Birthday gift for a one year old. Choosing a gift for a child on his first birthday

Choosing a gift for a birthday is a very responsible task, especially if the birthday person is a child. Due to the developmental characteristics of a one-year-old child, many adults find it difficult to decide on a gift.

What is worth considering?

Usually choosing a gift for children is not so difficult, but a year old is the date when choosing a present is the most difficult. On the one hand, it is customary to celebrate the first birthday on an equal footing with everyone else, on the other hand, age does not yet allow the baby to have his own interests and hobbies, moreover, he most likely does not even understand what is happening. This holiday, to a greater extent, is for parents, but the gift is given to the main hero of the occasion, which means that it should directly concern him.

Interestingly, even the tried and tested children's version - sweets - will not work here. The fact is that it is undesirable for a baby to eat sweets and chocolate at such a young age, since his digestive system is not yet ready for such serious food. Therefore, it is better to refrain from gifts of this kind, regardless of how high their quality is.

Most often, at this stage of life, it is advised to give either useful educational or simply simple toys. Almost certainly, various pyramids and cubes will be successful, and balls are always relevant. At one year old, a girl will be happy with a doll, and a boy will not refuse a car, although this option seems to be growth-oriented.

Keep in mind that with a relatively small selection of possible gifts, it is important not to repeat what the baby already has, because the age of one year is too early for such disappointments. Ask the parents if their child has something you are planning to buy - they may even give you a specific idea of ​​what might really be useful. If possible, check with other guests as well so that the gifts do not match.

Present types

If you already have children of your own, you probably have an idea of ​​what a child needs at that age. But you can’t do without a hint if you haven’t got your children yet. When thinking about possible options for a gift, you should choose one of three categories: the present should have a developing, entertaining or practical function.


Perhaps all parents want their child to grow and develop as soon as possible, which, of course, is also useful for him. For more than a century, child psychologists and educators have been inventing various tricks that help develop logic, intelligence and memory, as well as motor skills, contribute to the study of letters and numbers, and so on.

The trick is to captivate, interest the child - for this, the task must be dressed in a playful form. At 12 months old, most educational toys still do not fit the birthday boy, but if you focus only on the simplest ideas, then this can bring success. Consider the most popular options for such a gift for a one-year-old baby:

  • Rug puzzle . Such a solution looks very bright, and, in addition to the developmental purpose, it can also be an excellent decoration for the interior of a nursery. It is located where it is most convenient for the owner - on the floor. Develops various aspects of a small personality, in particular, attentiveness and thinking, depending on the model, it can also contribute to the study of numbers and letters. In the end, it is also just a rug that reduces the trauma of the birthday boy.
  • Constructors. It’s still too early for an engineering designer or Lego, but something simpler will definitely fit, because it develops spatial imagination and understanding of the composite whole and individual parts, and also gives an amazing result in terms of expanding the imagination and developing fine motor skills of the hands. The main thing is that the designer should not have small details that a small owner could swallow.
  • Cubes. In fact, this is the same primitive constructor, perhaps without the possibility of a strong connection of individual parts. Its advantages are the same as the previous version, and applying certain patterns or numbers to the cubes can further develop the baby's thinking.

This list, of course, is not complete, but in general, educational toys should be approximately at the level of the one named in their complexity.


Development is development, and the baby, in any case, wants to somehow have fun, even if his fun does not have any educational function. In this regard, an ordinary toy, focused on the so far low physical activity of the birthday boy, is a good way to show yourself as a guest from the best side. Ideas for such a gift might look like this:

  • Doll. For girls - an absolutely win-win gift that will appeal to at least an attractive appearance. When choosing a doll, it is important to focus on the high strength of the product - the child will almost certainly break it anyway, but it is important that he does not cut himself or swallow a piece. For the same reason, it makes no sense to buy a very expensive toy - most likely, it will still not last until the next birthday. A one-year-old Barbie is hardly needed - a doll that resembles a real person with its proportions will be more useful here.
  • Wheelchair. Under this name, a whole group of toys is combined, the obligatory features of which are the presence of wheels and a relatively long handle. Most often, these are, of course, cars, but there may also be some kind of giraffe or other animal. On the one hand, the wheelchair can stimulate the baby to learn to walk, on the other hand, parents should be careful - the presence of wheels does not allow the wheelchair to be a reliable support for the small owner. Sometimes wheelchairs are also equipped with musical accompaniment, which greatly increases its entertainment value. Ideally, you can even drive such a car or animal.
  • Jumpers - a kind of vertical swing that allows the baby to ride up and down. A great way to take the baby, give him a lot of positive emotions, develop the vestibular apparatus.


