Why does an infant arch its back and throw its head back: the causes of the “acrobatic bridge. Why does a three-month-old baby cry and arch his back

This is the most common cause of concern for babies. Between the ages of 2 weeks and 3 months, many babies have functional disorders from the gastrointestinal tract: the child groans, strains, sometimes cries; periodically there is a liquefied greenish stool with white lumps or constipation, bloating is pronounced. It is a pity that dill water does not help you either. (Then don’t spend money on Happy Baby and Baby Calm (baby-calm) - these are all analogues in composition: they are all made on the basis of fennel (pharmaceutical dill). You can brew the usual infusion of chamomile flowers and give the child water starting with a few drops and ending with a teaspoon.Some children are helped by a scanty amount - literally a few grains dissolved in milk or mixture.More than once I have given a recipe on the site that I once read in a magazine and which has proven itself very well in babies: COLLECTION FOR TREATMENT (Authors - Kosov V.A., Ermolin S.I. et al., Central Clinical Military Sanatorium "Arkhangelskoye"; was published in the "Military Medical Journal" No. 9, 1996, pp. 53-56 ) officinalis, root - 2 parts Chamomile, flowers - 2 parts Peppermint, leaf - 1 part Common raspberry, fruits - 2 parts willingly drink it in large doses (at your age, they begin to introduce it with drops and increase it to a teaspoon). Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 2-6 hours (or overnight). The course of treatment is 1 month. I am always a little afraid to prescribe raspberries to babies - they often allergic reactions on the dye that gives fruits and berries a red color. For allergy sufferers, I even advise excluding this component of the collection; and without it, the collection works fine. Have named him many times. If it doesn’t help, you can try the modern probiotic Simbiter or dietary supplement Primadophilus. I would also add a tummy massage, gymnastics (leg movements like "bicycle"); would begin to lay the baby on her stomach more often and stimulate the lifts of the upper body. Our grandmothers and parents, apart from dill water, actively used vent tube- no one got worse from this. It allows not only to remove gases, but also stimulates bowel movements. And finally, if the baby feels better on his stomach, put him in this position more often (and on your stomach, and even for sleeping in a crib. Many children like to sleep on their tummy - bloating is less pronounced in this position. Follow only so that there is no down pillow or a fluffy blanket nearby that could interfere with the child’s breathing - although at a month and a half he is already able to raise his head and turn it if something interferes). Good luck!

The child develops from two initial positions:

1. Lying on your back
2. Lying on your stomach.

Now we will consider in detail, by months, motor development child. In this part of the article, the concepts of the facial and occipital limbs will be used. Let's look at them first and explain them. Facial limb - the arm or leg towards which face turned child (usually a supporting limb). Occipital limb - an arm or leg lying on the side of the back of the child's head. It must be remembered that when assessing the motor development of a child in the first year of life, there are several axioms:

1. The main motor task of the child is the transition from a horizontal to a vertical position.
2. Any coordinated skill is formed from top to bottom: head-torso-arms-legs. Until the head is coordinated, there can be no talk of any coordination of arms and legs.
3. Inside the body there is a certain coordinate system, relative to which all movements are evaluated - this is the longitudinal axis of the body.
4.99% of information about motor and functional state we get the child by evaluating the child's resting posture.
First we look at the position of the head, then the body, then we evaluate the position of the head relative to the body, then we look at the position of the limbs relative to the body, and then we evaluate the whole. Moreover, such a thorough assessment must be carried out from two positions: lying on your back and lying on your stomach.

For the development of a child from a prone position, the center of gravity, or rather, its location, is of great importance. In a newborn baby, the center of gravity is at top edge sternum (very large head relative to the body). In an adult, it is located in the small pelvis. What affects the gradual downward movement of the center of gravity? Weight gain. As the child grows, gains weight, the center of gravity shifts down and, accordingly, the area of ​​​​support decreases.

