Adaptation to a new mixture in a child how much. How to determine that the mixture is not suitable for the newborn, and transfer the child from one diet to another? When to change the mixture

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 05/01/2019

Mother's milk has always been, is and will be an indispensable and most useful food for a newborn. In addition, breastfeeding is a close emotional contact between mother and child, as well as a quick recovery of a woman in the postpartum period. But, unfortunately, not every mother has the opportunity to breastfeed her baby. The reason for this can be various factors, from the state of health of a woman to her banal unwillingness to do it in a natural way.

Adapted, that is, very close in composition to breast milk, the mixture was created taking into account all the needs of formula-fed babies. The task of parents with all responsibility is to approach the choice of complementary foods for their child, to study all the possible options that manufacturers offer and, of course, heed the advice of a pediatrician.

Despite the fact that all infant formulas are similar in composition to each other, the reaction of a newborn to them can be completely different. It is not always possible to choose the right nutrition the first time for a baby that has just been born, and a young mother faces a number of problems that arise against the background of eating food that is not suitable for him. How to determine whether this food is suitable for a child, or is it necessary to think about replacing it?

Criteria for selection of milk formula:

  1. If the newborn started receiving milk formula from the maternity hospital, then changing it, at least for the first time, is not recommended.
  2. It must necessarily correspond to the age of the crumbs. Packages with baby food from birth to 6 months are marked with the number 1, from six months to a year, with the number 2, and older than one year - 3
  3. Check the expiration date on the packaging
  4. The composition of the product should include all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the full development of the baby: taurine, carnitine, linoleic acid, lactulose, probiotics, nucleotides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, iron
  5. The amount of protein should be in the range of 12 to 14 grams per 1 liter of cooked product
  6. The composition should be free of starch and sucrose
  7. Meal preparation instructions should be informative and understandable
  8. Try to choose an affordable product, one that you can easily purchase in the future.

If you try to follow these simple rules, then most likely you will be successful, the food you have chosen will be useful and will give you and your baby many pleasant minutes. But there are exceptions to every rule, and any newborn organism is individual, so even the best and most expensive mixture may not be suitable for your baby. It is necessary to introduce complementary foods of a new product gradually, over several days, observing the reaction.

How to introduce new food into the baby's daily menu?

It is necessary to start feeding the child with new food as carefully as possible, from a small amount, increasing portions every day, to monitor how he reacts to the innovation.

Here is an approximate scheme for introducing a new product into the diet of a newborn:

  • 1st day. 10 grams of unfamiliar mixture, once a day.
  • 2nd day. 20 g, twice a day.
  • 3rd day. 30 grams, three times.
  • 4th day. 40 grams, four times a day. And so on until the volume of the mixture reaches 70 grams, and the number of feedings up to seven.

Such a scheme is suitable for newly born babies, if you start introducing a new mixture at a later date, then its amount increases in direct proportion to the age of the child. For example: at 3 months, start complementary foods with 20 grams, and at 5 with 30 grams, adding the same amount daily.

It is strongly not recommended to transfer a child to a new product in one day, as it can lead to negative consequences, in the form of bloating, indigestion and allergic reactions. In no case do not change infant formulas without good reason, such a replacement is a very big burden on a fragile body.

How to determine that the mixture is suitable?

  1. The child's stool is regular, normal in color and consistency
  2. No rashes appear on the body, the skin has a normal appearance
  3. Baby eats happily
  4. Normally gaining weight, showing activity and developing well

If all the signs of well-being, mood and timely development of the newborn described above are present, then you have made the right choice and the new food suits your baby. You can safely continue to feed her baby, moving to the next step when he reaches the appropriate age.

In what cases should the mixture be replaced?

If, after introducing a new product into the diet, you notice at least one of the following symptoms, this is a consequence of the fact that the selected food does not suit the baby and you need to think about replacing it.

  1. Frequent stools with white lumps of undigested food and mucus
  2. Increased gas formation, colic and constipation
  3. Constant spitting up, even between feedings
  4. Skin rashes, redness
  5. Poor weight gain
  6. The baby is lethargic, often naughty, crying and irritated
  7. Sleeps restlessly at night, waking up repeatedly
  8. The child does not eat, and does not withstand the intervals in feeding

Watch the behavior of the baby during the meal, if she did not like him, he will refuse to eat. In this case, you should not force him to eat, but you need to figure it out and understand what is the reason for the refusal.

Of course, it is necessary to transfer the child to a new diet gradually, the child's body needs adaptation, otherwise it will be tormented by colic and regurgitation. If, after 2-3 weeks, the unpleasant symptoms do not disappear, the selection of a suitable mixture should be continued.