Children usually do not like gifts that are extremely practical, but parents will definitely appreciate it. It has already been mentioned above that the first birthday is a holiday to a greater extent for parents, so the right things are now more relevant than in any other childhood.

The positive effect of the gift can be enhanced if it is beautiful and bright - then there is a chance that the hero of the occasion himself will be sincerely happy with the new thing. The list of useful gifts is not so long, but each item is really useful:

  • Cloth. A year old is exactly the age when it is time to slowly begin to study the world around us, including outside the home. Even in the cradle, the baby already needs to be taught to wear clothes, and somewhere on the street or at a party, it is simply irreplaceable. A gift can be both pajamas for sleeping, and something warmer - up to clothes for winter walks.
  • Shoes. At 12 months, children can usually walk independently, albeit uncertainly, and use this skill to satisfy their own curiosity and restless restlessness. Hiking at this age is very useful for the physical development of the baby.
  • Bed sheets. Such a gift is a clear desire to provide the child with a great mood before bedtime. It's no secret that the right arrangement of a crib can calm the baby and help him fall asleep faster. Quality underwear, with the right design, can perform the same function.

Useful gifts are especially important to discuss with parents, because their use is very limited in time - the baby is growing. Perhaps, instead of the planned clothes, which the birthday boy already has enough, it would be better to give shoes that are not there at all?

Separately, there is such a gift option as a toy house or tent - of such a size that the owner, if desired, could hide in the donated shelter. Children like the opportunity to retire with their favorite toys, and if in the room they still feel the same as in the open space, then in such a house they will certainly be comfortable.

The gift ideas presented above are only what is perceived as a win-win option suitable for everyone and everyone. In fact, it will not be difficult for an inventive person to come up with more unusual gifts - for example, something that the baby will be able to appreciate in the future.

Original ideas are endless, but we'll just try to highlight the best creative gift options for the very first birthday in life:

  • Photoshoot. With the development of gadgets and digital photography, at some point it might have seemed that professional photographers would disappear, but they still exist and are popular. A certificate for a photo shoot will allow the whole family to go to the studio and capture themselves against the backdrop of various interesting scenery, and the photographer will do everything to make it look much better than ordinary everyday shots. An older child will certainly be interested in looking at himself in early childhood and at his young parents, yes and the latter should also be delighted with such a gift.

  • A gift with endurance. For example, wine. Yes, yes, do not be surprised - you can also make such gifts for children. Of course, the use of a gift is meant already in adulthood, ideally on the day of adulthood. Of course, wine must be expensive - even for instant use, cheap gifts are not given, so what can we say about a gift that will have to wait seventeen years in the wings? The bottle must be accompanied by a message. This idea is as original as it is risky - you need to be sure that the gift will not disappear during the years of waiting, and that the donor will still be somewhere around by the time the child comes of age.

  • Tree. Previously, in many families it was customary to plant a tree with the birth of a child, but now this tradition has come to naught. It's time to revive it! If the parents of the baby have their own plot of land, you can donate a tree seedling that will grow with the child. There are also risks here - it will turn out very ugly if the tree is not accepted or fades, plus there is a possibility that the land along with the tree will be sold.

  • Height meter. The phrase “when I grow up” is typical for most children, so a visual demonstration of how this process takes place can be a great gift. At the age of one year, the child can already stand on straight legs on his own, which means it's time to make the first marks, thanks to which he will just know how it all started. It is very symbolic if the one who gave the stadiometer puts the first mark personally.

In fact, there are so many options that they are limited only by your imagination. Often they give a silver spoon, a box for curls and other symbolic things. The only thing you should be guided by is some practical application of the present, because hardly anyone will call an unnecessary and useless gift good.

