenic soy). With the help of genetic engineering methods, bacterial genes are introduced into the culture, which increase the resistance of soybeans to weeds and pests. In Russia, transgenic soybeans are not grown at all, but since 1999, the import of genetically modified raw materials (GMIP) into the territory, which can be introduced into food products, has been allowed. It is legally prohibited to use any GMOs in children's Food Industry. This ban is established by the technical regulation of the customs union TR TS 021/2011 "On food safety for baby food and products for pregnant and lactating women" and its implementation is strictly controlled at the state level, as well as by the National Association for Genetic Safety (OAGB). The effect of transgenic soy consumption on the human body has not been fully studied. Convincing data on the safety of long-term consumption of GMO soybeans have not been obtained. Transgenic soybeans are mainly used to produce vegetable oil, preparation of feed for livestock and fuel - biodiesel.

Squirrels. It should immediately be noted that the phrase "soy mixture" in this article is understood as a medicinal product for feeding children on basis isolate soy protein.

Soy protein isolate is the most purified form of soy proteins. To produce the isolate, soybeans are dehulled and subjected to extraction and defatting to remove non-protein compounds. In soy protein isolate, the proportion of protein compounds reaches 90-92% - it increases by 2-3 times, compared with the initial values ​​in soy raw materials.

Immediately before adding to the mixture, soy protein isolate is enriched with calcium and lecithin, as well as methionine. Soy protein isolate contains all the essential amino acids, with the exception of methionine, so it is added additionally. Methionine is found only in proteins of animal origin, so it cannot be in soybeans, but without methionine it is impossible to imagine a normal metabolism human body. Methionine is the only amino acid not found in soy isolate. To create the "ideal" protein formula, the World Health Organization suggests fortifying soy formulas with this essential amino acid only.

Fat component mixtures based on soy protein isolate is presented as a complex of vegetable fats. Most often, these are corn, soybean, coconut and sunflower oils. Manufacturers rarely introduce palm oil into soy mixtures. For greater nutritional value, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega fatty acids, can be added. For better absorption, carnitine (a vitamin-like substance that improves metabolism), soy lecithin, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids are additionally introduced as emulsifiers.

Carbohydrates presented as maltodextrin, hydrolyzed cornstarch or natural glucose syrup. Of course, most often the main carbohydrate is maltodextrin, which is absorbed by the baby's body slowly, which avoids spikes in blood glucose, and also maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time. Lactose is NOT added to soy formulas.

As with all formula feeding products infancy, in a mixture based on soy protein isolate introduced vitamin and mineral premix.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that soy mixtures are an adapted medical product based on soy protein isolate, that is, dairy-free, and they do not contain lactose, i.e. Lactose-free. But, at the same time, soy mixtures do NOT belong to the class of hypoallergenic, since soy protein isolate can cause intolerance in case of soy allergy.


Mixtures based on soy protein isolate do not contain milk proteins, lactose and gluten, therefore they are used as medical nutrition in some cases :

  1. atopic dermatitis caused by intolerance to animal proteins - cow and / or goat milk;
  2. galactosemia;
  3. primary and severe secondary lactase deficiency;
  4. gluten allergy - celiac disease;
  5. the period after severe intestinal infections, accompanied by severe diarrheal syndrome.

Distinguishing soy mix from any other on the supermarket shelf is not difficult. The word is indicated on the packaging: "Soya", "Izomil", "SL".

In addition to the key features listed above, each soy protein isolate formula has its own characteristics. In order not to mention the common components of protein, fats and carbohydrates each time, we will dwell in more detail on the features of each of the soy mixtures.

