Rules for healthy eating for a toy terrier: what is healthy and tasty. How to feed a toy terrier: features of the diet

Toy Terrier

Mushrooms - may contain toxins that can affect various organ systems, cause shock, and, as a result, death;

Baby Food - May contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs. (Please look for onions in the list below.) It can also result in nutrient deficiencies in the dog's diet if the proportion of baby food in the diet is high;

Yeast dough - can increase in volume and release gases in the digestive tract, causing pain, and lead to rupture of the stomach or intestines;

Fatty meat trimmings - can cause pancreatitis;

Moldy and spoiled food, garbage - can contain a variety of toxins that cause vomiting and diarrhea, as well as affecting the functioning of other organs;

Potatoes, rhubarb, tomato leaves, potato and tomato stalks contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. This is mostly a cattle problem;

Bones of fish, poultry or other meat products - can cause blockage or rupture of the digestive tract;

Stones of peaches and plums - can cause intestinal obstruction;

Cat food - usually contains too much protein and fat;

Onions and garlic (raw, boiled or powdered) - contain dimethyl sulfoxides and disulfides, which are dangerous for red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more sensitive than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions;

Macadamia (nuts) - contain an unknown toxin that affects the functioning of the digestive tract, nervous system and muscles;

Milk - Some adult dogs and cats do not have enough of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose in milk. This may lead to diarrhea. Dairy products that do not contain lactose are not harmful to animals;

Leftovers from the table (in large quantities) - unbalanced food, they should not be more than 10% of the total amount of food;

Liver in large quantities - can cause an overdose of vitamin A, which has a harmful effect on muscles and bones;

Sugary food - can lead to obesity, dental problems and possibly diabetes;

Salt - when consumed in large quantities, can lead to electrolyte imbalances;

Raw fish - can cause a lack of thiamine (vitamin B), which leads to loss of appetite, seizures and, in some cases, death. It usually manifests itself with regular feeding of raw fish;

Raw eggs - contain an enzyme called avidin, which reduces the absorption of biotin (vitamin H). This can lead to skin and coat problems. Raw eggs can also contain salmonella;

Tobacco - contains nicotine, which has a harmful effect on the digestive and nervous systems. May lead to increased heart rate, collapse, coma and death;

Hops - an unknown component leads to suffocation, increased heart rate, increased body temperature, seizures and death;

Persimmon - seeds can cause intestinal blockage and enteritis;
Human vitamin supplements containing iron can damage the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and be toxic to other organs, including the liver and kidneys;

Chocolate, coffee, tea and other caffeinated products - contain caffeine, dimethylxanthine or aminophylline, which can be toxic and affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems;

Citrus oil extracts - may cause vomiting.

Black BREAD - you can’t puff from it (you can only in the form of crackers).

Barley, wheat, semolina, oatmeal - it is difficult to digest, these cereals can cause bloating in a dog.

Meat in the form of minced meat (only cut into pieces)

When getting a cute dog of that terrier breed, you should study the features of its content - how to care for a pet, how to educate, how much and what to feed. In particular, the food for that terrier must meet the necessary requirements, otherwise the health and even the life of the toy will be in jeopardy. Purchased food, like natural food, has its own characteristics - before making a decision about the diet, they also need to be studied. Let's look at the advice of breeders and nutritionists: how to feed a toy terrier to maintain his health and mood at the highest level.

General principles

First of all, you will have to decide what to feed the toychik - dry food or natural products. Experts recommend choosing one. Many tend to choose high quality dry food, because their composition is well balanced - the dog receives all the substances necessary for life and health. As for the taste of food and variety - they are not so important for our four-legged friends. However, this only applies to premium, super premium and holistic foods designed specifically for the care of small toy dogs.

Unfortunately, economy class dry food does not meet these requirements, so they should prefer natural or mixed food.

The natural diet should consist of fifty percent meat products, and if the dog is very active - two-thirds. The rest of the food is dairy products, vegetables, cereals and some fruits.

However, you should not give the toychik food from your table - spices, smoked meats and all kinds of additives will negatively affect his health.