Since a lot has already been said about what can be presented, let's focus on things that you should not give to a one-year-old child. We will immediately discard the options that they definitely won’t think of giving to such a birthday man, leaving only what belongs to the category of common mistakes. So:

  • Do not give toys that are aimed at younger or older children. For example, a one-year-old child has already grown out of rattles - they simply will not be interesting to him for a long time. Strongly complex toys designed for children from three years old should not be given either - you will have to wait too long until they become relevant, by that time the owner may break them.
  • Good diapers and baby food only at first glance seem like an expensive and sensible gift, while in fact the choice of such things is exclusively the prerogative of parents. The fact is that the children's body is very picky, its reaction to improperly selected items of everyday use and hygiene is impossible to guess, unless you raised the birthday boy for the whole year of his previous life. There is only one situation in which such a gift is appropriate - if the parents themselves asked for just that.
  • When buying a toy, take the choice very carefully. Firstly, there are no separate small details - the children pull everything into their mouths, it is impossible for the child to choke. Secondly, soft toys are not yet relevant. Thirdly, pay attention to the materials from which the product is made - again, the child will definitely taste it, because non-environmentally friendly materials and dyes are highly undesirable. Finally, radio-controlled toys now also will not cause the expected delight - the baby cannot yet control such a complex mechanism, but the sound of the motor can even scare him.

How to do it yourself?

It is not necessary to buy a gift for a one-year-old child if you can make it yourself. Absolute hits in the field of handmade gifts for children under the age of one year are homemade photo albums and business boards.

Commemorative photo albums, for example, can be made by anyone with the skills of application and drawing. As a basis, you can use an ordinary empty photo album, but preferably on a cardboard basis, so that it is convenient to arrange. You can ask for photos of the recipient of the gift from his parents - with the current development and distribution of photographic equipment, by the year the baby will probably have more than a dozen photos, among which you can select a few of the best.

It remains to come up with some general concept for the album, sign it beautifully and decorate it with simple drawings or clippings - that's it, the gift is ready! On the first birthday of a child, parents will like this gift more, but over time, all family members will definitely appreciate it.

But if you want to please the baby with a homemade gift here and now, make a business board for him. Such a solution exists in two forms - soft and hard. Every woman can make a soft fabric-based business board - you just need to sew various buttons, pockets, zippers and locks onto the fabric, or even just one-color pieces of fabric of different textures.

A solid business board is already a task for a man: you need to attach various door fittings to the plywood base in any reliable way, such as latches and bolts, a keyboard from an old phone, cabinet door handles, sockets and switches, toggle switches, and similar small details. The point is that at this age, children are very interested in literally everything around, trying to know the world, but this is not always safe both for the child and for the subject in which he is interested.

The business board gives the baby the opportunity to safely learn the principle of operation of various simple mechanisms, expands his understanding of the tactile sensations from touching certain things, and simply allows him to keep his master busy for several hours. When creating such a toy, do not forget that its external beauty is very important, which will contribute to the greater interest of the birthday man.

When making a business board with your own hands, follow the requirements for toys for young children: do not use hazardous materials, ensure that all parts, especially small ones, are firmly attached, and make sure that neither the board itself nor its components can be injured.

How to make a business board with your own hands, see the video below.

  • Universal gifts for 1 year
  • boy

Good afternoon

The second birthday of my child is about to come, I was puzzled by gift ideas and memories of the first birthday came flooding back. What a touching day, such an important date. I would like to celebrate the baby's one year in a special way, to receive the desired and necessary gifts. What to give a child for a year? Thus, I, as an experienced mother in this matter, will give a detailed list of gifts for a child for 1 year.

As a rule, those invited to a birthday ask their parents what it is better to give. But there are cases when parents themselves do not know what they want or answer: “We don’t need anything, we have everything. The main thing is that you come to the birthday.” This is fundamentally wrong. The child should receive a useful gift for his birthday, namely a GIFT, and not money in an envelope.

Gift ideas for a 1 year old baby

  1. Large wheelchair, tolokar. A very valuable gift for both boys and girls. The approximate cost of this machine is 1100-2500 rubles. Such a machine must have a back so that the child can lean on it and not fall or use it as a pusher. It will be great if there is a hole for the rope in front of the car so that the baby can roll the car behind him. Opening trunk. The child is happy to load toys into it and take it out again. Rotary steering wheel with music button
  2. Manual wheelchair toy. There can be many variations: a duck, a helicopter, a butterfly, and so on. This wheelchair is inexpensive, but very popular with children. It can be rolled not only around the apartment, but also in the yard.
  3. Rocking chairs or jumpers. It can be horses, donkeys.

