What causes bloating in babies. Bloating in newborns: causes and treatment

Bloating in newborns (flatulence) is functional impairment work of the gastrointestinal tract. In other words, this problem is not associated with structural changes in the organs of the digestive system and does not affect the course of biochemical processes in them. Such disorders are considered physiological during the maturation of the gastrointestinal tract and hold primacy (50-90% of cases) among all diseases of the digestive system in infancy.

Symptoms of bloating in newborns

You can determine if your baby is bloated by a number of external signs. A child suffering from flatulence becomes restless, cries, twists his legs all the time, pressing them to his tummy, and sometimes refuses to eat. This behavior is explained by the fact that the accumulation of gases in the intestines leads to contraction of its walls and is accompanied by very painful sensations. This condition is defined as intestinal colic. Upon examination, you will notice that the abdomen has inflated, become hard and elastic. The attack can last from 10 minutes to several hours and goes away on its own after the passage of gas and feces.

Causes of bloating in newborns

Bloating in newborns is caused by a number of age-related factors. The baby's body has anatomical and physiological characteristics that distinguish it from the body of an adult. It's about not only about the physical and mental development, but also about everyone’s work internal organs, the digestive system is no exception.

The stomach in newborns is located higher and more horizontally than in adults. Because of this, its contents can easily enter the esophagus, which leads to frequent regurgitation and vomiting. In addition, the muscles of the stomach walls are poorly developed, as a result of which the movement of food into the intestines may be delayed. The glands of the mucous membrane are also functionally immature; they produce gastric juice in a smaller volume and with an insufficient concentration of hydrochloric acid. Despite the fact that all these features are provided by nature for the proper digestion of breast milk, they create certain difficulties for the baby.

Other causes of bloating in newborns include:

  • High tension of metabolic processes;
  • Imperfection of enzymatic systems (lactase deficiency);
  • Physiological dysbacteriosis;
  • Central immaturity nervous system;
  • Swallowing air during feeding;
  • Entry of pathogenic microflora into the intestines (Escherichia coli, etc.).

Sometimes increased gas formation in a baby is the result of a banal non-compliance with the diet by a nursing mother. The presence of cabbage, legumes or other products that provoke flatulence in a woman’s diet can result in serious trouble for the baby.

Treatment of bloating in newborns

Cry small child for several hours in a row is a serious test for the nervous system of young parents, so it is necessary to take action immediately before the baby begins to scream at full strength. You can relieve the symptoms of bloating in a newborn using the following techniques:

  • Take the baby in your arms, rock him, calm him down. Crying causes muscle tension, which increases pain;
  • Place a warm (not hot!) heating pad or diaper heated with an iron on the baby’s tummy;
  • Give your baby a light tummy massage: be careful in a circular motion use your palms to work on the area around the navel, trying not to touch the liver;
  • Give preference to loose swaddling so that the baby has the opportunity to bend and straighten his legs independently. Free movements promote natural gas relief;
  • To expel gas spontaneously, place the newborn on his tummy before feeding;
  • Analyze whether the baby takes the breast correctly. It is possible that the baby’s position during feeding is not good and this leads to swallowing air. Make sure your baby is not distracted while eating. Frequent breaks also allow air to enter the stomach, resulting in bloating;
  • To prevent flatulence, offer your baby dill water and fennel tea.

If the above methods do not help to cope with the problem, consult your pediatrician about the use of medications. Your doctor may also recommend using vent pipe, which allows you to get rid of gases accumulated in the intestines mechanically.

Thus, the following are usually used to treat bloating in newborns: medicines:

  • Espumisan is an emulsion preparation based on activated dimethicone (simethicone) with pleasant smell. Effectively fights gas bubbles and mucus that have accumulated in the intestines, but does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted unchanged from the body along with feces. Big advantage Espumisan is free from sugar and lactose;
  • Bobotik is another medicine based on simethicone in the form of drops. The drug has a mild carminative effect and effectively eliminates flatulence;
  • Baby Calm is an emulsion based on anise, dill and mint seed oils. Possesses specific smell. It should be noted that Baby Calm is not positioned as a medicine, but as a supplement that must be given to the child before feeding. Due to its active action and saturation, the product often causes allergic reactions;
  • Plantex is a drug in powder form that contains fennel fruits and is approved for use from two weeks of age. Contraindicated in children suffering from lactase deficiency;
  • Linex is a capsulated powder preparation containing three types of lactic bacteria. Infants Linex can be given diluted with mother's milk or a mixture. Contraindicated in case of lactose intolerance.