The number of feedings and the approximate diet of a puppy per day

The content and feeding of small puppies differ not only in diet, but also in frequency. So, a month-old puppy needs to be fed six times a day in small portions. Puppies that have reached the age of two months are fed five times a day. From the age of four months, the frequency of feeding can be reduced to four times. Puppies between the ages of five and ten months can be fed three times a day.

After ten months, the frequency of feeding can be reduced to twice a day - as for an adult dog. When the terrier reaches one and a half years, he can be fed once a day, if this regimen suits him. But if the dog feels discomfort and dissatisfaction, it is better to leave the feeding regime the same - twice a day. An approximate menu for keeping a one and a half month old puppy may be as follows:

  1. The first breakfast is lean raw meat scalded with boiling water (finely chopped) with grated rice porridge;
  2. Second breakfast - cottage cheese with kefir;
  3. Third breakfast - cottage cheese with milk;
  4. Lunch - porridge from ground buckwheat or rice groats, boiled in milk;
  5. Afternoon snack - again milk porridge;
  6. Dinner - raw meat scalded with boiling water with grated buckwheat porridge.


Good grooming involves feeding your dog the right foods, using the foods that are most beneficial to him. First of all, it is meat and offal. The toy terrier is also a predator, so it cannot be put on a vegetarian diet. But you should not immediately accustom the dog to clean meat - he will reject all other products, which should not be allowed. It is better to add meat to buckwheat or rice porridge - they are also very useful for the dog (other porridges are digested much worse).

The meat should be lean and pre-frozen, in addition, it should be scalded with boiling water or boiled. If you boil meat, give it to the dog separately, without broth. You can’t offer that terrier pork and other fatty meats, as well as smoked, fried and all kinds of “sausages” from your table. Dogs are very fond of offal - they are useful for the toy, but not as much as you like, but in moderation (several times a week).

Protein products

The list of allowed products includes low-fat sea fish. Dogs of this breed should be given boiled fish fillets several times a week. River fish should not be offered (as well as smoked, salted and canned). For a healthy maintenance of that terrier, fermented milk products are very useful - cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk. If you buy them - choose low-fat or "children's" (the extreme fat content threshold should not exceed three percent), and if you use homemade cottage cheese or kefir - give in smaller portions.

Whole milk is not given to adult dogs of this breed - only to small puppies. Once a week, it is useful for a toychik to offer an egg - to make an omelette or boil it. The yolk itself can also be given raw if the eggs are homemade. In addition, the dog's body absorbs some plant proteins, such as those found in brown rice. If you can’t find brown, let’s use plain white, it is also very useful.

Other allowed products

For optimal care of a dog of this breed, its nutrition must be properly balanced. Toychik cannot be fed only with meat, but it is also not necessary to abuse plant foods (its optimal amount is one third of the diet). Dogs of this breed eat far from all vegetables, fruits and cereals (and not all of them are useful for a Toychik). Freshly, the dog can be given cucumbers and tomatoes, sweet bell peppers. Carrots are given both fresh and boiled.

After boiling a little, you can give the toychik cauliflower, pieces of zucchini or beets (it is especially good for eliminating constipation). From fruits, dogs eat apples and pears with pleasure, as well as pieces of doggie, apricot, banana. However, you should not get carried away with exotic fruits - your pet's body may simply not absorb them. It is useful to give sea kale to toys - it contains a lot of vitamins and substances useful for the body.

What Not to Give

The dog's diet should not include fatty, fried, smoked and canned foods. Pork (especially lard) and other fatty varieties, minced meat, and also any bones are prohibited. Adult dogs should not be given sweet milk, as well as raw egg white. No need to give butter, sour cream, cream. Potatoes should not be given to dogs, as their bodies have difficulty digesting starch (this also applies to other “starchy” vegetables).

