Is it necessary for pregnant women to drink iodomarin. A very important micronutrient. Iodomarin and pregnancy: instructions for use

Hello dear expectant mothers! During pregnancy, your body especially needs a complete and balanced diet, vitamins and trace elements. After all, your baby is actively growing and developing, and for this he needs nutrients.

But, some vitamins cannot be obtained in the amount that is necessary during pregnancy, which is why doctors prescribe special drugs. Today we will talk about the importance of iodine for pregnant women.

And, of course, about the drug Iodomarin, which is often prescribed to expectant mothers at different stages of pregnancy. As the name implies, the drug contains iodine. Let's look at the importance of iodine during pregnancy for the body of the expectant mother and baby.

Why is iodomarin prescribed during pregnancy?

So, the main role of iodine in the body is the direct participation in the formation of hormones that the thyroid gland produces. These hormones are responsible for the metabolism, development and growth of our body, and during pregnancy and for the development of the fetus, respectively.

Moreover, thyroid hormones contribute to the proper development of the brain of the unborn child. And with an insufficient amount of iodine, there is a risk of having a child with mental underdevelopment. The worst thing for a child, which can lead to a lack of iodine, the disease is cretinism.

In early pregnancy, iodine deficiency can be one of the causes of abortion (miscarriage). That is why doctors prescribe and strongly recommend taking iodomarin during pregnancy.

Therefore, if you have been prescribed the drug Iodomarin, we advise you not to refuse it and take it according to the doctor's prescriptions.

It is necessary to learn that iodomarin during pregnancy is necessary for:

  • proper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • the formation of hormones responsible for normal metabolism;
  • support for the cardiovascular system and brain activity;
  • normal functioning of the reproductive system and mammary glands;
  • full growth and development of the fetus.

Therefore, realizing the seriousness that iodine deficiency represents for pregnant women, it is advisable to take care of its elimination while planning your pregnancy or in the early stages of pregnancy.

Now, let's find out about the drug itself: what are the possible side effects from the use of iodomarin, and in general, how should it be taken?

What you need to know about the drug Iodomarin during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body's daily need for iodine is 200 mcg. Iodomarin is produced with a dosage of 100 and 200 mcg, this will be indicated on the package. Therefore, if you purchase Iodomarin 100, you will need to take 2 tablets per day.

Just keep in mind, if you are taking additional vitamin complexes for pregnant women, for example, Elevit, you will need to look at the iodine content in it and possibly reduce the dosage of iodomarin.

It is impossible to prescribe iodomarin for yourself, since not only iodine deficiency, but also its overdose can be dangerous during pregnancy. Of course, with the right reception and following the instructions, this happens extremely rarely.

But, nevertheless, we warn you that in case of an overdose, you may notice the following symptoms: nausea followed by vomiting, browning of the eyes, abdominal pain and a metallic taste.

If you notice at least one of the symptoms listed above, immediately consult a doctor and, of course, stop taking the drug for now. However, once again it should be repeated that this happens in 1 out of 100 cases.

Thus, when taking iodomarin during pregnancy, first of all, follow your doctor's instructions exactly, read the instructions for the drug, do not exceed the dose.

Take care of yourself and your future little one.

Iodomarin is increasingly being prescribed to pregnant women. This is due to the fact that our diet is poor in this element. Agree, not so often we eat seaweed or sea fish. Yes, and iodized salt can not always be found in our supermarkets.

Most regions of our country are considered iodine deficient. And pregnant women, and all other members of our society, are shown to consume from 150 to 200 micrograms of iodine daily. So gynecologists prescribe iodine preparations to their patients - pregnant women. Assigned.

Can pregnant women take iodomarin?

During pregnancy, iodine is especially necessary. During this period, the mother's body requires even larger portions of iodine, and the lack of this element can adversely affect the development of the baby.

It is known that in the first trimester the laying and development of all the most important systems and organs of the future human takes place, and iodine plays an important role in this entire process. Iodine deficiency can lead to hormonal disorders in a woman, which can, in turn, lead to failures at various stages of fetal development.

In addition, in the first trimester, the child's own thyroid gland is not yet fully formed, and he is completely dependent on his mother.

In connection with all of the above, you need to start replenishing iodine reserves in the body even at the stage of pregnancy planning. This should be done six months before the intended conception. So you perfectly prepare your body for conceiving and bearing a baby.

Why drink iodomarin during pregnancy?

As for the period of pregnancy, the decision on the need to take iodine supplements should be made by your doctor based on tests and other factors. And if you are prescribed to drink iodomarin, you should not neglect this recommendation, since iodine deficiency can lead to errors in the development of the child's brain, as well as to the launch of a protective mechanism when the mother's body seeks to get rid of the extra burden in the form of a fetus. This may end.

