Dog breeds without undercoat that do not cause allergies in humans - which one to choose for allergy sufferers and asthmatics. Dog breeds that are not allergic

It's not all together in one breed. Some are good for children, but not for allergy sufferers and so on. Read, look at the pictures, and get a dog for your special needs.

Are you planning to get a dog or want to know if you did everything right by choosing a particular breed? We have selected the best!


children: better not worth it

allergy: the breed is hypoallergenic (hereinafter, it means that the dog very rarely causes allergies)


With rich bushy eyebrows, a protruding lower lip, a beard and a proudly raised head, this kid will suit people with a good sense of humor. The lap dog is the oldest of the small breeds bred. Initially, it was created for hunting rodents. She cannot be kept with cats, but for those who lack company, she is perfect.

Border Terrier

children: Great with children of all ages

allergy: hypoallergenic dog breed (rarely causes allergies)

apartment: suitable for small apartment

Very affectionate, affectionate, good dogs. Calm and balanced. Friendly with pets. They love to socialize and take long walks.

Yorkshire Terrier

children: great, especially for girls

allergy: hypoallergenic breed (rarely causes allergies)

apartment: suitable for a small apartment (the dog tolerates travel, hotels, flights well)

Yorkies have been the most sought after breed for many years. They are like living toys that can be dressed up and worn under the armpit. They will give a sea of ​​tenderness and love to their owners. And despite their diminutive size, Yorkies are intelligent dogs. 6 reasons to get a dog.


children: dogs are very fond of children

allergy: the breed is not suitable for those who suffer from allergies

apartment: the best dog breed for an apartment (pet dog, easily tolerates travel).
Pomeranian shorn photo

The perfect dog for the home. It is unpretentious, easily adapts to changes and does not need constant training (the dog is able to learn the basic commands as early as 5 months). Very obedient and intelligent dog.

shih tzu

children: the best dogs for kids

allergy: the breed is not suitable for those who suffer from allergies, but does not have a characteristic dog smell

apartment: suitable for small apartment

Cheerful optimists, defenders and true friends who love to play. They will be ideal companions for those who lack communication and good company for children and teenagers. Also suitable for living in a large family. Shih Tzu, however, is important to properly educate, otherwise the dog will grow up wayward, it will be difficult to control it. The dog is easy to train and quickly learns to follow commands.

Bichon Frize

children: excellent contact with children

allergy: hypoallergenic dogs (almost no shedding and no smell)

apartment: suitable for small apartment

White snowball, fun and playful. Bichons are smart, docile and fearless. They do not tolerate rudeness and punishment, you need to be patient with them. After all, dogs are not aggressive at all, but, on the contrary, are very affectionate and gentle. Bichons love to have their hair cut and photographed, they even know how to smile!

Coton de Tulear


allergy: the breed does not shed, so it can be kept by people prone to allergies to wool


The Coton de Tulear was bred to create the perfect dog friend and companion. And its main features are good disposition, playfulness, friendliness. The dog is very attached to both its owner and his family. This is an extremely intelligent animal, the dog is so sociable that he is ready to spend his time wherever and however you like, just to be with the owners.


children: very good with children

allergy: dog rarely causes allergies

apartment: suitable for small apartment conditions

A small fragile dog loves to communicate, sit on his hands and caress. She has no seasonal molt, and almost no dog smell. Dogs are very enthusiastic about the presence of small children, other dogs and even cats, especially if she was brought up with them. However, it is worth looking after the game with the child, because. the dog is very nimble, and some games for her may end in injury. She will never do anything wrong, but a child can accidentally harm her.


children: very fond of children

allergy: there is no allergy to wool

apartment: suitable for small apartment conditions

This is the smallest dog in the world, so devoted to his master that sometimes he is jealous of everyone else. However, chihuahuas are not vicious and not intrusive, they adore their pets, including children, and are ready to endure anything from them. But strangers are wary. Chihuahuas are smart and accurate, have an excellent memory. They get along well with cats and other breeds of dogs, however, they often become leaders, despite their diminutive size.


allergy: leads the list of non-allergic dogs

apartment: suitable for a small apartment, but needs frequent walks

The breed is energetic, independent and naturally intelligent. A close emotional bond quickly forms between dog and owner, and often the owner and dog become fast friends. But basenjis are suspicious and unfriendly to strangers, they also do not tolerate other pets. The dog is very interesting and unusual. So, one of the features is that the basenji does not know how to bark at all, but only makes a gurgling sound if something is not to your liking. Small size, lack of smell, falling hair and barking are its advantages over other breeds. Some basenjis can sing!

