Diseases of the digestive system. Pediatric gastroenterologist. Treatment of intestinal colic in newborns. Condition of the skeletal system and joints

- a clinical syndrome that occurs against the background of the morphofunctional immaturity of the digestive tract and its neuroendocrine regulation in the first months of a child's life and proceeds with paroxysmal pain in the intestine. Intestinal colic is accompanied by crying and screaming of the newborn, restlessness, tension and bloating. The diagnosis of intestinal colic in newborns is based on a characteristic clinical picture, scatological examination data, stool culture, ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Treatment of intestinal colic in newborns includes the mother's diet, adherence to feeding techniques, selection of an adequate mixture, light abdominal massage, taking herbal remedies, antispasmodics, probiotics.

General information

Intestinal colic in newborns is a condition associated with age-related functional disorders of the digestive tract in infants and is accompanied by paroxysmal abdominal pain. In children of the first six months of life, various functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract often occur: regurgitation, intestinal colic, functional diarrhea and constipation. Intestinal colic, according to the results of various studies, occurs in 20 - 70% of newborns.

The greatest severity and frequency of intestinal colic is observed in children aged 1.5 to 3 months. Intestinal colic is more common in boys and firstborns. Intestinal colic can disrupt the diet and sleep of the newborn, serve as a reason for emotional stress and nervousness of young parents. A comprehensive solution to the problem of intestinal colic in newborns and children in the first months of life is dealt with by pediatrics, pediatric gastroenterology, and neurology.

Causes of intestinal colic in newborns

The mechanism of development of intestinal colic in newborns is due to a violation of the motor function of the digestive tract and increased gas formation in the intestine, causing sharp local spasms and bursting of the intestinal wall. The main etiological factors of intestinal colic in newborns can be associated directly with the child himself or with his mother.

On the part of the newborn, morphofunctional immaturity of the digestive tract, a violation of the neuroendocrine regulation of its function can contribute to the appearance of intestinal colic; reduced enzymatic activity of the digestive tract, lack of hydrochloric acid, lactase deficiency, disorders of the intestinal microbiocenosis.

Intestinal colic in newborns is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the intestine and the maturation of the nervous system, which lasts up to 12-18 months of age and may be accompanied by vegetative-visceral disorders. If the technique of feeding a child is violated, sucking on an empty nipple or breast with a small amount of milk, as well as in premature babies, excessive swallowing of air (aerophagia) is observed, leading to the appearance of intestinal colic in newborns. Age and individual immaturity of enzymatic systems and intestinal dysbacteriosis in newborns cause incomplete breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, contributing to increased gas formation and expansion of the intestinal lumen.

The development of intestinal colic in newborns may be associated with a deficiency of certain hormone-like substances (gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin, motilin), which regulate the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract. The cause of intestinal colic in a newborn may be the hypoxia and asphyxia suffered by him in the prenatal period or during childbirth. It has been established that the lower the gestational age and body weight of the newborn (i.e., the greater the degree of prematurity), the higher the risk of developing intestinal colic. In premature newborns, intestinal colic, as a rule, is more pronounced and more protracted.

Allergic reactions (gastrointestinal form of food allergy during the transition from natural feeding to artificial feeding, the presence of food additives in mixtures, etc.) can also cause intestinal colic in newborns. Rarely, the causes of intestinal colic in newborns can be congenital developmental anomalies (cleft lip, non-closure of the hard palate, tracheoesophageal fistulas).

Maternal factors provoking the development of intestinal colic in newborns include a burdened obstetric and gynecological history (gestosis), inverted nipples, bad habits and nutritional errors of a nursing mother (excess cow's milk, very fatty foods, foods that increase flatulence), violation of feeding technique (overfeeding , incorrect dilution of mixtures); emotional instability and stress in the family.

Symptoms of colic in newborns

Intestinal colic in newborns occurs in the first 3-4 weeks of life and lasts up to 3, less often - 4-6 months of age. Attacks of intestinal colic in newborns usually begin unexpectedly, without any apparent reason, usually at the same time of day, directly during or after feeding.

Episodes of intestinal colic last up to 3 or more hours a day, recur at least three days a week and last at least three weeks in a row. Intestinal colic in newborns is accompanied by loud shrill crying, screaming, expressed by the anxiety of the child, who twists his legs and pulls them to his stomach. At the same time, hyperemia of the skin of the face, bloating and tension of the anterior abdominal wall are noted. One attack of intestinal colic can last from 30 minutes to 3 hours.

With intense intestinal colic in newborns, there is a violation of appetite and digestion, rumbling in the abdomen, regurgitation, increased irritability and excitability, sleep disturbance. Relief from intestinal colic in a newborn occurs after the passage of gases or defecation. The general condition of the newborn between attacks of intestinal colic is not disturbed, there is no pain on palpation of the abdomen, a good appetite remains, weight gain corresponds to age. Intestinal colic in newborns can be combined with constipation, dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux.

Diagnosis in newborns

The diagnosis of intestinal colic in a newborn is established on the basis of characteristic clinical symptoms and the results of a comprehensive examination, including a general blood and urine test, fecal tests: (coprogram, determination of the carbohydrate content and the level of fecal calprotectin), stool culture for the intestinal group and for dysbacteriosis, ultrasound of the abdominal organs cavities.

The level of calprotectin makes it possible to differentiate functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract from chronic inflammatory diseases - Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. In newborns, the level of calprotectin in the feces is higher than in older children (up to 1 year of age, the level of PCP> 500 mcg / g; up to 4 years -<100 мкг/г).

If there is fever, vomiting, blood in the feces, refusal to eat and stool retention against the background of intestinal colic, an additional more in-depth examination of the newborn and consultation of a pediatric surgeon are necessary.

It is advisable to conduct a differential diagnosis of intestinal colic in newborns with surgical pathology (acute intestinal obstruction), gastrointestinal form of food allergy, lactase deficiency, dysbacteriosis, acute intestinal infections, perinatal lesions of the central and autonomic nervous system.

Treatment of intestinal colic in newborns

Treatment is carried out jointly by a pediatrician and a pediatric gastroenterologist, is individual in nature and is aimed at eliminating the main cause of this condition, correcting motor and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some cases of intestinal colic in newborns who are breastfed can be prevented by observing the diet of the nursing mother. Products containing cow's milk protein and beef meat are excluded from her diet; food rich in fats, and also contributing to increased gas formation (raw and pickled vegetables and fruits, legumes; fresh yeast bread and kvass), chocolate, sweets and pastries are limited.

Before each feeding, it is necessary to lay the baby on the stomach for 5-10 minutes, and then lightly stroke the abdomen in a clockwise direction to improve intestinal motility and gas discharge. With intestinal colic, you can warm the belly of the newborn with a warm diaper or carry it in your arms, pressing the anterior abdominal wall against the mother's stomach.

For the prevention of aerophagia, it is important to observe the feeding technique, keep the child in an upright position for 10–15 minutes after feeding for better belching of air; limit sucking on pacifiers and select an adequate mixture. If a gastrointestinal form of food allergy is suspected in a child, they switch to mixtures based on protein hydrolyzate (casein or whey), with lactase deficiency - to low-lactose or lactose-free mixtures. Frequent use of gas tubes and enemas is not desirable due to the slight vulnerability of the intestinal mucosa in newborns, especially premature ones.

With significantly pronounced intestinal colic, newborns are prescribed herbal remedies with a carminative and relaxing effect (based on fennel, dill, chamomile, mint), defoamers based on simethicone, antispasmodics (drotaverine, suppositories with papaverine), sorbents. Medicines are used both during an attack of intestinal colic, and to prevent their development in newborns at each feeding. Probiotics are used to correct dysbacteriosis.

The prognosis of intestinal colic in newborns

The prognosis of intestinal colic in newborns is favorable, in most cases they disappear after the 3rd month of a child's life, in rare cases - after the 4-6th month.

Young parents should be patient and remain emotionally calm. Compliance with the recommendations of the pediatrician, primarily the regimen and feeding technique, makes it possible to alleviate the condition of newborns with intestinal colic.