0-1 month:
I.P. lying on the back: the head is turned to the side, the trunk is compensatory curved, the front arm is half-bent in front of the face, the occipital arm is half-bent upwards, the lower limbs are passively half-bent in all joints. This is the so-called "semi-swordsman" pose. The “swordsman” posture is pathological, therefore, we call this posture, physiological for a child of this age, the “semi-swordsman” posture (since it resembles a swordsman in the main stance). When turning the head, the hands change their position (due to reflexes of oral automatism). Does not fix the eye (0 months). Capturing an object with a "look", i.e. wants to take an object with his eyes, but cannot with his hand (end of the first month).
I.P. lying on the stomach: the head is turned compensatory to the side, the axis of the body is bent compensatory, the arms are brought to the body and maximally bent at the elbow joints, the hands are clenched into fists, the legs are bent in the sagittal plane (pulled under themselves). In this case, the hip joints should not lie on the surface of the support. If the legs are in the "frog" position (flattened) - then this is considered a sign of muscle hypotension, you should look for birth trauma cervical spine.

2 months:
I.P. lying on the back: the head and torso are already located along the longitudinal axis, the arms are in the initial phase of the Moro reflex (to the sides, palms forward), the legs are passive-active flexion ( active ingredient just starting to show up). If the trunk is deviated from the longitudinal axis, we may suspect the initial phase of scoliosis.
I.P. lying on the stomach: the head and torso are along the longitudinal axis, the center of gravity is shifted to the middle of the sternum, the arms rest on the forearms, the legs are bent in a plane intermediate between the frontal and sagittal (the so-called flexion with abduction of 45 degrees).

3 months:
I.P. lying on the back: the head and torso are along the longitudinal axis, the arms also "find" the longitudinal axis, the legs are passive-actively bent (the active component of flexion increases). He pulls both hands into his mouth and examines his body with his hands - chest and stomach to the navel. Capturing an object is not purposeful. How does it look in practice to find the longitudinal axis with your hands? The baby begins to take pens in his mouth. And the reason for this is the main muscle stereotype of movement, also related to the reflexes of oral automatism. Therefore, we must advise the mother not to "take" her hands out of her mouth, as this is necessary step his motor development.
I.P. lying on the stomach head, torso - along the longitudinal axis, the center of gravity is the middle of the sternum, the arms rest on the forearms, the legs are bent in the frontal plane (flexion with abduction), hip joints lie on the surface of the support (this is the so-called Lawrence position 1). This position contributes to the correct and timely formation of the head of the hip joint.

4 months:
I.P. lying on his back, head, body - along the longitudinal axis, the child begins to bring his arm into the space of the "opposite" arm, legs - in the position of passive-active flexion (the active component continues to grow). The legs are bent at the joints at 95 °, the feet are close to each other; the child is able to turn on its side and back; examines his body with his hands below the navel Gradually, the child begins to master the space of the opposite with one hand. Leaning with heels on the surface, raises the pelvis and moves it in different sides; If the institution of the hand occurred before 4 months (especially if this position is fixed), then some kind of neurological pathology can be suspected.
I.P. lying on the stomach, support on the forearms, wrist joints and stomach; the child can raise one hand and reach for the toy; gripping the fourth and fifth fingers of the hand (monkeys).

5 months:
I.P. lying on the back, head, torso - along the longitudinal axis, pulls hands into the mouth, sucks them, actively turns both hands in opposite directions, legs - the passive component of flexion is completely absent, legs are actively bent in all joints up to 90 degrees. He examines his body with his hands up to his knees, knows how to shift a toy from one hand to another.
I.P. lying on the stomach head, torso - along the longitudinal axis, the center of gravity shifts closer to the navel. Hands rest on the hands or wrist joints, legs are actively bent to 90 degrees, support on the shins - the child periodically takes a standing position on all fours. The pelvis remains free. Objects are captured by 2-5 fingers of the brush.