Mixture name Description
Friso Soy
  1. FrisoSoy can be used in children from birth!
  2. Contains the nucleotides needed for harmonious development immunity.
  3. Contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids involved in the formation and maturation of the brain and retina.
  4. It has an excellent taste and is well tolerated by children.
  5. Perhaps the most palatable among all soy mixtures.
  6. If the child's condition continues to be fed with soy formula for a longer period, FrisoSoy is the best option.
  7. For children over 6 months old, this mixture has a special dilution that fully meets the needs of a growing organism.
  8. Thus, the prevention of deficiency conditions is carried out using only one product.
NAN Soya
  1. Compared to standard (regular) milk formulas, NAN Soya has a lower burden on the kidneys due to its low osmolarity.
  2. The composition contains isoflavones, which are natural phytoestrogens, which have an antiviral effect.
  3. IN Lately supply interruptions to Russia are increasingly being recorded.
Nutrilon Soy (Nutrilon Soy)
  1. Nutrilon Soya can be used from birth, but according to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, it is better to use it for feeding children from 6 months.
  2. Can be used to feed children in the postoperative period on the organs gastrointestinal tract when it is required to exclude milk proteins and lactose.
  3. Has a pleasant taste.
  4. Low osmolarity, only 150 mOsm/kg, promotes good digestibility and does not interfere with kidney function.
  5. Recently, interruptions in the supply of Nutrilon Soy have become more frequent.
  6. When choosing this product for feeding babies, this fact should be taken into account.
Enfamil Soya
  1. Ideal for the treatment of postoperative and post-infectious conditions.
  2. In combination with a lactose-free carbohydrate component, the mixture provides dietary treatment for acute intestinal disorders and adequate nutrition during early convalescence (recovery).
Similac Izomil (Similac Izomil)
  1. No palm oil, resulting in a more comfortable digestion.
  2. Similac Isomil contains prebiotics to support healthy intestinal microflora.
  3. It can be used as an alternative to highly hydrolysed formulas, which often cause babies to refuse food because of their bitter taste.
  4. Has a more democratic pricing policy, compared with mixtures based on the hydrolysis of cow's milk protein.
  5. The mixture is enriched with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
  6. Does not contain preservatives and dyes.
Humana SL (Humana SL)
  1. Humana SL can be used from birth as the only food or in addition to other baby food, including breast milk.
  2. The mixture contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids for the harmonious development of the central nervous system and the retina.
  3. Humana SL is enriched with selenium, chromium and molybdenum, necessary for the maturation of the immune system.
  4. This mixture also contains taurine, L-carnitine, choline, inositol for further successful growth and development of the child.
  5. Does not contain preservatives, dyes and artificial flavors.
Heinz Soy (Heinz Soy Blend)
  1. Contains everything necessary for the child fatty acids, including omega-6 and omega-3, in their optimal ratio.
  2. To increase the absorption of lipids by body tissues, L-carnitine was introduced into this mixture, and to improve the absorption of fats in the intestine, emulsifiers, namely soy lecithin or mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids.
  3. The absorption of vitamins and minerals from soy formula is lower compared to milk formulas, as well as compared to breast milk.
  4. Therefore, the dose of the components of the vitamin-mineral premix is ​​higher.
  5. It should be noted separately that cross-allergy between soy proteins and cow's milk protein occurs in 1/3 of cases.
  6. Therefore, in one out of three children with atopic dermatitis, after the introduction of a soy mixture, after 1-2 months, the clinic of skin lesions returns.
  7. Recently, the Heinz company has completed the production of formulas for feeding children.
  8. Today, the Heinz company is more interested in the industrial production of complementary foods (cereals, mashed potatoes, etc.).
Detolact Soya
  1. The mixture is recommended for use from the first days of life.
  2. Easily digestible due to the low osmolarity of this mixture.
  3. Has a complete amino acid composition for successful development CNS and retina.
  4. It is not delivered to Russia.
Bellakt Soya
  1. BelLakt Soy mixture is intended for feeding children from 5-6 months of age with manifestations of intolerance to cow's milk proteins and / or lactose intolerance.
  2. The mixture contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids - special lipids necessary for full development immunity, brain and organ of vision of the child.
  3. Nucleotides in the BelLakt Soy mixture stimulate the maturation of the immune system, improve the growth and development of intestinal mucosal cells.
  4. Introduced dietary fiber - prebiotics (GOS / FOS) for the formation of healthy intestinal microflora and easy digestion.
Nutrilak Soy (Nutrilak Soy) and Nutrilak Premium Soy (Nutrilak Premium Soy)
  1. This blend contains highly purified, unmodified soy protein isolate with an improved amino acid profile. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids contribute to:

    Development and formation of immunity;
    - development of the structures of the central nervous system and the organ of vision;
    - proper absorption of fats;
    - proper digestion in general;
    - the synthesis of taurine;
    - Antioxidant effect on the body.

  2. The antioxidant effect is enhanced by the introduction of taurine, selenium, vitamin C, B vitamins into the mixture.
  3. There is no significant difference between premium Nutrilak Soy and Nutrilak regular soy blend - no significant differences.
Mamex Soya (Mamex Soya)
  1. Highly purified soy protein isolate enriched with essential amino acids.
  2. Mamex Soya contains nucleotides - food substances that are important protective factors and support the development of the immune system.
  3. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential for the development of the brain and retina.
  4. Has good taste.
  5. It is supplied to Russia in limited quantities.
  6. This moment must be taken into account when choosing a mixture for long-term feeding.
  1. Can be used from birth.
  2. In addition to methionine, other essential compounds for normal development a child who does not receive animal products, for example, taurine, tryptophan, carnitine.
  3. From vegetable raw materials, zinc and iron are absorbed worse, therefore, to prevent a deficiency of these trace elements and to compensate for low bioavailability, they are significantly higher than in standard (ordinary) mixtures.
  4. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus of 2 to 1 ensures optimal absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract, thereby mineralization of bone tissue occurs without features.
  5. The increased content of iodine prevents the development of a deficiency state in children receiving soy products.
CMA Soy (CMA WySoy Infant Formula)
  1. CMA Soya has been in production for over 90 years.
  2. Can be used as the only source of nutrition in children from birth.
  3. CMA Soya is not represented on the territory of Russia.

  1. FrisoSoy
  2. Nutrilon Soy
  3. Similac Isomil
  4. Humana SL
  5. Nutrilak Premium Soy or Nutrilak Soy
  6. Bellakt Soya
*- the best, according to the author of this article


Advantages Flaws
  1. No cow or goat milk proteins. That is why soy mixtures are successfully used in the treatment of food intolerance in infants.
  2. There is no milk sugar - lactose, therefore, they can be used for a long time for feeding children, both with congenital and temporary lactase deficiency, including children with galactosemia.
  3. Soy formulas have been successfully used as a clinical nutrition in children with viral diarrhea. In addition, phytoestrogens (isoflavones) may produce some indirect antiviral effect.
  4. The osmolarity is less than usual, which is of course an advantage, since the load on the baby's immature kidneys is reduced. In the presence of kidney pathology, soy mixtures are preferable to protein hydrolysates.
  5. Soy formulas for children contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Therefore, this mixture is practically in no way inferior to a conventional mixture based on cow's milk protein.
  6. If there is no financial opportunity to feed with expensive mixtures based on amino acids or based on protein hydrolysis, the use of soy mixtures is much more economical.
  1. It does not contain a number of essential amino acids necessary for the development of the child, primarily for the development of the brain and nervous system. The additional introduction of amino acids, such as methionine and taurine, allow the use of mixtures based on soy protein isolate for a long time, as the main food throughout the first year of a child's life.
  2. Soy mixtures are not hypoallergenic. An allergic reaction, including a cross-allergic reaction, can also occur on vegetable protein. Therefore, when using soy mixtures, tolerance must be carefully monitored.
  3. Soy blends are not highly-adapted. All soy mixtures available on the Russian market are designed to feed a child from 0 to 1 year old, and have no age levels. Therefore, they are less appropriate for the age-related nutritional needs of the child. The exception is FrisoSoy.
  4. Soy blends do not contain lactose. But, they may contain glucose, fructose, sucrose, which can support the allergic process and enhance fermentation processes. In this regard, it is preferable to choose mixtures with maltodextrin as a carbohydrate.
  5. The content of manganese and iron is slightly higher in comparison with standard (ordinary) mixtures. More iron is administered in accordance with WHO guidelines. But, with an irrational approach to feeding, an excess of manganese can lead to hyperactivity in children.
  6. Among soy mixtures, only a few contain nucleotides and probiotics.

  1. A mixture based on soy protein isolate is not a hypoallergenic product, then their use is limited with a genetic predisposition to bean allergy - the presence of an allergy to legumes in the child's immediate family;
  2. Optimal age for the introduction of soy mixtures, the age of 5-6 months is considered.
  3. When feeding a child with mixtures based on soy protein isolates, dairy products, including sour-milk, as well as butter, are completely excluded from the diet.
  4. The transition to soy mixture should be carried out slowly, over 5-7 days, carefully assessing the symptoms of intolerance:
    1. skin reactions - rash;
    2. o the phenomena of dyspepsia - vomiting, frequent regurgitation, diarrhea.
  5. Therapeutic effect from the use of soy mixtures should be expected no earlier than 3-4 weeks after their introduction into the diet. Quick effect should not be expected, especially in the presence of intolerance to animal proteins. The allergen is completely removed from the child's body slowly.
  6. The duration of the use of mixtures based on soy protein isolate is on average 3-6 months.
  7. The further product for feeding is determined only by the doctor. Most often, this is a pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist, much less often a nutritionist - a specialist in feeding children.

Soy mixtures are allowed to be used as complementary foods for children older than 5-6 months, in special situations, earlier. It must be introduced slowly, for 5-7 days, displacing the previous product.

An example diagram looks like this:

  1. 1st day - 30 ml per feeding;
  2. 2nd day - 30 ml in each feeding;
  3. 3rd day - 60 ml in each feeding;
  4. 4th day - 120 ml in each feeding;
  5. from the 5th day, you can give soy mixture in the amount appropriate to his age.
Be sure to observe how the baby reacts to the new mixture. If in any doubt, consult your pediatrician.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor about feeding formulas based on soy protein isolate

  1. Soy Blends Contain GMOs. This fear is unfounded. This misconception was disproved at the very beginning of the article, where it is said that in soy formulas, as in all baby food, the use of genetically modified soybeans is punishable by law. Baby food undergoes strict quality control. All manufacturers are required to indicate on the packaging that the mixture does not contain GMOs.
  2. Soy formulas are not nutritious enough. Modern soy mixtures are complete food products that are not inferior to milk mixtures in terms of their nutritional value. Formulas based on soy protein isolate are adapted to the needs of children up to 12 months of age, ensure the successful growth and development of the child.
  3. Soy protein is poorly absorbed by the body, and it is deliberately administered more than required. The digestibility of soy isolate by the body of babies reaches 95% and is practically not inferior to milk proteins, so there is no need to increase the protein content in the mixture necessary for the baby. In many ways, the spread of this opinion is due to the presence of anti-nutritional substances in soybeans. In particular, we are talking about trypsin inhibitors, which are able to block the enzyme trypsin, which is necessary for the breakdown of proteins. A lack of trypsin leads to poor protein digestibility. But! Soy protein isolate has a high degree purification, and is completely devoid of trypsin inhibitors, which means that nothing prevents soy protein from being absorbed by the body.
  4. Trace elements in soy mixture are poorly absorbed. A feature of soy is that it contains phosphorus in the composition of phytic acid. This acid is able to form hardly soluble salts - phytates with biologically important trace elements such as iron, copper, molybdenum, manganese. Phytates do not allow these trace elements to be absorbed and assimilated in full. So it was at the very beginning of the production of soy mixtures. With the advent of new modern technologies for the production of soy protein isolate, it is almost completely possible to purify the isolate from phytates and phytic acid. Also, with the help of high purification of soy, the introduction of trace elements in excess is not required. The exception is iron, which is allowed to be added in larger quantities than in conventional mixtures, but this is rather a feature not specifically of soy mixtures, but of all therapeutic and therapeutic mixtures.
  5. Soy mixtures can cause flatulence and diarrhea. The fact is that soybeans contain a lot of indigestible carbohydrates (raffinose and stachyose), which, when they enter the intestines, stimulate the development of microflora, causing flatulence and bloating. Prior to the introduction of soy protein isolate infant formula, bloating and diarrhea could occur with the use of soy formulas. Soy protein isolates lose indigestible carbohydrates during processing and are not capable of causing any of this.
  6. Formulas based on soy protein isolate have an adverse effect on the reproductive development of the child. This opinion appeared in connection with the presence of vegetable phytoestrogens in soy. Phytoestrogens have similar properties to the female sex hormones - estrogen. Most of the soy phytoestrogens are destroyed by enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the activity of phytoestrogens is disproportionately lower than that of estrogens, and a very high concentration is required to obtain a noticeable hormonal effect, which is not achieved even with prolonged intake of soy mixtures. Phytoestrogens in the blood of children do not accumulate and systemic action do not provide. In addition, numerous studies have been conducted, comparing the physical, neuropsychic, sexual development of children who were fed with soy mixtures with children who received standard (regular) milk formulas - no convincing differences in their development were found.
  7. Soy mixtures can slow down mental development. This misconception arose after observing a group of adults who systematically consumed tofu for about 20 years, as a result of which a decrease in their cognitive abilities (IQ) was noted by the age of 71-93 of their lives. However, short-term studies have refuted this relationship. The most likely explanation for cognitive decline was the advanced age of the subjects. About the lack of influence on the mental, mental and physical development said earlier.
  8. Can cause iodine deficiency in the body. Indeed, at the beginning of the 20th century, when soy mixtures were just beginning to be used, such a problem existed. Modern mixtures do not cause iodine deficiency, as they are enriched with enough iodine for the child.
  9. Soy formulas are made with soy milk. Soy milk and soy protein isolate are different substances. Originally, soy milk is a liquid product made by soaking crushed soybeans in water and then separating the extract, which can then be dried to a dry state. Soy milk has a huge amount of impurities and in dry form contains only 46% protein versus 90-92% of its content in the isolate. Thus, the basis of the protein component of all soy mixtures is not soy milk, but soy isolate.
  10. Soy lecithin in infant formula is harmful. Lecithin is a substance related to phospholipids, special fatty substances. Lecithin is a natural component of human milk important role in the formation of the central and peripheral nervous system, promoting the absorption of vitamins A, K, E, D, affecting fat metabolism, stimulating the formation of hemoglobin and having other important functions. Vegetable lecithin is more effective than animal lecithin, and soybean oil is the richest source of it. In industry, the properties of lecithin are widely used as an emulsifier that improves the dissolution of infant formula in water. Parents' concerns about the presence of soy lecithin in infant formula are mainly related to the possible extraction from genetically modified soy, which is unfounded due to the ban on its use in baby food.
  11. Soybean oil in infant formula may be genetically modified (GMO). The source of transgenes is modified (GMO). The source of transgenes is protein, while soybean oil does not contain protein. Therefore, soybean oil cannot be genetically modified. In this regard, it is not subject to examination for the content of GMIP and mandatory labeling. The labeling of products containing GMIP is treated differently in different countries. So, in Canada, the USA and Argentina they are never marked; in Japan, Russia and Australia label products containing more than 5% GMIP; and in the EEC countries - more than 0.9%.
  12. Soy formula contains a lot of aluminum, which causes problems with digestion and bone mineralization in a child.. The mixtures contain soy protein isolate - this is a substance purified from impurities, including aluminum salts, using special technologies, so the aluminum content in soy mixtures is reduced to zero.
So, mixtures based on soy protein isolate are, first of all, medicinal product. For feeding healthy child soy mixture is not suitable. It is used only in the presence of intolerance to cow's or goat's milk, with lactase deficiency, or the period after surgical intervention or infectious diarrhea. On Russian market many types of soy mixtures are presented, the essential features of each of them and a detailed analysis of the "pluses" and "minuses" will help young parents decide on the final choice of a mixture to correct the child's condition. After all, often, the doctor prescribes not a specific mixture, but only its type. Many parents are wary of using soy formula because of the conflicting evidence we have debunked, so there are fewer barriers to feeding a child with digestive problems.