    Attention! I advise you to buy an inflatable rubber jumper, a wooden or plastic rocking chair, since a child at the age of 1 year can easily pee on it, and the terry horse will have to be washed, otherwise it will smell unpleasant.

  4. Big doll. Girls love to play with dolls. Choose a cute doll with a proportional body. It will be great if you can buy or sew clothes for the doll. On sale you can find dolls that you can feed, and they know how to go to the toilet.
  5. Carriage for a doll with carrying or without. This gift is appropriate if the baby already has a doll, or someone else will give it. The stroller should be made of metal, not plastic, as the child can lean on it, but the plastic will not stand it.
  6. Bed for a doll with accessories (mattress, blanket, pillow). Make sure that the birthday girl already has a doll or one of the guests will give it.
  7. Big kitchen. A huge selection of kitchens for children in children's stores. There are both wooden and plastic ones. The difference in price is significant. Many kitchens are equipped with a faucet from which water runs.
  8. Children's tent or house. At the age of 1-1.5 years, children want to have their own corner, their own house in which they can hide. But for this gift in the apartment there must be free space. Therefore, coordinate the purchase with the parents of the name-bearer (-tsy).
  9. Inflatable pool with balls. A very dimensional gift that can be given only if the apartment has a place for it.
  10. Hanging swing. There are swings that are mounted in the doorway, and there are swings with a support. Not all parents will want to spoil the doorway, and a swing with a support requires space in the apartment. I recommend that you discuss the gift idea with your parents before buying.
  11. Educational toys: pyramids, sorters, constructor, nesting dolls, puzzles, cubes, labyrinths.
  12. Floor mats. They can be laid out in the form of a rug on which the child will be warm and soft.
  13. Orthopedic mats. There are a lot of variations: soft buds, hard buds, rubber grass and so on. You can buy one of each type, they are fastened together like puzzles. A very good tool for training the muscles of the foot and preventing flat feet. For more information about children's flat feet and the choice of shoes, read the article ""
  14. Easel. They are of different types. On some, you can draw with chalk, on others - with a marker, and on others - with both.
  15. Development center or labyrinth
  16. toy steering wheel
  17. Music complex. Musical toy with many buttons and sounds.
  18. Cardboard books with musical buttons, with holes or eyes. In addition to books, I would like to recommend the publication of the White City "My First Book". Very interesting book for children, which is full of pictures. We have this book "read out" to holes. The only negative is thin sheets that quickly tear and wear out.

  19. Wooden educational toys used in the Montessori method. They are expensive, but so useful for the development of the child.
  20. Stuffed Toys. You will not please many with such a gift, especially if the house is full of such toys, and some parents do not mind such a gift. Therefore, I advise you to ask your parents before buying if they need such a toy.

Practical gifts for parents

Unnecessary gifts for a child in 1 year

Here's an interesting list. I hope you found useful information for yourself and decided on a gift. If you have any questions or clarifications, write a comment to the article, and I will publish it with pleasure and answer you as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Daria!

The approach of the first birthday in a child's life (not taking into account, of course, the day of his birth) is an exciting period for all parents and people who will be directly involved in the celebration.

The closest family members need to organize a memorable, bright holiday, take memorable pictures of each of its key moments and try to gather all the welcome guests at the same time and in one place, but numerous relatives and family friends need to pick up a useful and functional gift for the baby.

The last task is perhaps one of the most difficult, because in children's stores there is a huge variety of goods, faced with which it is not easy to make the final choice. In this situation, there are three options for resolving the issue. Can:

  • Consult with the parents of the baby about what should be a gift for 1 year to the boy.
  • Choose a gift of your choice.
  • Just hand over an envelope with money, and mom and dad of the hero of the occasion will decide for themselves how and what to spend it on.

We propose to consider in detail the second option, since, in our opinion, it allows you to show maximum attention to the baby.