  1. Dogs are more willing to eat lightly salted food and they really need it. However, much less salt should be added to the food of a glass of salt than to your own food.
  2. Good care is not only a balanced diet, but also the “right” water. It must be clean, without bleach. Water should always be in the toy's access zone, and it needs to be changed once or twice a day.
  3. Do not mix prepared food and natural food at the same meal, and do not mix food from different manufacturers.
  4. New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, looking closely to see if there are any allergic reactions.
  5. If the dog is excited or frightened, postpone feeding. At the moment, food will not do her any good, but most likely - she will simply refuse to eat.
  6. Do not play with the dog after eating - in order to digest food well, he needs to be alone.
  7. A bowl of food should be set for twenty minutes, and if the dogs do not eat, hide until the next feeding. You should not succumb to the pitiful looks of the Toy - they need to develop the habit of the correct regime.

When a pet appears in the house, he becomes a full member of the family, which means that you need to take care of him according to all the rules. The maintenance of that terrier is not an easy task, although the dog is small, but caring for it is a great daily work. Raising and caring for a Toy Terrier will require a lot of patience and ingenuity and is a great way for a young couple to test if they are ready to have a baby.

Toy Terrier: care and maintenance

If you want your dog to be healthy and well-groomed, it needs more than just proper nutrition and cleanliness. Daily hygiene should become the same norm for a dog as it is for a person. Now let's take a closer look at how to care for that terrier:

  • Toy Terrier: ear care. Your pet's ears should be cleaned at least once a week. To care for the ears, you can use camphor alcohol or a special ear cleaner. Apply liquid on a cotton swab and penetrate into the ear no deeper than 0.5 cm. You need to drop a little lotion or alcohol into the ear and massage the base of the ear. Then clean out all the dirt. If necessary, repeat the procedure. While bathing, the ears should be covered with a cotton swab, and in case of discharge from the ears, immediately take the dog to the veterinarian.
  • Teeth care for toy terrier. The teeth are the weakest point of the dog. It is a must to brush your teeth. The procedure is carried out with a special toothpaste, you can use a soft children's toothbrush. Brush your teeth at least once a week. Do not forget that a dog's milk teeth should be replaced by permanent ones. If the baby tooth has not fallen out on its own before 12 months, contact a specialist. To take good care of that terrier, do everything as in the case of raising a child. This will save the dog from losing teeth in the future.
  • Toy Terrier: eye care. Train your dog for daily morning washes. Eyes should be washed with boiled water. You can use a weak solution of chamomile for these purposes. Caring for that terrier involves the mandatory removal of all discharge from the eyes. After the procedure, you need to blot your eyes with a dry cloth and comb the hair with a toothbrush. To avoid inflammation of the eyes, they can be dripped with eye drops.
  • Grooming that terrier. You should wash your dog no more than once a month. You need to bathe your pet only with high-quality shampoo and balm for animals. Baby shampoo is allowed. If you are going to take the animal for vaccination, postpone bathing for a couple of weeks after vaccination, it is better to do this two days before vaccination. Grooming a toy terrier requires the use of brushes with natural bristles only. Pay special attention to the area behind the ears, elbows and chest. After combing, the wool is smoothed with a special mitten.
  • Toy Terrier: care and nutrition. Feeding your pet should be treated very responsibly, because its food tract is very small. It is allowed to feed the dog with canned or dry dog ​​food, but you need to choose very carefully and give preference only to proven and expensive brands. Offer your dog raw scalded liver or a piece of beef. You can give kefir or boiled eggs, cottage cheese. If you decide not to bother with cooking and feed only ready-made canned food, be sure to add vitamin supplements to your diet.

Toy Terrier: puppy care

With the advent of this small and fragile creature in your home, you need to make some changes to your usual rhythm of the day. Be sure to buy your puppy a small collar with a bell. Most often, the dog walks on the heels of the owner, it is very easy not to notice and step on the crumbs.

Never take an animal with one hand, only with two. The care and maintenance of a toy terrier very often resembles the care of a baby. Feed by the clock, bathe and clean very carefully and according to all the rules. Never leave your dog alone in the car. When walking, be especially careful that street cats and dogs do not come close to your pet.

At the end of April 2017 we got a dog.

