Everything about lamination of eyelashes, stages of work, compositions and tools are needed. Lamination of eyelashes: description of the procedure, consequences Lamination of hair and eyelashes

Lamination of eyelashes is an extremely fashionable procedure that more and more women resort to. However, those who were not previously familiar with this concept are wary of it. You will find answers to all questions regarding lamination of eyelashes in the article.

Lamination of eyelashes: what is it, pros and cons

A lot of eyebrow masters and lash makers offer to try a special innovation - lamination of eyelashes. What it is? This is the process of drinking hairs with a special substance. A special composition is applied to the eyelashes, thanks to which they acquire a beautiful bend, become not so rare, and also long. As a result, any eyelashes, even the shortest by nature, look amazing.

Eyelash lamination is not a quick process and requires professionalism. It is carried out in several stages:

  • first, the hairs are degreased;
  • the master chooses a roller of the right size to bend the eyelashes;
  • each eyelash is superimposed on the selected tool and fixed with a special compound;
  • a special substance is applied to the eyelashes, which opens the scales and allows the product to be absorbed;
  • then put a fixing composition, which allows the bend to hold for a long time;
  • at the final stage, the eyelashes are dyed.

After such manipulations, many do not recognize themselves in the mirror - their own eyelashes look so bright.

If you want to make an artificial eyelash drink procedure, you probably think about the pros and cons. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Masters talk about virtues:

  • the procedure does not bear absolutely no harm;
  • passes painlessly and without any discomfort;
  • eyelashes grow more intensively due to nutritional formulations;
  • eyelashes look as natural as possible, but spectacular;
  • absolutely no special care is required for the hairs.

Also, for the procedure of artificial perm, minuses. These include:

  • the process takes a long time (about one and a half hours);
  • lamination is expensive;
  • you need to find a good master;
  • there are contraindications - any diseases of the eyes and skin of the eyelids, individual allergic reactions to drugs, plastic surgery and permanent eye makeup made less than a month ago.

Expectant mothers and women during lactation should be more careful with lamination of eyelashes.

As you can see, the disadvantages of the procedure are very relative, but they are. Therefore, treat them carefully.

Lamination of eyelashes: how often to do, is it possible to dye, care

Since lamination of eyelashes, the photos of which look amazing, is a new procedure, it raises many questions. Let's answer the most common ones:

  • How often can you do it?

Usually, the artificial filling procedure is repeated after two months. The hairs are completely renewed about once every three months, so they can have a maximum of two procedures. Since the manipulations are harmless, there is no point in interrupting them. You can repeat the artificial filling of eyelashes with a strengthening compound at any time of the year.

  • Eyelash lamination: how long does it last?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions. How long does eyelash lamination last? Usually this figure depends on individual indicators. On average, the curves of the eyelashes look gorgeous for a month and a half, but in general the effect can last from a month to two.

  • Can cosmetics be applied to the eyelashes after the procedure?

There are no contraindications for make-up. You can use mascara on your lashes daily or only on holidays. The only thing you have to be careful with is makeup removal. It is not recommended to use soap and aggressive means for washing off cosmetics from the eyes.

  • How to care for eyelashes?

Unlike extensions, laminated hairs do not need special care. You can sleep on your stomach, go to the sauna and swimming pool. The only thing you need to refrain from is the contact of eyelashes with water during the day after artificial perm.

After the procedure, you should not use curling irons and other chemical eyelash curlers. However, you won't need it anyway.

Doing eyelash lamination, reviews of which are mostly positive, is even useful. Under the influence of substances, the hairs break less, do not suffer from ultraviolet radiation and bleach, and also grow better.

Lamination or extension: what to choose

Many girls who have done eyelash extensions before think about lamination, but still doubt it. Consider the pros and cons of both procedures.

The main difference between the processes is how eyelash lamination and extensions are done. In the first method, you strengthen your eyelashes with special compounds. Due to this, they become thicker and more voluminous.

With eyelash extensions, artificial hairs are attached to your eyelashes with a special glue. Due to this, the eyelashes look different and their care is also, accordingly, different.

You already know about the advantages and disadvantages of lamination, so we will not repeat ourselves. As for building, then everything is somewhat more complicated.

Extension pros are that:

  • the effect of the procedure is amazing - eyelashes look amazing;
  • additional curling and ink painting is not required, which means that makeup takes less time;
  • the look becomes more open;
  • the procedure is absolutely painless;
  • Eyelash extensions can be done at any time of the year.

There are also cons of building:

  • the risk of allergic reactions;
  • you can not sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • with improperly selected materials or care, eyelashes fall out;
  • make-up must be removed very carefully and with special means;
  • it is better not to build eyelashes if you wear lenses, since the liquid for them has a bad effect on the glue;
  • if you go too far with the length and volume, you can get the effect of "Barbie doll";
  • after removing artificial eyelashes, their eyelashes look very short and sparse.

As you can see, the disadvantages and advantages of the extension procedure are almost equally divided.