Flaccid bowel is a gastroenterological disease, accompanied by a decrease in the muscle tone of the patient's intestines. The role of these muscles in human life is quite large, because they move the food they eat, and then respond to the movement of feces in the body. If muscle tone is lowered, then feces begin to accumulate in the intestines, which is why the body is poisoned by harmful chemical compounds. Most often, this disease occurs in people of age, but young patients also suffer from gastroenterological pathology.

Sluggish bowel - symptoms and treatment

Often, flaccid bowel syndrome affects people who do not follow a healthy diet. If a person does not drink enough fluids, and there are no fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily diet, then he will most likely have to deal with such a disease as lazy intestines.

According to statistics, this syndrome occurs in people over 45-50 years old who lead a passive lifestyle and regularly take drugs for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Doctors note that regular participation in active sports or any kind of physical activity contributes to the release of the intestines.

And this is where the circle closes. Problems with bowel movements lead to violations of the digestive processes in the body, which provokes the development of constipation. It is worth noting that the work of the digestive system is negatively affected not only by the absence of stool.

The most common causes of sluggish bowel include:

  • various diseases of a chronic nature (Parkinson's disease, hypothyroidism, and so on);
  • hemorrhoids and the presence of cracks on the walls of the anus;
  • obesity (the presence of cellulite in the visceral zone negatively affects the peristalsis of the patient's intestines);
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • severe stress (hard work or the inability to go to the toilet at any time);
  • consequences of taking certain medications;
  • hormonal imbalance. Often during pregnancy or breastfeeding, the hormones that overfill a woman's body slow down the bowels. Difficulty the movement of feces and the uterus, which increases when carrying a child.

These are just the most common factors contributing to the development of this pathology. Therefore, if you are not fond of sports, do not eat right, then you will feel all the trouble of sluggish bowel syndrome.

Characteristic symptoms

During normal operation, the bowels should be emptied daily, from 1 time per day, but if this figure is significantly lower than usual, then you most likely have problems with bowel function. What are the signs of this disease and how dangerous is it for the patient's health? To answer, you must first familiarize yourself with the main symptoms. These are dryness in the mouth, heartburn, bloating, discomfort in the abdomen and constipation. If some constipation torments periodically, then others, on the contrary, almost every day.

In addition, the patient may notice the appearance of the following signs:

  • loss of appetite;
  • increased nervousness;
  • fatigue and lethargy;
  • general weakness of the body.

The combination of such symptoms may indicate intoxication of the patient's body, the appearance of which occurs when poisoning with various toxins. The main factor contributing to the development of intoxication is the accumulation of feces in the patient's intestines.

On a note! If toxins stay in the body for too long, it can lead to liver dysfunction, deterioration of the skin and nails, and hair loss. A sluggish bowel can cause a lot of trouble if medical attention is not provided on time.

How to treat flaccid bowel syndrome

Most people with constipation or problems with the digestive system immediately self-medicate, take laxatives or drink teas with a laxative effect in the hope of alleviating their suffering as quickly as possible. But such actions can not only not help, but also harm your body by disrupting the digestive system.

Flaccid bowel - treatment

Despite the great temptation to take drugs that have laxative properties, you need to remember that all of them can be addictive, as a result of which their active components will not work on you in the same way as they did before. For the treatment of sluggish intestines, traditional medicine recipes, therapeutic exercises and a special diet are most often used. Now consider each of these methods, which have a long-term effect, separately.


The first and most important thing to do when the first signs of a lazy bowel appear is to review your daily diet. Regular consumption of certain foods has a positive effect on the peristalsis of the intestinal tract. It is recommended to consume daily fermented milk products (curdled milk, kefir, yogurt), raw vegetables and fruits, which contain a lot of fiber. You can improve the functioning of the digestive tract with the help of seaweed, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, beets and zucchini. Among the fruits that have mild laxative properties, it is worth highlighting oranges, tangerines, figs, peaches, melons and prunes. Add them to desserts or eat them fresh.

The therapeutic diet in the treatment of lazy bowel syndrome and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract also consists in the rejection of a number of products, including:

  • canned food;
  • smoked food;
  • salo;
  • oily fish;
  • radish;
  • peas;
  • refined food.

Some bad habits can also lead to bowel problems. First of all, this applies to alcoholic beverages and coffee. If possible, try to limit the amount of these drinks. This will avoid not only problems with the digestive system, but also other serious diseases.

It has already been noted earlier that regular exercise improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, with flaccid bowel syndrome, experts recommend walking frequently and doing morning exercises. There are many different exercises that contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, but this does not mean that you must do everything. Choose a few for yourself and periodically change the exercises for variety.

Effective exercises in the treatment of sluggish bowel:

  • stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Straightening your arms in front of you, sit down to the parallel 5-10 times;
  • breathing exercises. Try to hold your breath for 5 seconds, then relax and exhale. Repeat the procedure 10 times;
  • lie on your back on the floor and spread your legs with your hands, assuming the position of a star. Then lift your knees and try to reach them to your chest. In the upper position, you need to clasp your knees with your hands and with the help of your hands reach your knees to your forehead. In this position, it is necessary to linger for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the starting position;
  • get on all fours, leaning on your elbows. In this position, you need to alternately raise your legs as high as possible. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

On a note! It is useful to supplement gymnastic exercises with therapeutic massage of the abdomen. To do this, lie on your back, bend your knees and gently massage the abdominal cavity with your fingertips. The movements must be circular. Perform massage daily, preferably immediately after charging.

Folk remedies

In the fight against sluggish intestines, various recipes of traditional medicine show themselves well. Below are the most effective and most common remedies.

Table. Traditional medicine in the treatment of sluggish bowel.

Product name, photoApplication

This is a unique tool that improves the functioning of the intestines and the cardiovascular system. To prepare a decoction, pour 500 ml of boiling water over 50 g of oats and insist for 1-15 minutes. Take the finished product inside 100 ml 3 times a day, preferably before meals.

Aloe is used in folk medicine in the treatment of many ailments, including lazy bowel syndrome. To prepare a healing mixture, you need to mix 150 ml of honey and 50 g of crushed aloe leaves in one bowl. Leave the resulting slurry for 24 hours, and then take 1 tsp. before breakfast. For the best effect, the remedy is recommended to be taken somewhere 40 minutes before meals. You will notice positive changes almost immediately.

For the following recipe, you need not the usual crushed tea, which is available in bags, but leaf. Grind some loose leaf tea in a coffee grinder, then take 1 tsp. 4 times a day for 5 g. It is advisable to take tea before meals - this will enhance the therapeutic effect. Literally after 1-2 days of treatment, you will be able to notice positive changes. This tool has no contraindications, so it is suitable for both adults and children.

This is not only delicious, but also a healthy dish that you can pamper your family with. To prepare a roast, you need to put 250-300 g of pumpkin, cut into small cubes, in a pan. Add one large onion, cut into cubes, and a little vegetable oil to the pumpkin. During cooking, the vegetable will become softer. This will serve as a signal for you to add 100 g of pre-cooked beans. Simmer until tender, stirring occasionally. Add some sugar and salt to taste. Eat this dish rich in vitamins and minerals.

An excellent remedy for the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Remove the green rind from one small watermelon, then place it in the oven to dry. Grind the dried watermelon peels to a powder, from which you will need to prepare the tincture. Pour 500 ml of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. watermelon powder and leave for 20 minutes. Take tincture 3 times a day for 1 tsp. Like other folk remedies for the treatment of sluggish intestines, watermelon tincture should be drunk before each meal.

First you need to prepare the herbal collection. Take equal amounts of St. John's wort flowers, oak bark, sage herb, peppermint leaves and motherwort herb. Then pour 500 ml of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. prepared herbal collection and insist for 2 hours. After the broth has cooled, strain it through gauze and take 100 ml inside 3-4 times a day. After about 2 days of treatment, all metabolic processes in the body return to normal, and the work of the pancreas will increase.

On a note! Leaky bowel syndrome without proper treatment can lead to the development of serious pathologies. If nutrients accumulate in the intestines for a long time, then in the end they will rot, which will cause the mucous membrane to become inflamed.

Gut problems can be avoided. To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1. Increase your fiber intake. It is made up of individual plant foods that your body cannot digest, so the fiber is not absorbed by the body and passes without being retained. Most people consume some fiber (20 to 40 mg), but much more is required for healthy digestion. Your body needs both soluble and insoluble fiber.