We chose the breed for a long time. We wanted to take Pug or Spitz. But accidentally stumbled upon Toychik and what do you think? This is the ideal breed. Firstly, there is little wool (they have more hair) + mobility (a small dog, which is very convenient to keep in a small apartment or even a room).

We named our baby girl Diana. To begin with, we bought her bowls (aluminum on a stand) and, of course, a sunbed (because they love warmth). We even gave her our blanket, thanks to him she does not sleep with us, but wraps herself in a blanket! Well, the most necessary: ​​diapers and food! Be sure to purchase a dog carrier before buying! We have 2 carriers, one closed (we use it for the veterinarian, and the other is open (for transportation) Transportation in the car is still bad for us, but we are fighting it! The veterinarian said that this will pass by the year!

Toilet: First of all, be patient! First you need to buy diapers (I buy the cheapest ones in the pharmacy 90x60 and cut them) But when the dog is still very small, you don’t need to cut them! We must put diapers in every room and remove the carpets. After she will go to the diaper more and more often, then remove one by one. So that there is only ONE diaper left. Now she is 9 months old, but she still happens to betakurit in terms of the toilet. Dogs don't like dirty diapers, so try not to run it or wait for a puddle in the middle of the room, or even on your favorite carpet. We scold her for puddles and she understands this. She also loved to chew on diapers and gets the same for it! It seems that it does not trade yet! She goes to the toilet outside, but rarely. If you want the dog to go outside, then you need to walk him often and walk until he goes to the toilet and so every day! She tries to wait for us, but with the cold weather we walk her less. I’ll write about walking below!

Nutrition: Here we do not spoil her and feed her almost all the time with dry food and give her some water to drink. But sometimes we give wet food and fruits and vegetables. What can and cannot be read on the Internet. I even give a small piece of chips in a couple, well, I can’t resist her eyes!

Vet: Be sure to make a dog veterinary passport. To do this, you need to pickle the worms in advance and after that, after about 2 weeks, you take it to the veterinarian for an examination and he makes 1 vaccination. We did import! The vaccination is done at the age of 2 months, then you wait another month and 2 vaccinations are done and you can go with her even to Africa! After half a year, a few teeth and fangs are removed for small breeds (this is also decided with your veterinarian). We have already removed.

Games: The dog needs a lot of attention! with her you need to play, walk, feed and love on time! If this is not done, then the dog will run wild and start behaving ugly! Starts to whine and feel bad. Buy her a variety of toys so she doesn't chew on anything. And make more time for her!

Walk and Leash: As I said at the beginning: be patient! She will not fall in love with a leash and a collar at once! You need to do this at home, she will whine and balk a lot. I was very upset, at first, because she did not agree to walk on a leash in any way. I made her walk on a leash. I felt like a survivor. I had to buy her a harness and then everything improved. She did not become so much afraid and whine. And then, by magic, she calmly walked on a roulette wheel! Oh... stairs. I just took it and moved it slowly along each step and "oh miracle !!!" she began to overcome such obstacles. Although she has already begun to jump onto the bed as she has grown a little! We love jackets and blouses that do not cover her ass. We bought her a winter one, but she doesn't like it. We'll have to slowly accustom her to different clothes again! These jackets are needed, because. she is very cold and always shaking, and not for beauty!

The washing up: She is still afraid to wash herself, although she stands like a wooden one and looks at you with plaintive eyes. We bought a good shampoo so that there was no allergy. We do not comb it, only scratch it with our fingers. We wipe it with a towel and she runs all over the apartment and rubs her feet on the carpet. Probably angry! XD

Estrus: I don’t know about boys, but girls have puberty - in heat! She started at 9 months. How far does she go? Do not know yet, read that month! Diana licks everything, but you can still find spots. Her penis swells up to the size of the cables (And everyone thinks that this is a guy) We want to buy diapers for newborns, but I'm afraid that she will wean herself from the toilet.

Take your animals. After all, this is an uplifting mood for every day, even if it’s really bad or lonely at heart.

P.S. Take care of her skinny legs, and when she hits or it hurts, she starts squealing, then you need to take her in your arms and shake her! Very jealous and loves to kiss. Our ears stood up on their own and we did not strengthen them, our tail was docked - we took it like that!