Petit Brabancon (griffon)

children: love very much

allergy: rarely causes allergies

apartment: suitable for the conditions of a small apartment, you can accustom to a diaper and skip walks

Funny dogs with a cute muzzle, rich and expressive facial expressions, good-natured and playful character. They easily get along with other animals, including cats. They love to play and kiss. They are very attached to the owner, so they should not be left alone for a long time. Brabancikov is considered obedient, easily trainable intellectuals who perfectly understand the mood and intonation of the owner.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

children: excellent contact

allergy: not suitable for allergy sufferers

apartment: suitable for small apartment conditions

Cavaliers have a kind, shy and gentle character. They are affectionate, docile and easy to train, they understand everything perfectly and do not like aggression. They try to please everyone around them and are quite calm, patient and playful, so they will fit well into a large family.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan

children: very fond of children

allergy: not suitable for allergy sufferers

apartment: even in a small apartment feel quite comfortable

The oldest herding dog, which is generally not characterized by aggression. Therefore, you cannot shout at her, but you must treat her with the same respect as she treats you. Welsh Corgis are very smart, have a sense of humor, excellent intellect and even intuition. They do not bother the owners at the wrong time. Feel the intonation and mood, very tactful and patient.

Jack Russell Terrier

children: not suitable for toddlers, but likes to play with older children, so suitable for boys

allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

apartment: suitable for small apartment

This is a battery powered dog that will never let you get bored. They are always ready to play and run, but at home they behave calmly. Dogs are attentive and intelligent, cunning and inquisitive. Jack Russell doesn't like strangers. He will protect you both on a walk and in an apartment, but he is not aggressive, but rather very active. Jack is a good watchdog despite his small size. Also, the dog cannot resist small animals, rodents and cats. They are prey. And, of course, the most charming feature of the breed is the ability to stand on its hind legs, begging for treats or apologizing for tricks.


children: very fond of children


apartment: feel good in a small apartment

Charming, funny and touching pugs love both children and the elderly. Always ready to play, participate in all family activities, sleep and eat. Pugs, however, often snore and do not tolerate heat well, but they are able to give a lot of emotions and true love. Dogs are not aggressive at all, their intelligence is well developed, quite obedient and get along well with all the inhabitants of the house. By the way, pugs tend to accumulate in the apartment. Where they brought one, very often a second appears, and then a third.

Labrador Retriever

children: nobody loves kids like labradoodles

allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

apartment: large breed, but feels comfortable in a small apartment

They are real beauties, very smart and loyal. Labradors are optimists, they rejoice every minute, infecting everyone around with positive emotions. They are able to cheer up and support in difficult days. The dog is very sincere, not aggressive, so it will fit perfectly into a family of any composition.

French Bulldog

children: very fond of children

allergy: not suitable for people with allergies

apartment: feel good in a small apartment

Affectionate bulldogs love to play pranks and chase cats. They adore kids, they do not have a drop of anger and aggression. Frenchies, like pugs, snore and do not do well in the heat, but they are so charming that they can be forgiven for any shortcomings.

Photo: Fotodom, fotoimedia / Ingram, website:

P.S. Only I counted as many as 18 breeds, although only 15 were declared. Remember also that the more hair a dog has, the more dangerous they are in terms of allergies. Yes, you can see it from the photos.

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One of the misconceptions is the belief that allergies occur on dog hair. Because of this, some mistakenly believe that short-haired or hairless dogs are hypoallergenic.

In fact, the allergic reaction does not occur on wool, but on microparticles of the skin, which spread throughout the house in the form of dandruff. Also, an allergy is caused by a tiny tick that lives in dog hair. These allergens are very volatile. Attached to fine dust particles, they can stay in the air for a long time, causing sneezing, nasal congestion, red eyes, watery eyes, swelling, dry cough, shortness of breath or choking.

Therefore, an allergy can occur to both hairless and short-haired dogs. And theoretically, dogs that do not cause allergies at all do not exist.

Most often, dog breeds are called hypoallergenic, communicating with which the risk of allergies in humans is minimized.

These breeds are less likely than others to cause an allergic reaction in humans.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds: hairless

First of all, it's all the same. Due to the absence of wool on the animal, less dust accumulates, less of it flies around the house. However, the skin glands of such breeds have a high secretory activity and therefore such dogs must be washed frequently.