To increase the amount of fiber, you need to eat more oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots and barley. It will also help control blood cholesterol levels.

Step 2 Drink plenty of water. Combining fiber with water will increase the efficiency of the digestive system. The liquid will help soften and break down foods so your body can absorb the nutrients. It will also soften the stool. Doctors recommend drinking up to 2 liters of water a day, but the amount you need will vary depending on your body weight as well as other factors (how active you are and the climate in your area).

If you have headaches in the evening, feel tired, nauseous, and sweat less even in hot weather, then you may need to drink more water.

Step 3 Eat fermented foods (foods that are the result of a fermentation process) daily to activate healthy gut bacteria. Eating fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut will help replenish the balance of bacteria in your digestive system.

Not only does this diet fight diarrhea and constipation, it can also prevent several other health problems:

  • diarrhea after antibiotic treatment;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • vaginal or urinary tract infections;
  • cold and flu.

Step 4 Supplement your daily diet with a variety of supplements. It is best to do this after consulting a doctor to avoid unwanted consequences. The doctor will help you with the choice of drugs and dosages.

Add essential vitamins to your diet. The most useful vitamins are those that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. These are vitamins A, B, C, and D. Your body needs them to process proteins, carbohydrates, and fatty acids, absorb iron, and support immune function. Supplements can help to avoid various ailments, but this is only possible with normal dosages.

Step 5 Eat less salty, sugary and fatty foods. In large quantities, they can not only provoke the appearance of pain in the stomach, but also significantly impair digestion, cause constipation and other intestinal problems.

Step 6 Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Regular exercise has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Exercise reduces stress, controls your weight, and helps your intestines work properly.

Activity should be sufficient to increase the heart rate. Do activities that you enjoy, such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling. If you have other health concerns, such as high blood pressure or heart problems, discuss your exercise plans with your healthcare provider.

Video - Restoring a sluggish bowel

Who among adults has not suffered from constipation at least once in their life? Therefore, many mothers, knowing what it is in practice, apply their life experience in a situation where constipation develops in infants. It is not right. The body of a newborn is so different from the body of an adult that it is sometimes difficult to understand where the norm is, and when it is worth starting to worry.

From this article you will learn:

The medical definition of constipation for any age is as follows: This is a painful condition that is characterized by slowing down and difficulty in emptying the bowels.

If, in relation to an adult organism, everything is extremely clear: the diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms that any patient who has had a chance to spend enough time in the restroom will vividly describe, then these criteria do not work for a newborn.

The baby is not able to complain, therefore, in order to understand what condition can be considered constipation in the baby, it is necessary to understand in detail how the digestive system of a healthy child works at different periods of his life.

From intrauterine life to independence

From the desquamated cells of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and the dry residue of amniotic fluid in the intestines of the fetus, the first feces are formed, which are called meconium. Immediately after birth, he begins to move away, gradually giving way to normal stools formed during the digestion of milk. Meconium is black-brown in color, has an elastic consistency, stands out like toothpaste from a tube, almost does not smell, and is poorly washed from diapers.

The frequency of bowel movements in a child in the first 2 days of life usually does not exceed 3 times.

Firstly, this is due to insufficient intestinal motility, which is just learning to move food.

Secondly, with a small amount of colostrum, which serves as food for the baby these days. During this time, the original stool has time to completely come out. Subsequently, the nature and frequency of bowel movements depends on what kind of feeding the baby will be on.

Growing up together in the gut

As colostrum is replaced by mature milk, the amount of which increases significantly, a fully breastfed newborn begins to empty the intestines 2-6 times a day. It is considered normal even if it happens after every breastfeeding.

The consistency of the stool should be liquidish, it resembles mustard, smells like sour milk, and is easily washed from diapers. A small presence of foam, greenery and undigested lumps is acceptable, which is not associated with a disease, but with the immaturity of digestive enzymes.

Some babies digest breast milk so well that they may not poop for 2-3 days. This is considered the norm between the ages of 2 and 6 months, if the child feels well, sucks with appetite and sleeps peacefully. Feces in this case should be separated without tension, in large quantities and not have an unpleasant odor.

Infants receiving milk formula must necessarily empty their intestines at least 1 time per day. Unlike breastfed babies, they don't get their diapers dirty after every formula. The characteristics of their stools are also different, they are more reminiscent of the stool of an adult than an infant: more dense, brown in color, with a characteristic odor.

With a gradual transition to adult food, the frequency of bowel movements decreases, settling on 1-2 times a day. This is typical for babies from 6 to 12 months.

Thus, mothers and fathers must clearly learn the basic rule for the operation of the digestive system of an infant from birth to a year:

  • If the baby is breastfed, then the main thing is not the number of bowel movements per day or the absence of stools, but the general condition of the child (mood, appetite, sleep, anxiety during feeding) and monthly weight gain .
  • For babies on artificial and mixed feeding, the rules of an adult apply - a chair must be every day.

Doctor Komarovsky. Constipation in infants during breastfeeding (video)

The line between normal and disease

Guided by the above conclusions, it is possible to accurately determine whether the baby actually has constipation or whether everything is within the normal range.

Constipation should only be suspected if the newborn's stool retention is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bad mood, moodiness, tearfulness, refusal of the breast or bottle;
  • strong straining and crying during attempts to "go big";
  • crying, pulling the legs to the stomach, sudden cessation of sucking during feeding;
  • gases with an unpleasant odor, passing stools are hard, in small quantities;
  • weight loss or underweight as a result of the monthly weighing of the child.

Understanding the cause is half the cure

The causes that can lead to the development of constipation in infants can be divided into 2 categories:

  • General, which are typical for both breastfed babies and "artificial" ones;
  • Private, which differ in these two groups of newborns.

Common reasons include:

  • congenital anomalies in the development of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands, nervous system, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • immaturity of the motor function of the intestine;
  • accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen.

Congenital malformations of the digestive system

Occur when laying the digestive tract in the prenatal period. They can be the result of a negative impact on the fetus of ecology and bad habits. Most often, the colon is affected with the development of Hirschsprung's disease, the sigmoid colon with the formation of its additional loops, and the rectum when an overgrown anus is observed.

Disease of the endocrine glands, nervous system, lack of vitamins and minerals

Common causes of constipation in infants are diseases of the endocrine system. For example, this is observed with insufficient thyroid function - hypothyroidism. In children with damage to the central nervous system, including those with cerebral palsy, there may be a violation of the motor function of the intestine with the development of constipation. Vitamin D deficiency and related disease rickets also accompanied by impaired bowel movements.

Immaturity of intestinal motility

The movements of the intestinal wall, which push its contents towards the rectum, are provided by complex nervous regulation. Babies under the age of 2 months, especially premature ones, may experience insufficient development of nerve endings in the wall of the digestive tract. As a result, the intestine does not respond to the filling of its lumen with food gruel and does not move it forward. This is a physiological phenomenon that disappears with the growing up of the child and does not require special treatment.

Accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen

Gas bubbles can interfere with the movement of food gruel through the intestines. This may occur if:

  • a nursing mother eats foods that cause intestinal fermentation (carbonated drinks, cucumbers, chocolate, raw onions, cabbage, legumes, grapes, bananas);
  • there is intestinal dysbacteriosis;

Particular reasons for fully breastfed babies include the mother's diet and the medications she takes.

Newborn mother's diet

Known products and drugs, the active substances of which, passing into milk, cause the development of constipation in infants. Among them:

  • whole dairy products, cheeses;
  • fat meat;
  • rich meat broths;
  • muffin;
  • medicines (antispasmodics - noshpa, diuretics, medicines for the treatment of anemia, heartburn remedies based on aluminum - almagel).

Particular causes of constipation in babies who are on artificial and mixed feeding are:

  • inappropriate milk formula;
  • abrupt change of mixture;
  • undersoldering.

If everything is more or less clear with the choice of the mixture, then underdrinking still raises many questions among parents.

According to WHO recommendations, exclusively breastfed newborns should not be supplemented with water until 6 months of age. Except in special cases: fever, fever, vomiting, diarrhea.