Allergy to formula milk

An allergic reaction to a milk formula for feeding newborns is the first call that it is not suitable for him. Allergies can manifest as constipation, colic, diarrhea, regurgitation, and rashes and are fairly common. Usually such a reaction of the body occurs in the second month of life, but can appear at any age. What to do in such cases and how to fight so as not to provoke its more severe forms?

First of all, you should try to dilute a smaller amount of dry powder in the same volume of water as before, that is, to make a less concentrated mixture. This will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and fermentation in the intestines will disappear. If this option does not help, you should think about changing the product or introducing additional food into the diet, in the form of therapeutic mixtures.

If the allergy is caused by dysbacteriosis, you can try adding a fermented milk mixture to the baby's usual daily menu, which helps restore the intestinal microflora. Usually, such mixtures contain probiotics, which increase the number of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines of a child, normalizing his work and stool.

Normally, in a healthy baby, the number of regurgitations after feeding is one to two, if an allergy occurs, their number increases several times and often turns into prolonged hiccups. In this case, it would be appropriate to add an anti-reflux mixture to the baby's diet and drink it in a course. It has a thicker consistency due to the locust bean gum, casein or starch present in the composition. The action of such a mixture is as follows, getting into the stomach, it swells and forms a dense, thick lump, which the child is not able to burp.

Another manifestation of an allergy to the mixture is skin reactions, in the form of rashes and redness. A rash can appear on any part of the baby's body and gives him great discomfort, usually the child's body reacts this way to cow's milk protein, on the basis of which most mixtures are made. But, first, it is necessary to determine whether the milk formula really provoked an allergic reaction. Rule out contact dermatitis and drug allergies. If the rashes continue, a specially designed hypoallergenic baby food can become a salvation from this unpleasant problem.

An excellent alternative to a mixture with cow protein can be a product based on goat's milk. Such mixtures are great for babies, contain the required amount of animal proteins and are superior to conventional ones in nutritional value.

Any appointment, whether it is a replacement for a newborn's nutrition or the introduction of therapeutic mixtures into the diet, should come from a pediatrician. Self-activity in this matter should be completely excluded.

Read more:


A mixture change is necessary if:

  • The child had a reaction in the form of allergies, constipation, regurgitation, diarrhea.
  • When the child has reached a certain age (for children older than six months, it is changed).
  • If you have to use a special mixture for medical reasons.

If the baby's body reacts well to the mixture, it should not be changed. This can be understood by the fact that the baby feels good, there are no skin rashes and there are no problems with the stool.

The decision to change can only be made by the pediatrician. Many mothers change it several times a month just because it “seemed to them that the other one was more modern”, while introducing it once. Thus, they harm the body of the crumbs. Remember that the new mixture should be given in small quantities and the volume should be increased gradually. This is the only way to adapt without stress for the child's body.

If the child feels well, you should not change the formula on a whim.

  • Do not mix old and new mix. They need to be given in different bottles.
  • Prepare both new and old formula before feeding.
  • Monitor the condition of the crumbs and analyze the symptoms described above with an inappropriate mixture.
  • It is desirable to introduce a new mixture in the morning.
  • It should be diluted exclusively with boiled water in accordance with the instructions on the package. Ideally, this should be done immediately before feeding.
  • If you need to make a stock of milk formula, be sure to refrigerate it and keep it for no more than 24 hours.


When it is required to change the mixture that the baby is fed, the introduction of a new product should be gradual:

  1. On the first day, it is given only once in an amount of 10 ml.
  2. On the second day, it is given three times in 10 ml.
  3. On the third day, the product is given three times. For one feeding give 20 ml.
  4. On the fourth day, it is given to the baby 5 times. For one feeding, 50 ml of a new product is given.
  5. On the fifth day, the total amount is adjusted to 400 ml, divided into 4 feedings (100 ml at a time).
  6. On the sixth day, 150 ml of a new product is given for each feeding. The total volume of the injected mixture is 600 ml or more.
  7. On the seventh day, the entire diet of the child can already be replaced with a new mixture, since the body will fully adapt by this time.

Before entering the treatment mixture, you need to consult a pediatrician, since in some cases a one-time complete transition is necessary.

The best food for a baby is mother's milk. But there are situations when it is necessary to introduce supplementary food - additional nutrition - an adapted milk formula. The introduction of supplementary feeding is required when there is a shortage of breast milk, when the child does not eat up, requires breasts earlier than 2.5 hours after the end of the previous feeding, does not gain weight well. Another indication for the introduction of the mixture is the appointment of mother therapy that is incompatible with breastfeeding (treatment of cancer, serious hormonal therapy). Another reason may be a group or Rh conflict. In exceptional cases, it is recommended to cancel breast milk and introduce a mixture when prescribing antibiotics to the mother (in most cases, this situation does not require nutritional correction), as well as in case of very severe and decompensated lactase deficiency or atopic dermatitis (most often, in these cases, the treatment is carried out by the child without discontinuation breast milk, but sometimes the introduction of a therapeutic mixture and the transition to mixed or artificial feeding are required).