The safest of the hairless breeds is an active medium-sized dog. He doesn't have the skin problems that are common in these breeds.

What other hypoallergenic dog breeds

Also, less often than many other breeds, wire-haired dogs cause allergies: and many terriers. They have practically no natural molt and, with regular shedding, the amount of allergen in the house is minimized.

Also, for a person prone to allergies, breeds of dogs with a modified hairline may be suitable. First of all, these are poodles with thick curly hair that does not have an undercoat. They hardly shed, but their coat needs regular trimming and careful grooming.

They have wool similar to human hair. It is silky, soft and thin and also requires constant care: combing and haircuts. Although if you do not take the dog to shows, you can cut it short in the style of "puppy" and do not comb out the constantly tangled long hair.

Another breed in this series is the Bedlington Terrier with a soft and non-shedding coat.

There are also breeds that cause minimal risk of an allergic reaction. This ,

Allergy is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that is familiar to many people. To live, in something limiting yourself, is quite difficult. Especially when it comes to pets. It is worth noting right away that theoretically, there are no dogs in the world that do not cause allergies at all. But there is such a thing as hypoallergenic dog breeds- communication with these animals is conditionally considered possible.

Dogs for allergy sufferers

The human body is so unique and individual that medicine provides sometimes striking observations - for example, dogs of the same breed can affect the manifestation of allergic reactions in different ways. For example, one dog will cause allergies, and the second - no, one dog will provoke sneezing, and the second - itchy skin. At the same time, it is impossible to know in advance which animal and how it will affect the body. Only personal contact can establish this or that possibility. By the way, in addition to wool, the saliva of dogs can cause allergies.

People with allergies should follow these tips:

  • To reduce the amount of allergens that are provoked by dogs, you need to bathe the animal more often - at least once a week. It is believed that such preventive measures will reduce the manifestation of allergies to a minimum or even eliminate attacks.
  • The larger the dog, the more allergens on it, because a small dog has much less hair than its large counterpart.
  • Dogs that bark a lot are more allergenic as they spread a lot of saliva. That is why allergy sufferers should get calm dogs that are not prone to frequent and unreasonable barking.
  • Clean your home as often as possible - wet cleaning can remove all the allergens that collect there. Don't forget to vacuum the furniture and carpets on the walls. By the way, many owners accustom their dogs to “processing” with a vacuum cleaner.

List of hypoallergenic dog breeds

samoyed(the second name is the Samoyed dog (Laika)). A medium-sized white dog with a thick, fluffy coat. Samoyeds are sled dogs and guard dogs. Today they perfectly cope with the role of a companion, but only under the condition of active walks and great physical exertion. Dogs of this breed are pack animals - they will be happy to live in a large friendly family, which consists of other dogs and people. These dogs are friendly and very playful. Samoyeds love children. It is hardly possible to use a Samoyed as a protector, but these dogs will be able to give a voice when a stranger comes.

Australian silky terrier(the second name of the breed is Silky Terrier). Outwardly, these dogs resemble Yorkshire terriers, but they are larger and do not have such a rich coat, although they are also long and silky to the touch. Silky Terriers are compact and short-legged dogs, very active and energetic. These animals need special care - the shiny coat needs to be combed out daily and washed frequently, and since it grows quickly in the Silky Terrier, the coat must be cut at least once a month. These dogs were bred as hunters for various rodents and snakes, so the dogs have fearlessness and courage. They are very fond of outdoor games and long walks with the owner.

American Hairless Terrier. A small dog that is completely devoid of hair. Unlike all other hairless dog breeds, it has good health and a complete set of teeth. A very loyal and devoted pet who loves active games and walks. A naked terrier, despite its defenseless appearance, may well rebuff an uninvited guest.

Affen pinscher(second name - monkey pinscher). A small, funny dog ​​often referred to as a "toy dog". These animals are very curious and active. Affen Pinschers love all family members, so this dog can be started as a lonely elderly person, as well as a young couple who are going to have kids.

Bedlington Terrier. Dogs with a very spectacular appearance, for which they received the nickname "sheep dogs". Bedlingtons are calm and balanced animals, they are very kind, loyal and attentive to the owner. Sometimes they can be stubborn.

bichon frise. One of the most popular breeds. Fans note that the dog's funny appearance and the fact that it does not shed at all makes the Bichon Frize one of the best dogs for apartment keeping. These are very cheerful kind dogs that are insanely devoted to their owner.

