Positive parents have negative child consequences. Rh negative parents

pregnancy calculators

Here you can calculate the blood type of the child by the blood types of the parents, find out how the blood type is transmitted from parents to children, see the table of blood types of children and parents.

Specify the blood types of the parents

The division of people into 4 blood groups, which is widespread throughout the world, is based on the AB0 system. A and B are erythrocyte antigens (agglutinogens). If a person does not have them, then his blood belongs to the first group (0). If there is only A - to the second, only B - to the third, and if both A and B - to the fourth (see). An accurate determination of blood belonging to a particular group is possible only in laboratory conditions using special sera.

According to the Rh factor, the entire population of the globe is divided into its owners (Rh-positive) and those who do not have this factor (Rh-negative). The absence of Rh does not affect health in any way. However, a woman has a child with her, especially during repeated pregnancies, if this factor is absent in her blood, but it is in the baby's blood.

Blood type inheritance in theory

The inheritance of blood groups and the Rh factor occurs according to the well-studied laws of genetics. To understand this process a little, you will need to recall the school curriculum in biology and consider specific examples.

From parents to a child, genes are transmitted that carry information about the presence or absence of agglutinogens (A, B or 0), as well as the presence or absence of the Rh factor. Simplified, the genotypes of people of different blood groups are written as follows:

  • The first blood type is 00. This person received one 0 (“zero”) from his mother, the other from his father. Accordingly, a person with the first group can pass only 0 to his offspring.
  • The second blood type is AA or A0. A child from such a parent can be given A or 0.
  • The third blood type is BB or B0. Either B or 0 is inherited.
  • The fourth blood group is AB. Either A or B is inherited.

As for the Rh factor, it is inherited as a dominant trait. This means that if it is transmitted to a person from at least one of the parents, then it will definitely manifest itself.

If both parents are Rh negative, then all children in their family will also not have it. If one parent has an Rh factor and the other does not, the child may or may not have Rh. If both parents are Rh-positive, then in at least 75% of cases the child will also be positive. However, the appearance in such a family of a baby with a negative Rh is not nonsense. This is quite likely if the parents are heterozygous - i.e. have genes responsible for both the presence of the Rh factor, and for its absence. In practice, this can be assumed simply - to ask blood relatives. It is likely that among them there will be an Rh-negative person.

Specific examples of inheritance:

The simplest option, but also quite rare: both parents have the first negative blood group. A child in 100% of cases will inherit their group.

Another example: mom's blood type is the first positive, dad's is the fourth negative. A child can get 0 from mom, and A or B from dad. So, the possible options will be A0 (group II), B0 (group III). Those. the blood type of the baby in such a family will never coincide with the parent. The Rh factor can be either positive or negative.

In a family where one of the parents has a second negative blood group, and the second has a third positive blood type, it is possible to have a baby with any of the four blood groups and any Rh value. For example, a child can receive A or 0 from the mother, and B or 0 from the father. Accordingly, the following combinations are possible: AB (IV), A0 (II), B0 (III), 00 (I).

Table of probabilities of having a child with a certain blood type with the corresponding data on the blood types of the parents:

first second third fourth
first I - 100% I - 25%
II - 75%
I - 25%
III - 75%
II - 50%
III - 50%
second I - 25%
II - 75%
I - 6%
II - 94%
I - 6%
II - 19%
III - 19%
IV - 56%
II - 50%
III - 37%
IV - 13%
third I - 25%
III - 75%
I - 6%
II - 19%
III - 19%
IV - 56%
I - 6%
III - 94%
II - 37%
III - 50%
IV - 13%
fourth II - 50%
III - 50%
II - 50%
III - 37%
IV - 13%
II - 37%
III - 50%
IV - 13%
II - 25%
III - 25%
IV - 50%

It is worth remembering that a blood type calculated using charts, tables or calculators cannot be considered final. You can accurately find out the blood type of your baby only by the results of laboratory tests.

Questions for the article


06.08.2009, 18:27

Mom and Kiklan

06.08.2009, 18:35

From what I read, I realized that the negative ones have only negative ones.

06.08.2009, 19:18

positives can have a negative child, but negatives cannot have a positive child

06.08.2009, 20:28

The child may have an incorrectly determined Rh, and the parents too.

06.08.2009, 21:55

if Rhesus has the same mechanism as the group, then it can. ask the geneticist

Mom and Kiklan

06.08.2009, 22:17

maybe, why not? why only in one direction, explain, pliz, or throw a link. Let's say with parents Rh + Rh +, and children rh- this very Rh, what was lost on the way?

Try a search engine, I just looked at the Rhesus inheritance table, there for negative ones - 100% negative is inherited.

06.08.2009, 22:30

Patterns of inheritance of blood group and Rh factor.

Blood group inheritance is controlled by an autosomal gene. The locus of this gene is denoted by the letter I, and its three alleles by the letters A, B and 0. Alleles A and B are equally dominant, and allele 0 is recessive for both of them. There are four blood types. They correspond to the following genotypes:

First (I) 00

Second (II) AA; A0

Third (III) BB; B0

Fourth (IV) AB

Example 1:

The husband has a second blood group and is homozygous (AA)

Wife 00 + Husband AA

Gametes: 0 0 A A

Child: A0 A0 A0 A0

All children have a second blood group and are heterozygous for this trait.

Example 2:
wife has the first blood group (00)

The husband has a second blood group and is heterozygous (A0)

Wife 00 + Husband A0

Gametes: 0 0 A 0

Child: A0 A0 00 00

In this family, in 50% it is possible to have a child with the second blood group, and in 50% the birth of a child with the first blood group.