From this article you will learn:

Before proceeding to the consideration of options for gifts for a boy for 1 year, we propose to analyze the main stages of his development, which he successfully passed during these 365 days of life. Understanding the changes that have occurred with the baby will help to understand what may be useful to him in the future. So, in just a year, the child learned to almost perfectly control his body, muscles and muscles, and, from a helpless creature, he turned into a strong and confident toddler. In his arsenal of skills:

  • Successful understanding of most words spoken by adults.
  • Attempts to express feelings through incoherent babbling, gestures, and tactile devices.
  • Possession of the technique of manipulating people, especially their own parents.
  • Expression of violent emotions: joy, indignation, anxiety, interest and fear.
  • An uncontrollable zeal to comprehend the world around and its forbidden components in particular.
  • The development of research skills that are honed by getting to know toys and household items by taste, touch, sound and sight.
  • The desire to get to know their own kind and establish social contact with them.
  • Attempts to make independent decisions.
  • The development of the concept of "causation".

In addition, closer to the year, many boys already have time to get acquainted with a cup, spoon and fork, various kinds of food and goodies, try to express their interests, love or dislike for certain activities, are able to build simple structures (pyramids, houses) and hone fine motor skills of hands by working with sand, dough, clay, beads, balls, balls or plasticine under adult supervision.

Now, understanding the whole range of possibilities of the little man, you can try to choose for him the most suitable and irreplaceable things that can be presented to him as a gift.

What to give a boy for a year

Despite the fact that the child does not quite understand why the turmoil is being started around him, he will be unspeakably happy with the gifts that his relatives and close people will simply “fill in”. In order for the boy to like your gift for 1 year, we tried to collect the most successful examples of toys that have already been given to children of this age.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with them, perhaps this collection of ideas will help you out and make it easier to find a birthday surprise.

"The best gift, in my opinion..." Educational toy

The most popular gift for a boy for 1 year - it is an educational toy. It can perform a variety of functions, but its main purpose is the development of certain skills.

  • Eg, miracle pot - sorter, publishing pleasant melodies and funny sounds with the successful completion of the task, will help teach the baby such concepts as shape, size, volume and color.

  • , such as a children's piano, a small synthesizer, maracas, a drum, a guitar, a xylophone, have now found a convenient form for children and perfectly train their sound perception of the world, hand motor skills, associative thinking and develop an understanding of cause and effect.

  • Constructor with three-dimensional elements(not finely detailed LEGO), pyramids and cubes (wooden and plastic) are one of the most favorite games for children from a year old. Despite their apparent simplicity, they have a positive effect on the development of spatial and abstract thinking, coordination of movements, large and small motor skills of the child's hands.
  • Talking electronic toys(cats, hamsters) with a built-in sound recording and playback device bring most kids into indescribable delight, in addition, they contribute to the development of their speech and creative abilities.
  • Game center or music mat. This, of course, is not a cheap pleasure, however, it is very useful and definitely worth the money spent.

- This is, as a rule, a large music table, which is endowed with a number of various functions. It has flashing, luminous and moving elements that represent the control panel, as well as pleasant music and sound accompaniment, which will certainly attract the attention of the child. With such a toy, he obviously will not get bored and will be able to spend his active time for the benefit of his own development.
is a unique item, the main task of which is to motivate the development of stable, confident walking. For kids who have just begun to comprehend this vital skill, such rugs will come in handy and will very soon make them move around on their own in a playful, unobtrusive way.

And a few more options

If you want to make a gift, so to speak, "for growth", then:

  • For a boy for a year, a gift in the form of rocking horses. She will serve him for several years, and will delight every time the baby decides to swing on it.
  • - this is another thing that will certainly come in handy for the growing tomboy. You can play with it both at home and on the street, on horseback and just carry it with you.

  • hand wheeler(butterflies, ducks, cars, turtles, etc.) is able to captivate the baby for a long time. It can be controlled with a handle or carried along with a string. Both the first and second options are very popular with children, especially if it is endowed with musical or noise accompaniment.
  • Swing. Well, what kids do not like to swing on a swing? You simply won't find them. A home swing will bring a lot of pleasure to the birthday boy, so this option has a place to be.

  • Easel, drawing board. All kids very quickly learn the skill of using crayons, markers and pencils. And if you provide them with a separate field for creativity, then the effect will not be long in coming: small "shishkins" and "rebrands" will delight parents with their creativity and the active development of artistic skills.

  • - these little things will be very useful for every child and will allow you to bring color and fascination to his daily hygiene procedures.