Bolognese. One of the varieties of lapdogs. These dogs are very trainable, so they often perform in the circus. Thanks to its compact build, charm and friendliness, Bolognese can be kept with other animals in a large friendly family.

border terrier. A small dog that has the true character of a terrier. Borderers can be stubborn, but they never show aggression towards people, they are mostly calm and balanced dogs, good companions for both children's games and leisurely walks with an elderly person.

welsh terrier
. A reduced copy of the king of terriers - Airedale Terrier. The Welsh is a compact small dog with a rough coat that does not shed and must be disposed of manually by trimming. Previously, dogs of this breed were used exclusively for hunting, but today these animals are mainly excellent companions for children and adults, as the Welsh is active and playful. Do not forget that dogs of this breed need exercise and a course of obedience. Welsh Terriers are very devoted to their family and love children.

havanese bichon. Large lap dog, very curious and kind. The dog is perfectly trained, loves children and communication with people. Loyal and devoted dog that does not need physical exertion. But the watchman from the Havana is clearly not going to work.

A dog of a stretched format with a spectacular appearance - a funny tufted hat is cut off on the head of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, and besides this, the dogs have a lush mustache. Representatives of this breed are bold and cheerful, they can drive away an uninvited guest from the apartment with a bass bark. Dandie Dinmont Terriers are very affectionate to the owner, love to play with children, and even with very small ones they are gentle and attentive.

Irish Water Spaniel
. A curly-haired dog that hardly sheds. This medium sized dog is an excellent hunter and watchdog. The Irish Water Spaniel is not aggressive in itself, he loves children and games, and also this dog is a tireless companion for an active owner.

Spanish water dog. With their small size, good-natured disposition and funny appearance, these dogs are popular as pets in Spain, Italy and the USA. Previously, these intelligent creatures were shepherds and helpers of fishermen, hence the love for water and for all living beings. But, despite the toy appearance, these Spanish water dogs need early socialization, an active lifestyle, physical activity and, importantly, the owner will definitely need to take an obedience course with the pet.

Yorkshire Terrier. A small dog that is at the peak of its popularity today. The Yorkie has a long, thin and soft coat, which is similar in structure to human hair. Dogs of this breed are very active, mobile and cheerful. Yorkshire terriers are madly in love with the owner, they can sit in his arms for hours, thrilled with affection. Despite its size, the Yorkie is able to fight back a stranger who gets too close to his master, moreover, these animals do an excellent job of hunting rats and mice. Despite the toy appearance, it is not the best option as a personal pet for a child. They do not like familiarity, since Yorkies have a rather strong and strong-willed character (like a terrier, and not like a lap dog).

pygmy spitz(the second name is Pomeranian). A small fluffy dog ​​who loves to sit on his hands and “smile” in a funny way - this is exactly the association that people have with this breed of dog. This is partly true, since Pomeranians do not like loneliness and are ready to accompany the owner always and everywhere. Fortunately, these miniature dogs are unpretentious and do not cause many problems, except, of course, caring for their luxurious coat. Do not limit the movement of the Pomeranian - they are very active and, among other things, perfectly trained.

Cairn Terrier. A small shaggy dog, very cheerful and perky, smart and courageous. Cairn Terriers were bred as rat hunters, so they are very hardy and fearless, always ready to “fight”: if not for hunting, then for sure for games. Such dogs need education and training from an early age, as this breed is famous for its stubbornness. Kerns get along well with children and will share all their pranks with pleasure.

Kerry blue terrier(the second name is the Irish blue terrier). A dog of medium height, active and affectionate, an excellent nanny for children and a companion for adults. Kerry Blue Terriers were bred to hunt rodents, badgers, and foxes. Today it is an excellent family dog: affectionate and attentive, which is able to stand up for its household at the right time. Needs exercise and training.

Chinese crested dog. Refers to hairless dog breeds. The Chinese are very affectionate and funny dogs. In hot and cold weather, they need special care. From the sun, the skin should be lubricated with cream, and in the winter season, be sure to dress your pet warmly. Fortunately, the choice of clothes is now huge. The Chinese Crested Dog loves to play outdoors and can raise its voice if it doesn't like the extraneous noise near the door.

Coton de Tulear.
A very rare breed of dog. Her dignity is soft, like cotton wool, wool. Coton de Tulear does not shed at all - the dog needs to be combed daily, and the regrown wool should be sheared from time to time. A very kind and docile dog, he feels good both in a large family and with a lonely elderly person.

