Complementary foods at 2 months with artificial feeding. Complementary feeding of a child for months with artificial feeding. By type of feeding

Immediately after the first difficulties of breastfeeding are left behind, another mother stands in front of serious problem- First meal. The recommendations given in this case by thematic sites, local pediatricians and friends with grandmothers are very different from each other, so inexperienced women are simply lost in a sea of ​​conflicting information. How to introduce the first complementary foods correctly, and what age is optimal for this?

Several decades ago, it was believed that the first complementary foods for babies who eat exclusively breast milk, should be administered at three months. But today this scheme is recognized not only as incorrect, but also dangerous for the health of the child.

In the body of an infant who has not yet reached the age of six months, there are no enzymes necessary for the digestion of new food, so "adult" foods create a strong load on his digestive tract.

In addition, up to six months the child is quite enough useful substances and vitamins that he receives from mother's milk, that is, the earlier introduction of complementary foods simply does not make sense. Such measures are only appropriate for medical indications- for example, in cases where the child does not gain enough weight. True, introducing complementary foods too late is also not recommended, since at 7-8 months the baby can already perceive unfamiliar food much worse.

To get acquainted with new food, the child must have a sufficiently formed for this nervous system, as well as some skills and reflexes.

There are a number of signs by which you can determine his readiness for the introduction of the first complementary foods.

  1. The child has the first chewing movements, the force of sucking increases, and the gag reflex moves from the middle of the tongue to its root.
  2. Having completely emptied the mother's breast, the baby continues to show signs of hunger.
  3. Showing interest in adult food and the first attempts to try something from the plates of the parents.
  4. When the mother tries to offer the child New Product he doesn't try to push the spoon away.
  5. The baby can sit in one place for a long time and take food with his hands.

If a baby has at least three of the five above signs, then his body is quite ready to get acquainted with new dishes.

In order not to harm the baby when introducing complementary foods, the mother must follow several important rules:

  • new products are introduced into the child's menu no more than once every 7-10 days;
  • it is impossible to acquaint a child for the first time immediately before or after vaccinations, with a change in climate, after illness, during teething, etc .;
  • food should be given to the baby when he is hungry, and in no case should he be forced to eat what is offered;
  • initially, all complementary foods (for example, vegetable purees) should be prepared from one vegetable: you can mix different vegetables or cereals only when the child has already tried each of them separately;
  • Complementary foods should not be a reason to stop breastfeeding - they are intended not to replace mother's milk, but supplement it.

Where to begin?

There are two options for the introduction of the first complementary foods, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first is a more modern and radical variant, which is called pedophilic food, as well as the traditional scheme, that is, the introduction of a special diet into the diet. baby food(purchased or homemade). The choice of the most optimal scheme, of course, is up to the mother.

Peculiarities of feeding

The main principle of infant feeding is to acquaint the baby with the food familiar to his family, so that he can quickly “get involved” in the diet. Of course, this does not mean that six-month-old babies should immediately begin to feed fried and fatty adult food. You need to start feeding with tiny (no more than a quarter of a teaspoon) portions of boiled or steamed foods, which should be prepared accordingly: chop or grind.

The list of products that may be included in the food supplement includes:

  • boiled meat and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • boiled and steam vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereals and side dishes (peas, potatoes, beans, etc.).

At first, the baby only gets acquainted with the taste and texture of the new food, after which its quantity begins to gradually increase. This complementary feeding scheme gives children the opportunity to develop communication skills, fine motor skills and coordination, and also forms the basis proper nutrition for the rest of my life.

Complementary baby food

The first products that are recommended to be introduced into the baby's diet are white vegetables (cauliflower) or green vegetables (zucchini, broccoli), as they rarely cause food allergies. Then pumpkin and carrots are added to them, and the latter is given to the child no more than 2-3 times a week, along with other vegetables, otherwise yellow-orange spots may appear on his feet and palms. An exception to this rule is children with insufficient weight gain - in this case, complementary foods begin with gluten-free cereals.

It is not recommended to start complementary foods with fruit juices or fresh fruits - they have a sweet taste, which is why the child immediately begins to develop cravings for sweets, and in addition, they can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing digestive disorders.

There is a special scheme for the introduction of new products, compiled by WHO experts, which is recommended for all lactating women.