This is just a small, but the most popular part of the potential gifts for boys for 1 year. We hope that now it will be easier for you to make a choice.


2015-11-10 20:02:38

If the baby has not yet learned to walk by the year, then you can give him a wheelchair walker, which will help speed up the "first steps" process. You can also give the baby a tunnel through which he will crawl. Tunnels are often found in parks on playgrounds, children love to crawl along them, and here at home ... and their own tunnel). This fun will last a couple of years for the baby, that's for sure. And of course, all the boys from childhood are already ready to turn the steering wheel of the car, apparently it is in their blood, so you can give a car where you need to push off with your legs. In general, now there are a lot of various toys in children's stores and all toys are sorted by age (manufacturers on the boxes indicate from what age it is better to use this toy).

2015-11-10 21:26:30

Yes, probably the machine is the best option, at least one of them. The kid will ride on it pushing off with his feet, turning the steering wheel with his hands, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the musculoskeletal system. Also, like the aforementioned tunnel, a tent house made of light fabric will be long-lasting, children love to sit there and play with their toys. A sort of personal space, not all the time to spend in a crib or in an arena)

2015-11-10 22:02:04

And in our environment, the most popular gift for 1 year is a tolocar machine ... Firstly, the kids really like it, they immediately begin to sit on it, even if they themselves are not quite on their feet yet. Secondly, it can be an economical option for you, because they are relatively inexpensive, and the size, after all, is voluminous for such an amount ... So if you want a spectacular gift, but there are no special financial opportunities - this option for you.

What to give a child for 1 year? Sooner or later, everyone faces this question - either in the role of an already established parent, or as a friend of the family, where they are preparing for the birthday of a one-year-old.

A generalized list of gifts, compiled on the basis of forum monitoring, a survey of young parents and personal experience, is in our article.


At this age - one of the sought-after gifts. Remember the main thing - he must develop some kind of skill in the child, and not just gather dust on the shelf.

Large car or tolokar

In general, in yearlings, as a rule, everything that rides causes indescribable delight. And if you can tie a rope to this car and put your favorite bear on it or even ride it yourself - this is a double delight!

Bicycle with a handle

(pen designed for parents)

A kind of analogue of the stroller "for advanced". The child will have the feeling that he controls himself, which is important at this age. But keep in mind one thing - such a bike is most useful on the street during the dry season, or at home only if the birthday boy’s apartment is spacious enough for this kind of transportation.

Play tent or house

For a relatively small price, you will give your child their own secret corner. Perhaps not all children will immediately understand the beauty of the gift, but sooner or later they will appreciate it. Remember yourself in childhood, when we built "huts" under the table and bedspreads.


A rare child does not like to swing. Today you can choose a children's swing for both home and outdoors.

rocking toy

Also a swing option, but floor-mounted and safer. There are inflatable rocking chairs, there are wooden ones and there are plush ones (according to the results of the survey, the most favorite among children).

Inflatable pool with balls

As a rule, he is very popular with children, especially if you immediately show him how to use the pool. In addition, the child will find use for balls outside the pool. But be prepared (or prepare the parents of the birthday boy) that these same balls will be evenly distributed throughout the apartment. Many doctors believe that such a toy has a very good effect on the physical development of the baby.


You can already give the girl a doll. It is desirable that her clothes be removed, then the baby can be taught to dress and undress the doll. However, this skill will also be useful for a boy, but we, of course, understand that you cannot come to a boy's birthday with a doll. Among other things, complete with a doll, you can give a doll's dishes without small parts, as well as a toy bed and a stroller.


Training shoes

These are soft bright shoes with which the baby will be able to develop fine motor skills of hands - lace up shoes, use Velcro, etc. There are shoes with buttons, pockets and other details. In addition to the educational function, the gift also has a practical meaning - you can just walk at home in such shoes.

Development table

There are many different models on sale, but their essence is the same - a large set of various educational games, concentrated on one table. Usually it is a sorter, a pyramid, a constructor. The child will learn to distinguish objects by shape, size, color. The toy develops perseverance, coordination, logic.


Yes, yes, the good old nesting doll, which makes an adult smile, but a child will definitely like it. Moreover, child psychologists assure that the fundamental logical skill is the ability to add small forms into large ones.