How to drink iodomarin during pregnancy?

As for the dosage, this is also in the power of the doctor. It is he who should determine how you should take iodomarin. It all depends on the region of residence, health status, blood test indicators for hormones. It is advisable to take them to an endocrinologist, and he also undergoes an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. It is advisable to take a blood test for TSH and fT4 (tereotropic hormone and free thyroxine) for a period of 8-12 weeks.

Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy is the most common and safe drug for the treatment of iodine deficiency in the body. Usually during pregnancy, the dose of iodomarin is 1 tablet of 200 mcg or 2 tablets of 100 mcg per day. Please note that with food you also get a certain amount of iodine, therefore, with this intake of the vitamin, your daily requirement for iodine (about 250 mcg) is observed.

Iodomarin tablets should be taken after meals with a glass of water. If an overdose has occurred, this becomes clear by staining the mucous membranes in a brown (brown) color, reflex vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea. Sometimes there is a stenosis of the esophagus, the phenomenon of "iodism" (allergy to iodine).

Throughout the nine months of pregnancy, the body maintains an increased need for iodine. In addition, you need it during lactation. So you can and should drink vitamins Iodomarin 200 throughout pregnancy, during lactation and another six months after it ends.

Analogues of Iodomarin are preparations of Potassium iodide, Iodide, Iodine balance, the difference between which lies mainly in the manufacturer. They should also be taken in dosages determined by the attending physician.

Most people associate the word "iodine" with a vial of a dark brown alcohol solution of this element, which is used to disinfect wounds. However, iodine plays a much more important role in human life than the one that each of us knows about.

The biological role and importance of iodine in the life of the body

The biological role of iodine in the life of the human body is difficult to overestimate. Iodine is part of three very important hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland. These hormones include thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and thyrocalcitonin.

Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are necessary to ensure the vital activity of any body cells and are activators of metabolic processes (metabolism), regulate cell growth. Thyroxine is essentially a prohormone that is eventually converted by the body into triiodothyronine. The thyroid gland produces these hormones in a ratio of approximately 4:1. Their distinctive ability is that thyroxine tends to accumulate in the thyroid gland and, as necessary, is carried by the circulatory system to all consumer cells, while triiodothyron does not accumulate, but immediately enters the bloodstream. Each molecule of thyroxin contains 4 atoms, and triiodothyron - 3 atoms of iodine, therefore, to ensure the regular production of these extremely important hormones, it is necessary to constantly replenish the body with iodine.

Thyrocalcitonin is one of the hormones that regulate the processes of phosphorus and calcium exchange inside cells in the body.

It is quite logical to note that, having read all of the above, you have already found the answer to the question “why iodine during pregnancy”, so we will focus on other important points.

How much iodine do pregnant women need

The daily requirement of the human body for iodine is as follows:

  • children under the age of 2 years - 40 mcg.
  • children aged 2 to 8 years - 90 mcg.
  • children aged 8 to 14 years - 120 mcg.
  • adults - 150 mcg.

During pregnancy, the need for iodine in the female body is increased, since the “expenditure” of hormones is more intense, which is associated with the need for faster formation and growth of cells. On average, the daily intake of iodine during pregnancy should be 200-250 mcg.

Its presence in the body is especially important in the first weeks of pregnancy, since a lot of hormones are spent on thickening the uterine mucosa and the formation of the thyroid gland in the fetus (4-12 weeks of pregnancy).

The above norms may differ slightly in one direction or another depending on the diet. If the diet contains foods that contribute to the easy absorption of iodine by the body, the need for it is somewhat reduced. In some cases, for example, if necessary, use drugs that inhibit the function of the thyroid gland, on the contrary, the average daily rate should be increased.

What causes iodine deficiency during pregnancy

Lack of iodine (iodine deficiency) leads to the fact that the thyroid gland in this case is not able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of the necessary hormones. And this, in turn, leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body at the cellular level.

Especially dangerous is iodine deficiency during pregnancy, because iodine is needed not only by the mother, but also by the fetus. It can lead to spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), the development of thyroid disease or neurological disorders in the unborn child.

The formation of thyroid hormones of the baby during the pregnancy of a woman will subsequently affect the level of brain activity of the child, his memory and abilities. Without experiencing iodine deficiency, the mother of the future baby can lay the foundation for the high intellectual abilities of the child. An interesting fact is that scientists claim: "Iodine affects the development of the child's ear canals even in the womb"! Memory also develops under the influence of iodine. Yes, and the mother herself feels much better during pregnancy with a sufficient level of iodine in the body.