(the second name is the Mexican hairless dog). Dogs of this very ancient breed have three varieties (small, medium and standard), so everyone can choose their four-legged friend in size. A distinctive feature is the absence of wool. Sometimes "woolen" puppies are born in the litter - they are covered with short hair. Xolos are very smart, agile and bold. They can be excellent hunters, watchmen and just friends. These dogs require training and early socialization.

Lhasa apso. Small dogs with long hair that needs constant labor-intensive care: washing, combing and cutting. These seemingly peaceful dogs can be good watchdogs, as they are distrustful of strangers. Remarkably, they are calm and reasonable - attacks of hysterical barking are not characteristic of them. Lhasa apso are very active and agile dogs, perfectly amenable to training.

Maltese(the second name is the Maltese). Snow-white small dogs with long flowing hair, which, moreover, does not shed. It is an ideal companion in a family without small children or as a friend for an elderly person. Due to the fact that Maltese do not like anxiety and fuss (they are very sensitive to anxiety), they can be irritable with children and strangers.

Papillon(the second name is a butterfly dog). These decorative dogs look like toys come to life. They have a delicate silky coat and luxuriously feathered ears. Papillons are very smart and quick-witted, they love to communicate with people and actively spend their leisure time. Representatives of this breed lend themselves perfectly to a variety of training - they can even participate in agility.

peruvian hairless dog
(the second name is the Peruvian Inca orchid). Dogs of medium size, elegant and slender, completely devoid of hair. Peruvian hairless dogs are insanely devoted to their owner, unusually affectionate, but they absolutely cannot stand loneliness. They love active games, and can also be good watchmen. Specific skin care is required.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog. These dogs are of medium size. They have a very thick, fluffy, but at the same time coarse coat. Moreover, it can be both straight and wavy in structure. The Polish Lowland Sheepdog used to be used as a herding dog, but today they excel as a watchdog and companion. Representatives of this breed, like all shepherd dogs, are self-confident, have an excellent memory, and are well trained. To properly raise a Polish Lowland Sheepdog, she needs early socialization, physical activity and, in general, an active lifestyle.

Portuguese water dog. This robust, medium-sized dog has a thick, curly coat. The Portuguese Water Dog loves water very much - it even has membranes between its fingers (like a Newfoundland). This is a working breed of dog - it was bred as an assistant to fishermen. But today, thanks to their friendliness and charm, Portuguese Water Dogs mostly serve as companions. These dogs are very smart and independent, despite the fact that they love all family members in their own way, one owner occupies a special place in them - they are selflessly devoted to him. This breed needs exercise and active walks. By the way, the Portuguese water dog can also be used in hunting - they quickly learn to serve game from the water.

Poodle. This dog breed has four varieties in size: large (royal), small (medium), dwarf (miniature) and toy (toy), so everyone can find a pet to their liking and abilities. Poodles are very intelligent dogs and are easy to train. Large individuals do an excellent job of passing the standards of service dog breeding, and small and dwarf ones shine in agility. Often poodles are also circus stars. Dogs of this breed have a thick and curly coat, from which you can create various elegant haircuts. Dogs of this breed are very friendly, they love children and are ready to play with them from morning to evening.

bullets(the second name is the small Hungarian shepherd dog). These dogs have a rather unusual coat - it looks like dreadlocks, and besides, it does not let water through. Bullets were bred as herding dogs, but today they are a pleasant companion and watchdog. Dogs of this breed are smart and quick-witted, they are agile and courageous, quickly orient themselves and deftly cope with any tasks. This is what makes Bullets excellent sporting dogs. This breed is stubborn (like many shepherd breeds), so the owner will need to make a lot of effort to raise an obedient dog.

Wheaten Soft-Coated Terrier. Very nice medium sized dog. Its golden-wheat coat needs constant care and a special haircut. "Wheat" are very smart and quick-witted, energetic and active. Dogs of this breed without proper attention to themselves can be aggressive and reserved, therefore, in order to raise a pet correctly, you will need early socialization, constant contact with the owner, physical activity and training. Soft-coated wheaten terriers love to mess around with children.

skye terrier. A small dog of elongated format, with long, flowing hard hair. Previously, badgers and foxes were hunted with these dogs, but today their destiny is to be faithful and faithful companions. Skye Terriers are very smart and hardy, they love long leisurely walks and games with their owner. They do best as the only dog ​​in a single person or in a family without children. Tibetan Terrier. Medium sized dog with thick and shaggy coat. Tibetan Terriers are smart and quick-witted, easy to train, and can even participate in sports. They get along well with older children, as they can sometimes be jealous and stubborn. Dogs of this breed need exercise.