The most popular among children and parents are "talking" books in which the text or its fragments are voiced. The sound appears when you press the buttons.

Finger paint

With this uncomplicated gift, you will bring to your family some guaranteed happy and extremely cheerful moments when sheets of drawing paper, floors, walls, clothes, hands and faces will be full of bright colors.

Practical gifts

They are more likely to be appreciated by parents, and not by a child, but the benefits of such gifts do not become less from this.

Bed linen or towels

Say, too banal? Maybe so, or maybe vice versa, your gift will be the most useful on this day. Ask the mother of the birthday boy if she was given a million bedding sets in the first year of her child's life. And if not, then feel free to give one. In addition, you can decorate a pillowcase or towel with embroidery or appliqué with a gift or personal inscription, and then the gift will also become memorable. In the same category of gifts - baby pillow and blanket (children under one year old are usually not recommended to sleep on a pillow and cover themselves with a blanket, so it is quite possible that the birthday person does not yet have these accessories).

Clothing and footwear

Around the age of one, the time begins when the baby wears out or spoils clothes. From the huge stocks of things donated to an extract from the maternity hospital, the child has probably already grown up. Therefore, clothing will always be appropriate, but it is desirable that it be oversized. Do not overdo it so that, for example, summer T-shirts do not fit the child for the winter.

A high-quality toothbrush (or several) and a set of toothpastes with different flavors


In winter or the season approaching winter, you can make your baby happy with a sled. In some cases (when you don’t have to go to a store or cross the road during a walk), a sledding trip will be very comfortable for both mom and baby.

Commemorative gifts

Silver spoon with engraving

If this has not yet been presented for the “first tooth”, then now is the time! The child will have his own spoon, which will later take its place in the chest with family memorabilia.

Scrapbooking photo album

Ask the parents for the best photos of the child from birth, and design a photo album (on your own, or order scrap craftswomen). The gift will make a splash. Leave a blank spread at the end of the album, where you can then paste a photo from the first birthday.

Photoshoot for a baby

This gift will make a splash even more than the previous one. Read more about how to arrange a photo session for a baby.


This is clearly a gift. As a rule, they give a pendant or a chain.

Height meter

Since the baby can stand on his own, it's time to start making marks of his increase in growth. Previously, the door jamb served as a stadiometer. Today there are few fans of this old-fashioned method left, so the gift will come in handy.

Impression set

With it, you can make clay prints of the hands and feet of the baby. If parents have already made such casts from the arms and legs of a newborn, then the “one-year-old” casts will remain as a keepsake for comparison.


Previously, there was such a custom - to bury a bottle of wine in the ground at birth in the family of a child, and uncork it after 18-20 years, when the child can already drink, and the wine will infuse to its very perfect taste. Give an expensive vintage wine with an unlimited expiration date by attaching the “Drink on the day of majority” label to it. Take the word from the parents that they will hide the wine away and will not open it until the child's 18th birthday under any circumstances. Now imagine his 18th birthday, when the dusty bottle will be uncorked to the fanfare and applause, and the wine will be savored under the pleasant memories of the birthday boy's first birthday.

Unwanted Gifts:

· Rattles and other toys for younger children. The yearling will be interested with them for a maximum of 5 minutes.

· Toys intended for children over three years of age. The birthday boy will have to wait too long when he can enjoy the game. In addition, by the age of three, he can simply spoil or break the toy, without having time to use it for its intended purpose.

· Toys with small parts that a child can choke on.

· Stuffed Toys. It is impossible to perform many different actions with them, and this is now extremely important for the child.

· Toys not made from environmentally friendly materials.

· Radio-controlled toys. The baby still does not know how to manage them, but it can be frightened by a sharp sound.

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

The search for a gift for a child can already be performed taking into account his gender.

  • If you have any difficulties, then remember - a win-win option is typewriter. Buy him a big bright model truck - and always with a rope so that he can roll it on the floor. Kids perceive this technique with unprecedented delight! And the fact that it will be possible to carry other toys on the body will make this car the most beloved.

It’s even better to buy a car for a birthday, on which the child rides himself, pushing off with his feet. Some parents give cars with batteries, but I would refrain from such a step. Do not run ahead, let him first stand firmly on his feet, strengthen himself physically.