The harmonious work of the internal organs and the formation of the skeleton also depend on the level of iodine in the mother's body. The pregnant woman herself, being in a state of depression, may not know that the reason for this is a lack of iodine in the body. This factor negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails of both mother and fetus.

That is why it is very important for pregnant women to fully provide the body with the necessary amount of iodine.

How to find out if the body has enough iodine?

According to research results, about 60% of the world's population lack iodine in the body. This is most typical for residents who live far from the sea coast and consume little seafood.

At home, you can determine whether your body needs iodine using a simple test: you should take an alcohol solution of iodine, which is sold in a pharmacy, and apply it to the skin with a cotton swab (draw 2-3 lines a few centimeters long), and if within 15-20 minutes, the lines will disappear or become almost invisible - it means that the body is experiencing a lack of iodine. This test is very primitive, but quite reliable.

To accurately determine the body's need for iodine, blood tests for the presence of the hormone thyroxine should be taken. This test is obligatory during pregnancy (usually it is done in each of the trimesters) and it is based on the results of the tests that the doctor concludes that the pregnant woman's body needs additional iodine and the intake of appropriate iodine-containing drugs.

You can also increase the reliability of the results by doing an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, because the main sign of iodine deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland (the so-called endemic goiter).

Products containing iodine: what to choose during pregnancy

Usually, iodine enters the human body with food, and it is quite enough to ensure the normal production of the necessary hormones by the thyroid gland. However, during the period of bearing a child, iodine, which enters the body of a pregnant woman with food, may not be enough to comply with the recommended daily allowance.

In this case, you should take a very responsible approach to the diet of a pregnant woman, enriching the menu with products that have a high iodine content.

These products primarily include seafood. All "sea reptiles" (crabs, shrimps, octopus, squid, oysters) are very rich in iodine. A lot of iodine is found in sea fish, red caviar, cod liver, and seaweed is generally a real storehouse of this trace element.

A significant amount of iodine is also found in eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal, beans, whole milk, mushrooms, sweet peppers, some fruits (strawberries, bananas, persimmons, feijoa).

During pregnancy, it is better to give preference to fish dishes and seaweed, for example, a simple but very tasty salad (seaweed, onion, lemon juice, eggs, olive oil, some olives and sea fish), will delight the start of the day with a nutritious breakfast and well enrich the body with iodine.

Vitamins for pregnant women with iodine

If, according to the results of a blood test for hormone levels, it is determined that the body of the expectant mother does not have enough iodine, preparations containing iodine may be prescribed.

Facts: according to medical statistics, iodine deficiency is observed in 80-85% of pregnant women.

Causes of an overdose of iodine can be caused by three main factors:

  • unbalanced diet (excessive and prolonged use of foods rich in iodine or iodine-containing drugs);
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • harmful production or treatment with iodine-containing drugs (iodine therapy).

The main symptoms of an overdose and decoction of iodine:

  • the appearance of goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland);
  • headache;
  • dizziness, up to loss of consciousness;
  • metal taste in the mouth;
  • increased salivation;
  • cough and runny nose;
  • strong thirst;
  • nausea and urge to vomit;
  • tearing;
  • increased heart rate (tachocardia);
  • skin lesions (iododerma).

If you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Remember that the health of the baby is in the hands of the mother, both before birth and after it. Only a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle will help both mother and child stay in a good mood!

It promotes the rapid formation of bone substance (the baby's skeleton will develop correctly).
The development of the brain and nervous system of the unborn child directly depends on the content of this microelement in the body of a pregnant woman (a lack can lead to cretinism in the child).
One of the terrible consequences of a lack of a substance in the body of a pregnant woman can be missed pregnancy, which subsequently leads to miscarriage.
The development of such a disease as endemic goiter (carries a danger to the body of the expectant mother and the fetus of the child).
Iodine deficiency that occurred during fetal development cannot be compensated in the future.

Symptoms indicating a lack of a substance

At home, you can easily and quickly establish that your body lacks this trace element to work. It is necessary to carry out a simple, but quite reliable test. To do this, use a cotton swab to apply several strips of iodine solution to the skin. If these lines disappear within half an hour, then the lack of iodine in your body is obvious.

Its deficiency leads to a decrease in body temperature (the patient is cool even in hot weather).
The lack of this element in the body can be judged by the following signs: headache, weakness, memory problems, indigestion, swelling, sleep disturbance, depression, memory impairment, nail and hair problems (fragility), lethargy.