Bloating is a common occurrence in infants from two weeks to three months. Due to the unformed enzyme system, gas formation occurs, causing pain in the baby. The baby becomes restless, often cries, and presses his legs to his stomach. Colic is periodic, most often appearing half an hour after feeding. Depending on the cause of bloating in an infant and medical indications appropriate treatment is selected. Determines the need drug treatment pediatrician.

Bloating in a newborn is not considered a disease, since at the time of birth intestinal system is not yet formed, each organ, especially the intestines, is in the developmental stage of the child. Microflora is formed under the influence of the external environment, the gastrointestinal tract is populated by new bacteria. Up to three months, flatulence in infants - normal phenomenon. The causes of flatulence in a newborn are anatomical and external factors.

  • Imperfection of the infant's enzyme system. The enzyme needed for food processing is produced in insufficient quantities.
  • Lactase deficiency.
  • Undeveloped intestinal microflora.
  • Underdevelopment muscular system intestines. The intestinal walls contract with insufficient layers and do not push through intestinal gas.
  • Violation hormonal levels newborn.
  • Poor development of the nervous system. Occurs in premature babies.

External causes of flatulence in infants:

  • Incorrect application when breastfeeding when air enters the baby’s body along with the milk.
  • Overfeeding.
  • Inappropriate nutrition for the baby’s age, intolerance to formula components.
  • Improper nutrition of a nursing mother.
  • Entering E. coli into gastrointestinal tract baby.

The listed reasons, taken together and individually, lead to flatulence in infants, causing anxiety to both the child and the parents.

First aid for colic

If spasms occur in a newborn, the mother should know what to do to relieve pain syndrome. The first thing you need to do is take the baby in your arms and try to rock him to sleep. The warmth of your hands and rocking help relieve stress and pain. The simplest and most popular remedy for colic for newborns is tummy massage. Light abdominal massage relaxes increased tone muscles and allows babies naturally remove gas from the intestines.

If the pain does not go away, a medicine is used to eliminate the cause of colic.

What to do if a baby has flatulence:

  • The first method is to place a warm heating pad or a heated diaper on the baby’s tummy. Heat helps relax the abdominal muscles and relieves pain.
  • Massage. The technique includes light stroking and pressing. Manipulations are performed clockwise in the direction of the intestine.
  • Exercises - effective way avoid gas formation. It is recommended to lay the baby with its legs bent on its tummy, this provides pressure on abdominal cavity and facilitates the passage of gases. The “bicycle” exercise helps improve the digestive process and reduce the load on the gastric tract.
  • A warm bath relaxes and calms the baby.

Medicines for colic

If flatulence does not go away, the doctor prescribes medications. They have a healing effect and are designed to help with serious disorders. Colic medications for newborns are divided into preventive and therapeutic.

Medicines to prevent colic

Prevention medications are designed to help reduce the intensity of gas formation in the intestines. They don't provide therapeutic effect, but help reduce the frequency of bloating in infants. The composition of the preventive products includes natural plant components of fennel, dill, and anise.

Prevention means can:

  • Increase the secretion of digestive enzymes;
  • Helps activate the release of gases in infants;
  • Suppress fermentation processes;
  • Activate intestinal motility;
  • Reduces the incidence of gases in the intestines.

Preventive drugs include probiotics, which help accelerate the growth of the necessary intestinal microflora, reduce the load on the intestinal walls, and improve the digestion process. Drugs for the prevention of colic are recommended for use in cases of artificial feeding baby. If the baby is breastfed, there is no need to take such medications. The baby receives natural bacteria for the development of intestinal microflora through mother's milk.

