Ural volunteer: “The boy began to move and I felt so good. Little Dima has chances. Three Incredible Stories of Rescuing Lost Children in the Woods

For the fourth day near the Reftinskoye reservoir, a large-scale search operation continues. Several hundred rescuers, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard and volunteers are trying to find four-year-old Dima Peskov, who disappeared in the forest on the morning of June 10.

The boy, along with his parents, came to nature. In the area of ​​the reservoir, the adults pitched a tent, the mother remained in place, and the father and son went for firewood. After some time, the boy asked to come back, and since it was about 10 meters to go, the father let the child go alone. However, Dima never made it to the tent.

On June 11, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region opened a criminal case under Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Causing death by negligence”). Investigators say there is no evidence that the boy died. However, the initiation of a criminal case allows more investigative actions to be carried out in order to clarify the circumstances of the disappearance of children.

Meanwhile, the chances of finding the child alive are fading: heavy rains have passed these days, and a search quadcopter spotted a bear in this area. These circumstances complicate the search for little Dima. In parallel, the security forces are checking the boy's parents on a lie detector. The mother of the missing child works as a junior teacher in a kindergarten. The father has multiple convictions.

Valery Gorelykh, press secretary of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region:

Dima's dad was convicted several times, including for arms trafficking and theft. The police were alerted by the fact that the mother soon left after the child went missing, citing the fact that she became cold. Only the father remained. When questioning the legal representatives of the child, detectives use a polygraph.

Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed, the chances of finding the baby alive still remain. the site recalls three stories of the miraculous rescue of children who wandered in the forests from 3 to 11 days.

Three-year-old Karina Chikitova: 11 days in the taiga

Karina disappeared in the Yakut taiga on July 29, 2014. The little girl, together with her puppy Naida, quietly went into the forest from the yard of a private house in the small village of Olom. The mother did not immediately notice the loss of the child - she decided that the girl's father had taken her, but this was not so. As a result, the search began only on August 2. More than a hundred people came out to look for the child and the dog: rescuers, policemen, volunteers. A helicopter and two drones circled over the taiga around the clock.

In Yakutia at night - even in summer - the air temperature can drop to zero degrees. At the same time, wild animals, a lot of midges, are found in dense forests.

It was only on August 9 that the child was found. All this time the girl spent in the forest in a T-shirt and tights. Most likely, it was the presence of a dog nearby that warmed her that helped little Karina survive. The girl ate mushrooms, leaves and berries, drank water from streams. Experts note that on such a meager diet, an adult, and even a panicked person, could not survive. Due to less energy consumption, the child needs less food.

Schoolgirls near Moscow: 8 days in the Sverdlovsk forests

On July 25, 2007, two schoolgirls from the Moscow region, 16-year-old Masha Sorokina and 12-year-old Masha Tarnopolskaya, disappeared in the Denezhkin Kamen reserve in the Sverdlovsk region. Girls from the "Young Biologist" circle of the Moscow Zoo arrived in the Middle Urals with a group of ecologists who set up a field camp in the reserve. That day they were instructed to find insects, describe them and return back. However, two schoolgirls did not come to the camp.

The girls managed to survive thanks to the fact that they had protective clothing - rubber boots, capes. In addition to equipment, the girls took a compass, a map and a pack of cookies with them from the camp. They were also lucky that these days the weather was good in the Sverdlovsk region, and there were enough berries, mushrooms and water in the forest. Children spent the night on the branches of trees. They traveled more than 120 kilometers from the Sverdlovsk region to the neighboring Perm region. Wandering through the forest, the girls did not even throw away their nets, with which they caught insects.

Six-year-old boy: 3 days in the forest near Kursk

On May 23, 2017, near Kursk, a six-year-old boy went for a walk with his dog in the woods and disappeared. The child's relatives contacted the police only the next morning, trying to find the preschooler on their own.

A thousand people searched for the child for three days. The boy in the company of a dog was found on the afternoon of May 26. The child lost two kilograms of weight and was exhausted, but in general his condition did not cause concern. He said that he saw people in uniform, but was afraid to approach strangers. His dog helped - the dog barked loudly when he heard footsteps.

All this time the boy practically did not eat or drink anything. As the doctors said, it was lucky that the weather was good and it was warm in the forest, the lost boy did not freeze.

Meanwhile, the EMERCOM of Russia reminds parents what to do so that your child does not get lost, and how to behave if this does happen.