The child may react to the introduction of the mixture with a deterioration in the condition. Reactions to the mixture can be in the form of skin rashes, abdominal pain, changes in the nature of the stool (the appearance of greenery, mucus, constipation). Late regurgitation or regurgitation with a "fountain" may appear. Problems that existed before the introduction of supplementary foods may worsen, or new symptoms may appear. The deterioration occurs due to the immaturity of the adaptation systems of each baby up to 4 months, so any change in nutrition at this age can lead to breakdowns.

Also, the cause of the deterioration of the condition may be the individual immunity of the baby to a particular mixture. To evaluate the individual reaction to the mixture, it is necessary to track changes in the state according to the criteria - skin, stool, behavior (anxiety, regurgitation) - from the initial state. That is, before the introduction of the mixture, you need to remember or write down all the problems that the baby has, and, starting to give the mixture, track the changes. If deterioration occurs, do not remove the mixture immediately, but continue to give in the same amount on which problems were noticed. If the deterioration is associated with the difficulties of adaptation, then within 2-3 days the reactions will end, and the child's condition will return to its original level, if the deterioration is strong and does not go away in 4 days, this means that this mixture is not suitable for the child and you need to try another. Therefore, you do not need to immediately buy a large amount of the mixture that the child has not tried before.

The introduction of the mixture must be carried out necessarily gradually. Start with 10 - 20 grams of the finished mixture (no more than 30 grams, which corresponds to a scoop of dry mixture), give it after breastfeeding. On the first day, you can give a small amount of formula in each feeding or in some feedings. On the second day and every next day, the amount of the mixture can be increased by introducing a measuring spoon into the feeding. If the mixture is introduced for supplementary feeding (with a lack of breast milk), you can do either mixed feedings (in one feeding both the breast and the mixture), or some breastfeedings, and some - completely with the mixture. The gradual introduction of the mixture reduces the risk of reactions to the introduction. If the mixture suited the child, that is, did not cause any reactions, then this mixture should not be changed (you can only change the number according to age - the stage of the mixture). The mixture of one stage for the mixture of the next stage also changes slowly: the replacement is carried out in 5 - 7 days, one scoop is changed at each feeding.

Adaptation - a set of work of the immune and digestive systems, when the body recognizes and remembers something new. In young children, the process of getting used to a new food usually lasts up to 7 - 14 days. It is during this period that reactions to the introduction of a new mixture may occur. If the adaptation process has passed, the baby eats a certain mixture for a long time, and suddenly he starts having problems with his skin or tummy, then the mixture (and nutrition in general) has nothing to do with it: the problem must be sought in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and nutrition should not be changed.

Pediatrician Yuri Kopanev

The birth of a baby is not only a long-awaited miracle, but also a great burden of responsibility for a new life. The most important thing at first is to give quality nutrition to your child. It has long been known that breast milk is the most necessary and proper food for a newborn. It fills all the needs of the baby in nutrients, contains microelements that help the young body adapt to new conditions, and provides strength for the formation and growth of tissues.

Difficulties with feeding

But due to many circumstances, not all mothers can count on precious milk. And some deliberately refuse breastfeeding, because they want to save their figure. For many, milk disappears some time after birth for various physiological reasons.

Product types

Every mother who finds herself in this situation naturally has a question: how to choose a mixture for a newborn? There are many types of milk mixtures on the Russian market. First you need to figure out how they all differ. The main difference between all types of mixtures is the age of the child. has a certain composition, for older children it is already different. This is not surprising, because the body's need for trace elements and various vitamins changes with the growth of the baby. Mixtures vary in consistency. Liquid mixtures are more convenient, because they are ready to use and require only heating. But the choice of liquid mixtures is still the privilege of large cities, since they have a short shelf life and require certain transportation conditions. Dry mixes are presented in almost every supermarket and children's food store in a wide variety. They are easy to store and prepare. Powdered milk formulas differ in composition. Most of the mixtures for newborns are based on cow's milk, but there are also goat's milk, as well as soy, with the addition of bifidobacteria and probiotics. There are a wide variety of mixtures for newborns. How to choose the right one is up to mothers to decide, based on their own experience and observation of the child's behavior.