Type of complementary foodsOptimal age for administrationHow to enter correctlyRecommended Serving Size
Vegetables6 months (if there are relevant indications 5 months)Green and white vegetables (except potatoes) are introduced first in the form of mashed potatoesTo begin with, it is recommended to give ½ tsp, and then gradually bring it up to the volume of one feeding (100-200 g)
Vegetable oils6 monthsIt is recommended to enter first olive oil, after sunflower and corn, which are added to the pureeFrom a few drops (up to a teaspoon)
Kashi (dairy-free)6.5-7 months (with insufficient weight gain from 4-5 months.)The first to introduce cereals that do not contain gluten (buckwheat, corn, rice), after which you can enter multi-cereal cerealsWith ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Butter7 monthsAs an additive to cerealsWith 1/8 tsp. (up to 10-20 g)
Fruits7-8 monthsIn the form of one-component purees, gradually moving to purees from several types of fruitsWith ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Dairy porridge8-9 monthsFirst, gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, corn, rice), and in the absence of allergies and gastrointestinal disorders, oatmeal and multi-cereals can be introducedWith ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Meat8 monthsTo begin with, turkey, rabbit, veal are recommended, after which chicken and beef are gradually introduced (pork is not recommended as a complementary food)With ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Eggs (yolks)8 monthsIt is recommended to start with quail eggs, as they cause allergies less often than chickenFrom 1/8 tsp chicken (if quail egg, then from ¼), bringing to ½ (whole quail) per day
Baby savory biscuits9-10 monthsMaximum 5 pcs. in a dayFrom small pieces (approximately 1/8), reaching the whole cookie
Dairy products 9 monthsSpecial baby milkWith ½ tsp (up to 100-200 g)
Cottage cheese9 monthsSpecial curd without additivesWith ½ tsp (up to 50 g). From the age of one year, you can give 100 g
by-products9-10 monthsAs part of multi-component purees, at first more than 1-2 times a weekWith ½ tsp (up to 50-100 g)
Fish10 months (in the presence of allergies - from 12)Steam or boiled, twice a weekWith ½ tsp (up to 150-200 g)
fruit juices10-12 monthsTo begin with, give clarified juices diluted with water (proportion 1 to 1), preferably appleWith ½ tsp (up to 100 ml per day)
Kashi (semolina, barley, millet, etc.)12 monthsStart with well-cooked multi-component cerealsFrom 2-3 tsp, (up to 200-250 g)
Berries12 monthsAs a puree (preferably with bright berries)With ½ tsp (up to 100-150 g)

When introducing complementary foods, the crumbs immediately need to start their own dishes: a plate and a spoon. A special spoon can be purchased at the pharmacy - it can be silicone or plastic (some mothers use silver spoons).

It is unacceptable to feed children from a bottle, even if the manufacturer indicates that it is designed specifically for such purposes. Acquaintance with the pacifier is the first step to giving up maternal breast and the formation of unhealthy eating habits.

When introducing a child to new products, it is very important to monitor the reaction of his body - for this it is recommended to keep a special diary in which the mother will write down each of them (time of introduction, quantity, etc.). If your baby suddenly develops a food allergy, constipation or other digestive problems, it will be very easy to identify the “culprit” with the help of records. The product that caused such a reaction should be excluded from the diet for at least a month.

It is very important to remember that with the introduction of complementary foods, the nature of the stool in a child will change in any case. Vegetables contain fiber, so they can loosen the stool slightly (which is why they are especially recommended for children prone to constipation). different fruits also act on the digestive system in different ways: more watery fruits (for example, kiwi, apples, apricots) have a laxative effect, and denser ones (bananas, pears), on the contrary, fix them.

The first feeding activates the work of the liver and the enzymatic system, due to which the stool may acquire a greenish tint or mucus inclusions and undigested pieces of food will appear in it. If the child feels normal, such phenomena should not frighten parents - after the stomach learns to “work” with unfamiliar foods, the stool immediately returns to normal (usually this happens within about a week).

The introduction of new products should not be rushed, otherwise the child may refuse complementary foods altogether - in order for the baby to be completely accustomed to a particular dish, he must try it at least 10 times. With a categorical refusal of a particular product, you can go a little trick - add a little breast milk to the puree or porridge. Feeling the familiar taste, the baby will eat the offered with pleasure.

Purees and cereals for the first feeding can be bought in specialized stores or prepared independently. To do this, you need to take vegetables, rinse them well in boiled water, if necessary, peel and seeds, finely chop, then boil or cook in a double boiler (the second option is preferable, since steaming retains more nutrients). Grind the boiled vegetables with a blender with the addition of a small amount of broth or water.

The consistency of the product should be liquid, reminiscent of kefir. When the baby grows up a little, you can give him a thicker puree, and closer to 10-11 months, vegetables should simply be kneaded with a fork so that the child learns to chew. It is impossible to store ready-made meals for complementary foods - each time you need to prepare a fresh portion.

To prepare porridge for the first feeding, you need to rinse and dry the cereal well, then grind it in a coffee grinder and brew it with boiling water (you can add a little breast milk). In no case should a child be forced to eat everything without a trace - the main goal of complementary foods is not to feed the baby, but to familiarize his body with adult foods, to form the right eating behavior and skills that will be needed in the future.