First. Dress your child in bright clothes. This will help you not to lose sight of it. Do not use green or dark colors in summer, beige or brown in autumn and spring, white or gray in winter. Sew on reflectors on the sleeves of your clothes and on your trousers - this increases the chances of being seen in the dark.

Second. Explain to the child that if he is lost, he must stay in one place. If he runs or walks aimlessly, he may go too far. People who are looking for a person in the forest move very slowly, looking for signs and clues.

Third. Stick together. If a child is lost with a friend or a pet, then they should not disperse in order to keep warm, cuddling up to each other.

Fourth. Avoid wild animals. They themselves avoid a person, but if the meeting still happened, you should not be scared and panic. Predators attack a person only if they are injured and cannot find other prey or protect cubs. Therefore, you can not move and attack yourself: give the animal the opportunity to calmly leave. And with his aggressive behavior, use a stick and noise as protection: shout louder, knock on wood. Remember that you cannot turn your back on the animal and run away - this will be regarded by him as a signal to attack.

Fifth. If the child hears a noise at night, have him yell or whistle in response. If it's an animal, it will run away to protect itself. If this is a search engine, then there is a chance that the baby will be found. Fear of the dark and dangerous animals cause panic in children, so never scare them with animals that live in the forest. They need reassurance so they feel safe staying put.

Rescue teams are asking for the help of volunteers in search of little Dima Peskov. Phone coordinator of the detachment "Lisa Alert" - 8–965–51–32–298 (Nikita). Phone coordinator of the Sokol detachment - 8–963–44–24–141.

Little Dima, who disappeared at the Reftinsky reservoir on Saturday, June 10, was found alive, according to the Sokol and Liza Alert search teams.

- CHILD FOUND! ALIVE!! Thank you all for your help, we couldn't have done it without you. The boy was found 7 km from the headquarters. His condition is serious, now he is being evacuated from the place, - they wrote in the detachment.

The information was confirmed by the Sverdlovsk police and the Investigative Committee of the TFR.

- Today, during the search activities at the place of the possible location of the child, one of the search groups found 4-year-old Dima. It was found in the area of ​​power lines, not far from the swamp. The boy is in an exhausted state, the issue of evacuating the child by helicopter is now being resolved, - Valery Gorelykh, press secretary of the department, told E1.RU.

The baby was brought to the Asbest hospital, where he was given first aid, and then taken by helicopter to Yekaterinburg. We are live streaming the rescue of the boy.

The boy's father is now on his way to the place where the child was found.

“I’ll hug him now, and then I’ll thank everyone who participated in the search!” Thank you all very much,” Andrey Peskov said.

The regional Ministry of Health reported that Dima would be taken to the Asbest hospital by ambulance. The children's resuscitation team of the Disaster Medicine Center went there. Doctors will decide whether they will provide medical assistance to the boy on the spot or whether he needs to be transported to one of the hospitals in Yekaterinburg.

“So far, all that is known is that the condition is serious,” said Konstantin Shestakov, spokesman for the Ministry of Health. - This, of course, is not surprising. But the doctors have not examined him yet, so all the details later.

Dima Peskov was found 7 km from his parents' tent.

Eyewitnesses report that an ambulance arrived in the forest where Dima was found.

Dozens of people meet Dima, thousands more are happy for him on social networks.

Baby Dima was brought by helicopter to Yekaterinburg.

Dima was carried in his arms from the helicopter to the resuscitation vehicle. He is conscious.

Dima was taken away in an intensive care vehicle with flashing lights and special signals on to the 9th Children's Hospital. He will have to drive through traffic jams for another 25-30 minutes.

The regional Ministry of Health reported that Dima was already in the emergency room of the CSTO No. 1. They decided not to take him to the 9th hospital.

Psychologist Anna Kiryanova spoke about the situation with the lost Dima on her Facebook page:

"The boy was found on the fifth day.