Accurate definition of iodine deficiency

In order to accurately determine the deficiency of a substance, it is necessary to donate blood for the content of thyroxine hormones. This analysis is most often taken in each trimester of pregnancy. Based on the results, his doctor prescribes vitamins for pregnant women with iodine.
An ultrasound of the thyroid gland is also performed (an enlarged thyroid gland is the main sign of a trace element deficiency - endemic goiter). During pregnancy, there is a rapid assimilation of iodine by the fetus and placenta and the occurrence of goiter. In this case, the course of pregnancy can be complicated by early toxicosis, the threat of termination of this pregnancy, increased pressure, placental abruption and postpartum hemorrhage.
Foods high in iodine

More than others, the residents of coastal towns and villages were lucky. They get a large amount of iodine from air saturated with sea water spray. Residents of other regions should eat more foods containing this microelement. These products will reduce the lack of this element in their body.

Products containing iodine elements can be divided into three groups:

  1. Products from the sea (they contain the most of this substance).
  2. Products of animal origin.
  3. Herbal products.

Particularly rich in iodine:

  • Laminaria or seaweed. This algae was given to women before and after the birth of a child in ancient China. Due to the high content of iodine, it is taken with endemic goiter, with problems with the menstrual cycle, to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Your diet can be well replenished with sea fish (for example, cod or tuna) and seafood (squid, mussels, shrimp). They should be on the menu of a pregnant woman at least twice a week.
  • Iodized salt and Himalayan salt (it is believed that it is better than the first in terms of saturation of the body with iodine).
  • Milk (a lot of substances are found in milk and dairy products).
  • Quail and chicken eggs.
  • Green vegetables (green beans, fresh herbs) and fruits (bananas, strawberries, cranberries and prunes).
  • Baked potatoes are also a source of iodine (it is better to use potatoes baked in their skins, mashed potatoes are less effective).
  • Baked turkey breasts (this dietary dish contains the same amount of substance as shrimp).

Preparations with iodine for pregnant women

How much iodine a pregnant woman needs for the successful functioning of the thyroid gland is up to the endocrinologist to decide. In no case should you self-medicate (for example, eat sugar with a drop of iodine solution, the pharmacy solution is not intended for oral administration), this can lead to serious problems associated with an overdose.
An excess of this trace element is much less common, but it is just as dangerous as a deficiency. An excess of iodine can lead to serious malformations in the development of the fetus, suspension in the development of the fetus and miscarriage.
Signs of an overdose are: a taste of metal in the mouth, swelling and rash, and there may also be a runny nose. The doctor may prescribe regular vitamins for pregnant women with iodine (if the lack of this trace element is small). Or he can offer special iodine-containing preparations (if there is a serious lack of iodine).

Potassium iodide preparations are recognized as the most popular drugs for pregnant women:

  • Iodide.
  • Iodomarin. Assign for the prevention and treatment of the thyroid gland. The use of this drug compensates for the lack of iodine in the body. This is especially important during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Potassium iodide. This drug is well absorbed by the body and quickly crosses the placenta, so be sure to follow the right dose so as not to cause an overdose.
  • Iodine active. Biological supplement to replenish iodine in the body. With iodine deficiency, the component is quickly absorbed, and with an excess, the active substance does not pass into the blood, but is excreted from the body naturally, without entering the thyroid gland.

These drugs are prescribed at a dosage of 200-250 mcg per day. Tablets are taken once after meals (preferably in the morning) and washed down with plenty of liquid. For prevention, it is necessary to start taking iodine preparations for pregnant women at least a few months before the planned pregnancy. This will reduce the lack of trace elements in the most important first semester of pregnancy.

At the planning stage and throughout pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of iodine in the body. Be sure to take the necessary blood tests to be sure that the body of the expectant mother and the future baby will have enough for the development and further growth of this microelement.

In Russia, about 70% of the population is iodine deficient. This element is an important part of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. With a decrease in its activity, metabolism is disturbed, intelligence and working capacity decrease, and irritability appears. Iodine deficiency is exacerbated at various periods of life: in adolescence, in the elderly, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Prevention of iodine deficiency during childbearing should be carried out for all 9 months. The lack of this element leads to serious complications, the most dangerous of which are miscarriage, mental retardation of the child. Iodomarin during pregnancy is prescribed to almost all women. It is the most common drug for the prevention of deficient conditions.

In Russia, iodine deficiency is found in all regions, even in Primorye. In this regard, the model of universal prevention of deficiency has been adopted. Pregnant women need this element in even greater quantities than other groups of people, because it is necessary for the normal development of the fetus, in particular, its nervous system.