Video - first feeding

In this article:

The mixture is not able to give the baby all the necessary nutrients in full. Therefore, the menu of artificers begins to expand in more early age. First meal at artificial feeding- a responsible action that requires compliance certain rules. Otherwise, the mother’s inept attempts to diversify the baby’s diet can lead to serious violations his health.

At what age should complementary foods be introduced with artificial feeding?

How much to start complementary foods at? A few decades ago, medicine recommended very early dates. Complementary foods for formula-fed children were introduced after 3 months. The main motivation was the insufficient content in cow's milk of vitamins and other substances necessary for the baby to full development.

Modern pediatricians have a different opinion about when to introduce complementary foods to a formula-fed baby. Today, milk formulas allow you to push back the introduction of additional food in children's menu for some time. But after 4-5 months nutrients and the vitamins they contain may not be enough for the full development of the crumbs. Then it is recommended to introduce complementary foods.

Its beginning is determined by the pediatrician. He chooses the scheme and composition additional products, tells how to introduce complementary foods correctly. You should be guided by the age of the baby - four to five months. This is a recommended but not mandatory time limit. If the doctor considers it necessary to postpone the transition to "adult" food for a while, you should not rush. It is known that without harm to health, the baby can eat an adapted mixture for up to 8 months.

Basic rules for the introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding

Only a qualified doctor should decide when to start complementary foods for a formula-fed baby, taking into account the characteristics of his development and state of health. If the pediatrician does not see the need to expand the diet or believes that digestive system the crumbs are not ready to assimilate new products, there is no need to get ahead of events. Hasty action can adversely affect the well-being and development of the child.

The introduction of the first complementary foods with artificial feeding requires the following recommendations:

  • At first, only one simple product is offered to determine how the child reacts to it.
  • The first "adult" dish should be in consistency like liquid puree. Then the baby's food will become thicker, and after the appearance of the baby, you can try the food in pieces.
  • New dishes are introduced into the menu crumbs in very small portions. The first complementary foods for formula-fed babies start with half a teaspoon. Every day, the amount of a new product is increased, and the portion of the milk mixture is proportionally reduced. If the baby has no or other negative reaction to the new food, after 10 days its amount is adjusted to age norm. In this case, by six months, it replaces one feeding.
  • New foods are easier to introduce into a child's diet when he is hungry. Therefore, food is offered before the mixture, and not after it.
  • A new product should be offered to the child in the morning. So mom will have time to observe the reaction of the crumbs.
  • It is advisable to give complementary foods to a formula-fed child immediately from a spoon, without using a bottle.
  • After the baby's diet is replenished with new products, it is necessary to establish a certain diet. As a rule, it includes eating five times a day.

The rules for the introduction of complementary foods during artificial feeding involve supplementing the child with water in between meals.

What and how to feed

The pediatrician observing the baby determines when to start formula-fed complementary foods, which products should be preferred. In most cases, vegetable purees are offered first if the child has no problems with. If the baby weighs less than normal, the doctor will recommend introducing cereals.

The first cereals must be one-component and do not contain milk. Among cereals, they are preferred, both as gluten-free and less likely to cause allergies. Closer to the year, you can try oatmeal, multi-cereal and wheat porridge. cereals can be prepared for a child after 12 months.

Fruit purees should be included in the baby's diet. The best fruit to start with is an apple.

Consider complementary feeding of a child for months with artificial feeding.

At 4-5 months

The main food of artificial children of this age is a mixture. Formula-fed first complementary foods can start with a one-component vegetable puree or a gluten-free, dairy-free cereal. It is recommended to add a little oil to the puree. Acquaintance with a new product is carried out on the second or third morning or daily feeding.

Scheme first complementary foods with artificial feeding:

  • mixture;
  • porridge / vegetable or fruit puree + mixture;
  • next mixture.

Complementary feeding at 5 months begins with a very small amount of food (a couple of spoons). Gradually it is brought to the age norm.

At 5-6 months

If in the previous period it was possible to introduce one product into the children's menu without any problems, then they move on to the next one. Complementary feeding at 5 months on artificial feeding is based on general rules. The main thing is gradualness. A new dish is first given in very small doses.

An approximate complementary feeding menu at 5 months on artificial feeding may look like this:

  • mixture;
  • porridge / porridge + fruit puree / porridge + mixture;
  • mixture;
  • vegetable puree + mixture;
  • mixture.

At 6-9 months

At six months, the diet of crumbs is enriched with cottage cheese. By the year, the amount of product per feeding is increased to 50 grams. It is impossible to abuse it, independently increase portions in excess of those recommended.

At 7 months, the baby's diet can be enriched with yolk. Preferably quail, because it rarely causes allergies. Start with a few grains, gradually bringing to half the yolk twice a week.

The introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding according to the table implies familiarity with meat from 7 months. Start with lean pork, chicken, rabbit or turkey. Beef and veal can be given if the baby is not allergic to milk protein. If the crumbs have low hemoglobin, then feeding a child on artificial feeding with meat, on the recommendation of a doctor, can be started as early as 5 months of age.

The meat is best boiled and chopped with a blender. It is added to soups and vegetable purees. When the baby grows up a little, by about 8 months, you can cook meatballs, cutlets and steamed meat soufflé. White fish varieties are introduced into complementary foods with artificial feeding at 8 months. Children can safely offer a cracker, drying, an apple.

By 9 months, the first, evening and night, if necessary, feeding of children is carried out with an adapted mixture. During the day, the baby eats "adult" food.

From 9 months to a year

At this age, the nutrition of the artificial and the baby no longer has any special differences. Dishes complicate, the consistency becomes thicker. One-component cereals are replaced by multi-component and dairy. It is allowed to enter several dishes at lunch. For example, vegetable soup, meatballs and grated apple. The baby can be planted in a special chair and beautifully set the table.

The individual schedule for the introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding often differs from the recommended one. Some products may be introduced earlier, and some, on the contrary, are postponed to a later date.

By one year, the diet of children includes a lot of "adult" food. Some mothers at this stage of development make a mistake - they transfer the baby to a common table. It is not recommended to do this, because salt, sugar, excess fat can harm the baby. Food for him needs to be steamed, boiled or stewed.

Table of complementary foods for a child by months with artificial feeding

For convenience, the introduction of complementary foods for children with artificial feeding can be carried out according to special tables. The quantities below are in grams.

3-4 months 4-5 months 5-6 months 7 months 8 months 9-12 months
Juice 5 30-50 50-60 70 80 80-100
Pureed fruits 5 30-50 50-60 70 80 80-100
Pureed vegetables 10-100 150 170 180 180-200
Porridge 50-100 160 170 180 180-200
Cottage cheese 40 40 40 40-50
Meat 5-30 50 50 60-70
Fish 5-30 30-60
Cookie 3-5 5 5 10-15
Bread 5 5 5-10
Vegetable oil, butter 1-3 3 5 6
Kefir 200 200 200-400

The table of complementary foods by months with artificial feeding is advisory in nature. The terms indicated in the schemes are very conditional and can be shifted on the recommendation of a doctor in one direction or another. Complementary foods for artificial feeding begin a few weeks later.

Estimated weight gain table by month

Criteria correct introduction Complementary feeding of formula-fed children - no adverse reactions to a new product and weight gain per month, which can be compared according to the following table:

Age, months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Increase, gr 600 800 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350

If the child is not eating well

What to do when, according to the feeding table for artificially fed children, it is necessary to add new food for a long time, and the child stubbornly eats only the mixture? First of all, mom does not need to panic. After all, the start of complementary feeding with artificial feeding can be postponed without prejudice to your beloved child up to six months. Perhaps the crumbs' digestive system has not matured, and he is not ready to receive a new product.

When the baby refuses other food, except for the mixture, the mother needs to be patient. It can be recommended to seat the child at a common table, thereby developing food interest. You need to offer food when the baby is hungry, for example, on a walk. For feeding a child, it is advisable to buy a bright soft spoon and a bright plate. If the baby refuses industrial purees or cereals, then you can try to cook them yourself. Adding a small amount of the mixture to the porridge will make its taste more familiar.

Even when the crumbs do not immediately develop relationships with unusual food, you should not worry. Each child is individual. If he does not lag behind in development, then you can safely postpone it for a while. The main thing is to follow the principle of the gradual introduction of the product and not to rush. It is not at all necessary that your schedule should coincide with the baby feeding table for months with artificial feeding.

Useful video about the introduction of complementary foods

There are no strict limits on when it is necessary to introduce "adult" food into the child's diet. It all depends on the height, weight and condition of the baby. For the sake of clarity, below are a few key points at which you can start complementary foods:

  • The weight gain is twice that at birth.
  • Great interest in "adult" food.
  • The presence (eruption) of the first teeth.
  • The presence of a swallowing reflex (the child does not spit out the offered food).

Introduction of complementary foods to children receiving adapted mixture instead of breast milk, let's say from 4 months. But according to the recommendations and numerous advice of pediatricians, for children on any type of feeding, it is best to start complementary foods at the age of 6 months. It is this period that is considered optimal for introducing the baby to new food.

IMPORTANT. If your baby is formula-fed, do not introduce complementary foods after 6 months. This can contribute to the development of problems with swallowing and chewing thicker and denser foods.

Scheme of introduction

It is best to start complementary foods for a formula-fed child with vegetable purees.. Because they are easily digested by the fragile stomach of the child, and also contain a large number of vitamins and carbohydrates.