6 months:
I.P. lying on the back, the priests are torn off the surface of the table, the legs find the longitudinal axis. How? The child puts them in his mouth and sucks. If a child crosses his legs before 6 months and fixes them in this position - a sign
neurological pathology. The higher the crossover level, the worse the prognosis.
I.P. lying on the stomach head, torso - along the longitudinal axis, the center of gravity is at the level of the navel. Reliance on the hands and shins, the pelvis finds a fulcrum - thus, the child sits down. Standing on all fours, can raise one arm parallel to the floor; grasping the object with 2-3 fingers. Healthy child provided it normal development sits down from a standing position on all fours, through a turn on the side or turn on the stomach. This is considered physiological. If the child is not yet sitting by this age, provided that in all other respects he does not lag behind in motor development (gets on all fours, crawls, gets up), then this can be considered a variant of the norm. The child has the right to sit down at the very last turn (for example, he walked, fell on his ass - sat down and learned to sit). It is strictly forbidden to plant a child by force until he is ready for this. The load on the spine in a sitting position is a hundred times stronger than in a standing position. An example of this is the treatment of compression fractures. It is allowed to take the “half-lying” position for a short time (in the case of feeding or in stroller). But if the child is put in pillows and done regularly, then in the future we will have problems with posture.

7 months:
I.P. lying on the back, head, torso - along the longitudinal axis, hands - in the mouth or brought into the space of the opposite arm, legs - in the mouth or brought into the space of the opposite leg. Thus, the arm and leg are brought to the side, and the child performs a coordinated (!) turn to the side (1st phase of the turn) and to the stomach (2nd phase). If a child before 7 months turns on his side and on his stomach, then such a turn cannot yet be considered coordinated and independent, and is considered as an isolated case (or his mother actively helps him). Pose "garden gnome" (sitting on his side with support on a straight arm) photo 4; able to turn from stomach to back; can pick up items with both hands at the same time.
I.P. lying on his stomach, he confidently stands on all fours, swaying in all directions; can crawl in a plastunsky way (on the elbows, while the legs are passively dragged from behind).

Photo 4

7-8 months: I.P. lying on his stomach, the child actively learns to crawl, and begins to do this after 6 months. At first, the child has a symmetrical stereotype of movement (there is a movement forward at the same right hand and right leg). Then he changes his movement stereotype to the opposite - right hand - left leg. As soon as there is a change in the stereotype of movement, for him this is the starting point for verticalization, and we can “predict” with an accuracy of several days that the child will soon stand on his feet. Raising the arm, standing on all fours, more than 120 °; grasping the object with the first and second fingers flat (tweezers grip).

9-10 months:
I.P. lying on his stomach, the child crawls to the support and stands up. Until two years old, a child should normally get up through a turn on its side (this is the so-called average physiological standing up), only adults who already “do not feel sorry for” their backs stand up “with a jerk” from a lying position to a sitting and standing position.

11-12 months:
I.P. lying on his stomach, the child begins to walk, and the motor stereotype of walking is symmetrical in nature - at the same time the right hand and right leg "go" forward (he walks waddling like a bear cub). You can feel it when you place your "helping" hands under the child's palms - the arm and leg of the same name "go" forward. Very quickly, this motor stereotype changes to an asymmetric one. Freely stands at the support from a position on all fours; holding on to a support, takes steps to the side or, releasing, one hand can turn; walks with support; grasping the object with the first and second fingers round (ring grip).

12-14 months: Walks without support.

Tips for teaching your toddler to walk independently:
Mom stands behind the baby, her hands are substituted under the child's palms (the child's arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees). First, the baby leans alternately on one and the other hand, as soon as the mother feels that the baby has begun to lean on only one hand - that's it, the “helping” hands can be removed! Never give hands "from above", never use walkers and other devices that make life easier for mothers. If the child learned to walk in walkers, stirrups, etc. - he simply loses the skill of coordinated movements (this will be especially noticeable when such children fall - they do not know how to coordinate at all when falling from a height of their own height).

Child in VOITA therapy
Reflex locomotion is extremely powerful, but for infants and young children it is unusual and tiring, and therefore, emotions are expressed during treatment through screaming. This understandably annoys the parents and leads them to assume that their child is in pain. Crying at this life age is an important and adequate means of expression for a small patient. As a rule, after a short time of getting used to, the cry is not as intense as at the beginning of the course of treatment, in the vast majority of cases, with regular therapy, the child gets used to this effect and the negative reaction of perception completely disappears. The precise guidance of the VOITA therapist gives the mother the confidence to treat her child at home. VOITA therapy has positive influence on the general coordination of the child in the presence of spontaneous motor skills with the expansion of motor reactions in the form of straightening, grasping function and in speech. At the same time, it stimulates the child to explore the world around him. In area early treatment For infants and children, VOITA therapists work intensively with pediatricians and doctors of other specialties, teachers and psychologists, speech therapists and ergotherapists.