The daily requirement of pregnant and lactating women for iodine is 200 mcg. At the same time, on average, about 40-60 mcg of it comes with food. It is obvious that one cannot do without preparations containing iodine. Thus, pregnancy can be considered one of the indications for taking Iodomarin. This drug is prescribed to prevent pathologies of fetal development and spontaneous miscarriage.

Contraindications for the appointment of the drug Iodomarin during pregnancy are hyperthyroidism, hypersensitivity to pharmacological doses of iodine, thyroid cancer (or suspicion of it). Also, it should not be used for hypothyroidism, caused not by iodine deficiency, but by other reasons.

Iodomarin and pregnancy: instruction

In the body, iodine ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It takes part in the production of hormones. If this element is not enough, then the functioning of the nervous system, heart and immunity is disrupted. A person feels constant fatigue, irritability, memory deteriorates, efficiency decreases, sexual desire decreases, headaches and muscle pains appear.

During pregnancy, the need for this trace element increases. Taking Iodomarin avoids health problems not only for the mother, but also for the child.

Iodomarin in the early stages

Iodomarin in the early stages of pregnancy is especially necessary for a woman, since the child does not yet have its own thyroid gland, and its condition is completely determined by the mother's hormones. In the 1st trimester, the laying and formation of all organs and systems takes place. A lack of iodine causes a change in the level of hormones in a woman, which can affect these processes. The formation of the brain in the fetus is most severely disturbed and subsequently serious pathologies develop in the psychomotor sphere (cretinism).

Taking Iodomarin during pregnancy and during its planning reduces the risk of miscarriage and arrest in the development of the fetus. In order for the body to be prepared for bearing a child, it is worth starting to drink pills already six months before the intended conception.

Iodomarin in the later stages

When a doctor prescribes Iodomarin during pregnancy, a woman has a question: how long to take the drug? The need for iodine remains high throughout all 9 months, as well as during breastfeeding.

If this element is not enough in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, then the risk of developing the fetus, malformations, and congenital hypothyroidism is high. In the later stages, active growth and development of the skeleton occurs.

At the bone tissue level, thyroid hormones are involved in two processes:

  • in the division of cells from which bones are formed;
  • in the deposition of minerals - calcium and phosphorus - in the bone substance.

Thus, the development of bone and cartilage tissue directly depends on the intake of iodine in the body of the unborn child.

Iodomarin is necessary for a woman not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding. Iodine deficiency can cause insufficient milk supply, and in severe cases, a complete cessation of its production.

How to take Iodomarin during pregnancy

Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy is prescribed most often, the instructions for it contain information that it is enough for expectant mothers to take 1 tablet per day. The number "200" in this case means the amount of iodine in 1 pc. (200 mcg).

If the nearest pharmacy has only Iodomarin 100, during pregnancy it will be necessary to take 2 tablets per day. The same dosage is relevant for the period of breastfeeding.

Iodomarin during pregnancy as a means of preventing a deficiency state should be taken 1 time per day, after meals. There is an opinion that the absorption of iodine will occur better if you take the pill with milk, but there is no clinical evidence for this. You can drink the drug with any liquid.

How to drink Iodomarin during pregnancy? The body of each woman is unique, so the doctor will determine the exact dosage of Iodomarin during pregnancy.

Possible side effects

Iodomarin during pregnancy is prescribed by doctors almost without fear, since side effects from taking it are extremely rare. All of them refer to cases of individual intolerance to pharmacological doses of iodine - more than 1000 mcg / day. In other words, adverse reactions can develop with excessive use of the drug. The dose of Iodomarin during pregnancy is 200 mcg / day, it is called physiological and cannot harm either the child or the mother.

If you accidentally drink a large number of tablets, you should immediately seek medical help. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, a metallic taste in the mouth, and darkening of the mucous membranes may occur.

During pregnancy, the intake of a sufficient amount of iodine in the body of a woman prevents intrauterine growth retardation, disturbances in the formation of the nervous and skeletal systems of the fetus, and the appearance of hypothyroidism in the newborn. One of the most serious consequences of iodine deficiency are miscarriage, cretinism in a child (mental and physical retardation). Also, this element preserves the health of the expectant mother: normalizes metabolism, serves as a preventive measure for certain diseases of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

It is best to start drinking Iodomarin tablets even at the stage of pregnancy planning, the drug has a positive effect on the quality of the reproductive system. During pregnancy, its constant intake is necessary in doses recommended by the doctor. After the birth of a child, it contributes to the production of a sufficient amount of breast milk. How to take and how much to drink Iodomarin during pregnancy and after childbirth, a specialist will tell the woman.

Useful video about Iodomarin