The first puree must be one-component. Vegetables with which complementary foods should be green.

Don't start complementary foods with orange, yellow, or red vegetables (fruits). They can lead to the development of the strongest allergic reaction. For the same reasons, you should not give several products at the same time. You must be careful about the reaction. child's body: colic, gas, rash, constipation. And if at least one of them appears, temporarily abandon this product.

Best for first feeding:

  • vegetable marrow;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • potato.

Start with half a teaspoon, every day gradually increasing the volume and subsequently bringing to a full meal.

Complementary foods are introduced before formula feeding. Preferably in the morning, to give yourself the opportunity to observe the reaction of the baby's body. When the volume of the puree is brought to 150 ml, it is not necessary to supplement the baby with the mixture during this feeding.

Having replaced one feeding with a formula, you can begin to replace the second (afternoon). To do this, you can choose fruit puree or porridge. The scheme is the same. Start with half a teaspoon. If the child does not have negative reactions, then every day the volumes of the administered product increase, and are brought to a full meal.

ATTENTION. Don't forget to offer water to your child throughout the day. It is undesirable to give fruit juices to children under one year old. Instead, you can offer crumbs dried fruit compote.


Product (unit) Child's age (months)
6 – 7 months 7 – 8 months 8 – 9 months
Vegetables (g) Puree: 60 - 90 Puree: 100 - 150 Small pieces: 150 - 180
Fruit (g) Puree: 30 - 60 Puree: 70 Small pieces: 70 - 80
Butter (g) 2 – 4 4 4 – 7
Vegetable oil (g) 1 – 3 3 3 – 4
Bread (g) 3 – 5 5 – 10
Kashi (g) Gluten free: 30 - 70 Gluten free: 80 - 100 Gluten Free + Gluten: 100 – 150
Curd (g) 10 – 30 30 – 50
Dairy products (ml) 30 – 50 50 – 100
Meat (g) 30 – 50 50 – 80
Fish (g)

The values ​​indicated in the table of introduction of complementary foods into the diet are averaged. The amount of food consumed depends only on your child.

Foods that should never be given at this age

Meat puree is introduced into the diet of a child closer to 7-8 months. It is better to start acquaintance with meat with low-fat varieties, such as rabbit, turkey, chicken. If the baby is not allergic to cow protein, you can offer veal or beef.

White fish, such as hake, cod, pollock, are introduced into the diet closer to 8-9 months of the child, replacing 1-2 meat feedings. Fish has a large amount of balanced amino acids and B vitamins. Also, the protein contained in fish is absorbed much better than meat.

Dairy products must be introduced after 7 months. Whole cow's milk should not be offered to a child until at least the first year of life. Cow protein is one of the strongest allergens, and the later you introduce your baby to it in pure form the less likely you are to get an allergy.

What about porridge?

As it was written earlier, it is better to start complementary foods with vegetable purees, and not with cereals, as many are used to hearing. This is due to the fact that cereals, like the mixture that a child receives instead of breast milk, are very nutritious and contribute to rapid weight gain. And, as you know, children who are bottle-fed have no problems with this.

But still, porridge - necessary element complementary foods. They are found no earlier than 6 months. You need to start your acquaintance with gluten-free cereals, such as buckwheat, rice or corn. The scheme for introducing porridge into the child's diet is the same as for puree: you need to start with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume to 180-200 gr.

Disputes between parents and grandmothers about when to introduce the first complementary foods to a formula-fed child begin as soon as the baby grows up a little. The milk formula is close to mother's breast milk, but it is not able to completely replace it and provide the baby's body with all the necessary substances. The body of an artificial person is accustomed to receiving a mixture and more easily tolerates the introduction of other foods. Therefore, they begin to introduce complementary foods to artificial babies a little earlier than to children who receive mother's milk.

There is still disagreement among doctors about the timing of the first complementary foods. Some advocate the introduction of complementary foods from three months, arguing that the baby's ventricle is already ready to take solid food. We will follow the rules World Organization of health care, which recommend starting to introduce new food from 4.5 months.

Read in detail how to determine that the child is ready for complementary foods. -

We look at when to introduce complementary foods: exceptions to the rules:

The general scheme for the introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

How to properly introduce complementary foods

Attention, the opinions of experts, mothers, grandparents, and all of them all may be different on the account of where to start complementary foods, some advise starting with vegetable purees so as not to accustom the child initially to sweet fruit purees, others advise starting with juices and fruit purees. puree. We believe that before you start feeding your baby anything other than formula, you should consult your pediatrician.