Remedies for relieving spasms and relieving colic pain

Medicines that relieve painful sensations, contain simethicone, which helps eliminate surface tension of the intestinal walls. The enzyme breaks down gas bubbles, helps relieve spasms, and reduce pain. The use of such drugs is recommended after consultation with a pediatrician.

Infants under one month of age are offered only freshly prepared medicine. For children older than one month, it is permissible to divide the dose into two times. For infants, medications are available in the form of drops or suspensions for ease of use. Anti-bloating drops are selected individually, different children help different medicines. If the recommended dosage is 20-25 drops, the first time you should try a small dosage of 2-3 drops to eliminate the manifestation allergic reaction. All colic medications prescribed for children in early age, do not provide harmful effects on the baby’s body, being based on natural substances.

Groups of drugs for flatulence

Depending on the cause of increased intestinal tone, the nature of colic, the frequency of occurrence, apply different groups drugs.

  • Medicines based on dimethicone and simethicone, which have preventive properties, are given to infants from the first week of life before, during or after feeding. When the symptoms of flatulence disappear, their use is stopped. These products include: “Espumizan-1”, “Bobotik”, “Kuplaton”. Usually the parent chooses the remedy that helps the child better than others.
  • Herbal medicines based on natural plant components. “Dill water”, made at home or bought at a pharmacy, “Plantex”, “Baby Calm” reduce increased gas formation in the intestines.
  • Sometimes increased gas formation occurs due to a lack of beneficial bacteria in the baby's intestines. If the cause of flatulence is dysbacteriosis, probiotics “Hilak Forte”, “Linex”, “Bifiform baby” and others are prescribed.
  • Enterosorbents are used when colic is accompanied by inflammation. These include " Activated carbon" and "Smecta".

Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment and prevention of colic in newborns

Practicing pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky claims that colic and increased gas formation in children are normal phenomena that go away by three months with proper organization nutrition and lifestyle of the child. The doctor talks about the importance of the mother’s emotional state. When the parent starts to get nervous, the baby instinctively feels it and begins to become more capricious. The main thing is to remain calm and not overdo it with “treating” the baby.

Inept actions can harm a newborn. Parents can easily injure the intestines with the gas tube. Evgeny Komarovsky believes that colic is a temporary difficulty and will go away by four months. Digestive system one month old baby not yet formed, gases in the abdomen, flatulence and colic occur due to any external influence. Violation of the mother's diet, overfeeding, overheating cause fermentation in the intestines. Compliance with feeding regimen, preventive massage, water procedures can have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby and reduce the risk of colic.

To make the baby feel good, Evgeniy Komarovsky advises following a number of simple rules:

  • Do not overfeed the baby. There should be at least 2.5 hours between meals.
  • After feeding and before massage, keep the baby in vertical position so that excess air leaves the stomach, this will prevent regurgitation and gas accumulation in the intestines.
  • Do not mix breast milk and artificial milk.
  • Free your baby from diapers every day, giving him the opportunity to move his legs independently.
  • Perform preventative massage on the newborn's tummy.

In the first months outside the mother's womb, a baby's life changes dramatically. The child switches to independent feeding, learns to cope with new foods entering the body - this is a lot of stress for the little person. Digestion is adjusted to new way, the enzymatic system completes its development. At this time, a change is observed in the emerging gastrointestinal tract system. The newborn begins to adapt to a new unusual environment.

The task of parents during this period is to help little man adapt, make his existence as comfortable as possible. When difficulties arise, a young mother is supposed to show maximum positive attitude, her emotional condition affects the child.

Flatulence is a natural reaction of the body to a new environment, but the problem can be solved if you know the procedure and react correctly. First aid - rocking and massage. If the problem does not go away after three to four months, you should consult a doctor. The health of the baby in the first month of life is completely in the hands of the parents. Attentive attitude, adherence to the diet and the day of the child and mother, positive attitude will help you get through the difficult period of newborn colic and provide your baby with restful sleep and good health.

Hello, dear readers, moms and dads! A newborn baby is a wonderful addition to your family. With its appearance, your life will become full of both joyful moments and experiences.

Here the baby looks at his mother and smiles at her with the most charming smile in the world, but he suddenly began to cry, and not just whimper, but scream and burst into tears from crying. What could have bothered our baby?

Today we will try to understand such a common problem as bloating in newborns. It is for this reason that a newborn baby may begin to cry sharply in the first months of his life, thereby trying to show his parents that he is feeling bad and needs your help.

Cause of bloating in newborns

The most common reason baby crying is a digestive disorder that leads to bloating and intestinal colic ov. Almost all children suffer from this phenomenon before reaching 3 months.

The organs of the digestive system do not work the same way as in an adult; they are still developing. The intestinal walls are still very weak, it is difficult for them to fully carry out the movement of food. Thus, all this leads to an accumulation of gases in the baby’s stomach and intestines.

Intestinal colic and bloating in a newborn are almost the first problems that a young family may encounter. If the reason for a newborn’s crying is bloating, then the baby cannot solve this problem without your help. So let's see what can we do?

What to do about bloating in newborns?

The baby is crying, you see that his tummy has become hard and seems to be slightly swollen. First aid for a baby depends on you, it is in your hands:

  • calm down, take the baby in your arms, hold him close and rock him. Pediatricians advise holding the baby in your arms as often as possible: he feels the mother’s warmth and the pain subsides. Lightly humming lullabies will also help. Many babies are calmed by sounds: chichi-chi-chichi, shhh-shh;
  • A tummy massage would be a good help. You need to do it with your full palm clockwise, this way you will help the gases go down through the intestines;
  • you can alternate massage with bending and straightening the baby’s legs; you need to bring the bent legs to the tummy and slowly lower them down;
  • Another remedy that can help get rid of bloating is a warm heating pad. Place a warm heating pad or diaper, well heated with an iron, on the baby’s stomach;
  • if the baby enjoys water procedures, you can organize a bath for him with the addition of a decoction of chamomile and string;
  • you can use medicines from intestinal colic, but first check with your doctor what exactly your baby can do;
  • you can use a folk remedy - dill water, it, of course, brings temporary relief, but there is no chemistry in it;
  • You can try to get rid of the gases using a gas outlet tube. By the way, you can replace it with regular cotton swab. Place the baby on his stomach, bend his legs and bring him to the chest. Lubricate Vaseline oil stick or tube and carefully insert it to a depth of 2 cm into the baby’s butt.

How to Prevent Bloating in Newborns

Even the most loving parents unable to prevent the occurrence of bloating in a newborn and the appearance of intestinal colic. However, by following some proven recommendations, you can at least reduce the risk of these problems:

  • try to place the baby on your tummy before you are going to feed the baby;
  • Regularly massage your newborn's tummy;
  • Make sure that the baby is not distracted during feeding. Frequent interruptions lead to air entering the stomach and, as a result, bloating occurs;
  • give preference to loose swaddling, so the baby will independently bend and unbend his legs and some of the gases will come out naturally;
  • the baby's mother must follow the diet of a nursing woman;
  • Work with your pediatrician to find the right formula for your baby.

It’s natural to watch how one suffers from bloating and intestinal colic native child It's hard for any caring and loving parent.

For you, as well as for the baby, this is enough difficult period, but you need to experience it with dignity together. And you need to go through it calmly and patiently.

Remember that this is only a small difficulty in the development of the baby, which will certainly end, thanks to your knowledge and care.

In the maternity hospital, your baby behaved almost perfectly: he slept peacefully, calmly, as a baby should, waking up periodically to eat. But two weeks have passed since you returned home, and then the nightmares begin. sleepless nights and everyday life filled with the shrill cry of a child. And the culprit is bloating in newborns or intestinal colic.

Is it possible to somehow avoid such a problem? If not, how can I make myself feel better? infant? And what medications should be in each

Bloating: symptoms

The picture of bloating in newborns is familiar to almost all parents:

  • the baby cries helplessly, pulling his legs to his chest, while both arms and legs tremble;
  • the tummy is swollen from the accumulation of gases in it, so outwardly it seems that it is large and hard to the touch;
  • possible passage of gas and frequent belching;
  • spasms and bloating are paroxysmal in nature, most often occurring half an hour after feeding.