If you have a question, then you can ask it right now. The best specialists of our site are ready to provide professional advice.

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Soy contains unique complete proteins, which are practically not inferior in nutritional value and nutritional value to proteins of animal origin. But since the debate about the usefulness of soy is still ongoing, many parents are wondering: is it possible to use this product in baby food?

Why is soy useful?

In nutrition, a person uses soybean seeds - soybeans, characterized by a high content of vegetable protein, an average of about 40% of the mass of the seed. Soy proteins in their biological value are very close to proteins of animal origin, that is, they contain all the essential amino acids in the optimal ratio (amino acids that cannot be produced by the body on their own, but can only come with food proteins). Soy protein has a relatively low energy value of 215 kcal per 100 g (for example, 100 g of lean pork contains 357 kcal, and 100 g of beef contains 220 kcal).

A characteristic feature of soybeans is the low content of carbohydrates, which are represented by soluble sugars - glucose, fructose, sucrose, as well as soluble polysaccharides (starch) and insoluble structural polysaccharides (hemicellulose, pectins, mucus, etc.). These carbohydrates are actively involved in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating bowel movements, as well as in the absorption and removal of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

The mineral composition of soybeans is represented by potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium. Soy grain contains a number of vitamins: b-carotene, vitamin E, B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , choline, biotin, folic acid.

Soybeans are the richest natural source of isoflavonoids - biologically active substances that, together with soy protein, help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases digestive organs, cardiovascular system, as well as oncological diseases. Isoflavones are resistant to heat treatment and cooking does not reduce their quantity and potency.

"harmful" components

Along with beneficial substances, soy also contains substances that are considered to be anti-nutritional. These include: inhibitors of enzymes that break down proteins, lectins, urease, lipoxygenase, etc.

Inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes (enzymes that break down proteins) block the work of these enzymes, forming stable complexes, resulting in a decrease in the absorption of protein substances in the diet. If soy products predominate in the diet for a long time or the diet is composed exclusively of them, then the blockade of pancreatic enzymes leads to the fact that it is forced to work more intensively, "for wear", producing an additional amount of enzymes, which ultimately leads to a violation of its function.

Lectins disrupt the absorption function of the intestinal mucosa, while increasing its permeability to bacterial toxins and decay products.

Lipoxygenase- an enzyme that oxidizes lipids (fats), as a result, the taste of soybeans decreases. inactivation harmful substances(almost 95%) occurs during the thermal and industrial processing of soybeans, which means that their concentration in soy products is almost zero.