We introduce complementary foods according to scheme No. 1

  • Start introducing new food if the child is healthy (this is an iron rule);
  • Give the baby one new product at a time;
  • Start with juice, preferably apple juice (it does not cause allergies). Give first a small portion (half a teaspoon). If the baby's ventricle has accepted the new food well, gradually bring the single dose to the desired volume (see table. Here is an article about the first);
  • Since the baby is used to receiving formula first, give him a bottle, and then offer to try a new product;
  • Let the baby feed only in the "sitting" position;
  • Until the baby learns to chew, all solid food must be spun. You can dilute it with milk, a mixture, or simply boiled water to a liquid slurry. Make sure that at first there are no lumps or small pieces in the puree, otherwise the baby may choke on them;
  • After your baby gets used to the juice, try giving him fruit puree (again, it's best to start with apple);
  • When the baby gets used to fruit puree, start accustoming him to vegetables. The least allergenic are zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower and broccoli. It is best to make your own puree by adding 2-3 drops of vegetable oil;
  • Do not forget that the artificial person needs;
  • Prerequisite: start introducing a new product, making sure that the crumbs' stomach is used to the previous one.

We give fruits

Where exactly to start complementary foods for your baby - with vegetables or fruits, your pediatrician will tell you. Fruit puree is usually eaten by children with pleasure. It contains many vitamins and other necessary little child substances.

At the very beginning, to prepare mashed apple, pear, apricot, peach, it is better to bake or steam it, give the banana raw. Track the reaction of the baby's body to each new fruit. If everything is digested well, you can give fruit puree both in the morning and in the evening.

We repeat, if you introduce sweet fruit purees first, then there is a chance that the child will eat vegetable puree worse and introduce vegetable food will be harder! Here the choice is yours!

We introduce vegetables

Two weeks after the introduction of fruits, you can try to give mashed vegetables. It is usually given as a lunchtime meal.

Keep track of your child's health. With diarrhea or mucus in the stool, remove vegetables from the child's menu until the problems are completely eliminated. And only then try to give vegetable puree again.

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At first, make mashed potatoes from one type of vegetable, gradually accustoming the baby's ventricle to them. When the baby tries several types, you can cook mixed purees: from zucchini and pumpkin, from cauliflower and carrots, from broccoli and potatoes.

From vegetables, a baby up to a year old can be given cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage), zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, green pea, turnips, beets and, very carefully, tomatoes. Vegetable puree is allowed to be slightly salted. And do not forget to drop a few drops of vegetable oil into it. Beetroot can stain baby's feces and urine pink color. It's not dangerous, don't worry.

Whole milk porridge

Start accustoming your baby to cereals a month and a half after vegetables. It's better to start with cereals, not causing allergies: buckwheat, oatmeal. Then move on to the rest - corn, rice, semolina.

At 6 - 7 months, meat is given to the child in the form of mashed potatoes, from eight it is already possible to cook meatballs for a couple, and by the year - steam cutlets. It is undesirable to give a baby up to a year, it can provoke an allergy.

Egg yolk

More recently, the yolk began to be given to an infant at four months. Now doctors suggest introducing it into the child's diet from seven months old, starting with ¼ of the yolk. Before giving it to the baby, crush it and dilute it with milk or milk mixture to a liquid slurry. You can add the yolk to a vegetable or meat puree.

Cottage cheese

Teaching kids to fish

The baby is 8 months old. From now on, we gradually introduce fish, low-fat varieties (hake, cod, sea bass). Twice a week we give fish dishes instead of meat, for lunch or dinner. With fish, the baby’s body receives the vitamin D he needs so much. In addition, it is absorbed better than meat.

  1. Your baby is still very small. Therefore, it is better to take a small spoon for him - a coffee one.
  2. Let the baby suckle the mixture first, and then offer a new food. And only having accustomed him to it, let's puree at the beginning of feeding.
  3. Teach your child to eat at the same time. Feeding frequency - 5 - 6 times a day.
  4. Don't force your baby to eat. Give him time to get hungry. And the baby will gladly eat everything that he refused some time ago.
  5. It is more convenient to feed the child by putting him in a special chair.
  6. Get yourself a child's food diary, where you write down what product you offered the baby, when, how he perceived it. If the baby has an upset stomach or an allergic rash, the notebook will help both you and the doctor to quickly find the cause of the disease.

What to do if you are allergic to the new kind complementary foods:

If you have doubts about whether you are doing everything right, consult your doctor. The best indicator is the health of the baby. The child is cheerful, mobile, growing and gaining weight according to the norms, which means that you are on the right track.

Video: feed the baby for months

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Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of terrible complexes. fat people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Complementary foods for children on artificial feeding begin to be given earlier than for infants. The first complementary foods for babies on HB are recommended no earlier than six months from the moment of birth, I for children on IV - at about four months. Artificers are more in need of vitamins, minerals and useful elements, which are fully provided only by breast milk. Therefore, they need an early transition to adult food, which can saturate the children's body as much as possible.