Found good people, thanks to them. May the boy recover, and those who saved be happy and healthy always, all their lives; and don't let your kids go. Don't lose sight of it. Children disappear instantly, in a second - he was there, now he is not! And there are a lot of evil people with sweets and kittens - and I personally don't give a damn - sorry for being rude - on the advice to "let one go", "accustom to independence", "unhook from your skirt". Let them teach and unhook their own, although it would not be necessary either. A child is a child; He didn't even have a fully developed brain, you know? And the fact that he judiciously promises not to trust anyone else or not to open the door means absolutely nothing. And most of the children who reasonably explained that it was impossible to leave with strangers, left with strangers - this was such an experiment. Because kids are gullible. And they can simply get lost and disappear - they are poorly oriented, children. And they can step under the car, looking at something. Well, let them accuse me of hyperprotection - this is nothing. In the wrong advice - and this is nothing. The safety of the child is what matters. And irresponsible advice - the advice of those who never lived on the outskirts of an industrial city; I have never been in the Ural forest or in our village. Lead the child by the hand as long as you can. Don't let go if you can. And a hundred times check those to whom you trust the child. And you can scold me for unprofessional advice - I'm a mother. And I love children. More than those who accustom them to misunderstood independence. And he lets go to the store across the street at the age of five. Or with pies to grandmother through a terrible forest ... "

At that moment, Dima Peskov was examined by the chief physician of the CSTO No. 1, Oleg Averyanov. The child is now in the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation. After the examination, the doctors will talk about his condition.

Dima is now being examined by doctors from the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1.

The chief physician of the CSTO No. 1, Oleg Averyanov, talks about Dima's condition:

- There is serious hypothermia and severe stress. He talks, but with difficulty. The boy is willing to drink, they put a dropper, we will slowly feed him.

The head physician said that Dima had general hypothermia. He caught a cold at night. The boy was very badly bitten by mosquitoes, especially his face. Also, the face was sunburnt. The head physician of the hospital noted that the boy was saved by the warm jacket he was wearing when he got lost.

“There is a risk of pneumonia and kidney failure,” the doctor added. - We will give the ticks to the laboratory for research, the boy was injected with anti-tick immunoglobulin. We'll see if it freezes or not.

Oleg Averyanov also said that the situation would have been much worse if Dima had not drunk water from swamps and lakes.

At best, Dima will have to spend several days in intensive care.

Dima's father left Asbest for Yekaterinburg - to the hospital to see his son.

By the way, the National Guard reported that all five days radio communication with rescuers, volunteers and employees of the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Russian Guard was provided by the company commander of the Asbestov Regional Military District, police lieutenant Dmitry Yazov. Thank you, Dmitry!

The guys from the Sokol rescue squad told how they found the boy - right to the minute. They say that Pavel, who was the first to find little Dima, first transmitted on the radio: "I have a load of 200 here," and after a few seconds he got in touch again and shouted "Alive!"

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Sverdlovsk Region reported that active participants in the search operation and volunteer Pavel Karpenko, who discovered the baby, will be presented with medals of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Mom and dad Dima Peskov came to the hospital to see their son.

The parents said that they do not yet know what condition their son is in - they have not yet talked with the doctors. Andrey and Alfiya are now heading to the ward for the child.

“He never got lost, never ran away, I can’t even understand why he ran away,” said Dima’s mother. He never walked alone, only with me by the hand. I have always believed that he is alive. I had the feeling all five days that he was alive.

Parents believe that Dima's self-preservation instinct worked, so he guessed to eat grass and eventually survived. How to act if Dima gets lost, the parents never discussed with him, because they could not even imagine that this would happen.

Parents have not seen Dima since the very morning - from the moment he was taken by helicopter from Asbest and brought to Yekaterinburg.

Poems are already dedicated to little Dima. In the group "People's Television of Asbest" in "Odnoklassniki" they published a poem about saving the boy.

Like the worst dream
There is a picture in the eyes -
Alone in the woods
Swamps impenetrable,
Only the sun was warmed
And with a pure soul
Gone for miles
I was filled with the river.
And quietly falling asleep
A cry flew through the forest:
"He's too small," they shouted
From broadcast screens.
In bottomless despair
In such big eyes
Sorrow and pain splashed,
Life before ... And then fear.
He walked, not knowing the roads,
God willing, go ahead.
Found! Alive! Boy!
Bon Voyage.
Live and make dad happy
And you love mom
And remember that date
When they found you!

And a resident of Yekaterinburg, Olga, even decided to name her son in honor of Pavel Karpenko, a volunteer who found little Dima this morning. She wrote about this on Pasha's VKontakte page.

About how Pasha discovered the boy,.

Our correspondent said that Dima's parents left the hospital. They did not want to communicate with journalists and left through the back door.