Flanders Bouvier(the second name is Bouvier de Flandres). The dog is above average height, looks sullen and menacing because of the shaggy coat, beard and sharply cropped ears. In fact, the Bouvier of Flanders is a very gentle dog, he is madly in love with his owner and his entire family and is ready to give his life for loved ones. Dogs of this breed are good guards, they are obedient and well trained, they have a calm and balanced character.

shih tzu. A small dog with a long, silky coat that needs regular grooming. Shih Tzu are very smart dogs, they are cheerful and energetic, friendly and, at the same time, independent. Dogs of this breed love the company of people, long walks and outdoor games.

Schnauzer. Dogs of this breed have three varieties in terms of growth: large (rizen), medium (mittel), dwarf (zwerg). Representatives of this breed are excellent service and guard dogs. They are smart, quick-witted, confident and reliable. Schnauzers lend themselves well to a variety of training and are often sports stars. They get along great with children. Sometimes they can show stubbornness and independence, so dogs of this breed definitely need training, active games and physical activity.

Non-shedding and hypoallergenic dogs are more popular today than ever before. Dog allergies are quite common, which is why many pet lovers look for non-shedding dog breeds and sometimes pay quite large sums for them. Shedding dogs is a big problem for many owners, but for people with allergies, it can be a much more difficult situation.

While no dog is 100% hypoallergenic, as they all shed a certain amount of allergens, there are a few breeds that are known to be better for allergy sufferers. And a list of these dog breeds that don't shed might help you make the right choice.

1. Maltese

Maltese are known for their gorgeous white and silky coat, but you will never find it on your furniture or clothes. These little dogs are always cheerful, playful and very gentle.

The Maltese is thought to be related to the Tibetan Terrier (below), but their exact origin is unknown. Both breeds are known as the dogs of powerful women in ancient Rome, but they were also used to catch rodents in ancient and medieval cities.

2. Tibetan Terrier

Tibetan Terriers are proof that a hypoallergenic breed doesn't have to be hairless. These dogs practically do not shed, but they require a lot of care. Interestingly, these fluffy dogs once served Buddhist monks and were guard animals for nomadic pastoralists.

The courageous and adventurous Yorkshire Terrier should not be judged by its size. Yorkies often don't see themselves as small dogs, and can be quite skittish. Originally bred to hunt rodents, Yorkies are also known for their loyalty and devotion to their owners. Their hypoallergenic coat falls out very, very little.

It is interesting to note that although the exact origin of the Yorkshire Terrier breed is unknown, it is believed that they were bred in the north of England to catch rats. These early Yorkies were considerably larger, but over time selective breeding has created the current breed standard.

Shih Tzu dogs are loyal and friendly, and, in addition, they are hypoallergenic. Shih Tzu do not shed and their hair falls out only during brushing or clipping. An interesting fact about these dogs is that the name Shih Tzu comes from the word for "lion" in Chinese. This ancient breed of dog was bred to resemble lions.

The muscular Portuguese Water Dog is always loyal and energetic. Their coat sheds very, very little and they are considered hypoallergenic, however the Portuguese Water Dog also requires regular grooming. It is interesting to note that these dogs are very rare and you may never have heard of them.

6. Brussels Griffon (Small Belgian Dog)

Brissel Griffons are known for their watchdog abilities and friendly nature. These dogs are also hypoallergenic as they hardly shed. Brussels Griffins make excellent pets for families with children.

An interesting fact about these dogs is that they are very expressive and are often chosen for various roles in film and television.

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is known for its cheerful and energetic nature. These intelligent dogs are known for their agility, obedience and, along with hypoallergenicity, even healing abilities.

These dogs are distinguished by the fact that they were bred in Ireland as an agricultural "poor man's dog", where they were used both for guarding and herding, and for hunting pests.

These dogs are friendly and always active. They are loyal to their owners, are good guards, and are hypoallergenic. These dogs shed, but only slightly.

Poodles in all three sizes are among the most popular dogs in the world. These intelligent and responsive dogs are also considered non-shedding and hypoallergenic.

In addition to their shedding coat, poodles are also known for having little to no odor. With a poodle, your home will never smell like a dog!

Bichon Frize are social, independent and fairly easy to train dogs. Their hypoallergenic coat is generally easy to care for and does not cause allergies.