Supplementation of infants receiving formula milk is mandatory. This is due to the fact that no matter how adapted the mixture is, it cannot be compared in quality with breast milk, and for its digestion, the baby's body needs additional liquid. With a lack of water, severe constipation develops.

How to help a baby

Understandably, the desire of parents to alleviate the condition of their baby when he develops constipation, but the first and best thing they can do for him is to seek advice from a pediatrician. Among the conditions that cause a violation of the motor function of the intestine, there are those that threaten not only the health, but also the life of the newborn.

Trying to start treatment without knowing the true cause of constipation is a big mistake. Only a doctor, based on the examination and additional examination methods that he will prescribe if necessary, will be able to accurately establish the diagnosis and recommend effective and safe treatment.

But what if the results of the tests and examination did not reveal any violations, and the baby continues to suffer from the inability to empty the intestines. In this case, constipation is most likely due to the immaturity of the peristalsis, the mother's dietary habits, or the quality of the formula. There are several ways to help gently and safely help the baby in this situation:

  • Massage and special exercises for newborns, including fitball;
  • Changing the diet of a nursing mother or a more careful selection of milk formula;
  • Laxative drugs approved for use in infants;
  • Mechanical methods of intestinal stimulation (enema, gas tube, glycerin suppositories).

Massage and special exercises

They are the safest and most affordable method that stimulates intestinal motility in the event that constipation is caused by an underdevelopment of the motor function of the digestive tract and enzymes. Massage is performed an hour after feeding, while the child is awake and in good mood. It is unacceptable to perform massage and exercises with a crying baby, during illness, in a dream.

Changing the diet of a nursing mother and the selection of milk formula

A nursing mother should carefully approach the preparation of the daily menu. It should be excluded from it products that contribute to the development of constipation in infants and cause increased gas formation. In addition, it is recommended to use products that have a natural laxative effect:

  • dried apricots;
  • boiled beets, pumpkin;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cereals;
  • unsweetened dairy products;
  • prunes;
  • vegetable soups;
  • chicken breast.

If constipation occurs in a formula-fed baby, the cause most often lies in an improperly selected mixture. It must be strictly age-appropriate and be adapted. Attention should be paid to the daily volume of the mixture. For the "artificial" feeding on demand is unacceptable, the bottle must be given strictly by the hour. It is impossible to exceed the recommended norms.

All babies receiving the mixture should be supplemented with boiled water at the rate of 10 ml (2 tsp) for 1 month of life per day.

Painkillers allowed in newborns

In some cases, after consulting a doctor, it is possible to use drugs that help intestinal motility. These include:

  • dufalac - acts as a laxative and as an environment for the growth of beneficial microflora;
  • espumizan (subsimplex, bobotik) - a carminative that destroys accumulations of gas bubbles in the intestines;
  • plantex - vegetable carminative.

When using any drug, you must strictly follow the instructions and do not exceed the recommended doses, even if the effect of the treatment is not visible. In the event that the medicine does not help, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician to select a replacement, and not listen to the advice of friends and "forums of young mothers".

Mechanical Methods

Unfortunately, they are still the most popular methods among inexperienced moms. They are simple and give quick results. BUT, under the seeming harmlessness, their destructive effect on the fragile digestive system of the newborn is hidden:

  • Injury to the intestinal mucosa;
  • Washing out beneficial bacteria, trace elements and vitamins;
  • Overstretching of the walls;
  • loss of the ability to self-empty.

For all their speed, they should remain the last resort for constipation in infants when other methods fail.

Mechanical methods include:

  • enema with water-oil solution;
  • microclysters microlax;
  • gas outlet tube;
  • glycerin suppositories.

Important point!

For enema in newborns, a No. 1 syringe with a soft tip is used. The syringe and gas tube must be boiled and cooled before use. The water temperature for the enema should be at least 30 C⁰.

Constipation in infants is a serious condition that should not be ignored by the parents of the mother. Timely treatment will allow the baby to develop healthy and cheerful.

The work of the digestive organs at an early age has its own specific features and therefore not every specialist in the treatment of adult patients can accurately diagnose and choose the best way to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a child. Is engaged in the identification and treatment of diseases of the digestive system in a child pediatric gastroenterologist. A highly qualified gastroenterologist can recognize and prescribe a course of treatment for such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in a child as gastritis, sigmoiditis, esophagitis, hepatitis, peptic ulcers (duodenal ulcers, stomach ulcers), duodenitis, colitis and others.

The slightest concern about burning and pain in the gastrointestinal tract in a child should alert you - effective treatment without possible complications of diseases of the digestive system depends on a timely identified disease at an early stage of development.

Pediatric gastroenterologist You should definitely examine your child if the following symptoms appear:

1. Vomiting, nausea, belching, heartburn
2. Violation of the defecation process
3. Chronic pain in the abdomen
4. Loss of appetite
5. Bleeding from the digestive organs
6. Bad breath
7. Violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation, unstable stool)
8. Weight loss

Pediatric gastroenterologist will examine the child, listen to complaints and take an anamnesis about the development of the child, find out the features of the possible previous treatment of diseases and the features of the diet. Then the gastroenterologist will prescribe additional examinations and diagnostics: stool tests for coprology, dysbacteriosis, carbohydrates,

general blood analysis,
ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the digestive system,
if necessary, refer the child for examination by other specialists for a more accurate diagnosis.

Below is information about the main diseases of the digestive system in children, which reveals pediatric gastroenterologist and then prescribes a course of treatment:

How to recognize the symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in an infant?

Pain in the abdomen in an infant is manifested by twisting of the legs, frequent anxiety, bending the legs to the stomach, and strong crying. The baby's tummy can be dense, noticeably swollen, and make specific sounds: transfusion and rumbling. At the same time, the baby makes an effort, blushes strongly, groans.
Pain in the tummy in an infant may appear due to the accumulation of gases, severe colic (spontaneous spasms of the intestines), which leads to sleep disturbance and a decrease in appetite.

An experienced pediatric gastroenterologist will determine the causes of symptoms of digestive diseases in an infant. The reasons can be very different:

1. The general immaturity of the digestive system in an infant, which is characteristic of any infant at an early age (frequent colic and accumulations of gases are quite normal for perfectly healthy babies up to 4 months of age)
2. Intestinal dysbacteriosis
3. Lactase deficiency due to imperfection of enzymatic systems in the child's body
Lactose intolerance is a fairly common phenomenon for children under 1 year old. Lactose (or milk sugar) is found in fermented milk products, breast milk, cow's milk and infant formula. Deficiency of the enzyme that breaks down lactose (lactase) in the infant's body leads to poor tolerance to dairy foods and poor absorption of lactose (lactose intolerance).
Lactase deficiency in an infant can develop both due to hereditary predisposition, and against the background of intestinal dysbacteriosis or general enzymatic immaturity. Symptoms of lactose intolerance in an infant: pain in the tummy during or after feeding, frequent liquid (and even frothy) stools (more than 10 times a day), bloating and weight loss. After examining the baby, a pediatric gastroenterologist may give a referral for a stool test for carbohydrates to confirm the diagnosis.

If the balance of the intestinal microflora is disturbed with the developing dominance of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, the digestive system is disturbed and dysbacteriosis begins in children. Analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis (study of intestinal microflora) allows you to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment to correct the intestinal microflora and restore the digestive system in a child.

Often to a pediatric gastroenterologist bring children with recurrent acute pain in the abdomen, which are not associated with diseases of the digestive system. The child complains of pain in the abdomen after suffering shocks, psycho-emotional stress. These are the so-called neurotic pains in children. After the examination, the gastroenterologist may advise you to consult a pediatric neurologist, a child psychologist, as well as a cardiologist - pain in the abdomen can be part of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Why does the child have a stomachache? The most common causes of digestive disorders in children that are encountered pediatric gastroenterologist in my medical practice:

1. Overeating

It often occurs in very young children. Do you ever refuse your child a supplement? Do not be surprised if, after some time after overeating, the child begins to complain of pain in the tummy, he develops lethargy, apathy, slight nausea.
If this happens, put the baby to bed and if he vomited, let him drink some water. Enzyme preparations can significantly alleviate the condition, but they can only be given after consultation with a pediatrician!
And most importantly - try to teach your child to eat in moderation!