In Saratov and the Saratov region, a Voito-therapist can be consulted at the Occupational Pathology and Hematology Clinic of the Saratov Medical University.

We are waiting for you at the address: street 53 Rifle Division, 6/9.

Directions: trolleybus N2-a, fixed-route taxi NN82, 59, 103, 110 to the stop "2nd City Hospital" or fixed-route taxi N105, 42 to the stop "Academy of Law"

In the first year of life, intensive motor development occurs, which contributes to the maturation of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the more you work with the baby, the more chances you have to raise a child prodigy. You should take care of timely stimulation of emotional communication, development visual perception, auditory perception and understanding of spoken language.

In the first month life, the flexor muscles of the baby are still in high tone, and his movements are limited. Only in the third month, muscle tension decreases, their development begins, which, however, occurs unevenly. First, the muscles of the neck become mature. This is manifested in the ability of the baby, lying on his stomach, to lift and a short time hold the head. Gradually, the muscles of the trunk, legs and arms reach their functional maturity. At this time, the baby is already responding to the sound by turning his head, and also makes random isolated flexion and extension of the arms and legs while lying on his back.

two month old baby still continues to lie, curled up, as in the womb. His muscles twitch involuntarily from time to time. The legs can't take any weight. His hands are tightly clenched into fists, he still cannot hold a rattle, but he is already able to firmly hold his head, turn it freely, and when laying it on his stomach, lean on his forearms and vigorously move one or the other leg.

TO the beginning of the third month the limbs of the child constantly relax. He raises his head 45°, shakes it when someone supports him in a sitting position. Involuntary muscle twitching is less common. The baby’s fists are partially open, he actively “threshes” with his hands. By the end of the third month, he is already trying to reach out and grab something. The baby grasps an object that touches his palm or fingers, squeezes and unclenches toys or other things that you put in his hands, and follows the movements of his hand.

At the end of the third- early fourth month the child is already beginning to raise his head from a position lying on his back, trying to roll over from his back to his side, and lying on his stomach, firmly rests on his elbows and forearms and even rises.

Lying on his back, the child is able to examine his hands for a long time. If you give him a rattle, he shakes it with pleasure.

IN four months the child lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms, bent at a right angle. The baby's limbs can already straighten freely: he shakes the rattle put into his hand, makes a "bike" and other movements in a free style. Lying on his stomach, raises his head, explores the situation. Can only rest on legs for a short time. Holds head upright when someone supports him in vertical position. Rolls over from back to side.

At 4.5 months, in the supine position, when he sees an object, he reaches for it, grabs it with both hands and pulls it into his mouth.

TO the beginning of the fifth month The child already knows a lot. Lying on his stomach, the baby freely raises his body, leaning on his palms. arms outstretched, easy and

quickly rolls over from back to stomach. He evenly and steadily moves his legs ("dances") when held by the torso. The coordination of movements also improves. The child directs his hands exactly to the subject that interested him. At first, he takes the toy with both hands, then tries to hold it with one. The child now not only holds the toy tightly, but examines it carefully and with concentration. At five months, the baby stands confidently with support, sits, leaning on his hands. Resting on elbows, easily rolls over from stomach to back. Reaching for objects with both hands. Collects hanging toys. He plays with clothes with interest, grabs his mother's breasts.

IN six months the child precisely grasps the necessary objects, shifts them from one hand to another, touches and strokes the surface of the toy with his finger. During this period, the baby can already hold a sitting position, holding tightly to the fingers of an adult; with the help of an adult, sit down, leaning on straightened arms and lifting the torso; sit back on a pillow. He stands up, holding on to a support. Rolls from belly to back and back. Swings, lying on his stomach ("airplane"). It rises, tearing off the chest and part of the abdomen from the floor. Kicks. Stretches the neck to see better.