What to choose - artificial eyelashes or strengthening your own - you can decide only on your own. We advise you to carefully study the pros and cons, and perhaps even try both procedures.

You have learned everything about eyelash lamination. Experts say that such a procedure will bring maximum benefit and save time for makeup. Whether this is so can be verified empirically.

1 year ago 2 hours ago

Do you want to know what eyelash lamination is? Trying to understand how lamination differs from Botox, corduroy or extensions? We talk about all the nuances of the lamination procedure, the difference between the techniques, and also show you how to become a lamination master! 2 minutes

For a long time trying to understand what is eyelash lamination? Botox, velveteen or biowave... How do these procedures differ from lamination? We tried to understand this issue and prepared a full article about lamination and its difference from other techniques.

In the article we will tell:

What is eyelash lamination?

Eyelash lamination- this is the lengthening and thickening of natural eyelashes with the help of special formulations, which allows happy owners of laminated eyelashes to save considerable time on makeup!

What does the effect of laminated eyelashes look like?

The effect of lamination looks as if the girl applied one layer of lengthening mascara. Eyelashes become longer, darker, acquire a beautiful curve - and at the same time, they look absolutely natural.

The difference between lashes without lamination effect and laminated lashes can be seen in the photo below.

On the left eyelashes before the lamination procedure, on the right eyelashes with lamination

How is eyelash lamination done?

Lamination of eyelashes is a complex cosmetic procedure that is done in several stages.

Master Tatyana Cheraksheva told how lamination takes place in her Tatcher beauty studio.

1. First, eyelashes must be cleaned of cosmetics and degreased with a special preparation.

Then the necessary shape (roller) is selected - it depends on what kind of bend we get in the end. When choosing a suitable roller, you should be guided by the initial length of the eyelashes and the wishes of the client.

The master puts a roller on the eyelid to form the bend of the eyelashes

2. The most important step is laying out and fixing the eyelashes on the roller.

Eyelashes should be well stretched, separated from roots to tips, lie parallel to each other - only in this case the result will be beautiful, the eyelashes will not be confused and will grow beautifully.

3. Then the master alternately applies chemical compositions.

The first composition opens the scales of the eyelashes and acts on the keratin in the structure of the hairs so that the master can give them the desired bend.

The second composition closes the scales and neutralizes the effect of the first, fixing the curl. Between the first and second composition in modern lamination, care components can be applied.

The master applies the chemical composition to the eyelashes

Depending on the type of procedure, a third composition is applied - Botox, keratin or nourishing oil.

5. At the end of the procedure, the master must clean the eyelid well and interciliary space to avoid allergic reactions.

Pros and cons of lamination - is eyelash lamination harmful?

If lamination of eyelashes is done by a skilled master, the procedure will not do any harm. On the contrary, keratin and oils in the composition of care products will help strengthen the hairs. However, in some cases it is better to refrain from this procedure.

A relative contraindication to lamination is pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the mother's hormonal background changes, and the effect of lamination can be unpredictable.

How much does eyelash lamination cost

The cost of eyelash lamination depends on the level of the beauty salon, the qualifications of the master and the quality of the materials used.

In the regions of Russia, lamination can be done for 500 rubles- for this price, clients are accepted by novice craftsmen at home.

In beauty salons, this service costs from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

How often can lamination be done

You can repeat the procedure after one and a half to two months. It is believed that lamination can be done only 3 times in a row, and then you need to take a break for six months. However, this is a myth.

How long does lamination last?

The effect of lamination lasts one to two months- it depends on the individual growth rate of eyelashes, as well as on the accuracy of your socks - if you do not sleep with your face in the pillow and do not use chemicals or curling irons for additional eyelash curling.

Can laminated lashes be tinted?

As the hair grows, the result of lamination visually gradually fades away. It looks quite natural - but if you want, you can tint light roots with mascara. It will not harm your eyelashes.

Consequences of eyelash lamination - is eyelash lamination procedure safe?

It seems to many that since the eyelash lamination procedure is associated with a chemical effect on the eyelashes, it is harmful. However, it is not.

Doing lamination is safe and even useful to some extent. After lamination, the hair is covered with a thin film that protects them from external environmental influences (does not allow them to fade and lose moisture). The nutrients that are in the laminating formulations will also strengthen the eyelashes and help them become healthier.

How to care for laminated eyelashes?

Laminated eyelashes do not require special care and do not create inconvenience: after the procedure, girls can visit the sauna, sleep on their stomach, swim in the sea and pool.

To create a luxurious evening look, eyelashes can be tinted with mascara - this will not spoil the effect of the procedure.

The only limitation is that within 24 hours after lamination, the eyelashes cannot be wetted, since the complete restoration of disulfide bonds in their structure occurs within two days.

What is the difference between biowave and eyelash lamination?

For eyelash lamination, sparing products with keratin and other care components, as well as coloring pigments are used.

Compositions for biowave are more aggressive than for lamination. In addition, they do not give the eyelashes a dark shade, but, on the contrary, can lighten them slightly.

But biowave costs 30-50% cheaper than lamination - from 500 rubles in beauty salons.