2. Colic (spontaneous spasms of the intestines)

If the child is very small (a few months old), then colic is usually provoked by air collecting in the intestines.
Manifestations of colic in a child - the baby cries a lot for a long time after eating.
What you need to do - if you are breastfeeding, make sure that he captures not only the nipple, but also the areola around it with his mouth. Try to eat only easily digestible foods. And if your baby is on artificial nutrition, then consult a pediatrician in order to choose the appropriate option for baby food (mixture) for the baby.
Prevention: Keep the baby upright for a while after feeding until the excess air is expelled from the intestines.

You should be alerted by too rare bowel movements in a child (only a few times a week), as well as the appearance of periodic pain in the tummy and frequent flatulence.
What to do: Be sure to take the child to the examination to a pediatric gastroenterologist. Constipation can be the result of functional disorders of the pancreas or thyroid gland, as well as the liver. But such reasons are not common and in most cases it is enough to change the lifestyle and diet of the child. Give your child more foods that perfectly activate the work of the intestines, maintaining the balance of microflora - acidophilus milk, yogurts with bifidobacteria, kefir, as well as dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins) and raw and boiled vegetables (carrots, beets, apples, tomatoes) .
Constipation in a child can also be the result of dehydration - give the baby as much liquid as possible (juices, fruit drinks, compote).
The best way to deal with constipation in a child is to eat a nutritious diet, drink plenty of fluids and walk more in the fresh air.

4. Pathogenic bacteria

Some of the most common bacteria that cause diseases of the digestive system are salmonella and shigella.
Symptoms of salmonellosis in a child are fever, diarrhea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps.
What to do? Be sure to show the child to the pediatrician to clarify the diagnosis. Usually a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Treatment begins with the use of sorbents - activated carbon, sillard, smectite.
With shigellosis (dysentery) in a child, the child's body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, watery stools appear mixed with mucus and blood, painful urge to defecate.
What to do? Be sure to take the child to the pediatrician for examination. Dysentery is usually treated with antibiotics. Be sure to give a glucose-salt solution, and when the baby gets better, replace it with a weak solution of unsweetened tea. Diet for dysentery - steam cutlets, cereals, baked apples. Give more fruits, berries and vegetables (wash them thoroughly).

5. Viral diseases

A fairly diverse group of pathogens - enteroviruses lead to indigestion in a child.
Enteroviral diarrhea. Absolutely any child can get sick by taking a dirty toy in his mouth or talking with an infected peer. Usually enterovirus diarrhea affects children under the age of 4 years. Symptoms - fever up to 38 degrees, cough, stuffy nose, sore throat. For symptoms of diarrhea, check with your pediatrician for the dosage of cold medicines and the treatment regimen. Let your child drink as much liquid as possible. Engage in boosting your child's immunity.
Another disease caused by a certain type of enterovirus is Hepatitis A in a child. The infection is transmitted through personal hygiene items, contaminated dishes, tap water (if the child drank raw water). Symptoms - the temperature rises sharply, the child is tormented by nausea and acute pain in the abdomen. The stool becomes discolored, and the urine becomes dark yellow. Yellowness of the whites of the eyes appears, then the face and then the whole body (signs of infectious jaundice).
With hepatitis A, the child will have to lie down for some time in the hospital. Diet for hepatitis A - vegetable soups, dietary meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken meat), stewed, boiled and raw vegetables.
The best cure for hepatitis A is vaccination. Encourage your child to eat only washed fruits and to wash their hands thoroughly before eating.

6. Acetonomic Crisis

The causes of occurrence are malnutrition, frequent overwork, a long trip - severe stress for the child's body, leading to excessive production of ketone bodies in the blood (acetone-acetic acid and acetone).
Symptoms - the child often vomits undigested food mixed with bile. The temperature rises, there are severe pains in the abdomen. From the mouth of the child smells of acetone.
Be sure to take the child to the examination to a pediatric gastroenterologist to clarify the diagnosis. Every five minutes, give your child a teaspoon of a solution of rehydron or alkaline mineral water without gas. Make an enema to cleanse the intestines (2 teaspoons of soda per 200 grams of water). Give the child a sorbent (Polysorb, Smecta, Sillard). Diet - for several days, give the baby cereals, crackers, mashed vegetable soups.
A complete diet and the exclusion of stressful situations will prevent the recurrence of the child's illness with an acetone crisis.

Analyzes and diagnostics prescribed by pediatric gastroenterologist :

1. Fecal analyzes for carbohydrates, dysbacteriosis, coprology
2. Biochemical blood test
3. Diagnosis of the pancreas and liver
4. Gamma-glutamyltransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, proteinogram (protein fractions), alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, total bilirubin, antitrypsin, cholinesterase, etc.
5. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity
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ENT diseases in children

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Intestinal obstruction is a violation of the movement of intestinal juices and digested food through it. The disease can cause many dangerous complications, especially in children. Intestinal obstruction in newborns in almost all cases requires urgent surgical intervention.

The disease in children is common and in most cases is associated with gastroenterological problems. The complexity of the course always depends on exactly where the blockage has formed in the intestine - the higher it is, the more acute the symptoms of the disease in the child and the more difficult the treatment.

The onset of the disease is characterized by swiftness: the symptoms appear within a short period of time and rapidly increase.

Types and causes of obstruction

Intestinal obstruction can be not only acquired, but also congenital, which is associated with anomalies and pathologies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract even in the prenatal period. Acquired obstruction has various causes, depending on which the disease is divided into two types: mechanical and dynamic.

Obstruction of the mechanical type occurs when tumors or hernias form in the abdominal cavity, blocking the intestines and preventing its normal functioning. The disorder can also appear after some operations with the formation of adhesions, the transfer of diseases, and even the intake of certain medications, as a side effect.

Mechanical obstruction in a child also includes such conditions as intestinal volvulus and intussusception, when one of the sections of the intestine penetrates into the underlying zone and forms a blockage.

In most cases, obstruction of the mechanical type is observed in the small intestine, but sometimes blockage of the large intestine can also occur. Causes can be diseases such as colon cancer, volvulus, diverticulitis, narrowing of the lumen caused by scarring or inflammation, severe stool hardening.

Dynamic obstruction is divided into:

  • spastic, caused by prolonged tension of the intestinal walls;
  • paralytic or functional, caused by complete relaxation of the intestine.

Functional obstruction may have general symptoms and signs, but does not form a mechanical blockage. The intestines cannot function normally due to nervous or muscular disorders that cause a decrease in the number of natural contractions or their complete cessation, which greatly complicates the promotion and removal of contents.

The causes of paralytic ileus in any intestinal section can be:

  • operations performed on the organs of the theses and abdominal cavity;
  • some medicines;
  • intestinal infections;
  • Parkinson's disease and other disorders of the nervous or muscular nature.

Symptoms of bowel obstruction in newborns

The cause of obstruction in newborns is pathology of intestinal development, narrowing of the lumen or lengthening of some areas, as well as individual structural features and location of intestinal loops. Violation symptoms:

  • severe bloating without passing gases;
  • delayed meconium stool, its complete absence or meager amount;
  • vomiting, often with an admixture of bile;
  • severe polyhydramnios in the prenatal period.

The causes of disorders can also be the presence of diabetes in the mother, as well as atresia of the small intestine and Hirschsprung's disease.

If the small intestine or duodenum of a newborn is severely narrowed or there is no lumen, one can observe the release of mucous lumps from the rectum. They do not contain admixture of skin cells of the surface layers, which are always present in the amniotic fluid and are swallowed by the baby developing inside. Such cells are always present in the meconium of an infant during normal bowel movements.

Symptoms in children under one year old

At this age in children, the violation has its own specifics. The most common cause of obstruction in infants is intussusception, when part of the intestine, twisted, enters the lower section and leads to the formation of a blockage. Most often, this condition occurs in boys aged 5 to 10 months. In older children, this disorder is rare.

The cause is usually the immaturity of the intestine and the instability in its mechanisms, which, as a rule, disappears as the child grows. Other factors can also disrupt the natural functioning of the intestines, for example, the introduction of a new product into the diet of crumbs, a change in nutrition (a sharp forced transition from breastfeeding to artificial), infections.