Text: Alyona KHAZINUROVA, Anastasia ROVNUSHKINA, Ilya KAZAKOV, Irina AKHMETSHINA, Maria IGNATOVA, Sergey PANIN; Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region; Artyom USTYUZHANIN; Sergei PANIN; Ilya KAZAKOV / E1.RU; vk.com; E1.RU readers; Video: Ruslan SHARAFUTDINOV; Sergei PANIN; Maxim BUTUSOV / E1.RU; life.ru; Map: Pyotr GINDIN / E1.RU

All last weekend and the beginning of this week, residents of the Sverdlovsk region followed the news from Asbest. There, in the forest near the Reftinsky reservoir, a boy got lost. At the age of four, the child lost everything in one second - food, phone, parents. Day and night, hundreds of people were looking for him - volunteers, rescuers, police. His father and mother were even checked on a lie detector. All to no avail, until the incredible message appeared on Wednesday morning - found! alive! At that moment, our film crew was in the forest.

Complete strangers embrace and jump in place for joy. A real miracle happened - four days later, a lost baby was found in the forest near Asbest.

Volunteers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police, cynologists and simply caring Sverdlovsk residents took part in the rescue operation. There are more than six hundred people in total. And so, when hope was almost exhausted, one of the search parties brought good news.

The child, who was lost last Saturday in the forest, near the Reftinskoye reservoir, was found alive, the security forces report, now the police are working on the spot, volunteers are not allowed to see him

The boy's father cannot find words to thank everyone who participated in saving his son.

Andrey Peskov, father of a lost boy: “The most, most important thing is a word of thanks: thank you for looking for him for so long, that he is alive and well, and thanks to your efforts we found him, bow to all of you.”

Immediately after the good news, the police and doctors went to the place where the boy was found. Meanwhile, Pavel Karpenko returned to the camp. The volunteer who found the baby does not consider himself a hero. He said that he found the child about ten kilometers from the place of loss, under a power line.

Pavel Karpenko, volunteer: “I see a birch tree, I see such iron cones on it, I tore them off, I go behind the birch, and there is a child, I was just shaking. They saw grass in him, and asked if you ate grass? He nodded his head yes.

The boy was lost on Saturday, June 10th. Parents with a child rested on the banks of the Reftinskoye reservoir. At some point, they were distracted, and the baby went into the forest. For more than four days he remained alone in the thicket. According to doctors, little Dima was saved from death by the fact that he was warmly dressed. And mature beyond his years. And yet he is severely emaciated.

Mikhail Zheleznov, deputy chief physician for medical work at the Asbest ambulance station: “At the moment, the child has a normal temperature, oxygen in the blood is slightly lower, and, most likely, some kind of pneumonia, because there are wheezing in the lungs and certain difficulties in breathing. Bitten by ticks, according to his parents, he was vaccinated against encephalitis.

It was decided to take the boy to the first regional children's hospital. To do this, a helicopter was sent for the child. Yevgeny Kuyvashev kept the work to save the baby under personal control. In his opinion, this state of emergency rallied all the inhabitants of the Sverdlovsk region.

Evgeny Kuyvashev, Acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region: “It's worth a lot! And, of course, this once again shows how important it is to unite in order to achieve a truly noble goal. It is indicative how many ordinary people from the Urals went out in search, how many people express their readiness to help the child and his family now.”

Now the boy is in the children's regional hospital. His health is monitored by the entire Sverdlovsk region, if not Russia. On Friday, he was able to eat on his own. Igor Trofimov, Minister of Health of the region, spoke about this on the air of the Focus on OTV program.

Igor Trofimov, Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region: “We still assess the boy's condition as serious, but it is progressively improving. From today, Dima is already eating very well. If before that he was drinking water uncontrollably, despite the droppers, because the boy was very dehydrated. Today he is already eating, he has no temperature.”

Dima's suspicions of pneumonia were not confirmed. However, while doctors are waiting for the final results of the studies to give a prognosis for health reasons. Several ticks were removed from the baby, they were sent to the laboratory to be tested for encephalitis.

In the meantime, the rescuers said that all participants in the search operation and the volunteer Pavel Karpenko, who discovered the baby, will be presented with medals from the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Mikhail Yakunin

The three-year-old boy, whom his parents lost, was found in the forests of North Carolina. He said that "my parents worried for nothing, because I just went to play with the bear." The child is not in danger, he is fine. But who is to blame for the fact that he was alone in the forest: inattentive parents or the baby's desire to play with a clubfoot friend? Hard to say.

The forests of North Carolina are rich in diversity. It's nice to walk around here, but it's easy to get lost. Especially when you are three years old.