Bichon Frize means "curly dog" in French. These popular pets used to be sailors' companions and therefore truly love the water.

Both hairless and fluffy Chinese Crested Dogs are non-shedding and hypoallergenic. Agile and energetic, the Chinese Crested sheds minimally.

It is interesting to note that the Chinese Crested actually originated in Africa. After Chinese traders brought these dogs to China for pest control on their ships, they were renamed Chinese Crested.

Also called the Irish Blue, the Kerry Blue Terrier was bred to be an all-purpose dog for working, guarding and hunting pests. The coat of the Kerry Blue Terrier is similar in texture to fine human hair and does not shed.

The peculiarity of the coat of these dogs is also that they are born with a black color. The color of the coat changes gradually and is finally formed when the dog reaches the age of 2 years.

Independent and even stubborn, the Scot will become a faithful companion of his masters. Add to this a very low shedding, hypoallergenic coat and minimal grooming, and you have a great pet in every way.

An interesting fact about the Scotch Terrier: dogs of this breed are popular in pop culture and are often pets of celebrities. Some of the most famous Scottish Terriers were pets of Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and George Walker Bush.

The Cairn Terrier is a hardy and cheerful breed that originated in Scotland. It was originally used to find pests on stone slabs, but today it is a popular pet around the world. Their coat is hypoallergenic, non-shedding and, in addition, repels water.

Fun fact about the Cairn Terrier: Their coat can change color several times over the course of several years.

The Border Terrier was bred to hunt foxes and rodents, and it's safe to say that this smart and hardy dog ​​will become a favorite pet in his family. Their thick coat is hypoallergenic, virtually shedding and requires fairly simple weekly grooming.

Fun fact about the Border Terrier: This breed has strong instincts. If you have hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, or other small pets, then you might want to consider a different breed. The hunting instinct of these dogs can be too strong!

This dog was a simple cross in the late 1980s and is now a popular hypoallergenic pet. A cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Standard or Miniature Poodle, the Labradoodle is not actually a breed in its own right, but it clearly has a future. Well-balanced Labradoodles are naturally friendly and active, and make excellent family pets.

Most Labradoodles are hypoallergenic and don't shed much, but this good-natured breed has many variations. If you are looking for a particular non-shedding dog, make sure its parents have this characteristic. As with any dog, they have deviations from the standard, and this is especially true with new hybrids. If you are not ready for surprises, then you can choose a more predictable breed.

The Schnauzer is an intelligent and energetic breed, both standard and miniature. Schnauzers can be excellent watchdogs and pest hunters, but they are also popular as pets because of their loyal nature and hypoallergenic and non-shedding coat.

An interesting schnauzer fact: these dogs have developed many useful features throughout their long history. They can be police dogs, search and rescue dogs, drug hunters, and more!

The Irish Water Spaniel has a long history. A hunting dog and companion, the Irish Water Spaniel is a friendly, active and loyal breed.

An interesting fact about the Irish Water Spaniel is that their coat needs regular grooming, but the breed is considered non-shedding and hypoallergenic, as it has less dander than many other dogs.

Like its close relative the Yorkshire Terrier, the Australian Silky Terrier is extremely bold and determined despite its small size. The Silky Terrier is valued for its excellent smooth and shiny coat, which, among other things, is virtually shedding and hypoallergenic.

It's funny to note that the Silky Terrier is truly Australian. The breed is also known as the Sydney Terrier due to its popularity in the city.

Basenjis are agile and energetic dogs that originate from Central Africa and were bred as hunting dogs. They can be very tricky to train, but they are quite intelligent and respond well to consistent training. Their coat sheds little, is hypoallergenic and requires minimal grooming.

Basenji fun fact: These dogs are unique in that they don't bark, but emit a low howl instead. Basenjis also lick themselves in a manner similar to cats.

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Allergic diseases are insidious in that a person may not suspect to a certain extent that he has them.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from manifestations of unpleasant symptoms and in the future from parting with a dog, you should take care in advance about choosing the right hypoallergenic breed for an apartment or house.

What causes dog allergies?

Allergy is a complex reaction of the immune system that occurs when a person comes into contact with any substance - an allergen.

An allergic reaction occurs only when the antigen enters the body again. That is, when a person first encounters an allergenic protein, the immune system recognizes it and then, by mistake, begins to identify it as dangerous, throwing out histamine from mast cells to protect the body.