Signs of intussusception:

  • vomit;
  • frequent bouts of pain in the abdomen;
  • the presence of bloody discharge with mucus instead of stool;
  • bloating;
  • seals in the abdominal cavity, clearly palpable on palpation;
  • attacks of pain with a sudden sharp appearance and the same ending, after a short time they are repeated, from which the babies cry, scream and are very worried.

In the presence of acute low obstruction caused by the presence of an obstruction in the lower part of the small intestine or in the large intestine, the child has no stools at all, the abdomen is strongly swollen due to accumulated gases, and vomiting appears that has the smell of feces.

Symptoms of children after a year

In children older than a year, the disease manifests itself sharply, so parents can usually name not only the day the problem occurred, but also almost the exact time. The child develops severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting, while there is no stool and gases do not pass, the accumulation of which causes visible swelling. Toddlers cannot sit still, are constantly looking for a comfortable position and may periodically scream in pain.

The type of obstruction can be determined by a set of signs, for example, the closer to the stomach the resulting blockage is, the stronger the vomiting will be and the sooner it will occur. If the problem is in the large intestine, vomiting is usually absent, but children have an excruciating urge to defecate, accompanied by severe bloating, which makes the babies cry loudly and angrily.

In the presence of intussusception from the rectum, spotting may be observed, which indicates tissue damage and the presence of severe irritation of the intestinal walls.

If you do not provide the baby with timely assistance, necrosis of the intestinal tissues may begin, as evidenced by a decrease in pain against the background of a sharp deterioration in the general condition.

An important sign of a disorder in children older than a year is the presence of Val's symptom, when there is a stable, often asymmetric swelling of the abdomen, visible to the eye and clearly palpable on palpation, while the resulting tumor does not move.


The symptoms of the disorder are pronounced, which allows parents to detect the problem in time and consult a doctor, in this case, a surgeon, since only he can accurately diagnose and help the child. If it is not possible to contact a surgeon, you need to show the child to a pediatrician, but in no case should you self-medicate.

Diagnostic measures include:

  1. Inspection of the baby, assessment of his condition, identification of symptoms.
  2. Collection of anamnesis.
  3. General blood analysis.
  4. X-ray of the abdomen.
  5. Ultrasound can also be performed, but such a procedure for obstruction does not have much information content.


Any type of intestinal obstruction in babies requires mandatory hospitalization, since children can only be helped in stationary conditions.

To stabilize the state:

  1. A dropper is installed with a solution to restore the water-salt balance in the body.
  2. When the abdomen is bloated, a special probe is also installed for the baby, inserted through the nose, the purpose of which is to remove accumulated gases and liquids.
  3. A catheter is placed in the bladder to drain urine and conduct tests.

Conservative therapy can be carried out only in cases where the baby does not have serious complications with intestinal obstruction. A set of measures will be aimed at eliminating the stagnation in the intestines and eliminating the consequences of poisoning the body.

Conservative measures include:

  • Lavage of the stomach and esophagus through a special probe. The procedure allows you to stop the vomiting process.
  • Carrying out enemas with hypertonic solutions.
  • Carrying out siphon enemas using sodium chloride.
  • The introduction of intravenous water-salt solutions.
  • The introduction of air into the rectum of the baby during intussusception. The purpose of the procedure is to straighten the formed intestinal fold.
  • Appointment of medications, antispasmodic, antiemetic, painkillers.
  • At the end of all procedures, with the successful elimination of the problem, the baby is pierced subcutaneously with prozerin, which helps to stimulate the proper functioning of the intestines.

Paralytic forms of obstruction are treated with drugs that cause contractions of the intestinal muscles, which contributes to the rapid movement of the contents to the exit, as well as laxatives.

Surgical treatment (operations)

Surgical intervention is resorted to in cases of direct indications for surgery or when conservative methods of treatment have not yielded the necessary results. The operation is aimed at eliminating the problem, that is, at removing the area of ​​the affected intestine, eliminating the resulting mechanical blockage and taking measures to prevent the recurrence of the disorder.

In particularly complex and severe cases, several operations may be required to remove the obstruction and prevent the problem from occurring in the future.

Lifestyle and nutrition during treatment

During the period of conservative therapy, as well as surgical treatment, the child needs rest and hunger. It is important to ensure that the baby strictly follows the instructions of the doctors and does not take any food without their permission. The same applies to the intake of liquids.

After the obstruction is eliminated by conservative methods, a small patient is prescribed a special sparing diet that restores the normal functioning of the intestines and its microflora. In the case of an operation, the bowels are stimulated with medications, gradually allowing the baby to take light food in small portions.

In the future, hard-to-digest foods, vegetables and fruits that have a fastening effect and cause constipation should be excluded from the diet of a small patient. The child’s menu should include fermented milk products, cereals, kissels, light meat broths and soups based on them, boiled and steamed lean meat, fruit jellies, rosehip broth, green tea.

constipation problem in children

Dysbacteriosis in children under one year old appears quite often. According to statistics, more than 90% of parents are faced with this phenomenon. However, intestinal dysbacteriosis at this age cannot be perceived as a separate disease - this is not a pathology, but rather a condition of the gastric mucosa, in which there are difficulties in digesting food. With dysbacteriosis in children, classic symptoms of indigestion appear, which frighten parents. You should not worry in this case - not all types of dysbacteriosis are dangerous to health, and in most cases the symptoms of dysbacteriosis can be successfully eliminated.

When does dysbacteriosis occur in infants and what is it

The human body contains both sterile and non-sterile environments. Sterile, for example, includes blood, but the non-sterile environment can rightly be called the intestines. However, in a newborn, the intestines are also sterile, but already from the first days of a baby’s life, bacteria begin to inhabit it.

Most bacteria are friendly to the body - for example, in the intestines, for example, more than three hundred different microorganisms can simultaneously exist. The main ones are:

  • bifidobacteria;
  • lactobacilli;
  • enterococci;
  • streptococci.

They do not conflict with each other only because they are contained in a certain ratio - balance. When bacteria are just beginning to enter the intestines, they cannot yet balance in the environment. Therefore, the first year of a baby's life is a "struggle for a place under the sun" between various microorganisms. Thus, dysbacteriosis in infants is a violation of the balance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms during colonization of the intestine.

Doctors point out that it is impossible to unify the set of microflora - for each child it is different and there is no list with the allowable amount of certain microorganisms. In most cases, the composition of the bacteria will resemble the father's and mother's set.

Important! Today, doctors practice as early as possible the joint stay of the child with the parents, so that there is an exchange of protective microorganisms necessary for the normal functioning of the child's body.

Causes of dysbacteriosis in a breastfed child

To understand how to treat dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to understand the cause of this phenomenon, from what it arises. What factors contribute to the fact that the balance of microflora is disturbed? Physicians identify several such factors:

  • immaturity of the digestive organs in a child;
  • malnutrition;
  • infections in the intestines;
  • violation of microflora after antibiotics;
  • unfavorable environmental situation.

All these factors in combination or each alone can provoke the development of dysbacteriosis during breastfeeding.

Varieties of dysbacteriosis

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis do not manifest themselves in the same way in all children, since the condition has its own types. So, doctors distinguish the following types of dysbacteriosis:

  1. Compensated dysbacteriosis- with this type of violation, external signs cannot be seen. The child will be cheerful, cheerful, his tummy does not hurt, there is no flatulence and his appetite does not suffer. Fecal masses may have a normal consistency, there is no constipation or diarrhea. This condition is detected by chance, if there is a need to take a stool test for another reason.
  2. Uncompensated- the condition has pronounced symptoms, which most often scare young parents, forcing them to talk about dysbacteriosis as a pathology. Indeed, the child appears the following violations:
  • liquid stools with an admixture of mucus, an unpleasant odor, bubbles, the remnants of undigested food;
  • sometimes constipation;
  • bloating;
  • regurgitation;
  • skin rashes;
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy and underweight.

It is these symptoms that make parents sound the alarm and consult a doctor. And rightly so, because some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract manifest themselves in the same way as dysbacteriosis manifests itself. Therefore, it is necessary to pass tests and conduct a competent differential diagnosis. Indeed, even a rash with dysbacteriosis in infants, in the absence of other symptoms, can signal a violation of the microflora.