Among the main reasons for artificial feeding are the intake of antibiotics by a nursing woman and dangerous for the baby. medicines, complete absence breast milk, prolonged separation of the baby and mother. But even in such cases, doctors recommend not to stop breastfeeding completely. For example, when treating and taking medicines breast milk can be expressed. Besides, breast-feeding can be resumed after a break.

When and why artificial feeding is introduced, how to properly feed the baby with a mixture, read. And in this article we will consider the rules and features of complementary foods with artificial feeding.

Complementary feeding rules for artificial feeding

  • Complementary foods for formula-fed babies begin to be given at 4 months (according to WHO recommendations). But sometimes complementary foods are introduced at 3 months;
  • Be sure to consult your doctor before introducing complementary foods;
  • The introduction of complementary foods does not mean a complete transition to adult food. The baby should be supplemented with formula milk. How to choose the right milk formula, read the link;
  • You can introduce complementary foods only if the baby is healthy. Postpone the entry if teething has begun or the child is under stress (during a long separation from his mother, when moving, etc.). It is also recommended to refuse complementary foods in extreme heat;
  • Complementary foods start with apple juice or puree. First introduce fruit, and then vegetable purees (for infants, vice versa);
  • The first serving is 5-10 grams (0.5-1 teaspoon). Then the dosage is gradually increased every day by 10 grams until it is brought to normal;
  • Don't force your baby to eat. If the baby does not eat some dish, offer a new one, and return to the old one in one to two weeks;
  • Do not force the child to eat the entire portion at once if he does not want to;

  • Between the introduction of new products, take a break of 3-7 days to determine the reaction of the body;
  • If you notice allergy symptoms, remove the product from the diet and consult a doctor;
  • Re-introduction of the product is possible after one to two months and only under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Better to cook your own meals. When cooking, do not use salt, sugar and various spices!;
  • Products are given to the baby only after heat treatment (boiled or steamed) in a liquid consistency. A slightly grown up baby can be given thicker food;
  • If you are buying ready meals Make sure it is appropriate for the age of your baby. Check the expiration date, composition and integrity of the package before buying;
  • If the baby does not eat complementary foods, add breast milk or formula to the dish for flavor. For an older baby, you can use vegetable or butter;
  • Give complementary foods on an empty stomach, and only then, if necessary, supplement the crumbs;
  • The consumption rate depends on the characteristics of the development and needs of the child. The supplementary feeding table below will tell you more about the norms.

Table of introduction of complementary foods for children on IV

Dishes 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8-9 months 10-12 months
vegetable puree 5-30 gr 10-100 gr 150 gr 150-160 gr 170-180 gr 200 gr
fruit puree 5-30 gr 40-50 gr 50-60 gr 60 gr 70-80 gr 90-100 gr
Fruit juice 5-30 ml 40-50 ml 50-60 ml 60 ml 70-80 ml 90-100 ml
Dairy-free porridge 10-100 ml 10-100 ml - - - -
Milk porridge - - 50-100 ml 150 ml 150-180 ml 200 ml
Vegetable oil - 1-3 ml 3 ml 3 ml 5 ml 6 ml
Butter - - 1-4 gr 4 gr 5 gr 6 gr
Egg yolk - - ¼ pc. ¼ pc. ½ piece ½-1 piece
Kefir - - 10-30 ml 50-100 ml 100-200 ml 300-400 ml
Cottage cheese - - 10-30 gr 40 gr 40 gr 50 gr
baby biscuits - - - 3-5 gr 5 gr 10-15 gr
Meat puree - - - 10-30 gr 50 gr 60-70 gr
Fish puree - - - - 10-30 gr 30-60 gr

Introduction of complementary foods by month

Complementary foods at 3 months you can start only on the advice of a doctor. It is important that by the beginning of the moment of introduction of complementary foods, colic has already ended, and the child's digestion has stabilized. Then the crumbs can be given in small quantities natural fruit juice, preferably from a green apple. Start with half a teaspoon and work up to two tablespoons. Juice is made without pulp and is preliminarily diluted in half drinking water. The drink must be warm. After apple juice, pear, apricot and peach juice are introduced.

Complementary foods at 4 months involves the introduction of fruit juices, if they have not been introduced earlier, and fruit purees. First, an apple is also introduced, then a pear and a banana, a peach and an apricot. Exotic and rare fruits, such as mango or kiwi, melon or watermelon, should not be given to the baby. Such products are very allergenic and dangerous. Fruits are boiled, stewed or steamed, then ground and diluted with water or fruit broth.

After applesauce, they begin to give vegetable marrow puree. Zucchini is the most valuable and safest vegetable for young children. Then add broccoli and cauliflower, a little later - potatoes, carrots, pumpkins and green peas. And eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers, beets and white cabbage should not be given to children under one year old.