The visual difference between lamination and biowave can be seen in the photo below.

What is better lamination or Botox and how do they differ?

Botox - an additional care procedure for thickening hairs due to keratin and collagen.

It can be combined with biowave, lamination or velveteen to achieve the maximum effect - the cost of the master's work in this case will increase by 20-30%.

Prices for lamination with Botox start from 1200 rubles.

What is the difference between velveteen and lamination?

Lamination formulations are applied to the upper lashes only, while velveteen adds color and curl to the upper and lower lashes.

There are slight differences in the composition of the preparations - velveteen products do not contain silicones, natural ingredients are used instead.

Usually, corduroy is 50-70% more expensive than lamination - from 1500 to 3000 rubles.

Which is better - lamination or extension

Both lamination and extension are suitable for any eyelashes - long and short, thick and sparse.

The difference between lamination and extension is as follows: if additional hairs are attached to natural cilia during extension, then they are not used for lamination - volume and length are achieved exclusively through special formulations.

Accordingly, lamination gives a natural effect - “your own eyelashes, only better”, but extension allows you to “add drama”.

There is another difference between lamination and extension. After eyelash extensions, girls have to follow some rules: do not sleep with your face in the pillow, do not apply cosmetic oils to the skin around the eyes, do not go to the sauna and bath. Lamination has no such contraindications.

Which eyelash lamination is better?

Salon masters offer various procedures for the beauty and health of eyelashes: lamination, botox, velveteen, biowave.

According to Tatyana Cheraksheva, they have the same essence: with the help of a chemical agent, the master destroys disulfide bonds in the keratin of the hairs (which form the natural shape of our eyelashes), creates a curl, and then re-shapes the eyelashes into the desired shape, fixes the resulting bend.

The duration of all these procedures is almost the same - 1 to 2 hours, and the effect of them remains until the eyelashes grow back - 1.5-2 months.

It is difficult to say which procedure is better or worse, since each of the techniques effectively emphasizes the individual characteristics of the eyelashes. Nevertheless, there are still small differences and we will analyze them now.

Lamination training - how to become an eyelash lamination master?

If you are inspired by the effect of laminated eyelashes and are diligent enough, then you can become a master of eyelash lamination. It is not worth it to learn this profession on your own. Below we will tell you what a beginner laminator will need, where to go to study and how to choose courses! Scroll below!

Typical set for lamination of eyelashes for beginners

The standard kit for beginner laminators includes: a brush for applying compositions; oxidant, compositions for lamination; means for degreasing eyelashes; eyelash dye; eyelash rollers; tweezers; means for protein reconstruction of eyelashes.

Below in the figure you can see what each of the tools and materials looks like.

Where to learn eyelash lamination

Experienced masters categorically do not recommend learning eyelash lamination at home, without the supervision of professionals - after all, without knowing the correct technique for carrying out the procedure, you can get a chemical composition in the client's eye and ruin his eyesight.

Having done something wrong, we can spoil the client not only eyelashes, but also vision. Studying at home is a huge risk because the health of our clients is at stake.

This is how the classes on the eyelash lamination course go

In order to perfectly study all the nuances of eyelash lamination, it is worth signing up for special courses - only after completing the training, the master will be able to work in a beauty salon.

Experienced teachers in lamination courses will tell you:
  • about the structure of eyelashes and the phases of their growth;
  • help you choose high-quality tools and compositions for lamination;
  • learn how to properly use instruments and sterilize them;
  • explain how to properly communicate with customers.

Where to choose eyelash lamination courses

When choosing courses lamination pay attention to the experience of the teacher.

Lamination cannot be taught by a self-taught master from nowhere. Explore photos of the work of the laminating master and the work of his students.

Read training reviews. Pay attention to the location of the classes and the number of people in the group - everyone should be comfortable in the room, there can be no more than three to five students per master.

The school or teacher must provide you with all supplies and models.

The teacher will put his hand, tell you some nuances in the work. You can find out from a lamination teacher which compositions are better, how to do certain things correctly and in what sequence, what will happen if something is done wrong, learn how to work with the compositions correctly.

In the classroom, you will learn how to attract and interest customers. They will tell you what to talk about with the clientele, and what is better not to talk about. You also need to learn how to properly communicate with the client.

After building or long-term staining of cilia, the hairs are depleted. They become brittle, light and irregular in shape. To restore natural beauty, many girls resort to eyelash lamination. This is a special procedure aimed at restoring the natural strength and speed of hair growth.

What is lamination?