- dogs of small stature, so their diet at any age should be approached with caution. Well, and the question of puppy nutrition is completely relevant.

Moreover, you need to paint the menu of a small pet literally for months. What we will do now. And we’ll make a reservation right away - we won’t talk about it, there are recommendations for each age on the package. Read also the article of an adult toy terrier.

What to feed a small toy terrier puppy?

What do they eat at 1 month

Let's begin with up to 1.5 months any age puppy must be fed mother's milk. But it happens that this milk is not enough or it is not at all. Then your pet needs to be fed.


First of all, pay attention attention that in veterinary pharmacies today there are substitutes for mother's dog milk. There are a lot of them, as a rule, these are dry mixes, which are diluted with liquid according to the specified recipe.

However It happens, What get such mixture for different reasons impossible. Well-known breeders and here recommend not to lose heart: substitute maternal milk can be made for little toy terrier on one's own.

Here are 3 recipes to help you get out of your predicament:

Blend #1:

  • 1 tbsp dry milk without sugar;
  • 200 ml of boiled cow's non-fat milk.

Blend #2:

  • 1 beaten fresh chicken yolk;
  • 0.5 l of boiled cow's milk.

Blend #3:

  • 2 tbsp concentrated milk
  • yolk.


It should also be noted that even if the bitch has milk, by 20 days puppies even small breeds already need to be fed. It should include the following products:

  • liquid milk porridge (try to start with oatmeal);
  • children's cottage cheese diluted;
  • finely chopped lean beef;
  • kefir with cottage cheese.

IMPORTANT! Many breeders believe that toy terriers can not be fed with any minced meat, especially at a young age, when the digestive system is being formed.

If the puppy was not fed with homemade mixtures, which we talked about above, treat him with eggs at 1 month Not recommended.

Feeding at 2 months

It is at 2 months, as a rule, that new owners take the growing pets to themselves. Here you need be sure to take into account what fed the puppy after birth.

It is believed that the toy terrier is a capricious dog, and from unfamiliar food she at all may refuse.

Now chicken eggs are slowly being introduced into his diet. You can offer a puppy meat with yolk, toy terriers love this combination very much.

Recommended give ground rice cooked in milk, buckwheat with meat, cottage cheese.
It is believed that dogs of this breed prefer offal, you can introduce them into the diet, just do not give the liver.

IMPORTANT! The liver of any animals in the menu of dogs of small breeds should not be present.

Another immutable rule puppy food should not be salty or sweet. And even more so, do not give him what you eat yourself - your diet should be different, the dog is not a person.

It is believed that at 2 months of age digestive system dogs is finally formed in connection with the transition to adult food, and here improper nutrition can harm almost all of your pet.

Nutrition at 3 months

At this age, your dog is not yet an adult, but not quite a baby anymore.

How to feed? Now into puppy feeding you can add vegetables - carrots, zucchini, even cucumber. You can (and best of all) treat them to a new family member in a stew with small pieces of meat. Try occasionally pampering him with fruits, but not exotic ones.

Give sea fish, however, in the form of fillets without bones. For some reason, puppies do not really like river fish, and it is not recommended to feed it because of the increased fat content.

Do not forget! about fermented milk products - dogs need it in any.

You can make puppy omelettes, but more than 2-3 eggs per week in any form giving is not recommended..

Little toy terriers really like boiled chicken, only, of course, without bones - tubular bones in general should not be given to dogs in any case, they can injure the esophagus or stomach.

Dietit should be well balanced and varied.

On the dog menu must be present:

  • fats; just do not overdo it - pork, for example, is better not to feed that terrier at all;
  • proteins; remember that they are not only in meat, but even in cereals; the lack of proteins in the diet will make the dog inactive and lethargic;
  • carbohydrates; they are especially necessary for a puppy to maintain immunity;

Useful video

Natural feeding of a toy terrier puppy. How right?

And always remember that the health of your dog largely depends on its nutrition. This is one of the postulates of canine science.