At four months, it is allowed to introduce gluten-free cereals on the water. First of all, it is buckwheat and rice. But keep in mind that rice strengthens the stool, so this cereal is not recommended for children who suffer from constipation. Then introduce corn porridge on the water. At 3-4 months, complementary foods are given only for the second morning feeding in the region of 9-11 hours. After that, the baby is supplemented with milk formula.

Complementary foods at 5 months complements vegetable oil, which is added to baby puree and porridge. Food at this time is cooked already thicker and includes a second complementary food in the evening feeding. By the way, fruit juice can be replaced with dried fruit compote. Dried fruits have a lot of useful elements and vitamins, have positive influence on the functioning of digestion, are easily absorbed and digested. But in the first weeks, it is also better to dilute the compote with water until the baby gets used to it.

Complementary foods at 6 months characterized by an increase in dosage. The baby is gradually transferred to milk porridge. First, the milk is half diluted with water, then gradually completely transferred to milk. In addition, the menu includes egg yolk. But pediatricians do not recommend using protein earlier than a year, as it contains a strong allergen. By the way, if a child is allergic to chicken protein, you can use quail eggs.

In the diet six months old baby include butter, kefir and cottage cheese in minimum quantities. By the way, the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky believes that complementary foods should be started with cottage cheese and kefir, since dairy products are more similar in composition to formula milk or breast milk. Therefore, according to Komarovsky, adaptation to adult food will be easier. You can read the recommendations of the pediatrician. However, many doctors do not agree with this and advise starting complementary foods with vegetable and fruit purees.

Complementary foods at 7 months topped with meat puree. For cooking, choose lean meat without fat, bones and veins. Suitable option will be a chicken, turkey, rabbit or beef fillet. The fillet is cut into pieces, boiled, stewed or steamed. Then scroll in a meat grinder or beat in a blender. The resulting mass is mixed with porridge or ready-made vegetable puree. The consistency of dishes for this age should be moderately thick. Meat broth is not recommended for children under two or three years old!

Complementary foods at 8 months can be supplemented with gluten cereals, including oatmeal and pearl barley, millet and barley groats. But it’s better not to rush with semolina porridge, pediatricians do not recommend introducing such a dish to children earlier than a year. The fact is that this is a very high-calorie, allergenic and least useful porridge. Semolina contains the largest amount of gluten compared to other gluten cereals. This negatively affects the work of digestion and often leads to allergies. In addition, semolina provokes the appearance of excess weight.

At this age, meat can already be given not only in the consistency of mashed potatoes. Steamed meatballs are prepared for children. The first dish in the form of vegetable broth or a light vegetable soup is also added to the daily feeding. The dish should contain well-cooked and finely chopped vegetables, which are already included in the child's diet.

Complementary foods at 9 months expands to include fish puree. They begin to give fish from low-fat varieties (hake, cod, perch). It should be a boneless fillet, steamed, boiled or stewed. First, fish puree is given instead of meat once a week, then twice. Fish and meat complementary foods should not be given on the same day! Fish broth or soup, like meat, is not recommended for children under three years of age.

Complementary foods at 4-9 months will look like this:

Approximate feeding times sample menu
4-5 months 6-7 months 8-9 months
6:00-7:00 milk formula
9:00-11:00 buckwheat, rice or corn porridge on water (100 ml) + fruit juice (30-50 ml) + formula supplementation milk buckwheat, corn or rice porridge with butter(100-150 ml) + egg yolk (¼ pcs.) + fruit juice (60 ml) Milk porridge with butter (150-200 ml) + egg yolk (0.5 pcs.) + fruit puree (40 gr)
12:00-14:00 formula feeding vegetable puree with vegetable oil(150 gr) + meat puree (10-30 gr) + supplementary feeding with a mixture soup or broth with vegetables (150-200 gr); vegetable puree with vegetable oil (170-180 gr) + meat (50 gr)
17:00-19:00 puree from vegetables or fruits (50-100 gr) + supplementary feeding with a mixture fruit puree (60 gr) + cottage cheese (10-30 gr) + kefir (50-100 ml) + cookies (3-5 gr) fruit puree (40 gr) + kefir (150-200 ml) + cottage cheese (40 gr) + cookies (5 gr)
21:00-22:00 milk formula

Complementary foods at 10-12 months means larger portions. In addition, the last feeding is replaced with whole milk or kefir. Be prepared that the introduction of complementary foods can cause a number of negative phenomena, including stool and digestion disorders, food allergies. In addition, the baby may refuse complementary foods. Be patient and pay close attention to how your body reacts. Do not yell at the child and do not force him to eat!

We examined complementary foods by months with artificial feeding. The introduction of complementary foods for infants is significantly different. The rules can be found at the link. The article considers the order and features of the introduction of products, monthly diet for every age of a breastfed baby.