Tests for dysbacteriosis

If a violation of the intestinal microflora is suspected, a fecal analysis for dysbacteriosis is not indicative. The fact is that it is impossible to draw a conclusion about dysbacteriosis based on only one analysis of fecal masses, but this analysis is not completely useless. Having received the results, one can judge the presence of dangerous pathogenic bacteria, which can also provoke symptoms similar to dysbacteriosis. So, tests will help diagnose salmonellosis, dysentery, but not dysbacteriosis.

In practice, when referring to a doctor, babies must be prescribed a fecal analysis, or a coprogram. As already mentioned, stool analysis helps to see pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic:

  • enterobacteria;
  • shigella;
  • clostridia;
  • mushrooms;
  • staphylococcus;
  • salmonella.

Fecal analysis is prescribed in the following cases:

  • stomach ache;
  • unstable chair;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • allergic reaction or rash of unknown origin;
  • suspected intestinal infection;
  • if the child was treated with antibacterial or hormonal drugs.

The procedure for preparing and collecting feces for analysis for dysbacteriosis

  1. For a few days, doctors recommend canceling laxatives, if any, and not administering drugs rectally. Otherwise, the results may be unreliable.
  2. Antibiotics should not be taken 12 hours before the test.
  3. The stool is collected in a clean, dry container or glass container. It indicates the surname, name and age of the child, as well as the time of collection of the biomaterial.
  4. It is enough to collect about 10 ml so that the laboratory can carry out a qualitative analysis.

Important! When evaluating the results of the study, the doctor takes into account all the symptoms and complaints of the parents, as well as the age of the baby. If the baby has a pathogenic microflora, an appropriate diagnosis will be made, and if it is absent and the stool is normal, the doctor will conclude that it is dysbacteriosis.

Union of Pediatricians of Russia - dysbacteriosis in a child video

How to treat dysbacteriosis in an infant

Talking about the treatment of dysbacteriosis is not entirely correct, it would be more correct to say about the need to correct the microflora. After all, normal microflora does not provoke such symptoms, and therefore, with the stabilization of indicators and the achievement of an individual equilibrium state, we can say that the problem has been overcome.

The following groups of drugs are used to normalize the microflora:

  • probiotics;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • prebiotics;
  • enzyme preparations.

The choice of a specific group of drugs is based on the cause of the violation of the intestinal microflora. Usually, with a non-infectious nature, the baby has enough of such remedies for dysbacteriosis, such as:

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Acipol;
  • Bifiform Baby;
  • Linex.

These funds are produced taking into account the childhood age of the main contingent of consumers, so they carefully treat the child's own intestinal microflora.

The opinion of some pediatricians is radically opposite to the main recommendations for organizing nutrition and a healthy lifestyle for a child. Doctors believe that dysbacteriosis just needs to endure. The body is a complex self-regulating system, so it can easily fight against the violation of microflora and the question of how to treat dysbacteriosis will go away on its own in 3-7 days, when the intestines recover. The main advantage of the above funds is safety, so if they do not help the baby, then they certainly will not harm.

Important! To normalize the microflora, it is important to observe non-drug methods of helping a small patient. During dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to maintain breastfeeding and not switch to mixtures, even if it seems to the mother that the baby is hungry and does not eat up. Temporary loss of appetite in such a period is the norm.

The mother herself should also follow a diet - do not eat heavy and junk food. It is important to observe the daily routine, not to give up walking, normalize sleep and eliminate all kinds of stressful factors.

Video Dr. Komarovsky about dysbacteriosis in an infant

Dr. Komarovsky about dysbacteriosis in infants

Dysbacteriosis in a breastfed child is not synonymous with the word poisoning, although these conditions are similar in some symptoms, and strict grandmothers with dysbacteriosis frown their brows and reproach young parents that they did not observe hygiene, as it was in their time ... Today, pediatric views have largely undergone changes, and the famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is an ardent opponent of the word sterility, by no means identifying it with purity. Sterility and the intention to protect the child from the outside world harm the baby more, so the doctor promotes conscious parenthood, when dysbacteriosis is not perceived as a disease, and parents are in no hurry to give the baby medication.

Who among adults has not suffered from constipation at least once in their life? Therefore, many mothers, knowing what it is in practice, apply their life experience in a situation where constipation develops in infants. It is not right. The body of a newborn is so different from the body of an adult that it is sometimes difficult to understand where the norm is, and when it is worth starting to worry.

A kingdom with its own laws: the baby's digestive system

The medical definition of constipation for any age is as follows: it is a painful condition characterized by slow and difficult bowel movements.

If, in relation to an adult organism, everything is extremely clear: the diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms that any patient who has had a chance to spend enough time in the restroom will vividly describe, then these criteria do not work for a newborn.

The baby is not able to complain, therefore, in order to understand what condition can be considered constipation in the baby, it is necessary to understand in detail how the digestive system of a healthy child works at different periods of his life.

From intrauterine life to independence

From the desquamated cells of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and the dry residue of amniotic fluid in the intestines of the fetus, the first feces are formed, which are called meconium. Immediately after birth, he begins to move away, gradually giving way to normal stools formed during the digestion of milk. Meconium is black-brown in color, has an elastic consistency, stands out like toothpaste from a tube, almost does not smell, and is poorly washed from diapers.

The frequency of bowel movements in a child in the first 2 days of life usually does not exceed 3 times.

Firstly, this is due to insufficient intestinal motility, which is just learning to move food.

Secondly, with a small amount of colostrum, which serves as food for the baby these days. During this time, the original stool has time to completely come out. Subsequently, the nature and frequency of bowel movements depends on what kind of feeding the baby will be on.

Growing up together in the gut

As colostrum is replaced by mature milk, the amount of which increases significantly, a fully breastfed newborn begins to empty the intestines 2-6 times a day. It is considered normal even if it happens after every breastfeeding.

The consistency of the stool should be liquidish, it resembles mustard, smells like sour milk, and is easily washed from diapers. A small presence of foam, greenery and undigested lumps is acceptable, which is not associated with a disease, but with the immaturity of digestive enzymes.

Some babies digest breast milk so well that they may not poop for 2-3 days. This is considered the norm between the ages of 2 and 6 months, if the child feels well, sucks with appetite and sleeps peacefully. Feces in this case should be separated without tension, in large quantities and not have an unpleasant odor.

Infants receiving milk formula must necessarily empty their intestines at least 1 time per day. Unlike breastfed babies, they don't get their diapers dirty after every formula. The characteristics of their stools are also different, they are more reminiscent of the stool of an adult than an infant: more dense, brown in color, with a characteristic odor.

With a gradual transition to adult food, the frequency of bowel movements decreases, settling on 1-2 times a day. This is typical for babies from 6 to 12 months.

Thus, mothers and fathers must clearly learn the basic rule for the operation of the digestive system of an infant from birth to a year:

  • If the baby is breastfed, then the main thing is not the number of bowel movements per day or the absence of stools, but the general condition of the child (mood, appetite, sleep, anxiety during feeding) and monthly weight gain.
  • For babies on artificial and mixed feeding, the rules of an adult apply - a chair must be every day.

Doctor Komarovsky. Constipation in infants during breastfeeding (video)

The line between normal and disease

Guided by the above conclusions, it is possible to accurately determine whether the baby actually has constipation or whether everything is within the normal range.

Constipation should only be suspected if the newborn's stool retention is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bad mood, moodiness, tearfulness, refusal of the breast or bottle;
  • strong straining and crying during attempts to "go big";
  • crying, pulling the legs to the stomach, sudden cessation of sucking during feeding;
  • gases with an unpleasant odor, passing stools are hard, in small quantities;
  • weight loss or underweight as a result of the monthly weighing of the child.

Understanding the cause is half the cure

The causes that can lead to the development of constipation in infants can be divided into 2 categories:

  • General, which are typical for both breastfed babies and "artificial" ones;
  • Private, which differ in these two groups of newborns.

Common reasons include:

  • congenital anomalies in the development of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands, nervous system, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • immaturity of the motor function of the intestine;
  • accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen.