Most people mistakenly think that dog allergies are caused by pet hair, but this is not the case. The allergen is the Can f 1 protein present in saliva, feces, epithelium, paraanal and sebaceous glands located in the epidermis at the base of the coat.

It is not necessary for a person to be in direct contact with an animal in order to experience the symptoms of an allergy, a reaction can also occur if the pet is not nearby. It is worth knowing that the smallest traces of allergens are in the room up to 6 months after the presence of the animal.

Allergy symptoms depend on how the antigen entered the human body. Accordingly, the reaction can manifest itself both in an instantaneous and in a delayed type.

Usually a person has:

  • swelling and itching of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis);
  • redness of the eyes, itching of the eyelids;
  • rash on the body;
  • redness of the skin after being licked by a dog;
  • coughing, shortness of breath, or wheezing within 15 to 30 minutes of exposure to allergens;
  • choking, asthma attack;
  • sleep disorders;

List of hypoallergenic dogs

Hypoallergenic dogs are a relative concept, since breeds that are absolutely harmless to an allergic person have not yet been bred, however, there are individuals that produce less allergenic proteins. Consider the most hypoallergenic dog breeds.

small breeds

Maltese bichon. This is a small dog with a silky and fine coat. Since it produces much less dandruff and saliva than most of its relatives, it is one of the ideal companions for allergy sufferers.

Miniature poodle. Many people believe that the most hypoallergenic dogs are poodles, as they hardly shed. And indeed it is. They are ideal for allergy sufferers, but their coat requires constant monitoring. Therefore, a person should know in advance that he will need a lot of time to care for a pet, or the help of professional groomers (haircut specialists).

Chinese crested dog. Affectionate, energetic and playful, very gentle with children. Hairless, odorless and resistant to fleas or ticks, it is the best companion for people with allergies. However, her skin is sensitive to sweating, sunburn and acne. It should be washed twice a week and regularly rubbed with moisturizer to protect delicate skin.

Yorkshire Terrier. One of the most popular small breeds. It practically does not shed, so you will hardly find wool in your home. However, it is worth remembering that long hair requires daily brushing, so if you are choosing a puppy for children, it is better to pay attention to smooth-haired dogs, as caring for this dog takes a lot of time.

Shih Tzu. Despite the very long coat, Shih Tzu dogs do without shedding, so small and playful, she will become the best friend for an allergic owner.

Medium breeds

Bedlington Terrier. Suitable for keeping both in small apartments and in houses. This is a very energetic hunting dog that has a high physical activity. Its curly fur is not very allergenic, however, the dog needs to be brushed regularly and washed every 3-4 months.

Xoloitzcuintli. A very rare breed. Due to the absence of wool, it does not cause allergies and does not emit odor. Due to its peculiarity, it requires reverent skin care.

Kerry blue terrier. Medium sized dog with a soft curly coat. Due to the complete absence of undercoat, it almost does not shed. The dog needs to be brushed daily.

Polish lowland sheepdog. Muscular dog with long hair and a soft undercoat that does not cause allergies. The future owner needs to be prepared for regular care and long and active walks.

Bullets. An active shepherd dog with hard and long hair in the form of tubules. It does not require regular care, as it does not need to be combed out.

Large breeds

Flanders Bouvier. A large and powerful dog with a balanced character. Despite its shaggy appearance, it loses very little hair, but only under the condition of responsible maintenance: regular care and combing.

Irish Water Spaniel. If you are looking for a large, hypoallergenic dog, then this breed is the best choice for you. It has a short coat, similar in structure to human hair. However, you should know that the pet needs a regular haircut - approximately every 2 months. In terms of temperament, this is a friendly dog ​​that needs daily exercise and loves to enjoy swimming during the warmer months.

Giant Schnauzer (Giant Schnauzer). It is a reliable and energetic companion, with a long lifespan of 13 years on average. With regular combing and cutting a couple of times a month, this breed does not have problems with wool, since Giant Schnauzers practically do not shed.

Russian black terrier. Become the best guard for the child. More suitable for keeping in a large area than in an apartment, as it is a good hunter and watchman. Be wary of strangers. Despite its hairiness, allergies with this dog can be avoided, since the hair practically does not fall out, and very little dandruff forms.

Komondor. The breed of the largest size, created to protect the family and home, loyal and brave. Dogs do not cause allergies in sensitive people who are prone to it. Requires space for living - apartments are small for them, so the dog should be kept in the house.

We have reviewed a list of the most popular hypoallergenic dogs that can become your true friend, even despite health problems. The choice is yours!