Rh factor inheritance
encoded by three pairs of genes and occurs regardless of the inheritance of the blood type. The most significant gene is denoted by the Latin letter D. It can be dominant - D, or recessive - d. The genotype of a Rh-positive person can be homozygous - DD, or heterozygous - Dd. The genotype of a Rh-negative person can be - dd.

Example 1:

Husband is Rh positive and heterozygous (Dd)

wife dd + husband dd

Gametes: d d D d

Child: Dd Dd dd dd

In this family, the probability of having an Rh-positive child is 50% and the probability of having an Rh-negative child is also 50%.

Example 2:
wife is Rh negative (dd)

Husband is Rh positive and homozygous for this trait (DD)

Wife dd + Husband DD

Gametes: d d D D

Child: Dd Dd Dd Dd

In this family, the probability of having a Rh-positive child is 100%.

I continue the topic.

gametes D d D d
children DD+, Dd+ , Dd+ and dd -

I do not claim the truth.

06.08.2009, 22:54

Maybe. I have an IV-, my husband has an I-. Considered, that at children can only otrits. She gave birth to the second child at 1r / d (Rhesus-conflict) and there, at birth, all children are determined by the blood type. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that the child had II+. (I’m sure of my husband’s paternity :))) I asked the doctor why such a group turned out, maybe the analysis was mixed up? I was told that this could be. Now I want to know the blood group of the eldest son. Maybe not in the mother or in the father either :)

06.08.2009, 23:00

Maybe. I have an IV-, my husband has an I-.
Considered, that at children can only otrits. She gave birth to the second child at 1r / d (Rhesus-conflict) and there, at birth, all children are determined by the blood type. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that the child had II+. (I am sure of the paternity of my husband :)))
I asked the doctor why such a group turned out, maybe the analysis was mixed up?
I was told that this could be.
Now I want to know the blood group of the eldest son. Maybe not in the mother or in the father either :)
if your child was Rh-conflict, then he was positive. This has been confirmed. So my husband's rhesus is wrong.
"Conflict" children have only "negative" women.
Well, you know better about paternity.;):) Most likely, the Rhesus was incorrectly determined for the husband. Mei bi cross reaction...
well, we all solved the problems a page earlier.


06.08.2009, 23:16

She reassured her parents and sent everyone to retake blood.


07.08.2009, 14:43

I continue the topic.
examples not previously discussed.
3. wife with Rh positive heterozygote Dd and husband with positive heterozygote Dd
gametes D d D d
children DD+, Dd+ , Dd+ and dd -

4. well, dd and dd (both negative parents) cannot have either heterozygous Dd or homozygous DD positive children, only dd-, dd-, dd-, dd-. :(
because here the zygotes are only d d d d

5. Dd is positive. one parent + DD pos. other = all positive homo DD DD and hetero Dd Dd children

6. DD+ and DD+ positive parents = only homozygous positive DD DD DD DD children.

Maybe there are pitfalls?
I do not claim the truth.

When I was pregnant, my husband and I also read something like this. A daughter was born - a group like hers cannot be! (According to the table:).) The husband came to the doctors, stomped his feet - "you have incorrectly determined, redefine immediately!" He was driven away with the words "go, young man, everything is right, and this also happens."
Pys. This is OUR daughter. No options.

07.08.2009, 17:13

07.08.2009, 18:15

I'll tell you too. Zaberemenev, has gone on the analysis by definition gr. blood. I always knew that I had 1-, and in the certificate from the maternity hospital it is written (when I was born). According to the results of LCD: 1+. I had to retake it again in another place - the same thing. I called my mother: she, too, to which my mother screams in a tube: just don’t tell dad (there was no reason, but he is very suspicious - “first he beats, then he understands” :)). My mother donated blood, she also became a +, then my father was prepared and his blood was donated, he also turned out to be a +. So for 25 years my family went all "-", and during my pregnancy everyone became "+". I note that dad, in his youth, donated blood several times, there was always a "-", pr mum's ber. Same. No transfusions were done.

07.08.2009, 19:32

Well, it's simple!
Rh-negative parents can only have Rh-negative re.
Approximately 80% of the human population has a Rh antigen (conditionally called Rh-positive). But others do not. (Rh-negative) if neither mom nor dad has this antigen, where does it come from? all the stories when Rh-positive children are born to Rh-negative parents are most likely an error in determining the Rh of the parents or re.

07.08.2009, 22:32

About homo and heterozygotes, I think I know more than you.


Genetics is a science. This is not guesswork for you!

07.08.2009, 22:41

Well, what I know, only I know;)
and in categorical things it is not permissible to write IMHO, IMHO ... Well, you write book truths.
Okay, gone :020:

Dasha Petya

07.08.2009, 23:07

all the same, I’ll correct myself ... I wrote some nonsense at first.
There is a variant of a "weak" Rh factor, when laboratory errors are very likely. They can determine the "-" Rh, when in fact it is "weak", but "+". Then the probability of having a child with "+" is.

07.08.2009, 23:31

09.08.2009, 18:51

About homo and heterozygotes, I think I know more than you.
Rh antigen-dominant. if it is, then in any case, the Rh will be positive.
RhRh-homozygote. Rh-positive
Rhh-heterozygote. Rh-positive.
rhrh- and only in this case Rh-negative.
IMHO about the eyes and skin color: features such as hair, skin and eye color are not encoded by ONE GENE, but by a combination of several at once.
Genetics is a science. This is not guesswork for you.!}