Two days 3-year-old Casey Hathaway no one could find. All that the mother of the missing child remembers is that the last time she saw him, he was playing in his grandmother's yard with two other children. And then, obviously, he went into the forest.

Everyone was involved in the search for the boy: from friends and the police to unmanned aircraft. Finding a three-year-old child in more than 1,000 acres of forest seemed an impossible task. Some expected the worst, fearing that it could simply freeze: for several days in the area, the temperature was below zero and there were heavy rains.

A child's cry from a thorn bush

Lisa Fraker, who also joined the search party, returned home late at night and decided to take her dogs for a walk. As soon as she went outside from the house, she heard a baby crying. Fraker gave the command to the dogs "Home!", and she herself went to the sound that she heard all the time.

“I remember one of my colleagues coming back and saying that he also heard something. We ran there and found the boy there,” Fraker said.

Rescue Captain Shane Grier said that Casey got tangled in a thorn bush. But he's all right.

“You can tell he was very cold, so we immediately started warming him up as soon as we got to the car,” Greer said. “The more we warmed him up, the better he felt.”

Casey told who he played with in the woods

The boy was taken to the hospital. There were wounds and bruises on Casey's body. However, everything went without any serious consequences for health. What his aunt Brianna wrote about on her Facebook page.

“Casey is healthy, smiling and talking. He said he had been playing with the bear for two days. The Lord sent him a friend to keep him safe,” Brianna wrote.

One of Casey's favorite cartoons is Russian " Masha and the Bear". And what would you do in the place of the mother of this baby, if the children disappeared in the forest?

A few days in the forest, alone. A four-year-old boy who got lost in the Urals on Saturday was found by rescuers. He is in shock, pneumonia is suspected, but the main thing is that the child is alive. The trouble happened on June 10: the family went on a hike. The father let go of his son by a few meters. All these days, parents and search engines did not lose hope and a real miracle happened.

Without food and water, adults cannot be called for help. Where to go is unknown. Like in a horror movie. Four-year-old Dima wandered through the forest and swamps. In his footsteps, day and night, there were search engines. Some are with guns.

Over the weekend, the Peskov family went to rest on the Reftinskoe reservoir. The boy went with his father to the forest for firewood, but almost immediately asked his mother, who remained in a tent, 100 meters away. Dad let him go, thinking that the parking lot was within easy reach, the son would not get lost. Nobody has seen Dima since then.

“More than 50 people were interrogated as witnesses. Relatives, employees of the kindergarten he attends, as well as fishermen who were on the shore of the reservoir on the day the boy disappeared, ”said Maxim Chalkov, assistant head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk Region.

More than 500 people searched for the boy. Drones tried to detect it from the air. Divers examined the bottom of the reservoir. Rescuers, policemen and just volunteers.

They combed the shore around the perimeter. Looked out for a place around the tent. The search diameter had to be expanded to four kilometers. As a result, Dima was found much further.

The rescuer who found the child says: the forest is dense, there is a swamp all around, he fought off the search party and almost got lost himself.

“I go behind a birch - a child is lying, I was already shaking everything, I let's shout into the radio: “He's here!” - says Pavel Karpenko.

Frightened, exhausted, four-year-old Dima did not immediately understand what had happened to him. Usually talkative, he was unable to utter a word even when he saw his parents.

“At first he only mumbled, could not speak. Scared!” - says the boy's mother Alevtina Shainurova.

“The fifth day, like hungry. He ate some pestles, drank water from the swamp. He supported himself, of course. I ate grass, ”says the father of the child, Andrei Peskov.

It is good that the boy was dressed warmly, the temperature was six degrees, it was raining.

“There is a hypothermia syndrome, the stress is very serious. How this will affect his organs will be seen in the near future, ”said Oleg Averyanov, chief physician of the regional clinical hospital.

Dima is not the only one who was born in a shirt. Seven-year-old Vitya from the Kursk region went to his grandmother in a neighboring village, as a result, he wandered through the forest for three days. Rescuers were brought to him by a mongrel, with whom he set off.

Thanks to the puppy, four-year-old Karina from Yakutia also survived. The dog saved the girl from the cold for two weeks in the forest, while they were looking for her.

Dima Peskov will remain in the hospital in the coming days. As the doctors say, the condition is serious, but he will recover quickly. He will move away from the shock and then he will be able to tell what really happened to him.