The price category varies from 200 rubles or more, depending on the composition, brand of the manufacturer and packaging. In this case, the price is not the answer to the question, what mixture to feed the newborn - is it more expensive or cheaper? Good quality is distinguished by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Inexpensive milk formulas, as a rule, from a Russian manufacturer, are well absorbed by many children, while expensive formulas from a European manufacturer may contain GMOs and various vegetable oils. Accept or not - can be understood only with an individual approach. When switching to artificial feeding, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician about the nutrition of the baby and how to understand that the mixture is not suitable for the child. In the presence of certain physical indicators, the doctor may recommend a specialized milk formula containing one or another microelement.

Child's reaction

So, we decided how to choose a mixture for a newborn. Now you need to see the reaction of the baby to the new food. You should not change the mixture at the first unsuccessful attempt. Adaptation to a new product in a baby takes about three days. For the first time, you should give the baby one scoop of the finished milk formula to try, on the second day - two spoons, and then increase by one serving. With a sharp introduction of a new product into the diet, there may be a strong allergic reaction due to its large intake into the body. If he accepted and remained full, then she approached him. Although there is no guarantee that he will use it constantly. Over time, many mothers had to change mixtures, and more than once.

Symptoms that let you know something is wrong

But what if this is not the case? And how to understand that the mixture is not suitable for the child? The most indicative option is the appearance of a rash on the skin of a child, the so-called diathesis. It can be both on the face and on other parts of the body, so it is necessary to carefully examine the child when swaddling. Constipation or, conversely, diarrhea also indicates the indigestibility of this product. Does the baby cry during meals or after? Have colic, gas, bloating? Milk formula for newborn baby? It also happens that the baby simply does not swallow it in any way, burps and closes its mouth. All these are indicators that formula is not suitable for the child. Often the baby eats it, but over time it becomes lethargic and does not gain weight. This is also a very important sign, indicating that it is necessary to change the milk mixture.

Consultations with doctors

If some time has already passed, and the mixture has not yet been selected, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician about a mixture for newborns. How to choose the right one from the many baby food on the market today? Pediatricians recommend that you find out in advance what mixture is given to the newborn in the maternity hospital, and how he reacted to it. It is also necessary to pass tests for the presence of allergies in the child. To choose the right pediatricians should be taken seriously. So, with intestinal dysbacteriosis, pediatricians recommend giving the baby the milk mixture "Nutrilon Comfort", "Nan sour-milk", "Bifidus". If the child has a syndrome of regurgitation and vomiting - "Nutrilon Ar (antireflux)", "Similak Izovok", "Grandma's basket for children with regurgitation and constipation." With low body weight and slow weight gain, as well as if the child was born prematurely, pediatricians recommend milk formulas such as Nutrilon Pre, Nan Pre, Enfalak, Hipp Pre. The prefix "pre" indicates that the product is intended for weakened children. In severe form and lactose, with a weakened postoperative period, pediatricians recommend mixtures of Frisopel, Pepti-Junior, Portagen, Humana GA and Hipp GA. In case of intestinal infections, as well as with reduced activity of the lactase enzyme in the intestine, a tendency to diarrhea, choose the dairy mixture "Grandmother's basket without lactose", "Al 110", "Nan" and "Nutrilon" lactose-free. For newborns without deviations in health, pediatricians recommend choosing adapted milk formulas, that is, close in composition to breast milk. These are very popular products - such as Nutrilon, Frisolak, Nestozhen, Nan, Agusha, Bona, Nutrilak, Grandmother's basket.

Personal experience

To the question of how to understand that the mixture is not suitable for the child, many mothers can confidently answer using the example of their own baby. But in order not to spend extra money on buying expensive milk formula for newborns in order to determine the reaction to one spoon, as well as to preserve your nerves and the health of the baby, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition when buying a product.


It is very important to consider the expiration date and the method of preparation of the mixture. It sometimes happens that mothers cannot answer the question: "How to understand that the mixture is not suitable for the child?" However, they do not properly prepare the mixture, which leads to colic or regurgitation in the child after feeding. It must be diluted only in boiled water, the temperature of which is about 37 degrees, and exactly the amount of the mixture that is indicated in the table on the package. Ready milk formula for newborns should not be stored for more than an hour, you can not dissolve cookies in it for "satiety". The bottle and nipple must be sterile. You should not overfeed your baby. Perhaps the mixture suited him, but due to overeating, he will begin to spit up and vomit. If you follow the rules for preparing and storing milk formula and carefully observe the reactions of your child during feeding, if you follow the recommendations of a pediatrician on choosing a milk formula, the question of which mixture to feed a newborn will no longer arise, and most importantly, the baby will be full and satisfied so mom will be happy too.