Lamination is a procedure for the restoration of eyelashes, which is offered by modern cosmetology. It is performed with special formulations enriched with nourishing oils, mineral components, active vitamin complexes and acids. It is noteworthy that in the process of regeneration of the rod, the process of painting the hairs also takes place. They are darkened in a natural color, due to which they look as long and thick as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages of eyelash lamination:

  • A month after the procedure, the hairs stick out in different directions. It is important to understand that the technique is a kind of perm. Rollers are placed under the hairs, which fix a certain shape of the curls. When growing, the curl changes its position, which is why it looks sloppy.
  • The likelihood of allergic reactions. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to conduct a biolamination session, since the probability of a histamine reaction is high. The compositions include vitamins, acids and other active substances that can provoke swelling, itching, increased lacrimation.
  • Some time after the session, the hairs require some care.
  • The procedure causes some damage to the natural curve of the hairs, which can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

How is the procedure in the salon and at home

If a woman has experience in handling coloring compositions for the eyes, then she may well do the lamination and dyeing of her eyelashes at home. But, in the absence of relevant skills, it is better to trust the professionals and go to the salon.

The following compositions can be used for the procedure:

  • Botox. Used to correct short and brittle eyelashes. Traditionally, the session is carried out using a solution of botulinum toxin. Only unlike beauty injections, it is not injected subcutaneously, but applied to the surface of the hairs. In addition to a safe toxin, the composition includes vitamins, oils, Panthenol, paint (analogue of Refectocil).
  • Keratin. Essential for intensive hair treatment after eyelash extensions. This substance is one of the building materials of the hair shaft. In the process of such lamination, the cilia become elastic, shiny and incredibly nourished.
  • Gelatin. Provides a short-term effect, disappears with keratinization. To them, for which special curlers may not even be used. As a result, the hairs will become flexible and radiant.

Most often, this procedure is carried out together with hair coloring. The methodology includes the following steps:

The difference between before and after is immediately noticeable. Each eyelash is clearly drawn, due to which the effect of density is created. Botox technology is designed for long-term use, so correction will be needed no earlier than a month later.

Keratin lamination

The process of keratinization of eyelashes, with the exception of the products used, is very similar to the treatment of hairs with Botox. For keratin restoration, a complex of vitamins and minerals supplemented with hair protein is used. The most famous materials are produced by Si Lashes & Brows and Shine Lashes.

Technique for performing keratin lamination of eyelashes Yumi Lashes:

  • The skin and hairs are cleaned of dust and cosmetics, degreased with special lotions without alcohol and dried well. Then a moisturizing and softening cream is applied to them. This will protect the epidermis during treatment and provide a deeper action of the recovery complex.
  • A silicone lining is glued under the lower eyelid. It will protect the skin from accidental painting. A special silicone mold is attached to the upper eyelid, which acts as a curler.
  • The painting technology is as follows: lifting the hairs on the roller, the master applies a nourishing and fixing composition to them. This provides a beautiful curl, shading and the effect of thick eyelashes.
  • Therapeutic compositions are applied with a thin brush, which gradually stains each hair.
  • After 5 minutes, excess material is removed from the surface of the hair with a metal scraper and paint is applied to them. In this position, the client will have to lie for another 20 minutes.
  • After that, paint and keratin are removed from the eyes with a dry cotton swab, lining is removed from the eyelids and the skin is covered with a protective cream.

Lamination at home with gelatin: step by step instructions

To look at 100%, it is absolutely not necessary to buy a Novel Lash Up starter kit for eyelash lamination. With the task of strengthening and thickening the hairs, gelatin formulations do an excellent job. Recipe for gelatin for eyelashes:

  • 15 g of gelatin is poured into a metal container and 50 ml of warm water is poured. It is important to immediately mix the resulting mass thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  • After that, the gruel is put on a very quiet fire and boiled for 15 minutes. Watch the readiness of the mass. You need to achieve complete uniformity.
  • After that, a teaspoon of any available eyelash balm or coconut oil is added to the chilled mixture. The product is mixed again.

After preparing a cosmetic product, you need to apply it as quickly as possible.

Step-by-step instructions on how to do home lamination of eyelashes:

  • Cosmetics and dust should be washed off the skin and eyelashes, we recommend wiping the treated areas with Chlorhexidine solution.
  • Cotton pads moistened with water are glued under the eyes. Instead, you can still use a greasy cream, but it will reduce the effectiveness of lamination.
  • Now you need to take an eyeliner and remove the cilia on it. In our case, it will replace professional curlers.
  • After 20 minutes, the composition is removed from the eyes with paper napkins.

The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. It's not harmful to the hair at all, so if you don't get it right the first time, you can try again. But only after the hairs have dried.

Compositions for lamination

Professional lamination is performed strictly using special formulations. This is a complex of drugs aimed at restoring hairs, coloring them and fixing the bend. Consider the most popular products:

  • LVL Lashes. British product for cosmetic biowave. In the assortment of the manufacturer there are 3 options for the composition. The sachet includes curling tools, lifting complex and moisturizing lotion.
  • Novel Lash Up. This is a complete kit for the biolamination procedure. It can be used at home, and professional lash makers often use the set. The kit includes tools (tapes, microbrushes, brushes, pads and jars), solutions for the session (degreaser, fixative, remover, coloring pigment, lifting balm).
  • Si Lashes & Brows. This is a keratin lamination kit. It is suitable even for nursing mothers, because it contains natural ingredients (keratin, Panthenol, castor oil and ginseng extract). The kit also includes containers for mixing products, the necessary tools for work and a soft remover.
  • Shine Lashes. Like the LVL products, this keratin curling product is available in three types: chemical, soft, gentle. It is worth choosing them depending on the problems with eyelashes. If they are only after extension, then it is better to buy a sparing complex, but if the hairs require extra-strong fixation and you need the effect to last at least 2 months, then a chemical composition is recommended.

Regardless of the composition chosen, the effect lasts up to 2 months with proper care. In rare cases, the beauty and brightness of eyelashes last up to 10 weeks.

Eyelash care after the procedure

The first 12 hours after the procedure, you can not wash your face - the water will wash off the top layer and paint, which will make the eyelashes look less impressive. The next day, it is also better to avoid contact with running water, and, if necessary, it is recommended to remove cosmetics with soft tonics or foams.

How to care for eyelashes after lamination:

  • You can not rub your eyes - this action will ruin the curl.
  • For painting with ink, it is better to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics. Do not use waterproof formulations - they are more difficult to wash off.
  • It is strictly forbidden to dive and bathe in the sauna. You need to be especially careful when you are in salt water.

Contraindications and consequences

The most important contraindication of lamination is conjunctivitis, chalazion, poor eyesight (nearsightedness, farsightedness). Individual contraindications are clarified in consultation with a specialist.

It is important to understand that lamination is not only a benefit for eyelashes, but also some negative consequences. In particular, be prepared for the fact that when "your" untreated eyelashes grow, the hairs will change their bend. A beautiful curl can turn into broken "spider legs".

Another consequence is addiction. Like eyebrow microblading, eyelash lamination beautifully sets off the hairs, but after rinsing, they seem to have become lighter than they were before the procedure. The pigments used in painting do not have a highlighting effect and do not lighten the cilia.

Photos before and after

You can verify the expressiveness of the effect and the brightness of the hairs when viewing the photos before and after the procedure.

To prolong beauty, you can carry out correction procedures yourself or visit your master.

I liked the epilation, my legs - everything is fine, quickly, and we also did armpits, it didn’t hurt. Sociable, unobtrusive, sweet voice she has. I actually fell asleep when she did it to me. Now what I didn't like: I didn't like the eyebrows! On the phone when we called her, I said that I ...

I need to tint my eyebrows a little to match the color of my hair. I have them almost red, that is, there is very little need to keep the paint, and it must definitely be diluted. I confirmed this over the phone. I told her the same thing when she specified that she would paint her eyebrows now. As a result, when she finished, I have eyebrows like Brezhnev! Too bright. I have my eyebrows, they are reddish, and I got brown eyebrows. Now I have only eyebrows on my face! I came home, poisoned them with peroxide, smeared them with oil. In general, the Internet to help me, but the paint is very good. This is a plus. The husband was very happy and said: “Why did you go there, I love you not only for your eyebrows.” In general, this is a huge minus that I see in the morning. The only good thing is that eyebrows are not hair, they will grow back faster. I had to thin them out, but the effect that I wanted from eyelash lamination was lost. Because when laminating, the look opens, the eyelashes are black. Now no one sees it, because I have eyebrows! She could not fix the work, she began to rub them with some kind of special liquid, but while wiping, I did not find any paint on the cotton swab. The paint has been overexposed, obviously. But I really liked the epilation. It was hot in her office, and it turned out slower. She constantly sprinkled with talc to cling better, so we would finish faster. I did waxing for the first time. All together it probably took 2-3 hours. These were bikinis, legs, armpits, eyebrow coloring and eyelash lamination. Now I’ll tell you about the eyelashes: I didn’t sting, I didn’t stink. She told everything very correctly what she would do now. When one thing stinks, she says: "It's just a fixative." But he quickly faded. Then she covered everything with oil, at first they were stuck together. She says: "Do not touch anything with your hands, you will wash yourself tomorrow." All this, apparently, is covered with oil, a special solution, and you can wash only the next day. I washed them, they fluffed up. I really like one eye, and the second not so much, because the cilia, they seem to be curved inwards at the ends. Sharply twisted, as if a twig had been broken. I got on the Internet and read that it is dangerous to expose eyelashes to chemistry a second time. First they are bent, then fixed, then the eyelashes are tinted, and on my lower eyelid the corners remained red, half of the eyelashes were unpainted. I wanted to go to the sea and not take a pencil, but it's so cool. Everyone says it's cool, the eyes opened, but those eyebrows! The paint is very good! I really liked the fact that she commented on everything. A very easy person to communicate with. Her office is small, without air conditioning. Worked with gloves, everything is very good. In general, hair removal and eyelashes are a positive impression, but eyebrows are not. All in all, a very nice woman. I would do sugaring with her again, but I won’t let her face again. She said she would call and ask how I feel. Worried. She said it would be better on the third day. Eyelashes are not very well dyed, but I really liked the sugaring.

From this article you will learn:

  • Who Invented Eyelash Lamination?
  • How is eyelash lamination different from extensions?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of eyelash lamination
  • Who is contraindicated to do this procedure
  • Is it possible to do lamination of eyelashes at home

Beauty and grooming have always been the goal of any woman. With the help of modern cosmetic procedures, it is possible to improve almost any part of the body. So, for example, many of the fair sex often turn to lash makers to laminate eyelashes and get an expressive look.

What is eyelash lamination

What is it, lamination of eyelashes, which many girls have heard about?

Previously, this procedure was used only for hair. As a result of keratin lamination, they became smooth, healthy and well-groomed. Then they began to do the same on the eyelashes and eyebrows.

In the process of lamination, eyelashes are filled with useful minerals and other substances, while simultaneously lengthening them and increasing volume. Keratin gives the hairs a magnificent bend, they become long and look well-groomed. If you search the Internet for photos before and after eyelash lamination, you will notice a significant difference. In addition to the fact that after saturation with keratin, the hairs become visually much better, they also receive nutrition that helps strengthen them.

This revolutionary technology was invented by the founders of the LVL Lashes brand, Karen Betts and Brigitte Softley, who developed the LVL lamination formula. Their goal was to provide cosmetic care to cancer patients who lost their hair and eyelashes during treatment.

An unforgettable impression on Bridget and Karen was made by eyelash extension technology, which they first learned about when they visited Hong Kong in 2005 and visited several thematic exhibitions and conferences. This experience allowed us to look at the search for a remedy for hair loss in a new way. Just at that time, the idea of ​​treating natural eyelashes was born in order to obtain density, volume, length and color saturation.

The formula for improving native hairs without the use of extension techniques is based on the biowave method. The priority was given to the curative and restorative action rather than to the aesthetic effect. Experts did not use synthetic products, but focused on the use of natural ingredients, oils and vitamins.

In just 1 year, LVL specialists conducted more than a hundred studies. They tested herbal preparations based on dandelion juice, zucchini, and mineral oils. As a result, the optimal proportion of the necessary components was found. Specialists have developed a unique technique that prolongs the effect of coloring and nourishing eyelashes, which has turned the beauty industry upside down.

More than 7 million people with weakened, brittle and lifeless hairs over the decade of the brand's activity, using LVL lamination products, received qualified help and solved their problem.

Pros and cons of eyelash lamination

Lamination has many benefits. The first of them is the safety of the method, because it uses drugs that contain only natural ingredients. The second main plus is the availability of technology (it is possible to laminate eyelashes at home).

All the advantages of the procedure:

  • A nourishing complex is used to strengthen each eyelash. The composition is applied in such a way that it is distributed as evenly as possible along the entire hairline.
  • The lamination process involves a thin coloring, in which the color is very natural, as it is as close to natural as possible.
  • After the procedure, the restoration of eyelashes after extension, coloring and curling will be much faster.
  • Lamination is useful not only for hairs, but also for the delicate skin of the eyelids, which is nourished in the form of essential acids, as well as vitamins and minerals.
  • Such restorative lamination of eyelashes, according to many girls, accelerates their growth.

Even with so many advantages, the procedure also has some disadvantages. For example, the short duration of the effect obtained. Other cons that may affect your desire to strengthen eyelashes with keratin include:

  • The likelihood of allergic reactions to the composition of the solution. To check this, you need to test the product by applying a small amount to the inside of the elbow and leaving it for 12 hours. Itching and redness will indicate that the eyelids and eyes will suffer even more, since the skin here is much more sensitive. Therefore, this test should not be neglected.
  • If the eyes are inflamed, then lamination will only aggravate the situation.
  • A poor-quality composition can cause serious damage to eyelashes.
  • Very rarely, but it happens that the structure of hairs and keratin does not match. In this case, they can become weakened and brittle.
  • The effect of healing eyelashes after lamination, advertised by manufacturers and lash makers, is rather insignificant, it is not able to replace more serious care methods.
  • The result after the procedure is cumulative, it will become noticeable after a few sessions. Therefore, you need to foresee this in advance and plan the corresponding costs in your budget.
  • The price of lamination of eyelashes is high, in addition, after two months (or maybe earlier) it will need to be repeated. If you don't have the money for a second procedure, you will have to experience a difficult recovery period. At this time, the eyelashes will be brittle, unattractive, sticking out in different directions.
  • Before contacting a laminating master, try to figure out if you really need it. If you already have healthy and thick eyelashes, the procedure will be superfluous. The result will be natural, and the look will be natural. If you want to make a "doll look", then it is better to choose the extension method.
  • From a master who has no experience, you can expect the most unpredictable result: imperceptible or negative. It happens that the hairs begin to break off. In a good salon, they guarantee that eyelash lamination will be successful and the client will get the desired result.

Differences between lamination and eyelash extensions

Find out how lamination of eyelashes differs from extensions.

Contraindications for eyelash lamination

Like any cosmetic procedure, lamination has its own contraindications, which are quite serious, so you need to pay attention to them.

  • Individual components in the composition of the mixture can cause allergies due to the presence of individual intolerance.
  • If any operations have been performed in the eye area, lamination is contraindicated.
  • The session must be canceled if there are diseases of the mucous membrane or if there has been barley recently.
  • It is not advised to carry out the procedure for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Lamination is not recommended for owners of short eyelashes, as they will look like tight curls or curls.
  • If you plan to grow hairs soon, then it is better to refuse lamination, since the mineral oils contained in the solution will adversely affect the extension glue, as a result of which it will not hold well.

Due to the fact that the client did not pay attention to contraindications, and the specialist did not verify their presence, photos and reviews about lamination can be quite contradictory.

In general, keratin treatment gives positive results, which is why many people recommend it. Some clients who have tried the procedure on themselves are frightened by the first effect in the form of stuck together hard eyelashes. And the resulting pigment at the hairline looks like a carelessly made eyeliner. However, after a day, the hairs begin to straighten out, gain splendor, softness and bend.

How long does the effect of eyelash lamination last?

Every day, a person loses a certain amount of eyelashes, which is a natural process of replacing them. But it should be noted that in some cases this is due to problems in the body. Having decided to make eyelash lamination, we must remember that the effect of an expressive look will not last forever.

How much is the result enough?

Due to the natural replacement of eyelashes, the effect will disappear after about 3 months. With a deficiency of vitamins, frequent touching of the eyes, the use of low-quality mascara, this will happen faster.

There is a direct relationship between the duration of the effect achieved and the materials used by the master in his work. It is necessary to take into account this fact and not spare money for a qualified specialist who uses only high-quality cosmetics.

How much does eyelash lamination cost in the salon

The cost of such a cosmetic service starts from 1500 rubles. In the regions, they are ready to carry out this procedure for an amount from 1,800 rubles to 3,000 rubles. In Moscow, beauty salons in their prices indicate a range of 2500-5000 rubles.

The price of the procedure depends on various factors, the main of which is the brand and manufacturer of the laminating preparation. The cost is also affected by the image and technical equipment of the beauty salon. The service will cost more if carried out by qualified personnel. Serious institutions offer their clients to see and evaluate the work of specialists by showing photos before and after the session. According to them, girls can determine which option suits them best.

The cost is also influenced by where the salon is geographically located. If it is remote from the center, located in a residential area of ​​the city, then, accordingly, the price of the service will be lower.

Many salons are ready to offer services with the departure of the master at home. Then lamination will cost 20-30% more.

Home lamination of eyelashes is a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure, it requires special knowledge and skills. Therefore, doing it yourself at home to save money is not recommended. According to technology, you need to keep your eyes closed, therefore, you cannot do without an assistant. The result may differ significantly from the desired, and lamination will be ineffective and short-lived. The apparent savings will entail additional costs.

Lamination of eyelashes in a beauty salon and at home

If you have experience with eye coloring mixtures, then you are quite capable of laminating and coloring yourself. If you have never done this before, then it is better to turn to professionals.

To carry out lamination, the following compositions are used:

  • Botox is used to correct short and brittle eyelashes. A solution of botulinum toxin, unlike "beauty injections", is not injected under the skin, but is applied directly to the hairs. The composition of the laminating mixture includes a safe toxin, oils, panthenol and paint (similar to Refectocil).
  • Keratin - necessary for intensive treatment of eyelashes after extension. This is a building material that restores the hair shaft. After using it, the hairs become elastic and shiny.
  • Gelatin - gives a short-term effect, similar to keratin treatment. With it, biowave eyelashes are carried out at home. The result is flexible and shiny hair.

Lamination of eyelashes with Botox

Often this procedure is carried out simultaneously with coloring. The technology consists of several stages:

  1. Removal of cosmetic residues and other impurities from the eyelids and eyes. Then a gentle scrub so that the solution penetrates deeper into the hair shaft, thereby providing a longer lasting effect.
  2. To protect the eyelids from accidental contact with paint, hydrogel pads are glued to the skin along the hairline.
  3. A coloring mixture is applied to the eyelashes, which can be permanent (indelible) or semi-permanent (washable). More often, the indelible composition is a modeling kit from Lash Botox, and the washable mixture contains the usual simple henna.
  4. After 20 minutes, the coloring composition is washed off, the eyelashes are dried. The eyelids are freed from the overlays and the hairs begin to be worked out with a restorative cocktail.
  5. Application of Botox (only on a moistened surface). After 20 minutes, it is washed with paper towels or discs.

The appearance of the eyelids after Botox treatment is significantly different from what it was before the session. The effect of density appears, since each hair is clearly traced. This method is designed for a long period of use, so the adjustment will not be required for another month.

Keratin lamination

How is eyelash lamination done using keratin? The whole process is similar to Botox treatment. For keratin recovery, vitamin and mineral complexes are used.

Yumi Lashes keratin lamination technology:

  • Cleanse eyelashes and skin around the eyes. Degrease using lotion without alcohol, dry. To protect the upper epidermis, as well as to ensure a deeper penetration of restorative substances, moisturize with an emollient cream.
  • A silicone lining is glued under the lower eyelashes, which protects the skin from accidental staining. In the area of ​​​​the upper eyelid, a special form (roller) is fixed, made of silicone and acting as a curler.
  • The master first lifts the eyelashes onto the roller, then puts a nourishing and fixing mixture on them. This allows you to get a beautiful curl and the effect of thickened hairs.
  • The treatment solution is applied with a thin brush and each eyelash is treated.
  • After 5 minutes, the excess material is removed with a metal scraper. Paint is applied to the surface of the hairs and left for 20 minutes.
  • With a dry cotton swab, the coloring composition and keratin residues are removed from the eyelids, and the skin is lubricated with a protective cream.

Eyelash lamination and Botox at the same time - lengthening and healing

To enhance the result of lamination, you can carry out another useful procedure - Botox treatment. This substance has a positive effect on the damaged structure of the eyelashes, as it fills areas with voids with nourishing elements. Thanks to this, the hairs retain density, flexibility and density for a long time. It would be ideal to carry out lamination and Botox saturation at the same time.

In this case, you will not need to make a choice in favor of one or another method that is most suitable for you. You will benefit from each operation: after lamination - length and beautiful bend, after Botox therapy - nutrition, recovery and density.

Tools and materials for home lamination of eyelashes

Sometimes girls, wanting to save time and money, do home lamination of eyelashes. If you decide to take this step, then you definitely need to understand the execution technology and find out what materials will be required for this.


  • emulsion that forms a bend and softens the hairs;
  • fixative;
  • nourishing oil based lotion.


  • special glue for eyelash lamination;
  • alcohol-free skin cleansing lotion;
  • silicone curlers;
  • oxidizer;
  • pigment elements.


  • tweezers and a special needle for separating eyelashes;
  • hydrogel tapes to protect the lower row of hairs;
  • dry cotton pads, sticks;
  • brushes and brushes to apply the solution.

You can buy a composition for laminating eyelashes and other materials in a specialized cosmetic store.

Prepare everything you need, then proceed to the main process.

  1. Wash your face and remove any remaining makeup.
  2. Degrease your eyelids with tonic or lotion.
  3. Spread moisturizer on them, and place silicone curlers and cotton pads divided in half on top of it.
  4. Spread the serum mixture with a brush along all eyelashes, applying a layer as evenly and densely as possible. Excess is useless, you need to get rid of them with a cotton swab.
  5. Leave to soak for 10 minutes. To make the result more spectacular, cover your eyes with a film and fix on top by applying cotton pads.
  6. The lamination process itself consists in applying a keratin composition with a brush. After it, the eyes also need to be covered with a film and overlays. Remove the excess mixture, and after 15 minutes and lining.

Eyelash care after lamination

Eyelashes that have undergone lamination do not need too much care. However, there are a number of recommendations that must be followed to maintain the effect as long as possible:

  1. Apply decorative cosmetics that do not contain alcohol and acids.
  2. Treat eyelashes with vegetable oil (burdock or castor oil) 2-3 times a week. It is better to do this before going to bed, having carried out a preliminary make-up remover.
  3. Try not to use mascara often.
  4. Wash with water at room temperature.
  5. Apply the scrub to the face as carefully as possible, without affecting the area around the eyes.

Common eyelash lamination mistakes and their consequences

If you turned to a competent specialist, then most likely there will be no problems. But in case of poor-quality work, unpleasant consequences may occur after lamination of eyelashes:

  • the upper eyelid in the ciliary part turns red;
  • discomfort and burning appear inside the eye.

Also, after lamination of eyelashes, you may encounter the following side effects:

  1. Due to the incorrectly selected size of the form, the hairs are twisted.
  2. If, when applying the composition, the eyelashes intersect with each other, then they will stick out in different directions.
  3. Wavy eyelashes are obtained in the absence of combing before applying the mixture.
  4. If you choose the wrong diameter of the shape, the upward bend can turn out to be strong and unnatural.
  5. Uneven application of the fixative will result in uneven flexing.
  6. Processing with poor-quality (or expired) composition, and also, if preliminary degreasing has not been carried out, there may be no bending.

In general, lamination of eyelashes is not a complicated procedure. It is performed quickly, simply, has no side effects, and the result remains for a long time. After the procedure, you can swim, sunbathe, go to the bathhouse and sleep face down on the pillow. Ideal, and in addition, healthy hairs with a beautiful length and bend, nothing is scary. This effective and simple method is the best for eyelash care and will help emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes.

Anna Klyuchko's chain of eyelash extension studios is the largest in Russia.

Our masters already have 301 cups, including 74 victories in international eyelash extension tournaments. Such achievements cannot be called an accident or explained by simple luck, because:

  • We are the largest eyelash extension network in Russia. We have performed more than 50 thousand procedures.
  • The main asset of the company is our masters. Specialists are allowed to work only after passing a complex multi-stage exam.
  • Building is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each client.
  • The work uses only the best materials from South Korea, proven by many years of experience.
  • We want as many women and girls as possible to be able to afford to create an attractive look with eyelash extensions. Therefore, it is important for us to provide a professional-level procedure at affordable prices.