Congenital malformations of the digestive system

Occur when laying the digestive tract in the prenatal period. They can be the result of a negative impact on the fetus of ecology and bad habits. Most often, the colon is affected with the development of Hirschsprung's disease, the sigmoid colon with the formation of its additional loops, and the rectum when an overgrown anus is observed.

Disease of the endocrine glands, nervous system, lack of vitamins and minerals

Common causes of constipation in infants are diseases of the endocrine system. For example, this is observed with insufficient thyroid function - hypothyroidism. In children with damage to the central nervous system, including those with cerebral palsy, there may be a violation of the motor function of the intestine with the development of constipation. Vitamin D deficiency and related disease rickets also accompanied by impaired bowel movements.

Immaturity of intestinal motility

The movements of the intestinal wall, which push its contents towards the rectum, are provided by complex nervous regulation. Babies under the age of 2 months, especially premature ones, may experience insufficient development of nerve endings in the wall of the digestive tract. As a result, the intestine does not respond to the filling of its lumen with food gruel and does not move it forward. This is a physiological phenomenon that disappears with the growing up of the child and does not require special treatment.

Accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen

Gas bubbles can interfere with the movement of food gruel through the intestines. This may occur if:

  • a nursing mother eats foods that cause intestinal fermentation (carbonated drinks, cucumbers, chocolate, raw onions, cabbage, legumes, grapes, bananas);
  • there is intestinal dysbacteriosis;

Particular reasons for fully breastfed babies include the mother's diet and the medications she takes.

Newborn mother's diet

Known products and drugs, the active substances of which, passing into milk, cause the development of constipation in infants. Among them:

  • whole dairy products, cheeses;
  • fat meat;
  • rich meat broths;
  • muffin;
  • medicines (antispasmodics - noshpa, diuretics, medicines for the treatment of anemia, heartburn remedies based on aluminum - almagel).

Particular causes of constipation in babies who are on artificial and mixed feeding are:

  • inappropriate milk formula;
  • abrupt change of mixture;
  • undersoldering.

If everything is more or less clear with the choice of the mixture, then underdrinking still raises many questions among parents.

According to WHO recommendations, exclusively breastfed newborns should not be supplemented with water until 6 months of age. Except in special cases: fever, fever, vomiting, diarrhea.

Supplementation of infants receiving formula milk is mandatory. This is due to the fact that no matter how adapted the mixture is, it cannot be compared in quality with breast milk, and for its digestion, the baby's body needs additional liquid. With a lack of water, severe constipation develops.

How to help a baby

Understandably, the desire of parents to alleviate the condition of their baby when he develops constipation, but the first and best thing they can do for him is to seek advice from a pediatrician. Among the conditions that cause a violation of the motor function of the intestine, there are those that threaten not only the health, but also the life of the newborn.

Trying to start treatment without knowing the true cause of constipation is a big mistake. Only a doctor, based on the examination and additional examination methods that he will prescribe if necessary, will be able to accurately establish the diagnosis and recommend effective and safe treatment.

But what if the results of the tests and examination did not reveal any violations, and the baby continues to suffer from the inability to empty the intestines. In this case, constipation is most likely due to the immaturity of the peristalsis, the mother's dietary habits, or the quality of the formula. There are several ways to help gently and safely help the baby in this situation:

  • Massage and special exercises for newborns, including fitball;
  • Changing the diet of a nursing mother or a more careful selection of milk formula;
  • Laxative drugs approved for use in infants;
  • Mechanical methods of intestinal stimulation (enema, gas tube, glycerin suppositories).

Massage and special exercises

They are the safest and most affordable method that stimulates intestinal motility in the event that constipation is caused by an underdevelopment of the motor function of the digestive tract and enzymes. Massage is performed an hour after feeding, while the child is awake and in good mood. It is unacceptable to perform massage and exercises with a crying baby, during illness, in a dream.

Changing the diet of a nursing mother and the selection of milk formula

A nursing mother should carefully approach the preparation of the daily menu. It should be excluded from it products that contribute to the development of constipation in infants and cause increased gas formation. In addition, it is recommended to use products that have a natural laxative effect:

  • dried apricots;
  • boiled beets, pumpkin;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cereals;
  • unsweetened dairy products;
  • prunes;
  • vegetable soups;
  • chicken breast.

If constipation occurs in a formula-fed baby, the cause most often lies in an improperly selected mixture. It must be strictly age-appropriate and be adapted. Attention should be paid to the daily volume of the mixture. For the "artificial" feeding on demand is unacceptable, the bottle must be given strictly by the hour. It is impossible to exceed the recommended norms.

All babies receiving the mixture should be supplemented with boiled water at the rate of 10 ml (2 tsp) for 1 month of life per day.

Painkillers allowed in newborns

In some cases, after consulting a doctor, it is possible to use drugs that help intestinal motility. These include:

  • dufalac - acts as a laxative and as an environment for the growth of beneficial microflora;
  • espumizan (subsimplex, bobotik) - a carminative that destroys accumulations of gas bubbles in the intestines;
  • plantex - vegetable carminative.

When using any drug, you must strictly follow the instructions and do not exceed the recommended doses, even if the effect of the treatment is not visible. In the event that the medicine does not help, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician to select a replacement, and not listen to the advice of friends and "forums of young mothers".

Mechanical Methods

Unfortunately, they are still the most popular methods among inexperienced moms. They are simple and give quick results. BUT, under the seeming harmlessness, their destructive effect on the fragile digestive system of the newborn is hidden:

  • Injury to the intestinal mucosa;
  • Washing out beneficial bacteria, trace elements and vitamins;
  • Overstretching of the walls;
  • loss of the ability to self-empty.

For all their speed, they should remain the last resort for constipation in infants when other methods fail.

Mechanical methods include:

  • enema with water-oil solution;
  • microclysters microlax;
  • gas outlet tube;
  • glycerin suppositories.

Important point!

For enema in newborns, a No. 1 syringe with a soft tip is used. The syringe and gas tube must be boiled and cooled before use. The water temperature for the enema should be at least 30 C⁰.

Constipation in infants is a serious condition that should not be ignored by the parents of the mother. Timely treatment will allow the baby to develop healthy and cheerful.

Kate Khwan

Hello! The child is almost 9 months old, has been bottle-fed since 6 months (Nanny formula). Allergy to cow's milk protein. There was a strong allergy at the age of 1 month, until my mother stopped drinking kefir and eating cottage cheese. After an allergy up to 4 months there were leukocytes and blood in the feces. Currently, with the introduction of complementary foods, rashes begin on the 2-3rd day (mainly on the cheeks, then on the stomach and arms). Previously, in addition to these places, the shins and elbows were red. There are fewer breakouts now. We tried zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, buckwheat porridge. On everything pours out, but not immediately. Tell me, please, is this the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract? And what should I do now? Should I keep trying other vegetables or take a break for a couple of months to let my gut recover? Isn't it scary that a child at this age eats only a mixture? Does he have enough vitamins?

Hello. For the age of 9 months, the Nanny-2 mixture is adapted, which contains all the necessary components. Complementary foods should be introduced strictly gradually, one product at a time (i.e. strictly monocomponent). It's important to clarify. where did they start introducing complementary foods, what was the sequence. Reduce allergic phenomena can, sorbents, external cream losterin. Specify the nature of food digestion and the composition of the microbial landscape of the intestine by feces for scatology and dysbacteriosis. According to the results and additional correction in the treatment.

We switched to Nanny-2. Complementary foods were administered one product at a time with clean skin. We started with zucchini, then tried cauliflower, then broccoli, then zucchini again, after - dairy-free buckwheat porridge. Every time I waited for the disappearance of skin rashes. The analysis for dysbacteriosis and coprology is normal, the number of lactobacilli is slightly reduced. Could an allergic reaction to milk have provoked the inflammation of the intestines, as a result of which there is now such a reaction to the introduction of complementary foods? How long is the function of the gastrointestinal tract approximately restored after inflammation? And doesn’t it turn out that when I introduce a new product, I irritate the child’s intestines? I don’t want to stuff him with medicines, because even he reacts negatively to them (for example, he had a strong allergic reaction to Creon). Maybe it's really worth just waiting if the mixture contains everything you need?