A six-month-old baby, lying on his stomach, is able to lean on one hand, reaching out to the toy with the other. Being in the arena, he can already crawl to the subject that interests him. With equally active right and left hands, the baby takes only one of the two outstretched toys, but if he put another toy in his unoccupied hand, he will hold it too. Lying on his back, the baby enthusiastically plays with his legs, while his head is raised. Sensibly shifts toys from hand to hand, pushes them into his mouth. Starts playing with dice.

TO the end of the seventh month the baby is already crawling well, stands firmly and evenly with the support of an adult. Having pulled himself up by the fingers of an adult or by the walls of the crib, he can already sit down and sits - however, still uncertainly.

If a child has a toy in his hands, then he no longer just waves it randomly, but, holding it, rotates his brush, purposefully hits the toy on the surrounding objects, shifts it from hand to hand, carefully examines it. In the prone position, it can hold its own weight on one hand, and the other reach for an object.

At 7-8 months the child gets up on all fours, from a position lying on his back he can sit down, and sitting down - straighten up and bend over.

eight month old the child sits steadily, tries to stand up, holding on to the walls of the arena, stands with support by the hands, crawls. He examines toys, people and arbitrarily looks from one object to another.

At nine months a child from a sitting position can stand up, holding on to the railing of the crib. By the end of the ninth month, the child confidently and quickly crawls forward and around himself on his stomach, sits for a long time, with the support of both hands (sometimes one), stands well on the entire foot and can even raise one or the other leg.

ten month old baby able to crawl on hands and knees. At the same age, he begins to stand. Can pick up an object with 3-4 fingers. Holding on to the support or the hand of an adult with one hand, the baby takes steps towards the toy, sits on a chair on its own.

At eleven months the child walks for a long time with the support of one hand, stands independently. At the age of 9-11.5 months, the baby plays with both hands, shifts the object from hand to hand. Involved in capturing an object thumb and the ends of the rest.

At 12 months the baby already confidently stands on its feet, walks with support by one hand or independently.

Possible deviations in motor development

First month: while in an upright position, the child cannot hold his head for a short period of time.

Two months: Being in a supine position, unable to raise and hold the head. The movements of the arms and legs are chaotic and asymmetrical.

Three months: In the prone position, the child is not able to hold his head for a short time. Doesn't hold head upright. During wakefulness, he does not examine his hands.

Four months: When lying on his stomach, he does not lean on his forearms and does not lift his torso. If the baby lying on his back is lifted, holding under the armpits, his head powerlessly leans back. Being in a vertical position and supported under the armpits, the baby does not rest against the toes. Five months: Raised by the arms from a supine position, the baby cannot hold the head firmly. Unable to confidently roll over from stomach to back.

Six months: unable to reach and grasp a toy from a prone position. Held under the arms in a vertical position, does not rearrange the legs, does not "dance".

Seven months: with the support of the hands, the baby does not try to sit up from a prone position.

Eight months: does not crawl back. Do not stand even a short time with the support of the hands. Not able to keep between big and index fingers button or other small object.

Nine months: when lying on the stomach, does not turn around its axis, does not try to crawl forward. He sits uncertainly, in this position he cannot turn around his axis. Cannot drink from a cup on his own.

Eleven months: Doesn't crawl on all fours. Unable to sit with legs stretched out straight. Holding on to a support, the child moves poorly or does not move at all. Twelve months: Does not walk with hand support.

A small child is a joy, but at the same time, problems that need to be solved almost daily. One of the parental problems are children's whims. Why a three-month-old baby cries and arches his back, we will find out in this article.

Why is the baby crying and arching its back

Before you begin to act, you need to determine why the baby began to arch his back and cry.

Arching the back with an arch and a bridge in a 3-month-old baby is explained by a number of reasons:

  1. Increased intracranial pressure. In this case, tantrums will be frequent. See your doctor for an exception possible pathology. If it is present, it will be necessary to determine and eliminate the cause (meningitis, encephalitis, brain tumor, abnormal metabolism).
  2. Muscular hypertonicity of the neck and back. To determine this pathology, it is enough to put the baby on the tummy and see how he will raise his head. With a strong tilt back and raising the shoulders without the participation of hands, we can talk about the presence increased tone muscles. If the muscles are tense on only one side, then the baby will fall on one side. In this case, consult a doctor, he will prescribe a course for the child. special procedures(massage, exercise therapy, swimming, gymnastics).
  3. Pain or discomfort. At the age of three months, children may cry and arch their backs due to severe intestinal colic. A cry from such pain can last for several hours in a row. To prevent or alleviate the condition, use dill or fennel water, special teas and medicines for children. If in this state the newborn breathes poorly, then he is worried about nasal congestion. Rinse the nose with saline or special nasal drops.

What should mom do?

If the baby is naughty and arches his back during feeding, then he does not like the taste of milk or food is not enough. In this case, a nursing mother needs to reconsider her diet, add foods that enhance lactation and give up foods with a strong taste.
Children can be capricious and for no reason, just to attract attention to themselves.

If the baby arches his back without screaming or crying, then most likely he is preparing to roll over onto his side or tummy. By three months, most kids already learn this technique.

Regardless of the reasons for arching the back, keep an eye on the baby and hold him firmly, because the weak muscles of the back and neck can be damaged by sudden movements.

The baby arches its back

A small child is both a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy and a lot of problems that arise almost daily. Some tasks are solved quickly, others confuse young parents or even give rise to panic. One of these problems is arching the baby in the back, accompanied by crying. Before you do anything, you should figure out why the baby arches its back and cries.

There can be several reasons why the baby arches its back and at the same time sometimes cries. It is worth considering in more detail each option.

Increased intracranial pressure

The most serious reason why the baby arches its back, this is the presence of neurological diseases, in particular an increase intracranial pressure. The reason is various diseases Key words: metabolic disorder, meningitis, abscess, hydrocephalus, encephalitis, brain tumor.

With frequent repetitions of such attacks, you should contact a pediatric neurologist. He will spend necessary research to exclude the presence of pathology. When establishing a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and will monitor the child's condition.

Hypertonicity of the muscles of the back and neck

You can detect the presence of excessive muscle tension at home if the baby is already more than three months old. You just need to put the baby on his tummy and carefully observe how he will raise his head. If the head is strongly thrown back, and the shoulders rise up without the participation of the child's hands, the baby has a revealed hypertonicity of the back surface of the muscles of the neck and back. Alternatively, the baby can fall on one side if the muscles are overstretched on one side.

With muscle tension, you will need to undergo a session special massage back and neck. Specialists in the clinic will show the mother a set of exercises for the baby to relieve excessive muscle tone.


Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Painful or uncomfortable symptoms

At the age of 2 weeks to 3-4 months, children may cry and arch their backs from. At the same time, the baby cries strongly and for a long time, up to two or three hours. After four months intestinal colic come to naught, and for this reason weeping ceases.

If the baby cries and arches from severe pain in the abdomen, you just need to remove the cause of the pain. This will help, a warm compress on the tummy. After the pain stops, the baby will simply stop crying.

Arching and crying, accompanied by heavy, labored breathing, indicate nasal congestion in a child. It is necessary to wash the baby's nose weak saline solution or special means. This will save the child from discomfort and stop crying.

The whims of a child

When arching in the back during crying and whims, it is necessary to distract the baby. Weak back muscles with a sharp arching can be damaged, so it is worth weaning the baby to be capricious for any reason.

Most often, the baby is naughty while eating. There may be two reasons for this.

  1. In the first case, the child simply indulges and is naughty. He has already eaten, but he just does not want to come off his chest.
  2. In the second case, the child is not satisfied with the taste of milk or its quantity. The taste of milk depends on the diet of the mother and she should. The amount of milk in the breast can be either excessive, then the child simply does not have time to suck, or insufficient - the child simply does not eat up.

If the baby arches its back, but does not cry, but simply grunts, then everything is in order. So he is back. Or he saw something new and interesting for himself and wants to take a closer look at it. You just need to change the position of the child so that it is convenient for him to consider a new object.

The consequences of childhood diseases can respond to well-being in the future. And neglected diseases lead to negative consequences. If the baby bends in the back and at the same time cries, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will either make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment or rule out any diseases and reassure parents.