Bloating brings a lot of suffering to the baby, as accumulated gases irritate the intestinal walls.

Colic: a mysterious syndrome

A large belly that is raised due to excessive gas does not necessarily mean that the baby is seriously ill. The most common cause of crying in babies is intestinal colic. And according to statistics, infant colic is characterized as a behavioral syndrome that occurs in a third of children, and 95% of these babies are absolutely healthy.

Surprisingly, medicine still cannot name the exact causes of intestinal colic, just as there is no adequate effective treatment for it.

When it comes to colic, the “rule of three” applies:

  • they appear in the third week of life;
  • the attack lasts about 3 hours straight;
  • disappear without a trace after three months.

However, bloating in a newborn may be due to other reasons. With which?


Digestive immaturity

At birth, the baby begins to feed through the mouth rather than the umbilical cord. In addition, the intestines are gradually populated with beneficial microflora, and its composition periodically changes. The gastrointestinal tract “learns” to regularly empty the intestines and get rid of the accumulation of gases.

Violation of the diet by a nursing mother

The situation can be aggravated by the mother’s intake of foods that provoke the development of fermentation processes and increased gas formation. If a mother eats white cabbage, black bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, the risk of getting a large bloated tummy increases.

There are foods that a new mother should wait a while to take.

Lactase deficiency

A condition when there is a deficiency of lactase in the digestive system, the enzyme responsible for digesting the milk sugar lactose. It is worth noting that the disease is rare, so do not hastily stop breastfeeding before the diagnosis is finally confirmed.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Reflux disease is not actually associated with bloating, but it can be a cause frequent regurgitation And restless behavior baby. The essence of the phenomenon is that due to the anatomical location of the stomach and esophagus in a newborn, food and hydrochloric acid are refluxed from the stomach into the esophagus through the sphincter. Parents need to know about this in order to show the baby to the doctor in time if frequent and painful regurgitation occurs.


On this point, the opinions of pediatricians differ radically. Some argue that there is no such thing as dysbiosis at all. However, it cannot be disputed that if the mother took antibiotics after childbirth, which breast milk got into digestive tract child, the intensity of colic and abdominal pain increases. Probably the balance of intestinal microflora plays an important role in digestion.

During feeding, there is a high probability that the baby will swallow air.

Swallowing air with food

A big problem is the entry of air bubbles into the gastrointestinal tract during feeding. If the baby is breastfed, air swallowing occurs when incorrect application to the breast when it does not completely capture the nipple, with a strong flow of milk, or if the baby is an ordinary greedy person who believes that he needs to eat everything at once. Bottle feeding is also fraught with air cocktails. In both cases, no smacking or other extraneous sounds should be heard during the eating process.

Immaturity of the nervous system

Sometimes you can calm the baby down using only psychological influence: contact with the mother, carrying the newborn in your arms, or distraction by the sound of flowing water. Hence the hypothesis about painful sensations at the level emotional instability. It has also been proven that a mother who is in depressed state, can transmit stress hormones to the baby with milk, which can also cause stomach pain.

Allergy to milk protein

IN in this case flatulence and soreness will be accompanied by skin rashes and diarrhea. Squirrels cow's milk can get to the baby if a nursing mother consumes dairy products, or during complementary feeding.

Intestinal infection and enterocolitis

In addition to swelling and painful palpation, intestinal infection always accompanied by diarrhea and fever. If found similar symptoms, you must definitely call a doctor.


Treatment will largely depend on the condition of the baby and the cause of flatulence. Medicines are usually given when other methods fail. What are the ways to reduce bloating?

Correction of digestion without medication

First, we need to figure out whether we are dealing with a disease or whether this is a condition common in infancy. Therefore, before you sound the alarm, answer the following questions:

  1. Does your child have diarrhea, constipation, or excessive spitting up?
  2. Does pain appear regardless of feeding, or is it somehow related to food intake?
  3. Is your body temperature elevated?
  4. Are there any changes in skin color?