  • You saw with what diligence the boys pedal, sitting in special 3 wheel bikes with a visor and a handle for mom? He is unlikely to learn to ride them for real, but ... A very useful type of transport: good training and practice for further mastering independent skating. Here you need to keep in mind that such a gift is used on the street in sunny weather.
  • Buy developing constructor with large details of bright colors. Such a gift will affect the curiosity of the baby, and he will spend hours making, connecting parts, learning the shapes of objects and the colors of their color.

What to give a girl for 1 year?

With the most relevant gift for a little girl, everything is also clear - doll. From them they come to no less delight than the boys from their cars.

  • choose dolls with several clothing options, as well as shoes. This toy will help the girl to broaden her horizons and develop fine motor skills. A special approach requires the choice of the size of the doll: it must be durable and comfortable for the little hands of the baby.
  • If there is a large children's toy store where you live, then find in it playhouse. These are cardboard magic tents or castles of the Middle Ages. In fact, they are universal, but girls like them more. His new mistress will disappear for hours in her house, and equip it in her own way. Children widely use their houses to play hide and seek.
  • Be honest: you have never spoiled your children nesting dolls. And in vain. This is a wonderful toy. It develops the child's attention and logical thinking. A brightly decorated nesting doll will definitely become a good gift for a girl for 1 year, and she will be interested.

Universal gift for a child for an anniversary

There are a lot of gifts, which, by the way, to present under any circumstances. Therefore, if you have not chosen a gift by gender, then stop at the universal ones for boys and girls:

What is better not to give?

Given the age of the child, you need to choose a gift very responsibly. Don't make common mistakes like buying soft toys. For a child, movement is important, and how many movements will there be in this case? Rattles do not cause enthusiasm either - he shows interest in them only up to six months.

Avoid constructors with small details, do not buy toys without a quality certificate. Follow the rules of the age category, kids will not benefit from games designed for older children. What to choose?

Tried and tested ideas

Finding the right gift is easy these days. Thanks to a wide range, you can choose the best one according to your preferences and financial capabilities. A good gift would be:

      • rocking horse- one of the oldest children's toys has not lost its popularity. True, now she can be a lion cub, a giraffe, and a calf. Look for a model with removable wheels: it is mainly used as a rocking chair, but the baby will be able to move around the room on it with the help of parents;
      • pool- a lot of inflatables are sold, suitable for use at home or in the country. But keep in mind that during the game you will have to be nearby and not leave, even for a second, even if there is little water;
      • pool with balls- an interesting alternative that causes real admiration in a child from the ability to jump, burrow under colorful balls. Plus, he gets a good massage and movement training;
      • big ball- inflatable, preferably with pimples, so that you can ride on it, jump, move out on your belly. Before buying, I advise you to consult a pediatrician and, if there are no contraindications, play only with the child;
      • rolling toy- there are two types of them: those that the child must push in front of him or pull on a string. Inside the wheelchairs, when moving, various bright and sonorous objects are mixed, or, if the wheelchair is an animal, making suitable sounds when moving and moving its limbs;
      • cubes- Another one of the representatives of the good old toys. Of course, they have undergone tremendous changes, especially in the materials of manufacture. But the essence remains. Modern cubes are soft, made of foam rubber, with various textile outer coatings, with drawings, letters and numbers. Rattles with their own unique sound are placed inside some cubes. And they still build houses, towers and fairy-tale castles from them;
      • Want to give your baby a talking friend? You are taking bear. He will tell a fairy tale, read poetry, sing;
      • It will become very interesting for the little one plastic book toy- as soon as the child starts flipping through the pages, fascinating illuminated images will open in front of him, birds will sing and animals will sing;
      • sorter- This toy will teach your baby to lay out objects according to the appropriate color, size and shape. At the heart of the sorter are holes of various shapes, it is for them that the baby selects a suitable figure from the set. Properly selected and applied to the place, the object falls inward, making a sound. Sorters look attractive externally, because they are produced in the form of houses, suitcases, cubes, drums, cars. According to the material of manufacture - plastic and soft. In general, what you need for a one-year-old child.

    See how many interesting ideas can be found for such an important event. Well, now I say to my readers: see you soon! Share the link to today's post with your friends and subscribe to updates. See you soon!

    Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva