How to take care of your lips at home. Lip care: a special massage that fills the smile with “juiciness and volume”. Causes of cracks

Lips are the first thing a person pays attention to when looking at his interlocutor.

They are an indicator of the health of the body, show the character traits of the individual.

It is for this reason that lips should always look perfect.

This is especially true for the fair sex.

The skin of the lips is very delicate and sensitive, subject to the negative effects of the environment and rapid fading.

It is very easy to damage it, so cosmetologists warn women not to use “cheap” lipsticks and glosses with a dubious composition. If a lady wants to always look attractive, she must provide daily lip care.

Lip care: a special massage that fills the smile with "juiciness and volume"

Few people know that lips also need to be massaged in order to preserve their natural beauty and attractiveness. It does not take much time, but with regular repetition of the process, the result will be stunning. If there are several effective massage methods that will give women's lips an alluring volume.

1. soft toothbrush. It is advisable to purchase a separate brush for massage, always with soft bristles so that it does not hurt the skin. Apply a small amount of shea butter or jojoba oil (sold in pharmacies), almond vegetable oil on it. Then, with light gentle movements, the lips are massaged. This method will not damage their structure, but instantly activates the natural process of regeneration and hydration. Massage is recommended to be done for a few minutes every day before going to bed. It improves blood circulation, gives the lips a "juicy" natural shade.

2. Ice massage- This is one of the most effective ways to increase the volume of lips at home. First, you need to drive an ice cube over the skin for several minutes. After that, a moisturizing balm is applied to it to consolidate the effect. Cryomassage is an effective tool that gives a slight appetizing swelling to female lips. It is relevant to do it before an important date or business meeting.

Lip Care: Moisturizing

In order for lips to look bright and healthy for many years, they must be saturated with moisture. Most of the fair sex believe that it is enough to use balms regularly. They apply makeup every few hours. It has been proven that the use of balms makes delicate skin dry even more, it is for this reason that the lips require another “dose” every few hours, and become covered with painful microcracks.

How does the balm work? It covers the skin with an oily film, which disrupts the natural process of moisture evaporation and cell regeneration. Its use only temporarily gives the lips a healthy look, then they return to their original state.

How to get out of this situation?

1. The most useful and safe is the usual baby cream. It must be applied not only on the face, but also on the hoods, in a thinner layer. Oily balms can only be used in winter to protect delicate skin from cold and wind.

2. So that the lips do not require another "dose" of balm so often, you need to refrain from using it for several weeks. The cosmetic product can be replaced with primrose vegetable oil, which is sold in pharmacies at the best price. It contains gamma-linoleic acid and vitamin E in its composition. These components effectively regenerate the skin, heal cracks and relieve irritation. Oil is recommended to be applied during the day 3-4 times. Between applications, you can not lick your lips - this is a very bad habit. Already after the first week, a woman will notice that her smile has become “juicier” and more attractive.

3. It is important to understand that any product that is applied to the lips enters the body. For this reason, ladies are advised to purchase only natural cosmetics with the safest possible composition.

Lip care: maintaining health and youth

There are several recipes for nourishing lip masks that need to be done several times a week. This will help a woman to maintain the attractiveness and youthfulness of her smile for many years. The best part is that masks can be prepared at home at minimal financial cost.

1. Vegetable oil (castor, rosehip) is mixed in the same proportion with honey until completely dissolved. A thick layer of the mask is applied to the lips, left for 1-2 hours, washed off with warm water.

2. The mask recipe described above can be supplemented. To get rid of irritations and cracks, lavender, chamomile or rose essential oil (2 drops) is added there. To give the lips more volume and a “juicy” shade, essential oils of ginger, lemon, cinnamon or mint are added. The mask is applied to the lips for 10 minutes, then the skin is massaged with a toothbrush. The remains of the product are removed with a damp cloth.

3. If there is candied honey in the house, it can be used to give the skin of the lips a bright pleasant shade, refresh it and add a natural shine. The product is applied to the lips with massaging movements, after 5-7 minutes it is removed with a napkin dipped in warm water.

4. Once a week it is useful to use a lip scrub that you can make yourself. Unrefined coconut oil (1/4 teaspoon) is mixed with crushed brown sugar until smooth. 2-3 drops of essential orange oil are added there. The mask is applied with a thick layer on the lips, washed off after 15 minutes.

5. Pomegranate seeds are a great way to give your lips an even pink tint. You need to grind them well, mix with high-fat cream. It is useful to apply the resulting paste on the lips every day for 15 minutes before going to bed. You should not expect an instant result, the effect will be noticeable after about a week.

6. A pinch of red henna is brewed with boiling water, coconut oil and cinnamon essential oil (1 drop) are added there. With a brush, the mask is applied to the skin in an even layer, washed off after 20 minutes. This mixture gives the lips a pleasant shade, so when applying it, it is very important not to go beyond the contour.

Lip care: effective exercises

A special set of exercises for the lips is an excellent prevention for each of the fair sex. They do not take much time, but they are struggling with age-related changes. Any time for exercise is chosen - in the morning before applying makeup or in the evening before going to bed.

1. Lips should be pulled out as if you were blowing out a candle. Muscles try to strain as much as possible. The exercise is repeated 10-12 times.

2. Repeat the vowels, while trying to articulate with your lips as expressively as possible. The exercise is repeated 10 times for each letter.

3. The lips are pulled out with a "duck", while the mouth should be left a little ajar. Then the lips relax and the mouth closes. The process is repeated 10-15 times.

4. The tongue protrudes forward as much as possible, at the extreme point it is important to hold it as long as you can. It is enough to repeat the exercise every day 5 times.

Maximum efficiency can be achieved if a woman devotes 10 minutes to training her lips every day and performs the entire range of these exercises.

Lip care: giving up bad habits

If the fair sex has decided to provide complete lip care, she needs to completely get rid of a number of bad habits.

1. When the skin on the lips dries up, you can not lick them. This will only make the situation worse. In such a situation, you can use hygienic lipstick based on organic ingredients.

2. You should try to expose your lips to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation as little as possible. When choosing a cosmetic care product, you need to make sure that it is with SPF protection.

3. Such bad habits as smoking and drinking have a negative impact on the entire body of a woman. Lip skin is no exception. It is necessary to consume 1.5-2 liters of liquid every day so that the lips are sufficiently moisturized.

4. It is important to try to eat a balanced diet, eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Comprehensive daily lip care is a great way to give them juiciness and attractiveness, to preserve youth for many years.

Text: Zoya Andreeva

How to care for lips so that they remain soft, tender and attractive? An urgent question, especially for ladies after 25 years. Alas, it is at this age that the first irreversible signs of aging of the body begin to appear, which the lips give out in the first place.

Not how to care for lips, but why

About, how to take care of lips, at any age it will be useful to know. Although, of course, given that the physiological aging of a woman's body begins as early as 20-25 years old, the conclusion suggests itself: the sooner you start carefully and properly care for your lips, the longer they keep a young, charming look.

It is necessary to take care of the lips, as well as the area around the eyes, wisely - the skin in both areas is very thin and capricious, there is no fat layer either there or there at all, which means that all the recovery processes in it proceed slowly, but the aging process - on the contrary, too fast. Many cosmetologists say that the condition of the lips can most accurately determine the age of a person - about 25 years old they turn pale and become less clear-cut, around 30 - small wrinkles appear, the skin becomes thinner and drier. And then the process only gets worse: wrinkles turn into deep ones, and dryness and cracking are commonplace.

How to take care of your lips: be careful!

It is not easy to fit all the useful information on care in one text. But a few basic rules and recommendations are quite possible. First, according to tradition, about prohibitions and taboos:

  • lips must be constantly protected from the harmful effects of the sun - use creams, balms and decorative cosmetics with SPF filters, because the skin of the lips is not even as afraid of frost and cold wind as the rays of the open sun - because they provoke the process of photoaging;

  • in winter, you should be wary of using lip balms - the fact is that in the cold the balm freezes, since it usually contains wax, freezing leads to excessive dryness and cracking of the skin;

  • female gloss often advises massaging lips with a toothbrush, forgetting, however, often to mention that the brush should wash as soft as possible, and any other (medium soft, medium hard, etc.) can injure the thin skin of the lips;

  • stop smoking! Alas, smoking in general has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, but especially in the area of ​​​​the lips: there the skin is more susceptible to negative influences, and direct contact with combustion products and harmful tars contained in cigarettes is the closest in this area;

  • Enrich your diet with fiber - it has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the lips.

How to care for lips: 8 women's tricks

The lip care program should include the most modern professional products - balms, creams, serums, masks, and more. But simple improvised tricks for lip care should not be ignored either. After all, sometimes even three drops of olive oil can magically change the external condition of your lips, make them more well-groomed and attractive. So:

  • a slightly chilled green tea bag is useful to apply not only to the eyes, but also to the lips - it tones the skin, improves blood circulation and restores fluid balance;

  • See your dentist twice a year! It turns out that the appearance of the lips, and especially their shape, also depends on the condition of the teeth and gums, diseases of the oral cavity can provoke a change in bite, which entails the drooping of the corners of the mouth;

  • to remove makeup from the lips, it is best to use a few drops of vegetable oil - it perfectly dissolves lipstick and gloss, while not injuring delicate skin;

  • it is advisable to do lip peeling at least once every two days - either with a special cosmetic product or with products that are at hand, for example, by mixing oatmeal and a little yogurt, you will get an excellent mixture for delicate peeling;

  • if you are haunted by the sexy shape of plump lips "a la Angelina Jolie", the easiest way to change the situation is to get a filler injection in a salon with a good reputation, but for a short-term effect of swelling, you can try the following recipe: mix chopped dill with grape seed oil (sold in most large supermarkets), plus add 2-3 more drops of dill essential oil - massage your lips with this mixture for about three minutes, then wait five minutes and rinse with warm water;

  • an excellent remedy for the smoothness of the lips is a scrub with honey: mix honey and cane sugar and massage your lips with this mixture, the next time a similar procedure can be repeated after a week;

  • organic peeling will give a beautiful and even color to the lips: rub your lips with a slice of tomato or half a grape;

  • how to care for lips if they are overdried? Not difficult - every night at night, wipe them with a cotton pad with shea butter or grape seed oil.

Seductive, attractive female lips from century to century drove men crazy. However, for beauty and health, lips require daily care. After all, the skin of the lips is very thin, and under the influence of the sun, wind, frost, it quickly dries and cracks.

The condition of the lips can be judged on the health of a person. The color of our lips comes from the blood vessels running just under the thin skin of the lips. Beautiful bright lips indicate excellent health, but blue and purple shades indicate that you should think about your well-being. Over the years, the blood supply to the skin deteriorates, and the lips become paler.

Many people think that in order for lips to look great, it is enough to paint them with high-quality lipstick. Indeed, lipstick protects and moisturizes our lips. It is desirable that it contains vitamins (for example, vitamin A promotes healing of cracks, eliminates peeling, vitamin E fights against harmful environmental influences), moisturizers (prevent fading of the skin of the lips), oils (have a calming effect, nourish and soften the skin). Therefore, when choosing cosmetics, carefully study the composition. It is better to buy lipsticks made from natural raw materials. After all, synthetic ingredients can cause allergies.

If you do not use lipstick (even hygienic), it is advisable to apply a day cream with ultraviolet filters on your lips, which will protect against the harmful effects of the environment.

Lipstick, of course, decorates a woman, makes her more attractive. However, the skin needs rest. Therefore, every evening, while cleansing the face, do not forget about the lips. To do this, without stretching the skin, with a cotton swab dipped in a cosmetic, you should carefully remove cosmetics from your lips. As a lip cleanser, both a special lipstick remover and a regular makeup remover are suitable. In order to avoid excessive dryness of the lips, do not remove lipstick with soap and water.

Lip care includes several standard procedures and does not require much time and effort.

Lip care. Lip massage

You can do it yourself at home with a slightly damp toothbrush with soft bristles. Massage your lips in circular motions with a brush for 1-2 minutes. This procedure enhances blood circulation and gives the skin a healthy look. It is worth carrying out such a procedure only if there are no bleeding cracks on the lips.

Massage can also be done with the help of fingertips (lightly tapping for 1 - 2 minutes on the lips).

But no matter what method of massage you choose, after it is over, you need to apply a fat cream on your lips (10-15 minutes will be enough).

Lip care.Lip masks

To eliminate the lack of hydration of the lips, you can purchase a special lip cream or use a cream for skin care around the eyes (after all, the skin around the eyes is as delicate as the skin of the lips). However, you can make lip masks yourself at home.

As a nutrient (especially for chapped and chapped lips), natural honey is perfect. It should be applied to the lips for 10 minutes. Then the honey can be eaten or removed with cool water.

As a moisturizer for the lips, vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive, etc.) is perfect.

To give the lips freshness, it will not be superfluous to wipe them with fruit or berry juice every day.

For lips, especially dry ones, a mask of cottage cheese and cream will be very useful. These components are mixed and applied to the lips for ten minutes. Fatty cream and cottage cheese will give the lips extra moisture, make them more elastic. The mask is washed off with cool water.

To treat cracks and soften lips, you can lubricate them with butter. But a mixture of 1 grated apple and 1 teaspoon of butter is much more effective. You can remove the mask with cool water.

Lip care. Lip peeling

As a rule, it is done once a week, after cleansing the skin.

For the procedure, you can use a lip scrub or face scrub sold in stores. However, coffee grounds mixed with sour cream or kefir are also perfect.

You can also make a scrub from a mixture of 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal (preferably in a coffee grinder) and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil. If desired, for additional hydration, you can add two teaspoons of cottage cheese to the scrub.

In winter, we face the problem of chapped lips. There are 6 reasons why this happens:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • environmental impact: strong wind, frost, scorching sun;
  • dry skin;
  • habit of licking lips;
  • smoking;
  • cosmetic allergy.

Why you shouldn't lick your lips

More often, cracks on the lips appear in the corners or on the lower lip. The upper lip is less prone to cracking, as the lower lip is usually licked. Human saliva contains two enzymes that greatly affect dry lips: amylase and maltase. When the saliva on the lips dries out, it evaporates the natural moisture, which leads to drier lips. Therefore, you can not lick your lips, especially in the wind and frost.

Lip Care

Lip care in winter involves cleaning, softening, moisturizing and applying protective agents.


To prevent dry lips, you need to do peeling once a week - remove dead body particles. Scrubs can be bought at the store or you can make your own. To make your own peeling, smear melted honey on your lips and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse the honey with warm water or eat it, and dry your lips with a damp towel to scrub away dead skin. You can not use the method if you have cracks or wounds on your lips.

Massage and masks

All you need is a soft toothbrush. After the scrub and lip massage, make a moisturizing mask.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp sour cream;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • a few drops of lemon.

Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the lips. Hold for 10 minutes.

Brew chamomile tea, dip a cotton pad in it and remove the mask from your lips.

There are 3 ways to protect against dry lips:

  1. Coconut oil. It is easily absorbed into the skin. Serves as an emollient and moisturizer. To use, warm the oil in a water bath or microwave and apply warm to lips several times a day. Because of its luster, the oil can be used as a lip gloss.
  2. Cucumber. Contains 90% water to help restore moisture to lips. Cucumber contains ascorbic acid, which promotes collagen production. Cut the cucumber into circles and leave on the lips for 20 minutes.
  3. Balm. Use as often as possible. It contains herbs and natural oils that soften and nourish the skin of the lips.

The first balms were made in the Middle East. Cosmetics were prepared from the resin of the balsam tree - hence the name. The first lip balm is considered to be a product created in the 18th century. in Paris. It is made from balsam tree resin and rose essential oil. A few decades later, Charles Brown Fleet, MD, put on sale balms made in his personal laboratory. They were in the form of sticks and became popular among the female population of Europe.

The best hygienic lipsticks

Among the many companies producing hygienic lipsticks, a few of the best should be highlighted.

  1. Hurraw. Lipstick is suitable for girls and schoolgirls, as it contains natural substances that protect and moisturize lips. It does not contain ingredients of animal origin, so it is suitable for vegans.
  2. EOS. Lipstick moisturizes lips for a long time. It is in the form of a ball or stick. The taste is sweet and felt on the lips. Organic natural composition. Nice smell.
  3. Uriage. Well nourishes and softens the skin of the lips. Has no unpleasant smell and taste.
  4. Carmex. It happens in sticks, in balls and in tubes. Suitable in winter and for people with dry lips, as it moisturizes, heals cracks and stays on the lips for a long time. It is odorless and with the smell of menthol, cherry or strawberry.
  5. Yves Rosher. Has no color, contains natural moisturizing ingredients, protects the skin of the lips in windy weather.

Folk remedies for lip care

To soften and moisturize the lips, as well as quickly heal small cracks, use folk remedies.

Applesauce and Butter Mask

Combine the ingredients in equal amounts and apply on the lips for 15-20 minutes. Applesauce is best made from fresh apples without additives.

Cocoa Butter Lip Balm

Take equal proportions of cocoa butter and coconut oil - these are base oils, and heat them in a steam bath until a homogeneous liquid state. Remove from water bath and add liquid oils of your choice:

  • almond oil - to moisturize and nourish the skin;
  • avocado oil - relieves various dermatitis, including from the cold;
  • rosehip - regenerates the skin and saturates it with vitamin C;
  • calendula - has antiseptic properties, relieves inflammation.

Liquid oils should be added in a 4:1 ratio - 4 parts base oil to 1 part liquid.

If you want to make the balm colored, add beetroot juice to base oils in a ratio of 1:2 and keep in a steam bath for half an hour. Remove the container from the steam bath and place in cold water. Stir as the oils cool. When the oil cools, it will turn red.

Lips need no less care than the rest of the face, because, as a rule, nasolabial triangle begins to age a little earlier than the skin around the eyes and neck. The reason is that the skin of the lips is thinner and therefore more prone to damage. Lip care is an important part hygiene.

The absence of sebaceous glands leads to the fact that the skin of the lips begins to dry out quickly, lose moisture, while their appearance and condition worsens. This becomes especially noticeable in the cold season, when dry cold air has its negative effect on lip skin.

There are many blood vessels and nerve endings near the surface of the lips, therefore, any damage leads to profuse bleeding. Also, according to the condition of the lips, one can judge the health of a person, if the lips are smooth, of a beautiful red color, then the person is healthy, but if he has, the lips become cyanotic, in heat, the skin of the lips dries out, cracks, crusts.

Proper lip care

Lip care doesn't have to be about putting on lipstick. The same should be applied daily to the skin of the lips. nutritious cream, which you apply in the mornings and evenings on the skin of the face. In the evening, you need to carefully remove the lipstick with a cotton swab with cosmetic milk or a cleansing lotion that does not contain alcohol. It is especially useful to do this with vegetable oil, which will additionally nourish the skin of the lips.

When peeling, you should periodically carry out lip peeling special means, but even if the skin does not peel off, it is useful to carry out this procedure 2-3 times a month. When brushing your teeth, do not forget to massage your lips a little with a toothbrush, this will improve the blood supply to the lips and give them a fresh and healthy look. After a short massage, it is good to lubricate the lips with any oily face cream.

When choosing a lipstick, always be interested in how high quality it is and what is included in its composition. Ideal if it contains proteins , vitamins A , groups B, E and F, and natural oils . When buying cosmetics for the face, do not forget about the lips, special lip creams are now being produced that contain all the necessary useful components. This will make it possible to prevent diseases associated with vitamin deficiency.

Masks that can be prepared independently on the basis of vegetable oil (especially olive or sea buckthorn) support the skin of the lips very well, adding cottage cheese, carrot or lemon juice, grated apple, oatmeal or honey to it. It is enough to do masks regularly, 1-2 times a month. Start doing special exercises for the lips that strengthen the muscles nasolabial region. They are not difficult: pronounce vowel sounds several times with active articulation; fold your lips with a tube, as if whistling, tighten your muscles and relax sharply after 15-20 seconds; inflate your cheeks, holding in this position for 30 seconds. and, just as abruptly, release the air.

These simple lip exercises, combined with beauty treatments such as lip exfoliation, will help keep lips looking young and healthy.