The exceptional composition of soy, namely: the absence of cholesterol and lactose in it, the presence of unique proteins, whose amino acid composition is almost identical to the composition of proteins of animal origin, allows the use of soy and its processed products in the diet of not only adults, but also children.

Soy based infant formula

Specialized infant formulas based on purified soy protein (isolate) are made from genetically non-modified raw materials, contain only vegetable fats and carbohydrates, a balanced vitamin and mineral composition, and therefore they are easily absorbed and tolerated by the child's body and are a good basis for children's medical nutrition.

Indications for the transition to soy mixtures can serve as:

  • Cow's milk protein intolerance- this is a special type, in which the use of products based on cow's milk, including infant formula, leads to the development of allergic reactions from the skin () and the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, diarrhea or constipation, colic).
  • Galactosemia- this hereditary disease is caused by a violation of carbohydrate metabolism and is characterized by a lag in physical and mental development, liver enlargement, jaundice, cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye).
  • celiac disease- this is a digestive disorder caused by damage to the villi of the small intestine by gluten (aka gliadin), this protein is found in grain products (wheat, rye, malt, barley and oats). This disease has a mixed autoimmune, allergic, hereditary genesis, occurs with a frequency of 1:3000.
  • lactase deficiency is a congenital or acquired condition in which the body, due to lack or total absence The lactase enzyme is unable to break down the milk sugar lactose. The disease is characterized by frequent, liquid, frothy, sour-smelling stools, abdominal pain, flatulence, intestinal, in young children dehydration is possible, there is an insufficient increase in body weight.

Since soy mixtures (NAN-soy, Nutri-soy, Nutrilon-soy, Peptidi soy, Frisosoy, Humana SL, etc.) are medicinal, i.e. are intended for the correction and prevention of pathological conditions, then the transition to them is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor and when they are introduced, the following rules must be observed:

  • gradually introduce a new mixture - replacement of the full volume in at least a week;
  • during the introduction new mix it is unacceptable to use new products;
  • carefully monitor allergy symptoms, as soy formulas contain a small amount of native protein (i.e., the unpurified protein found in the natural state), and therefore they are potentially allergenic. In connection with high risk development of an allergic reaction, it is not recommended to transfer babies to soy food younger than 4-5 months .

But the most important thing is the right choice of alternative nutrition for the baby, taking into account his individual features and health conditions, therefore, when choosing a mixture, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In the nutrition of young children, it is recommended to use only specialized products with proper labeling, i.e. the label must indicate that the product is recommended for baby food. This ensures that medicinal soy mixtures and other soy-based products comply with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations adopted in the Russian Federation, and exclude the use of genetically modified soy in their production.

soy products

In addition to specialized soy mixtures, soy-based baby food products are on the market, such as soy milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese curds. Children can use them over 2 years old , as well as products based on cow's milk, provided that the product is well tolerated. But you need to remember that for younger children preschool age as before, milk and dairy products remain the basis of the diet, as they contain calcium and vitamin D, which are necessary for the growth and development of the child. And soy dairy products (because of their plant origin) lack these qualities. Therefore, a complete replacement of cow's milk is undesirable.

The production of soy products can be conditionally represented by two main lines: dairy and meat.

Dairy which are allowed children over 2.5-3 years old , are obtained using a special unit, the so-called soybean cow, - pre-treated soybeans are placed in it, from which liquid is obtained under high pressure soy milk, which is further pasteurized to increase the shelf life. Soy milk, sweet in taste, can be used in nutrition in the same way as cow's milk, as it is not inferior to it in its nutritional value but does not contain lactose. In the process of milk production, okara is also obtained - gruel from the pulp of soybeans, which is the source of a large number coarse fiber. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in the diet of children. Okara is added to minced meat and dough, which makes products cheaper without losing taste.

genetically modified soy

Genetically modified products are produced from so-called transgenic plants, and transgenic soy as a cheap vegetable protein is widely used both for the production of soy products themselves and as a "protein fortifier" for sausages and meat products. Transgenic plants are hybrids in which a set of genes has been changed in order to give the plant some useful properties: resistance to pests, frost resistance, yield, calorie content, etc. When a new quality is "added" to a plant, it is not completely known how this will affect the plant as a whole. on its genetic code, and therefore, it is not known how this will affect the health of a person who regularly eats food from genetically modified plants. Independent scientists have concluded that the active consumption of genetically modified foods is associated with significant health risks. This can lead to the spread of new pathogenic bacteria that have a harmful effect on the body, when "beneficial" genes are inserted into a certain DNA chain, various technological "garbage", for example, a gene for resistance to antibiotics, can also get there. Eating genetically modified food can cause severe allergies, as foreign (mutated) proteins are potential allergens. All this makes the use of transgenic products in baby food unacceptable.