If you answered no to all questions, you can try to cope with flatulence at home with the help traditional methods, namely:

  1. During attacks, apply a warm diaper, heating pad or mother's hand, accept warm bath with decoctions of chamomile or lavender.
  2. Massage the tummy in the navel area clockwise. This improves peristalsis and release of gases.
  3. To prevent air from entering your stomach, select correct posture for feeding. If your baby is nursing greedily, try shortening the interval between feedings.
  4. If the baby is artificial feeding, do not change the mixture unnecessarily. Children tolerate such changes very poorly. Make sure that the nipple on the bottle is appropriate for your baby's age, that it does not leak air, and that the flow of formula is not too fast.
  5. Adjust your own diet. To avoid fermentation in the stomach of a baby, do not eat fresh or sauerkraut, tomatoes, raw apples, pears, do not drink kvass and carbonated drinks.
  6. Before feeding, place your baby on his tummy. This not only enhances intestinal motility, but also strengthens the back muscles.
  7. Do gymnastic exercises, such as leg raises and leg extensions, and bicycle pedaling. Important Terms for charging: the baby must be in good mood, you should not do exercises immediately after eating.
  8. After feeding, carry the baby in a column until all the excess air has escaped.
  9. If the bloating is too painful, help your baby by inserting anal hole. This mechanically promotes the release of accumulated gases.

Babies love to lie on their stomachs, especially if they get a massage at this time.

Medication correction

Pharmaceutical companies have released a lot of drugs that help get rid of colic and bloating. And although there is no universal cure, through trial and error you can choose for yourself the remedy that will be effective in your case.

Preparations based on fennel

This group includes the well-known one, which can be bought at the pharmacy, or can be prepared at home (a teaspoon of dill is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for about an hour; a teaspoon is given after each feeding). There are also fennel-based modern means in the form of powders, emulsions and granulated teas. These include Plantex, Baby Calm, Bebinos.


The product, although of chemical origin, does not have any negative effects on the body. But simethicone reliably captures gases and speeds up their release. Prominent representatives: Espumisan, Infacol, . Remember that if the solution is an emulsion, the bottle must be shaken thoroughly before each use.

Espumisan suspension is absolutely safe for use by newborns


The action of probiotic preparations is aimed at restoring the balance of intestinal microflora, especially if the child or his nursing mother had previously taken an antibiotic. Infants are prescribed drugs such as Linex, BioGaia. If the medicine is available in capsule form, then for use in infants the contents are poured into a spoon and given previously diluted with water.

As you can see, no child is immune from colic and bloating. In most cases, treatment is carried out at home, after preliminary consultation with a pediatrician. We wish you a successful experience this period and help your child with this.

The long-awaited day has come, you gave the world a new little person, tiny and gentle, but with his own character and destiny. You want to protect him from everything bad: illnesses, pains, tears, but from the first days of his existence, life begins to throw small tests at the baby.

One of them is bloating in newborns, characterized by increased accumulation of gases. These flatulences are created in the process of accumulation in the small intestines and cause the formation of intestinal colic.

Intestinal colic is cramping pain or sharp spasms of the intestinal walls that occur with increased gas formation (bloating). Their appearance is associated with the newborn’s adaptation to new conditions of postuterine development. There's nothing wrong with that. But the problem concerns your baby, his health and peace of mind, you should look for the reasons for the child’s discomfort.

First, you should determine the symptoms of pain in the little man’s tummy:

  • Unreasonable anxiety of the newborn;
  • When there are cramps in the tummy, the baby tightens his legs;
  • The shrill cry of the baby throughout the evening and even at night;
  • One of the signs of food intolerance is frequent green slimy stool or vice versa constant constipation in a baby;
  • You can really feel the bloating if you put your palm on your baby's tummy. You will feel your tummy tense and bloated.

What causes colic

Before looking for a way out of this situation, let's first determine the reasons:

  • Incorrect technique for feeding a baby; when feeding, the baby swallows a lot of air;
  • Overfeeding;
  • Constant crying of the baby;
  • If the newborn is bottle-fed, the formula may not be suitable for him;
  • A nursing mother does not adhere to a diet regimen.

Course of colic:

  1. They start with three weeks life;
  2. The duration of intestinal spasms varies from 1 to 3 hours;
  3. Colic goes away by three months, which means young parents get ready, we will survive this, as King Solomon said: “Everything will pass and this too.”

First aid

The baby is crying, his nerves are on edge, only God knows how to help, what to do. And we go to seek help from grandmothers, delve into folk recipes and select advice on the Internet, etc.

I would like to tell you right away, be prepared for problems for the next 3 months. A medicine that helps to completely cure bloating has not been invented, and scientists have not even fully figured out the prerequisites for the formation of this problem! But still, medicine is relentlessly moving forward, and there are certain ways to alleviate the suffering of infants!

True, it is worth distinguishing between methods of assistance:

  • Background correction;
  • Correction of attacks of intestinal colic.

Background treatment methods include basic actions that prevent the appearance of colic and are direct prevention to eliminate the cause of bloating.

These actions include:

  • Proper nutrition for infants and bottle-fed babies should be constantly adhered to;
  • Maintaining a basic diet for nursing mothers. The baby’s mother should remember the foods that are on her black list if the baby has intestinal problems: sweets, sugar, cabbage, beans, kefir, milk, soy;
  • Tummy massage, which helps the baby get rid of increased gas formation;
  • Warm diaper for the baby - place the newborn on the tummy on a warm diaper before each feeding;
  • Exercise “column” - carry the baby in an upright position after feeding, so that he burps and excess air leaves the body;
  • Use of preparations based on herbal components;
  • Increased gas formation in a newborn can also be overcome gas outlet tube, purchased at a pharmacy.

Most often, young parents, taught by bitter experience, use the “gas venting” method in case of severe flatulence in a newborn. By the way, for better effect Before using the straw, you need to massage your child.

Miracle remedies from the pharmacy

As for herbal-based drugs, Plantex Sandoz has proven itself well in the pharmacy market (price about 350 rubles). This drug, the main component of which is fennel essential oil, tastes like slightly sweetened tea with a hint of dill.

You can try the Happy Baby drug. This is good, high-quality dill water that will help alleviate the symptoms of irritation in the baby’s tummy. And may she help you!

As for the correction of acute attacks of colic, the theory is simple, there is a substance called semethicone - this medicine can destroy air bubbles and thereby alleviate the condition of your baby.

Preparations based on this substance for children, release form - drops:

  • Simethicone;
  • Disflatil;
  • Infacol;
  • Colikid;
  • Espumisan;
  • Bobotik;
  • Subsimplex.

There is a medicine, as mothers often say about it “drug emergency assistance", namely Viburkol. This is a good homeopathic remedy that has an antispasmodic effect on the baby’s body, but most importantly, it is good and safe treatment. The cost is about 450 rubles, but it's worth it.

It is also worth noting that doctors can prescribe your child probiotics or medications containing ready-made suspensions of beneficial microorganisms that will help the child quickly overcome this difficult stage of life in the new world.

These include:

  • Bifiform;
  • Acidolac;
  • Linux;
  • Simbiter.

Regarding these medications, it is worth paying attention to Symbiter, this is a ready-to-use drug with a limited shelf life (only 10 days). It contains acidophilus bacteria in a complex, the drug is a multiprobiotic, the price is about 900 rubles. for 10 bottles, but it will really quickly help you cope with the problem.

As practice shows, it is the use of probiotics in the treatment of intestinal spasms that is the most effective procedure, since as the baby grows and when new foods or complementary foods are introduced, there is a risk of developing constipation. Especially if this problem concerns bottle-fed children, they become constipated almost before they are one year old. a common occurrence. Moreover, in newborns with frequent flatulence, visible improvements will also be observed.

In case of constipation, pediatricians recommend that mothers reconsider the baby’s diet and prescribe medications with lactulose (Dufalac), which not only enhances intestinal motility, but also changes the intestinal microflora due to its chemical composition. The drug acts good remedy for the treatment of all “intestinal problems”.

The choice is yours, we have highlighted the main points of helping your baby, try it, something should definitely work. As practice shows, you simply need to survive this stage in your child’s life! Be healthy!