When soy milk is boiled, foam forms on its surface - the so-called yuba, its taste is quite specific. Yuba is collected with a slotted spoon, dried, rolled up, and after complete drying added to salads and other dishes instead of asparagus or bamboo. Yuba is also not recommended for use in baby food.

soy kefir obtained by adding sourdough. It is no healthier than traditional kefir, on the contrary, it is depleted in calcium and vitamins, but it can be used in the nutrition of vegetarian children.

Curdling soy milk produces soy cheese tofu, or bean curd. Tofu is like homemade cheese. It has a neutral taste (i.e., almost no own taste), which is one of the advantages of tofu, since it is possible to add all kinds of additives, for example seaweed(in industrial production), fresh fruits, nuts or dried fruits at home, which improves the taste and nutritional qualities of the product.

Soy curd mass It is prepared from soy milk in the same way as tofu, only with the addition of sugar.

Meat product line (which are allowed for children over 5 years old ) are made from soy concentrate that replaces meat, which can be used to make a huge amount of different dishes- it can be cutlets, chops, etc. Soy meat has a neutral taste and smell, therefore, to give it specific odors it is necessary to add dressings and sauces, which is excluded in the nutrition of young children.

soy flour, soy protein isolate is added to meat products (sausages, frankfurters, sausages), it is advisable not to use in the diet of children under 3 years old .

It is not recommended to use in the children's menu miso- soybean paste, fermented, natto, which is made from whole cooked soybeans, tempeh- a product of fermented soybeans, since they are all a source of large amounts of coarse fiber, and its use will lead to digestive problems in a child. From children's diet also excluded soy sauce due to high salt content. In addition, it often causes allergic reactions, since its "sourdough" requires the addition of special microorganisms. Soy flour can only be included in the diet after 5 years , since this product contains a substance that inhibits the activity of one of the enzymes that digests protein in the duodenum. During heat treatment, this substance is destroyed, but still cereals based on such flour should not be given to babies. Flour contains carbohydrate indigestible components - raffinose and stachyose, which can cause bloating, diarrhea, etc.

In baby food, it is possible to use healthy, hypoallergenic soybean oil, in the same volumes as the usual vegetable and olive oils.

Thanks to modern soybean pre-germination processing technology, new baby food products with good taste and nutritional properties are produced, which include extrusion products in the form breakfast cereals And confectionery e.g. cookies, muffins.

In childhood, soy and products from it are used primarily as a health food for certain conditions. In addition, they are a source of high-value proteins as an alternative to animal products. Also, soy and soy products will help diversify the diet of healthy children.

Comment on the article "Soy products. What can a baby?"

Nutrition for a nursing mother: what foods cause colic? A nursing mother during the first months after the birth of a baby needs to follow a simple diet. It is necessary to limit the use of foods that cause bloating: legumes, sweets, cabbage. Fresh vegetables and fruits are better not to eat yet, they can also cause bloating and colic. They should be consumed in cooked form - boiled, baked. It is undesirable to eat too fatty, overcooked, spicy and smoked dishes. WITH...


I did not adhere to a strict diet and everything was fine. Ate everything, but within reasonable limits. The son was born in the height of summer, how can a mother do without fresh vegetables and fruits? It enriches the composition breast milk. And all babies have colic. A clockwise tummy massage with chicco massage oil helped us well.

Never followed a diet. She ate everything, but watched the reaction of the baby. I did not notice that any product affected his well-being.

The name "First Choice" speaks for itself. FrutoNyanya First Choice products are hypoallergenic products for the first acquaintance with each category of complementary foods (dairy-free cereals, vegetable, fruit, meat purees, juices and even baby water). Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Russian National Research Institute answers 6 questions about complementary foods medical university them. N.I. Pirogov Sergey Viktorovich Belmer. 1. What is complementary foods? Under feeding...

The ELEMENTAREE food constructor differs from other food delivery services for preparing lunches and dinners that we tested here and here in that it was designed for adherents of the right, healthy eating. The site presents sets of proper and homemade food. The company offers original solution: food sets of a comprehensive (breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as healthy snacks (fruit, nuts)) and a balanced menu for the whole day. Delivered twice a week to your home or office...

This product "sour cream" is not sour cream or what is fed in kindergarten. Kulchitskaya Anna, RVS About 5 years ago, when the next reforms in the organization of food in kindergartens were planned, parents were given “Potemkin tastings”. In the district department of education collected active parents preschoolers were treated to delicious products that are "specially designed and created according to special specifications for the nutrition of your children." There were dumplings, and yogurts, and sour cream, and kefir, and ...

It is necessary to use the following products: Fish is not fatty; non-fat meat, skinless chicken, liver, soy dry foods that need to be cooked, seafood. Fry (including kebabs), boil, smoke, bake. Cottage cheese 0% fat (no more than 2 times a week) Vegetables: Fresh, canned without sugar, stewed, fried, boiled. Only in cooked form: onion (turnip, green, leek), garlic. Only fresh: carrots, beets. Berries (fresh and frozen - all). Fruits (fresh and...

I'm not a big fan of miso soups and seaweed foods. But my kids love the Naruto cartoon and Naruto eats ramen all the time. I had to master the preparation of this dish, somewhat adapting it to my taste preferences: real ramen put much more spices than I do. I buy noodles ready-made. I cook according to the instructions. I add all the ingredients according to the principle of "what was lying around in the refrigerator." It is desirable to "overlap": 1) Meat with bones (pork, beef ...

Nutrition of children of the first year of life performs several functions. The first is to give the child the substances necessary for growth and development. The second, no less relevant, is to ensure the prevention of allergic diseases or, if an allergy has already manifested itself, to minimize its manifestations by selecting low-allergenic products. And the third is to promote the skills of swallowing, chewing, the formation of a meal schedule. How to feed a child in the first year of life if he has an allergy? Breast-feeding. For...

We also had an allergy to milk, only goat's milk passed normally. They cooked porridge on it and made cottage cheese from it, they actually drank it.
In addition to apples and bananas, the son still eats little.
We were allergic to all jars, so I boiled a turkey (the only meat that did not give allergic reactions), cooked vegetables, everything with a blender and froze portions for a week. Vegetables in general cauliflower and zucchini. Carrots, onions, potatoes, greens - all gave allergic reactions. it was lunch and dinner.
Of the fish, only salmon and salmon normally passed .. but this is already after a year.
So breakfast was goat's milk porridge, after 3 hours a bottle of either mixture or goat's milk, lunch - a turkey with vegetables, after 3 hours a bottle of mixture, afternoon tea - goat's milk curd and a banana or a baked apple. Dinner porridge with goat's milk or vegetables with meat - according to your mood. And at night 0.33 mixture or goat's milk.
After a year, allergies to various types of meat disappeared, I began to drink juices (only gardens near the Don, the rest had a sharp allergic reaction).
The son was never thin and underfed. Pediators were sent to the garden at the stage of active advice to drink vitamins, for which the son gave a very beautiful rash on his cheeks and buttocks.
Now TTT - an allergy is only on chemical vitamin preparations.
So grow up, everything should be great!

Why don't you give pork? She, of course, is not dietary meat, but hypoallergenic. And calories and beauty in general. Turkey is too dry meat, with no calories, no taste.

I would still exclude butter and replace it with vegetable oil. If you really are allergic to milk. Even trace amounts of milk in a meal result in the food not being digested.

Add meat to a dish of cereals or vegetables.

Send the pediator to the forest, food allergies are not an easy thing.

My youngest child was a terrible allergist. It was fear and horror. Now the only taboos are milk, bread and tomatoes. And at your age, only 7 products were allowed.

In general, do not be so nervous. Well, you have a slender child, so it's not bad. My youngest miracle weighed 11 kg at the age of three, and then, as an overweight, gained 1.5 kg in 3 months :)

I decided to include soy products in my diet. I bought soybean grain and flour. But I really don’t know the recipes for cooking from soy. Can anyone advise from their experience what can be cooked for a baby from soy? I will be very grateful.


Bought the other day happy parents 6/2000. An excerpt from there
"Vegetarian moms who are too addicted to soy and soy products can do a disservice to their not yet born boy. This fact had to be ascertained by British scientists who, since 1991, have been observing the children of vegetarian mothers. They concluded that soy may be the cause of hypospadias, that is, a simultaneous malformation of the external genital organs and the urethra ... A mother who replaces all protein products with soy and its derivatives risks five times more than a mother who consumes milk and eggs.... So, we eat a lot of this soy, it is added to many products labeled as “vegetable protein.” It is still not known how soy affects our children.

06/21/2000 5:52:56 PM, Nastya

There is such a company "DISO", very cool soy products. I tried soy minced meat, a cocktail, schnitzels, goulash, etc. at my friend’s. Delicious! Small children also eat, checked.

06/19/2000 13:10:59, Natalie